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Fat Vore Thread Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 18:35:23 Id:c89d60 No. 77750
can never get enough fat preds or prey, post any you have
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>>77867 If you’ve got access to this new image set, could you perhaps update Ray Norr’s Kemono? There’s new vore stuff already, among other things.
>>77866 I feel like most of Hehehegross’s vore stuff has gone missing since he dumped everything and posted a drive link but with no vore in it. Got any sources on where to find some of it or backups?
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>>79873 also fapolantern's, he used to have an account just for fat vore but he deleted it
>>79879 i remember right before he left twitter he said something about how people had an annoying obsession with his art (paraphrasing cuz i don't remember exactly), so... unless someone archived all of it, we're probably never seeing most of it again
>>78105 What happened to Marmalademanart/gelatingent?
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>>80014 Source?
>>79963 It’s not like I don’t understand the appeal of Mt. Lady as prey and why she gets put into that role so often. But god is it so overdone. Really wish she was drawn as the pred more often. Especially when it comes to fat preds. >>80023 Kaboodles/Kaboodledoodles
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>>80031 I agree with that. Mt lady should really be the predator more often when it comes vore art.
>>80056 You're preaching to the choir there man. She just feels really underrated for this particular kind of thing. I mean hell, if she went on a ravenous rampage while she was giant. I reckon she could put on a shit ton of weight in a relatively short amount of time. And she could probably chow down on entire cities before she starts to slow down. Why she could even start adding kaijus to her diet too. I really gotta find someone to commission who draws both vore, fats, and giantesses. Because it's clear fat voracious Mt. Lady isn't going to just materialize out of thin air. And I got a mighty need to see it.
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Found this on a Discord server. Spoilers for farts
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Ken Luxor has honestly got some good stuff, severely underrated. Maybe Kemono worthy one day
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>>80056 >>80062 Agreed. (Here is the original image: https://aryion.com/g4/view/796297)
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Can someone add sounds to this?
>>80213 This is the umpteenth time you've asked for this shit over god knows how many different threads, how difficult is it for you to understand that no one here is going to fulfill this request for you? This isn't even the right thread for this shit anyway, this is for artwork where the pred/prey is OBESE. It's beyond belief that 'tards like you can even do the bare minimum of navigate this site with how stupid and completely lacking in common sense you all are.
>>80213 what the other guy said plus you can find video editing software and burp sounds for free
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WeirdMidnight posted this one comic on his patreon. Hopefully someone can upload it somewhere.
Sorry for the double upload. Meant to upload this
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>>77867 Anybody got any more Ray Norr vore? There’s new stuff on Patreon but not yet on Kemono
>>80997 sauce?
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>>81020 Kaboodles/Kaboodledoodles
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>>79882 >i remember right before he left twitter he said something about how people had an annoying obsession with his art sounds like he's just adverse to flattery. he's a better cartoonist than most in this community, but he doesn't manage his time very well, takes on too many comms at once, prone to burnout cycles, etc.
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>>80129 Any continuation to this anywhere?
