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Inside Out thread 07/16/2024 (Tue) 21:29:35 Id:916be9 No. 63646
I’ll toss this here and hope for the best.
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>>63646 I love all the artwork this movie's been getting but I don't know, I think it's too niche for a thread because it'll die down in like a week or two tops. A general disney thread would've been better.
>>63648 some more
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>>63648 So let’s enjoy it while it lasts
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>>63653 >>63648 Damm they already made thicc envy
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>>64172 Anywhere I can find the Riley's Cravings image and if it's a comic?
>>64179 It’s made by ‘Saf-EXPANDED’ on deviantart. So far this is the only page they’ve done.
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Anything of Valentina Ortiz?
Why are most of these Disgust
>>64714 best girl gets the most artwork, though I wouldn't mind seeing some of envy too
>>64722 >>64714 We need BALANCE here, folks!!
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>>64722 I agree. Envy need to be expanded more.
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We need some Ennui balloons here. Y'all talking about balance when Ennui is completely ignored.
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>>65508 This is the best I could find. It’s not great but hey it’s something.
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