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Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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Can someone get the comic called Experiment gone wrong? I’m think the artist was Nommersu but I don’t remember.
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>>63162 Source?
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(4.66 MB 3000x2000 Deerly Ballooned 2.png)
(5.89 MB 5000x2500 Spherical Souls.png)
i still need to actually draw more of this trio at some point, but they're adorable as fat blobs!! >>63335 i wanna see kris convince everyone to get just as big and blimpy as them, all while they keep getting fatter and cuter >:3
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Gentlemen, allow me to bring the best fat Kris art you’ll ever see. Originally I got this as a request from an artist~
(414.25 KB 3000x2000 Astro's Chara.png)
>>63392 Just wanna pinch those cheeks!
>>63392 hyperslob is always great, id gladly lick every single roll of her's before fucking her navel which is probably meters deep =^^=
>>63421 EVERY single gigantic HEFTY roll? Anon you'd be there for eternity! There'd be no time to do any navel fucking and it would be a real shame if you missed out
>>63423 taking that in mind then i'll pound her navel first, and once it's completely full of my cream i'll begin the licking process! it sure will take a LONG while, but nothing's impossible with the power of determination! ^^~
had a dream that i got a handmade obese Chara plushie the size of a beanbag chair
(1.00 MB 849x1200 Frisk 1.png)
>>63392 Source?
>>63423 once you give even a single plap, it'll ripple through those folds for years with just how wide she is, and i dont even think you can even confirm it's the same one with how much fatter they get!! >>63508 i wish more plushies like that existed in general, and that would be nice to lay down on after a long day,,, >>63639 i love seeing chara succumb to their own gluttony and weight, only to be fed more before they can ever do anythin about it
>>63661 watch your footing on them then. youre laying on an ocean of ever thickening rolls, so ride the wave and thrust in time with the rhythm maybe the sounds of them greedilymunching on more chocolate will help!
>>62988 https://xcancel.com/NommersU/status/1547217618834169857#m
>>63678 i should draw kris at some point but you gave me chara moods to indulge in
>>63788 Why so damn complicated? They made a whole damn accessible folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1glcR2nksRkzrg8vU8PWxGCHhasL533yn?usp=drive_link
>>63819 oh this is GOOD. begging you to draw kris and frisk sometime - maybe even clover, all three would be incredible
(23.74 KB 451x364 pants.gif)
>>63819 i'm always in a Chara mood, and she looks pretty great here, thank you
>>63837 That I agree with. there needs to be more chara fats, along with some frisks, kris' and clovers.
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>>63838 >>63824 i didnt get to the rest of the humans yet and my shapes might be janky, but i hope this is still acceptable and i deeply appreciate seein more like these >:3
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>>64037 Hey, I know you from somewhere. You're that anon who made that amazing moon rabbit cookie blob face
>>63837 Swear to god this is just Chubby Chimera
>>64038 i can confirm that's me, and i wouldn't mind hearing any other requests even if im just about to sleep, and i deeply appreciate it and i love all the cute moon rabbit edits in that thread!!!! >>64040 if you mean on the idea front, you aren't wrong about the chara moods if you mean the image attached, it's from the sr pelo animations that might make for a funny doodle if you mean the original series of images, i definitely got inspired by their work and ddddude1 when i first started drawing fat art and had heavy frisk/chara bias and it definitely shows
>>64045 I would love to see more moon rabbits from ya
>>64037 this is so good~!! now make a huge clover too :3 (and also more of frisk and kris of course)
>>64097 i still need to get to this at some point, but my art motivation keeps leaving my body every time i sit upright :( i still think what i've seen of clover is really cute and they deserve more fattening, i just keep forgetting to get to it >>64046 i'd love to draw more of her too even if i dont have any particular ideas besides just making a proper blob of her, and of course i'll probably post it in the cookie run thread instead/if there's any way to directly slap it at you
>>64037 What’s your discord man~! I’d love to talk to you!
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Here’s some Kris fats I have found online these are a bit rare ones My discord is thebafoon by the way
(1.52 MB 480x488 Chocolate-Rain.gif)
* More chocolate.
>>64997 Dude, please tell me that you made that CUZ THAT LOOKS IMPRESSIVE
(2.97 KB 508x295 retrobelly chara.png)
>>65045 We need more!
>>65045 You have some sort of contact details like a discord or something? you can't make this and just vanish completely from this thread without letting others know your awesome current/future work!
>>64997 As someone who writes stuff based off Chara, this? Super based.
(182.80 KB 984x744 Mystery-Go.gif)
>>65056 >dumps fantastic animation >refuses to elaborate >leaves based
>>65054 what stuff have you written?
Do any of you have the image of fat Kris at a table where Susie is placing down more food for him?
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>>64729 that 5th one is so good, know the artist?
>>66651 stempura but its been deleted
(1.94 MB 3000x2000 Unorthodox Prank (text).png)
(2.70 MB 3000x2000 Unorthodox Prank.png)
>>64729 sauce for the first and second pics?
>>67509 Sauce for the first two pics are from rottenducky, they've since deleted the second pic but the first one iirc is still up I just find the second image's shape to be hot as fuck~
>>65577 Bump
>>65577 Bump
>>68705 Stop posting male shit in /BBWalt/
>>68723 Nevaaarr!!
>>68723 If one were to do move it to /bhm/, people would complain about Kris being Non-Binary anyways.
(651.19 KB 4000x3898 F3mPOdxX0AAdt87.jpeg)
I forgot how much of a prime target Kris is for fattening/inflating. Just such a weird, stimming dork who could only stammer and bloat beyond their will. Maybe they secretly have a thing for expanding like a blimp, who knows. Roll this twink around and they'd be going wild. I have such strong feelings to this fat butterball.
>>66182 Source?
>>70672 https://www.deviantart.com/drilldan/art/Blobby-Kris-967738179
>>68730 Kris is only Nonbinary because they're supposed to represent you, even with the meta-narrative of Deltarune. ...Frankly I think Kris is a male.
>>68730 Besides skimming through this thread, those are basically all drawn as dudes.
>>70684 I think the same of Frisk actually, Frisk is also supposed to be you as a protagonist
(618.01 KB 2620x1580 She is her own prison.png)
Speaking of Frisk:
>>70684 Eh, Kris to me is very androgynous and is more deserving to be non-binary. They're cute in a way.
a good portion of us can see Chara as a girl at least.
>>70740 >Chara - girl >Kris - masculine, further development depends on if toby fully dives into the "literally two niggas" thing or not. >Frisk - completely androgynous >Clover - male There's also a guy on 4chan making a deltarune yellow game with both a teen version of Clover and a blue soul/integrity girl. Looking forward to two more human UT/DR toys to fatten if he doesn't give up
>>71609 Cute~
>>71055 Can I have a link?
>>72293 there are weekly undertale yellow threads on /v/ and he usually posts an update in each one.
(1017.33 KB 1920x1080 Screenshot (689).png)
behold! Roblox fat frisk! (may use my fat base instead of a now gone fat base)
(316.09 KB 1920x1080 Clover.png)
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(305.27 KB 1920x1080 The_ever_starving_tranced_blob-1.png)
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(3.35 MB 5000x4000 planetary bete by nommersu.png)
>>72841 sauce?
(458.69 KB 2420x1080 Eater_of_the_Earth_on_the_rise.png)
(303.38 KB 1920x1080 Chocolate_Chara.png)
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(316.09 KB 1920x1080 Clover.png)
(1.06 MB 1920x1080 Fell_Chara.png)
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oh yes please draw more of this trio! please
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i fucking love when chara and frisk are hyper obese childs is so fucking hot
A man of fellow taste Fat smol kiddies are always the best imo
>>74068 I like them with thicc af thighs or a fat ass
>>74068 smol with an overstuffed gut
>>74026 What about next time asking? Would it kill you? Plus you spoiled something I was about to share out, man, now I'm sure to kill the server :V
>>74127 he what! that's such a shame, hope you've been feeling better dude, has to be a real kick in the teeth seeing that
Thinking about buying that Kris sweater on Fangamer and seeing if I could put on some padding to make myself look chubby, or...I dunno, fat as fuck? It's $45 dollars for any size, but I don't wanna wear it too big in case I really wanna wear it everywhere. Becoming an overstuffed, fat Kris IRL has been an urge of mine for a fucking year.
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>>74171 The concentrated autism in this thread was already at nuclear level and now we get some freak talking about their desire to larp as a fat minor in public. As if this is a normal topic of conversation to bring up entirely without prompt. Genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with you?
>>74203 you're on the thread where there's actual pedophiles flooding their pants at the sight of drawn fattened minors (and thensome) and the faggot trying to cosplay as one is what gives you pause?
>>74207 I have literally no idea what the point you're trying to make is here, most of the threads on this board feature underage content and always have. That's the status quo and if anything It's the main reason alt exists, I know where I am. But I think most people would reasonably agree there's a pretty stark difference between just getting your rocks off to drawings and outright saying that your one true desire is to waltz around in broad daylight, pretending to be an obese version of a fucking fictional character you're unreasonably obssesed with. Even considering the absolute slop that spergs have posted here on many occasions, this is probably one of the most faggoted and genuinely gross things I've seen in my half decade of browsing this chan daily. So yes, it does give me pause. And I imagine it would for most anons here who aren't mentally unhinged or genuinely retarded.
Bro that would be so fucking hot, please do it
Agreed, should do it.
>>74210 honestly the point i'm trying to make is that there's really no difference in how fucked the mindset of the guy who wants cosplay as fat frisk compared to any other anon who posts loud house weight gain art the next thread over, it's all been fucked on both ends so it's best to just silently ignore it and hope they grow and change as people if possible
Fundamentally this an alt for stuff not aloud on BBW-chan which includes loli, vore and other shit. I don't get why people are bitching so hard about it? Don't like it? Fuck off the main threads
>>74263 I’ll admit, this is kind of cute. This version seems like she/they’ll hug you when you’re sad. Source?
>>74171 Guy who posted this here, btw Noticing based on the reactions that I might just, NOT buy it. If it disgusted anyone and derailed a fuckton of discussion, I'm sorry. Won't really excuse anything lime impulses or needs, might just spend $45 on actual clothes rather than bullshit. I didn't buy the sweater, by the way.
>>74270 *like god I hate being a mobilefag
>>74233 Brother, I literally already said as much that I don't give two fucking shits about the stuff that's regularly posted on this board by and large. I'm not 'bitching' about anything, I'm just expressing my shock and disgust at what anon said. Because you know even by the standards of what's posted on alt, larping as a fucking child is not a normal thing to talk about here and if you somehow don't have the self-awareness to realise this then I genuinely don't know what else to say to you.
>>74270 nah, do it. cosplay fat stuff is underrated imo
>>74270 dude, if you really wanna do it nobody can stop you, but atleast do so in the privacy of your own home, not in fucking public. you really wanna risk popping a boner while going somewhere and getting arrested for public indecency or some shit like that?
>>74290 This thread is a comedy at this point. Keep it coming.
All of you need to touch some fucking grass And that includes people who are making fun of them because you are on a loli site dumbass
>>74294 >>74293 Aight, so it may seem like I’m making fun of the dude who wanted to cosplays as Kris, but I’m mocking those who were making the Kris cosplayer. It’s weird, but do you have to insult them?
>>74290 If it means anything, I will NEVER do it in public. I never said I had intentions on being a fat Kris outside of my house, I'm not that degenerate enough to do so. Even then, it's my own private shtick that I'd rather keep to myself, as redundant as it sounds. I appreciate the anons who know better than to instantly chastise frame one all cus of misconstrued words lol.
in that case, do it, dude. if you're not making an ass of yourself and being a general menace in public, who gives a fuck. bring that itch in the back your mind to forefront and give that fucker life.
well, this thread was fun while it lasted.
Can you guys actually post art for fucks sake
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Finally Yall need to learn to shut up and post stuff
>>74610 they deleted their entire account We Can't Have Good Shit In This World
>>74897 Would love to be friends with you :3 got some based tastes
sure just copy my accout in discord who i left here!
Let's all choose to willingly ignore whatever the fuck is going on here.
this is an alt thread for lolicon of canon minors what the fuck are expecting
>>75290 Better Grammar
I don't know if this is allowed, but does anyone have an archive of Frisk's vore route animation from Retrobelly on deviantart? It has been scrubbed from the artist's page long ago. Thanks in advance.
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hey just i drop this for well i not wanna make more fst loli /shota stuff of chara frisk or any charactercin genenral never again in my life...so yeah i gonna still make fat art of the trio but you know whit no minors I honestly think that drawing this type of drawings has negatively affected me mentally and I apologize.
And if you ask me why Chara is crucified, well... meh, honestly I don't know.
>>75762 then don't do it? what's even the point of posting this fagslop
well i not gonna make that type of art never again anf whit i draw that ? well i not know is funny seen chara crucified
>>75853 well i not gonna make that type of art never again anf whit i draw that ? well i not know is funny seen chara crucified
>>75858 Someone kick this minor of the site
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Hello everyone! I might need some help finding a picture of Chara. The artist is DeepMeep, but they deleted the original picture. Does anyone have it? I would be super glad If anyone would have it. Thank you in advance. And sorry for the low resolution picture. It is the only one I could get. Thank you, and have a good one everyone!
You want more frisk and chara? Anon will show you frisk and chara! https://bbw-chan.link/ee/res/5018.html
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slobby chara
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>>77825this look awesome pal really
>>77777 awesome! you are cool
>>77838 Holy shit, keeping this thread alive with Kris art... God bless you, Anon.
>>77844 true kris is the best
>>77952 Source on the first and last pics? I’ve been looking for those forever!
>>70724 Does anyone have the dark world alt to this showing his butt?
>>78169 Here you go, from the guy who commissioned that pic
>>78171 Who's the artist?
>>77975 is lost media pal
>>77975 Done by ddddude1, now deactivated
>>64997 >>64321 I wonder where they both went?
>>78825 the creature😍
>>78825 Theyre still around I think.
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hi? someone here?
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>>78201 https://x.com/kennmatsuru/status/1662359360314523648
>>76332 Source?
>>64729 First one Source?
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>>79959 Artist?
>>77844 Your welcome :3 if you want more let me Know.
>>77895 If yall want my telegram it’s A Idiot Or if discord Diccolothepiccolo or piccolothediccolo
>>80618 We absolutely need more of this, your stuff's incredible! I say make 'em waaaaayyy bigger~
>>80658 Just dm me then on discord or telegram~ or if you got a twitter or deviant art contact me there~!
>>80704 Could I get contact with you too, I want more big Kris as well. Discord is minuntheminun
>>80704 What are your deviantart and twitter usernames? I'm curious to know if you would be willing to draw the other humans.
>>80831 Is this a different anon?
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>>80901 Yeah? I hope that wouldn't be an issue for you.
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>>80907 Yooo~! You got discord~?
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hi, just wanted to share with this 3 li'le gems, but ifound only 2 of them on my disk. Does anyone have the third art with Chara/Crhis? I think thats them in the third art. I remember them being posted by anon in the last undertale/deltarune thread
>>82805 how made the sprite ?
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(1.46 MB 1000x1500 kris_fart.png)
I'll drop these here
(88.86 KB 1300x1080 GJx08SSbQAAVEBR.jpg)
>>82865 This one?
>>82952 sauce?
>>82805 hey you have based tastes wanna chat in discord?
>>82281 hey wanna chat in discord??
(175.54 KB 1025x1079 IMG_4446.png)
>>83073 YEEEEEEEEEES thankssss

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