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Games Thread Five Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 19:29:22 Id:9e80e1 No. 64141
Autism gave me strength to corrupt the innocent devs into turning their game into fat slop. The last thread is dying, so, as the king of autists, I'm starting a new one Feel free to post all the fat-related games here The girl is from Fatgeria
How do we think the fatgeria dev is going to react when his shit gets pirated? He seems passionate which might induce a meltdown but at the same time they’re russian so they might be chill about it due to how popular piracy is over there.
>>64167 As long as new money flows in i'm sure it's fine, like as long as we dont day one pirate every single patch i cant imagine the patreon drying up
>>64167 He literally has it for free on weightgaming just google fatgeria he's giving away the fetish fat slop to appease us and selling his other slop to steamers
>>64185 The next patches will be paid through subscriptions though
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>>64167 Long time pirate here. I've pretty much pirated basically everything except a very few things I genuinely loved for my whole existence. I subbed for the highest tier to this dev because I've never seen a more based person, project and arc in my life. Ideally we could do like it's done on infinitychan for niche stuff: >wait 1 week to support devs and artists so their initial sales don't get ruined >after 1 week has passed we leak everything for the poorfags
>>64167 I just hope the dev sells a version (even if eventually) on Itch.IO or something. I'm fine supporting something by paying for it (I'll even buy some early access games if I trust it's something a dev will work on) my big issue is Patreon feels like a subscription service and I hate that idea, like what because I decided I'm payed 10 months at $5 and was done despite having dropped $50 in total if I lose the files it's gone and I can't get it back? Screw that. Charge me an up front premium and I'll pay it for a copy of the game on itch or Steam or something but Patreon just rubs me up the wrong way always has done. Hell I'm fine with the "Patreons get it a month ahead of purchasers" if a dev ever did that just let me buy the thing once.
>>64218 That'd be a good idea with selling it on Itch, whether it's the WIP or completed versions. May help with pirating issues as well with account verification since you-know-who-dot-su exists. I'm hoping dev can at least push out a completed Galina WG story update before the autists on WGForum scare off dev at this rate
>>64219 thankfully hes doing the next stages for Galina instead of starting on the next girl. so many wg games spread out their content across half a dozen girls before their update schedule slows to a crawl
rename this thread to fatgoria and make another general games thread? i do not get why fatgoria is so important, gameplay is redundant, the content is minimal.
I asked this last thread but it died pretty soon after so I'll just ask it again. Does anyone remember a game where you played as a mom working at a store and you had to pay for food to feed your daughter? I think the game was in Japanese and as the mom you did a little minigame while working at the store. I can't find anywhere but I know it was on here at one point I think.
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the weightgaming sjw's already got the dev to censor the game
>>64254 it was one guy and everyone else in the thread disagreed with them
I don't know who reported my reply but I will say it again anyways. This discussion is beyond fucked.
>>64254 Dang. Anyone still have the file then?
>>64254 really? what got censored?
>>64299 Georgiy was initially saved as "Jew" in the MC's phone contacts and appeared as such in the battle screen when selected as a partner. Someone got really mad at this because it's racist (???) toward jews and a derogative use of the word and threw a fit. So Georgiy now shows up as "Huckster". It's a really dumb situation all around. The initial complaint is retarded, the bickering was equally retarded, and the mod showing up certainly didn't help. Nothingburger.
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Holy shit have you seen the full picture of Valeria? Incredible. Name a WG game with better art
How do you play fatgeria. Skipping battles on talk to the girl play on the phone for stuff but how do I actually buy food and treats for her.
>>64324 Food is on page 3 of the shop app
>>64249 Here is the bento game: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXVjSmdkYUZLTjY=
Played Overfeed: Dragon Crisis and goddamn, it has to be made by the same group working on Inflation Inc. and Obese Factory. Barely any content, and to make up for it, incessantly annoying grind to "beat" the game. Also, gameplay is shit/jank, but at least it's an improvement over the other two games. Hoping game turns out good, but signs look bad
>>64338 According to itch io author's page, it WAS NOT made by obese factory/inflaction dev. But tbh i'm sort of disappointed after getting my hands on paid version (that i of course did not pay for), you fight with Tohru over and over again, you can get better weapon/dragon by defeating Tohru, but it's same thing going again and again. i Was expecting at least one-two more dragons
New version of Feed My Affection is out. Anyone got it? (Preferably Android version but either is good)
>>64331 Much appreciated
Someone already made a kemono and the dev just discovered it. Lmao wrap it up boys it's over
Does anyone have the translated version of slave feeder? all the links for it are dead
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>>64386 That's unfortunate. Probably one of the petty keyboard warriors from the forun at fault here. For what it's worth, I still have faith gigachad dev will muster on based on their initial response of "Damn" vs Tiggertoo's meltdown awhile back. Hope more people support the game to counterbalance any demotivation from knowing content will leak whenever kemono isn't crapping out, and while gatekeeping new builds to itch.io may help, it'd be foolish to believe the build won't be pirated considering it's popularity in the past week (310 posts, 14k views) That said, fingers crossed this doesn't age like milk
>>64331 I was disqualified as a parent. Dayum.
The dev is russian, so im sure he will understand
Still gonna support the Fatgeria devs after the leak. They made their game free and spent months creating a free fetish expansion because one anon said “more.” Still a shame how short sighted (to put it kindly) some pirates can be.
>>64388 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVFidkw3S3NobFA= Here you go.
Someone have Fataclysm V.0.1.2 Paid version?
>>64409 thank you dude
>>64386 What the fuck guys are you serious? This shit is even more autistic than my attempts to turn a normie game into fat slop. Im not gonna beg the devs in DMs to continue working if yall will shit on their efforts
>>64447 You’re preaching to the choir, bro. No one besides the retard that ripped the patreon page wanted this outcome, as evidenced by the massive support in this thread and in the forums on weightgaming. Hopefully we hear back from the devs soon. It’s been radio silence for a bit now.
>>64238 Kinda agree, was excited to try it but I feel I got suckered into an okay match-3 game with overblown dialogue. Didn't even find the fats (for some reason Galina doesn't show up in my runthrough unless she turns up later)
>>64463 You definitely missed her. Galina is available from the very beginning of the game. You have squeeze between the bleachers in the classroom area to go and talk to her. It’s admittedly a little easy to miss.
>>64463 You can also skip battles if you want, the option appears when you start a new game
>>64417 seconding this, update sounds cool but no way in hell I'm paying for a game that uses ai art
>>64474 and it cost 10 bucks, no way Im paying this with 10 bucks a month
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>>64465 No wonder I couldn't find her! Look at this tiny fucking gap you need to find! With the crappy collision detection it's easy to miss this. It's a lecture hall not a secret fucking passage :U
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>>64491 Seriously, I must be off by a couple of pixels as I can't get through. This is some awful level design!
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>>64491 >>64492 >WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
>>64491 >>64492 Same thing happened to me when I first played. I must of walked around the academy like 3 times before I stumbled into the correct position to slip through. You get used to it eventually, but it’s probably something that should get looked at in a future patch.
This game does have flaws and design of whole level/background is one of these things. You don't even have doors to your dormitory room, there is a lot of invisible walls and reaching Galina is almost impossible without someone pointing you to her. It took me like 2 hours to realize how to access her place, i would never know about that without someone mentioning that on weight gaming.
Where the fuck does Debucon store save data? I deleted that shit ages ago and just reinstalled now and my old save is still there?
>>64417 Thirding or whatever. New update looks cool. Would like to play.
>>64474 Agreed, it's not worth it. Same for Feed my Affection which used to look good but now the guy got lazy and just shoves AI in our face like in the last update.
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Anyone got the new build of Myre's Massive Mealtime?
>>64554 I never really cared the the artstyle they used for that game. Or Wanda, but she's just an annoying bitch
>>64518 It's under AppData. C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Debucon
>>64301 do both galina and valeria have wg arcs? uh does this game have a walkthrough pdf or whatever anywhere?
>>64573 Only Galina. Valeria will have one in the next update.
So does anyone have the latest version of the fataclysm?
>>64561 Yeah, only real reason I liked it was cus I like the concept of feeding bratty chicks (Paige) and that it was one of the only games that's actually with a decent story and not some 10 minute long lame gameplay. Art style was very much an acquired taste, which I got used to, I suspected he used AI when Becca was more introduced, but recent updates is just so blatant and bad. I'll stick with Project Realism and Sultan's Harem.
My top 10: 1. Project Realism 2. Fattening Career 3. The Sultan's Harem 4. The Weighting Game 5. The Gain Trials 6. Chunky Cheerleader 7. Filling Up My Roomates 8. The Queendom of Corpula 9. D.I.E.T. 10. Gain Of Life; Whole Hog; Making The World A Fatter Place; A Broad Semester
>>64626 >my top 10: >unfinished >unfinished >unfinished >unfinished >unfinished >unfinished >unfinished >unfinished >unifnished >unfinished >and they are all VN slop without actual game in it
>>64663 You dumb do realize that most folks play these "games" for jacking off material right? go play minecraft nerd
>>64686 I mean, there ain't no point in making it a game if you aren't gonna actually add gameplay
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imho visual novels are their own category, while more or less interactive they are ceartainly not true games. Also shitty minigames dont help, they make visual novels even more tedious then most of them already are. maybe 1 of 1000 VNs are good, but by now i avoid tehm like the proverbial pest.
>>64686 little better than slideshows with text f tier jackoff material
>>64331 Reup plz?
>>64417 Got tired of waiting for someone else to do it, so I caved. Here's hoping that my subscription lasts long enough that I can get the next update without paying. Fataclysm 1.2: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvcVlCMTFiVFIjdUJZYzVMeEJZVVcwVnhUUjh5SVUwYTUtQ2lhSUNyMDAtOWpiYXVtd0JsRQ==
>>64757 Thanks, king
anyone got the in on Orachigames; growth gambit and/or tower of damnation?
>>64707 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ab0ZTZDY= Here you go.
In the Bento game, what's the use of the "Shift+Alt+Up" command named on the file?
>>64757 Download?
>>64757 We won't forget your sacrifice.
>>64787 I was wondering that too. I assumed it might be a cheat but dunno where you'd use it.
>>64787 >>64808 By holding shift+alt+up at beginning of game, it allows you skip part-time mini-game while giving a good sum of cash for repeat playthroughs
Games so bad you want to skip them says a lot. Guess what, by pressing alt F4 you can even skip the whole game.
>>64772 Gonna flat out admit that I'm an idiot that's new to all this stuff, what's the decryption key?
does anybody have the newest build of Super Sweet?
>>64833 use base64
>>64837 Nice, thank you.
>>64757 Do you mind if I post this link to the F95 thread? Some folks there are desperate. I won't be taking credit, of course.
>>64812 i still can't figure it out, i tried holding combo of these keys when game launched, when i started new game or before minigame started, but none of these ways worked. Could someone explain it more precisely?
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>>64867 The game kindly tells you how to use this combination correctly and I'll relay it to you now: On a new game and on the first message (talking about shift + escape to skip), hit shift+alt+up together but then you have to release them in the specific order of alt, up, then shift. You'll see the below message. Select "Become" to skip the minigame.
>>64867 Yeah I don't mind. I can't post links on my account yet anyways, so I'd appreciate it if you could provide it for the folks over there.
Never mind it looks like somebody already did it 30 minutes ago. I appreciate the gesture though.
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>>64836 i fucking NEED that shit man. how else am i supposed to jerk my shit
>>64757 God speed
>>64787 What game are we talking about?
Anyone here following yummysinpie on patreon? I'm curious when she posted something about game for the last time, i did not really find much about it on kemono. I'm almost sure that her whole game idea was scam and she wanted to focus on drawing only, but i'd like some info from people that put money into her patreon. How long ago she announced her game? I think that may be like 4 years
Can anyone share diet 0.28 please?
Anyone got the mega PW for Growing Rivalry v7.5?
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>>64757 Lad, many praises.
>>64757 What is the code/password (?)
>>64912 >>64836 Dual encoded YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdlUyeHZNRzFpUzFJamMyMDNTamd4WlZkVE1XTmZMVlJ6WkRCWE5VZ3RORXQwV21FdGQxRlJNVEpHTTA5QlNtZzVaVzF5VVE9PQ==
>>64987 game cheat code
>>64994 how does this work? srry im new pirating :c
>>65060 base 64 decoder
Anyone else tried growth rpg? Not too bad albeit a bit rough around the edges as you get increasingly huge
Anybody got the most recent version of reflections ny anastimafilia?
>>65072 Enjoy :3 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9wRlBtamQ=
>>65081 You have the android version?
Does anyone have the Super Fatty RPG expanded? In exchange i have videos of candy godiva, pics of young Brie Brown, pics of Yulia Nova and pics of various cute girls. https://gofile.io/d/6u6U2i - young brie https://gofile.io/d/AJz0zm - Yulia Nova https://gofile.io/d/eYzJ2r - various cute girls https://gofile.io/d/dONKUa - candy godiva of other board
>>65070 it ain't bad. runs like shit on my computer though. and the fat sprites are a touch goofy sometimes, but it's decently made. also sorry to ask again but does anyone have Growth gambit or tower of damnation from Orachigames?
>>65114 their new kickstarter just dropped, it's been a while since this launched. aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlLzhoN3R6dzNxY2p0aXB2ci9zZnJwZ0V4LnppcC9maWxl
visual novels should have their own thread, they are NO games! most VNs are like that reflections: just meaningless dialogue dialogue dialogue dialogue dialogue dialogue dialogue ...
Does anyone know where I can buy or download the PC version of Otometeki Koi Kakumei★Love Revo!! it can be even in Japanese though english would be preferred. I know it isn`t exactly wg game but the girl is definitely fat at the start maybe there is even an option to stay fat https://vndb.org/v3549
Anyone know what’s up with Newmetrack’s fatsona? I know he’s been struggling with it but damn I thought it would be ready for release in late June. Can’t have shit.
>>65168 There was supposed to be a release of an alpha build at the end of July, but that didn't happen. From what I can tell by following his posts, he gets ready to release a build, then starts working on some more stuff for the game overall, then wants to add that stuff to the build but also wants it to be polished so it gets delayed again. I say this considering the first time the alpha was supposed to be released, it was just supposed to have Ann's content, but then it got delayed and had Chihaya's content added as well. It then got delayed again because of changes to gameplay that weren't supposed to be implemented until after the alpha, etc. tldr: the alpha keeps getting delayed because more content keeps getting added to the alpha that Newmetrack wants to make sure is polished and not super buggy
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>check Weighting Game >still isn't out >not even a new fucking demo hasn't it been like three fucking years since the last demo? genuinely feel bad for the people still supporting that grifter's patreon
>>65174 Are you talking about Metrack? if so he got kicked from weight gaming hence the lack of updates
does anyone know how the fuck do i actually play fatgeria? idk if im retarded or not but i don’t know what to do the moment i entered the game ;-; is there a guide or sumn that i can refer to to help speed up the process so i can get to the weight gain scenes quicker?
>>65181 So what you got to do is walk to the class room in the opening scene, you'll find Galina there. Then Press the ~ key while in the game to show the console. use the command Money [desired number]. so you can skip any grinding go to you phone buy cake and feed her to max everyday repeat
>>65181 Also getting to her is a tight squeeze so you gotta brute force it, make sure to turn combat off as well and you should be good boss
>>65176 If you want a weight game that has consistent updates I recommend Dandy Chest. His game is pretty damn good.
>>65183 Maybe I am retarded because I still can’t find her 😭 I have been walking around aimlessly hoping that i could somehow find her but I cannot find her, also how does one disable the combat? But thank you for the money console command though much appreciated <3
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>>65208 Update - I found her, may the fattening commence
>>64757 >AI slop pass
...so https://ripenedpeach.itch.io/cakemix
Visual Novel fans have a lot to look forward to this month, at least if you can appreciate well-made 3d visual novels. Fattening Career, Project Realism, and The Sultan's Harem are all projected to release updates before the August is through. Fattening Career is targeting a release on the 30th and TSH's dev mentioned a target of mid-August for the next update. Project Realism is the only one of these three that might be pushed into September, as Mecha has consistently been very vague about the release date after mentioning a few times that they're bad at making estimates regarding release dates. As of now we can expect it to release around the end of August, similarly to Fattening Career, but it's not a guarantee. If you haven't played Project Realism, consider this a recommendation to give it a chance when the next update comes out. The art is EXTREMELY well done and it has a little more going on in comparison to other 3d visual novels in terms of choices and interactivity. My only issue is that Mecha isn't great at communicating and is keeping a lot of things vague, having not posted on their Patreon since early July and consistently giving non-answers to questions in the discord. I have faith that they'll deliver as they're clearly passionate about the creation of this game, but their communication leaves a lot to be desired. He put out a roadmap back in March but has yet to update it a single time. When asked in the discord about putting out an updated roadmap, he simply said he'll get to it "one of these days" which is kind of confusing considering that this update is supposedly just a few weeks away. Regardless, August is shaping up to be an excellent month for fans of 3d visual novels.
What is Valves plan for this genre? I also want to see what girl only studios do!
>>65230 For what it's worth, I do actually kind of enjoy the visual novels. It's basically the same as the artist just uploading a story with images, but you have some level of interactivity with it which can be fun. As long as they're posted here and I can just download them for free, that's good enough for me. I don't feel like subscribing to a Patreon for them seems worth it with how long it is between updates
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>>65230 I want to throw Chunky Cheerleader into that list since the models look decent and next update's looking like the last, which might actually make it one of the first holistic WG Daz-style VNs to get completed and leave the eternal-development/patreon-milking cycle some of them are extremely guilty of (e.g. DIET, Gain of Life) I'm mostly on copium that Fill Me Up gets another release sometime this year (with decent AI/3D art + toggle hopefully) as well as Feeling the Weight of It All getting a new release with new artstyle and more content. If development goes well for new contenders like Indulgences (strong pixel art, but no demo to go off of) or The Feedee Next Door (great hook/slow-burn, but desperately needs a save/fast-forward option as more episodes release), we may finally be eating good in some 2D VNs down the line...or have another repeat of Forks and many other doomed projects. I guess Growth Academy is alright if one's willing to put up with the fantasy mumbo jumbo going on with the setting and its premise when checking out the WG content with Alice, while also dealing with her initially insufferable personality
>>65259 I would not expect much from dev that abandoned their patreon, so i would not get my hopes up. Fill me up is not even in "milking state" it's dead game with dev that either does not care, or something horrible happened to them. It would be best to just get last part of copium and move on, we both know that there are many, many, maaany games that just die one day and nobody knows what even happened with dev, sometimes we just get information that they are busy, but it won't change anything about game itself. Let's move on, FIll me up is dead, you won't revive it
>>65259 Yeah, chunky cheerleader is something to consider. Lots of scenes and we'll also get mc fat/Alissa skinny storyline (right now is just a short ending). >>65272 I don't even know what to think about Fill me Up, his son born prematurely and he's in a tight schedule, and he said those things months ago. After all the shitshow coming from Vocalabs, and Fill me Up coming up next to it, he stopped saying things in weight gaming, even tho he somehow dropped 0.4, but in a incomplete state (scenes mixing up, almost nothing new in feeder path, the AI and so on).
Fill me up is a weird case but probably just boils down to a lack of time or energy as opposed to passion, if you take the dev's words for it. Given the state of .4 I believe him. There was a ton of stuff in the update, the new end game having tons of variation depending on what you did during the game with the big problems being left over AI art (probably from lost render files cause most of them were hold overs from .3) and a bunch of bugs. Stuff that the Dev needed time to fix that he probably just didn't have. I don't think the game is fully dead, feels like one of those things that may pop back up in a year. That said I am definitely not giving the dev money till the next drop. I think the content is worth keeping an eye on it but not throwing money away on a project the dev can't make time for.
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hey I just want to announce that I am making sonic theme weight gain game. I am using Kphovia art style for it. it going be on renpy but I am new to it so I might need help like choice go... if you know someone that can help me please message on this.
It’s Time It’s Here a New Blobygon dev build May someone update the kemono please https://kemono.su/patreon/user/71693949
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>>65302 Stop. Destroy any evidence that ever existed.
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>>65302 >Kphoria Why? Who hurt you?
>>65302 Begging you to get an artist who can actually draw
what fat fetish games are there for Android?
oes anyone else here play ffxiv? I do, and it's the kind of game that has a lot of different role playing communities in it. I'm wondering if there's any interest for anyone here who plays to drum up something of an FA community in game. I think it would be a great vehicle for people to RP through, and I know based on mods (that I have installed) that there's fat enjoyers out there playing this game, I just never really see anyone talk about it.
>>65302 If you're going to make this filth then keep it off this board. Diabolically ugly art on top of the worst possible concept conceived by man
>>65302 Two things. 1 - Either get a better artist, or learn how to actually draw. 2 - Don't make it look like an old Newgrounds flash
>>65357 3 - Learn how to write dialogue
Can anyone update CupCupMug's kemono? Thanks!
Was anyone able to download blobygon’s new build? It exceeded the daily limit ;-;
Could anyone give the latest version of DIET
>>65062 oaaa thanks big G c;
>>65380 yes i do do ya want it
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>>65484 Fuck off furry. Go back to your own board.
>>65486 Nah, let him stay. He's better than the MSpaint circle tool Sonic visual novel guy
>>65488 I concur.
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For previous bingo/context >>63915 Decided to update the bingo card after some of the criticisms received and attempt to shuffle/balance squares. Here are the patch notes and some thoughts behind them: -Removed Inflation/Pregnancy Squares. Forgot I'm posting on bbwalt and my tastes are subjective (even though one would think a jam on weight gain would be focused solely on weight gain, but I digress) -Removed goblin favoritism. Mostly was meme'ing on Grimimic and his rpgmaker buddies' goblin fanaticism, but I'll admit it was a lazy and low-quality bait square. -Remove Gimmick Rule Ruins the Jam. It's been said no wild cards this year, so I figured it's a dud square. Fingers crossed they never come back to avoid homogeny of entries. -Added following new squares to replace removed squares: Game's too Hard, Furry Entries, Promising Entry to Patreon Purgatory Post-Jam, This Bingo Gets Shared Beyond BBW-Chan. All pretty explanatory, will admit still kinda phoned in some squares. -Added CoastalBunny as dev example for people who make remarks here. Hi Coastal -Added "rip" for Honey Combat example, still leaving my bias in there even though there's too many other dead post-jam games to name. -Replaced Dev Makes Complains on Discord with In-Fighting Between Devs. Changed in case of drama finding itself outside of discord, but most examples I can think of can be found in the right discord servers. -Replaced Free Square to be more flavorful of this site's rep. ;) -Replaced "Abundance of..." text with "...greater than 20%". Can't decide if it's too low or too high of a %, but helps make the square more defined, numerical, and objective probably. -Reshuffled squares to be more fairly/randomly by feel versus having them written down by what came to mind first. Self-explanatory, could still do a better job probably. -Remade bingo from different template on Paint when originally made on imgflip. Can safely say I hate both equally That concludes the patch notes for this edition of Gain Jam Fail Bingo. Will probably be last version made for this fail jam, but already got some new material for next year. Honorable mention squares that didn't make the cut go to Anonymoose for paywalling bugtesting for their entry (I respect the hustle, wish I came up with the square sooner) and any AI chatbots used as an entry (felt redundant to AI entries square). Anyways, happy gain jam in two days, hopefully no fail bingos can be made this year
>>65512 As a massive fan of the magic school game that never got developed and no one seemed to care about, this hurts
>>65512 Hi Ice, glad to see you're keeping busy.
>>65512 Hi broski 🤙 Go ahead and fill in that 3rd column 2nd row 💙
>>65512 This is gonna be my first gain jam and I mean, damn the way people are talking about it scares me. Is it really that bad?
>>65532 No, BBWchan users just like getting mad over nothing burgers.
>>65518 Same, rip interesting management wg sim twine game, may we get another this gain jam. Making the school fat had me in diamonds >>65521 Not IceDev, but in hindsight, should have labeled them as an example for Disgruntled Devs Post-Jam due to their infamous post >>65531 Why hello there. Should have labeled the square as snide/petty remarks, will patch for next year. >>65532 Ignore bbw-chan, it's an abyss of doom and gloom with nihilistic memes and my bingo card. Good luck on your first gain jam
>>65544 Oh - you need a snide comment from me? Sure sure... *clears throat* I'd start charging for appearances here, but it's not like you people pay for my stuff anyways. 🙃
https://ghostwhisperer971.itch.io/escape-from-deep-pit-university Look :o
>>65544 I’m out of the loop with that one, what happened to ice dev?
>>65581 Search up An (Ice) Dev's response to the 2022 Gain Jam in Google or Weightgaming. Would link the post directly but auto-ban triggered for me. >>65549 pic-related, will mark square on bingo card (assuming you are the real coastal) good luck with eternal fight against japanese clothing piracy site
Anyone know what the game that feed fieren with some liquid?
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Has anyone played any of the more recent builds of GUT / unnamed stuffing rpg? Any good changes worth diving in again?
>>65622 Afaik, not really.
>>65622 Nope, it's the same old boring crap. I'd rather play Feeder Fantasy a third time
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after many months a new update to Emma's Growth finally released https://www.patreon.com/posts/release-emmas-v0-110266289
>>65700 normal release here: https://jobobot.itch.io/emmas-growth-a-female-muscle-growth-story includes Mni-GTS, MG, WG, Stuffing, and Vore options
Newest version of Feed My Affection? link on kemono doesn't work :<
>>65655 >>65625 oh well. Thanks for the heads up.
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>>65591 lol its already started
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>>65655 >Feeder Fantasy Hadn't heard of this one before, thanks
>>65724 You're welcome, it's great but the last update was from like 2021. Hopefully that doesn't mean the game is dead
>>65723 That's a twofer on the bingo, right? Just doing my civic duty.
>>65733 Left in a nice spot at least, not too unfinished. Know any other RpgMaker games like it or Hero's Retirement?
Could someone remind me how olf weight gain james used to be? Do participants tend to drop games in rush at the end of jam, or are we going to get steady supply of new games through next two weeks? I just hope it's gonna be something better than furry/Ai/text games
>>65736 What do you mean by "like this"? Does it need to strongly focused on weight gain content, without stretched story? Because best weight gain game RPG maker game i've played so far was APOCALYPSE XL. although weight gain content starts after a few hours, this game is very long and it's more like combo of story with some battles in RPG MAKER. There is also "dead" Praedeon that has enjoyable weight gain content tied directly to combat capacities of main character. Sadly dev stopped updating game and its content lacks in everything besides weight gain (that comes mostly from Vore, so you may not like it) I bet that you've played apostles already btw? It's another story focused game, sadly without any enlarged sprites of characters, so you can only looks at their small sprites becoming larger and larger as game goes on.
>>65737 You will get a slow trickle at first (there's always a few early birds who get in like they have somethign to prove) but it will definitely pick up by the end of the 14 days. We might see a spike of entries come next weekend (24th and 25th)
>>65738 So, >Apocalypse XL >Praedeon and >Apostles I'll try all three thanks, just enjoy the rpgmaker aesthetic tbqh.
>>65747 Same here, I really like those small chibi sprites getting bigger and bigger as you progress. The tall ones from G.U.T though? Eehh...I guess they're an acquired taste
>>65747 I never tried (or plan to try) Apocalypse or Praedon cuz of vore. However, if you like strictly wg RPGmaker games then some recommendations from me are Princess Goblin Story A day in town gathering money (I forgot the exact name but it’s smthn like that) Olive and the Ruby Bra Greed’s End (a short but complete game) and my personal GOAT, Roundbound. Which btw, Round (the dev) is currently making a rework/final update for the game. Currently it’s in bug testing and he said it would be out in a couple weeks, but that was two weeks ago.
If anyone felt like sharing the full version of https://ghostwhisperer971.itch.io/escape-from-deep-pit-university, that would be awesome.
What is the latest version of "Fattening career"?
>>65765 The most recent release was 0.08, which I believe has also been released for free on itch.io 0.09 is set to release on the 30th, so not long from now
>>65735 its a honor to watch you embarass your communiity for the fourth year running
>>65806 Somebody has to do it
>>65833 Least shitty weight gaming user
>>65749 Niceu. >>65751 >Raising Money in Town This one was great, thanks again. I pretty much tried them all though. (:
>>65751 >Currently it’s in bug testing and he said it would be out in a couple weeks, but that was two weeks ago. My guess is mid September. Only one guy is doing all the bug testing, so it'll take some time. Also apparently he found a lot of bugs so it might take some more time.
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anyone got the last update of feed my affection or DIET? the kemono links arent working
>One entry for the jam already uploaded >Mod says "Daaamn, setting new speed records over here! Amazing!" >Game is AIsloppa text adventure We need to make weight gaming 2, this shit is tiresome
>>65899 We're like three days into the jam. Calm down.
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Fan art by @7sUFYFhySFsdKN0 of Alicia and Char & Forte
>>65909 Most of us can wait, but i don't need to have ability for predicting future to know that over 50% of entries gonna be about text games with AI art, or visual novels with AI art. I'm ok with visual novels, but can you at least try to make art look good? (that's what i'd ask dev using AI art)
>>65872 True, true, games with AI art and text games should have their own category on weight gaming.
>>65775 actually thats 0.10, 0.09 is already out
>>65833 kek does daddy grot known your here? or did you figure out that without your neobaby mod title no one has and reason to kiss your ass anymore >>65591 didnt he get banned for that
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>>65899 Before I even look, is it the weirdobeardo fella? Cause that dude seems to be cranking out text adventure games with AI images like mad.
>>65951 Yup, it is.
Can anyone drop some fat mods for FF XIV?
>>65724 It's probably the best weight gain game.
>>66014 Its one of the only games (and I mean actual games, not twine/text adventure/AI) where its focused on fattening girls No weird 5 hour lore about non-fat stuff, not entirely based on losing on purpose to see any fat content, just straight to the point "fatten up some ladies!"
>>66014 >>66059 I've already played it a few times now lol, really is good.
>>66014 Yeah, it's one of the few really good Japanese games made with RPG Maker. The other ones are either incomplete, crap or both
Anybody got D.I.E.T. .28?
>>66070 https://gofile.io/d/UQOSlX
anyone got the heft effect?
>>65302 You’re telling me you saw the reactions here and decided to still post this on WG? What is wrong with you? Get help, and quit making games altogether because I can’t see how you could make anything good if you thought this was a decent idea
>Game goes 3 Days without news >Dev says he's a while ago. >Rando pops in screaming MOMENTUM IS DEAD WHY IS THIS? Holy crap people, its not even a week.
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>>66123 >tfw the dev doesn't spend every waking moment of their life replying to retards who barely speak English and ask the same questions that have already been answered dozens of times.
i've seen a few new games pop up since weight gain jam started, sadly there are all text games/furry. It's so hard to enjoy wg games if you consider furry to be disgusting.
>>66123 It's Weightgaming, what else can you expect from them? Site's full of a bunch of deranged furries, AI enthusiasts, and armchair game devs who can't code/draw past a tech demo. Bonus points to all the times its "community" got burned by dead patreon games or "hustled" themselves into supporting patreon's that provide zero communication/updates, especially since admin won't do anything about these fringe cases due to having no backbone to upset a bad dev or two for shilling their crap. But man, if there's 17 year old in the game, guess that's okay to moderate and ban. The golden goose decided to show up to their "community" and all they want to do is skin and eat the goose before it can lay its egg. TL;DR: Fuck Weightgaming, glad Fatgeria dev has enough thick skin to deal with its bullshit
>>66154 We all know Fatgeria is a shitty mod of an already shitty game, so that one doesn't count either. Fuck all those weight gain-themed titles
>>66154 Don't talk about it. Be about it. Why not show the good people out there how it's done? I'll wait.
>>66162 Well since you insist, here's all the pics related to how it's done on Weightgaming that I found just looking at some of the recent posts from this past week, file names included. Oh, and to you and >>66160 Found the weight game forum users, stay mad.
>>66163 The retard literally thought I was defending Weight Gaming...you can't make this shit up
>>66160 why the fuck are you even here
new SuperSweet demos out :]
>>66164 I am indeed a retard, but for different reasons. Forgot to include AI pictures of wholehog's patreon and date of their latest build (15 months ago). While people debate whether I'm a retard for calling out wholehog, I did more digging for other random crap from Weightgaming in the past week, filenames included
>>66162 "you don't like how the ship is being piloted? Why don't you pilot the ship then instead of asking for better pilots!"
>>66174 The classic armchair fallback. If the situation was as truly dire as people make it out than one of those options is way more effective than the other. But because it requires a modicum of effort it's easier, to flail and whine ineffectually, expecting others to do all the things for you. What exactly is your excuse again? "Don't just do something, sit there!" is how the saying goes right? Good luck finding them magic pilots midair.
>>66174 The absurd thing is that there's literally a game jam running currently, welcome to all skill levels. If ever there was an opportunity to get an idea out there and show people how it's done then, again, what stopping you? And if not just you alone, then a team of you? There's no excuses other than laziness at the end of the day. If you wanna be lazy? Cool. Be ignored then.
So, how long until we have a game made entirely by AI that some "Dev" passes off as their own?
>>66195 >>66196 >>66196 Nah, I'd rather call out shit behavior from admin and users alike. Tired of seeing the fake openess of you and weightgaming's "community." I'm not interested nor wish to spend time on game dev, but that doesn't deny me the right to call out the greed and stupidity of the "community." So please, keep peddling your bullshit and suckling the teats of all the shitty admin, devs, and users you would deny criticism
>>66195 I dunno mate, I keep criticizing and shitting on users like Maria_House all the time without any repercussions. But sure, everyone is the problem except you...retard
>>66195 I don't want to make games. I want to play games without having to shift through literal garbage. AI spam, character bots, and people who do make good games get shit on by the mods who dont do shit about it. the modicum of effort i want is the shit mods to actually try and communicate and clean up thier shit site. maybe we need better air traffic controllers to help give us better pilots and weed out the shit ones. but they wont. weightgaming mod spend more time talking shit on hear than making their site better for people who actual make games
Is someone has new mini story about Alice from TT2
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>>66211 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discourse_(software) This is entirely due to the server software they're using. That's why there's the poorly-used tag systems, subforums, etc. It's been known about since the beginning. Discourse assumes that moderation is strict and everyone on the site uses its features perfectly with full knowledge of how it all works. You can't apply negative filters. You can't fix missing tags without mods going in and editing every dumb op post. All in all, it's no the right tool for the job, but I suppose it is 'free'. Since the entire site is bankrolled by a tiny number of people, many of whom are part of moderation/ownership, it won't change unless the website's patrons step in. Being stricter on more egregious degeneracy (loli, etc) is inevitable. It's something that can and does get policed by Actual Police even if 9/10 times, it isn't, moral qualms aside. If someone made another wg games forum, they'd still have to deal with that risk so it's not as big a deal for me.
Anybody have the most recent version of Myre's Massive Mealtime?
>>66221 Its worse than that, its subsidized by a tiny number of patrons with Grot footing most of the bill. One of the bigger reasons I left was because it was becoming a money pit, and I was only paying 10% of the operational costs. Forums definitely weren't the best fit for this as it stands now, and if I go back and start over I'd focus on making a NSFW-focused itch.io (which there's a huge hole in the market if you can somehow dance around payment processing). The original intent (which was a little easier with the PHP forums) was for creators to manage their own sub forums, and the site itself was more of an aggregator. It made more sense at the time, but was clearly misguided long term as the community grew larger and number of topics exploded. I'm still surprised given the ire WGing draws here (and elsewhere) that no one's tried making a competitor. I don't think WGing is an anchor in the community as it still lacks widespread knowledge and name recognition, but it will EVENTUALLY be that anchor given a long enough time period. If you wanted to try and solve the problems being complained about here, now would be the time to do it. I'm not calling anyone lazy (I mean, I quit on this project long time ago), just saying your window to effect meaningful change is dwindling.
>>66225 BBWchan does not DO anything, all they do is whine and complain. It's why they have to get bailed out every year by some rich anon who eventually pays the bills for server hosting.
anyone have some good recommendations for underrated WG games? I’m pretty open most other topics, just no vore or farts. I’ve played nearly every major WG games except for Witch of Gluttony, which I’ve heard good things about.
>>66225 You are run into a double-bind with your suggestion of making your own WeightGaming with Blackjack & Fat Hookers. That is, if you aren't going to make it a forum... Why even bother making it a website? There are just so many other systems and methods nowadays. Forums have both the organization structure that is good for devs and a niche that people appreciate. But if you don't want to put in the effort of running such, might as well do a Discord server or even a Reddit of all things. People don't care about what they have to communicate with, as long as the people are there and it isn't a pain to use. At best, I can only really imagine something like TFGamesSite, a database foremost with a forum attached. >>66232 Can recommend Research Station M-00 if you like Match-3 puzzlers.
>>66225 The fundamental issue is that Weight Gaming isn't a content aggregator in the purest sense. They aren't hosting games of a certain quality for users to peruse and try and buy at their leisure. They aren't itch and it would be folly of them to emulate that path. Why? The sheer dearth of content creation. Given the adult and specialised (fetish) nature of the content, it's only ever gonna have a narrow bandwidth of creators and consumers. Quality is few and far between, driven by horny passion more that anything else. Lightning may occasionally strike, yes, but that's not to to say you can start bottling lightning now. The only way things can grow is if you cultivate the environment for it and allow the new crop of creators time to find themselves within the community and build their own networks and refine their skills. This takes time, and yes there'll be low-quality titles to bear with. That's just the nature of growing pains. Because a good developer can call it quits and leave at any time, let's give them a reason to stay fir as long as possible, hmm? Being a raging dickhead and shitting on and chasing off developers willing to give a damn to create is what kills the community. Even the jams with their contentious scoring in the past can also impact developers decisions to stay in the community (being told numerically that you are garbage is not the great motivational tool WG mods think it is.) "bad developers" aren't taking up space or sucking air out of the room for good developers; being hostile to developers chases away both bad and good. FFS, it's not hard to not be an asshole.
>>66225 The financing is a shame, but I think anyone looking for a ROI on this is chasing a pipe dream. Weight Gaming is a service, not a business. It's a service for developers to culminate and share resources and expertise, to network and collab, to hopefully build that killer app one day. In recognition of that and how WG is more of a social club than a business or a publishers, they could be looking to finance themselves in a different way to keep the lights on. Clubs have club fees after all. If WeightGaming could replace Patreon with it's own in-house pledging service, where users could support the creators they want to, devs do their thing and WeightGaming takes a cut to maintain itself, then they should be able to reach parity. Grotlover isn't gonna be a millionaire from running Weight Gaming, with all the best will in the world. But he needs to ask himself if contributing to the community and allowing it to truly flourish under his provision is something he is willing to settle on instead. To me that sounds like a better legacy.
I want know your opinion about feed my affection, Is there fun for like weight game else?
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Reminder that grotlover and kilif invested $1000 into a failed overlord fan game by dr black jack and some rando dev. Luckily, they got refunded and decided to invest $500 into the failed konosuba fan game by dr black jack
>>66268 Dr black jack is a fucking scam, he's friends with a lot of artists and writers for whatever reason
>>66253 so weightgaming makes its develops feel bad with little benefit so you think developers should pay to be on weight gaming. this level of ignorance of how people make games or play games could only come from a mod. my guess is alexkay. you know your site is fucked when kilif makes more sense than you. everything you blames everyone but weightgaming
Does anyone have Cicada Springs v0.9.3.0?
>>66244 "Why even bother making it a website?" That's a fair point. Your later suggestion of TFGamesSite would be ideal. Something to help discoverability and allow for discussion. I keep saying "NSFW itch.io" for short hand, but you summed it up nicely, though itch.io doesn't have the best arrangement for discussion. The "main site" would address a lot of those issues, but (not to disparage Grot's efforts) its unlikely that will happen any time soon unless Grot hires outside help. Honestly, in lieu of that, a simple searchable site with user-supported tags would help. Could even set it up to link to topics in WGing so people could see the discussion. >>66268 No denying that. The second round of failure did prompt the "wait, I think I suck at this." In fairness, that was (if I recall correctly) just Grot and our's money, as patreon funds subsidize hosting costs leaving us in the red before we even get to ancillary items. Doesn't excuse me rubber stamping it though. To the other posts: The project of WGing (without scummy practices) will almost never make a profit for reasons outlined here and elsewhere. One option I've suggested (and was attempted, but was yet another failed venture) was to have a flagship game developed entirely by WGing that helps support the site. Some subscription game that at least gives the people donating some tangible benefit other than a pat on the back for throwing money into the hosting void. That or deals with devs with paid games, such that support for WGing would also give you a key to a list of games. As to >>66199 I actually agree, there's an issue here. I was going to point out complaining here doesn't fix the issue, and that I generally am not in the camp of policing defunct patreon/subscription links (that the onus is on the consumer to research the topic first). But the core problem is the consumer has no place, other than here and other scattered chans and smaller forums, to actually DO that research. If you make a claim that a project is a scam, whether legitimately or not, there's a non-zero chance the post will get deleted on WGing. This isn't necessarily 100% to protect the content creator (its mostly just to keep things on topic), but that is a factor as they don't want to chase away devs. This leaves the users (and mods, for that matter) in a bad spot, one that I'm not sure how they're going to navigate as the site inevitably attracts more scams and grifters. And yes, I know its easy for me to criticize the site now that I have no real stake in it, but I do still want it to succeed for most users.
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>"finish" game before the deadline >make post >plug patreon for beta testers >no actual free playable broken version for everyone else This gamejam is next level kikery
>>66225 As I said before and I'll remind the good folks here. For a brief time I ran the stopgap Weight gaining games forum. It didn't last long (pretty sure it's still technically online) and it didn't become much before the present weight gaming forum comes along. I wish anyone wanting to challenge the present one the best of luck because I still remember even in the brief stint I was running such a forum the weird stuff I had to deal with e.g. the numerous messages by people upset the forum sign up asked people to pick a sex (you could literally disable it in the display options and even me as the forum owner couldn't see it if you turned it off) but I still had to publicly state that even though on the internet no-one will ever know you're just a dog behind a keyboard.
>>66304 >e.g. the numerous messages by people upset the forum sign up asked people to pick a sex You ran into 2 very distinct problems with your target audience. >The people deep into fetish lives don't want to put more personal information online than they have to. >Your defaults were backwards. It should be an opt-IN to show personal information, not an opt-out. Guess this is advice for future fat game forum makers..
>>66284 > That or deals with devs with paid games, such that support for WGing would also give you a key to a list of games. This should be implemented. Real-life game companies pay for community management and PR, which the forum is doing not only for free, but at a loss. Now, that doesn't mean taking a hostile approach off the jump, but I think it's good for both the forum and the community if games with a substantial revenue-earning component are required to privately disclose these earnings to forum management and pay an amount based on earnings over a certain threshold. Probably something like >$1k per month. Would probably only cover a small handful of games (unless the most egregious aislop machines are making more than I think) but anything helps. I think most devs know that without the forum their shit would never have the eyeballs to be financially solvent and would be fine with this. And if they aren't, they clearly don't belong in the community tbf.
>>66307 I didn't make or get to customise much it was a free forum lol
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>>66290 nah cuz this is just bozo behavior
>>66321 Yo this one looks promising, definitely the concept is pretty new
Putting weiht gain jame game behind paywall is definitely new concept, if that's what you meant. I hope mods gonna either force him to share free version available for everyone, or he just won't be able to participate in gain jam
>>66321 >>66325 He's not even the only one to do it that Fifty Shades of Orange shit has it 2
Putting jam games behind patreon feels a little scummy. I forget if they let the peanut gallery vote for what games are better in the jam, but still, that goes against the concept of a game jam.
>>66321 >previous projects from this dev are shovelware >gain jam submission locked behind patreon >AI "art" yeah I don't see this going over well
fuck me sideways I could make a better game in 4 days at this rate won't have art but if this is the competition, it won't matter
>>66321 I have genuinely never heard of the concept of paywalling your Game Jam game until today. What the fuck is wrong with this community? I thought PreggoPixel's Pregnancy Game Jams were filled with people that did not get the concept... >>66326 Anonymoose Production games are infuriating because the dude wants quite a lot of cash for incomplete visual novels with shitty gameplay loops. Dairy Tale is the best of the lot and you still shouldn't actually buy any of them.
Read complete posts before complaining. Memories in Calories: "The final version will be posted on itch for free" And for those who could do it better: DO IT!
>>66355 >Read complete posts before complaining. Memories in Calories: "The final version will be posted on itch for free" This doesn't change that they're trying to grift for a game jam game. Allow me to describe this for you. Game jams serve several purposes, getting teams together, developer experience; but most importantly, exposure due to the nature of the event being held, and in the gain jams case, a cash prize for the winner. These people are leveraging the exposure of a jam that already has a cash prize to squeeze more money out of people. At fucking best this behavior is opportunistic. I'm sure everyone read the posts and still thinks it's idiotic. >And for those who could do it better: DO IT! People can criticize others work and shitty practices without participating themselves. Here's a hypothetical: If you went to a coffee shop, and the barista served you warm water when you asked for a black coffee. Would you just accept that because you aren't a barista? No, you'd fucking complain.
wonder what solitary scribbles is cooking
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>>already has a cash prize this is the important part, degens AI art is recycled art that relies on datasets to exist. There's a reason why any attempts to monetize it in the real world get pushback from artists. For little, mostly harmless hobby or community projects, it's less of an issue, but it's not without being morally dubious. The point of having a prize is to discourage people making games based on a profit motive and focusing on making the best game they can. Gatekeeping early builds hurts the dev, since anyone with decency wouldn't pay and thus, the only feedback you get its tainted by yes-men and stans. get off the teat for two weeks, then you can milk to your heart's content. Two. Weeks.
Just for the sake of everyone losing their minds over the closed/paywalled game jam testing. The contest isn't over yet. Once the deadline is reached on Friday all eligible entries will be playable to the public. How entrants conduct themselves before that point is up to them as long as it's within the contest rules. Is it a good idea to paywall testing? That's down to the devs to realise.
>>66359 Of course people are fully within their rights to complain, however we're not talking about complaining about unchangeable things - moaning about major blockbuster or AAA game flops and the like. Even the coffee in your example, obviously you can't hop over the counter and show them how it's done, so yeah complain away. However we're talking about the works of amateur hobbyists - your peers within this community - who stumped up to create something. Someone like you who put in the effort to do something, so why couldn't you do the same if you were truly bothered by it? If they could do it, why not you? Back to coffee, if instead your friend or roomie made you that coffee. You moaned about it aloud to their face and still drank it anyways, wouldn't that just make you an asshole that didn't make anything better? It's like loudly complaining about a six year old's piano playing. You could show them how to play Happy Birthday if you truly cared and bothered to try. Otherwise it's just being an ass to a kid who may as well just give up learning. Negative encouragement isn't really a thing in this situation. Complaining is all well and fine but the context of it matters. Eventually you just come across as as an entitled asshole.
>>65700 Anyone got this?
Got some unfortunate news. Both The Sultan's Harem and Fattening Career are delayed. Not a big delay but a delay nonetheless.
>>66396 You have somehow managed to become more of a white knight for Weightgaming than kilif ever was back in the hay day. Because of you, I'm going to proceed to be an "entitled asshole" as you put it and blast the stupidity that contributed to the pay-walled gain jam builds in this post. I'm also sharing a spoilered sneak peek at my little project that I've alluded towards in previous posts. >>66284 >kilif agrees with me I'm liking this new kilif character development arc. Goes to show how truly dire situation for Weightgaming must be. >>66321 >DuperBozoPrime justifies bozo paywall behavior because Anonymoose did the same thing in previous Gain Jam >Anonybozo using laughing emojis to defend cause people are stupid in thinking you shouldn't paywall a gain jam game You reap what you sow, Weightgaming. No one called this shit out last year with Neon Dreams. Even got a screenshot of one sucker who thought there was another update post-jam to Neon Dreams, which has yet to see any new builds since last year. Anonymoose looking mighty shady, and no one will call them out for it because they made one half-decent fetish game. As usual, file names for more details. Whether you agree or not on the idea of paywalling early builds for patrons, it's safe to say it goes against the idea of the "community" trying to help playtest the game to be a better product. At least, if the "community" was actually worth a damn, which both Anonymoose and DuperboyPrime could careless about. These are the greedy and shitty kinds of devs this "community" will defend, let that sink in. Again, you reap what you sow, Weightgaming.
>>66401 K. Enjoy the game on Friday.
Including more pics due to pic limit in previous post. Because I feel like there hasn't been much contributions lately and I've done my fair share of bitching, I'm going to return something to the chan. Since >>66214 asked and I hated paying $4 for a stuffing slideshow, enjoy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oJ0k-ZTQJD-a2Vtq4w3FPUuk2aFyqrT7/view?usp=sharing
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i think the most damning part of this jam is just how poor the submission pool is so far. this is shaping up to be the worst jam yet in terms of worthwhile submissions. >>66396 >so why couldn't you do the same if you were truly bothered by it? If they could do it, why not you? because i have my own projects to work on that aren't related to the fat fetish. that aside, the point you're missing is that not a single person on this list is posting their first fetish game, the bad submissions are from repeat offenders who have consistently given the same bad games. how about the coffee example? so work plans change, gotta leave early for a week, i ask my roommate to make coffee for that week. first day, they make a bad cup. alright, probably their first. that's fine. they can improve. i let them know and tell them what to do better. next day, another bad cup. i tell them again, they say sorry. third day in a row, another fucking bad cup. and its like this throughout the whole week. no matter how much advice i give, they just keep giving me trash coffee. thats what most of the people we complain about are, people who just keep giving terrible cups of coffee despite being given all the advice in the world.
>>66401 Damn the Fatgeria dev shat out like 30 posts in a month and they probably still don't earn as much as this scammer
>>66403 Thanks for your service, Retard Entitled Asshole
>>66394 >>66396 I'm going to be an entitled asshole and declare you are outright missing the entire point of a game jam if you want to monetize the production posts. "Our dev time is not free!" Then don't join a game jam and work on your own games, you already have an audience. You don't need the potential profit of both more Patreon bucks AND a cash prize! REA is right here >>66401, these events are about celebrating your community and getting amateur devs involved in the creation process. It's hard to do that when you are creating your own walled gardens for no good reason.
>>66396 Fundamentally you've ignored the core of the issue, the opportunism of using a game jam that already has a cash prize to squeeze money from the community. The developer's time is being paid for by the "contest" already; the jam gives an opportunity for a prize in exchange for releasing a free game to the community. And once the jam is over, they can pay wall it as much as they want, at that point their end of the contest was upheld. The coffee example was simply to demonstrate that you do not have to participate in an activity to critique it. Most people who will criticize your work are not making said work themselves. So saying "Why don't you do it?" is pointless, and frankly reductive.   >It's like loudly complaining about a six year old's piano playing. Comparing these devs to a six year old is a bold move in defending them.
>>66397 F95 thread has 0.2.1 (https://f95zone.to/threads/emmas-growth-v0-2-1-alpha-jobobot.221995)
So let's stop talking about quality and paywalled games, i'm more curios about other thing. Was gain jam supposed to barely have any games? A few days have already passed and amount of games seems to be small.
>>66423 Traditionally, most of the submissions are last minute, so its always hard to tell how many there are going to be until its closed. That said, I wouldn't be surprised by a lower turn out this year. With the disruption of last year and in general people being busier with IRL stuff as the economy worsens, I would expect the number of devs able to give the time necessary for this is lower across the board. I feel like I've said that every year, though, so take that with a grain of salt.
>>66403 >I'm also sharing a spoilered sneak peek at my little project that I've alluded towards in previous posts. what sneak peak?
>>66396 You give all this talk about new devs being pushed away, but why would a game maker stay with your site? Just to be associated with idea-man posting, chatbot and ai art spam, and scam patreons? aside from an increasingly shitty contest that hides its criticisms by hiding its rules, there's nothing positive to gain from posting to your site. Everything you say makes it really sound like the admins have helped when they haven't done shit, aside from cry cry cry on an even shittier chan site.
>>66423 people will post games with two weeks worth of effort after two weeks have passed. just wait.
>>66423 >>66424 Agree with kilif on this, the trend for previous gain jams usually have entries start popping up crazy around the last day for entry. Surprise there hasn't been any type of polling recently (at least publicly that I'm aware of) about what dates would work best for any interested participants. Felt like the timing clashed with a couple of patreons that promised updates later this month (until they were broken, but at least they made posts informing about it) >>66432 Click on the question mark in >>66401 Giving you benefit of a doubt cause I'm retarded and used poor wording with "project" which usually equates to game on here. It's just a patreon cost analysis for every patreon I manage to find info from that's posted on Weightgaming. Providing another sneak peek #2, realized Anonymoose can't take all the glory for this incident. I'll keep providing sneak peeks if more drama happens with different devs involved. I'm not expecting a complete release anytime soon since hand-counting and deciphering what qualifies as a build is a pain, even with the help of KP >>66402 Thanks, hope you do as well, TheWell-Being :)
>>66405 Make your own fucking coffee then? The pot's right there, you'd think after enough times you'd learn by now. Also it's cute that you couch your language as "giving advice" - but hang on, I thought we were just complaining initially, not suddenly giving constructive feedback? Can't have it both ways, Anon. Own being the asshole in this situation! >>66413 >>66414 Okay, the dev paywalled early access to her title in-development entry for the jam and you can't access it. Answer me this please as I'm genuinely confused: 1) How is not being able to play it any different to the dev working on it privately (like a majority of the participants are doing)? 2) So what if they're paywalling it? Seriously: so. what? How does this affect you if you weren't planning on supporting them anyway? The dev saw an opportunity to promote themselves and to support their efforts in, y'know, wanting to make games. When did this become a bad thing again? Christ, it's bad enough that people choose not to give a cent to creators but to go even further and get mad at them for even attempting to support themselves is borderline psychotic.
>>66438 Because, Well-Being, as a contest, it puts a distinct disadvantage on those that can't or won't set up a Patreon as the creators get more cash to amp up their game, and psychologically puts a literal cost-benefit ratio on the judges. And you are asking people to pay for a game you know cannot be good. So (YOU) can get the advice. It is not a healthy practice to promote for this kind of event.
>>66437 >>66448 its alexkay retards
>>66438 >Make your own fucking coffee then? i established in the first line that in this scenario i couldnt because the work schedule changed, retard if i didnt have other things that demand more attention, i WOULD make a fetish game.
>>66405 So, those Joseph Earnwile games are AI generated text?
I am guessing the text is probably AI assisted, which would explain how the dude is able to keep pumping out the darn things.
>>66468 last i checked he just uses AI images but honestly i wouldnt be surprised if he also generates text with how fast his "games" are shat out.
This might be a hot take but tbh I don’t really mind these early paywall submissions. Is it kind of scummy since it goes against the tradition of most game jams? Yes. Is it a strange move since it means that the dev isn’t going to get meaningful feedback (if at all)? Yes. Do I really care? Not really. As long as I get the complete product at the end of the week then I don’t mind. Hell, if more funding encourages better quality and more fleshed out games then it’s all the better (Although icl I don’t think this is the case). I have more to do in life than to play fetish games all day, so if I have to wait an extra week then so be it. Just my two cents.
>>66448 > and psychologically puts a literal cost-benefit ratio on the judges. ... The hell are you talking about? Genuinely no idea what you're saying here. Participants can do what they want when it comes to testing their game before the jam period comes to a close. People might as well complain that a dev having access to their own Discord group or fanbase or a better rig or etc etc confers them an advantage that they do not have. Sorry but them's the breaks. Devs will be better served by staying in their lane and focusing on what they can do for themselves rather than looking everywhere else and grousing about what others have that they lack. There's no inherent fairness in this contest - a large experienced team will be able accomplish more than a solo newbie - so just focus on running the race you want to run.
>>66421 >https://f95zone.to/threads/emmas-growth-v0-2-1-alpha-jobobot.221995 Thanks for trying bud, but it looks like f95 is down. Does that happen often?
>>66487 Ta, seems to be working fine on my end, will just post a direct mirror. https://gofile.io/d/7XeOhM
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>Roach Bait
>>66475 I personally wouldn't care even if they didn't share their finished project. I'm just saying that it's next level kikery. >paying for an early access game that hasn't been playtested Eh. We are reaching the level of selling bath water.
>>66535 >paying for an early access game that hasn't been playtested I thought that was what early access was, paying to playtest.
>>66536 People are generally confused here but that doesn't stop them holding back an opinion now, bless them.
>>66497 My man, thank you!
Someone share new feedback my affection?
Honestly, after the last three jams, we cannot possibly be surprised that the contest is looking to be absolutely piss-weak this year. God knows we've all gotten fed up with it and all we've done is play the finished products, such as they are; I can't imagine the people expending time and effort into this think it's worthwhile, especially not if they're concerned the judging is going to be obviously swayed or unfairly weighted (har) again.
>>66578 lol theyre not even judging this year they justr give whoever they want 500
>>66578 If you come into a jam expecting to find AAA-quality games then you need to dial your expectations waaay way down. I know they were fairly recent so you might be confused but this ain't the Olympics, bruh. For many entrants it'll be their first time making anything. Sure, there may be some gems from those who knock it out of the park but they are the exception not the rule. They're looking for best in show, not "The Best". If you don't see the benefit that the contest has to creators, you should try making something one day.
>>66595 They were better a few years ago tho Which is what most people are referring to.
>>66595 nobody expects AAA-quality, retard. but compare the jam games from a few years ago to the jam games this year and you'll see a massive difference in the average game. infact most people fail the "make a short but simple game", most entries this year are just a glorified visual novel short story.
>>66600 >>66604 A few years ago you say? How curious! I wonder what was happening a few years ago that meant people had all this free time on their hands to devote to creating content? Eh, I'm sure it will remain a mysteryyyy.
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Anyone that can share The Succubus Queen and The Holy Sword? https://subscribestar.adult/twintails100/
Hey, the JP guy that made earning money in town just released a new game: https://notanui.booth.pm/items/6049916
>66605 lol copefag keep blaming everyone elae
>>66605 I'm sorry I don't find RPG Maker slop, AI vomit and unfinished WIPs up to scratch. Is the contest time long enough? Probably not. But if the last three or four jams hadn't demonstrated to artists and game makers of talent that they weren't wanted, perhaps we'd have a few more games that are at least fun, if not sexy.
>>66634 Also, sorry, yes, I just have to echo >>66604, visual novels have a place but I don't think that place is a game jam like this and for the purposes of this contest I'm going to extend "visual novel" to include "RPG Maker game with five switches that is 95% dialogue." The challenge is to make a game quickly, not to write a story.
>>66634 > I'm sorry I don't find RPG Maker slop, AI vomit and unfinished WIPs up to scratch. Well it's probably a good thing you aren't a judge for the contest then so your opinion on such things is null. Continue whining into the void. And do you honestly believe that by throwing up restrictions and red tape that you're going to force people to magically do better? The use of simpler tools isn't preventing other games from emerging. Don't be daft.
I think what I'm going to say is a fact, and I don't give a shit about what you might tell me. The past gain jam events were amazing, with a lot of promising game developers deciding to throw their hat into the ring. Sadly they almost all left, and nowadays there's only rookies who don't know how to make a shitty game. AI slop, AI slop everywhere
Sorry to ask, but could someone please share the new Feed My Affection update?
>>66645 Happy to hear that you enjoyed past jams, Anon - which flies in the face of Anon also calling each and every previous jam shit, go figure - but we can't live in the past, no matter how hard you wish it to be so. Time marches on despite your feelings. Maybe stop actively denigrating the efforts of the new crop of rookie developers and shitting on their efforts, to allow them to develop into better developers instead of scaring them away? I get that AI doesn't appeal, but a) not everyone is using AI and b) there are more elements in game design to consider than "usage of AI". No one is forcing you to jerk off to AI images. Your constant bitching makes this place more harmful to developers. Ever consider that?
>>66650 >to allow them to develop into better developers instead of scaring them away? the only dev ive actually seen significantly improve over time is cupcupmug. as stated earlier a lot of entries are the same shitty devs that consistently submit the same shitty short stories. outside of that you have people like failmuseum that already started off with good content.
>>66650 >Your constant bitching makes this place more harmful to developers. Ever consider that When has this place been welcoming to devs? This is a place to share pirated games, complain, and maybe for the devs of those pirated devs to complain. Why are you bothering to play the white knight here of all places?
>>66657 Because, like it or not, BBWChan is a part of this sphere we inhabit and the community we share overall. There's obviously overlap between users here and on WeightGaming. Just because this place is a den of scum and villainy doesn't mean that people don't use it as a watering hole. The lack of a filter is occasionally even useful as crude barometer of sorts. Plus it's funny to laugh at impotent rage.
>>66658 >>66659 hey alex glad your hear and letting us help you ruin weightgaming good job you really showed us
>>66660 Don't get me wrong, you're not THAT useful. You're basically canaries. You wouldn't listen to the input of canaries, whose only valued input is "Stop fucking mining you're killing us", when planning the direction of a new mine shaft now.
>>66671 "we listen to you because you are apart of the community" hey your site is garbage "we don't listen to you, your just caranries" nice doublethink retard all you do is blame everyone except the people in charge. shill harder next time
>>66671 your ego is nearly as large as some the women on this website
tried out most of the jam games that didn't seem dogshit don't fear the jester is pretty peak, everything is slop from what i saw
>>66676 Failmuseum’s was pretty good too. Tbh for my first gain jam, I didn’t actually hate a lot of these entries. Overall was a pretty enjoyable experience. Ig you OGs know something I don’t as you guys keep talking about old gain jams but personally I thought it was cool.
>>66677 As someone who's lurked since the 2019 jam, it's always been a bunch of games that are terrible to whatever, with 2-3 standouts that are legit good
>>66612 Seconding this. Also, does anyone have the D.I.E.T story guide from the google drive? I feel like it'd be handy to find the direction to stories I haven't gone through yet instead of bumbling around and relying upon my spotty memory
>>66673 Spoken without a hint of irony when nestled between two comments that proudly proclaim sweeping absolute statements of zero substance. Glad some people are enjoying the Gain Jam so far.
99% of all games on that site are dogshit, so of course the same would be true for those jams. don't know why you guys pretend this hasn't always been the case.
>>66638 >Well it's probably a good thing you aren't a judge for the contest then so your opinion on such things is null. The contest is not purely for the benefit of the judges. >And do you honestly believe that by throwing up restrictions and red tape that you're going to force people to magically do better? Do you truthfully think Weight Gaming and the Game Jam actually incentivises people to get better? What bothers me most about the fact nobody thought to say "No AI" in the rules is that Weight Gaming is again sending the message to artists who have honed their craft that they needn't bother, this year because ChatGPT has allowed someone who won't even spend five minutes in MS Paint to be in the running for the monetary prize on level footing as someone who works daily to improve. What's the point? I'm sorry, I know BBW Chan's userbase is significantly more blunt than the users of Weight Gaming but it's galling to see after multiple years now of people outside the community of folks who are too polite to speak up going into great detail explaining why WG is handling things poorly, you just shut down all discourse as whining and complaining. You cannot expect to help the community grow and improve if you subscribe to the "#hatersgonnahate" school of deflection. I would truly love to see Weight Gaming become a hub in which inexperienced talent can learn from those who are more seasoned to make the best content possible for the community. The loss of Flash has been surprisingly damaging for games in our corner of the internet, I would really appreciate it if 95% of what was left wasn't so cookie cutter and bland. It isn't fun and, to be frank, it isn't good enough for a contest where there's money on the line. I wouldn't enter, say, a Marvel Comics art contest because I can't draw for shit, it would be a waste of everyone's time and downright insulting to everyone if I drew a picture of Spider-Man with my colouring pencils and got told that just because I did *something*, that was good enough. RPG Maker, Ren'Py, Twine, etc are all great tools for newcomers- I've used two of them myself- but it's a game contest, not a prose contest. At the end of any good fatty masturbation aid contest, I would like to see talented artists and devs rewarded and, if I'm lucky, I would like to shoot some cum out the end of my dick. Maybe stick the heavily story-focused games and/or the amateur creators in their own little jam? As it is, I don't feel it's fair to the artists who've worked themselves to exhaustion and, much as I'm sure someone will say it doesn't matter, I don't think it's fair to the judges to ask them to spend time judging games that are clearly not going to win because they're in the wrong field. There's a prize up for grabs that might pay someone's mortgage for a month. Don't you think it ought to be a best-of-the-best contest?
im not one to kvetch about AI and take some moral stand, but it's incredibly disappointing to see multiple entries involving AI generated art in a contest like this, especially when money's on the line. have the judges mentioned anything about their stance on AI? surely they aren't going to judge somebody typing "hot pink hair fat girl in leotard" on the same level as somebody actually taking the time to doodle some nice drawings?
>>66693 probably the most important take so far. if this doesn't make alexkay accept the sight is flawed then its doomed
>>66693 >The loss of Flash has been surprisingly damaging for games in our corner of the internet, I would really appreciate it if 95% of what was left wasn't so cookie cutter and bland. There's so, so, SO many ways to make a game now, for free. Without the need for traditional code. The more important thing is now there are TONS of resources on HOW to make said games that just was't available in the newground days. Saying it was better back then is looking back with rose-tinted glasses than the objective situation we have now. By the way, how much if newgrounds is garbage? 90% of it. Just like everything else, books, music, TV, art, and yes, game jam games. >What bothers me most about the fact nobody thought to say "No AI" in the rules is that Weight Gaming is again sending the message to artists who have honed their craft... If the community rewards AI art over traditional art, that is a failing of the community, not the moderators. Blame gooners. I feel that decision is more to avoid having to police every submission for AI compliancy than affirming AI as legitimate or not. >There's a prize up for grabs that might pay someone's mortgage for a month. Don't you think it ought to be a best-of-the-best contest? You have more problems than a game jam if you're relying on a contest to pay the bills.
>>66709 >You have more problems than a game jam if you're relying on a contest to pay the bills. I dunno man, I feel like winning a game jam would be a good way of making my life less bad. Everyone loves money, but this doesn't mean they should just give the prizes away nilly willy. If a game with shitty ass AI art actually manages to win, I'd rather pay another develop who put real effort into their project
>>66713 If no one could make a game more interesting than a game made up of AI pictures, that is a fault of the community. Also, winning isn't everything. I have seen plenty of games that didn't win go on and do their own releases regardless. Jams are a way to get prototypes out there for future endeavors, not just a contest itself. If you're better than the gain jam, then Weight Gaming can't stop you from succeeding.
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>>66701 >>66693 To be blunt, I don't think you need a "No AI" policy here. Normally, for as much as I love genAI stuff, drawing contests are about the showcase of human skill and imagination, so I totally why a genAI pic winning would at the very least leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth, regardless of how many hours someone spent actually making it good. GenAI and drawing/painting/sculpting/etc. are two different skillsets and you can't really say it is fair. But this isn't a drawing contest, this is a game design and development one. If someone had the entire game poof out of thin air or by wishing it into existence, it still wouldn't matter because the end result is far more subjective and based on the judge's EXPERIENCES. One judge could hit a bug that others do not. One judge could be retarded and get stuck in a puzzle. Another could have speedran the entire game 4 times over. The way we experience and judge games is far different than how we judge pictures thanks to the interactivity aspects, and that's just not something you can replicate with any kind of AI. Furthermore, given how many people just...hire an artist for their game, you can't really argue it is a case of them missing out on showcasing their (lack of) skill. That's really more the ability to network and how much cash you got, pragmatically speaking. If you want it to be about drawing, you probably should ban any other shortcuts, like DAZ3D, Koikatsu, porn pics, etc., anything that isn't mostly by their own hands. But since we aren't testing their artistic skill but their game development skill, I don't think you need to care? And even if, again, you can build a game out of genAI code, that doesn't mean the game itself or your own game design skills would make the most out of it. There's a lot to complain about WG management and how this Gain Jam goes, but you kind of missing the forest for the fat girl who thinks it's a salad.
>>66703 AI is a difficult and nuanced subject to go over but the takeaway here is that while AI usage is condoned on the site, it isn't actively encouraged - much the opposite. People such as yourself hold strong views on AI usage so devs should use it at their discretion upon risk of backlash. WeightGaming isn't forcing devs to use AI nor forcing users to like AI. By allowing AI within the contest it makes things more accessible to all and we might even see AI used in novel ways, backlash aside. I do feel some of the views are perhaps overblown. Putting the ethical concerns aside and on a point of simple content quality, how is AI art any different to empty placeholder art? It serves the same function and overusage of it will naturally impact an entry's chance of winning. The reason there are judges is to discern these things. I get the concerns, both from a ethical and quality aspect, but its usage is still ultimately driven by the community, not forced onto the community (or, at worst, the community is forcing it upon itself). The community is able to regulate itself in that regard through discourse - don't like a dev's usage of AI? Let them know. That's one of the purposes of the site to incentivise people to get better.
>>66709 >You have more problems than a game jam if you're relying on a contest to pay the bills. A stunning, almost impressive dodge of the point. I'm not in danger of losing my home but if I won a prize that paid my bills for a month which allowed me to treat myself to the tune of $500, I would be pretty happy. I'm sorry you don't see that as a large sum of money but I'm happy you don't have to worry about making ends meet. Good thing artists traditionally have no issues raising funds, especially in a oversaturated market like hungry women porn.
does anyone have Dairy Tale? i remember it was posted a few months ago but i lost it
>>66750 Did you enter, curiously?
Does anyone have the full game of Chunky Cheerleader (aand if yes, can you share it?)
anyone got the most recent unstable build for gorge valley? pretty sure the p importer is down so it wont be there anytime soon
Another weight gain jam with devs forcing some fast projects, instead of finishing old ones. Anonymoose has at least 4 games "in development", guy that did "marcel's metabolic" also made one year ago game "idol maker: refined palette" and it is still in limbo. I finally had time to play most of games... is what i wanted to say, but these games were all incredibly short. Gluttony of sin was Visual novel with "So much" content that i was able to read it in like 4-5 minutes. I'm still trying to dig up some gems in this mud, but it's harder than i thought.
>>66790 Okay, I don't usually want to get involved with the shitflinging that goes around here, but I just gotta say. Do you not understand what a Game Jam is? Rapid prototyping is the ENTIRE POINT of a game jam. It's about rapid development of ideas and hitting a deadline. They're great ways of taking time off from other projects to hammer away at a new idea, or to finally get a start making things. You're essentially shitting on people for engaging with the spirit of the whole event. Most gain jams aren't designed with following up on the game in mind. If the idea is particularly good, the creator might follow up on it, but usually it just dies there because it was only ever meant to be a fun 2 week thing. Look, I can understand being frustrated with creators having half finished projects, but you're very much picking the wrong target for this criticism.
There’s a new game made by the guy who made “Raising Money in Town”. Using google translate I was able to translate the name to “Curse Appraisal Obesity Dungeon”. It has art from Dobemaru and there seems to be free version and a “Tips Version” (no idea what that means but you have to pay 500 yen for the download). Anyways I figured. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121942096 Also, does anyone know how I could possibly reliably machine translate it? So far I’ve just been using google translate on my phone and taking photos screen by screen (which you can guess is kind of a slog).
>>66815 Meant to say “Anyways I figured I’d share”
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does anyone have the latest version of onikunosato (aka kida)'s shoot em up the newest ver should be var.7 thank you creator's fanbox and twitter:https://ki-da.fanbox.cc/ https://x.com/ipKCTE5B0HtjNEd/status/1804868399618814140/video/1
>>66790 Funny, do you know what gamejams are about? Because you seem to keep saying that without having a fucking clue about the purpose of them.
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>>66815 You can use Translator++ to immediately make a quick MTL of the game, no RPGMaker editor required. But since I have it and don't really like how people leave some of the broken stuff left about, I'm trying my hand of cleaning up Translator++'s mess, especially as the injection process seems to break quite a few plugins that need to be manually fixed. It's my first time doing something like this, but its been quite interesting. I'll make sure to leave a README of some the name changes I put in (like Nezumi-yaki to Rat Razing). To some JP anons, can anyone give me a good answer to あなぬけのつばさ? Unsure what this supposed to be referencing?
>>66836 I might be wrong about this, since I'm not a japanese speaker, but it might be a reference to the item "escape rope" in pokemon. Some sort of "escape wings?" あなぬき is a combination of two words that would mean escape dungeon, and which is found on that item, while つばさ means wings.
Project realism update is out
>>66836 I tried to do a translation and it entirely broke the game behavior. Check the regular JP version and notice all the monsters that spawn per floor. I didn't touch the js portion, so if you found a way around this, mention it.
Anyone got a link to the latest Gorge Valley build?
Anyone here tried newest versio of gain of life? Development of this game really slowed down over last two years, but looks lik dev is trying to speed up now and even rebuilds some mechanics (like office job) I'd like to get some opinion from people who have played it, or even link to game (if that's possible)
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>>66845 Yeah, it was one of the first thigns I had to figure out. Some reason the Plugin responsible for the random generation breaks when the game gets TL'd, as if the plugin itself ends up translated. Simply putting back the unfuck'd plugin from the original version fixes it all. Now I gotta figure out what happen with the Appraisal System... >>66840 Yeah, that is what it does. Felt like it was a more direct reference, but if it simply just that, then I'll keep it simple.
>>66854 I actually did my own quick and dirty MTL already. The appraisal systems are all in the map you go to when you leave the dungeon. So just don't MTL anything that looks like event names. Also, the item stuff is really important 'cause the game uses labels to determine what's a valid "curse." fun game overall. Suffers from not having full-body art or fat sprites, but the portraits mean there's at least something besides text that communicates the WG.
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>>66856 It's not the event names, actually. It's how the game determines what is a curse. You are on the money about the labels. It's looking in the Notebox for the string "呪い", Curse. If it doesn't have that, the item won't be appraised. The MTL would naturally translate that, breaking the entire system top to bottom. Simply fixing that string and setting the Item Categories properly brought back the appraisal system.
>>66794 I think the moral of this gain jam is to ignore everyone in this thread and just enjoy the games these people made. Games are cool, they're fun. I like
>>66861 Anon the thread has seemingly moved on. Live by your own words and ignore the thread, go dickride your game devs in the forums or something. >>66857 Even an edited mtl would be sweet. You're doing God's work anon.
>>66865 >Even an edited mtl would be sweet. You're doing God's work anon. Because I'm pretty skittish about such, I will probably end up releasing 2 versions, a partial TL where all the menus are properly localized but the dialogue remains MTL and another where the story text is such. The game is very short and not that dialogue-heavy, but I still feel very off about doing even an edited MTL of the story. Still, I believe I would be done with the first version later tonight, and do the story text cleanup sometime in the week?
The Sultans Harem v0.5 is out Anyone can share it? https://www.patreon.com/posts/release-v0-5-111223458?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=web_share
>>66873 >>66768 Bump. Appreciated if anyone could share these
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>>66865 Sorry for the delay, anons! Here's the first release of the partial TL. All the menus and the like should be properly translated, the story and dialogue text are still Google'd. I'll probably work over the week to do edit, making sure I have all the dealios sorted out. https://gofile.to/5665/curse-appraisal-obesity-dungeon-mtl-partial.7z Let me know if there are any bugs, spelling errors in the menus, or questions about localization choices (don't worry, nothing has been censored).
>>66891 No need to apologize anon, you're doing good work. Thanks for translating for us.
>Going through the game Jam so far The clown card one is decent and tha RPG maker potion one... I mean, there's mechanics but its clear as mud mostly due to RPG maker I feel, the fact that you have to go to a specific room in a specific place just to check a stat is a bit annoying and clunky.
>>66891 for some reason brave is blocking it saying it's "dangerous"?
Does anyone have Cicada Springs v0.9.3.0?
>>66903 Wish we could feed his sister too.
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>>66913 I would not spend over 24 hours piecing together this TL to give you a virus. It's a false positive, likely due to a lack of credentials. Just use a different browser or ignore the warnings. I'll set up a Weightgaming thread later today with another update, there's some stuff I missed in terms of menus and some glitches from the original JP release I feel like I could fix. For example, despite Loretta having fat face sprites, they are never used! No good reason, either, it's a very simple thing.
Any one have the latest Gorge Valley update?
How much content does fatgeria actually have? The setting is suprisingly cool and russian sounds hot but I would like more than 5 minutes worth of actual fetish content.
Anybody have the most recent version of Myre's Massive Mealtime?
Sultans Harem 5.03 https://gofile.io/d/ouawXX
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>>66923 As promised, set up the thread for my fan translation. Check on WG (I forgot about the auto-ban...) It's about 80-90% done, but you can go through a lot of the game without experiencing JP or garbled English. I'll likely be 99% done by tomorrow, and then work on cleaning up and editing any errors or oddities pointed out by you guys. Thanks for your patience, y'all! >>66934 It only focused on one character, the one shown in the OP. She has 5 stages and a vore scene added in the mod so far. Otherwise, it is just the same game as the original Steam release. If the devs come back, they will likely add more to it, maybe making it a full conversion, but as of now that's pretty much all you getting
>>66953 When I first posted about the game on this thread, I was expecting to get one or two replies telling me to machine translate it or smthn. I did not expect all the work you've done. You're doing gods work ty. Any idea on how difficult it would be to mod in some sprites? I know there are some presets out there from a discord long ago (that now every WG RPGMaker game uses).
>>66954 >When I first posted about the game on this thread, I was expecting to get one or two replies telling me to machine translate it or smthn. TBH, that was exactly what I was going to do before learning how Translator++ broke the thing. Having to go in and start engineering the systems as well as just boredom and my personal displeasure with how this Gain Jam was going was what wanted me to go about going through the whole endeavor. >Any idea on how difficult it would be to mod in some sprites? Not too hard, actually. It would be easier to edit the common events and add in sprite changes. The toughest part is making the sprites.
anyone can share the last version of feed my affection
>>66924 yeah seconding
>>66952 You have the Android version?
>>66963 You can play it on android by using joiplay
>>66952 Can someone upload the file to a different site? Like Mega? I get network errors when downloading it
>>66934 I would say it has around 30 minutes worth of reading for fetish content and like 20 CG arts
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Anyone got the patreon version of obese factory?
>>66915 Def seconding
>>66952 Do you have the Mac version to share by chance?
>>66952 Thank you king
>>66952 What are pass?
Now that gain jam is over, spent some time gathering patreon info and grossly underestimated how much data I needed to pull for judgement day to happen. To help bounce back from the torture I've inflicted on myself, I thought these games turned out pretty good: -Marcel's Metabolic Mishap -Don't Fear the Jester -RogueWeight -Squelchies (furry warning) -Return to Sender (Virt-a-mate warning) -Magical Viking Erika (bug eye anime warning)
>>66952 Katerina is so big
>>67030 >Don't Fear the Jester Am I the only one that thinks the "twist" of Don't Fear the Jester is a lie, not a twist. It genuinely doesn't make any sense given the build-up. >Magical Viking Erika (bug eye anime warning) yeah, haven't had this kind of uncomfortable uncanny valley-feel since Fill Me Up. Though like it, it looks better at the higher weight threshholds, when looking like a blob fits everyone better. Otherwise, yeah, strong list of picks.
anyone got d.i.e.t. .29?
New FMA? V0.55 not working on kemono
all im sayin is tha new gorge valley update is out
Does anyone have the new build of project realism or can update the kemono for it?
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Welp, new accusations and drama on Weightgaming regarding Juiceflation, which I think is justified. Charging $9 for a clicker game screams scam to me. Anyways, posting some updated entries on the spreadsheet in light of this news with some of my thoughts. Spoilering title screens for each game from each dev I presume are being called out. Not sure if there's such as a thing as a template in godot for title menus, but any devs can correct me and I'll update the spreadsheet info. Since no one mentioned it yet, going to throw more shade at DuperboyPrime's clown behavior, screenshots included. >Gets called out for paywalling beta builds during Gain Jam >Backs down and tries to appease situation by saying game will remain free when submitted and will think about consequences for next Gain Jam >Releases an unfinished build missing final ending for deadline >Confirms game uses AI backgrounds/item art >Post Jam, paywalls the final build to patreon for a few weeks Posting previous contribution again since it got removed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bFo3TdMaUc16JSEUqCQwJrCH5UKSgN_F/view?usp=sharing
>>67099 can u keep your schizoposting to yourself? Nobody actually cares.
>>67099 Oh, forgot to mentioned all 3 games have the obnoxious "Support my patreon for new builds!" pop up on title menu >>67100 Hello Alexkay
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>>67099 >>67099 Patron was a mistake.
>>66952 Thank you! Anyone have a list of the changes? Not sure how much is new in this version
>>67102 no idea who alexkay is. It's just annoying how you jobless faggots clog up the thread with your dumbass spreadsheets. Nobody gives a fuck, we're just here to pirate games.
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>>67112 Since I'm apparently "jobless faggot" and you have a job, why not just purchase the game yourself instead of muck about in this hell hole? ;) At least I contributed a pirated build, what have you got to say other than be beggar #782 on bbw-chan? Just be patient and it'll be uploaded to KP with time, it always does you impatient ghoul, judgement day has reached the point of no return and it's thanks to alexkay and people like you
>>67115 >>67102 >>67099 idk who you are and I don't know what's the deal with the spreadsheet but keep it up
>>65951 Btw does anyone know what happened to this guys submission because i can't seem to find it
>>67104 its fucking stupid the game jam build doesnt even have a gallery. i just ripped all the image files from the unity resources and called it a day
>>67131 he had his submission moved to the regular project's page because even using AI to cheat he decided he couldnt shit out a game fast enough.
Famished 0.14 anyone? I know it contains vore, but also a lot of WG.
>>67186 Sure https://www.mediafire.com/file/x8a3aygfn0nw8bw/Famished_v.014A.rar/file I'm gonna ask for new Gorge Valley or DIET updates.
>>67190 You are a saint, good sir!
Is Virtual Gainer 2 full version any good?
I can't believe virtual gainer 2 has been fully released, i expected it to be another game stuck in development limbo and getting a few updates yearly. I really need to get my hands on it, free version was GOAT
Apparently the new version of project Quimbly has been released, does anybody have it by any chance?
