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Games Thread Four Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 18:45:31 Id:de6c1f No. 58644
Last thread is dead. I am still going to shill for this new VN that is really not a fetish one but there is a WG mechanic for one of the girls for some reason. Its called Progeria: Vae Victis and it is available on Steam or torrents (but the pirated version is really buggy) Anyone feel free to post other games
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Fuck you stupid ass OP. Horrible taste and that VN looks like dog shit. Has nothing fet related besides like 1 singular shitty sprite. DONT TALK EVER AGAIN
>>58658 Well, fuck you too, asshole. Don't like it don't play it, this game did not kill your mom, although I suppose she has been dead for a long time and couldn't teach you manners. Last OP did not even post anything, just started begging for pirated content. I restarted the topic, so do something useful or at least stop fucking crying and flooding the thread with your bitch-ass tears.
>>58658 from what i've seen, the game has multiple WG sprites, with each of them having different stuffing sprites so chill
>>58658 goddamn you hateful child Get off this sub and get some help
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>>58644 Played through the buggy pirated version in English and if anyone's struggling to make Galina gain weight, you need to swap the language to Russian in order to give gifts. You can switch back to English after selecting to "Give Gift" in Russian. Anyways, posting the rest of the sprite sheets/CGs, went through the trouble of getting two endings to have Galina getting fked over in both epilogues :(
>>58697 To unfuckover Galina in the endings you have several options: 1) In her fifth dialogue tell her to be like Gatea, then send her to defend her project alone 2) For Gayorgy, don't agree to taking hostages and in his fifth dialogue scold him for being an asshole to Galina. This will lead to mostly positive epilogues for her no matter the endings
>>58644 OK guys I am gonna be honest I will message the dev about these mechanics and ask why the fuck did he add these to a normie game and also ask if he could potentially add more similar content for coomers like us
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>>58644 Just say you are an overinvested autist. We'd understand. Not playing it btw.
How does the weight gain mechanic actually work? Is it incremental based on food gifting or dependant on story progression? Also, to what extent is the weight addressed in the dialogue? Premise and artstyle are interesting but the gameplay is pretty frustrating so far and I'm not sure if it's worth sticking it out
>>58724 She gains weight from gifts at every morning (booze + food), from dates and passively over time. As of dialogue... I think MC is teasing Galina a few times but mostly thats it. Thats going to be the thing I ask for expanding
>>58706 >https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118438210 does this come in English or have a translsation?
>>58757 Make your own, retard.
>>58757 >>58793 >>58795 For a quick and shitty translation, translator++ isn't too hard to work with https://dreamsavior.net/translator-plusplus/
>>58711 In my opinion, there is no point in wasting time on purpose for the sake of a fetish, because you will only get a bonus, to which the author paid almost no attention. There are games that deserve more attention, for example, I recently came across “Big Aspirations” on itch.io. I generally don’t like graphic novels, especially ones that look like simple text with pictures, but this is a good example where the gameplay design and the amount of mechanics provided influence the narrative overshadow the simplicity of the visual design. It's strange, but it felt like there was a creative mind behind it. I recently started looking into this and haven't found anything technically better than Virtamate and Blobygon's creation. Maybe someone can suggest something worthy from their experience?
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>>58818 Hate (jk, I am glad) to prove you wrong, but it seems like the author... Actually AGREED to make more content for us coomers! She was very surprised to see her game doubling in sales in a week, and I simply told her of this board. To be frank: they agreed to add more content for Galina and even OTHER girls! We are going to be eating GOOOD bois. Attaching the proof of her answer and the girls in question (yes I messaged her in Russian)
>>58825 Holy shit how did you do that Based
>>58644 Is there a way to edit the savefiles to change the money amount? i read something abt a debug menu but i cant open it
>>58825 Nice, what was the original inspiration behind Galinas weight gain? I'd actually assumed the dev was a guy that snuck in his actual fetish as a sideplot. Hell, I'd even fork over another 5$ for a DLC if it's more weight gain focused and not subject to the time/resource constraints of the main game. Ideally purely VN without the duelling game >>58834 Would be interested in that too I like the story but I don't want to miss out on stuff because I suck at the duelling minigame
>>58834 >>58868 Not sure if it still works in the steam version, but for pirated version, press the " ` "/" ~" key, type "money -insert number-". It also works with skill points by typing "sp" instead >>58825 King shit right here, glad awareness for the game's leading to more (hopefully) wg content and if the dev delivers, I'll be tossing in some money towards the game
I have played through more than half of the game at this point but have not encounter Galina in the overworld once. Anyone know tf is going on?
>> 58921 I had the same problem until I found out that you can go to the classroom where they give lectures from the beginning of the game. It's a bit tricky, but between one staircase and another there is enough space to pass and go to the back of the classroom where you can meet Galina
Say, did anyone manage to get the latest version of Fattening Career?
>>58793 Why? This is an English language site and this has been posted in two threads without context, explanation or anything else. expecting maybe people would at least say a bit more or show some of the games content or anything isn't some alien concept nor would expecting some-one posting on an English langauge board to be sharing something with an English option.
>>58981 Here, the place has a number of download site options so you can pick which you prefer. https://f95zone.to/threads/fattening-career-v0-09-bladerune9.134987/
Blobygon Dev Build Time!
>>58935 ahh thank you. weird that they'd make it so hard.
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dudes holy fuck they are actually doing it, fifth Galina WG stage attaching from the sprite sheet four previous stages Cant wait for the stuffing stages for this one
>>58983 It doesn't have any custom art, so there's no point in downloading if you don't read Japanese. As for the game itself, it's a daily life sim about an adventurer. There's no main story, and surprisingly few body descriptions, but the systems are decently fleshed out. I wish more NPCs would react to her gains, though (as far as I can tell, it's just the butler?).
Does anyone have this? https://cottage-games.itch.io/worshippersofthegain
>>59019 If they are seriously adding more weight gain paths, I'll def be picking it up
Does anyone have the password to the most recent update of Growing Rivalry please?
There's a new update to the sultan's harem if anyone has it, otherwise we might as well wait until the kemono updates
Can someone post Blobygon new Dev Build? https://www.patreon.com/user?u=71693949
Anyone know if the next Sultan's Harem update is out yet? Should be posted here when it's live. Last update was from end of last month and it said it would be released in the next two weeks. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/87890142
>>59049 It is, the kemono has just not been updated.
>>58644 Previous thread? Have you checked the catalog?
>>59054 The last iteration of this thread is completely dead, it's bumplocked. It wass perfectly justifable for OP to make this one, really not sure what you're trying to say here exactly.
If someone could update livegoeson kemono it'd be super appreciated
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https://mab.to/t/0bU0JXQUMoI/eu1 newest sultan's, enjoy
>>59120 do you have a mac rip?
incessantly whining for blobygons latest dev build
>>59120 Thanks king >>59147 Wait what? Already a new one?
>>59019 Bought the game based on your posts and I'm enjoying it. Galina is cute and I hope the devs continue to add stages and story for her. I like the puzzle game more than I thought I would, although if given the choice, I'd still skip it If I were able too. Some quality of life like a dash or a means to at least teleport back to your room at the end of the day would be nice though because it takes forever to navigate.
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>>59211 Yeah I dig this game so much glad you like it too. The dev keeps sending me updates, for example now the girls will DM you their bellies based on their weight stage. Unstuffed and stuffed
>>59120 Is this another situation where I have to create another save file? It seems like I'm locked out of progressing with Fatima. I keep dumping money into her and she's stuck at 4/8.
>>59216 I'm also not seeing the option for the conquest feature anywhere. Is there a certain threshold I need to hit with troops or something?
>>59216 I had the same problem and I'm on a old save file too.
>>59219 Did you start a new save to see if you could get the new stuff to work?
>>59213 That's fucking wild. Seeing this go from a cute character mechanic in a tiny Russian indie game to full blown fetish fanservice is nuts. Hats off to the dev for being so unbelievably cool about this.
Pretty solid gameplay loop in the free version. Anyone got the Patreon version? https://jupitarian.itch.io/fataclysm
>>59223 >AIslop better than nothing I guess
>>59223 10/1 odds the dev is never watching this but there is a desperate need to refine how they deliver all the lore, way too many incomprehensible sci-fantasy names back to back Some real darmok and jalad at tanagra shit If the bitch is a soldier, call her a soldier
>>59223 I was playtasting this stuff and the fact it's suddenly paid now really fucking annoys me. I don't think it ever was stated anywhere it will be paid.
>>59223 >>59242 The gall to charge 10 bucks per month. I could at least stomach a one-time purchase, but all hype I had for this release has soured. As much as I support devs in this space to make money, I can't help but feel the greediness from this one, especially with the use of AI art
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>>59223 >>59243 whoa... so this is the power of ai slop..
>>59269 I wonder if the guys making Progeria would be able to get at least half as much
>>59269 This is legitmately so gross, it's almost as bad as the reams of DA accounts that have popped up over the past year that offer nothing but computer generated slop to the point that their galleries rack up THOUSANDS of image entires within months. All whilst charging people money for the privilege of viewing their gallery. People within this scene are using this technology as nothing more than a means to make a quick buck by making the lowest effort shit imaginable. And the problem is joe everyman is actually okay with these cookie-cutter uncanny waifus and is more than willing to pay money for this, so actual artists and game devs get overshadowed by the popularity of this garbage. Over $1k a month and all this fucker had to do was put in a few prompts to a neural network trained on stolen art, whilst working with a basic bitch visual novel engine a caveman could make a game with. Fuck this, fuck this so much.
>>59274 is this reply from a bot or schizo? feels like i’ve been seeing way more straight up nonsensical replies in threads recently
>>59276 Always has been... I still remember the dude named Joel on youtube feederism channels who would always write BELLY GURGLE BURP NOISES everythere, I feel like these guys are the same but with 2 more IQ (can stop writing in caps at least)
>>59276 Schizo,they've been here for months and are posting on pretty much every board. A lot of people are quick to say it's a bot but the thing is, the 'voice' and tone of these schizo posts is very consistent even if what they say 90% of the time is nonsense, And they speak in a way that most A1 bots wouldn't. On rare ocassions schizo anon has also directly acknowledged the actual contents of posts and put out semi-coherent replies that prove beyond any shadow of a doubt these messages are being written by a person, weird as they are. Jannies are having a field day try to curb this as whoever's responsible is bouncing from IP to IP constantly. Not sure what the end goal of this spam is as these posts just end up being minor nusiances more than anything else, but yeah this is a thing now.
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Received another Galinas belly selfie from the dev, thats for her third WG stage
>>59283 Nope, I say months because this specific individual has only been here a few months and I know that because I've actively visited this site for years and have only seen these consistently posted non-seqitur comments show up with this much intensity over the past few months. I ain't no newfag. I was here back when mystiquesoniafag was sperging out on the draw board in full force, before they were bullied off the board and became a permeantely mute 'tard. Of course this site always gets its share of weirdos because of the tendency of this fetish to attract nerudoivergent people like fly paper for some reason, but I'm fairly fucking confident this schizo anon has not been here for more than a year.
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>>59223 >jumpscare 10 dollars AIsloppa >10 dollars AIsloppa DEVELOPMENT ALPHA TESTING Pass. I'm tired of feeding the greed of devs putting games in development hell, and this one is low effort AI garbage on top. Maybe for 1 dollar.
>>59288 >1 dollar. It's not even worth that though, as a game it represents the absolute fucking bare minimum amount of effort and it's full of deriative image gen pictures that the """"developer"""" almost certainly made for free or at minimal cost defecit to themselves. This dev deserves to have all their money stolen for being pathethic enough to try and profit off AIslop instead of making a game with genuine passion and creative integrity.
>>59019 Now I'm wondering if fifth stage going to be last one or we'll be able to get her even bigger. Anyway, I'm intrigued how it will turn out in the end.
Anon from last night here. Anyone else having the soft lock issue with Sultan's Harem that I was talking about? The other anon said he was having the same issue, but didn't get back to me on whether he gave starting another save file a shot. If anyone HAS tried making another save, would you mind letting me know if it worked?
>>59216 How do you unlock Fatima in the harem? I finished her 50g orders
>>59321 You gotta talk to Arya to have Fatima in the harem.
>>59321 >>59216 NVM she becomes unlocked after Arya is level 6
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>>59325 Dandy's Gorge Valley is easily the best weight gain game being worked on right now. Dude is really cooking lately.
>>59324 Are you on an old or new save file?
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>>59326 It's awesome sauce, simply put.
>>59327 New, thought I'd raw dog the whole game again
>>59284 Do the devs have an ETA on when all this will be implemented?
>>59329 Could you do me a solid and let me know if you run into the soft lock issue?
Hey sorry for the inconvenience but someone has access to blobygon's patreon so I can update the kemono if I didn't bring enough money I understand
>>59340 Are you having a fucking stroke?
>>59323 Do you know how to get "katrina", its blocking my progress saying I need to talk to her, but there is literally nothing.
>>59347 How far into the game are you? What stage is she at?
>>59298 It would cool to see her get up to like 9 stages. 3 for her red dress, 3 for the current blue one, and then maybe a yellow or green dress for the last 3. I know two of her CGs in the game change with her weight level, but if the dev doesn’t want to create several more they could always just lock the later stages until after the ball dance (which is the last Galina CG scene in the current game.) Of course that’s just wishful thinking. I’m more than pleased with what we’re already getting with the selfies, 5th Galina weight stage, and new content for the other girls.
>>59347 basically you need to get all of the kingdom stats like political power and all that junk to 100 to unlock katrina.
>>59304 Works fine on a fresh save. Set preferences to skin already seen. Use skip to fast forward over old content (some has been updated or refined so skip will stop at time). Quickly get up to date.
>>59382 To Skip even
>>59382 >>59383 Much appreciated, big guy. Thanks for the reply!
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https://mab.to/t/50hOgiQhesx/eu1 latest build of fataclysm
>>59336 What was the issue?
>>59399 If it helps, when I unlocked Fatima in the harem she was at a level 6 IIRC, I unlocked the conquest around when every skill was simultaneously 100
>>59411 Okay, new save it is. I have my political power, troops, and popular opinion all 200-300+.
>>59411 Also, would you happen to have played Coven of Calahree? If so, do you know the code to the chest in level one? I really don't feel like playing the game over again to buy the objects that gets you the password, but I will if nobody knows it.
>>59356 ah, thanks, though I already deleted the game bc I thought it was unfinished or smth lmao
>>59415 You can recover it from your recycling bin and it will have your progress saved.
can anyone share the new sultans harem update?
>>59427 https://gofile.io/d/8QOHeO
>> 59397 Thanks boss
sadly cannot get the Blobygon dev Build for technical reasons - someone relieve us and drop/update plz
Does someone have the new Version of FeedMyAffection?
>>59414 Don't bother with that game. The dev never finished putting in the stuff he promised he was going to do ie Bad Ending viewer, bad endings for chapter 4 and 5, etc.
>>59284 I honestly didn't expect much coming out of contacting, so safe to say this is a fantastic development. Still thinking someone on the dev time might be an FA though
>>59355 9 stages would be nice, but, considering how progression and relationships work in game, I highly doubt this will happen. It will be hard to compress remaining stages on last 9 days without making you dump a lot of money on presents or without skipping some stages. 5-7 stages look more realistic. I'm also not sure how dev is going to implement content for other girls. I mean, sure, Galina is perfect for this fetish, but others? I'm not sure about it.
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>>59461 >>59458 >>59355 So I am coming in with a new batch of updates for Progeria Vae Victis, I think this is the last one, but not because there won't be more content, but because the devs want to keep some content for unlocking. They have decided to redraw the second dress into a more attractive one and they said there will be a third dress There will be a new CG with Galina that you will be able to access at any time which will reflect all her weight stages, and there will be more opportunities to see the 18+ CGs so you will be able to see Galina at several stages in one walkthrough For Valeria the dev said they will make a diet sabotage story. Once you are in a relationship with her, she will ask you to help "shed off a few pounds", because she is too broke to hire a mage to burn the excessive fat. She trusts you deeply and agrees to do anything you suggest. She will also change her outfit into a sports one. The dev asked for feedback if you guys think this is an interesting concept.
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>>59464 That's so tiresome... It has been a while since there was a great game around. Decent? Yes, maybe. This is a decent game, but not a great one. Speaking of, does anyone know if misekoya got an update?
>>59466 Dude you are getting a fully voiced-over hand-drawn game with an actual story, you are too greedy
>>59464 I'd be more interested in not a diet sabotage one so much as a helping her accept her weight and love of eating one. Like she suggests the diet and asks for your help, you say you love her as she is, she says something like "well I'll do this with or without you" but after every workout she gets hungry or tempted by you until she realises you mean it and gives up the diet
>>59468 Well. Art is rather bland, the story is also retarded? I don't know what to say really, and I certainly cannot share your enthusiasm.
>>59471 If you have nothing to say, do not say anything. Hard concept, I know. The average game in this fetish either has basic RPG Maker sprites with no weight stages (hello misekoya) or is straight up drawn in MS Paint. And the average story is "so there is this one girl, you can make her gain weight". This shit was not even trying to be a fetish game and already succeded at the aspects 99% of WG games fail at. At the very least, its very hypocritical to criticise a game of this quality in the same message with asking for a misekoya update. Yeah, I assume you are the same person, because otherwise I do not know why you decided to barge into a conversation just to say "I don't know what to say"
>>59473 Yes, indeed I did ask if misekoya got an update, since it was reasonable for me to ask this before I opened xitter and checked it for myself. And I didn't ask for the update itself, and, as far as I am concerned..? https://notanui.fanbox.cc/posts/3746915 And I disagree, misekoya is at the very least more-or-less complete game, and rpgmaker isn't the worst engine out there either. You can say it's the japanese work ethics that do score over timmies making circle tool illustrations for their games. Maybe it is the case. However, is it really necessary to make a loredump and miryad of other offshoots just to... fill the contextual void of it being purposely created wanking material? And that speaks quite a lot, I think, doesn't it? If an author couldn't make a good indie game, he or she might eventually do a spinout to add wank to it. A reasonable maneuver, since many flaws can be overlooked if it's a fetish game. So what is it? A fat fetish game with way too much other plastic deco or a game that failed to become (whatever the original vision was) and had to be debased since the author understood the level they hoped to achieve was out of reach? >Yeah, I assume you are the same person Sure I am, dynamic IPs are a thing, you know.
>>59476 As I said already, if you have nothing to say, do not say anything. Your whole reply is filled with semantics and points no one cares about, while failing to adress the reasons why you are accused of being hypocritical. >And I didn't ask for the update itself, and, as far as I am concerned..? This does not change anything. Whether you asked for an update or an update about an update, the point is you are interested in shitty free-asset game without a story, a game that a 12 y.o coomer would create over the weekends without further updates. And I would not accuse you of liking shit like this if you were not criticising something that is objectively better drawn. >However, is it really necessary to make a loredump and miryad of other offshoots just to... fill the contextual void of it being purposely created wanking material? What are you even looking for then? Your "great game" has basic JRPG sprites, is in japanese and has no story. >Sure I am, dynamic IPs are a thing, you know. OK, got it. I thought you moved to a different house in a day or something. That was very useful to the conversation and helped your point.
>>59464 I think all of the Galina stuff sounds great. Valeria is my second favorite of the girls so I'm looking forward to what they do with her. As for a failed diet arc, that sounds like fun, although speaking purely from my own preferences, I'd rather see her gain the weight in a less manipulative way then the protagonist purposefully sabotaging her diet. Contrast that with how Galina's weight gain starts where it's a byproduct of how you decide to support her in your conversation with her. But then again, this is a game with some pretty dark and uncomfortable moments (the torture scene in particular was pretty hard for me to play through, to be honest.) I don't think it would feel out of step with the game's world if the devs want to go down that route. It's all fiction so it really doesn't make that big a difference. I'd tell the devs to just go with their gut and cook up whatever they think will be the most fun. +1 for the sports outfit though. Valeria's current outfit would hide a lot of the weight gain until the later stages. So it's probably worth giving her a new one once she starts trying to diet.
>>59485 >Edgelord and prince of cringe, his everlasting majesty. How nice it is to torture the girls you want to fuck. It's not torturing a girl you want to fuck, it's you playing as another character that tortures the hired killer that was supposed to assassinate MC. The character does this to extract information about the employer. Also, you can skip this scene by checking off the "violent scenes" before starting a new playthrough. Thanks for the picrel though, really suits your messages.
>>59457 I didn't ask for your opinion of the game, I asked for the chest code. I've already finished the game and I really liked it. Do you know the code or not?
>>59464 New dress looks nice. I like it. >For Valeria the dev said they will make a diet sabotage story. Once you are in a relationship with her, she will ask you to help "shed off a few pounds", because she is too broke to hire a mage to burn the excessive fat. She trusts you deeply and agrees to do anything you suggest. Idea is interesting, but other idea that anon suggested earlier is viable too. Although it's not about her accepting her weight, but about eco activism (if I understood her words correctly at restaurant). Maybe let player decide: sabotage her diet or take direct approach? Also it would be nice different reactions to presents at different stages? For example, Valeria doesn't like fast food because she worked at fast food place. But after gaining significant amount of weight, when you try gift her fast food again, she begins to hesitate. From one side, she hates everything that reminds of her old job, but on the other side, it's tasty food and she wants to eat it (after she accepts that it's pointless being vegetarian). It would be nice to add something like that to Galina too.
reminder: this is not the steam game discussion forum!
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>>59544 Alright. So here comes a request. Recently had a nostalgic mood, so here it goes. Does anyone here have an old version (circa 2021) of Starbound: Big Fatties mod? >which one? That is compatible with mrmoto's granular mod and GUTF. Speaking of GUTF, would be glad if someone can share it too.
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It's more a call to fellow data hoarders than anything, would be glad if someone has it. My fatty game collection was nuked around late 2021, so yeah, it does suck sometimes.
>>59545 I might gotchu my nigga heres my mods folder from late 2020 - sadly no GUTF tho https://gofile.io/d/F7XNwa
Can someone post Blobygon new Dev Build? https://www.patreon.com/user?u=71693949
Anyone know if the next Sultan's Harem update is out for android?
Anybody have it?
>>59617 use you fucking eyes >>59432 >https://gofile.io/d/8QOHeO
you search websites with your eyes? use search functions! and plz someone share or update Blobygon
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How do I get Rileigh at this point???
>>59623 nothing new in the new build worth sharing, broky
piracy has gotten lazy.
>>59672 Take a hike, touch some grass, and maybe get a job instead of begging and whining daily for an update that hardly adds much
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>>59548 Cheers! That was of great help. Now if given some luck someone would drop v2021 of Big Fatties and GUTF, and we'd be done with remaking the old stash. I am thinking of making a synth modpak by gluing together bits and pieces of old mod together. >>59672 >i can't have something I want NOW NOW NOW How tiresome.
Don't suppose anyone is subscribed to this https://www.patreon.com/ChunkyCheerleader ?
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If anyone has played the house on hog hill chapter two, how do I get the girl out of the freezer
>>59708 explore the surroundings of the fast food restaurant hint: check the bathroom joel and the locker btw unrelated note but https://www.patreon.com/user?u=367039 i'd really like to check the update for his VN without paying money for an alpha
>>59708 also is it me or is the creator of this game feel like the avatar? He arrives delivers a banger and considers prime game material shit and abandons only to return back with stellar updates only to dissapear again. Maybe he'll return this halloween who knows...
>>59397 Anybody got an update on this? Unless I'm stupid or something, link doesn't seem to work. Thanks and/or apologies in advance.
>>59727 After some looking, found this on some korean website (not my link) aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvMUNvMlZTU1IjSU5LNW5xY2M3S2Y5Qmt1dENvMEp6V3VILTd0MGpGUVNuUkQ1SENqR2xaWQ== Paid supporter version 0.1
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aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3J1bS53ZWlnaHRnYW1pbmcuY29tL3QvcC1rZW0tbi1sYXJkLWEtZmF0dHktY2VudHJpYy1wLWtlbS1uLXJlZ2lvbi10aGUtNC1neW1zLXVwZGF0ZS1ub3ctd29ya3MtcmVhbC1ub3QtY2xpY2tiYWl0LzM4MDY4 It's only a Demo, but a fairly good one at that
>>59288 Even without the AI slop it should be free as they due to the fact they didnt finish their first project anyone should wait before giving them a cent
>>59746 Is it just fat pokemon or actually fat chicks too?
>>59823 It has both. Most pokemon caught are fat off the bat or evolve to be fat(ter). Same goes for trainers being fat off the fat, with gym leaders gaining weight after beating them and finding them congregated in one house in 2nd or 3rd last town in current build location (can't remember the town name) The player trainer is able to gain weight with every gym leader they beat. That said, get ready to grind like crazy or hack/save-edit rare candies to 999, game has poor balancing/scaling with 4th gym already hitting level 50ish.>>59823
>>59827 Average pokemon fangame. I also gotta say i appreciate the attempt to make fakemon based off food but imma be fr here these are more horrifying than some of the ghost pokemons tbh
>>59813 >>59288 Honestly shame. On a gameplay standpoint it is really interesting, and the roguelike element makes the concept of dying to see the "bad endings" feel less stupid and fit in naturally. Shame that they decided to use dumbass AI slop art. Shouldn't even be charging for that game at all. What a way to completely waste a great idea.
>>59019 heyo Do you think I can contact the authors and offer them help with drawing fat?
>>59874 Yeah, why not, message Sanliya on Steam, she knows English
>>59730 could aynone reup this please?
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>>59877 Nice, then I'll text her and offer to help. Arts in game are excellent, but it is noticeable that Their Artist Has a low skill in drawing fats so I think i can help then with that like further stages for other girls, and maybe rework the existing images of Galina. (Btw that's my arts, that aint much, but it's an honest work)
>>59894 Looks great, nice job!
>>59896 Thx mate, and Looks like ive got a job!
The new Feed My Affection update is out! Any kind person wanna share it?
>>59730 Already nuked from orbit
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>>59894 >>59899 LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Make them fat as fuck bro.
>>60010 Depends, is it an update of any of the interesting characters, or just more of Becca? The stalker and the rich girl are more interesting, but they get so little focus. Hell, on the stalker girl's route, you HAVE to visit Becca constantly...
>>60010 Sure https://mega.nz/folder/15VgTBZB#tvUiONSHFM9cVCqJkCDnkg
>>60088 A bit of correction, the character I was thinking of was Wanda.
Hey, anyone can update Shenzel's kemono? Also, anyone knows a good non-furry character or game for M.U.G.E.N. with the same vibe as Crushing Force?
>>60016 Newest upload for Fataclysm aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvOUtnRDBScGIjMDdaLUwtLTU4aktCaWFMN25jcDdEMlFmYlo4bkxuMjRWZ3N6R0hMcGdBQQ== Sorry for not updating, I contacted the uploader a few days ago and asked them to update the link with the latest version that includes bugfixes, and this is it. Couldn't post here because I was a bit busy then, but here I am now. Sorry again.
>>60208 Sorry for not texting you earlier bb. Enjoy.
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New patch for Progeria is almost ready! Will be finished in a week or two
>>60288 Let's fucking go as soon as it's out i'm buying the game
>>60293 The game or the Patch? The game is out https://store.steampowered.com/app/1819890/Progeria_Vae_Victis/
Still perplexed on how this is turning from a VN puzzle game with a weight gain side plot to a full-on fetish game but I'm not complaining. If they release an artbook or dlc I'll buy it
>>60294 Can anyone tell me how much wg content the game already has? Is it just this character or some other characters too? How much of a focus is the wg content for said characters. I am very much considering buying this game.
>>60112 Have been playing for a while, I wonder how can I trigger Yuki's and Delilah's story?
anyone got the new D.I.E.T?
>>60301 >see spike in sales off a minor detail that you added in the game >be smart >please your audience >make more profit Most people like money, it's that simple.
New version of Chunky Cheerleader, someone pls?
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>>60301 >>60335 We did it BBW-Chan! Or at least that one guy who was hyper-fixated on Progeria, but either way, we did it!
>>60112 Thanks for the post, but honestly Tonbelly's gotten so fucking lazy. I was expecting there was some AI art involved a few updates ago but not this fucking bad, like the update itself would be fine, but seeing all that AI slop just kinda ruined it for me.
>>60306 Every day you can check in on Galina and give her gifts of fast food, chocolates, an entire wedding cake, or various alcoholic drinks. She progressively gets more stuffed as you do so, and resets every day. Depending on how much you've fed her, she can gain weight and have a new sprite with new stuffing stages the next day. There are 4 stages to this. There's also a 2 CGs tied to her weight level - if you take her out on a date to the movies, she'll order progressively more drinks/popcorn in the CG, and be chubbier too. The second CG is later in the game where she spends the night with you, and she'll be bigger in the CG depending on her weight level Note: at current patch you can only take her out to the cinema once, I'd recommend saving before seeing the CG and rolling back so you can see her at higher weights (atm the cinema CG has 3 variations)
For those that played chub chomp chill, what even are like the size thresholds? Cause I’m almost at 50k in weight and trying to figure out when I’m gonna be immobile
>>60294 Meant the patch lol
>>60308 Delilah, Do the Pizza deliveries, at first she'll flirt with you, then 2nd or 3rd delivery she'll invite you in, go along with it. Yuki - Not sure it it's tied to Delilah or not to progress but to start it go the the area where the Pizza shop is and when you feel you're being followed, RUN.
in sultans harem does somebody know how to trigger the scene with oracle and your sister after you see her stuffing herself? i had it pop up once, but i accidentally hit back and now it wont show up again and i dont know wat i did to make it happen
>>60419 also i only say the first frame of it and it doesnt show up in my history as if it didnt happen
Anyone can share the new version of Chunky Cheerleader, pls? https://www.patreon.com/posts/chapter-5-linux-105305080?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=join_link
>>60414 >>60308 Yuki is the only good character in this game. Everyone else is either overly ugly, a cheating whore, or a selfish piece of shit.
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ok yall so i have 0 knowledge on programming but I am a writer that loves wasting time in making fat fics so here's a bizarre proposition. I believe that out of the many VN's that exist I believe that snoot game/I wani hug that gator could have potential in terms of the modding departement asnd have a full length VN. My reasoning on how this could work is similar to snoot game? I wani s game design that being depending on how much you improve as a person throughout the game the better the ending. I understand a good amount of yall aren't furries/scalies but fuck it this is alt afterall. So my proposition for snoot is simple since not only fange could be naturally chubby at the start of the game due to casual stress eating but considering the stereotype with lgbt people are fat, I think there could be potential with fang being instead of nonbinary maybe she s that or with fat pride. Anon could either be someone from bbw chan instead of a 4chan poster or hell a troll who makes fun of architect posting until he becomes one. As for Olicvia and Inco truthfully I admit I still need to play I wani hug that gator but obese wheelchair croc gf is something a few of us dream of. This isn't really a business proposition but more like a dream post to some regard. Thoughts?
>>60576 I ain't reading that shit. Go back to your own board furry.
>>60576 I mean I’m not a furry…. But that first picture tho
>>60576 Idea seems... interesting? It would be fun to watch how random troll slowly becomes unironically into it. Good luck coding and finding proper artist though. (Maybe you're one of those millionaires who likes furry shit and it will be easy for you, but I doubt that)
>>60576 >I know most y'all ain't furries. Then don't post this shit here, please and thank you. Like seriously, this attitude of "thIS is aLT so I'LL juST POst ThiS hEre." is responsible for almost every single wasted dead on arrival thread created by spergs. This board is eclectic, yes. But it still has a primitive level of cohesion and isn't a catchall dumping ground for whatever shit you feel like posting. Hell it's not even the matter of principle that you already have your own dedicated space to talk about this, it's that it literally doesn't make sense to bring this here. People who aren't furries are ridiculously unlikely to be interested in a fur game, hell I'm not even familiar with the game you're talking about and I imagine that'd be true of most people who don't fuck with this shit. And yet you talk about as if you just expect everyone here to be intimately familiar with the game and characters, that's legitimately just fucking stupid. And my god, if you're actually a writer I shudder to think how shitty your fics must be considering how unnecessarily longwinded and poorly articulated your idea pitch is. You're lacking a baseline level of acceptable English grammar, how can you even call yourself a writer?
It would be nice if anon changed with the fang. For example, anon in every way against fat, but the more he recognizes fang, then love for fat changes and begins to love it. After all, in the original anon and fang changed. >>60576
Anyone have the new Chunky Cheerleader or an update for the kemono?
Anyone out there got the latest version of Insatiable Hearts by Owlkaline? It has new clothing mechanics that interact with your weight gain that I'm dying to try.
Anyone have the new update of diet or chunky cheerleader?
>>60365 So what I’ve gathered so far is 75,000 for immobility, 100,000 for warehouse and 400,000 for city size, not sure about continental and space sizes yet
>>58644 >>59054 >>53988 https://web.archive.org/web/20240604075501/https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/53988.html >>59072 How new are you? OPs need to archive bumplocked threads and include links in the OP post.
>>60706 >I've been on this site for a half decade yup, newfag- no one's reading that.
latest "inflation inc." by "KannaScape Games" anyone?
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Well, I already managed to find the new girl (I think you have 100 military points and from there wait to get the map to conquer Baldur) but I'm stuck in its 2nd phase, The oracle already gave me the potions but I don't know how to give them to her, I would appreciate your help.
>>60800 aHR0cHM6Ly9mOTV6b25lLnRvL3RocmVhZHMvaW5mbGF0aW9uLWluYy12MC0yNS1rYW5uYXNjYXBlLWdhbWVzLjIxMDg4Mi8=
Anybody have house on hog hill ?
>>60576 >I am a writer >Bad spelling >Missing punctuation >Weak grammar Checks out
>>60680 seconding this. need to try this new update if any kings out there have it.
>>60836 >https://trickeepepper.itch.io/the-house-on-hog-hill
>>60112 Could you reup the link or share it some other way?
>>60667 seconding this. need to try this new update if any kings out there have it
Who has weighting game 8??
Anyone got Dairy Tale? Any good?
Weirdbeardo89 is back and put his game in pay made. Lucky they are cheap
>>60954 no one? it's not something that even exists, shesh, not only is begging against the rules, but begging for something that doesn't exist is insane
Ya didn't get these from me, bub. Capeesh? aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWozTHFRMGladk4=
anyone got diet 0.26? it was on kemono for 1 milisecond this weekend :P
>>61034 can you upload the linux version, too, champ?
>>61034 Is there Chunky Cheerleader?
Does anyone have the direct download link for the new version of the game? the kenomo one leads to the drive that asks for permission to access
anyone have chub wizard's new visual novel
>>60288 Is there any news on the patch release date?
>>61024 First. It exists. At least one person on here has said they have it Second. Have you read this board? 90% of the posts are the same few people begging for the same few games. At leat this dude asked for something different. Shesh indeed
>>61024 Criticises for begging >>61070 Begs himself two posts later Hypocrtical fuckwad
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I guess nothing new, welp. Even nothing by adding please? No?
>>61102 which game?
hes talking about diet
wonder what solitary scribbles is cooking, how he plans to update CCC ?
>>61034 I saw nothin'
>>60207 Hey, Fataclysm V0.1.1 update has laucnhed. Do you have it? If you don't mind pls share with us.
It's sad that no new games are being created recently. Of course i don't mind having x amount of same games being regularly updated, but we all know that even "popular" games tend to die out of nowhere (like thicker treat), if this trend continues then in 4-5 years we're going to be left with a few games locked behind paywalls only.
>>61283 I agree, but thats just the way it goes. Only reason we got spoiled with so many games was due to a certain epidemic that gave everyone the time to make them
>>61283 Yeah, Feeder Fantasy was one of the best games of 2023 and I'm happy it even became as good as it is now. But I follow the developer on twitter, he hasn't posted any updates recently. It also doesn't help that he's Japanese and everything
anyone wanna give me a hint as to how to use these links y'all are posting like >>60835 or >>60207
>>61298 I'm impressed people still need base64 explained to them.
I'm not on a chan board enough to know that sorta thing, lmao but cheers
>>60835 Should say the link is outdated, we're now on verson 0.40 now
>>61235 Already asked a particular supporter for a link a few days back, though I'm not in direct communication with them. I'm not even sure if they still have access to the Patreon. Will post here as soon as I get it though, if at all. No promises.
If anyone could share the new evoria update I'd be appreciated. I know it's coming out for free 2 weeks later so it's not too big of a deal.
>>61235 >>61411 So apparently someone was nice enough to update the Kemono page. Unfortunately though, the Kemono post doesn't have a download link for the Game, just a link to the Patron exclusive Itch.io page, which requires a Patreon account to access. So, well still need someone to actually share the Game.
>>61613 as much as I hate to give money to AI art I cant deny the rest of the game is well put together and the writing isn't dogshit Ill post a link If I grab It so im the only dipshit who has to give him money
>>61643 the budget had room for stupid shit so I caved and got it. Id feel bad if the dude didnt have a 150 dollar tier and 4k monthly aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvRTNGMzJUWVIjN0hqSDg0WjJNZTYzVFlyM0Fua09uT1JKVVo5ak9ZY2dxYnBENUdKdkFtOA==
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>>61645 >4k monthly
Anyone please have the new chunky cheerleader, or an update to the kemono?
>>61645 Thanks, King.
>>61647 Disgusting
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>>61647 I'm in the wrong business
>>61647 >make AI slop >turns it into a fetish game >"people" will flock to it likes flies on shit Lmao, looking grim for humanity.
>>61666 if this is about fataclysm, i hate ai garbage myself, but the ai art is consistent and the writing is solid, so fml, im enjoying it
>>61667 I don't think you understand the future consequences of this "acceptance" for AI. Eventually most people will turn into "useless class" and have nothing to do with their existences. The great technological replacement is happening, and you are welcoming it with open arms. Ask yourself where future human generations will find themselves because of it.
>>61669 calm down neo
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>>61669 >Saying all this >On the internet >Where AI is everywhere And Anon was never heard from again. >>61670 Sounds more like Morpheus.
>>61669 Bruh youre trying to terrorize a bunch of terminal coomers, like hell we care about future generations. And who wants kids in this economy to begin with.
BL0BYG0N Dev build time again
>>61722 >who wants kids in this economy to begin with I like dark humor and they'll become strong bastards when they grow up instead of the nancys we got running around now.
>>61645 I decided to give this a try and say something about how it plays for anyone else who is curious. It sucks. It has a breathtaking lack of run variety for a roguelike. There are like four encounters per area, two areas, and none of the items I found changed how I played. So on a gameplay level it's a roguelike without run variety, which is a really cruel insult for a game in the genre lol. For the fetish side of things: the writing is decent but it seems like the dev is leaning more into the AI slop over writing, so you don't see much of it aside from in very sparse, overlong chunks at the special events. Most of the time you just keep fighting the same soulless homunculi women, with no descriptions, nothing. The events were really nice when I got to them, because they actually had the only human touch in the entire game. Of course, they are very small in number (remember: no run variety!) and make up <5% of playtime, so not a good marker for enjoyment. I keep squinting at the 4k a month he's making off this and I don't even feel mad. Is this like an elaborate joke or something?
>>61740 I'd say it's actually almost 5000 dollars, but still...yeah, that number seems artificial as fuck
>>61740 Just want to point out that there are descriptions for the party members at each weight stage, it's just that they are under the party status tab which is only available when you're not in combat.
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>>61645 >4k for a guy who couldnt even finish his first project meanwhile Insatiable Hearts is only 730 what the fuck
has there been like any halfway decent fat games in the past year? i swear the only time we get okayish stuff is during gain jams except those have been fucked now and it feels like there's nothing aside from ai slop
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Can Someone Post Blobygons new update?
Does anyone know the status of that cow game the sometimes cozy made last year? Has there been no updates even on the patron side of things? Also does anyone have access to insatiable hearts' most recent update?
>>61791 I just peeked again recently, moo moo manor is still 0.1.1 sadge
does anyone have the newest copy of Sabrina the hungry witch? Preferably the mac version.
>>60288 how's the update going? asking for a friend
Does anyone have any newer versions of Gain Of Life? Kemono only has up to 39.3, last update was v 45
>>61645 That’s nothing. Volkenfox’s WG/TF raised over $24,000. And it’s still not out after 5 years. Not even an early release.
>>61849 what, was there another one besides pirate's fate?
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/71693949 Someone update Blobygons kemono? New customization update
>>61861 Yeah he’s making another one called State Of Flux. It’s mostly him making it, that other guy he had isn’t involved. Honestly if I donated a lot of this I’d be pissed off at this point. It doesn’t even seem like he hired people to help him out, which is a completely idiotic thing to do for a project of this scale. I swear he pocketed a lot of that money for personal expenses, and very little went the actual game. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/602794227/state-of-flux-a-furry-transformation-visual-novel
Here’s the latest blobygon build, just put it in the base 64 decoder. Have fun :P aHR0cHM6Ly9iaXQubHkvM3o0dFBjVg==
>>61896 Not bad. The character's face doesn't get fatter only when you get to blob, same with legs feet and arms. All weight gain goes to the character's ass which looks horrible beofore the blob tier. But not that bad.
Gonna ask here as a hail mary; any games that have a blueberry inflation theme to them?
>61970 Try this. Blueberry's not really my thing so I haven't played it yet. I did enjoy the game they made before this, watering the plant girl, which you also might find interesting. https://someoneinflative.itch.io/ddlc-of-berries-and-love
>>61831 Looks like they made a shit ton of content and they need some extra time putting it in. Its 17 new CGs, 30 pages of text and some voice lines
>>61974 well shit, wasnt expecting voice lines too. hyped
>>61969 Eh, as a massive fan of ass I like it :P
>>61973 Played both of those; they're fairly nice but rather limited. I also know of Weeb's Wonka Game, which has some fairly good berry content in it but is a text game. Link in case you care. >https://weeblordda.itch.io/weebs-wonka-game I've already played a lot of this stuff practically to death, but can't find anything else that really satisfies the berry fetishist in me. At this point I'm halfway considering learning how to work with Twine to make a game for myself, even though I've got not a single programming bone in my body.
>>61974 Very nice, buying it the second the update comes out.
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RoyalJellySandwich made a game! Check it out!
>>62058 >Furry Fuck off.
>>62058 Link?
>>62071 Damn bro u weak
>>62058 Kinda ugly, ngl. >>61969 I think the dev said something about more body shapes before the blob stage in the next update, hopefully.
chub chomp chill 1.2 is out on patreon and free next week
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>>58825 I thought it was a pure cash grab initially but given the posts since this one, I'm finding it a lot harder to ignore I'll be honest, artstyle and engine are really not my thing but if the update hype pans out, I'll be interested but I am more keen to learn more about what their plans are for other games going forward - preferably with more modern design and tools. Mfers here whinge about weightgaming (for good and bad reasons) but I think sharing that and seeing what she thinks makes a lot more sense than exposing her to our degeneracy lol
>>62124 >exposing russian game/dev to weightgaming Nah, and to keep up with the spirit on shitting on weightgaming, we don't need furry content to be clamored for while the dev's cooking
>>61669 If it was between science fiction-tier AI and illegal immigrants, I'd rather have the superior sentience. Sadly OpenAI is nowhere near that smart (yet), and we're either going to blow ourselves up from WW3 or run out of circuit designs to print before we get to skynet, as AI is only achievable due to modern advancement of the internet. Microsoft is the biggest funder to AI projects, if their new toy can't guarantee more investors AI will probably will go back to the dark ages for being too much a money sink. But hey, if Elon can deliver on the Teslabot, at least we can put a fatsuit on it and get 7 minutes of heaven before societal collapse, one way or another. If AI does get regulated to a golden means, I hope we at least keep the copilot software. Can we at least agree that programming sucks and deserves at least a spellcheck?
Anyone have the new Sweet update? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/19867915/post/106587972
Anyone has the new feed my affection?
Did anyone play the Overglow 2 demo? It seems like it has potential.
>>62266 aint out yet
Anyone got the latest Queen Sized patreon build?
RoyalJellySandwich is working on another game: GutBuster! (He's still working on the other one too, but this one is further along in production.) The premise in this Buster Bros./Pang inspired arcade/casual game is that you're one of Rebbecca's blood cells, tasked with the duty of digesting her food as it enters the stomach, at the demands of her greedy boss cell. It'll feature lots of animation, funny gags and, of course, lots of eating and weight gain! He intends to release this for free when it's finished but if you want to support the development, you can donate to his Patreon, for $3 you get early access to select builds, and for $5 you can access all builds via the exclusive Discord! https://patreon.com/royaljellysandwich
>>62413 No, but I got news about GutBuster. >>62419
>>62420 Nobody asked, furry.
>>62430 Well, RJS is also developing that merge game. https://www.patreon.com/posts/merge-game-demo-102191373?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Does anyone know any good pdf/html games like Queen Sized, Big Aspirations, Fataclysm and could recommend them?
>>62419 I cannot think of a single person who would give a shit. The guy has one of the least appealing art styles ever.
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>>62416 >>62436 Oh wow. How exciting. If you have to shill a game here, it speaks volumes about its quality and interest to it overall.
>>60691 Update to this, about 10 million for continent size and about 20 million for space size. Also, anyone know how I can change the code to get lollipops? Leveling is hella slow to get one
>>62439 I can. Also, his art style is cartoonish, but I love it!
>>62466 >>62467 Hi wildcat
>>62468 You just met his ghost.
>>62454 >>62439 >>62468 Haters gonna hate.
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Someone have Fataclysm V.0.1.1 Paid version?
new feed my affection update is out, any heroes?
>>62513 https://gofile.io/d/kuL1Hq
Someone got the new D.I.E.T. version?
>>62536 Players gonna play.
Does anybody know any fat fetish games that can be played on Android? I don't have a working computer so I want to play on my phone.
Feed my affection 0.53.1 https://mega.nz/folder/U8V0iSZS#zvs27w75TT8Wtlk_c9xkdA
Feed My Affection 0.53.1 https://mega.nz/folder/U8V0iSZS#zvs27w75TT8Wtlk_c9xkdA
>>62466 Cartoonish artstyles can still look good for this sort of art in some cases, like with SuperSpoe or SkalesStash, this is not one of those cases
Anyone got Reflections VN Beta 1.0?
>>62662 A good game to play on mobile, you mean?
Anyone know of any games with fat mods that make you feel how fat the character is. Like slower movement, cut stamina, heavy breathing. Stuff like monster hunter and hoyoverse fat mods don't feel right since I still see the characters flying all over the place with huge ass bodies.
>>62694 skyrim's winterweight ticks some of these boxes, with reduced stamina above a certain weight percentage and a warmth multiplier when installed alongside some survival mods. still doesn't really capture the slowness and heft that you're aiming for
>>62699 I'll take to consideration. Thank you
Making the World a Fatter Place 0.5 is out. Anybody got it?
>>62694 I've been developing on the background a game with those characteristics... and let me tell you, its quite the ordeal... Those mechanics really aren't conductive to good gameplay most of the times... :/
>>62730 What this guy is saying. Fat as a mechanic, especially speed, is one of those things where it can feel like getting punished for indulging in the fetish. Every game that includes "Now the player is slower at moving" just makes it feel annoying. Getting ANYWHERE becomes a chore and while its fine conceptiually or in roleplay, actual, mechanical slowness is not all that fun.
Is anyone in here have played "fill me up" by bobothesecondtwo?
>>62694 I've been playing Starbound with the Starpounds/BigFatties mod and I've been really enjoying it.
Does anybody have Insatiable Hearts?
>>62873 I tried it very lightly, but not much. Is there any weight gain content that isn't "voluntary"? As in, you gotta fatten yourself up?
>>62927 Yeah, there's some. There's a new fat damage type added that is used by enemies as well as you, although it doesn't really do too much and isn't common. The Gluttonists floran tribe uses it mostly. They're still working on builds of it, last one released a few days ago I think. So, more will probably get added.
>>62672 Does anyone know to make Yuki's dress fucking rip already? I filled her affection meter already but she doesn't rip the dress and I wanna see the new content for her
>>62955 I see! Thanks for that. I will keep an eye out for it then! :)
https://www.patreon.com/posts/release-v0-5-107221168?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=web_share Here it is. The link to the 0.5 version of Making the World a Fatter Place. It's made by the same guy that makes The Sultan's Harem.
>>62961 Great! You wanna share the actual content numbnuts?
>>62969 I'm not a patron. I asked for the game in an earlier post.
anyone got chunky cheerleaders?
>>62979 https://gofile.io/d/nu5Yoe
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Update on Gut Buster (Featuring concept art) https://xcancel.com/royaljellysammy/status/1806207489144160435
>>62957 >you just keep stuffing her and it will rip eventually it took me about 10 tries
Can anyone share the the 1.1 release of Joseph Earnwile in the Caves of Sorrow. And if anyone is interested here is the first trilogy aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9Lamd5NWI=
>>62961 Speaking of, could anyone share the sultans harem please?
>>63028 Replied to wrong message mb. Was for >>62961
>>63028 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hdz4SInaSGdUZyElJXBqnL3jmRLVJsJ1
>>62980 Happen to have a link to the game for Mac users?
>>63072 I didn't download it myself, so I can only provide the original download from mega https://mega.nz/file/3m5DyQ7A#z1YMeucdaeBJZekjCDB9oit2L1hwhVlO546Zndwth5I
>>63073 Thanks mate
>>62980 For some reason, it's giving me a bad gateway response when trying to download it
>>62672 Reup/new link? It's removed.
>>63211 https://mega.nz/folder/xwNGQb7A#zvs27w75TT8Wtlk_c9xkdA
bit of a weird ask but does anyone have the most recent build of glut-tonne demon?
Any chance for diet .27 please?
The game is calles "Curvy Town", and the most recient versión is the 4.1 (the 3.0 is free), I would be happy if someone shared it. https://boosty.to/hvostt
>>63385 Do not support the AI slop.
>>58644 Any new updates on the game's development?
>>62702 Hoping for this pls
>>63385 Bigger issue with the game is that the english is not great.
>>63018 What do the random letters and numbers mean
Anyone know how to progress through Delilah's story arc in Feed my Affection?
Can anyone update CupCupMug's kemono? Thanks
There is "new" game called "overfeed dragon crisis", its demo is available on itch io, i found it while browsing weight gaming forum. I like such an idea for game, but i'm curious if paid version is worth its money. Has anyone tried paid version already?
>>63638 Got a link?
>>63490 >>63385 Bigger issue with the game is it's not a game
Anyone have housewife simulator?
Who will share making the world a fatter place 0.5?
Anyone got the new D.I.E.T update?
>>63645 https://reikodium.itch.io/overfeed-dragon-crisis I don't know how to ulock more female dragons though, i bet it's locked behind paid version too
>>63726 I got it and it's pretty underwhelming tbdesu. Gameplay sucks, and you see all the ending screens there are to see on the itch.io page
>>63583 If you're seeing random gibberish instead of a link, your computer probably has spyware. I'd get it checked out right away by someone who isn't going to judge what websites you've been on cause you'll need to give a list of files you've downloaded recently
>>63583 Look up base64 >>63762 You must be fun at parties >>63726 Looking at their other games has me skeptical of quality, especially if this is their first build
>>63762 😱
>>63761 I enjoy this kind of minigames, i'm bored of overcomplicated games with 1000 hours of gameplay and some complex sandbox stuff. I think that Combining some simple minigame with fetish stuff is best way to enjoy wg content, but i'm not really willing to pay for such a games, both because i'm broke and i think that it's not worth more than 1$
Being completely honest, i don't enjoy visual novels at all, i play them only to see fattest models in game. I think that developing game with enjoyable gameplay is much better achievement than mashing some good/bad models of fat girls and adding some shitty story to it. Sadly too many of wg "games" are either furry, visual novels or made in RPG maker.
>>63790 Then don't play them. Whether or not it's a vn is basically always listed. >>63726 Pretty sure this is the same guy as these games. https://kannascape.itch.io/obese-factory Same engine, similar style, very familiar wonky animations. Hell even the menu's are more or less the exact same. Makes me wonder why they'd start uploading fat fetish content under a different account.
>>63385 I really would like to share it, but every time i want to buy a subscription boostly doesn't proceed with the pay so, hoping to someone to buy it, actually the 4.1 is available for tier 1 wich is $1.18 dollars. So maybe even you can help us to have the game 'cause like i said if it was for me i'll happily do it
>>63583 They are the holy language your heretic. You are not worthy yet of knowing the language of the Omnissiah
Sultan's Harem v0.5 is out
oh boy another gain jam coming up i cant wait to see what goes wrong this time
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>>63913 I made a bingo card in honor of the occassion. Phoned in some of the squares, tried to include examples off top of my head unless there were too many to think of
>>63915 I literally forgot about all games that were made during weight gain jam. I'm not any kind of connoisseur, i usually play games and forget about them once i finish, but i can't remind myself about any game that was made for weight gain jam and is still being developed. I do hope next weight gaming jam gonna be better, i can enjoy even well developed game on RPG maker after i finished APOCALYPSE XL. But something tells me that we're going to have invasion of AI VN with story wrote by 11 years old boys.
>>63915 Lol, let's see what happens. Does anyone have Desert shelter by yulia3k? I know the games from that creator are rarely finished and do cost much, but I wish to see how does it all look like under the hood.
>>63915 i'd take off inflation games and add conlficting mod answers and maybe also mods igngore pre-jam sujestions
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>>63399 Yep, the patch is ready. In about an hour it will be posted on weightgaming. Devs are a bit anxious lol Throwing another artwork as a teaser
>>63915 >>63932 id say replace the inflation entry with >one judge cant launch a good game
>>63943 I'm happy it's out, but the updates not on steam? bro I bought the game there during the summer sale for this exact purpose.
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>>63943 So yeah, the patch for Progeria is out guys >>63947 Well the first patch is free for everyone and Steam users will receive another free update. Considering the options this was probably the only way to get more than one update for the game.
>>63948 As long as steam users get the update I’m happy thanks my man.
>>63915 Roops gave everyone 0's but Grim gave higher preference scores than most of the judges on all the games. Not just the goblin ones
>>63915 i like text games so im fine with their being a abundance i just hate how the majority are always eat weight stage(text next update) repeat 0.2 update never
>>63948 I APOLOGIZE for ever doubting this project
>>63948 Holy shit, dev delivered and you're a hero king for getting the ball rolling
>>58658 Based. >>58667 Even more based.
>>63948 Anon, let me give you money already. And the vore scene made me cum buckets, tell the dev to add more if possible, to speed up the weight gain as an option or something, idk. Thanks for existing.
>>63948 You're my hero, you're absolute legend for somehow adding so much WG content into game that was not even focused on that. I don't even care if it's quality content, same fact of pulling that is a huge achievement. Don't forget about your crown
>>63948 Played for a bit last night and the writing for the new weight gain content is pretty great. The original game was well written, but I'm impressed the devs were able to write all this new weight gain dialogue in a way that feels reasonably natural. Almost none of it feels forced. It's still early but hopefully the devs can raise enough money to continue developing this fork of the game. Content like this is a breath of fresh air, especially in a community that is way too oversaturated with rpgmaker, renpy, daz, and AI projects.
>>58696 Go back to Reddit faggot
>>63984 Do you by any chance know when option to call someone unlocks? It's my fifth day of game and when i press "phone" icon in smartphone menu, nothing happens. Due to that i can't even enjoy wg content
>>63992 Call icon is a placeholder, there is nothing behind it
>>63981 That vore scene was certainly a creative use of the setting. I guess you can just create clones of people? I kinda skimmed over the mechanics of it
>>63948 >>63943 I’m more than willing to help the devs out with funding for future content but Bootsy doesn’t seem to like US cards? Mind relaying the message to the devs anon?
>>64013 I think bootsy is just a temp thing since patreon is taking a while to authenticate their account
>>64015 Yeah, their Patreon is out guys
>>64013 >>64015 Patreon got authenticated, go support kino dev for glorious fat Russian chicks
>>64015 >>64018 >>64019 Thanks, cheers boys!
Hopefully it's updated more frequently than most other wg games with patreons
holy shit dude I'm ngl I was a doubter but I can't believe this fatgeria thing worked out so well. Dumb question, but if I buy the game on steam does it currently have more content than the free download that's up on weight gaming?
>>64027 No. They're keeping the steam version it's own separate thing so normal players don't have to wonder about all the new wg content. Instead the wg version will be it's own updated patreon thing
anyone got a copy of the new Sultan's Harem?
>>64031 Isn't 0.4 the most recent?
>>64032 No, they already released 5.0.
>>64051 No, they haven't you schizo
>>64051 No no no silly, livegoeson4 released version 0.5 of their game, not LiveGoesOn with Sultan game made with LustLord
can someone tell me what the fuck im supposed to do in fatgeria for the torture sequence?? cause it keeps reseting and im not sure why since i keep her health up and her insanity below 100
>>64077 You’re supposed to turn off disturbing violence at the start of the game so you don’t have to play through it. Seriously though, it’s the only part of the game I actively dislike due to how finicky it is. You’re supposed to start easy and work your way up to more gruesome actions while managing the mental and physical health so as not to kill them or drive them insane before you get a confession. I had to get through it by trial and error. And I always skip it on replays now.
Does anyone remember a game where you played as a mom working at a store and you had to pay for food to feed your daughter? I can't find anywhere but I know it was on here at one point I think.
i've started to play Fatgeria for real, with combat ENABLED and without being focused only on WG content. TBH this game is unbalanced and very often unfair, the difficulty spikes between some fights are unfair, like first fight with mercenary, or fight in tournament with enemy using constructs - what even are constructs and why can't i check during fight what do they do? The best part is that i've golden sword and special armor and some fights are still RNG based. The platform fighting section that allows you to earn money is annoying, i do hope that at least story stays interesting till very end.
>>64077 In case someone knows how to do that: It's best to mix small/medium tortures, you ALWAYS go for one physical method (I don't remember exact names) and one psychical, heal prisoners only when her sanity/health are low and never do it twice in row. Figuring it out was not that hard (i think there is even tutorial for that during game), but i definitely did not enjoy this scene. These screams were making me feel uncomfortable. Ps. If someone finished Fatgeria already, then does anyone know what's best ending for Galina? I feel like even after spending a lot of time with her and going on all dates, i've missed something.
