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Western Animated Lolis 8 Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 15:33:47 Id:87ea8d No. 55014
Last thread's at bump limit, post fat lolis of western origin
>>55305 Amen, brother
(1.62 MB 4000x2000 Done.jpg)
(8.35 MB 7200x5179 Isabelle_Two.jpg)
(5.21 MB 9260x6005 Isabella-min.png)
(1.47 MB 2600x2000 Fat_Boobs_Candace_1.png)
(29.95 KB 600x462 image0-25.jpg)
(410.33 KB 2600x2000 Fat_Boobs_Candace_3.png)
>>66729 >>66731 >>66737 Oh wow, someone actually had some of clowntown6969's old artwork. Thanks for sharing! if you have any more it'd be much appreciated. >>58099
(3.85 MB 6600x4366 Coraline.jpg)
>>58099 I found another version of this
(773.79 KB 2952x4096 GWPXo4ZX0AIM2X6.jpeg)
(886.46 KB 4096x3966 GWPXrOQXIAAv2ho.jpeg)
(5.28 MB 3289x3196 Scan_20240523AB%20%282%29.png)
(2.53 MB 7263x4964 Scan_20240821%20%282%29.png)
(2.94 MB 4957x7205 Scan_20240804%20%282%29.png)
(6.86 MB 2109x3241 image-31.png)
>>66803 Let's go! Sauce?
(6.70 MB 2987x3292 Scan_20240505AB.png)
>>66802 Wasn't expecting Pipi Longstockings.
(4.73 MB 2131x3640 Scan_20240730AB.png)
(4.90 MB 2433x3609 Scan_20240624AB.png)
These are from MoonPie_99 aka SugarRushPlus and Crack_The_Moon
(9.49 MB 3616x2376 Scan_20240615AB.png)
(5.87 MB 4004x2840 Scan_20240709AB.png)
(6.78 MB 2190x2523 Scan_20230326AB.png)
(4.08 MB 1792x2526 Scan_20240312AB.png)
>>66812 That’s fucking terrible
>>66846 Moonpie is really good if you ignore the Virus-20 syndrome.
>>66846 Let's both agree to disagree my friend
(711.85 KB 3600x1974 Illustration.png)
>>66860 God, Maricela is just the sexiest fat loli. Your edit is so good. I just want to fuck her bellybutton.
(1.07 MB 2664x1420 ppgs.png)
>>66863 Her belly gurgles loudly and vibrates rapidly as she moans how hungry she is
>>66808 Does anyone know if he takes comms?
(233.74 KB 562x314 file.png)
>>66912 She does
(124.80 KB 1100x1500 IMG_3716.png)
What about vore? Who would you like to see eat who and who would you like to see eaten? But remember to spoil images accordingly because it’s not to everyone’s tastes
>>66972 Not into but damn who draw theses? Moon pie?
>>66974 These are by RIDICULOUSCAKE again. I’m more into the second panels of his recent vore pics with Citry and Messy.
(878.73 KB 1600x1300 Citry color.png)
(1.27 MB 2140x1770 Citry color 2.png)
>>66983 Damn RC made these? I thought he was done with loli? Where did you get theses?
>>67011 Kemono.su
>>67012 I checked and I see nothing like that in RC kemono
>>67013 Here: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/223471/post/109204273
>>66849 what's the Virus-20 syndrome? i remember i used to watch their stuff a while back
uhh rottingbones here i didn’t get banned i just wanted to rebrand because of weirdos i’m now lithoritcotta on DA here’s a recent piece
>>67079 Return of the king, missed your work.
:::HEADS UP!!!::: This thread almost has 402 replies. That means it’s circling the drain. If you got something on here you wanna save, I suggest you do it now.
(3.97 MB 2740x2451 111061799_p0.png)
(3.95 MB 3193x2500 122161428_p0.png)
>>67079 Not the guy but for anyone reading the account is actually called lithoricotta, the extra T is a typo and that account doesn't exist.
>>66609 I love ur work and I also love the owl house stuff as well love seeing super fat and chubby amity and luz I hope you make more
(415.46 KB 1146x1684 sol.png)
