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Western Animated Lolis 8 Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 15:33:47 Id:87ea8d No. 55014
Last thread's at bump limit, post fat lolis of western origin
(840.82 KB 2072x1176 1710841523346185.png)
(97.64 KB 711x1256 1710997730918887.jpg)
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>>55014 Being 5 away doesn't mean it's bump limit and should be finished before starting a new thread.
>>55017 >>55017 It's five posts, who the fuck cares? The pedantics are irrelevant, if a thread is nearing its bump limit then you make a new thread. Fucking duh. You're literally the only person I've seen in all my years on this site to ever give a shit about this when it's such a trivial non-issue. Really want to understand what the fuck compelled you to even say this, as if it was something anyone here would actually care to know.
>>55025 When you start something, you finish it; hell, it isn't that hard, if you really are that desperate to crap out another western loli thread, just blather on for a couple posts about a loli you like fattening up or throw out really old pics you have that you never post anymore for the newer stuff getting put out. >if a thread is nearing its bump limit then you make a new thread After the last thread gets chained down by a sage so nobody can bump it. This shit's simple courtesy in image boards. I don't even know why I expected anything out of a loli thread too retarded to stick to something as simple as just lolis.
Anyone got some Anne Boonchuy? Just asking
>>55017 >>55052 My bad, I was under the impression 400 was the actual bump limit and not 405 >>55054 Here
>>55055 Thank you :3
(311.78 KB 1424x1141 109292777_p0.png)
>>55052 Jesus fucking christ, I know being terminally online and lurking in chans breeds this sort of pedantry in people but even by the standards of typical chan foamers this is a legitimately pathethic outburst. The old thread is within 5 posts of being bumpedlocked, it is literally inconsequential whether or not it actually ends up bumplocked because it's time for a new thread anyway. Neither of the possible outcomes actually matter or impact the userbase of this site in any significant way, you're just choosing to get upset over this because I guess you have nothing better to do than cry over the minutiae of how a fucking coomer site operates. It's genuinely sad, actually shut the fuck up and go touch grass anon. There's a million and one better things you could be doing with your time than this.
does anyone have fat art of the powerpuff girls?
(4.99 MB 4530x1996 110670417_p0.png)
(2.04 MB 3840x2160 1699050602919.png)
(571.16 KB 1140x1280 blossom.png)
>>55081 This isn't the original pic this is an edit
(48.55 KB 627x848 IMG_8809.png)
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(404.32 KB 1253x788 IMG_9621.png)
Petition to make Maricela the face of fatty western lolis. She’s one of the only instances of canon loli weightgain
(236.05 KB 1169x1247 maricela.png)
>>55131 where do i sign
(47.45 KB 540x644 GE6DQW-WUAAB6uK.jpg)
(35.35 KB 307x451 GE6DQhHWMAAqR6V.jpg)
(82.42 KB 718x650 GE6DQsBWkAA9T7l.jpg)
(64.57 KB 455x662 GE6DQ-4XUAACWBo.jpg)
>>55142 >>55131 The only comic I know of where a skinny character gets progressively fatter as it goes on. It didn't even feel forced, sudden. or out of place/character since Maricela ate a lot as is.
>>55084 Who drew this? I know this is a loli thread but I've been looking for fat(ter) art of Odessa Drake for ages
>>55237 AltzEgoz
Some Sam Manson
Does anyone have the drawing of Gwen with huge butt and she's like I think I'm starting to get fat
(3.76 MB 576x636 xiaolin sumo.gif)
>>55168 canon wg is one the hottest things if done right
>>55305 Where's this character from? She's cute.
>>55309 Kimiko from Xiaolin showdown
(191.21 KB 900x900 IMG_3535.png)
>>55356 Milo butt felt so soft on pajamas
(143.44 KB 1280x722 IMG_0930.jpeg)
I wonder what are people’s thoughts on the possible ages of Piper (on the left) and her sister Citry (on the right)
>>55500 Any more Creepy Susie fats?
>>55357 What does this mean?
>>55621 Love it! I really enjoy seeing Lucy Loud fat.
(89.39 KB 1280x720 Leni-Chubby.png)
>>55131 is there more of her? love her.
(20.98 KB 544x266 1707418572252420.jpg)
>>55795 graahhh this is one of the best animations i've ever seen yet i've never seen the slightest hint as to where it came from in all the times i've seen it posted
(489.15 KB 1200x837 113029649_p0_master1200.jpg)
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(161.72 KB 792x576 1690323883563.png)
>>56012 who's this character?
(67.15 KB 481x1080 Captain Dagon-109.3.jpg)
(14.16 KB 212x406 IMG_9031.gif)
Judy Jetton?
Anymore? But with her clothes
>>56055 hmmm nope I don't think so
>>56049 Clementine from the Walking Dead and Connie from Steven Universe
(759.48 KB 1080x864 Untitled714_20240406231836.png)
>>56012 Tried coloring in one of the images, might try the others later
(76.91 KB 835x1876 GJoJ_p8XkAIvws6.jpg)
(102.62 KB 1035x1914 GJoKA0mWoAANbvr.jpg)
(92.29 KB 1238x1960 GJoKAJOXwAAHZRk.jpg)
>>56012 Sause?
>>56075 Wow this is great! Really hoping you decide to color the others, especially Clem with the enormous blob cheeks
>>56129 BULLS ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!! AND HERE TO STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Witness new history.
>>56129 Already coloring and shading heh
(557.12 KB 864x1440 IMG_4958.png)
(721.05 KB 936x2160 1690312202036.png)
>>56102 It’s some pretty old art from DonutBronut They used to have a lot of loli/Shota stuff on an old account but they deleted it
>>56134 Who are these two in the second image?
>>56137 Amanda is no trophy you goofy lmao
>>56138 Calm down son, i'm only asking a question.
(306.71 KB 864x792 Untitled715_20240408201736.png)
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(545.08 KB 936x648 Untitled718_20240408220203.png)
>>56151 Dayum, great job on the coloring. Never thought we'd get clementine fats with this quality
>>56134 Any chance of getting an archive of any and all of the lost art from him?
>>56152 Thanks! Was really fun practice for shading Thought she deserved a bit more quality stuff heh >>56155 Everything I’ve posted is all that’s publicly available, pretty sure the rest are one long deleted websites or deleted accounts, no idea if anyone’s done an archive
>>56151 Thank you, for the Clem blobface especially
(416.01 KB 2448x1080 1563831461979.jpg)
>>56155 Here's something I found on 4chan archives, turns out he was a regular on /ceg/ so you'd have better luck asking for an archive there
(733.47 KB 1936x2439 BloatedTulip Tulip.png)
(2.91 MB 3096x2704 StressEating Tulip.png)
(2.68 MB 4600x3096 ChromeGut Tulip.png)
(191.06 KB 720x1440 Fat Tulip SB99.png)
>>55014 There really needs to be more fat tulip from infinity Train
(121.46 KB 500x750 Hefty Hilda.png)
(648.06 KB 2099x2388 fat hilda 2 kennmatsuru.png)
(133.73 KB 440x650 Hilda rasbperry.png)
(1.42 MB 1500x1500 Fat Hilda.png)
>>56182 Also, a lot more Hilda
(432.39 KB 1233x1462 IMG_7047.jpeg)
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(602.68 KB 1717x1038 IMG_8422.png)
I love this little (big) gordita
>>56218 These unions try to run it like major league baseball teams. But they forgot minorities make the most. Derek Jeter
Anyone got some more Anne Boonchuy? Just asking
>>56227 only the timeskip version from that one guy that keeps commissioning art of the 3 girls
Hey, anyone here know of some wg art of clementine from the telltale walking dead? I remember seeing a 3 part wg progression on DA and I can't find it. I've scoured the internet and haven't come up with anything yet
>>56242 >>56012 Is it this perhaps?
Does anyone have any of the art of that Soviet girl from Camp Camp?
(404.56 KB 1053x1322 116348988_p0.png)
(436.42 KB 640x480 1712546672856978.gif)
any drawfriends in the thread? i'd like to suggest some more jade chan if anyone's taking requests
Anyone got any of KennMatsuru's loli art?
>>56151 This is great
>>56159 Do you happen to remember what the account username he used for this alt was?
>>38931 >>55014 https://web.archive.org/web/20240420030706/https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/38931.html
(936.32 KB 3264x1429 The Kanker Women.jpg)
Posting this before (if) it gets deleted. Ive seen another part around before if anyone can find it
>>57355 Fucking low quality for some reason
>>56138 Repeat that, but without the zoomer niggerbabble.
>>57370 >old man is too angry to recognize obvious bot post think before you post gramps
>>57371 >'It's a bot' Schizo anon has been around on the boards for like...half a year now, why do any of you still think this is a bot or someone who isn't mentally damaged for that matter? Think about this for more than five seconds, any bot activity has a responsible party behind it. For this to be true it would mean there's someone out there who's been running a bot that sends nothing but inscrutable non-seqiturs to threads on alt, why? If someone wanted to troll the boards in this way they'd have the bots say stuff that would trigger the userbase. Schizo anon also has some degree of self-awareness as they've mentioned BBWchan directly in some of their ramblings and generally their writing pattern doesn't align with the slop AI is known to put out. They're a real person, granted they're probably some barely alive niggloid living in a squalid apartment tweaking out 24/7 now that they're off their meds. But a real person nonetheless.
>>57356 does anyone have the other image?
(880.55 KB 1334x750 fat_leni_by_coems57325_dha0elc.png)
(1.20 MB 1170x1454 1.jpg)
>>57387 It's on his pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14396040
>>57407 Am I blind or is it not there anymore?
(2.56 MB 2541x1593 116278304_p0.png)
>>57373 There's no way, I've seen it respond to multiple posts from different boards simultaneously >>57425 Here you go, it's still there but maybe you have r-18g disabled or it's region locked or something
(125.33 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault.jpg)
Why do I have that feeling that this main protagonist from the webseries is surprisingly sexy?
>>57508 Dafuq?
(1.19 MB 5136x3251 1713994464532765.png)
New wonder loli (by aaronfly98)
(264.93 KB 1812x569 1714576344354956.jpg)
I love how Maricela is getting rounder and rounder in the strip
>>57528 That’s hot asf, where did he post this?
(37.91 KB 864x572 1713660962241555.jpg)
>>58096 cartoon expansion general on /trash/, speaking of which I was wondering if anyone else had some of clowntown6969's old loli artwork since someone posted this picture of coraline there
(62.70 KB 530x945 IMG_0127.jpeg)
>>58099 Coraline was made for weight gain, we need far more of this.
(96.37 KB 972x1024 IMG_0153.jpeg)
>>58113 Best I was capable to find
(1.18 MB 2000x1500 IMG_1720.png)
(211.06 KB 665x850 118420028_p1.jpg)
>>58159 more coraline
Never read this comic before, why does he draw her so chubby, shes even gotten bigger from the older comics
>>57528 Any more of her?
>>58363 apparently, it was done to differenciate her from her sister (not the one with the glasses, the other one)
(39.69 KB 400x387 IMG_1266.jpeg)
Done with a obese Wonder Loli chatbot, level headed critism and feedback would be appreciated. If anyone wants me to add anything or tone anything down let me know. https://character.ai/chat/7aDO_aKvnLldEOmzAe4jcO1wEcy2lqVyh9wSojT78Lw
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Any Lisa?
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>>59238 I wish there was more art like that of Libby, she looks cute
>>59237 lynn dont care being fat?
Anyone have good gumball fats?
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Honestly, we need more turning red art
(41.59 KB 750x421 1000032830.jpg)
Big Mei>>>
>>59725 agreed
(3.36 MB 4000x4000 export202406062140033563.png)
>>60872 God damn, who drew this?
(232.46 KB 2024x2560 1000033513.jpg)
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>>61027 Got any more of her?
>>59885 Sauce on the gif?
>>61039 Sanone on DA TheSanstorm on Twitter Su-Sano on Pixiv, Pillowfort, and Tumblr Dreadwings on FA sanostorm on Discord
(96.32 KB 972x1024 IMG_2457.jpeg)
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>>61077 Sauce
>>61077 Sauce on the bubbles one?
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Somebody asked for more Toph?
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(121.04 KB 550x750 shiny lola.png)
(639.79 KB 750x900 stuffed lola.png)
(1.04 MB 1080x1080 lola candy binge.png)
(624.12 KB 1440x1080 pie hard.png)
(1.11 MB 3840x2160 burpin' belchers.png)
(190.87 KB 1102x1102 blubbercup.png)
(302.01 KB 1080x1080 be mine.png)
(315.57 KB 900x1080 lucy christmas binge 1.png)
(300.29 KB 900x1080 lucy christmas binge 2.png)
(614.67 KB 720x1080 lucy stretch.png)
(1.17 MB 1280x1080 hungry lucy.png)
(2.16 MB 1280x1440 wind exposure.png)
(267.93 KB 900x1080 huge caitlyn.png)
(1.36 MB 2880x2160 root beer binge party.png)
(265.10 KB 1000x1000 kimberly belch.png)
(321.53 KB 1000x1000 kimberly belch redux.png)
surprised that there I sent more fat art of trixie out there
(42.86 KB 523x657 p0TYNAthtObA.jpg)
(39.79 KB 492x641 5hs25VHSfkNW.jpg)
(253.57 KB 500x850 jumbo janey.png)
(721.10 KB 1250x1500 chubby and chunky.png)
(519.81 KB 640x810 tubby allison.png)
(523.71 KB 1440x1080 lisa's belly.png)
(233.72 KB 540x1080 chubby andrea.png)
(1.14 MB 1620x1440 ample andrea.png)
(1.34 MB 1080x1440 massive molly.png)
(3.28 MB 1920x2160 turnip tummy.png)
(233.27 KB 1000x1500 wordgirl struggle.png)
(293.89 KB 720x1080 struggling with words.png)
(626.23 KB 3000x1200 weightgirl.png)
(1.03 MB 1980x1080 119587437_p0.png)
Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask but Did anyone save any pictures booberriesmorphs' pixiv account before it was deleted?
>>61121 Source of the last image?
>>61433 Did Altz made this?
>>61119 The series is called Heavy Duty Team Avatar and is made by Toasty54 on Deviantart
(1.34 MB 2057x1859 8945492.png)
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(2.80 MB 3426x3278 9784262.png)
(214.58 KB 1280x1094 9791133.jpeg)
>>61455 He did, not much artwork of Casey out there unfortunately (these were made by ota)
>>61481 >not much artwork of Casey out there unfortunately I wanna say it's because Moongirl is shit but who actually watching Disney, letalone their cartoons?
Any more fat PPG?
>>61594 you got any that are like, well drawn
>>61676 How long as Star been in the candy dimension?
Any art of Lisa Simpson?
(343.06 KB 2048x649 IMG_2747.jpeg)
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(307.83 KB 1717x1038 IMG_2554.png)
(1.06 MB 3200x3200 IMG_2553.png)
>>61803 Is her ass bigger than the combined mass of the rest of her beyond immobile sized body?
(162.68 KB 458x773 IMG_2561.jpeg)
>>61804 She’s just a calorie consuming slug now
>>61803 South park fats are underrated
(43.53 KB 632x478 1644860090262.jpg)
>>61904 >South Park fats >underrated I don't think you know what that word means.
>>61803 source link of the second pic?
(26.27 KB 552x475 its-about-damn-time.jpg)
>>61803 >Heidi fat art
(245.01 KB 1000x1000 1533641261013.png)
(1.27 MB 2500x2500 1533452913897.png)
(1.01 MB 2000x2500 1533419261512.png)
A few Ghoul School bloats.
>>58431 It seems the site deleted your bot :( Could you make the same ai on another site? Like crushonai or spicychat?
(64.54 KB 681x1024 IMG_1844.jpeg)
>>62414 Png (ultra) is the GOAT
(739.45 KB 800x450 IMG_1878.gif)
(353.95 KB 384x762 1719602030452989.png)
>>62496 gotta love it when the fetish material comes straight from the source
(57.81 KB 400x387 IMG_2123.jpeg)
>>62178 I got around to putting it on Spicy, just had to tweak out some bits of it so it can fit into spicy: https://spicychat.ai/chat/b07084b2-ca91-4a24-addc-3ca6f0308e8f
>>62629 This is great, know of any other loli chat bots?
(49.99 KB 519x827 RubyGloom.jpg)
200th reply
(77.20 KB 629x894 IMG_1989.png)
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(711.88 KB 2557x2900 laurapowers3.png)
(925.33 KB 4000x3000 laurapowers4.png)
(1.00 MB 4530x4050 laurapowers5.png)
Laura Powers from The Simpsons
(645.27 KB 3865x2233 laurapowers6.png)
(850.83 KB 4000x3000 laurapowers6_2.png)
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(586.58 KB 2160x1620 IMG_2615.png)
Daphne Spankenheimer from Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
(577.64 KB 2160x1620 IMG_2617.png)
(506.45 KB 2160x1620 IMG_2618.png)
Spoiler Warning: Fart
(173.74 KB 1098x1374 IMG_2700.png)
(103.83 KB 936x1164 IMG_2701.png)
>>63023 Now that is an obscure one lmao
>>62838 source?
>>63048 machochowder
Is there a folder featuring all of AltzEgoz’s art?
>>63103 You trying to look for that one Luz and Amity art he deleted a lil while ago? Same
>>63103 >>63119 Link to the folder?
(309.74 KB 1647x1998 IMG_2708.png)
found that on web comic longe ago if only she spin little so we could see belly
(63.86 KB 380x434 IMG_2814.png)
(1.54 MB 5000x3425 1720293789863497.jpg)
Real talk: besides SB99, PDZ, and AltEgoz, what artists are left who'll actually take comms for loli fats without being pussies about it? Feels like all we have left these days are reposts from years ago or art from the same few people. WhoaDangMan was making fresh art on /trash/ until he had his meltdown. You need to sacrifice a goat on a full moon to make Ultrahand (or PNG, whatever he's going by now) show up. Ridiculouscake only takes requests through raffles and polls. There's artists like Eishiban and Darkfireballz who draw loli but you need to be invited to some exclusive a discord server for any chance to talk to. Who else even is there? DarkmasterN? Is this seriously all we have left?
>>63317 I kind of want to suggest InflateResponsibly,but he mostly deals in inflation as opposed to fats,but he does do food balloons if you're into that kinda thing.
>>63317 wobblinggut
>>63323 also captain soap beard
>>63323 Also, machochowder,roxas and kennmatsuru. You can pretty much just look through this thread and see lots of other examples lol
>>63317 DarkMetalDragon has some good stuff. Also any context on woahdangman’s meltdown?
>>63326 >Also any context on woahdangman’s meltdown? Nothing too exciting. >Started posting that he felt he wasn't improving as an artist > Blamed it on /ceg/ pigeonholing him into being a fat loli artist > Started demanding people request stuff other than lolis > Got depressed people were less interested in his art without the lolis > Stopped posting altogether
(605.15 KB 1986x2409 1720742406718408.png)
>>63023 >>63124 >>63372 Who is this character and where are they from?
>>63387 While I don't know exactly who, I will tell you that they're from Dork Diaries.
>>63327 Woah. Dang, man.
Anyone got that gif of Lisa from the simpons bending over and hee butt flops out
>>63550 I was going to send it, but apparently the file was banned on this board. The second time that I tried to post it (under a renamed file), I got banned on all boards. Luckily it didn't took long, but I'm sorry that I couldn't post it here for some reason.
>>63557 Do you have a Dropbox?
>>63559 While not Dropbox, but here: https://gofile.io/d/dbbem1
Does anyone have the butterball South Park pics and any AltzEgoz pics that weren’t on DevianrArt?
Does anyone have a Dropbox or archive of AltzEgoz stuff
(341.10 KB 2048x1507 IMG_2799.jpeg)
does anyone know the name of the artist who made this?
>>63849 DonutBronut, but they disavowed loli/shota stuff years ago
Anybody got Woahdangman/joeclosemoe’s Deviantart stash?
>>63862 https://sta.sh/21dah2ftw7xy https://sta.sh/2trava58xpo I gotchu
Well does anyone have a Donutbronut sta.sh or Dropbox of his old art?
>>63560 Nice, anyone got any more edits like this?
>>63851 that sucks, I crave more clementine fat art
Why not someone make a clementine chatbot? I mean I would, but feel like I’m not that good and don’t know the character that much
>>63701 Is there a link to it?
>>63720 Nice, any more Mabel art?
(4.04 MB 3000x3594 Illustration45 (3).png)
I haven't drawn loli before, or much else honestly, but I've always wanted to give it a go, and today I was randomly in the mood to draw Violet Parr with a big butt
Another fat Violet Parr, because I'm a sucker for a big girl in a body suit. Also if anyone wants to chat, maybe give me some ideas for some loli's to draw my kik is Cookee_Dough
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Decided to have a go at Maricela since she's popular here
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>>64220 >>64195 >>64148 Really good stuff man!! Sorry to sound greedy, but if you’re willing to I have a request. May you try doing a fat Linka Loud from The Loud House? She deserves more fat art and hopefully you can add something remarkable! You can do her bigger than the picture provided.
>>64195 Would love to see some trixie tang based anon
Thanks for the support, I'll keep those ideas in mind, just working on a oc right now. Btw, does anyone know of a good site to post fat lolis? I'm using deviantart atm but I'm sure there must be more options.
>>64271 Pixiv, you can post pretty much anything and not have issues there
>>64274 Thanks, what about a place to chat, like a discord server or something? Really want to talk with some fellow fat loli enjoyers without having to use Bbw-chan
>>64195 what is your discord?
>>64275 That would be great, there should be a discord server to talk and share drawings of fat Lolis
>>64271 Baraag maybe? Pixiv makes you censor things and it looks like Rottingbonez (a fat loli artist) got banned from there
>>64297 it’s impossible to be banned from Pixiv by content, plenty of artists post their loli-offshoot works there. Mastodon sites are a hassle by comparison
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>>64304 Yeah, I'm pretty sure he just deleted his page
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Made a new OC, Sarah, the dream is to use her in comics, but they take a lot of work. For now I wanted a chubby/fat version of her and thought this would be a fun way of doing it that let's me do a little world building. I'll be posting the images on their own on my deviantart and pixiv. My name is Cookeedough on both.
Oh I've also got a Discord now incase any of you want to chat, rp, or discuss ideas.
>>64357 Would have been smart to include my username lol, it's CookeeDough
>>6434 Very nice design! I love her
>>64359 Aww thank you, you'll hopefully be seeing more of her
I found this GIF that I posted of a Simpsons edit where Lisa's ass pops out of her dress a while back on Discord. I originally had the source back then, but eventually I forgot it, and now I can't find it.
>>64364 It was like somefateditor or thatfatedit or something like that on tumblr. Made regular fats and had other aninations too, but can't find anything else besides these.
>>62414 Where can find more of Ultra artwork?
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Probably the largest I'll draw. Really want to make some fun comics with her, just silly day in the life stuff of a feedee girl and her feeder parents.
>>64510 Never too young to start growing stretchmarks
>>64516 Amen to that. As soon as they're old enough to walk it better be to the fridge to stuff themselves.
>>64510 I love how you keep her height reasonable too. Too many fat artists stretch out the characters spines as they gain weight
>>64543 Omg yes, that's something I try hard to get right I hate it the character suddenly gets taller in a weight gain sequence.
Does anyone have that pan from gt drawing by softservice?
>>64344 >>64510 This is pretty great. Say, have you ever thought about doing a Wonka comic of her? Like her on a field trip with her class to Wonka’s, and she breaks the rules and is punished for it? For example the chocolate river, or better yet blueberry inflation of her? Like maybe it’s her during the Tim Burton movie scene instead biting off more than she can chew, turning blue, swelling up, and the Loompas poking fun at her gluttony and rolling her to the juicing room for squeezing and correcting immediately before she explodes? Lol. I know this isn’t quite the inflation thread, but I kinda still throw that comic idea around while you’re here since loli blueberry inflation is rare. I look forward to more of your work.
Anyone got any Pibby?
>> 63317 Hey anon, this is InflateResponsibly; I can try to least do some fat art someday? Due note, its something I'm not really much of a fan of, but considering you guys I've noticed are being refused this from everyone else nowadays, I want to least provide something if you're interested? Due note, maybe give me some examples of how to do it if possible, don't want to make it feel like a waste of your time or money...
>>64724 you've never drawn fat before?
We were robbed, why must twatter users be such bitch asses
>>64742 cowardice
>>64742 you coward.
>>64742 I'm more disappointed that he purposely went out of his way and bent over backwards to sabotage his own creative vision to appease a loud and obnoxious minute fraction of people who are seemingly incapable of differentiating between fictional cartoon characters and reality. They act like they've never seen or heard of cartoon characters eating large amounts of food and getting fat/stuffed bellies in cartoon shows before. -_-
>>64759 >>64760 He is a coward for bending the knee but he was also forced into submission by a bigger artist sending his drones to bully him so I have some sympathy for him, in my opinion he shouldn't have put up at a poll for others to decide for him to begin with. Had he just posted the animation as usual it would've just ended with someone replying with a gay reaction image at worst, as opposed to opening the same old can of worms
>>64763 Yeah, word of advice for any artists, NEVER bend the knee to these kinds of people, once you give them an inch, it'll never end after that, it'll only get worse.
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Here’s one of the guys that harassed him really, just so you all know. Not really making a big deal out this honestly, just thought I drop it
>>64764 It's the skeletons in their own closet thing, that's why they're so vocal about being righteous and moral >>64765 yeah let's not witchhunt these bozos, it'll just add more fuel to the fire and give them the attention they crave
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>>64742 >>64770 I kind of feel bad for the dude, it's clear this is something he had genuine interest in animating but now he's panicking and apologizing because his favorite artists unfollowed/blocked him over it.
>>64765 Not your personal army, ESL.
>>64778 >this is something he had genuine interest in animating Dunno, sounds like he didn't have much of any, since he allowed others to dictate what he can and can't do.
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>>62838 Follow up to this Spoilers for gas content
>>64804 I’m not even saying you are, I just thought I say who one of the harassers were. I’m not starting any which hunt or anything like that
>>64835 BBWonder on pixiv
>>64835 Anyone have anymore pics of Jade Chan?
>>56261 there are very few pics of her
>>64911 What a shame... She was my childhood crush.
>>64915 Yeah I know, I also found these but that seems to be it
>>64917 Nah, B-Mage did some a long time ago. There's also that pic of her and Ben and Gwen from Ben 10.
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>>56261 Found this while digging around in the archives.
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>>64933 higher res >>64942 you drew this?
>>64948 No, I didn't draw it.
new by aaronfly
>>64942 Which archives?
Are there any Twelve Forever fanart?
>>64726 Never has, but I'm open to drawing whatever, plus it makes it funnier getting those morally righteous idiots screaming in rage when I do, shame a lot of the loli/shota art to be only on InkBunny/Pixiv because these morons kept report spamming my art to where they got my FurAffinity banned as a result but I'm not gonna bend the knee like most others do, it's amazing how much they're losing out just to appease a bunch of closet pedophiles on Twitter
cute spic goth girl, kind of wish everyone didn't have a massive hate boner for this show so more people would draw her but oh well
>>64993 These are some I have about Reggie
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>>64993 These are all by Altzegoz
>>65074 I think the hate boner is simply because the creator was a pedophile or something
>>65123 you're thinking of mighty magiswords, an entirely different show that came out a decade earlier. the hate boner for primos stems from spics being naturally far right and primos depicting them as woke sent them into a fit of rage, it's a very mediocre show don't get me wrong but I would never clutch my pearls over something like it because it's very forgettable
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>>65074 >>65126 >Unprompted racism
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>>65139 what racism? I'm latin american myself, I can say spic
>>65141 Okay. But your usage of the term is quite frankly bizzare, like referring to a character as a "cute spic goth girl" and then getting on the soap box about Latin American sociopolitics whilst still referring to them as spics is really easy to conflate with actual racism on the surface level, especially with the kind of people that typically browse this site. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but I still don't understand why you immediately went to the word that's still used as a racial epithet by many people instead of just simply saying Latino or Hispanic lol
>>65142 >your usage of the term is quite frankly bizzare Yeah I know and I agree. Like you said hispanic and latino are better terms but her show really pisses people off so I just "skipped the middle man" of calling her latino and called her spic instead as to not instigate any more flame wars surrounding her descent (some latin americans really hate chicanos, which she is) if it makes people uncomfortable I won't say it anymore
>>65123 Mighty Magiswords creator is a pedo, the problem with Primos was the awful first impression, the big problem was the main character's voice actress was calling racist everyone who criticized the teaser referring spanish as a "colonists' language"... WHILE SHE WAS AN ENGLISH SPEAKER I'm from Chile and the show really depicts a bad impression for latinamerican people, the Breaking Bad filter was a big red flag that didn't changed after the bad feedback
>>65126 I thought it was because of the names being shit and the most retarded brand of stereotypical, while the characters are the current era's usual brand of ugly as sin. >>65142 >>65143 Every character in this show aren't Latinos, they're spics. >>65163 >I'm from Chile Hey, I gotta question for you guys; why is it you guys seem to be over 80% of the people I run into on the internet from south of the boarder? Best developed infrastructure? My own weird luck making it happen?
>>65092 Nice. Any more?
>>65188 Wait, the girls are aged up in this fan poster, aren't they?
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>>64981 it's already taken down, weird how da mods leave some pictures unscathed for over a decade and some get taken down within days
>>64344 Hey, tried checking out your Deviantart and Pixiv, but the Deviantart was deactivated and there were no results on Pixiv. I sent you a friend request on Discord though.
>>65401 Pixiv does have a region-locking system in place.
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Something I just finished.
>>65420 nice
>>65420 Wow, this looks like this was done by Altzegoz
>>65438 I think thats Altzegoz
>>65420 So is there a part 2?
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>>64933 >>64948 That pic was a response to a new character being Introduced in the comic that owns a parlor that Maricela makes frequent visits to and eats large quantities of food from her
Can we get more mabels?
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Never has my childhood been more depraved...
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I think she might be a bit too obsessed with food
anybody got more artwork by raygo008? some of his pictures got taken down from deviantart
>>66566 that's not a loli sperg
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>>65420 Here's part two. Took a couple weeks, so hope it's worth the wait. >>65438 >>65442 Yeah, that's me. >>66593 Nice to see some of my stuff here.
>>66609 This is some of your best work honestly, why don't you upload them to your page? before the reuploaders get to it
>>66609 that's so hot, please more lolis <3
https://www.deviantart.com/benallen217/art/A-Magisword-straight-outta-Burger-King-1092113850 Just once, can anyone unblur this picture? Or at least make a mighty magiswords thread?
>>55305 Amen, brother
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>>66729 >>66731 >>66737 Oh wow, someone actually had some of clowntown6969's old artwork. Thanks for sharing! if you have any more it'd be much appreciated. >>58099
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>>58099 I found another version of this
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>>66803 Let's go! Sauce?
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>>66802 Wasn't expecting Pipi Longstockings.
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These are from MoonPie_99 aka SugarRushPlus and Crack_The_Moon
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>>66812 That’s fucking terrible
>>66846 Moonpie is really good if you ignore the Virus-20 syndrome.
>>66846 Let's both agree to disagree my friend
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>>66860 God, Maricela is just the sexiest fat loli. Your edit is so good. I just want to fuck her bellybutton.
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>>66863 Her belly gurgles loudly and vibrates rapidly as she moans how hungry she is
>>66808 Does anyone know if he takes comms?
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>>66912 She does
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What about vore? Who would you like to see eat who and who would you like to see eaten? But remember to spoil images accordingly because it’s not to everyone’s tastes
>>66972 Not into but damn who draw theses? Moon pie?
>>66974 These are by RIDICULOUSCAKE again. I’m more into the second panels of his recent vore pics with Citry and Messy.
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>>66983 Damn RC made these? I thought he was done with loli? Where did you get theses?
>>67011 Kemono.su
>>67012 I checked and I see nothing like that in RC kemono
>>67013 Here: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/223471/post/109204273
>>66849 what's the Virus-20 syndrome? i remember i used to watch their stuff a while back
uhh rottingbones here i didn’t get banned i just wanted to rebrand because of weirdos i’m now lithoritcotta on DA here’s a recent piece
>>67079 Return of the king, missed your work.
:::HEADS UP!!!::: This thread almost has 402 replies. That means it’s circling the drain. If you got something on here you wanna save, I suggest you do it now.
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>>67079 Not the guy but for anyone reading the account is actually called lithoricotta, the extra T is a typo and that account doesn't exist.
>>66609 I love ur work and I also love the owl house stuff as well love seeing super fat and chubby amity and luz I hope you make more
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