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pvz thread 2: it’s about time! Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 04:37:19 Id:be5a77 No. 56015
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>>56015 I wanted to suggest we make a thread involving other plant people from different franchises. I guess we can do it in a separate thread?
>>56018 >I guess we can do it in a separate thread incredibly niche subject, just use this one or the inanimate object one
>>56019 i’d prefer other plants be in the inanimate sectiom
>>56029 >>56019 Fair. What new material can we get for this thread that we haven’t already?
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y'all seen what octogoon is doing for gw2
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>>56078 His style is a bit toony for me
unfortunately had to resort to ai upscaling because the original was blurry as shit and i don’t have deviantart premium (because f*** them) original: https://www.deviantart.com/wojti2000/art/Don-t-overwater-your-plants-1040465261
>>56015 And zombies.
(236.64 KB 2048x1353 GLLENetagAAgG7R.jpg)
Didn’t think a fat tangle kelp could be possible, but it turns out it is, and now I want more.
Ok y’all… this is gonna be the first time I do this so don’t judge me okay? 👉👈
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Here’s a better version. This is my first time doing fat stuff and fat plant stuff ever
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Final plant boi, his name is chub shooter btw
>>56897 Can you do plant gals?
(304.52 KB 2820x2532 IMG_6350.jpeg)
>>56925 What’s wrong, peashooter-kun? Could it be you’re craving my melons?
>>56985 Artist here, you just made my night with that lmao
A new pvz thread? Things are going to get good!
>>41176 https://web.archive.org/web/20240421214218/https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/41176.html >>56015
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15 years of war between Plants vs. Zombies
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(686.70 KB 2500x1750 (2024-05-06) Vampire Flower.png)
>>58340 >nobody told me this was happening sad!
(705.09 KB 1200x1080 0FLATION.png)
Literally Blueberry Inflation find me on Twitter for a possibility of me making more things like this https://twitter.com/ecco_ec2b
BigMateWeirdo, are you here?
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>>56904 I can if you request me one My discord is sillybafoonidiot
>>59892 nta but do you also do zombies?
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>>60689 who is this cutie?
>>59179 I like that the template base char thing is also kinda chubby too, btw i kinda like those like sketch characters, dunno, kinda think theyre hot, if anyone makes some kind of bot like on janitor ai, the plot should be that you created them and you can change them however you want, to fit this place they could make it so the first change you do is make them fat.
(128.26 KB 1166x1252 weasel hoarder but fat lol.png)
This was the only Weasel Horder I had
>>62366 I think I might know who made this but just in case, sause?
>>62588 I forgor 💀
>>62641 Damn…
>>62641 >>62664 Nvm, found it. I had a feeling it’s was SkalesStash
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>>62707 I was going to say but want to focus on fat pvz pics.
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>>62757 Need more fat Vampire Flowers in my life
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>>63121 who’s drive is this? I MUST DONATE!
>>63137 @Buttersita01_
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>>64320 Third one is an OC, nothing from PvZ. t. artist
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>>64497 Do you want to do any PVZ, Shweet? I remember there being a few good Chinese exclusives.
>>64497 you should really do some more of her
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>>66367 holy shit sauce for all these?
>>66791 Sorry, I thought you meant those pics. Dunno, I found them on Fat Gardens. Middle is I_might_sin
>>66942 Darn, that's a shame. Thanks for giving me someone new to follow, though
>>66993 That’s the point of Fat Gardens. Follow Bugsinplanters, he follows fat plant and bug artists among others
>>66993 >>66942 >>66367 Left is altforfatart https://www.deviantart.com/altforfatart/art/Nightcap-M-S-Paint-doodle-1089208066
