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3rd art girls Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 22:33:54 Id:ede580 No. 89415
Starting a new thread as the old one has gone missing. Any update on the new Nadia set?
She needs to be so much bigger. She should be the hyper voluptuous, mega booty, "unable to fit through doorways" one of the group.
Any new videos yet
>>89508 Yeah. I think all the girls shouldn't be able to fit through the doors due to breast expansion, weight gain, or whatever. But Nadia definitely needs to be much fatter.Like triple her size
The problem is that nasty ass credit card payment page. If they took paypal I'd have paid for it already sheesh
I just wish they'd update the pic of the month on time so I know if I'd be interested or not in membership that month
Has anyone june video (and picture set) of Nadia?
>>89724 That’s exactly the same reason why I haven’t subbed too. Such a weird system to use that I’ve never seen being used anywhere else
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Personally not happy with this month's content but figured I'd share it for those who might be https://mab.to/t/C1wLNtpMxvD/us3
thanks! What about june video ?
>>89890 this month? Ive seen nadia stuff online since like 2008 and this doesnt look any different than it did back then
Does the photo set go with the video >>89890 Honestly wished it had some embiggening to accompany it, but she still looks good at least.
>>89890 If you have july video, can you share june nadia video?
>>89890 Expired, reup please?
reup aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTYzVk5GTGZxTno=>>90107
>>89890 Thanks for sharing, love her size. Wish she grew into it while wearing this outfit.
please share previous video
Does anyone have this video? https://twitter.com/bE_fanboy/status/1681414711844417536
>>90114 Reup so it can be posted on stuffer db
Who else is praying that this next months isn't gonna be aids
>>92135 It's 3rd-art, ma guy, it's gonna automatically be aids if it's not nadia again
>>92174 I am baffled to how he and Farang Ding Dong are running despite not improving over the past 20 years
Honestly sucks that the content seems to be getting lazier yet not at the same time? Like the jiggle physics is good but actual context is lacking. Does anyone have the latest photo sets of Nadia?
>>92178 American Artists complain that people like me have unrealistic expectations and they think their mediocrity is worth a livable wage. Just look at Satsumalord, he whines that DC and Marvel are unrealistic because VFX artists have to do basic editing and effects over the weekend. Barbie and Illumination make money cause they like their craft. Are artists suggesting we go back to the days Adam Sandler movies dominated cinema?
Shazam II flopped cause it was Xena the Movie. Milf and Cougar jokes don't work in live action cause it's awkward
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AUGUST 2023 UPDATE DAO BLACK LACE DRESS PART 2 VIDEO https://mega.nz/file/KixCnT5B#CV6R87W--0kOfMCCuOkynU9vZuSHHRw5F3OsRRmCnrw GALLERY https://pixhost.to/gallery/1nzk5
>>92178 Seconded, Nadia photo sets are missing from SDB
>>92230 No expansion. Shame, Oh well at least we get some dao so it's not a total waste.
have somebody june nadia video? the picture is on the topic
>>92179 Christ what a dogshit opinion. “Some shitty deviant artist has sucky art, therefor VFX artists don’t deserve food unless they do 70hr work weeks.” The have constant studio inference making them scrap and rescrap the project 50 times until it looks like shit because “that’s what the studio thinks will sell,” and I can guarantee that’s more difficult and frustrating then whatever sit-on-your-ass shitty “job” you do.>>92179
>>92235 Eh... Nadia is top tier tbh
>>92235 This is kinda how I take things. Honestly I've found my own fun finding out that some sets share poses somewhat, so it's easy to compare non-expanded and 'expanded' looks.
>>92258 Still mad that Joe Biden isn't listening to your tantrums, bootlicker?
>>92258 I personally think VFX artists shouldn't get food or housing. Zaslav deleted all that lore cartoons cause he knew full well nobody likes the student film feel of Cal Arts. You're expected to get your shit together and produce brands. None of this "Wait, it gets better at episode 13". Retards need to establish themselves at Episode 1
schizoposting again?
>>92293 Nobody cares for porn artists cause they aren't taking creative risks. They're straight white men who's afraid of change
>>92235 Am i getting crazy, or that are Lisa's boobs on Dao?
>>92230 Big Dao tiddies are big Dao tiddies but the physics leaves a lot to desire. They literally behave like balloons with spring attachments.
what a nonsense, you nave July and August video, but nobody has June video! If anybody has it, please share
You know, maybe it’s not the best topic to bring up, but has anyone tried to make a Lora set with stable diffusion using the 3rd-Art characters? A Babs and Kelly generation themed set, or just outright copy the style itself?
Do anybody have June video ?
Wake up wake up it's the first of the month
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This month we have Tatiana!
>>94520 Hot.
>>94520 meh. I'm all about Nadia.
If people here love Nadia, then where is June video?)
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I looked it up, and back in the late 90s/early 2000s, there were like three physical CDs that the 3rd-art guy sold. I've been looking for that content forever, and I just found a compilation that I think has some of that content. Does anyone have the rest? Those original 3rd-art image sets and videos? aHR0cHM6Ly9zcGFua2JhbmcuY29tLzZpM3BqL3ZpZGVvLzNyZCthcnQ=
>>94704 Some of this I've never seen before fantastic find!
>>94704 What's the decryption method again? I fuckin forget, it's been forever since I've been on here
Anyone have this months video?
>>94817 Plug the code into Base64. It’s just a link to a spankbang video, that’s all.
>>94704 It’s wishful thinking that these DVD’s were ever made to begin with, and if they were, I highly doubt they have lasted 20+ years sitting in some case or computer file. But since it’s impossible to get in contact with 3rd-Art anyways, I suppose it doesn’t hurt to ask around.
What about June and September videos ?
>>94923 what about second breakfast?
While I can't say if these are the videos off of the disc, this is a very old collection from 2008. Some of these videos I see very rarely or not at all so hope you find something new to you in there. https://mab.to/t/LYiAl0cR2ra/us3
>>94704 So turns out I had this video in the archives and it's named "3D - Darlings 3.avi" Good news! I also have #1 and #2. All three uploaded here: https://mab.to/t/dwsy2nu92ER/us2 Wish I had the image set from that post. He hasn't done much expansion with Sarah outside of those old-ass clips and a few clit-growth (also old).
It's very interesting to see they're progression in both style and technical looks
do anybody know about new videos ?
>>95004 >>89890 Hey guys, I hate to be a bother but is there anyway I could get fresh links from either of you? Just refound this thread from the old one and would love to see/add your stuff to my own collection! I really really appreciate it!!
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B]SEPTEMBER 2023 UPDATE[/B] TATIANA BLACK TOP [PART 1 + 2] (Updated with gloss effect on the boobs!) [B]VIDEO [URL]https://mega.nz/file/H7xmWQhC#soHVrMUvqg6--6XV_-W1uC6Xlqx3wVOmM7TDl3C_zzg[/URL] GALLERY[/B] [URL]https://pixhost.to/gallery/lQXw6[/URL]
Thanks a lot What about Nadia June video ?
>>95276 I swear that same staircase and room has been in service for these videos since 1998.
>>95014 >>95004 Could you reupload please?
Thank you very much! Really appreciated!
Am I the only one not thrilled with her lips? I mean, don’t get me wrong, thicc lips are neat. But this looks so… wrong. Like the lips creation was rushed.
I wonder if you has august and september videos, why can't anybody find june nadia video?
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Here's June ya filthy animals. I'm late to the party so it'd be much appreciated if someone could reup those old videos from the CDs/DVDs. Need me some pixelated BE. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVlzYnBDTkVHY0E=
>>96293 https://mab.to/t/ANghhgMZD7f/us2 Here you go boss
a nads and a reup for anyone playing catchup https://mab.to/t/tXtGJTPOutJ/eu1
new month video?
>>96293 Can anybody please reupload? Thanksss
What is this month’s vid?
there's Nadia again, it will be interesting
Really hoping this nadia set actually includes some expansion
anyone have new video?
>>96925 New Nadia https://twitter.com/i/status/1710243081965224335
June video reup?
Its been exactly a year since he did expansion content like wtf? And now this video of nadia doing nothing? Can't understand his thinking... He should focus on expansion related vids only and he'll see the money coming
Found the june video on the 3rd art subreddit lmao
pumping for safety.
What's gonna happen to this thread since this website will be shut down? Is there a way to keep this going?
>>98826 Why can't people read
Can't wait to see what's the content this month! Hopefully it's finally some good breast expansion stuff
>>99205 We can only dream
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>>99205 well, heres this month's pic, might not have any expansion but it looks interesting
It looks like he's redoing dao sun tan lotion part one, then fishnet one, then lotion part two
Could you please share a video? Would really appreciate that! Thank you!
It's on the subreddit
>>99684 Where is this subredit?
>>99691 ..on reddit
Could some one post it here??
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>>99691 1 type on google “3darlings Reddit” 2 find the Reddit link (Likely the first link) 3 you are now a hacker
Lets get this thread moving again. https://mab.to/t/kDQ2aQbSxS8/us2
Hey guys I just wanted to say I created a chatbot of Dao. She is off course in the classic tanning lotion BE scenario. I’m still tinkering with it but have fun and lmk what you think! https://spicychat.ai/chat/13434e13-656a-4d21-8a1e-5d355e021faf
>>101224 This was awesome, thank you for making it! My only gripe was that she seemed to forget how large her breasts were at a point and went from pool-filling back to barely contained in her bikini... Kind of a turn off in that moment lol
>>101291 nah bro, its like a tape measure, they just retracted lmao
>>99747 What's reddit?
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Tatiana again this month
>>99408 Source on that?
>>101224 Doin' god's work, she's pleasantly flexible too. I got her over time to go from the suntan scenario to preg on a whim and it worked out great.
Well, that was disappointing. No expansion, no nadia
Anyone got the latest clip?
Can anyone please post this month's video and galvery of photos. I tried using 8muses, but it doesn't work, it says "Your browser does not fully support modern web standards" Whatever that means
>>101224 I've had some pretty great nights with this so far, so thank you for doing this! One issue that I've come into sometimes, and I'm not sure how much control you have over this anyway vs. if it just comes from the language model they use, but I find that sometimes, especially when she's climaxing, the narration will get stuck in recursive loops, where it just keeps repeating the same thing over and over again, no matter what I say. The only workaround I've found so far is to just be diligent about making sure that each response she/the narration gives is different and to randomize the outcome if it isn't. If she repeats herself once it becomes hard to dig yourself out of that hole.
>>102087 8muse is gone young son. allporncomix is your new home.
Hey, Can anyone make a Nadia chat in SpicyChat, please.
>>102862 But she never says anything she has no personality
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Happy New Year! https://mab.to/t/6JUwavHrMeL/us3 https://gofile.io/d/9HaWFc
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>>103426 Heh does seem either a prototype or rushed. That walking animation made me snicker.
>>103426 Damn that was short as hell lmao, what a blast from the past
>>103463 Glad I am not alone that walk cycle was jank same with the cucumber chop she is is like stupid strong. I really do wonder what program he uses. It’s gotta be crazy stupid old. Has anyone ever talked to him and gotten a reply?
>>89415 Since we have a spammer plague I'll request a list of general to make and mass report threads which aren't on the list.
>>104423 Shut the fuck up and let people enjoy themselves, jackass
>>104452 Are you autistic?
>>104452 Somebody was posting a politically motivated copy-pasta suggesting the GOP would pornpocalypse the internet. Mass reporting would be justified. Chill.
>>103209 Not in her videos, at least. But from ye olde donuts comic, there is a lot one could potentially draw from regarding her personality.
>>104454 How? The Wall St. Journal is telling Ron Desantis to drop out after shilling him and Nikki Haley is losing to the Donald because the GOP isn't fun. Evangelicals grip on the party has been dead since 2016. Now conservatives want anime, porn, and video games to own libs.
>>104470 Desantis the bullshit artist
>>104453 I don't have autism. It's just that Instagram and Only fans models took over the breast expansion scene and they want to abandon the props for stay at home girlfriend or housewife or whatever meme.
>>104471 The problem with Desantis is that he's a square despite being from a state known for partying.
Sarah is very underrated.
>>104978 Bro there are millions of real black women with the same exact shape as Sarah, and just like Sarah, they don't experience rapid expansion. Now it's much more difficult to find body types like Dao's and Kelly's in Asian and white women plus those 3rdart girls actually do get expansion content made Sarah has the right amount of rating imo
>>105452 Bahamas
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Nadia this month.
>>105767 basta chiacchiere
>>105767 Mon cherie.
>>105767 Again?! God damn. A full quarter of the updates in the last year have been her.
>>105782 You're making it sounds like that's a bad thing, she's literally the only one of the 3rd art gals that most people actually give a shit about
>>105793 Even though Nadia isn't my cup of tea, I'd rather it be spruced up a bit instead of the same old shit every month. I would like to see Dao more often though 👀
>>105767 I’m glad that Nadia’s back again, one thing I’m hoping for is that one day one of the other girls gains weight, even if it’s just for one video. Would be cool to see some variety
Would love to see more Dao
Anybody have new Nadia video?
>>105813 considering at least 2-3 out of the 8 girls that arent nadia have gotten pregnant weight gain of at least one of them would be great, it is a semi-connnect porn universe so the girls getting the products that made naida fat arent out of the question.
I am very sorry to interrupt you discussion, gentlemen, but the most important question is new Nadia's video
>>105958 Seconded. Is it a revamp of an old vid, or something new?
it is very odd, that in site names "bbw-chan" Lisa's video sharing in days and Nadia in months, althought Nadia is bbw, not Lisa
>>106083 If I had to guess, I'd imagine the anons who usually post the content are also the anons who are only in it for the BE vids and hate the Nadia content >>105992 From the image of looks like a revamp of a prior video, although in that one the cake said "330" instead of "440" despite it appearing that she's the same size?
Damn it, it's the sequel to the one where she takes pills to gain weight. Which means no expansion. And it's nearly the same as some past vids
It's already in the subreddit, "New upload February 2024: Nadia and the Christmas Pounds"
does anyone know if the 3rd art team take comisions?
>>106187 Link?
>>106192 From what I know (and I’d love to be proven wrong) 3rd art never talks to anyone like 0 nothing never. They have a help sections but every time I have either sent a message of complement or request for help when subscribed no response is ever given. Again I’d love to hear that I am wrong but given the sites age I’d assume it is some dude in his 50s or 60s by now and he probably has no time for fans.
>>106192 I know that their elevator inflation vid has someone thanked for the idea
>>106222 My bad, here's the link https://www.reddit.com/r/3rdArt/comments/1albikn/new_upload_february_2024_nadia_and_the_christmas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
>>106240 >>106231 thanks you two, if there was a way to put an idea forward, i always thought the nadia ice cream wg clip from like 2006 was one of the best animated clips iv'e seen. A few weeks ago i rediscoverd the clip on youtube where someone just did a little edditing on it and it is still one of the best animated expansion clips iv'e seen I was basically going to try and ask for a sort of remake, a slightly longer expansion sequence where the skirt and shirt slowly give up in a almost stripper like way. Maybe have a someone feeding her and rubbing her belly in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9ry1plve0E thats the edited version someone did
Actually, I wrote them for the idea of weight gain on the scale idea. And they made the "Nadia takes Voluptan" video! One of the best videos ever made
>>106231 I've checked back in my email archive and I sent the guy messages back in 2007 - 2010 without any replies. However I'm sure the very first email I sent him did get a reply. That would have been back pre2007 and I'm sure he said that he was looking into new techniques and wanted to incorporate more jiggle physics into Nadia. For the amount of time that's elapsed I'd have expected to see more development and improvement. But quality has increased since those early days. I don't know what the webmasters deal is but Nadia is one of the hottest properties in all of the bbw scene. I'm just glad that new content slowly materializes.
>>106254 in that case just ask for an extended remake of it Maybe finally have the skirt and her top rip off of her, cause we got so to officially seeing she wasn't wearing panties and was just going commando under her clothes. nothing more.
So i took the time to go over the two prominent vids of nadia's recent weight gain and in the newest one she is Indeed noticeably fatter
>>106603 Like not by too much but enough to see a difference long with the clothes being brighter and vibrant
Well i watched the new nadia animation on wendsday and... it was okay Like almost mediocre it was so okay. Why the fuck is it that 3rd-art keeps fucking cutting the animations short after it starts getting good Every.FUCKING.TIME!
Maybe they're testing how many videos they can lazily reuse before they starting losing subscriptions..
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>>107192 I look at the fact that this operation has been going on for over 20 years and wonder if its for the money. I think money plays a part, but I genuinely think 3rd-art does it for the love of it. The erosion pace of tech upgrades, the "newly" introduced, continued use of that aliased to fuck hair... I SCREAM for decent resolution / clarity of these videos if only to satisfy the disappointment of the me who rediscovered that these things were still being made only to find out that it was 800x600. in 2015. upscaling has only gotten me so far. I'll also post these if nobody's seen them in a bit
>>107511 Thats why u should of stayed with the white bitch. She woodnt take pics with ppl u dont fuck with. But hoes will be hoes
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>>107511 Nadia >>107512 you lost me
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>>107515 Kelly I also thought I had a lot more of these, but I don't think I have Tatiana, Dao, or Babs / Babbette
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>>107516 Sarah
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>>107517 I guess the only other one I could find (on my hard drive) was Sylvia. You remember Sylvia, right?
anybody have new video?
Looks to be Lisa pregnant, could be pretty hot
>>108264 Me not have.
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>>107515 >Nadia is 23 I can still buy Lisa is, but not Nadia, no way her model was made to reflect 23 years of age.
Bump Also why does no one talk about this Nadia video (Oct 2023)? This is good. https://mab.to/t/OCoT8GFkPYN/us3
>>108734 because, while it fits the site in general, theres no growth, so it doesnt fit this board
anybody have new Lisa video?
>>109035 Call Washington. He said keep him up to date. So keep him up to date. He is waiting.
The months almost over, any sign of this months vid?
>>110744 It says the page doesn't exist. Try something else
>>110760 https://nitter.poast.org/thirddarlings/status/1774814351003975853
This month's video is Dao with sunscreen!
Oh wow expansion this month! I miss the luvbub88 person who always uploaded the month's videos. Really thankful for all who upload; the account I found years ago which had worked for so long stopped working a few months back and it's been a sad time missing out on his latest videos
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Anybody got this month's vid? It looks pretty promising.
Dao expansion content April 2024 https://mab.to/t/N2DDY8Z1gGi/us2
>>110828 king Shame the expansion is done so quickly. One of the reasons the original version was great was because the growth happens in stages. The milk is nice though
>>110828 Thank you! It's great, can't wait for continuations of this one
We’ve never been so back fellas. Maybe this will inspire me to tinker with that Dao AI more.
Anyone want any others? I love Dao content so i bought this month cause i'm a little fiend. Might as well make some dreams come true while i'm at it
>>110896 Could you drop last month's pregnant lisa? 3rd's quality is a little rough without going through twitter compression.
>>110899 Why are you smiling shave that carpet lmao
>>110899 many thanks man thats a good one. I wish he'd do like rapid pregnancy expansion too.
>>108734 >>110828 >>110899 Hey guys, sorry I'm just now catching up on this thread after being away a bit. Is there anyway I could get a relink to any of these? Id really appreciate it!
>>111672 You are the best, thank you a ton~
>>111672 >https://mab.to/t/dEHbbeoAVu4/us2 Mind reuploading this? Missed it, and I can't believe he still does lactation like this. I love that shit, I wish he did more.
Can you link again please it just said delete 😕
Bump for interest.
>here guys, >hoping for breast expansion this month too >https://mab.to/t/YRYfUn6D3VN/us2
Site just got updated: Babs and the Bimboid App. Looking good.
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>>113615 very exciting
Babs and the bimboid app https://mab.to/t/kKifcozbwa2/us2
Can anyone upload the picture set too?
Imagine how ridiculous Nadia and Sarah would look like if they got a hold of the bimboid app.
>>113638 Thanks! Such a fucking shame that there's no continuity and Babs is magically smaller, only to get to her same size in the previous releases of the video. When part 2 of that video came out, I was really hoping for Babs to go from huge to enormous. Oh well. 3rd-art can be such a hit and miss
>>113675 Same. The best 3rd-art content is the type that progresses.
>>113711 Needs some story as well. The first bimboid video set up a rivalry. That's gone now. Is it too much to ask for one them to tap the app, only for it to lag, making her tap it several times, resulting in massive growth? Maybe one of them presses the page back button, instead of the undo button, thereby repeating her expansion... Stuff like that adds a lot to a scene.
https://mab.to/t/IxzY4IvDuz3/eu1 I merged the two videos together, so you have both breast expansions in one clip.
Hey i've pieced together some of my fav dao clips as shes best girl. Heres the edit link. It will expire in 7 days so feel free to download. Any ideas on how to improve or feedback is greatly appreciated. https://we.tl/t-Fy4tq4gH1H
>>113895 This is great! I know you're trying to keep continuity, but for that last scene of Dao with her toy, the previous version has her wearing a different top, but with visibly larger knickers. It would be great for you to splice that in somehow, maybe once her tits slip out. Here's a link to one version of it. I think stufferdb had it too, but it's down at the moment. x hamster dot com/videos/daos-dildo-ride-version-1-xhehabH
>>113638 could you reup please?
Yo I hope ya'll enjoyed my last edit of dao and her expansion dream edit. So i've been working on another dao edit and heres something quick i just really wanted to make A babs pinball edit Also thanks for the feedback, i would include her pink panties which i do like. just colours and combing the clips make it look kinda meh, since your mixing two completely different bikini's But any other ideas of mulitple similar video combos just let me know. Also i spotted my clip on the reddit page, thank you for salvaging it and putting it up, i'm just happy to upload em here for fun, but hope ya'll enjoy https://we.tl/t-eXNsRXYs4r expires in 3 days, wetransfer sucks now
>>114660 That was fantastic! I'd assume after the first sound of the first cc's injection was activated we would hear each one of the fanfares through the next stage, as sort of one real time during the video. The other times fanfares came in and the final drum roll are memorable for years, so in that way, the audience will renovate their excitement i such a great way! The walking intro should have remained uncut. Maybe extend the gameplay going back and forth to some swings, so we have more time seeing her breasts jump. Concentrating to zoom-in, in case you want to see her adjusting her clothes with a lot more focus. The instant nipple grow and milking scenes were successful. And my favorite addition you do was slowing down the moans. Making them lower in tone. Wonderful bits
>>114660 Damn missed it. Reup, please?
>>115200 https://www.reddit.com/r/3rdArt/s/gY5HJwI3v8 Was saved on the subreddit.
Hey, I'm generally shocked at the support i'm getting with these edits. I honestly didnt think they'd get many upvotes and support. Thanks ya'll. I'm glad you're liking them. The feedback is always apprichiated, i do plan more with babs and the other girls. Dao is just a fan favorite, so bias. But hmu here, i'm always up for any other ideas. Also just because yall mentioned it, the slowing down thing is my favourite thing, i just the expansive noise and the low groaning, it's just something i'm into. So to hear in support of that means alot. Anyway, heres my next clip. Dao again. I plan a certain blondie next.. https://we.tl/t-PR4nZw5Qhj
Yo i'm back again with another clip, So i've been pretty favorable towards my best girl Dao, so heres a change of pace. Thanks for supporting my work, glad a community likes my work. Heres another of my fav clips, but they're just like 30m combined, so heres the best bits https://we.tl/t-DDVBuxLful
Sooooo who's the subject of this month?
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New vid Nadia and the Burger Frenzy https://we.tl/t-Yn4EGeAIlK
>>116516 Based, thank you senpai
Why no expansion :'(
>>115974 Re-Up? please
>>115974 Reupload please!
>>116813 >>116909 Saved here: https://www.reddit.com/r/3rdArt/s/dEydmXLNsE
Yo everyone, Heres my next video, i've done a small quicker expansion edit of best girl dao. Hope ya'll liked the lisa edit Here ya go. https://we.tl/t-kUSC9ZbAl5 Any edits you'd like in the future, let me know on here. Thanks
Would love to see an edit of all the times girls lactated in 3rd art videos
>>89539 > Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 14:45:52 Id:2a2a93 No. 89539 >>117358 Absolutely! The lactation scenes are my favourites. Wish more were made
>>116516 Really late on this one, anyway I could get a reupload my good poster?
Can we get a breast milk/lactation compilation?
>>116516 Could we get a reupload for this video? I missed it
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July's Girl of the Month is Lisa
For anyone wondering, most video are on Reddit, including this one, but you need an account of course https://www.reddit.com/r/3rdArt https://www.reddit.com/r/3rdArt/s/tCg6PWRNKx
ai upscaled and 60fps https://www.zippyshare.day/W9v5UkjOIHuyM9P/file up for 3 days i'm not re-uploading
Holy nips! Damn that's a good vid this month. Anyone have a download link for the vid? I'd like to have a version saved
>>119056 >magic doodad makes darling bigger >darling has big think, repeats process a+ every time >no shitty extreme zoom in/slo-mo >not bimboification >best girl getting some decent fucking content top 5 easy maybe top 3
>>119037 right as I was asking.thanks man
>>119056 What program did you use to upscale and improve the fps? And can you do it to other older video?
>>119089 some anon last thread was using videox2 and flowframes so i tried it out for myself and it came out pretty good don't bother trying it out on the guy's archaic content it won't do it any good; anything mp4 is fine you can probably find more examples uploaded to stufferdb
>>119106 Actually, I'm more interested in upscaling and increasing the fps of the newer videos (mainly stuff with Sarah) Also, I would love to know how he does those physics, those models look incredible. I tried to look for tutorials, but... you can't really put that stuff on YouTube. It would be awesome if we could make like a playlist or a document with stuff we find
>>119262 Does the person behind 3darlings interact with the community at all?
>>119056 Hey, for some reason, the link isn't working and isn't downloading. Could you or someone else please upload this on some other filesharing site (Wetransfer or Myairbridge)
>>119263 Not that I know of. I've never seen any time of effort about it. The guy behind 3rd-art is as secretive as the guy behind Farang Ding Dong.
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>>116516 Okay i actually got to watch the video and god dammit that was underwhelming Short, just barely teetotaling and only redeeming thing about it is that it pans over to a pic of her thin and kinda hints she's liking being fat but that just barely there 3.5/10 i only recommend it for archival purposes
Shit sucks, no BE or anything https://mab.to/t/wtxF1wbBTXh/us2
No Be https://mab.to/t/wtxF1wbBTXh/us2
>>119300 And you're not gonna hear anything about that guy because the site's been torpedoed for a while. Which I can't imagine why, dude got bitch-slapped by the pandemic and couldn't get new footage of any girls wearing the props so he started trying to resell old clips on the main site.
>>121394 Thank you! It's extremely perfect you also gave the picture set!!!
Hey, so i've taken a quick break, i went back to edit another alt version of dao's magic tv remote, as it's just one of my favs, and did something different with it, since it's one of the few clips without set nudity. It's still one of my fav 2 piece storys, i wish the guy did more like this. Hope you enjoy this one. https://we.tl/t-AI8JC3rIwc
>>122917 What format is this
Its that time again! will we get an expansion video or no, lets find out!
We do indeed. Though it's only a small amount of expansion
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Look's like Dao and her luscious milk jugs will be getting all the attention for this month. The question is, will they get any bigger?
God I hope so, but more than that I hope there is an aftermath where she takes off the sucker cups and her nipples are bigger too
>>124160 Holy fucking nipples! Now she really does have udders! I love it!
just loved the entire lore finally some develop in the milking machine arc
Anyone have the picture set? There's video but I never see the images.
theres r/3rdArt but if anyone could post a download link for the videos themselves that would be appreciated.
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>>124179 You can google websites to download reddit vids :)
Holyyyy shittt, do i love the new dao vid, if ya'll remember i did an edit with her remote and milk one in the past, well now i quickly edited them both together for a double expansion special. i'm so glad the artist finished off the idea, but i still feel theres so much more to do. next part should be dao taking them off, and feeling herself up, touching her pussycat and pleasuring herself whilst milking herself/ drinking from her new giant nipples. or maybe rings a friend round and she drinks some of her milk and grows. OMGGGG the ideas are insane, i'd love to see so much more. Anyway, heres' my edited video. https://we.tl/t-N593kE1TlF expires in 3 days, enjoy.
Yeah, does anyone have the picture set? Would love to see it!!
>>124207 Reup?
>>124196 I long await when we'd get a dedicated lactation video. I hope he does more
Hey does anyone have a good nadia folder?
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So. . . Turns out 3rd-art DID make an extended version of an animation its nadia's 330 pound celebration video There's 2 versions, one with nudity scene (long hair first image) and one with extended nudity scene (second image short hair)
What will be this month's subject?
>>126098 It's dao getting milked from a breast pump machine All i want is some decent nadia eating and getting fat enough to burst out of her clothes
>>125778 smartschoolboy9 lookin ass
what's this month?
>>126678 dissapointing
>>126678 Remake of Nadia on her bike. Might be me getting old but I kinda dig it from a 'holy shit this dude's been going forever' perspective, even if it's not kinky.
Does the creator have some kind of so called “artistic integrity” as to why he won’t do as much expansion content. And what ever happen to Kelly she isn’t used as much anymore.
>>126969 Bro he makes vids of plastic looking woman do sexy walks, struts, getting fucked by maniquine men, tits expand from almost nothing and getting fat, if he's trying to have "artistic integrity" he lost it as soon as he decided that 90s 3d porn was the way to go for life
So, does anybody have that new video pls?
Is there a way to put in a request, like if he takes money to get him to do what we all want. In all honesty he would probably make so much money if he were to do a Kelly video but with her getting fat like Nadia. I mean that's something I want so see
>>127282 If i had fucking Cash i'd pay out the ASS to get wg vids of the kelly, dao and the rest
I agree with you two, weight gain of kelly would get so much attention that it would be insane. I imagine it as she takes those pills and stands on the scale like nadia only this time she wears her normal outfit.
>>127354 Agreed. Even if he just did a simple comic like Nadia where Dao or Kelly gained as much weight.
I once had this fantasy where kelly would be fatten up like nadia in the cake video. Only this time she started off skinny while wearing a blue silk robe and underwear and would pop out of it.
Does anyone have the video of Nadia eating ice cream until her shorts and shirt rip off. Its been over a decade since Ive seen it. I know it exists.
someone needs to hack whoever makes this content and make the software available to the greater public, so that we can make it reach its true potential
>>128277 Why? Just use blender or sfm instead of his jank ass 1998 software.
>>128320 Is it possible? But they have to do the Nadia model from scratch. And who will do the Nadia model on Blender or SFM?
>>128444 1 of 2 people 1- someone good enough at blender and a care to see something better. 2- someone good enough at blender willing to be paid to make the model.
What is needed is someone with enough skill, desire, and follow through to do that. And on top of that someone that even knows about 3dalrings.
October is done. Any news yet for Nov?
>>128838 Is Tatiana with gold bikini with sexy
3rd art creator is definitely allergic to expansion content. Just the most vanilla shit you could imagine...
Happy Holidays I sure hope 3rd-art Claus brings us expansion content this year
I want to see my beloved Kelly and I want Jumpsuit remake
Someone has uploaded images on deviant art for this month's vid. It's Kelly and there is BE
>>131117 Ain't no way this is actually Mr. 3rd-Art is it? https://www.deviantart.com/3darlings/gallery Some enterprising subscriber subsidizing their membership? The only thing that makes me think it could be is this video that I don't remember being shared or discussed anywhere.
>>131118 https://www.deviantart.com/3darlings/art/Nadia-Black-Dress-1121695605
>one reuploading vids/pics behind a paywall >another straight up uploading whole (older) videos shit is lawless lmao
>>131118 website picture of the month isn't updated deviantart has new content; the nitter says its Kelly as of yesterday also has a watermark i don't know what it means!
it's one thing to reupload things for free, but monetizing already available content when you're not the creator is actually evil
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I've asked a friend who is a 3rd-art subscription member. He's been able to get ahold of the creator (calls himself Matrix) through email, he picks up questions and requests of their members. He sent me this: The deviantart page it's confirmed to be from the same guy. Matrix administrates the same account. >>131176
>>131666 You ppl are crazy lmao
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This is apparently part of a set
>>133293 Awww hell yes, the more fat Nadia we get, the better.
anybody have the video?
Please let it be a weight gain and not some stupid walking around bull.
>>133437 Oh it it less than that. She literally just stands there fully clothed and cuts out cookies. That image sums up the whole video. 0 nudity
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Dao's back along with her massive mommy milkers this month. 🍈🍈
is the video out yet? doesn't seem to be on reddit
>>135542 bigger or just the same?
Waiting for our heroes with the link
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>>135542 Even if she doesn't get bigger than in the original, I hope she gets milk eruptions with every growth spurt, like in this video
>>135542 And a different picture on DeviantArt
video is on reddit now, it's 1 for 1 remaster, but i'm so happy with it, some lil features too, good treat this month
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> she/her Huh, alright. Thought it was a dude making these
does anyone have the latest nadia stuff? I know its just boring but come on i need some nadia
I took the liberty of subscribing to 3rd art’s membership thing… and it’s just not worth it. There’s no “new” videos that we already haven’t seen from leakers. Not to mention how confusing it can be to unsubscribe. Glad I took a snapshot of my receipt, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to find the necessary info to unsubscribe. If you’re ever thinking about subscribing, by all means. You’re gonna be disappointed though.
>>135985 Do they still use that stupid ass C&C billing? That place is a scam that fucks over the coast Omer at very turn.
Does anyone have any comics? For example there is one on Lisa's eleveator.
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Dao and Tatiana for this month. I doubt there's going to any type of growth for this one.
