/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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most satisfying pops Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 23:21:02 Id:0fd2a2 No. 46971
Have you ever known of a character that for whatever reason is more fun to pop than most? Lucoa is one for me
Honestly for me I've been a big fan of seeing strong women blow up to a massive blimp and pop. Examples: Kefla, Noi, Shermie>>38012
>>46980 last one would be very fun to see, I do agree
>>46980 Based Kefla pick. Android 18 is a good strong women to see blow up like a blimp as well.
>>46971 Sauces for Lucoa pops?
>>47353 I don't think I've seen any beyond this one audio post on Furaffinity It wasn't anything special, they didn't really get into it as much as I like.
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Trisha takanowa Elvis.. yeah 👍 would pop
Skyla / Fuuro
>>47957 If we're talking Pokemon chicks, always thought about Pike Queen Lucy Always had this fantasy of reaching the end of the Battle Pike and just being crushed by her inflating body until the pressure inside her just gets to be a little too much
>>47895 Tricia is a pretty good pop. Underrated inflatee
>>46971 Peach
>>49271 >>49209 Sauces for Tifa and Elastigirl pops?
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Watching this series on hulu called poorly drawn lines, this girl named Tanya looks pretty fun to pop. Ironically could find zero inflation art of her! Theirs not even a rule34 entry! Cute voice and personality too! I bet she'd let you turn her into an airbed and rest on her.
Princess bubblegum because of her namesake
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Oh God Ruth negga from preacher can get my air hose any day! I would just love to orb her all round and puffy like a big ol beach ball. Like im imagining a one night stand or friends with benefits scenario where we each try out new things. We get to my kink and she giggles and mocks me not believing it's power but still slightly intrigued by the idea as she seams totally down for it. Playfully sucking the air hose between her plump lips as I turn it one. Expansion starts in her breasts and goes to her belly and thighs she seams to enjoy it gripping her toes into the carpet. I just watch and feel her body up as we both enjoy ourselves. I turn up the power watch her orb and blush in arousal. She gets tighter as her body begins to creak now a full orb with her limbs absorbed into her body. She comes to a crossroad's knowing she's too tight yet so horny she can bear to ask me to stop. I warn her yet she begs me to keep going. Eventually we start getting intimate inserting my member as we have smex keeping things slow and steady and ramping things up As she gets bigger and tighter we both moan as she squeals in ecstasy before 💥 BOOM! 💥 she explodes raining down on me in rubbery Carmel shards. God I'd love to pop or even just play with this cutie! (consensually of course.)
>>51131 Lol wtf
Eh I figured since where Talking about good pops might as well give an entertaining story with it
>>47453 Why ARE Lucoa pops so rare?
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Eigaka's Nina is my ideal pop. To my knowledge nobody's drawn it, but seeing her eyes roll back as her internal swelling reaches such a point all her limbs and definition just disappear before her skin finally gives way and bursts is definitely something I wanna see someday.
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>>49209 Can definitely agree, Tifa was built to be popped
Hinata Hyuga
>>51623 More?
As you know the famous woman is named Gal. How I would love to turn her into a blue ball.
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>>46980 >>49209 >>50545 I personally like to imagine that a lot of the 'strong' women (Samus, Noi, Tifa etc) would stretch in a way kinda similar to leather or a tire. Not much actual *size* gained, but a ton of pressure continually mounting up until it's all released at once. And boy, you do not want to be at point-blank range when that happens.
Pop those Viking boobies
>>51949 I like the idea of Samus both containing an enormous amount of pressure and filling out to be absolutely enormous, like she'll reach that terminal point where she's so full all her limbs have sank a full meter into her body alongside her head, but she's just refusing to pop, until she inevitably does and it's just absolutely deafening
>>51584 There is something fundamentally appealing about her getting so big that her boobs sink into the surface of her skin
>>51949 >>52058 >>50545 On the same note as this, something I've thought about with Samus is instead of the Varia Suit falling off as the inflation begins, it would just bend and deform, leaving Samus locked in a stiff standing position. Gradually, bubbles of the contained balloon woman inside would begin poking through the metal. At this point, Samus would have popped if not for the suit holding her body together. The sounds of creaking metal and flesh grow louder and louder as the suit reaches its breaking point. Finally, the suit gives out, resulting in Samus going off like a massive frag grenade, spewing metal scraps in all directions The only piece of art that kinda touches on this concept is this one by MagicStraw on Deviantart, which is easily one of my fav inflation images
Inflation in tight, restricting armor/clothing is extremely underrated in general And yes, Samus is a top-tier inflation/popping character. No joke, one of the reasons I got into the Metroid series was because I though Samus was the hottest character ever created as a kid lmao
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I'll have to agree with the rest of the board, Samus is probably my favorite pop too
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Aisha makes for a great pop toy, shame she doesn't have more content. Just have to imagine that tight lean body of hers filling up and rounding out before she reaches her limit and just explodes. >Pressure continues to build behind the knot until the gas simply forces its way through >She can only watch and wobble helplessly as she begins to swell once more, her bulbous body continuing to expand out of her ruined outfit >Her tits pop out, her ass bursts free, and her engorged limbs bust the few remaining seams to her clothes >There's no stopping her getting bigger and bigger, her arms and legs sinking into divots in her sides as she approaches spherical >The sound of her straining body creaking and groaning competes with the hissing of the gas still pouring into her, filling her so full that her enormously ballooned bust flattens out against the immense curve of her ballooning form >Her body's protests against the pressure grow louder and louder, reddening spreading across her taut skin as it runs out of stretch >With a hollow *thwump* her belly button pops out like a pressure gauge, she's maxed out and she knows it >Aisha moans, struggling to buy her quivering overinflated frame even one more second >Then with a whine she explodes in a rain of cat girl confetti
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>>51949 I was thinking the same thing
>>51551 Would've been sweet if this ended in a pop
>>46971 Will never understand why Tohru gets to be popped so often but I have yet to see a single Lucoa or Elma pop.
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>>46971 >>53092 There is undeniable potential here
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>>51633 Is she more the oh-no or the if-you-like-it-I-like-it-too type? Pants exploder option: she's the you-like-it-too? type.
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>>53265 Definitely the "you like it too" type >>51623 The idea of seeing a gal with a body like that begging to be filled until she bursts is just too irresistible >>46971 Bubblegum's my ideal popslut, addicted to growth and capable of becoming absolutely immense, she's popped so often
>>49258 Sauce on the peach pic?
>>53869 DeviantSeiga, be sure to check their kemono!
>>47957 Do you think her thigh bag can hold a pump or a small gas tank? >>52291 Requesting source, your basedness.
Poké girls are the god-tier choice.
>>53133 Oh definitely the idea of plugging a hose in that tiny smug short stack is something I think about often I wonder sometimes if lapis just plugs her mouth with water whenever she gets to mouthy or she's horny just to entertain herself. I like the think lapis's goal is to push her green water balloons limits pumping her as tight as she can get til she explodes as peridot is forced to reform herself inside her gem The whole gem regeneration thing is build for ruff sex play like inflation/popping! Bet lapis probably lays on top of her like a fluffy bed as she sexually teases her. Yeah peridot is definitely lapis's fuckballoon and peridot is just her little pet water balloon awaiting her enviable bursting!
Elastigirl would be nice
>>53926 Noh-Buddy on DeviantArt made the picture No idea who made the video, found it on report my post.
>>55053 ¿Que?
>>46971 Me encantaria hacerla explotar~❤️❤️💦💦 POP JELL-O ❤️
💥💦 POP
>>55053 Good bait.
>>46971 Quite a few. 2B, Samus, Mikan, Chun-Li, Darkness.
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>>51934 >smiling as she licks her lips, Gal's eyes twitch, before rolling back into their sockets as the pleasure overtakes her >her lipstick being washed away by the outpour of juice from within her body, she's gotten much too full to store it all >Every inch of that lithe, slender figure has rounded out into a sphere, the last reminder that she was anything beyond an overfilled balloon of juice vanishing as her head sinks out of view pop
>>52670 >Her fingertips sink deep into the belly swelling below her, as she attempts, in vain, to press the bomb swelling beneath her back into place. >she's getting much too full of cum for her comfort >eventually, the rubbery squealing echoing out from within her body rises to such a pitch, her overfilled body is screaming like a tea kettle >But that ass is just so juicy you just can't stop. >You drive it into her, over and over again, the meaty slaps of your body against her ass only adding to the symphony of growth swirling in your ears >she lets out one, last moan, wild and wailing, as her belly swells to swallow any trace of her beyond itself with your climax boom
>>55203 That's that chick from Israel. What a babe. I remember from somewhere. Is she an actress?
>>55206 Gal Gadot, she's an actress
>>53110 >Frantically leafing through his spellbook, Shouta tries to find a spell to stop Lucoa's swelling, as the dragon's once-prominent chest sinks into nonexistence, her body growing so taut, so full, the presence of tits on her figure has become an impossibility >Breaking her demeanor, tears well up in her eyes as a high-pitched squealing deafens her, her impressive horns pressing uncomfortably into the swelling walls of her body >"Th-THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN...!" squuuuuuuuueeeeeeeee..... >"I-I JUST WANTED THEM TO DISAPPEAR...!" grrrkkkhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I like to imagine, just before she pops, she shapeshifts back to her dragon form, slender and as massive as usual, before in a flash, it too, rounds out as her human form, quickly becoming nothing more than a squealing orb of scales, Lucoa managing to squeal out one last roar that quickly devolves to a squeal then pop
>>55219 came back for one last write-up, little sloppy but hey, it's a Lucoa pop
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The Sorceress from Dragon's Crown
The Dragon's Crown Sorceress ❤️❤️ Would love to pop her
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>>55240 >>55136 Kinda based, funny words man
>>55203 Well done, well written. Juice, she will be spitten. A single pen I will lend. So you write her end. The fate of our dear sweet Gal. Spattered blue on floor and wall.
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OW has an entire cast of hotties I'd love to see popping, but this fat little piece of overfed Eastern ass could really stand to pop more often, I'm baffled I haven't seen it yet, but then again OW is p ded
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Yor Forger. I love to inflate her especially in her boat neck sweater. Can't wait for more people to get into Spy X Family to see more inflation art of her.
Yeah, I got a list Samus, Cynthia, Android 18
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Snow White from TWAU could definitely use some magic-induced inflation.
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>>55531 >>55534 I second this, would love to see a Snowglobe pop >>46971 Absolutely love thinking about this bitch popping~ She's a V-Tuber, name's Saa, and I've always had this fantasy of her follower and subscriber numbers being converted to physical growth, growth that just makes her ass bigger and bigger until it covers her whole body, nothing but a giant, oversized ass with a thrashing, squirming tail barely rising from between her cheeks, her sub numbers only following her growth in suit and swelling out of control She's too full, it's all gotten too tight, but she's mind controlled her audience into such a state of mindless devotion they just mindlessly create account after account to support their beloved waifu She's getting too full.. Her ass is getting SO big it's the only visible part of her figure anymore She manages to squeak out a hiss that sounds increasingly like a balloon letting out air as her her body quivers... Such a fun pop to think about💦
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Left? Right?
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>>53926 >Do you think her thigh bag can hold a pump or a small gas tank?
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Do you have headcanons?
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dont even give a fuck if its a massive meme the mega milk chick would make for a well-deserved and incredibly hot pop
>>56830 left keep them ditzy, clueless, and only wanting to gorge themselves until they explode perfeably if the end of the stuffing sequence sees them mindlessly eating whatever's in front of them and not realizing how much they've had but there's also a lot of fun to be had in making a chick beg to pop
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>>50545 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVmX7e1Kwac
>>56830 Right :^)
>>57276 >Popping Woot girls Glad I'm not the only one who'd love to see some of those chicks pop Either by simply stuffing themselves too much, or jus being pumped tight after a particularly large feeding session, a lot of them could stand to be confetti The best pops are definitely the chicks who already have a fair bit of size to them and aren't afraid to show off a little
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>>50230 >>53734 >expansions, inflations, pops: nil How do you get over the fact that she's literally the most inflatable cartoon character second to Puuko, a literal balloon-person, and yet there's nothing.
>>59568 Literally built to pop
Loona from that would be show Hood
>>55489 Fit blondes are always a top tier choice.
>>60555 There is no bigger crime than the fact that, to this day, there still isn't a Samus pop outside of the Imbapovi vid that really makes her size and gives her the ego for inflation that she deserves. >>55467 Got your wish anon, kinda
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>>54210 Rosa's design is objectively the worst and she's still miles ahead. >>61238 >There is no bigger crime than the fact that, to this day, there still isn't a Samus pop outside of the Imbapovi vid that really makes her size and gives her the ego for inflation that she deserves. I don't think that she has a big ego.
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>>61288 Forgot pic related.
>>61288 >Rosa's design is objectively the worst and she's still miles ahead. Rosa's isn't great, but still better than the chicken hat girl from Sun & Moon or the new one coming up in Scarlet & Violet. Those two both suck.
>>61288 >I don't think she has a big ego Dickhead you're aware none of these chicks explode in-canon and it's just hot to make them do that? Yeah, it's just hot to give Samus an ego. You can just make shit up who gives a shit
>>56830 source?
>>61289 >>61311 I love the idea of a stoic bounty hunter losing her cool.
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>>61364 From >"Hah, you wanna pop me, anon? In your dreams~?" To >"Ohhh my fucking God just make me explode already you fuck!!!!" Right? Personally, I'd agree. To answer >>46971, probably HoF's Sam. Imagine fucking that blimp of an ass so hard, so rigorously, for so long, whatever confidence she has just melts away as it officially grows so overinflated she starts losing her cool >"O-okay dude, it's getting a little big..." As she disappears into the chasm of the own crack in her ass, such plentiful cheeks that you can hardly tell she was ever thin, she resembles such a balloon... Probably gonna make a really loud one (or two~)
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>>61364 You raise an interesting topic, honestly >Which of your waifus would want/enjoy being popped?
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>>62188 It'd be really easy to ram an air hose or bike pump into that, make a nice, big Charloon. Could stand to see a lot of the Hazbin girls pop, honestly.
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>>59588 She isn't the only one.
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>>60555 Yoga balls. Sitting on yoga balls to deflate them into a blondie. Pic unrelated.
>>62807 Asuna would be a fun one to pop. In her maid or bunny outfit. Either or.
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>>62807 >You're in a sorority >Wall-to-wall with blonde bimbos with big, beautiful boobies and booties about to burst free from the bindings of their clothes >They're all just giggling and talking about the most vapid shit imaginable, brainlessly chattering among one another "Ohhh, that's sooo ratchet..." "Yeah, big mood." "Big mood, yeah..." "No cap, was being fucked by Dylan earlier and he burped like eww??" >They're all just dumb as hell and spend their time bouncing on dick after dick, hardly even applying themselves to College, they're too busy fucking all the professors for good grades >Suddenly, all of them begin to spontaneously inflate, one after another >Sometimes their growth is centered on their boobs, sometimes it's their ass, sometimes it's the creamy, tender belly spurting out from their bared midriff >Nobody is sure why or how, and the room is erupting into panic, as the beautiful, blonde beauties rapidly bloat into little more than a series of bubbles, pushing into one another and gradually working to fill the room "Like, Oh my God??!! What is actually going on, like legit?!?" "Stop looking at my tiddies!!!" >Some sobbing as they desperately use what little extends from their spherical bodies at this point to push back against the bloating walls of their stomachs, mascara running down the sides of their bulging neck as they lose any vestiges of the sculpted bodies they so covet "I-I was s-so... sk-skinnnniiieee!!!" >Slowly, the moans, gasps, and giggles alike are all gradually drowned out by the cacophony of their growth, swelling to fill the room they sit and bulging out the door to greet dozens of panicking partygoers filing towards the exit >Little can distinguish the blondes from outright spheres at this point, as their sputtering, writhing heads rise out from the perfectly smooth, tightened balls that grew to replace their stick-thin figures of old >They call em' bombshells for a reason.
>>63015 Only thing I could see being different is at first, one starts to inflate till they pop, and everyone else in the room then has the same fate and so on~. Would make for an explosive group.
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I'm more into brunettes and redheads?
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Android 18 with this outfit (reminds me a bit of Violet Beauregarde)
>>64467 Tracksuits are always best suits 😍
Really, really self-confident and wordy women that never stop talking about themselves and their ideas. (College professor/super femmy types, think those YouTube critics that always talk about how "sexist" or problematic shit is) I could just sit under her and listen to her prattle on and on about the societal implications of becoming so inflated you lose and all definition in your figure beyond a turgid, seizing sphere >"... And once again, you're exercising terrible impulse control, dear. I understand the first thought going through your head as I crush you with my "booty~" must be how "sexy" or "hot" I look like this, but try to keep in mind that, in spite of currently losing my limbs to the welling walls of my stomach while currently being pumped full of air as if I were a blimp, I am still a woman with needs and emotions, like... cut that out, sparky." She never stops talking, tried, piercing eyes silently judging everything around her, mouthy, as her fat, plumped lips rest against one another in a permanent, smug and self-satisfied scowl >"Let's talk for a minute about the implications of me getting bigger for a second." Can barely hold it in, she's bouncing on your dick the entire time, using what little of her mobility to juice the stamina from you >"I know, I know your first thought is how much bigger my BOOBs are gonna get, but I don't think you understand just how FULL I feel right now and I FEEL I should explain~" >"I know I'm usually pretty in-touch with my feminity, but right now? Kinda feelin' like a balloon , I feel I have a LOT in common with a balloon right now, hun." You're both full of hot air, you smug bitch. >"What are we but a collection of experiences that just keeps getting bigger? I suppose, as traveled as I am, as much as I've gone through, it would only make sense I'd be enormous~" >"Perhaps some travel would help me to get even bigger, but here we run into a problem? What ARE we supposed to do to accommodate for inflated women in our society?" Fuck >"And this, my dear, is a classic case of equity versus equality. Blah blah blah blah blah..." She never shuts up, just steadily growing larger all the while she loses any hint she were ever anything less than perfectly round Until it's time. >"N-now l-let's... (hmrgfff) d-discuss... th- the s-so good... s-social implications of...i-if I... o-ohhh God I... I WANNA... uh... I want to uh... t-tell..." With a loud, intense groan that spreads throughout her entire body, she further recedes into herself >"!!!!!! OH GOD, YES!!!!! POP ME LIKE A SLU-" Makes the loudest, hollowest pop ever, just a sudden and abrupt bang that sends you sprawling as Twitter-colored confetti sprinkles down from where she once sat to cover her nude, embarrassed self.
>>64501 Thanks, means a lot.
>>64575 If I ever made you upset, I see no reason to care. Work it out yourself like an adult.
>>64577 Brazen, brazen, brazen So bold behind anonymity The fact you're here floundering and talking shit means I've won. I live inside your head and torment you by virtue of existence. You puff out your chest to appear larger, but we all know who'll dominate in the end here We all know who'll survive the asteroid. And here you are, a dinosaur. Your time is past. Die with it.
>>64583 don’t know what’s going on but you writing a little melodrama here makes it sound like you lost whatever that means
>>64592 Bruh I wrote porn and a guy that's salty his girlfriend likes me more than him cried, deleted his posts, and then fucked off. Unless you're him, either way Nah, I win :)
>>64593 I’ve been on anon Chans long enough to know that the situation you just described either didn’t happen or if it somehow did you must be the mouth breather of the situation otherwise you wouldn’t be talking about something so oddly specific on an anon board Seems like a ‘loss’ to me anon
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>>64594 Really sounds to me like the aforementioned person is just coming back with other numbers and posting to a dead board in the wee hours of the night, far past the time he should even be awake, at that :) who else would be posting here so consistently but the two people in a conversation? The unique amount of posters hasn't changed. I know you're still here. Maybe I'll make her mine. My trophy :):):):):)
>>64593 Yeah how the fuck can you have such a specific personal occurrence happen publicly on a board like this? Literally no one will believe you because only the most pathetic loser would even set up and be in such a situation let alone brag about it to anons after the fact Fucking weirdo
>>64596 And when the tree rose into the sky The cicada did nip at the roots But the tree bore fruit, and lived far past the ages the cicada would see :) good to know I got you so mad. "Good"night, "anon."
>>64595 It sounds like whoever you are you’ve been talking to yourself at the wee ours of the morning and obsessing over it after the fact. I’ve been on this board long enough to know that the type of person that acts like you and is boasting this hard about something literally no one else on the board can understand is stupid. I don’t think you realize how stupid and obsessive you look and are right now anon
>>64598 sure thing, cuck ;)
>>64595 Unique posters don’t mean a single thing at all people change vpns and IDs like gym socks on a board it’s so easy even just post to post. This can very easily just be one person but here you are going detail board on us and shit lmaooo you’re just proving how stupid you are anon lol
>>64595 >Maybe I'll make her mine. My trophy :):):):):) Yeah the fact that you wrote this line alone pretty much proves who’s the idiot here lol
>>64600 Not really I tried a VPN once on here got a temp Autoban from it so it seams like that's a feature set up to prevent such things
>>64600 Tell you what You like calling the kettle black so much and acting like you don't care when you so obvs do Come at me in public. Cry about it on Twitter, maybe someone'll care. Loads of people throw themselves at issues that don't matter in that stretch of woods.
>>64600 Yeah not only that but anon is saying the two people they’re saying are in the conversation are stupid for talking late (times zones exist) yet anon is obsessing and talking all about the conversation they’re clowning on? Get some sleep idiot lol
>>64602 Literally anyone who actually normally populates this board just realized by you saying this that you don’t belong on here
>>64604 Bruh you saying this just proves you're exactly who I think lol Only you would assume we share a time zone :)
>>64603 Aren’t you the one projecting and actually proving the opposite point more strongly by this? Oh anon I don’t know who the fuck you are but seeing you act like this is entertaining :)
>>64606 I didn’t? I’m just saying that you thinking these two anons in the shot are both talking to each other late at night means you’re assuming one (if it’s not just you talking to yourself) couldn’t possibly be in another time zone where it’s daytime. You forgot time zones exist on an internationally populated board. This is fun messing with you anon thanks for making my day :)
>>64608 Ooh I see Let me guess You cried to your mates that I was being mean to you Told them to come over here and defend your honor because you're still too much of a pussy to do anything on your own, right? Hitting the nail on the head? Come at me in public, in front of your girl and I'll start believing you don't have the balls of a squirrel.
>>64609 >oi! You fooken bugger 1v1 me if you’re not a bitch! Twitter my place your gorl ima have a go m9!
>>64609 Did anon seriously just come onto a fucking chan board and challenge another anon in a Twitter battle? Oh this is next level shit seeing a live implosion like this :)
>>64611 >>64612 Just ran into this mess and I have to chime in and say whoever the anon was you were responding to is a complete nutcase and needs to take their pills. What an deluded obsessive loser kek
>>64583 >So bold behind anonymity Spoken like a true fascist.
>>64652 >wE aLL kNoW wh0 w1lL sUrViVe thE aSSteRoId
>>64653 Asteroid?
>>64657 They’re obviously talking about the classic arcade game
>>64658 >Brazen, brazen, brazen >So bold behind anonymity >The fact you're here floundering and talking shit means I've won. I live inside your head and torment you by virtue of existence. You puff out your chest to appear larger, but we all know who'll dominate in the end here >We all know who'll survive the asteroid. >And here you are, a dinosaur. >Your time is past. Die with it.
>>64667 James Newton Howard intensifies
>>64801 You want to carry passengers
>>64473 Go on...
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Since I've been on a TOH kick recently... I want these witchlets overinflated.
>>66198 Same.
>>66199 One of them tried to perform a spell but it went very very wrong (right)
It'd been years since my last visit to Unova. Half a decade? I have to admit, curiosity, it had me by the collar. Just how much bigger had Acapella gotten? I remembered her heavy, bloated curves, dangerously voluptuous figure, it had sat in my head for some time, a golden standard not too many other Gardevoir seemed to match. I've of course had seen many since our little meeting... But she the spark that kit the fuse... tried keeping up to date with my original muse, but her apparent shunning of the spotlight meant that eventually, her concerts shrunk to private audiences willing to make the trek to meet her ...and upon arriving at her so-familiar abode, I would see much more of Acapella than I ever thought possible The road there provided brief foreshadowing as to what awaited me when I finally came face-to-face with Acapella again. Fluttering through the wind, caught in the branches of trees, set against the backdrop of a beautiful sunset illuminating clouds of glitter being blown on the wind, were several rubbery lengths of smooth, soft material of some sort... green and white, they were strewn about the countryside as if someone took a massive balloon and burst it in the sky... Almost as if, I thought... By the time I had arrived at the former residence of my dear muse, I was greeted by a sight that, I'm ashamed to say, didn't help me to further put two and two together. Where her home, well, and several yards of surrounding land once were, say nothing more than a crater It was only when I asked around town that I learned what became of my beloved, big-bootied bimbo Left to her own devices, and surrounded by nothing short of bottomless adoration, Acapella descended to depths of gluttony almost nearly as thick, overwhelming, and all-consuming as the oh-so covered meat on her thighs If I had thought they were massive before, I was apparently mistaken. Fattened far into the depths of immobility, Acapella's ass had apparently grown so massive that standing eventually grew impossible, the sheer amount of ass she had accumulated by that point forcing her into a permanent sitting position that gradually pushed her feet upwards, in a somewhat "spread-eagle" formation. Swelling out from behind her, it seemed like Acapella would grow eternally without limit, until... Well, a devoted fan had heard of recipes. Bitter, but... useful recipes for helping ladies like Acapella pack on a few The recipe, calling for two teaspoons of Full Incense was eyeballed somewhat, and- It's best to just say the effects All was proceeding as normal, as Acapella gave another one of her coveted "private shows." Singing with the voice of an angel, her beautiful, bellowing voice bringing her plumped, pumped lips to vibrate as she held every note to perfection, taking time to tease her loyal admirers with slaps, gropes, one hell of a show, to see her that big, it must have been... ....but then, suddenly, something grew amiss. The night had barely began, as Acapella neared the end of an opera she had composed herself, a beautiful solo about her journey, from thin to thick, from fat to enormous... Just as she neared the final crescendo, said by her to represent her boundless size, the sexiest alive, her reaching the pinnacle and not only willing to wear the crown, but to rise above, and ascend to levels of gluttony never seen before... When suddenly, her voice began rising, like a tea kettle almost, eyes darting downwards to watch as her ass began bloating outwards at an alarming rate, pushing her head into her body like a cork being forced into a soda bottle, and made to shake... Muffled by the sounds of her own growth, all that could be heard of Acapella's beautiful ballad was a sustained, squealing note screaming out from her the slight reminders that she wasn't anything more than a giant, seizing ass loosely covered by a dress continued to vanish out of view Almost in an act of divine irony, Acapella burst. Luckily, learning Explosion is nothing new for a Pokemon, but unfortunately, it's nothing ordinary for a Gardevoir As the dust settled, the ones caught in the blast came upon Acapella... or well, a pile of glitter with some seriously sexy eyes Yep, looks like Acapella's stuck like that. Animate pile of pretty little sand. My muse's booty burst.L, an it looks like it'll be a while before the Pokecenter can get her back up and shakin' it like she used to. So if you're ever in the neighborhood, and can afford a visit, please chip in and help with the Acapella recovery fund, to help her get back into shape, for all of us. ...and so I can actually catch a glimpse of that booty blowing this time.
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>>46971 Come up with a canon scenario that's fit for a writer to turn into an A+ story. >>56976 Grown women who started as a girl is such a golden idea.
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Vivian James She's like Aeris from VG Cats but human
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>>66509 I was just thinking about Vivian. Really underrated pop, I'll agree.
>>57509 Mespirit is a VERY good choice.
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I'd love to see Leone pop..
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>>66529 Is that Brittany Venti?
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>Serleena She should've been stuffed until she popped, honestly. No idea how we'd get from point A to point B, but I've always wished Men in Black 2 ended in a pop for her.
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>>66509 >>66515 Would Vivian be a bottom-heavy or a belly-heavy blimp to you? Nobody really draws her in the exact shape I want, personally
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OC waifu.
>>67967 Happy to learn I'm not the only one who's wanted to see this bimbo burst. Kino taste. Just about every girl in Overwatch could stand to pop, but my favorites sorely lacking in any of it. I wanna watch Brigette struggle to prevent her own imminent (and well-deserved) explosion.
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>>68093 >Happy to learn I'm not the only one who's wanted to see this bimbo burst. Kino taste. Bimbo?
>>68261 I just use "bimbo" as a term of endearment like dork or goof. It's too silly to be derogatory. Between Dimitrescu and her daughters, I wonder who'd take the longest to pop, besides the obvious answer
Can’t wait to watch this vibe soon with the most blessed! 🌼
>>68291 Why do you talk like this? I have heard you speak this way before on other threads and I wonder what religion you are but only because you seem to have no idea how reality works. I am glad you feel "blessed", though. That is good, I guess. That movies sucked to me I couldn't even finish it, but at least the acting in it was not horrible.
>>68298 Blade was better
>>68298 Aw stay mad as I witness an event with the most precious bean in the world ☺️
>>68309 Excuse me? >>68311 Wtf? lol. That sounds gross, whatever it is. Enjoy, you are an ugly fat bastard.
>>68315 can y'all take ya damn bickering off of a fetish board? like seriously if you have issues this ain't the place for them
>>68315 I've done everything with, and have slept with every type of bitch except black bitches. BY CHOICE. Stop talking down to me like I am one of your fellow fools. I've had it. You're fucking gross to me. you make me sick to my fucking stomach! Now, leave me.
>>68325 Damn your seethe is in full display. Your refusal to experience the whole human condition explains your lack of sense. I’ll continue to thrive thank you very much!! ☺️
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>>68314 Blade was WAY better
>>68352 You're corny as fuck. You know that? Stop talking yo me about this dumbass movie I already told you I didn't watch it. and that I didn't want you pestering me with your stupidity.
>>68353 This mf never seen Blade smh Blade was way better
>>68291 Why do they do the Freemason salute?
>>68291 Speaking of most enjoyable pops shuri would make a fantastic poppable balloon Also blade way better
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Don't know about you guys, but I feel like the Blight twins would both make satisfying pops.
>>68398 Definitely.
>>68424 Sure Jan 😘 Total neurotic middle child Jan Brady energy 🎃
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>>68424 Bruh you haven't seen art unless you've watched both blade and blade 2 trinity's kinda a shitshow but at least it tried to change things up with werewolves Also blade marks the first cinematic appearance of Micheal morbius meaning blade is the first morb Also another satisfying pop would be
>>68424 Man's not even 20 probably never even heard of Blade until today. Blade was way better
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Would love to see Gala's caramel booty burst someday. With how much dick finds its way into her, it's only a matter of time before that bubble butt blows.
fairies make for fun pops
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>>68389 >>68456 There's something inherently satisfying with rounding out characters from such sterilized media, truly giving them the appeal they should have from the start. They look much better as balloons
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>>54210 Virgin: Hilda, protagonists Chad: Bianca
>>47957 this!
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*sirens and air horns blaring* (Chorus) O-Oh O-Oh oh oh OH MY GOD OH MY GOD Look at her butt (Nicki) My name is Nicki M'naj an' I got a big butt (Chorus, echoing) My GOD (Nicki) But y'all know me, it's not big en'uff I wann'a be a balloon, a big bootied blimp Bigger than Iggy's an' bigger than Kim's
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>>68824 >>70173 These pale in comparison to the queen. One can only hope to enter her Villa in Black and White to find her filling it completely.
>>53092 Good question. Same goes for other blond and busty anime heroines like Sena and Galko.
>>66406 Who's this?
>>70561 Female PCs and rivals are far more colorful.
>>64473 More of a self-insert poppee and I'm seconding this so hard >"Honestly, I'm glad I'm bloating up like this, I've been wanting to discuss the implicit problematic aspects of this kink for a while. For one, it has deep-rooted ties to the fetishization of overweight women - at this stage, it isn't at all hard to see how my body resembles someone much heavier-set. Already, I've gone up several cup sizes, my gut is hanging well over my waistband as an engorged sphere, and my butt is positively...mmmph...enormous. There are absolutely women (as well as men, but I'd like to keep this inevitably explosive, excuse me, expansive lecture focused on femiURPninity) who's natural bodies are identical to my current one, minus the fact that I'm continuously becoming larger...and larger...and larger..." >"...Anyway, I doubt I need to explain that fat fetishization is a form of objectification that is rooted in the idea that fat bodies are not worthy of respect or admiration, but rather, are seen as sexual objects to be consumed. For example, I am in a prime state of humiliation and unintended seduction in equal measure. I can barely waddle, let alone walk, with how stretched and thickened my thighs have become, I'm struggling to see past my own breasts, and I can't imagine you need me to detail how this unbelievably distended beach ball belly jutting out a yard or two in front of me is interfering with my, mmf, basic abilities to function...! I'm incredibly inconvenienced, getting tighter and more disempowered by the second, but I'm also growing "sexier." Just as fa fetishization creates an environment in which fat women are seen as objects of desire, your attraction to my increasingly immense and immobilized body creates an environment where women are little more than non-participatory eye candy, unable to do anything but rock on our oversized, oversexualized, and overgrowing bottoms, all for the erotic pleasure of the patriarchy. This can lead to dangerous consequences! Literally, right now, I can't do anything but swell bigger and BIGGER and BIGGER, nothing but a helpless BLIMP who can only get sexier and more swollen, my limbs and neck sinking into the, ahh, blatant symbol of my own lack of influence! It's the, mmmmmm, sexualization of dominion over women~! Do you even respect anything I'm saying like this, or are you just ogling my swollen sides and curves spilling out of my tiny, tiny clothes?" >"And I haven't even, unf, BEGUN to address the beyond problematic associations that come with being sexually attracted to women - huff - POPPING. Like, oh, it isn't enough that we're big, fat, sexy balloons and blueberries too bloated to even put our feet on the ground, not enough that my sole remaining empowerment, my absurd, intoxicating, self-pleasuring SIZE, is only allowed because the patriarchy finds it sexy, but I'm not even allowed to keep it! My femininty and sexuality being, MMF, weaponized against me, I can't lift my fat tits off the floor and my body is DRUM-TIGHT. Can you hear me creaking? Can you hear my blimped-out figure stretching beyond it's limits? Can you hear that audible component of the overstimulating, mind-blowing sensation of my gigantic body filling and fattening nonstop as I get closer and closer and closer to bursting like the stuck-up, sexed-up, SWELLED-up sex toy I - uh oh." >BANG Getting to lecture as I inflate mixes an authority into something that so lacks it, and the contrast is deeply satisfying. Like I'm simultaneously getting respected and belittled at the same time Instead of telling me to shut up or ignoring me, you're just letting me go on and on and on and on and on, I feel like such a rambly faux-intellectual, a booksmart bimbo getting indulged cuz I'm turning blue or blimping up Letting me feel so self-satisfied and smug about telling you how you're wrong, like I'm filling up and exploding with my own inflated ego. Yeah, this is a VERY satisfying pop. Apologies for getting overzealous in concurring with that!
>>73465 Bonus points if they're idly chewing on bubblegum or have a cute laugh. Maybe she snorts like a pig with every grunt of pleasure, talking about the role of inflated women in relationship dynamics as her jacket is stretched and promptly ripped to shreds, her body swelling in the middle of some upstate apartment like another piece of furniture, swollen to the point she's lost any and all definition on her body. >"...they say the expression of one's feminity is entirely derived from the experiences you have in your life. Frieda Kahlo, she expressed herself through painting, helping to establish and dominate in a field so dominated by men itself! (Giggle) Which brings me to my next point~" She rolls over upon her lover, pinning his cock inside her bellybutton as the soft, cavernous walls of her navel massage the shaft to a state of instant arousal, her pet dog eager to bury his bone... >"Domination~"
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Here's a list of assorted characters I'd personally love to see inflate, reach their limits helplessly and pop (moaning and whimpering all the while). - Belos - Connie Maheswaran - Priyanka Maheswaran - Simon Laurent - Grace Monroe - Hunter (TOH)
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Hear me out.
Inklings and Octos would make great pops, I’d like to imagine that they would inflat like latex thanks to the fact that they are made of ink. Would it be messy? Yes Worth it? Yes
>>74619 Nice picks. 👍
>>74699 Thank you!
>most satisfying pops Implying there are any?
>>52291 Source?
>>77904 Word.
>>74619 Priyanka and grace most definitely! Belos and Simon make a fun second
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>>67967 Do it now.
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Irl humans count because I could think of a few cuties who'd make fine balloons if not pops!
>>83092 That's a man.
>>55656 There is NO way this is real. *checks YouTube* Ho-ly shit... How did I not find her sooner?!
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>>83092 Nope just bad lighting
>>83094 What the fuck are you talking about? Karen Fukuhara is a cis woman.
>>83907 >Crack is a powerful drug
>>83092 Oh I can think of tons of IRL ladies I'd love to pop. Sometimes I'll just see girls on the street and imagine them swelling up to pop, helps that there are so many Japanese cuties out on the street. On the topic of one's I'd absolutely love to see pumped to pop, Ikumi Nakamura would make the sexiest squeals and the cutest reactions to the audience, no doubt cheering as she squees about how big she is, such a poppable, pumpable cutie~
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Top bitches.
i think a highly underrated popee and better yet inflatee would definitely be ZeroTwo, not only because of her bratty and egotistical personality but also because she looks made to become a blimp
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She's grown obsessed with it, the sensation of growth, the subtle push from the fluids inside only growing more orgasmic by the second as, lost in the sensation, she murmurs to be taken further, panting at even the slightest development. >She wiggles her hips and presents herself, slowly rising her tail into the air as her pussy sits in full-view, shoved full of various tubes and hoses, seemingly demanding just ONE more..
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Adrian Graye Vernworth would be soooo fun to see blimp up and explode. Needs to be knocked down a peg and permapopped. Either blueberry, water, or air.
>>85477 Y E S Same for Darius, Odalia, older Hunter, older Blight Twins and Alador.
>>85482 VERY based choices, friend. Would love to see these potential pops too.
Need Simon Laurent from Infinity Train to turn into a massive, heavy, leaking, sloshing, helpless blueberry, unable to move or help himself as he grows bigger and bigger...
>>85477 >>85921 I actually wouldn't mind trying more male inflations like this Adrian and Simon so hit me up in future if you two ever want to commission the ideas hit me up sometime. I occasionally take requests sometimes trades too but mostly commission. popper #0240
>>85922 I’d be willing for a trade. If that’s good with you.
>>85933 Here’s what I’m capable of, artistic wise:
>>85922 I'll definitely consider it! I've sent a friend request on report my post to see if we can discuss prices and such. I'm Cowboy Curtis#0930
>>85936 *on report my post, whoops
>>85936 Don’t know where any of that is.
>>85937 What’s that?
>>85933 Yeah hit me up on trades if you like not sure if I'll get to it right now but we can chat later about it
>>86065 K. 👍
>>86065 What sites can I locate you at?
>>86065 Post your gallery.
>>85935 May be busy for awhile but still waiting for you to hit me up at least I can't get ahold of you you have to get a hold of me. Let me know what balloons your into and next time I'm down for trades I'll pop them out for you and then you can pop some stuff out for me. If that sounds good with you? You know where to reach me just mention yourself as balloon king I'll know who you are
>>73465 That was interesting to say the least
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>>71921 Serena, like all Poké PCs, is a 10/10
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Twitter is dead.
>>89831 Almost dead. But elon musk is stepping down being ceo of Twitter.
>>89831 https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/11/elon-musk-says-hes-stepping-down-as-twitter-ceo-will-oversee-product.html I'm excited to see elon musk leaving twitter
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Normally I don't like MtF TG but Fionna and Ice Queen are cute.
>>48039 There was a guy who inflated real live(?) snakes.
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>>55164 I don't get how mods aren't available yet.
Write prompts or short stories for your poppees.
>>90753 IIRC they're not MtF, they're just like alternate versions?
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If I'm gonna be honest, I feel like Minus8's Shygals were made *just* for the sole reason to be inflated, and popped to scraps I legit don't know why I find them super hot, but I just wanna see an animation where they all get pumped up like balloons
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>>67967 OC waifu means I can say I always wanted to see this goth bitch over-inflate and burst.
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Yarbage’s Leah, would love to see her pop!
How many generals can we make?
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Ryan Akagi and Min-Gi Park helplessly blimping up to the point of permapopping, pressing together uncontrollably as the room they're in gets smaller and smaller.
>>90753 I hope Bubblegum inflates canonically at least once
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>>100149 Couldn’t resist pumping up some bunnies.
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>>63067 Redheads FTW
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Admin needs to reorganize the website into something to scare away autism.
>>102973 Pokemon mod when?
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>>46980 Shermie has been inflated at least once. Sadly, no pop. You could probably comission or request someone to do a popping ending to it. Pic related.
>>47113 Android 18 for sure especially cause she has a bomb inside her. Some really good self-destruct inflation begging to happen
>>105428 There are only two 18 pops/bursts that I know. That's about it.
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Magical girls storing mana in their body is such a perfect concept. I want a girl to be storing so much she becomes a ticking time bomb and just explodes in a huge magic blast.
>>105499 Mana bomb is big need
Many different kinds of pokemon, it'd be fun to see how you can fill up the different ones and how they'd fill up before they explode like an overfilled balloon.
>>105522 Plenty of pokemon who should use self-destruct and explosion
Emoji gals have become a personal attachment for me recently. Their flat color scheme plus the special body types others give them makes them great pop material, especially when they become small scraps of confetti. One personal gal has to be addde's Stela, something about this goofball makes me go houuAUUOOOAAAHHGGHH
First off all they need to be popped to be satisfying.
>>106417 Second of all we need willing artists and writers to pop them.
>>79460 Glad we're in agreement :3
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Might I suggest Kara Eklund as a potentially satisfying pop?
>>110287 Bad things happen when u ignore beautiful babies god put here. He start taking out people you care about
Oh, her too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFlQjdtl3iQ
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Dont know if tiktokers count, but damn I wish I could watch her blow apart in some tirst-trap
>>46980 Damn been thinking the same why isn't there more noi inflation! I'm sure she'd puff up nicely
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Like come on how is everyone sleeping on popping a cutie like this! Seriously I bet giving her massive size she'd be a tough one to burst getting massively large and round at first taut like a boulder her muscles making it hard to expand but then becoming soft as he muscles loose themselves to the mass and strength of the pressure begging for freedom as she becomes more and more tight eventually becoming smooth enough that it feels as if you're pumping up a cheap corner store party balloon as the effort and will to hold on is little to none as her body caves into the surmountable pressure inside her tight squeaking form as it billows and billows a large squeaky mass over your head or under you let's say because you lay yourself on top not only to add more pressure but also so that way you catch a good view of that puffy tight face of hers! Struggling for dear life to hold itself together yet you remain. Billowing and blimping away with either a handpump in hand or the hose funneling into both your mouths as you no longer fear blowback giving how easy the air lets you enter her growing abyss! She takes every last drop growing bigger and bigger as you daydream away watching all the expressions pass her face! The squeaking and groaning become deafing now as a little bit of tiny resistance is seen by the way your lips fill her face. Ditching the hose for something more intimate as a lip lock with the soft giants tender lips slightly puffy from all the air that's consuming her yet the softest pillows you've ever felt! Like that she remains at first she struggles a bit not wanting to burst but as soon as she tastes you're mouth a sweet succulent flavor so good she can't help but become consenting to its flavoring bliss as she openly realizes even if she wanted to deflate her body would never be the same accepting herself onto her form just eating up whatever sensual experience she could obtain from her oversensitive body before it was too late.. taking every lungful with a grunt and a sensual moan as it doesn't hurt as much as it feels like her loins and nerves are on fire with orgasmic pleasure. Building further and further as you're embracing touch sooths the once muscle mommnys new bloated parade blimp form as she gulps down what feels like a eternal amount of your gustful air lust gulping down notch after swollen notch of your oxygen as her body deepens it fuller and fuller into her void. Yet you're lungs remain strong. Eternally blissful of her soft pillow lips as her body crescendos and violently vibrates around you it's mass unstable as ever so desperate to hold on but no longer finding the will or strength. You pump deeper and deeper into her form your cheeks filling like chipmunks as each bit of air in deflating out of you and straight into her. The vibration gets deeper yet puffs still remain! Her body eternally quivers filled with your love as it violently wobble onto its doom! Groaning creaking vibrating as the pulsating vibrations of your breath are too much to bare! You huff and puff filling her once buff body up deeply with your lust upon her weakening State Her face blushing from the pressure and the taste you're eyes squinting with determination hers rolling outward and inward to the bridge if her nose from how unbelievably unbearably thin her skins because. Puff Puff Puff blow Puff Puff Puff blow Puff Puff creak Puff groan Puff she grows Puffing strains her, you're love her only reason to remain contained but alas her body can hold no more! She tastes you're lips as the last deep large mount of air breath forces itself down fighting every aspect of her swollen form to prevent oblivion trying to hold on the tug of war that would undo her! But as the fighting finale breath breaks free the woman finds herself a moment of peace before a earthquake of a vibration shatters her form apart at the seams! Spreading herself far and wide into the thick rubber shrapnel that once was her thick buff muscular body. As the once muscle mommy blimp rains upon her lover in shower. Fin.
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Now although what you see above is a piece from my upcoming Kryptonian woman commission it still fits just as lovely doesn't it? I love me a good muscle mommy stretched to her max it feels so good! I hope this horny posting finds some enjoyment to you all feel free to save it if you like. Or I hope it may inspire more fanart of noi in future as that woman deserves to get as big and burstable as that! Maybe something from nuumatic might be fun heehee. One can dream although I appreciate you listening to my venting yeah muscle mommys turned soft blimps are so underrated! And need more love
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Hear me out! She drinks some Nuka-Berry, turns as blue as her vault suit, her pip boy says she is 100% full, so she blows like a blue mini-nuke.
If we’re going with e-girls/influencers, I’m so down bad to pop this balloon. I don’t really know who she is, she just showed up in my feed one day. But she’s curvy in all the right places and she’d look super cute with her cheeks puffed up and an air hose between her lips. It’s probably the photo editing, but her skin is so perfect it almost looks like she’s made of rubber. I imagine she’d take a good amount of pumping before popping into latex confetti, but man the workout would be worth it.
Her name is ariasaki of offlinetv fame >>113704
>>113735 Good god, the pic with her puffing her cheeks up. Thank you for enlightening me. She really is a perfect balloon girl
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These two.
>>66406 >Grown women who started as a girl is such a golden idea. Grown women who've wanted to pop since they were a girl is such a patrician idea.
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When an artist draws herself. Don't judge me.
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What's the inflation scene in Korea like?
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Here me out.
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Let's be honest Viv would be a fatty or anorectic not normal
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Probably one of the more obscure ones out there but Carmen from Sr pelo's spooky month is one of those characters I love to see inflated to the point of poping. There's something about her design that just resonates with me and the fact that there isn't any inflation art of her (just vore or weight gain) just make me want to inflate her more.
>>129882 Would absolutely have to agree on you for that, today I decided to do a Character.AI RP with Carmen where she gets inflated from a waterhose in her navel, she then has an inflation battle with this fat chick to try and inflate each other, but the fat chick wins as she kisses Carmen on the navel before Carmen's body pops.
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Jinx Emiru because it just be fire jinx be crazy filled so why not air filled
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Gogo Tomago from Big Hero 6
>>132048 The fact that she got inflated in the show makes it even better
>>132062 Source?
>>132048 Agreed
>>132063 Big hero 6 short gumball trouble she almost pops
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Luna Frost first descendants anyone? Would probably round up nice fat thighs and all
Pinkchyu has been one of my top pops for a while now. Her body is insane and she loves showing off her navel, which looks like the perfect place to jam a hose to start pumping. It would probably take like half an hour to pump her up to her max. My degenerate math is simple- curvy women can hold more air since they have more space, and Pink is VERY curvy. In a similar vein, someone like Emiru (posted above in a Jynx cosplay) is also super hot but probably easier to pop since she’s so thin. Regardless, Pink looks like she’d go off with a hard PAWP once her limit is surpassed, echoing through the house like a cannon just went off. You’ll probably have to deal with tinnitus afterwards while you sweep up those creamy white scraps, but my god would it be worth it.
There are mother fuckers we can't let into movie museums because of the horrors and crimes they would commit on these giant robot props! I'm almost certain of it! And I know some of those very people lurk in these very goddamn threads! For that I nominate horrors iconic queen not because I would but I know there's a Jamaican mother fucker licking his goddamn lips right now at the thought of fucking let alone bursting one of these things and I'm here to tell you touch grass before your hobbies consume you! DO NOT INFLATE THE XENOUSSY! IT IS BANNED AND PUNISHABLE BY LOSS OF PEE PEE! IM SICK OF SEEING VIRGIN HOES SAY THEY WOULD!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! YOU FUCKERS SPEEEEEEDDDD
>>132065 >>132062 https://spicychat.ai/chat/0516b5fa-2bc7-44b5-8430-167bfbd1bf78 You´re welcome >:D
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I recently started watching Mari Sappho and her videos have been rotting my brain. I desperately want to see her serving in a bar where everyone's buying her drinks and she can't refuse. I want to see her belly dangerously swell and bulge out and hear her attempt to refuse more alcohol, only to be gorged more and more until she's left vainly trying not to explode.
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I LOW-KEY NEED more Yoriko Nikaidō inflation in the world of any kind. She's the famous bleh girl meme from the anime parody you're under arrest. Damn I have wet dreams of me turning this 23 year old cutie into a water logged or field up Hindenburg airbed and pressure testing to see what happens
Ms.Marvel/Kamala Khan There is just so much potential in her for WG/Expansion/Inflation art. Just thinking about her embiggening into an inflated blob is such a turn on.
Chifusa Manyuu
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Eveirisowo no joke simply because she's submissive and into the daddy dommy lifestyle and some inflation roleplay with a girl like this sounds hot af! Some kinda find her cringe but I think that's simply because of her public out and about videos but she definitely acts like she'd suck a helium hose if you demanded it in a daddy tone and told her to drink her Good floaty nutrients like a good girl or something of that nature. Did I mention she's super thicc downstairs and a former bbw still cute in both forms! But happy for her healthcare journey serious!
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Zoey aka Charlie's girlfriend from smiling friends have no idea how dude struck gold with such a cutie but definitely would love to see those glasses steam up from being turned into the beach ball for all the party to bop about. The previous ball probably bursting due to I don't know what it's not important. Or maybe a helium mishap at a Halloween costume party leaves her as festive spooky confetti raining down around every or everyone's classic bedroom fetish fun of just you and her a nice carpeted ground no bed sadly but nothing a bit of pumping or hosed shenanigans can't fix as you're girlfriend is willing to happily substitute herself for your night time rest provided you at least get her off with a good time first. Again nothing a thick helium hose to the ass or crotch can't induce a blushing hot sexy time! Overall I just think girls with glasses are cute. Zoey definitely has made up a few fantasies in my head. The more I think about it the more I can't believe I'm actually getting off to the idea of smiling friends inflation OF ALL THINGS! But come on Zoey just built inflatable and different! She just gives me Eileen regular show vibes.
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Honorable mentions for pims sister and just look at that peak alpha boyfriend lmfao! She Definitely has a thing for the giga chads, or maybe it's just the coomer strong arm types? but gleps wife cracks me up! Her name I kid you not is Marge Simpson! I'm not joking! Smiling friends is such a riot! Go give it a watch 10/10
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Ok one last thing I SWEAR! but just look at this goober getting coddled! Yeah this green adorable creature put a ring on this Marge woman! How he nail a baddie like that again either she has a thing for cute short guys she can coddle or dudes packing some comically large meat somewhere in that form of his! You tell me but this some plankton and Karen levels of relationship! Like HE SINKS INTO HER WHO ASS! HES SMOL! Like how? How did he bag and ring someone like that? Again I guess it's just the right circumstances at the right time.. love sure is strange but just a bonus comparison to those who may be maidenless out their if this guy can rizz up a tall baddie like that! You can definitely find yourself a cute girl or boy wife out there or whatever you're into. Just sends me how she's coddling him like a purring kitten in the corner of the background while everyone else be talking serious plot and stuff! Like made respect to This green goober! MAD!
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The sluttier she is, the better the pop. Simple as
Don't know if boys count but been enjoying me some of 18+ best weretiger boy Nakajima Atsushi lately, Just sucks like zero to inflation stuff exists so it's mostly imaginative fantasy.
