/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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storytime animators/youtube animators inflation thread Anonymous 08/20/2023 (Sun) 19:45:30 Id:aaaa8b No. 93658
the other one got taken down so heres this new one for people that get off to animators getting blown up like big balloons!
(199.70 KB 1280x1308 blimp jaiden.jpg)
(626.91 KB 1280x1280 burst.png)
(223.24 KB 1188x763 digdug jaiden.png)
(85.55 KB 852x480 desk balloon.png)
(391.42 KB 1280x908 Blueberry surprise.png)
(254.81 KB 2000x2000 hourglass jaiden.jpg)
(646.92 KB 3420x1923 pumped.png)
>>93719 Story time youtubers are not vtubers tho
>>93752 literally the exact same thing
(512.03 KB 2500x2500 Emirichu Inflation.png)
Posting these two pics of Emirichu and Ginjaninjaowo respectively
(349.75 KB 850x815 image_2023-08-21_154626145.png)
(641.02 KB 850x850 image_2023-08-21_154633526.png)
(636.79 KB 626x1436 image_2023-08-21_154642177.png)
(6.05 MB 1920x14656 image_2023-08-21_212229998.png)
jaiden inflations comic but she pops
(341.03 KB 894x894 image_2023-08-23_134748154.png)
(275.81 KB 1026x779 image_2023-08-23_134817031.png)
(299.10 KB 1050x1114 image_2023-08-23_134826278.png)
can someone reupload those jaltoid inf pieces from last thread?
(2.39 MB 1146x1066 a bit bloated text.png)
YouTuber abitfrank floating upwards into the sky abyss above! Video for reference check out her channel it's fun! She talks about the darker sides of fairytales https://youtu.be/Ajp0c2cDrQY Art by popperfan
(549.65 KB 1146x1066 a_bit_of_booty.png)
>>95050 They did another one! Butt expansion this time!
>>95115 You can just say that you made it dude, you don’t have to pretend to be someone else who just so happened to post popperfans content
is there anymore blueberry related drawings to animators?
>>95156 Popper here didn't post it but thank you kindly anon did a few more for said person if you wish to check them out >>95050 on da may upload those later on myself if i got time if someone doesn't beat me to the punch first lol.
(189.37 KB 1920x1080 vlcsnap-2023-09-18-18h52m40s091.png)
(219.56 KB 1920x1080 vlcsnap-2023-09-18-18h52m41s466.png)
(199.14 KB 1920x1080 vlcsnap-2023-09-18-18h52m43s121.png)
Let Me Explain Studios has a quick inflation scene in the latest video.
>>95805 https://youtu.be/ZBhQVJuLD4U?t=104 I forgot to link the video.
>>93717 Source for the third one?
any storytime animators inflation chatbots?
>>100096 Sometimes these disappear.
would anyone happen to have any storytime animators inflation screenshot edits?
>>101443 Yes I have one edit
tbh i wouldnt mind seeing any inflation screenshot edits of jaiden since i saw some weight gain ones on bbwalt
I'd rather not participate in applying kink to these characters. It'd be one thing if they were Vtubers, avatars for fictional characters, but they're not; they're avatars for real people, and that's creepy.
>>102303 no one asked you
(243.91 KB 677x680 20231215_142728.jpg)
>>102304 Yes they did
Bump? More like pump!
whats a storytime animator that doesnt get enough inflation art?
>>103922 All of them except for jaiden.
(423.24 KB 1817x2048 media_GDdqNbcWAAARSih.jpg)
>>95805 Imagine having surgery only to know how it feels to be a DeviantArt fetishists balloon for a day. And I believe I know of said procedure and yes it does feel like you're becoming a human beachball
>>102303 I mean they technically are like vtuber avatars I mean yeah it feels a bit more personal as we know about their lives because story time YouTubers are always gonna give off that vibe but technically it is a fictionalized version of them. Not the rea irl deal.
(Yes, the artist confirmed it's Jaiden as if the hair wasn't a dead giveaway)
Rarely inflated illymation. So here's a illymation cum blimp edit of this rule34 image I did as a warm up. Won't be uploading anywhere else so have fun posting wherever
(1009.45 KB 3920x2205 38cbbebae35f6a05704225a86c15f0cf.png)
>>103922 Like I just said ⬆️ illymation
>>93658 Vtubers liking our shit was a surprise. Imagine a story 'tuber referencing our shit.
Is there any inflation art of Vannamelon?
>>107189 I could draw one of her, if you like!
>>107209 Yes please. t. not >>107189
>>107209 >>105018 Hmm . Her too?
>>107209 Oh yes please!
>>103922 honestly let me explain studios
>>107390 How beautiful
>>103922 scribblejuice
>>93719 Defunct. See >>102091 >>93752 This board needs more generalization.
let me explain studios uploaded a video about her being a diver and i cant stop but thinking about "what if she inflated in her diver outfit?"
(165.51 KB 640x420 640px-Shoe0nHead_patreon.png)
Not really a animation tuber but shoeonhead as a blimpable profile picture
(146.78 KB 640x420 shoeonhead blimp 1.png)
(147.75 KB 640x420 shoeonhead blimp 2.png)
>>109236 I mean come on doesn't this look cute? I know nothing of the woman but that animated smug face would be good round!
(141.41 KB 640x420 shoeonhead puffy 2.png)
(142.23 KB 640x420 shoe on head puffy.png)
>>109237 Forgot the cheeks
(143.49 KB 436x508 image_2024-03-16_222440830.png)
(126.55 KB 342x510 image_2024-03-16_222455967.png)
had an idea to make rebecca's ass bigger in these images
>>109388 are you asking for a request or something? cause theres edit threads on here lol
>>109238 A long time ago Shoe reviewed fan art and one was of her being inflated... she found it hilarious and encouraged more.
>>109416 Photo?
(140.12 KB 342x510 Rebecca juicy label.png)
(150.39 KB 342x510 Rebecca berryass.png)
(156.15 KB 342x510 Rebeccas round ass.png)
>>109388 Something like this?
>>109422 yeah something like that but her ass could be a bit bigger really nice edits tho
(259.12 KB 842x949 image_2024-03-17_190603225.png)
>>109423 I know there is more and I will try to get a high res. I also know there are a few of her exploding
(93.40 KB 785x719 ExsupiVW8AEdvmI.png)
(75.81 KB 667x667 ExsusFEXAA0V7JS.png)
(141.50 KB 739x724 ExsumZZXEAch9yg.png)
>>109863 Glad to see someone else likes her too
i know her sona is furry and thats not everyone's thing but i just felt like mentioning her since she used to be a storytime animator
>>109915 True Ashame she's overshadowed Same goes for Emirichu and Illymations
>>109955 i wouldnt mind seeing more art of the lesser known animators, edits or actual inflation art ill take it lol
>>109915 >>109963 Same, and I wonder if someone is gonna make a dedicated furry youtuber and vtuber thread so those can have a proper place for those who like the furrytubers (Guess that name works)
>>110009 theres actually a vtuber thread on here and it has some images of other vtubers not sure if theres any of wolfychu tho
>>110028 Just checked the most recent ones, there is not Probably because she leans into furry vtuber
>>110029 i figured as much and i feel like making a furrytuber thread on here will lead to people telling the op to go bbfurries or something lol
>>105018 would be interesting to see more illymation inflation art since i always thought the idea of her avatar blowing up like a balloon would look hot
>>110031 I figured it would go on bbfurries
>>110039 True And suprised people also haven't made more fat art of her considering her most recent vid
Created >>58611
>>93766 LOVE the hyper ass. Do you know the artist?
(82.12 KB 1911x1079 Screenshot_20240330_081414.jpg)
(106.71 KB 1912x1080 Screenshot_20240330.jpg)
(81.77 KB 1917x1078 Screenshot_.jpg)
thought i share some screenshots i took of jaidens latest video, yall can use em to make her inflated or whatever lol i tried to edit a screenshot myself and im not really good at it
>>110600 This one has potential. Rouge draft of what could be done I like the idea as well of seeing her chart inflated with a bunch of warnings
>>110623 yeah i was thinking the same thing have her whole body inflated and also the chart it has unique potential but also feel like the first image could have potential but im not sure what to make of it yet
(324.49 KB 1917x1078 Jaiden critical.png)
(351.06 KB 1917x1078 Jaiden critical boiling point.png)
(389.56 KB 1917x1078 Jaiden critical boiling point 2.png)
(366.63 KB 1917x1078 Jaiden critical 2.png)
>>110600 Got ideas boiling
(821.35 KB 1917x1078 jaidens swelling hypothesis blue.png)
(639.98 KB 1917x1078 jaidens swelling hypothesis.png)
(716.86 KB 1917x1078 Jaiden critical 1.png)
(535.58 KB 1917x1078 Jaiden critically 2.png)
>>110600 Fully finished request. I'll leave the rest to someone else but I couldn't resist. You can find me on DeviantArt under Poppersrepumped. I do take commissions too if anyone's wondering but quo is a bit slow for the moment.
(834.90 KB 1917x1078 limp.png)
(653.25 KB 1917x1078 biscuits.png)
The steam lines ended up as scraps but enjoy them as a bbwchan exclusive
>>110632 this is pretty good love how it looks
(724.21 KB 1911x1079 Jaiden_inflationquick.png)
>>110600 Just a jaiden getting big and round for a quick inflation edit
(516.90 KB 1911x1079 27 sin título_20240405002616.png)
(537.00 KB 1911x1079 27 sin título_20240404225332.png)
>>110600 Here same guy that did the weather one, i thought fuck it and i try with the other one, jaiden with different versions of a wide behind, meh, 2 simple edits
>>111119 Damn! That's what I'm talking about! See what happens when we come together as a community! If we can't find content let's create it! Drawing ideas doesn't have to stay locked to just edit threads! If it's on topic make drawings however and wherever you please! Hell you're a contributing artist so way I see it it's kinda you domain to expand.
>>111119 Only criticism is id do realistic feet as a bonus as you know there's someone out there looking for Jaiden feet pics 😂
honestly the edits in this thread are really good! would love to see more
>>111311 Then throw up some more ideas it maybe possible if I have free time I'll tackle more if not someone else will but remember it's not the edit thread so no begging please we want artists to feel like they have pacing and time but overall yeah show me what you got!
>>111315 >>109388 would be interesting to see how you would make an edit of this if you want
(37.14 KB 261x329 20240410_174740.jpg)
>>111315 A friend brought up the idea of taking Jaiden's real, literal inflation drawing and turning each balloon into an animator gal Don't know how well an edit would work tbh, maybe someone willing could turn it into a full-on drawing? But regardless of how, I'd love to see it tackled
(268.14 KB 1242x709 image_2024-04-10_190458260.png)
(680.85 KB 1260x710 image_2024-04-10_190844095.png)
>>111315 heres some rebecca screenshots i took if you wanna try to edit them
>>111600 I would but like I said I'm kind of busy right now it's up to somebody else
>>112797 Whorshipping the living is called mudita. In the bible it is written dont not call on to the dead.
>>112798 This isn't a dead thread lol
(91.83 KB 1136x705 image_2024-04-27_112943986.png)
(337.40 KB 746x476 image_2024-04-27_113204234.png)
(82.48 KB 1179x668 image_2024-04-27_113401032.png)
got some screenshots from let me explain studio's new video if anyone wants to try and edit them
(188.98 KB 1277x1078 20240501_151501.png)
>>113236 Quick edit for the fun
>>113026 Both are pretty good! Look fun trying to do fake thumbnails , fav the first one
>>113628 Really cute! I'd try one myself but I've been sitting on some overdue work I got to get too it's not gonna clear up anytime soon
(208.33 KB 894x894 image_2024-05-18_163512382.png)
(243.72 KB 894x894 image_2024-05-18_163520940.png)
(276.76 KB 894x894 image_2024-05-18_163538581.png)
(297.19 KB 894x894 image_2024-05-18_163545814.png)
(396.04 KB 3700x2800 shgurr_by_BRuberr.jpg)
(224.67 KB 1215x714 (())).PNG)
(376.78 KB 1253x645 uh oh not again.PNG)
some screenshots from jaiden's new video if anyone wants to make inflation edits out of them
(564.58 KB 1660x1296 jaiden blimploon sticker.png)
(519.85 KB 1660x1296 Jaiden boob bonus.png)
>>116371 Fine I can only try one though as I'm busy with commissions stuff I needed a breather warm up anyway
>>109422 Bigger please
(1.60 MB 1545x1500 20240610_183708.png)
>>117115 Bigger butt then, just for the fun
>>117160 honestly thats a hot edit! love the work!
>>109422 Could you give her a mom bod also can you do an edit of her in her diver outfit from one of her videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN5KOCJ1qQg
>>117198 Oh you mean make rebecca with a mom body? Yeh that sounds nice, also with the diver outfit i could make and inflation scene or something like that >>117161 Thanks, glad you like it!
>>117256 I guess gummy bear body's can really stretch honestly she needs more inflation art
>>117258 YES do it
(712.66 KB 850x966 image_2024-07-03_211147579.png)
(178.02 KB 1280x720 GTM84AcaIAAlOxA.jpg)
(404.50 KB 1263x655 image_2024-07-24_144752262.png)
(36.81 KB 1184x675 image_2024-07-24_144812785.png)
heres some screenshots i took of jaiden's latest video + the thumbnail if anyone wants to edit em lmao
>>120884 Fatty birthday cake maybe? Or perhaps almost every Jaiden becomes a birthday balloon to fill the room up
>>120884 I got and idea with the first image involving difference on body shape after 10 years, making these edits is fun, also gotta need to get back into making the mom bods ones
(7.22 MB 2623x2160 IMG_2630.png)
Irl jaiden
>>110156 Pretty sure it’s Angstrom
(37.08 KB 480x360 hqdefault (1).jpg)
Minecraft yter aphmau has a belly stuffing thumbnail for Roblox not sure if that counts
(1005.78 KB 2048x1780 RebbecaDiversketch.png)
>>117198 This is not an edit but better share it before it catches more dust, later will do the mom bod or another edit like the jaiden ones
>>127653 More diving rebecca
>>127653 Well I believe and I paraphrase she said she knows how it feels to be a DeviantArt blimp ever since gastric surgery. That's gotta be weird getting your stomach inflated for surgical reasons. Know that feeling. Then google search your name to see thousands of balloon edits of yourself and be like huh.. relatable.
(38.47 KB 894x894 i.jpeg)
(1.67 MB 1280x1095 IMG_8180.png)
Anyone got any kirbyy.pie
(735.86 KB 2048x1780 20 sin título_20241130190950.png)
WIP I was planning to do jaiden squishing someone else with her body, still thinking who could be the other one, but maybe i show this if anyone still interest on this thread, if not then meh. let it die definitely i guess This could get to some time to be done, have been busy the last few months
>>131033 Yeah anon cute idea I say go for it
>>131044 Yeah will do when there's time but not so long so this dont die hopefully If someone have ideas for Jaiden and Rebecca (for now) can say and i'll check them out to do maybe sketches, cool things involving inflation, maybe TF's and WG, that could make some change of ideas here
>>131144 an idea that would be interesting is seeing rebecca inflated in her witch outfit >>111600
>>132128 bring me more booba jaiden
its literally just a stick girl how do people like this
(184.63 KB 2048x1491 20250108_173635.jpg)
>>133793 Let me explain needs more inflatiors
>>127653 If you ever finish this do let us know wouldn't mind seeing the colored final product
>>119105 I forget she's basically a gummy bear made of jello probably pretty stretchy for a marshmallow candy woman!
(255.30 KB 2048x1491 Get70NzXYAAADZe.jpg)
>>133793 popping version of this drawing
So resent aligations against nutshell animations allegedly uses a team of almost 20 animatiors outsourcing the work for their content So reason I'm saying this is if you're willing to work for $50 per 8hrs who knows what sneaky inflation fueled or otherwise fetish adjacent comedy could be created. Anyways enjoy probably my favorite clip I'm levitating which is becoming scarce to find at least for me as all I'm finding is head inflating replacement animations which gives me the impression these are either fan interpretations or new edits because they caught on to the bait. Although make no doubt this animation is canon nutshell animations content not fan made! Well one of the 20 people working for them made it so if one of them is a fan I guess that counts?
Anyone got any Jocat?
(368.96 KB 1024x959 1iO_vf-0u.png)
(316.01 KB 1024x743 oUqPXr-0L.png)
(764.18 KB 1911x1079 JaidenEdit_bloated.png)
>>116371 Been a while since i do one of these, trying to catch up with a couple in here
>>135723 Do you have a gallery or something with more pics like this?
>>136306 No, the ones that i do are in the thread but im saving then when this one gets blocked and someone makes another one and keep going, but i dont think i will upload them to other place
(151.06 KB 1115x681 jaidenscreenshot5.PNG)
(167.46 KB 1176x698 jaidenscreenshot4.PNG)
(117.00 KB 1118x715 jaidenscreenshot3.PNG)
(116.07 KB 1112x692 jaidenscreenshot2.PNG)
(493.32 KB 1275x656 jaidenscreenshot6.PNG)
(133.40 KB 1272x653 jaidenscreenshot1.PNG)
yoo new jaiden video dropped and its been a little while since i was on here sooo heres some screenshots if anyone wants to edit them to make her look inflated
