/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 22:56:50 Id:9bd004 No. 135151
LadyLuckFate Thread
>>135151 Someone has the video Mars needs fates?
i didn’t realize the last thread disappeared
Does anyone the animation of LadyLuckFate Summer Job?
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>>135152 https://pixeldrain.com/u/NGtFKNpW I got others too. https://pixeldrain.com/u/rFLPi23o https://pixeldrain.com/u/UCeJvcS9 https://pixeldrain.com/u/FC2qMTJY https://pixeldrain.com/u/X86gLARd https://pixeldrain.com/u/akASuPZf
>>135176 Yeah it got bumplocked I think Shame, it had some really great stuff so it sucks to have to start over
>>135189 Last three seem to be deleted, thanks for others thiugh
>>135260 They work fine for me. Try a VPN or something.
Anyone got the new animation?
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It was supposed to be a TwinMill holding a hand of dreadnought from carcharodon 40K
>>135618 asking the same thing.
Mods deleted it, but yesterday an anon said he'd post it today.
>>135189 Don't have audio.
I got it, how do I download vimeos?
>>135686 I don't know a way so just send the links, or the numbers on the end of the link, its all you need to paste after "https://player.vimeo.com/video/" for it to work
>>135688 thanks kind anon >48 second mark :T well it was fun while it lasted.
>>135688 SO GOOOOOODDDDDDDDD Finally a 100% good animation!
>>135691 if past 48 seconds is where you found it crap you might just be too vanilla.
>>135699 Yeah this is probably his best animation so far. The only thing I didn't like was the uber inflation at 1:11, but the rest more than makes up for it.
>>135713 That part was actually my favorite. It adds goofiness to the inflation and made it more enjoyable imo. I think more than a Uber it’s an head inflation, but an Uber from Fate would be amazing
>>135717 >>135713 does everyone want ladyluckfate to make more Uber inflation
>>135719 Absolutely. This was almost one and it was amazing, an actual Uber would be gold. But even not necessarily, even another inflation with goofy face shenaningans would be ideal
>>135189 You think you can send me download links to Summer Job and Bouncy Hunter through Pixeldrain those were my favorites of Fate? https://vimeo.com/1000326639 (Summer Job) https://vimeo.com/777787169 (Bouncy Hunter)
>>135713 >>135717 >>135719 I've been a fan of Miss Fondre and her assistant Yui Transformations from the various drawings done by M23 Cartoons. So seeing LadyLuckFate do an animation dedicated to Miss Fondre really made my day and she looked so cute when her head and body got inflated by the water in the pipe especially with her duck/fish lips. I definitely would love to see more Miss Fondre inflation animations from LadyLuckFate along with Yui.
those anyone have anyone have LadyLuckFate's newest video? patreon.com/posts/liquid-assets-121257662
>>135688 the video just got private, those anyone have happen to downloaded it?
>>135765 I downloaded it incase something happened https://mab.to/t/qrfFb4WqRxm/us2
>>135776 Ok, thank you! >> 48 seconds later Um... nevermind
>>135811 The caveat of this artist. They have this uncanny ability of being on the verge of something awesome and then blowing it. It's so common now that it almost seems deliberate.
>>135811 Am not a fan of the head thing, but the other stuff going on is nice, like it picks up when the water starts redistributing to her ass, there's nice ideas, it's just the glaring uber face I don't like. Idk how I'm supposed to be aroused or enjoy a sequence when I can't even read any emotion off the character
>>135818 me too, uber is just not my type
>>135811 >>135817 >>135818 >>135826 be grateful it wasnt transformation shit this time and stfu
>>135688 Good shit Anons are being picky as always
>>135776 Man that's great
>>135826 seconded I am also glad that it isn't more TF, at least I do like the character, hope we see more of her in the future
>>135776 > Please reupload
>>135870 I prefer ladyluckfate made sexy TF any character because bbw nerd or sexy bimbo
>>136025 What Does TF stand for
>>136034 >>136035 'transformation' holy shit are you 12, retarded, or both?
>>136041 Aren't those the same? Just say inhuman or brick wall (not an insult to actual brick walls, they think the same)
>>135776 Curious what this is
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>>135776 Re-up please?
can someone reupload it
Anyway someone can create a gofile folders with all the animations? Vimeo can get blocked, YouTube/Google will take videos down, but gofile don’t give a shit about pirated content. Just check /real/ and /ssbbw/ boards
Does anyone have download links to Summer Job and Bouncy Hunter through Pixeldrain those were my favorites of Fate? https://vimeo.com/1000326639 (Summer Job) https://vimeo.com/777787169 (Bouncy Hunter)
If its of anyones interest, if nobody is going to get the stuff, or repost or anything, ill pay for it once and put all the stuff in one place, but that be at the end of the month, so dont expect it soon, but ill get it for us eventually Hope that helps a little
>>136149 You're a real one dude
I do wanna mention in advance, that i cant garantuee it, i have seen that its hard to download videos from vimeo, but ill.do my best! I got a month to get it all worked out, also wanna mention i will get it all from the previous months, as far as im willing to go, im also unsure where i will store it all, so if any of you got any ideas, it needs to be able to be accesed by others, but also not get me in trouble for sharing it
>>136350 What?
>>136474 Ignore. Local schizo posting nonsense.
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By away, It LadyLuckFate Birthday Today. I made a sketch. a warsuit that is made for inflation or blueberries.
Can someone share the last video of ladyluckfate
>>136587 They were trying but Vimeo always blocks it, and any other website erase it, so I don't were we could put it.
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>>136544 >a warsuit that is made for inflation or blueberries. Can it withstand the humble spear?
>>136607 Yea It will act like the deff dread from DoW2, a deff dread destroying a Wraithlord. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqOcTHlK4UA, here is the link.
>>135776 I can't find the video, myaiebridge.com say that "The requested transfer does not exist"
Someone have the link of the new video?
Can someone please send a download link for the latest video?
Can anyone reup the myairbridge of the new video?
I wonder if anyone is finally gonna re-upload the new animation...
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I said it before but idk if you guys care about it, i will upload it around the end of this month, ill get everything (or atleast as far as im willing to go) and then get it all in a file together So just.. around 10 days and ill be getting around to doing it
>>136922 Sorry, people get impatient
>>136544 this is beyond gooning
>>136922 Also it's pretty funny, people shit on the animation when they first see it, and now, that its down,.they want so bad to see it again...
>>136993 I'm sure it's different people on the tug-o-war; personally I love uber
>>136999 same!!!
Yea, I Know People like animation so much.
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>>135665 I finally made a sketch of the characters and my own oc, Twinmill is holding a emotional support friends, and she thinks her friends is gonna like her support friends, by a way for you don’t know or why is there a nonwarhammer character on the back, that is chainmail, he is non warhammer dreadnought OC.
>>137037 Fate is so silly and cute. Twinmill too.
>>137043 Kind of tired of twinmill honestly. Her personality is cute but she's not very attractive, she looks like a little plastic shark.
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>>137083 That Okay,
>>137083 Yeah especially when the tf is like a beach toy style animation, she just looks like an inflatable pool toy, not really all that interesting
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>>137151 I think she's cute enough, and her VA does a great job working with what's there. I do wish artists would make understanding their OCs a lot more accessible, though. Does LadyLuckFate have a bios page on them, or anything? The animations can be so character-driven and they can get bogged down from lack of context.
>>137083 >>137211 It depends for me. There's a lot that I really like about the design, specifically in terms of inflation: the tail getting fatter, the neck tattoos stretching around the head, the dynamic of the blue and white when she becomes huge, and then the tiny little speck of tattoos and pink glasses/hair (in a sea of fat) when she's REALLY huge. I really like this character as the commentator/inflator rather than inflatee though. The character is goofy, cute, and energetic about the situations, while Fate makes a great punching bag. Both VAs do a great job as inflator/inflatee regardless.
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Not sure what the fuck happened between Twinmill's debut vs her design now though. I know that LLF is putting less effort into these things because of their injury, and how much effort goes into them, but this character really got hit bad with the design changes between Milk Balls 2 and whatever the hell she is now
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>>137290 I Know people are gonna have argument about Twinmill Design, but look It just LLF a little bit of changes of her head, But Her Character Design Changes Is Okay For Me, Twinmill design is look good for me, LLF effort of Her is fine for me, I just how they change eyes, hair, even her glasses are changed too, even I do changed my OC design, sometime I forgot to draw his twin-linked little rocket pod on his back, I know but she is still a shark.
>>137326 Patience
Meh... ladyluckfate is shit is good, definitely amoung the best inflation animators out there
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Couldn't he turn twinmll into sexy inflatable pool like this scenario from comicalweapon? >>137151
>>137290 i just dont like the mullet look put that aside, still looks fine to me, just a lot more stylized, which i kinda fuck with tbh
I found the Summer Job animation on YouTube. I think the first part is great, but I really don't like the whole further transformation aspect. I like the inflation, but not when her body gets deformed, and certainly not the last part. Oh well, it's still a great quality animation, and I didn't need to pay for it. https://youtu.be/cR2N575YEg0?si=HE3YIFzA5S7GtG8D>>135176 >>135176 You can download it online. The file is too large.
Having some trouble downloading the video, im working on getting it tho!
>>137211 I genuinely think she's the cutest and the only thing keeping me from waifuing her is her being a furry?
https://mab.to/t/H9CWoJHBIfj/eu1 Here is one of them, i screenrecorded this just to get it out for all.of you waiting, while i figure out how to get the thing downloaded fully, while i recorded there was a firework thrown somewhere, idk if it was heard in the vid tho, but yeah.. this is the best i can do for now
Oh its the latest btw! The water pipe one!>>137743
>>137721 Who?cares? You know it's ok to like furry. The furry is cringe things just a big inside joke. NASA scientists for fuck sakes are furry
>>137743 bro u are a legend
>>137755 Furrys are fucking faggots. Is being a NASA scientist supposed to excuse one from being a complete degenerate faggot? Stop sexualizing animals you degenerate fuck. “Erm, being furry is not an inherently sexual thing” yet every furry jacks off to animals.
Oh man, I get what you mean. The animations are so well done, and I like quite a few parts as well as the ideas, but for some reason, they constantly manage to include something so off-putting that it ruins the entire thing. I am absolutely not into any of the transformation stuff, especially not anything including the head/face like that. I also dislike the overly rotund shapes. I guess it's also about reaching a broader audience, but man, that does keep me from ever buying the Patreon, because I'll end up liking like 40% of the things being put out while actively disliking the remaining 60%, which then also manage to ruin most of the appeal.>>135811 >>135817 >>135818
>>137743 I can't upload the video here it says that the video is too big to be posted
>>137766 At the end of the day, everyone has their own taste. Personally, I like the more bizarre forms of inflation, but I can understand why some wouldn't like it.
>>137768 >137743 Thats why i put it as a link, i hope the link works for everyone? Its open for 3 days, but i hope to have fixed the download stuff by then
They posted something new, enjoy! Its small, but good! https://mab.to/t/kRyLoYKXn2e/eu1
>>137775 But after downloading it, ir will not available to everyone else
https://youtu.be/9XQmDvv0W2c?si=P_4DGmeJg42DUBax The New animation
>>137782 Thanks It's already been said, but the art and sound is so good, but the niche kink stuff is just... Ugh... Seems they're doing more and more of it so I guess like furries it pays the bils.
>>137838 I think it's partly because nobody's really objecting to it or asking for something else.
>>137782 That Miri video was really good, wish it was longer.
>>137764 Stfu you fucking schizo
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