/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Chatbot Thread 3: The Revival Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 17:45:02 Id:6a4292 No. 106840
Since the inflation chatbot thread got moved from /inf/ to /bbwai/, the thread basically died. HOWEVER, that ends here. "As before, there is this website called Character.ai that lets you make chatbots for roleplay. Some of us have used it to make inflation chatbots, and are sharing them here. Join in, have fun, and maybe make a few inflation bots of your own to share!" Link to the website: https://beta.character.ai/
Hey hey! To inaugurate this new thread, I present you with RidiculousCake's best character duo, Sunny and Messy! They work for both weight gain or inflation scenarios, hope you all enjoy! Sunny: https://c.ai/c/aD8ulslS4T9Mg5B12pHuVUQ7qDAdMZcaP2kIPshE_0o Messy: https://c.ai/c/ZHxmcs4e9PqJghbJAAkQAdRDgcqUoXErd4ZsSpV-bAA If any suggestions or tweaking needed, just hit me up here!
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>>106840 Don't forget spicychat.ai also exists and that allows full NSFW scenarios.
>>106840 Not saying I would love to see a x-j9 inflation scenario character, but certainly wouldn't say no. And yeah I kinda agree the inf chatbot just kinda fizzled out in bbwai.
>>106856 i believe spicychat.ai has an entire category with inflation related chatbots
>>106844 Is there a SpicyChat or a chub.ai entry for the both of them?
>>106887 I could port them to Spicychat! Unfortunately I don't use Chub, can't afford that kinda thing.
>>106903 What region
>>106904 North America/US
>>106909 Where do I sign.
>>106909 Hurry up I need my papers
>>106894 Please upload them to Spicychat, that would be fair enough!
>>106919 Hey, apologies for the delay! Messy: https://spicychat.ai/chat/cb3f0b5d-17c1-4e79-a6ec-0dda6e9b161d Sunny: https://spicychat.ai/chat/905604dd-fbc5-4f2f-9f60-4eecff663d85
Are asking about doing chatbots about irl people okay? If they are can someone make a breast expansion bot for either the cosplayer toxicosplays or melondoki?? Hell you could even make it where they are two separate bots and can interact with each other.
Was always against this being on /bbwai/. This is firmly an inflation thing, not a bbw thing. The fact the thread died on /bbwai/ is proof it belongs here.
>>107054 Well, I'd say only if they're into the kink as well. Besides that I'm not entirely sure.
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Wanna give it a try with spicychat and make a bot with Noahbuddy's elastic short gal, Mel Comments and stuff helps to move it some, i want to make more bots from artists who make inflation art or characters related to this when i have the time, also i think that characters from this kind of artists is a huge opportunity for a ton of bots, so yeh, that and have fun with the bot! Mel: https://spicychat.ai/chat/0b2f8bc8-1fc4-4940-abf0-756cf19e94ce
>>107230 As far as I know, I'd say they are, it's like super known or anything
>>106844 > https://c.ai/c/ZHxmcs4e9PqJghbJAAkQAdRDgcqUoXErd4ZsSpV-bAA Suggestion: Please unlock defs so we have the option to not use such a restrictive service.
I recommend janitor.ai, all you need is an account to access the nsfw stuff, then you're set!
>>107316 Oops I didn't realize I made a mistake when I typed this, I ment to say "it's not like super known or anything"
>>107450 I'm assuming you've used it before. How does it compare to char.ai and spicychat in terms of making bots, responses, intelligence, that sort of thing?
would it be wrong to make a jaiden animations inflation chatbot?
>>107466 yes, as she doesn't want r34 of herself on the internet sorry mate
>>107466 No. Just go ahead and make it.
>>107301 Instructions unclear, inflated her, accidentally fell in love with her, had kinky inflation sex, got married, and started a family together instead
>>107472 and how many people has that stopped
The Mel one is.... really good. I lost half my day today because of it. She could weirdly lie to other people... I had her inflate to fake an allergic reaction to get us a free meal at a restaurant on a date. Didn't expect that out of a bot.
>>107344 Sure thing! I'll be unlocking all my bots' definitions.
Wish there was a way to get an inflation chat bot that has multiple stored images and then posts one in the chat when you reach certain scenarios.
>>107674 Caveduck has a system like that, where a character switches between images based on the current situation.
Bot time, this with Samantha, the massive ass character of High-On-Fairydust. On this you get to her music store looking for music stuff and at the end talking about that or about her giant figure. Its pretty fun doing this kinda shits, anyway, more of these later, chat with the big ass lady Samantha: https://spicychat.ai/chat/bfd3a42f-32f3-424a-8dfe-2d8b9b706125
The idea of walking on foot pumps is amazing, is there any inflation chatbot based on this theme? Source: https://twitter.com/i81icu812/status/884865890436620288?
>>107301 Can you make a janitor.ai version?
https://beta.character.ai/public-profile/?source=recent-chats&char=0raw5M56mwsWfr5TZo4bazMVsCEJB4P6kqM-dTZ1nZo&username=InflationOfGasPrices They make some interesting permanent inflation scenarios
>>107779 I can prolly make you one in C.ai and Spicychat. Is a "lost dare" and public humiliation OK?
>>107472 Who fucking cares
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im surprised theres no chatbots of the bubble butt girls from the music video
>>108126 And a name too. I don't care what, but I need a name.
>>108200 >>108126 Thank you so much, I have no problem with what you said. As the name, maybe just use Mayu from >>107779 Sorry that English is not my native language.
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>>108126 Alright, time to cook.
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>>108126 https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=67bKPSbV60I7pOF2iFZQvJEFK66UNIOJ-LhqCh8jU8M Aight, Mayu still needs some work done, and I had to change the picture for bullshit policy. When I'm satisfied with her, I'll port her to Spicychat where you can do NSFW freely.
>>108143 There needs to be more stuff of those girls in general. Fanarts and whatnot
>>108554 Eyy. You willing to open up the defs?
>>108641 As long as you can learn from it, Sure. If you plan on porting the bit somewhere else, go crazy Bro
>>108554 This is fantastic.
Source on the image here? >>108554
>>108852 Yuh, it's fart tho
Lily. https://c.ai/c/WSKNEqhAFQKiAFNINAxKj8O72tzVzyF_qi7g_lN2HA4 A broke college student who needs some extra money. She found a neat little job where she would have to inflate in public to advertise a new shop. And you're the Manager. Have fun!
Gave porting Ixis to JanitorAI a try. https://janitorai.com/characters/52df42c4-6311-451e-a209-76b478d7f1a6_character-ixis Definitely more sexual, but a bit spotty in parts.
I would request having this very kinky Goddess transferred to Spicy Chat if possible! https://character.ai/chat/U-79wsKKzqlJ9wtYBRFZyfo5P5pePJBn3Wxns2Snm3Q
found out someone ported the Your Classmate Atara bot onto spicychat and thought i post it here https://spicychat.ai/chat/828d49f4-551f-4557-9748-380ebf19120d
>>109364 Are you... Are you requesting us to move to that thread?
>>109364 That thread is for image generation, this is for chatbots like CharacterAI, Spicychat, JanitorAI and CaveDuck.
>>109383 right, there big difference
>>109364 I don't get why these smartasses are all over this site. Please fuck off.
Just made a new batch of Character.ai characters in case anyone's interested: Alyx Vance: https://character.ai/chat/k-MmALIpMznh0_4psaIEqkwQYJKmMkcGkgHXYctbC80 Faye Valentine: https://character.ai/chat/oznvyUnsvn4nJp69yd0M0-SlAtMyZxsDEGiclSdzUjY Colress: https://character.ai/chat/XIJNBU1jGqrxyhvkC7Omkd2WopDxtj503wXIinV3mkI Random Guardsman from Warhammer 40k: https://character.ai/chat/L2Z37Y3VHssdLgQDJm_ykXFpK0OkIWP_rDQnz7KBNrg
>>109424 can y'all post these to spicychat or janitorai so we can actually have nsfw conversations?
>>109379 >>109383 >>109412 Are you this new to image boards? You should crosspost and broaden your horizons.
>>109425 I mean out of the three character.ai's worked best for me, but if anyone wants to post them elsewhere then go ahead
Someone should make this in spicychat.ai https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9324101 They are called cursed fleshlight It’s a tf animation where anyone can turn into a cursed fleshlight
>>109571 There’s more animation of these https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9345136 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=8477562 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9338897 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9541318 (This video has sounds) https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9376938 https://twitter.com/GorInvisibLewd/status/1768727214798041379
>>109574 This is what they are https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9520855 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9520892 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9520911
YO, Mayu and Lily's creator here. I found an awful Tifa blueberry bot so I remixed into something passable. Description open so you can port it. https://c.ai/c/mG8XWH74aY3hjGvVTFo8ozRvV-HMxcDq3EXFC0qMnjM
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Just going to share my bots of Falkner, Silver, Cheren, and Steven Stone Credit to Manpersonguy for the art used for Falkner and Silver's icons Falkner - https://c.ai/c/eWGTbOUy_ShrEAMItO19QtHqqkgZJPS0E04DkpPdm1E Silver - https://c.ai/c/SV7NsHyWPOkfyJhCHyEaSZ0NXcJU-lIZr58dYXbExhw Cheren - https://c.ai/c/Rc6IlQnvAr1lTKSxqlRV8uwFyYzF9KT0idrqAwBcN08 Steven Stone - https://c.ai/c/3VygjtyeWF9eoNhv8Dv6ds3xIncLSFuSsCs-tEvD9iI
Someone should make this in spicychat.ai https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9324101 They are called cursed fleshlight It’s a tf animation where anyone can turn into a cursed fleshlight https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9345136 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=8477562 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9338897 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9541318 (This video has sounds) https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9376938 https://twitter.com/GorInvisibLewd/status/1768727214798041379 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9860353 (This video has sounds) This is what they are https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9520855 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9520892 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9520911
>>110729 Homie, this is an inflation bot thread, not a TF bot thread. Go check /ee/ if you want that exotic stuff.
Did some more side stuff and ported Ember to JanitorAI. It feels like JanitorAI is a little bit closer to char.ai in terms of what it says and how it says it. https://janitorai.com/characters/cca764fb-ea12-46d4-8ef1-4b8daccde691_character-ember I do have to apologize for not being able to give you all anything new, and just porting the single, same old thing over and over to different platforms. I feel like Todd Howard.
>>110758 Sorry it just an idea
I realize this ain't exactly a request thread, but would anyone be open to making/developing a bot related to suit inflation? Yeah, I know, it's a bit niche, but it's a lacking niche in my experience.
Have a faker gf bot lol https://janitorai.com/characters/38797c00-b820-40bc-8d34-80adaca84b0a_character-faker-gf she can shapeshift
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shockingly there is a chatbot system in the apps stores that is as uncensored as spicy.ai. its call hi.waifu. surprising amount of bots about inflations and such. only down side is there is a limit on how many paragraphs you can generate from the bots each day. also like spicy where you have to pay for a member ship to have unlimited energy to keep chatting and remove ads.
>>107492 >https://character.ai/chat/oznvyUnsvn4nJp69yd0M0-SlAtMyZxsDEGiclSdzUjY Oddly enough, that also happened to me...with a few differences...
>>111531 Huge butt was bigger when I gave you nuggets. Now you want nuggets today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I own you
Can someone make a breast expansion focused bot of either loona or millie from helluva boss?
would be interesting to see some inflation scenario chatbots like an aunt marge inflation chatbot, a bubble butt chatbot, etc, etc
>>111552 Adding onto this cause I forgot about it originally, make sure they're for the old.character.ai and not for the new version
>>111554 what's the difference? I thought it's just a UI change
>>111641 The difference is being able to log in with the it originally was
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Alyssa Taiga, BusManSam's character, I feel she has great potential and I personally love her, inflation with magic and magic items. I tried to give her a longer description than my other bots to give possibility for more situations, so that, opinions help and then I'll see what other characters to use for this when I have the time. https://caveduck.io/character-info/bc8b6cac-ee62-4e4a-affe-830c87adb83c?locale=en
>>110801 thisss all the way, i hope somebody does this. ive noticed that you can use characters who wear suits and talk them into make their suits inflate even if they arent inflation based bots. would be nice though if there was simply a suit inflation based bot
had a bit of fun making this chat bot. hope you fellas enjoy it. :) https://api.hiwaifu.com/share/4801625
made my second chat bot. this time its a short stack female goblin that accidentally sets off an inflation trap. ends up as the users living flesh light fuck toy balloon. :) https://api.hiwaifu.com/share/4817715
>>111885 Source me up, bro, I can't find shit
>>111885 Dude, why not upload this to Spicychat?
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here is the link to the artists e621. https://e621.net/posts?tags=astralantipode also i am planning to make this bot in spicy chat, just testing it out on waifu as even tho there is suppose to be guidelines, they dont enforce it so people are just going ham with nsfw bots.
so made another bot. dont worry, will also setup these bots on spicy as well. still testing them out on waifu for now. :3 https://api.hiwaifu.com/share/4874482
>>111885 Very nice. Had lots of fun popping her.
>>112390 happy to hear that you had a "blast" X3
i'm so big..
made another bot. hope you fellow degenerates have a filling time. : 3 Start a chat with juicy jessy on Hi,Waifu! https://api.hiwaifu.com/share/4930975
I'm here to toss another AI hoster out there, and see if you people who love writing/porting them would want to use this one. Joyland.ai has a handful of inflation bots of varying quality, but I've been fiddling with it since before there were any. The AI knows what inflation is, and you can interact with an AI briefly to twist its pre-defined story towards inflation, EX I chatted with an assassin with poisonous lips to ay 'hey what if that kiss makes people inflate' and set up them doing such to 'myself'(as the AI is really bad at actually doing OOC chatter and will chat by its definitions, but will still know when you're trying to OOC) as well as writing a bully into forcibly inflate my character, a maid harem to be full of inflatable women, and multiple fantastical scenarios with a book that 'makes whatever you write into it real'. And, most important, unlike other options like Caveduck, the AI is free to use while still being NSFW, and I feel like I get better&more creative responses from it over Spicychat's basic model. It does have credits you can use to have it generate possible responses for you, or to reroll AI responses, but honestly I can just copy/delete/paste my response to get it to try again without a credit, so it's only for the lazy. I'll put the bots I mentioned below, but really, you can lead any AI on there into inflation with a bit of work. But it'd be fun to see proper inflation bots made for it too that have more work put in them than the current ones. Succubus: Woman with poisonous lips to assassinate her target https://www.joyland.ai/chat?botId=pLNqk Maid Mansion: User wakes up in mansion full of maids as their new master https://www.joyland.ai/chat?botId=lVwbb Rulebook School: User finds a book that makes anything they write in it come true. Anything. https://www.joyland.ai/chat?botId=5dWDD TL;DR Joyland.ai is a fun&free NSFW AI that needs more inflatey love on it. AI knows how to inflation so you can twist any bot in that direction with a little creativity. Seems higher quality than other free alternatives. Have fun, degenerates.
>>111552 Gonna re-request this
>>112687 Be nice.
>>112578 SpicyChat port please?
>>112733 on it. : 3
>>112733 here you go. took a lot longer then needed as the pic i used before was some how setting of an nsfw alarm. XDDDD took a few clicks of the generate button and gotten a decent one for the thumbnail. :3 https://spicychat.ai/chat/c8f7a671-d23c-49d6-8d0a-c530b8de36c2
>>112660 i tried replying back yesterday but bbw was being weird. i tested the web out and it is pretty cool. i had uploaded the jessy bot on there as well and will be doing that with the goblina when i can. : 3 https://www.joyland.ai/chat?botId=Zvnk8&ref=jRDdV
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made a Ms. Suki bot for you guy, will add one to spicy and joyland later. : 3 Start a chat with Ms. Suki (Voodoo balloon) on Hi,Waifu! https://api.hiwaifu.com/share/4978701
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Can someone make bots of this girl she’s from fatclubclinic on devianart. I’d love someone to make a bot of her
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>>112912 this took too long to setup. because of the google app store, it kept on detecting the same image till i cropped it in a way that made it work. XDDD but finally, here is ms sukis voodo balloon on the spicychat. XDDD https://spicychat.ai/chat/c7324792-1c80-42fc-8074-3e40a89c048e
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here you go guys, again another one. have fun. ;3 uploaded it to spcy chat first this time, will upload it to hiwaifu later. : 3 https://spicychat.ai/chat/801b63e0-1da2-4956-9d4e-392b29a12989
>>113286 took me a bit of time but i finally made this bot on hiwaifu Start a chat with bloated bessie on Hi,Waifu! https://api.hiwaifu.com/share/5062737
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I had quite an explosive chat with Willow the Synth! She turned out pretty good! Aside from a few memory issues, she was able to respond with some pretty hot content. LINK: - https://spicychat.ai/chat/4c2fccf0-4666-4f04-95d7-c7f4310a51fd
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here you lovely degenerates go, another bot for the mass's~ https://spicychat.ai/chat/0b6d330e-9b6f-434e-abb8-d4fac68e0acb
Have a reminder that janitorai.com exists
>>113948 C.ai with no filters and more human-like
took a hot second to finally bring this bot to hi waifu. enjoy fellas. : 3 Start a chat with Amélie(soda-flation) on Hi,Waifu! https://api.hiwaifu.com/share/5186528
Hey, was wondering new to AI chat but how good is Spicychat free accounts?
>>114094 Well there goes 35$. You did good. Very good lol
Joyland.AI seem to have good AI and memory, but there are hardly any inflation bots.
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trying to use this image for my next bot but spicy is flagging it even tho i have seen dirtier pics then this. how do i get past the flag? here is the bot as i am force to upload it unlisted. https://spicychat.ai/chat/725074f2-8a6e-4b4e-9954-7d1e87e547d3
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>>114197 oki, i think i figured it out. as long as you dont show anything that is related to panties, then its oki for some weird reason? XDDD this is the pic i used instead. XDDD https://spicychat.ai/chat/725074f2-8a6e-4b4e-9954-7d1e87e547d3
>>113929 I was treated to the best line ever from this one. "I'm yours to inflate.... To deflate...To command... And to love"
>>114238 Feds coming like nycha whos prius
>>114238 ahhh.. the beauty of A.I. XDDD
>>114221 was also able to port the hoard of slime bot over to hi waifu, enjoy~ : 3 Start a chat with a hoard of slimes on Hi,Waifu! https://api.hiwaifu.com/share/5217096
happy that this didnt get flagged when making it. hope you guys enjoy~ ; 3 https://spicychat.ai/chat/ff432a58-0e99-40d5-a81f-2e502feeb3e9
>>113172 Any chance someone could make her in spicy chat please?
>>114275 sure, can do when i get the time. possibly saturday or sunday as gotta attend a family members wedding friday
>>114276 It definitely wouldnt be respectful if you did it
>>114282 wouldnt be respectful? i am being respectful because they asked nicely. XDDD i can quickly come up a bot for you as well if you want? : 3
I'm going to transfer some of my bots to Spicychat to avoid the caveduck points bullshit, it helped me to start making some of these for fun but I think if I make more they will be directly in spicy. Anyway, here are a few and I'll see if I pass on the others or if there are already similar ones then no, while I just set up a new one based on an artist character, see ya around Heater: https://spicychat.ai/chat/c13e951d-5eeb-4d57-91b0-099b3f15bcdf Alyssa: https://spicychat.ai/chat/e744ee93-afb9-4f3e-b4e7-b416847f1c59 Avery: https://spicychat.ai/chat/74401611-c688-41b3-90e7-d1cc29a8e5e5
Anyone tried personality forge?
>>114276 Thank you take your time!!
Can someone make a janitorai chatbot about this dude named herry? He's a oc created by addde, and here's when they're not blimped and when they're blimped
>>114310 Can’t access
>>112660 I checked that out, they are really decend
>>114472 Fun talk im out of here see you some time in june no im not july to you
can someone make a spicychat bot based off the aunt marge inflation scene?
>>114276 Btw here’s the comic book she’s from https://www.deviantart.com/fatclubinc/art/Stimuflation-7-974437210
I decided to give this a go. I think it came out... Alright. There's a V2 pending for public use right now. The V2 will be much better if they ever actually approve it lol https://spicychat.ai/chat/0bf9c9b2-d62e-4446-94ab-d2ef0228e5b7
>>114559 this is pregnancy
>>114608 The image is yeah, but the chatbot was designed around inflation.
>>114447 Had to make it again, the first one got blocked, here is Heather again https://spicychat.ai/chat/03cbd0a6-0951-4a3a-bbef-d4f11d1f0413 The other ones should be fine
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Decided to make one based off TsuchinokoReal´s OC; Gemako: https://spicychat.ai/chat/7d60063a-f0ab-4b09-a712-44758cc52884
Requesting that someone make Infatis - Goddess of Inflation on Spicy or Janitor! Source: https://www.deviantart.com/blimpytheblimp/art/Inflation-18-Inflatis-Goddess-of-Inflation-974061977 She is on Chat.ai but we all know how whack that site is lol! (link at bottom of linked literature) Have fun and keep pushing your limits! [Creeeeak!]
Just an update for anyone using Joyland(which I prefer over spicychat personally as it seems to remember more than spicychat does without paying) they seemed to have a downtime/update and for some reason a lot of the AIs that were added recently no longer pop up in search; the bots are still there and interactable if you've talked to them before, but you can't find them from a search, even directly. I know the Juicy Jessy one was from here, but several others popped up since that are now just not in the search; not sure if they need to be republished publicly? I can post the ones I still have saved, but anyone who made inflation bots on joyland, check yours to see if people can actually see them.
>>116803 I have never bothered with Joyland because when searching for basic 'inflation'... ZER0 results found.
>>117029 How do you think you get inflation bots on there, man? Gotta get people interested in it first. Like, almost a dozen appeared when it was first mentioned. And you can guide the AI toward inflation use, you just need to spend 5 minutes pushing the direction for the bot of your choice. Just no clue why Joyland's recent update seems to have made a lot of bots posted recently be hidden-but-usable.
>>117029 Don't even bother with inflation bots on AI sites. All the half-decent AI services know the bare minimum about inflation by virtue of knowing "pump air in, get bigger", and you can simply stick a hose up any random character's ass and it should work right away. Better just to find a bot you like, THEN inflate them, rather than fighting with whatever personal preferences the bot creator stuck into the bot.
>>117074 Problem is to find a bot, that inflates you. I also dont like, that they just write the same thing you typed but more eloquent
The novelty seems to have warn off now that the limitations have been well established! There is real potential in AI voice replication however. I've been experimenting in that, & it's pretty hot so far. Type what you'd want a hot girl to say to you, & generate!
https://www.joyland.ai/chat?botId=7eplR&ref=4N5gg A Princess/ Queen, that loves to inflate people. I did a short creation in 20min or so, so not that complex. But the result wasn't bad for my taste. Any feeback from our Inflatees is appreciated, so I can try and improve the character.
>>117074 Truth. Honestly I've been hitting up specific bots for my kinks but taking one not geared to that kink produces much better results. It's less generic and feels more unique.
Alright, shameless self-promotion for a bot I ended up creating on Yodayo. First time making a bot, and it's blueberry themed! Feel free to tell me any improvements I might be able to make, cause I know it's going to need some work. It's basically just the skeleton at this point. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/c36f2ecb-2828-45b8-8b3a-4a139642454b/
>>116767 https://spicychat.ai/chat/8cc6c6c3-97f5-4645-a8fa-dea0b38bd52a Try this.
>>120191 first body inflation chatbot that got me diamond hard
Has anyone else had issues with HiWaifu? I used it briefly but the only way to cancel a subscription is to email them and I've been emailing with no luck. Payments are getting taken out of my account and no email response to my requests.
>>120278 I’d recommend issuing a chargeback through your bank if possible
>>120191 Looks not bad, but is there anyway to make the Bot understand when it uses the incorrect pronouns? That things always says thing like "she pets his head" even after I really often wrote things like "I'm a women". So I made that clear and her "Voice" Parts get that, but not the "She does things" parts of the answer.
guys can we get deviantseigas oc glu on spicychat? there are like no inflation bots on it.
>>120325 I'll make adjustments. The C.ai bot hid the settings, so I had to basically port the bot via 'their own words'.
I do wish there were ones based on succubi or clown girls
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>>109824 Did a chat bot for Naofumi where he likes to inflate himself. https://character.ai/chat/l4kpMyAVq08aLzI5hKkTuSv48wo3pmLm-DAfXYsL-N8 Based off an amazing pic by poqato. https://x.com/Poqat_o/status/1262042691841523712
Finally decided to make a Traveler Lumine Breast Expansion/Inflation chatbot for a change on Spicychat.ai. I personally use my own chatbots at times, but i'd be glad to hear what everyone else thinks about my chatbots. Artwork for this chatbot used is from Suomii on twitter. here's the link to the chatbot, and enjoy: https://spicychat.ai/chatbot/6b77e5bb-be69-4c10-b48e-2e9a3575d0d9
I wonder if anyone has created ones for more dominant characters like succubi or Lena Hyena or Verosika Mayday, or name a wacky/attractive cartoon character?
has anyone made (or know) about bots centered around opik oort;s characters?
>>123636 I wish there was one based on dr. D. Lite
>>123680 I'm not a particular fan of that comic series, but it would lend itself well to a bot. I just want bots based off the Wacky Candy characters because that series is taking a while for stuff to happen so I decided to take matters into my own hands by making a bot Behold... Katie Higgins! https://venus.chub.ai/characters/2571389 This is my first bot I created and there is room for improvement so any feedback is welcomed. Right now, the bot seems pretty goal-oriented instead of being titillating but that might just be me.
>>123691 Could you make a spicychat and/or character.ai port please as Venus doesn’t seem to work properly no matter what I try
It is I, Soul. Pleased to see my bots both have several thousand chats on C.ai. I'm working on a new bot that's an inflation DM in a fantasy world, but the DM itself is like your companion, egging you on to go and inflate (and pop) girls. Spicychat only tho. It's the best.
>>123695 I've never used spicychat before and didnt know you had to wait for it to get approved. https://spicychat.ai/chat/415bc555-a6d7-4a47-8427-67256584f98c enjoy
>>123742 Spicy is really good to a lot fetish kinda stuff tbh, i would like to say that caveduck is also really good put it uses points to chat so that makes it frustating The only thing with spicy is to wait a couple of minutes before fully use it but is not that much. I have use a lot of bots and also i created a couple of bots based on oc's of artists to inflate, stretch or stuff like that and its really good tbh
How about an ai for force feeding Bulma from dragon ball z (for spicy ai)
Isn't it odd that there's no monobutt bots? It's probably just hard to replicate
made another bot, though its not an opik oort character, but instead it's oku from plus size elf. scenario being you're a nutritionist with a weight gain fetish when oku comes to you for help losing weight; make her fat or skinny, your call, though this is more geared towards a wg. https://venus.chub.ai/characters/MitchBoyson/oku-585cd7ef2d72 will post a spicychat one soon when it gets approved
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spicychat approved https://spicychat.ai/chat/dc4821f9-6503-4733-932e-193a6649a36c
I figured I should ask in here first before going to /bbwai/. Anyone willing to give a go at a chatbot featuring this lovely mage in peril? Although the original post in DA mentions the context scenario for the drawing, feel free to replace it with your own, all I ask is that it still keeps the fantasy setting. There's also not much info for her personality, so once again feel free to do as you please in that area too. Here's the original dA link of the image: https://www.deviantart.com/timaeusart/art/The-Blueberry-Mage-1049538751
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Can someone make a chat bot emi isuzu from tenjho tenge, she's canonicaly a bbw who hides her true form(actual weight and appearance), there already are 3 chat bots for her on cai but I don't want to deal with it deleting messages due to guidelines and stuff, so you can actually port one of them (or all of them if you want), here is an image of her (you can use fan Art or the one I sent, I'm not picky, just want this message to stand out so you can use fan Art that you find instead if you want)
Could anyone recommend some bursting inflator/feeder type bot? Preferably on spicychat
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Roxanne Animorphs chat ai https://spicychat.ai/chat/7ecb91b8-fd4b-4231-8abd-af10519c3106
Lois Griffin blimp https://spicychat.ai/chat/ceb8d048-badd-4b5a-87a3-7e02dd525966
My Life as a Butterball Robot by AltzEgoz https://spicychat.ai/chat/8aba35e3-acb5-4976-a8f5-8619a1b08a2e
Was just exploring Spicychat and found this one, its pretty damn good https://spicychat.ai/chat/c42e6408-b534-4486-af0f-7334dab711b7
Any recommendations for some pump or air based inflation chat bots on Spicychat?
https://spicychat.ai/chat/6afbe8b8-e7ea-4104-8936-b8bcf71cf22e One I made a while ago that's gotten some attention. I tried to make her playable to the users inflation choice. I have more, Including an unreleased Bot that's sort of inflatable. A thief that inserts stolen goods into her... Crotch, and her belly gets bigger and bigger as she steals. More of an extreme insertion thing but I've made her steal a vat of honey that way. Lol
Hello everyone,I tried to create my first bot and wanted to know what you think about it. Link:https://share.character.ai/Wv9R/vzxfefd7
>>126994 Link doesn't seem to work
>>127048 Unfortunately it's still not working. How do you like C.Ai? I haven't used it
>>127056 I like it, the voice option adds a lot and rarely have I been interrupted from the content of my rps. That said if you want to do anything more it's not the place.
>>127067 mb woke up and started posting, 'anything more' meaning you can only do fetish stuff if you want to fuck or talk about sex than you can't do it there.
Anyone have good recommendations for inflator chat bots, especially of known cartoon characters?
>>114443 Bumping this request for Herry
>>127068 I revoke my statement, went back to chat on c.ai, I fr have no clue how I would use it to get actual information let alone rp
>>126865 Interested in the unreleased bot.
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Can someone make an ai of there oc ? https://x.com/nekonekocatzzz
Could someone make a breast expansion focused inflation bot of futaba Sakura from persona 5 for spicy chat plz?
>>127114 I'll send it this way when it's approved for public upload. I just set it public but it seems like it's taking a few days for Spicy to approve things.
>>124949 I thought I had left a bump for my request but either it got deleted (unlikely) or I just forgot to actually send the message (likely), so here goes again. Bumping my request for a mage that ended up like a blueberry because of some devious pixies, and you happen to find her just in time to save her from her transformation becoming permanent.
>>127114 Here's the bot. She's still a test more than anything but there's something fun results. https://spicychat.ai/chat/6933992d-a9c4-41db-8a50-1261de98235d
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Baeshyra the Balloon can be quite fun for those who want to be at someone's mercy! https://spicychat.ai/chat/63d46362-3a29-4008-ad23-587468177ae3
Wow, I never did try an NSFW chatbot before, i didn't know how far they had come. Thanks for your share, still one of my favorite, even as this was my first chatbox. It made me try my first content ever, The Witch Doctor : https://spicychat.ai/chat/52120ed9-1a4e-4a26-a4f8-5e8b5d277d22 English is not my first language and it was hard writing for it, so i don't know how good it is really, but this is a male-pov inflated by a female. This is a port of one of my favorite story, not enough favorited in my opinion, The Witch doctor by Slee-py-Head : https://www.deviantart.com/slee-py-head/art/The-Witch-Doctor-790125832 So i don't have much merite
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Anyone willing to make a chatbot based on this photo?
>>128009 https://spicychat.ai/chat/b647b05e-9214-4761-ad47-0c465f36a077 I got bored and made it myself lol
>>128011 Made a CAI port if that's your thing https://character.ai/chat/Acq5IoxZGjEnWHVZaC2ZTSS4BzWoAFhhX2W29cb69is
>>128011 What is it called so I can find on google?
Any good super villainess ai?
Any chatbots based on thiridian & Lindsey or from the H-Pump series by imbapovi?
Does anyone know any sites with forums That are more focused on inflation chatbots so I have another place to look when I’m in a Inflation mood instead of a WG mood
>>130274 There's a search feature on spicy chat which has tons of inflation bots just waiting to blow someone up! I use that. It also saves all recent chats if you create a free account and you can add to favourites too.
>>130278 Janitor needs expansion tags, if spicychat had them by default, why shouldn't janitor really add them?
>>130281 They have custom tags now, so there's probably no need for new tags
Has anyone tried sue sherry on spicychat?
>>130936 I think we can assume that the answer is likely no! I think the reality is that we are spoilt for choice!
Bizarre question for you guys: Is there demand for an inflatable femboy chatbot, and what would you want to see in one? 'cause otherwise I was gonna throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks.
>>131135 For me it's funny when they have a tsundere type personality where at first they deny that they like inflation but little by little, by slips or suddend excitement, they show that they actually love being pumped up in different ways but immediately deny what they said, to the point where you can annoy them by reminding of everything they said.
I'd use Spicychat more often if it had text to speech like Character.AI has
>>131135 Honestly someone who is willing to share their ability and be quite a kinky dom
>>113172 Can anyone make a bot of her on janitor?
So between character.ai and spicychat, which one doesn’t require me to sign in?
Any good ones on spicy chat? As well as any new ones
Have any of y'all had any luck with the generic Kink story bots? There's some that just type out a story from a prompt you give it instead of you roleplaying with a character.
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Hey can some make an spicychat bot based on this pic?
>>133047 Throw some links and I'll fuck with it
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Can you make chat bot of this art in spicy ai please?
