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Lewdlemage/Dr. Worm Edit Thread Anonymous 01/29/2020 (Wed) 05:00:05 Id:be0bec No. 327
How about another edit thread? This time, Lewdlemage!
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>>42806 a little late but here you have it
I'm wondering if its possible to remove the text and text bubbles and the hand if possible
>>45043 This is perfect! Thank you so much!
>>29850 Requesting her limbs and face be fattened up as well >>30068 probably to the point where her giant gut seems tiny to the rest of her fat face and body.
Is there anymore edits?
This is a good thread.
More hoses.
>>327 This thread is old.
>>53036 Less active boards have old threads.
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Has there been any word on the last couple of pages of the thanksgibbon comic? Worm said they were almost done last year Are gonna have to wait until this Thanksgiving?
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I made an edit
>>57288 Trump dont fuck with those companies. Its been dead ever since
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Could someone color either one of these sketches? They are some of my favs😭
>>57460 Sure
>>57463 Thank you🙏
>>57470 Your welcome
(1.40 MB 3001x2770 Sans titre 342_20240424130511.png)
I will make the other later or tomorrow >>57460
>>57485 Looks great! Can't wait for to see the other
>>57487 I will finish the other later in the week
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>>57460 reworked the York sketch a few weeks ago
Well, I dont need to color it
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Anyone can do a nude version please and a colered one for the second
>>57853 I found the colored version for the nami draw in deviant art
Its been awhile since Worms done an animation poll. I know they are a bit behind on stuff but does anyone know when they'll be coming back?
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Nothing more?
Could someone help to edit this so it gets rid of the annoying fucking voice/talking shit and leave the stomach/vore sounds in? Or just edit the soundless version of it with vore belly sounds, either works.
We have gotten pretty much little to no content from Lewdle for the past few months
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I honestly wanna see a colored version of this maybe colored by WickedAtlas
>>60949 Would love to see that 3rd one in color.
If you want I can color it >>61000 But I only need characters reference
>>61038 Heres the ref
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Finally wrapping up
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Are there any new stream sketches?
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Can anyone make an edit of this being stuffed or preg?
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https://sta.sh/2pgxj0ip1tn never understood the appeal of these completely digested internals pics but atleast theres naked marcille
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Makima hd version : https://www.deviantart.com/stash/01sm8pd3uo5z
