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Vore Thread 2 Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 10:12:53 Id:069339 No. 53799
Since last ones bump limit, It's Vorebin' time!
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anyone got this comic?
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(4.41 MB 4401x2943 Delt-945978-STOMACH HEX.png)
(542.72 KB 1353x1358 0af69ecd4875029e4c8940861d7a5780.gif)
Need the new link to AnonGTS for bigbig's bore comics
Is male pred allowed here
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>>54057 there's like no other place that would allow except maybe this so
>>54057 No. Go back to the BHM board.
>>54057 I wouldn't mind it. <3
>>54057 >>54058 >'Is it okay to post this here?' >Proceeds to post content before even receiving an answer. The fuck is even the point of asking the question then? No, male isn't allowed here. The fact that this even needs to be explained to you anon...like use your initiative, do you see male content being posted in large scale anywhere on alt? It shows up sporadically in the mutual and sex threads, but that's it. The cookie thread also has a lot of male, but that's mostly because it's full of actual autistic children who are currently lovebombing each other over eye-searingly shitty self-made circletool art. You have your own board for male content so there is literally no excuse, now begone.
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>>54070 I mean they spoiled it so you literally don't have to look at it. There's also no vore thread currently on /bhm, so it'd be a simple mistake to make. No need to go on a tirade.
(116.09 KB 1080x763 why fapo why.jpg.jpeg)
>>54152 of course he did, Fap really is such a flip flop, he can do what he wants, but even asking nicely doesn't mean the fact once you post something online its there forever, his stuff will resurface eventually.
>>54165 >>54152 Mandela effect. More people need to realize if somethings posted at least 1 person has it downloaded, if not a bot or some AI training dataset nonsense has it. Don't make it or post it if you don't want it to crop up again. It can disappear but only if no one cared in the first place.
>>54190 You mean Streisand effect?
>>54213 The fuck? It was always called the Mandela effect, right?
>>54285 "The Mandela effect is a type of false memory that occurs when many different people incorrectly remember the same thing. It refers to a widespread false memory that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s. Memories are not always precise recordings of events." You just Mandela effected the term for Mandela Effect.
>>53800 god the picture with all of the skulls is so hot If you have anymore content like that please do share (image spoilered for scat)
>>54290 This is Disgusting even for us.
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(113.55 KB 398x832 kusuc-929451-werewr.png)
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Somethings from School Days.
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>>55455 Emmy Dook's a pretty obscure Vore-Tuber.
Does anyone have this Toasterking animation? The links they have are kinda dead only other place I could find it is on Thisvid but a dude has it private, ngl very rare orisa content
(1.49 MB 1280x720 LPVGM5kmPlUaJL5n.webm)
>>55561 No idea she had a YouTube.
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(380.39 KB 3840x2160 GKG-p4DXgAAgg8V.jpg)
(79.76 KB 900x691 Vora.jpg)
Does anyone have that comic where Ryu eats someone but then spits them out after she gets kicked in the stomach?
(263.92 KB 1280x1280 GKMAPcvbIAEb-TM.jpg)
anyone have any VoraciousArtistry comics?
>>56028 I'd like to know if any of VoraciousArtistry's OC girls have public models to download and use.
Anyone have this but better resolution.
(279.10 KB 1280x960 GKzORxSWkAAcx5O.jpg)
New bigbig comic out: https://www.e-junkie.com/i/13gi4?card
>>57233 https://we.tl/t-kR7ma51fUz here you go
>>57262 You should've waited at least a week or so. That way BIGBIG gets at least some sales.
>>57262 Any chance for a re-up?
>>57262 Can't download, can you upload again?
>>57262 do it on mab there isnt the same “download limit”
>>57262 >>57286 If the file is < 200mb just use catbox.moe instead, it's free with a permanent upload so there's literally no reason not to.
>>57286 https://mab.to/t/vjwEPEpjKrO/us3 as requested
>>57306 THANK YOU, GOAT 🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥
>>57290 Its keeps getting stuck at 99 percent
>>57306 Hey uh, any chance for a reup? I missed it
>>57627 https://files.catbox.moe/20vhqt.pdf Should be permanent.
>>58379 Even in death all of you cant give up porn.
>>57233 By any chance does anyone have this?
Anyone got better quality photos of the second and third art.
(390.35 KB 1920x1080 IMG_5692.jpeg)
Does anyone have the video of this?
(374.97 KB 2048x1556 GM3rKkiWcAAaEib.jpeg)
thatncorner is underated
does anyone have more pics of this character? I remember there being at least 2 more colored vore pics made by another artist
Does anyone have some or all of Bigbig comics?
Does anyone have the Siredwardthe3rd scrapped vore pack?
>>61334 seconding
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Ray Norr vore is so goated. Anybody got the new patreon stuff? There’s a new one from yesterday I think. Kemono hasn’t been updated in a while
Anyone have some of YemeYami's fanbox stuff?
In hopes that someone will share stuffedbellygirl’s newest two belly bundles, I will share the few I have, enjoy! https://sta.sh/211xxanjjbij https://sta.sh/21ltlng4etps https://sta.sh/21y1eufq5xbp https://sta.sh/216rjc6rgeq1
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anyone know the original artist to this ?
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New comic out: https://jtstore.e-junkie.com/product/1849080/Lexi26230393Bs-New-Job or update kemono https://kemono.su/patreon/user/460272
>>63256 https://aryion.com/g4/user/kveis
Maybe it's too specific, but do anyone have "forced/hypnosis vore"? Something like this for example
>>64568 Another example
>>64011 I wonder if this is one of those cases where a vore artist got a high profile professional position and needed to PURGE EVERYTHING because this guy was on another level
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(8.22 KB 719x719 Screenshot (3781).png)
>>54290 Wtf is this. And u get off to this?
>>65327 you're literally on the alt board in a thread about eating people dude none of us are fucking monks
>>54290 >>65327 > goes to the /bbwalt/ board > le spoilered image with le content warning (which is a strange sight in these threads) appears > clicks on it anyways > "ew wtf is this SHIT!!!"
Can anyone make a audio version of this? I would like to hear the burps
>>53989 bigbig is great, the people he surrounds himself with are annoying as hell though
