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Friday Night Funkin' Thread Anonymous 03/04/2023 (Sat) 14:16:27 Id:0fc3eb No. 32835
Post your favourite FNF inflation, fat or expanded arts/edits!
(684.14 KB 1080x1080 fnf_gf_inflates_herself.png)
(749.41 KB 1080x1080 fnf_gf_inflates_herself_nude.png)
(674.13 KB 4096x2896 FG_6-b-UcAEhZzn.jfif)
(700.69 KB 4096x2896 FG_6-b8VQAAkwAF.jfif)
(704.48 KB 4096x2394 FHC4QLJVUAIxYsy.jfif)
(722.33 KB 4096x2394 FHC4QL5VEAEYQtb.jfif)
(1.08 MB 1920x1080 bf_and_gf_blimps.png)
(1.17 MB 1920x1080 bf_and_gf_blimps_nude.png)
(113.18 KB 1050x800 girlfriend_blimpy.png)
(127.72 KB 1050x800 girlfriend_blimpy_nude.png)
(117.71 KB 1050x800 girlfriend_blueberry.png)
(126.95 KB 1050x800 girlfriend_blueberry_nude.png)
(87.61 KB 1280x1280 FFeuimBXsAQaIsL.jpg)
>>32844 Sauce?
(1.01 MB 1920x1464 IMG_1654.JPG)
Made by Chungusart before they disappeared again
(262.88 KB 1991x2048 IMG_0333.JPG)
(69.13 KB 1024x847 IMG_3895.JPG)
Does this count
(161.54 KB 2048x1723 Fsu7kI0aUAAI68_.jpeg)
(2.09 MB 3000x3000 20230519_143015469_iOS.jpg)
Reviving this thread with some proper alt usage
(344.78 KB 2048x1997 Fw0pwGmWIAE6foR.jpg)
(90.96 KB 1024x552 Untitled59_20230528233029.png)
Red Wants More FNF Inflation Of Boyfriend And Girlfriend
>>37012 viewing this image makes me want to kill myself
>>37031 No, don't. You're a saint amongst men. Stay here with us.
(111.02 KB 540x373 FfhoU4GXwAIgsbl.jpeg)
(1.11 MB 2400x2400 fnf_cum_inflation.jpg)
>>38270 Source?
>>38302 https://twitter.com/Mangogurti/status/1672772244118949891?s=20
Bump beep boop 🎤
Bump beep boop 2 🎤
We need more FNF pics!
>>41745 I agree!
(79.02 KB 675x900 1692454737795.jpg)
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(150.20 KB 1600x1236 media_F5V12ALWYAAjYF3.jpg)
(14.32 KB 414x297 images (8).jpeg)
>>43809 >>43752 This art sucks. Try to find some actual good art instead of this dog shit. And besides, no one likes dave and banbi anymore.
>>43826 Something is wrong with you. Kill yourself.
>>43811 Ok cool 🥰
>>43856 Are you actually a adult?
>>44568 a four year old can draw better
>>41809 Who’s the artist?
>>45876 Gardegu made it https://twitter.com/Gardegu_
(32.68 KB 221x250 IMG_1284.jpeg)
>>36039 Source?
>>47476 https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/tradicon666/gf-bloating-up
>>34190 Can someone get me the source for this? It’s so hard to find it
>>50097 The only place I got was from these two https://g.chounyuu.com/thread/1720/14 https://rule34.dev/r34/1/spherical_inflation+sort:score:desc?id=5781070
(824.43 KB 600x573 E6gclmNX0AgeQmJ.gif)
(336.95 KB 500x564 E5S0InWWEAE2gM8.gif)
(1.42 MB 502x576 E6LZ-JnXoAEKxj5.gif)
I'll post some of the twitter gifs of Buffet Night Burstin Here for easy access, full mod video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW0JrYqf880
(541.71 KB 576x584 E70pPXaWYAc9djv.gif)
(7.52 MB 582x584 E8TIi2WXoAEjYiM.gif)
(1016.46 KB 600x559 E9KZ-U2WYAo_MKs.gif)
>>50222 posting them in halfs due to 10mb fileize limit
>>50102 That second one is just terrifying
(51.08 KB 1200x675 F3_iFSdWcAEdesx.jpg)
(65.96 KB 1200x675 F3_iFd9W0AArjRT.jpg)
Ghost town in here
I don't know why, but i just love unusual fnf characters
>>35271 i am still unable to understand what's going on in this one
(241.38 KB 3282x2418 Fw0kS16aAAIVECv.jpg)
(150.00 KB 1079x1141 Fw0D5PzaUAEWxvu.jpg)
(87.89 KB 1759x1229 GE3o_WgawAAiQ69.png)
(115.15 KB 2439x2147 F1GiRZ0XoAIiKnc.jpg)
(168.71 KB 1527x1268 F698HIYbwAIplSC.jpg)
(481.61 KB 3282x2418 FwvSURFXoAAH_9J.jpg)
>>52181 She's morbidly obese and being held by hands.
(69.71 KB 1000x1000 GFNi2zEWQAAUAcC.jpg)
(47.75 KB 528x733 GEyr1LtWUAALHFL.jpg)
(168.76 KB 1895x1592 GEkqsfCbEAAKx80.jpg)
(599.46 KB 2700x2876 GEy9TloXAAAmKdD.jpg)
(167.89 KB 1759x1229 GFG1gzGb0AAdYxg.jpg)
(386.78 KB 1280x1280 Untitled643_20240207171207.png)
>>52258 Whos this old ass nigga with the huge indian woman on tiktok with her huge ass out
>>52260 Dude what i'm confuzed
(836.81 KB 320x240 cKq5TQ.gif)
>>52259 i do nude edits too and i must say, not bad!
>>52173 re drew the 2nd one
(39.08 KB 384x640 christmas.gif)
>>43811 >>43811 It's pretty crazy how many people hate Dave and Bambi. As a Dave and Bambi fan guess it's the "only kids are in the fandom" stereotype, wich is kinda getting old now. But you can dislike anything, you have the premission.
>>52264 Yeah, we need more nude edits!
Here guys, some GF and Pico Also the spoiled one is my shitty art of Thearchy that i drew with a body ref pic. (I know it's weird)
>>52312 Fuck yeah >:D
>>32837 Here's request, i'd like edit these pics to remove their clothes and shoes to be full naked.
both nude edits by me
>>52902 MOB IS ALIVE & WELL !
>>52902 Yes, i like these edits! How about this one >>32837
>>52902 We need more nude edit for Boyfriend and Girlfriend!
(69.71 KB 1279x1088 20240224_032711.jpg)
(80.81 KB 1279x1088 20240224_032658.jpg)
(63.20 KB 1279x1088 20240224_032713.jpg)
6 gfs, and now the 6 of em are FAT 😈
(139.11 KB 1000x1000 GHIDOx4X0AAYWet.jpg)
(273.63 KB 823x764 GHSv2t3XoAEInL8.png)
(120.79 KB 1000x1000 GHfA0kkXIAIu4Uh.jpg)
(190.97 KB 1609x1217 GHUzqxHXkAAZDuM.jpg)
(123.01 KB 877x767 GHT1newWEAA4TFM.png)
(145.00 KB 1199x790 GHhW-p8X0AEz6F4.jpg)
While ago i made B-Side Opposition. Btw i'm going to draw GF cuz i haven't drew any fat woman for a while
(104.17 KB 1356x886 IMG_7777.jpeg)
Does anyone have full image of this?
(79.92 KB 359x304 IMG_7780.jpeg)
Anyone has original drawing of this image?? I really want it
(102.06 KB 1500x500 GIEdgdGWYAE0sRO.jpg)
(106.81 KB 1111x1053 GH9Jlk2XQAAZrTL.jpg)
(463.85 KB 2553x2169 GG-TjtmWgAAjSZA.jpg)
6 fat GFs: wave 2
(2.83 MB 3000x2150 Friday Night Fwoompin' Ver 2.png)
(2.77 MB 3000x2150 Friday Night Fwoompin'.png)
6 fat gfs: batch 3
Milkshake mishap (+horny Alt)
(282.83 KB 1280x1280 263 sin tĂ­tulo_20240322001158.png)
me when big booty gf
>>54543 Sorry if this kinda ruins the bump count or anything but that third image is so cute and wholesome wtf
>>54957 He has an erection.
>>54963 not much of an erection, it's just e x p a n d d O n g
>>54973 Doesn’t stop it from being cute and wholesome.
>>35271 Who's the artist
>>55049 The artist is Moon Oatmeal and that artist is gone but you can check out the other stuff that he’s done. (Warning! Includes: fart, scat, and male.) https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/34779.html
>>55063 alr, I know that you put a warning and all, and I'm a-ok with fart pics but that is absolutely D I S G U S T I N G
(479.00 KB 600x338 IMG_3478.gif)
(Art Cred: WiiCrafter on Deviantart)
>>55071 I warned you…😬
>>55063 Scat/fart + obese fanart isn’t the worst combination I’ve ever seen. For me it’s Futa + Obese.
You want wholesomeness? I'LL GIVE YOU WHOLESOMENESS
(49.97 KB 266x320 ohmaigoh.png)
(66.91 KB 1126x692 moourp.png)
>>55389 >>55390 absolute masterpiece, anon. thank you
>>55423 thanks!
>>55559 Nice! We need more nude edits!
>>55586 U got it (tw: 🥛)
i am not making any guy edits
>>38036 redraw!! woohoo!1!
dee side gee ef yay
Could You Do Girlfriend Weight Gain Magic Sequence FT Me
>>56336 Uhh sure
>>56375 Thought the bank was a excellent career. Some ppl make 250k+!!!!!!
>>56376 Well my connections do. Cant ever speak for you pieces of tyrant
Blud got all starsed in the first world
>>56446 Its fine. Ill be a parent by myself ill do everything.
>>56446 Can I request Art?
>>56448 sure, please do so!
>>56457 Can you draw Boyfriend fucking A naked blob Girlfriend with an ass the size of two small cars
>>56472 YEEESSS i've been CRAVING to draw some gf porn rn
>>56522 I dare you to make a fart alt.
>>56609 😈
>>56457 My turn, can you draw a naked Boyfriend inflates a naked Girlfriend floating up with helium In alt, leaking on nipples and vulva like milk
now now, one at a time!
>>56620 Thanks!
>>56620 Great stuff on display here, hoping to see more
>>56457 may i request something also-?
>>56648 I also wanna request heh
>>56648 Very good!
>>56648 I know you're starting to get swamped with requests but all i humbly ask for is a follow up for the gf chugging butter pic from >>55811 Where she'a bigger, with her ass facing the voewer and maybe letting out a huge fart if youre willing to do that
>>56648 Ok so i know that it's Not really something a lot of people here might be into but uhh I kinda wanna see a very fat GF drawing where the pic mostly focuses on her chubby feet ( . 3.)
>>56665 Order up!
>>56650 i'm all ears buddy
>>56685 Hell yeah, keep up the great work!
Ore but put v as the first letter
Friday night fardin
Warning: fard
We're running out of fat fnf content
hoo boy rerun gf 0_0
>>57128 Never listen
(754.97 KB 1600x2134 Bigger gf draws (colored).png)
Bigger gf draws (colored by me) Original draw by furryeaglebarbarian
>>57243 Quick Question, how big is she? (is she big as king kong?)
(97.18 KB 1024x552 Untitled1_20240421235341.png)
(64.91 KB 432x725 MitoriImpostor (1).png)
(67.13 KB 306x473 SNSwapGFSIdle.png)
Dear Mitori From Vs Human Impostors Girlfriend And Saturday Night Swappin Girlfriend Come to my factory Today From Red Mungus
>>57273 Jesus christ this is actual autism. Who the fuck is allowing their retard children to have unsupervised Internet access like this?
>>57248 IDK, I would say it's almost on par with a '54 Godzilla.
>>57273 Finally some good content on this thread
>>57410 Good evening, Ec2B here, the creator of the first image Where can i find the person who made the edit. (Not mad about it i just wanna know who did it, cuz ngl, took me a while to realize what's going on lmao)
>>57444 That's-a me! (love ur art btw)
(133.22 KB 1287x843 Bigger GF Face.png)
(123.40 KB 1139x901 Bigger GF Face 2.png)
Bigger gf draws #2 (colored by me) Original draw by furryeaglebarbarian
>>57510 oh, well Thanks! nice edits lol
>>57949 >Roblox slop I know this fandom is a niche that attracts only actual retard children for the most part, but jesus fucking christ your standards shouldn't be THIS low
>>57950 dont be so mean :<
(821.30 KB 1280x2564 308 sin tĂ­tulo_20240430151605.png)
(375.77 KB 1419x1538 310 sin tĂ­tulo_20240430183302.png)
>>57950 >>57949 Do not fret!
>>57970 This art is really good, you should have a deviantart account
>>57970 "Oh babe~ come check out my new size~ my whore of a mom's curves are tiny compared to these now~"
>>58084 why are you so fucking negative all the time
>>58084 Yeah, calm down, just because someone wants to roleplay a little doesn't mean it's cringe
>>58166 Based Department?
>>57970 Why does this take so much time to load? Did the fat art catch up to the site and start affefting it or something?
>>58239 lollll we pissing off that guy even more?
>>58239 Interesting
>>58070 lol this reminds me of "Hey clover! Check out my new C U T !"
>>58240 I’m all in favor for doing just that the rest of this thread
>>57960 >>57970 These paired together mix like peanut butter and chocolate
>>57970 Imagine if they had sex
(145.96 KB 1188x1187 GM6ZfgXaUAAo4eM.png)
(131.59 KB 1200x1055 GM6ZoxPboAQKBjJ.jpg)
(367.25 KB 2048x1934 GL-h8kdW8AA4B4I.jpeg)
>>56457 Hey CB, can you draw Girlfriend inflates herself with helium + nude alt? Like this: >>32836
Today's my birthday And i seriously can't thank you enough for all the support y'all have been giving me, it feels good to have people appreciate your art, yknow?
SO, in honor of that, here's the stuff i havent shown y'all yet!
(521.56 KB 1920x1080 %2E (1).gif)
(890.04 KB 1280x720 %2E.gif)
(51.35 KB 374x295 GuAc.png)
>>58498 Lovely, especially that bouncing loop. You're gonna go far with your art, CB.
>>58498 Dude, do you like, have a twitter or DA or something?
>>58503 Thanks a lot <3 >>58506 Sadly no, although i would like it if someone made an account and posted all me art there, "why don't you do it yourself?" You may ask. It's because i'm keeping this a secret
>>58494 Happy birthday!🎂 I bet your birthday wish is for you to have girlfriend and "hang out"😏
>>58469 Comin' right up!
(230.62 KB 2048x1104 Untitled33_20240510070827.png)
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(204.08 KB 2048x1104 Untitled33_20240510071300.png)
(272.98 KB 2048x1104 Untitled33_20240510072635.png)
Hey It's Me I Made This And I Want This To Be Remaked Please!!!!!
>>58611 Silence Autist, No One Gives a Shit about what you want.
>>57970 Guess what Chicken butt https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10145035
>>58860 Glad you liked it
>>58698 Why cant the image be posted
(123.57 KB 972x966 Untitled514_20240322040811.png)
(39.38 KB 481x395 Untitled514_20240322040738.png)
found these ones
>>59028 Man everyone sure is different in this world she looks like she's melting in the 3rd image.
>>59018 I think the artist for this is like 15 and they told us, but removed the art that said it
Soemone please make naked vrsions of THEM please. I REALLY NEED IT.
>>59065 I remember someone did make alts of them, I still have them saved
>>59000 Do you know where you found these?
>>59107 Go to inf
(359.43 KB 1170x792 IMG_2081.jpeg)
(312.32 KB 1170x689 IMG_2082.jpeg)
(385.68 KB 1170x932 IMG_2083.jpeg)
(783.53 KB 1170x854 IMG_2080.jpeg)
Hey it’s me again, your favourite useless man
Girlfriend does canonical weigh over 900 pounds and I said to be nice and chunky just the way Boyfriend likes her, so most of this art could be considered canon :3
>>59196 Is said not I said
>>59028 (3rd one) why do her nipples look like fucking sausages
>>59256 Her tits look like they melted
Hey Guys Check out my thread regarding my art! (Can be found in bbwalt)
>>58055 Hey look it's my art
grabbed a few goodies from the inf thread
>>59112 That was me!
(618.00 KB 1466x1155 BatBrain-1011190-gf+vore.png)
>>57970 Hey the original artist knows about this pic now https://www.deviantart.com/jenniferrose281/art/Babe-wake-u-WAIT-THIS-AINT-MINE-LMAO-1055024496
(89.34 KB 922x475 SPOILER_image.png)
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(21.55 KB 558x421 SPOILER_image.png)
(750.33 KB 1791x593 SPOILER_IMG_9437.png)
She's a genderfluid creature, right?
>>59759 I mean you're right, but for those last two pics I can only read it in Marcello's voice, which ruins it for me.
>>59770 Who wouldn't xd
(33.69 KB 569x362 image.png)
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(187.15 KB 942x679 image.png)
(45.46 KB 563x298 image.png)
(71.41 KB 1062x325 image.png)
(69.45 KB 817x542 SPOILER_Soft_gays.png)
I decided to post the rest foumd lost media bambi stuff. Get ready for gf art posting in the future.
(187.25 KB 632x553 image.png)
(67.65 KB 997x258 image.png)
(138.35 KB 686x413 image.png)
(91.08 KB 843x384 image.png)
(357.85 KB 998x429 image.png)
(32.07 KB 480x206 image.png)
(5.20 MB 4000x5000 rosalixjjjd-1014510-ОК.jpg)
anymore Fnf GF Inflation/Weight Comics?
(131.25 KB 1200x813 GPfCvg_XQAEim67.jpg)
(353.13 KB 1600x1200 d2dba470fd53eb3cf649124c9c5abb12.png)
(49.50 KB 1000x1001 GPgyMnXWsAA813W.jpg)
(76.63 KB 1200x675 GPmCiCgXAAEWH1I.jpg)
>>61308 This is shit
(354.30 KB 1147x1328 FNF gf.png)
(968.22 KB 1280x1078 1623374022.png)
(896.93 KB 1280x1078 1623174166.png)
(152.17 KB 671x439 image-33.png)
(1.34 MB 1280x1024 1623082701.png)
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hello guys its me CB i am alive
>>61926 Cb what happened to Aux and the extension corps
>>61926 Good to know
Any fanart of NickyWoman?
Why does every thread that i favorite die immediately.
>>63217 Because of a lack of talented fnf inflation/bbw art
>>63292 (Image 3) He's gonna have to pay 9 funkillion dollars.
found this, seems very promising
>>63316 Wait is this real?? I hope to god it is
>>63318 yeah, it 100% is i think they also posted some sneak peeks but i can't find em
>>63328 All I could find it this. It SEEMS like it's actually going to be a mod, which surprised me because most "mods" are just concepts that never go past the spriting process.
If y'all can find any more info, lmk.
>>63329 I didn't know a fucking healthbar icon could make me horny but here I am.
>>63316 Would love to see more of this!
>>63316 Who’s making this?
(119.76 KB 1000x1001 GSU2iAMWUAA8eFr.jfif)
>>63329 Those icons reminded me of this peak art
>>63637 Who made the 3rd one?, it's really good
(126.37 KB 720x473 idle_sneakp.png)
>>63330 Found a more complete image of GF. Looks like the one on the "teaser" We might be close
>>63758 Where did you find it????
>>63758 Holy fuck yeeesss
>>63759 I'm mostly finding these via garyc.me (for some reason), but if I had to guess these could probably be in DeviantArt or something
Also, it's been a while since i made a nude edit, sooo here's some for y'all!
I wanna do more but i cant find good pics 😭
>>63758 ohohooo im making a nude edit of her yes or yes
(197.56 KB 2048x1733 GQGDv-zXEAEkLXb.jpeg)
(897.54 KB 1280x1280 357 sin tĂ­tulo_20240719160242.png)
(841.25 KB 1000x1000 358 sin tĂ­tulo_20240719174320.png)
Why is she naked? We will never know (drawing pussies is hard aaaaa)
>>63801 wtf cb I thought you were dead
>>63814 >>63823 >>63825 Good stuff. We need some more naked Girlfriend!
>>63881 Yea, anyone got dem pics i can make nude edits of??
>>63887 Can you make a nude edit out of the second pic? >>50628
>>63887 not sure if you're into slobs but a nude alt of the second one would be appreciated >>50102
>>63892 I'd already done it but i only have the fart alt hope its fine w/ u
>>55811 FELLAAAAAS!! FELLAS!! THE GUY WHO MADE THE OG NOTICED MY REDRAW AAAAAA!!!!!!! https://www.deviantart.com/fasten123/art/I-am-Dimas136209-1039314938
god damn i keep finding good shit
>>63906 It better! Thanks!
ive been trying to find the first one for way too long
>>64002 that third one is majestic oml
>>64002 It was made by uesuda on deviantart. It's apparently traced from a piece by Spindles staring Fluttershy. The artists admitted this and seems to have stopped tracing. But yeah, there ya go.
(517.83 KB 1170x1215 IMG_2455.jpeg)
Well would you look at that
>>64082 Why you got that angry birds font
(471.55 KB 1280x1280 Untitled1446_20240715074831-1.png)
>>64082 i might as well
>>64082 From this guy Dude, that same art where BF stuck a tank of gel in GF’s ass and then GF farts air at the end, This dude took my idea from my comic where everything is the same, our elevator is only in Russian, If I remember, in one of the Art in the description I forbade redrawing my idea, Therefore, even if you want to do it, do it, but don’t publish it, otherwise it will be fucked (The one who knows CB Or someone is sitting in BBW Chan, Copy this message and send it to him) I don’t think this guy likes you
(526.69 KB 924x1170 IMG_2456.jpeg)
(454.32 KB 1170x875 IMG_2457.jpeg)
(551.40 KB 1170x632 IMG_2458.jpeg)
(635.44 KB 1170x939 IMG_2459.jpeg)
Also more art
>>64116 then i might as well not
Hey Guys, come check out my art on my thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/59141.html#q64307
