/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Art by Non-Inflation artists Anonymous 02/24/2023 (Fri) 05:27:23 Id:aa170c No. 79906
This might be a bit specific but it’s kind of neat having artists try their hand at expansion; you get some unusual and interesting takes on it sometimes. The Yuna pics are semi related; taken from bodyinflation.org and were commissioned from specifically non-inflation artists (Daisy-pink72 and casas respectively)
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There's a YouTuber by the name of greasy tales majority of there parody videos focus on different kinky things and try to get as weird as possible with things. Anyways in there most recent meth orcs video that got previewed we see a unidentified elf creature (most likely male but possibly female as he does both types of characters) But seems like inflation is a bit new to him and even though it's just probably a quick gag I think it deserves praise for being very cute for his first outing ( not to forget to mention very horny/kinky inducing which is probably more important knowledge for him to know) Anyways I figured I'd throw it out there as it deserves some underrated appreciation as well as so you can maybe give him/it some love and praise as well when the animation comes out as he said he's worked very hard on it. Who knows maybe with enough positive praise will see more inflation stuff in future ;) I mean he does say the reason he keeps making catboys is because positive horny comment feedback so like he said with his catboy stuff "unless like more than 5 people comment wow Balloon boy/girl ME BONER! In the comments below then I'll be obligated to do more" So you heard the dude I guess tell him how much you praise his catboys and balloons ;) Anyways link to video and well enjoy the knowledge! https://youtu.be/ypUND4ISoew
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more stuff from bodyinflation.org
This one fantastic artist, ArtMakerProductions, has made plenty of different takes on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, AU’s as they’ve called them, and in turn has made quite a handful of blueberry arts. Very unique body shapes too. Link to their CaTcF gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/artmakerproductions/gallery/67182310/catcf-related-art ..and some examples I could get.
Here’s a good one from ffa!
>>79906 Here's a couple comms by Joel de Souza, I know he's also done one based on the Skol ads, but the only copy of that I have is on my PS Vita of all things, and I can't transfer it to my computer no matter what I try.
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>>84725 >>84729 Do you think he still will do inflation comms?
>>84731 Not a chance in hell. He has to have woken up at some point and realized just what he was drawing.
>>84752 Pretty much.
>>84752 Still it's roly-poly if he's reading I say go for it it's as harmless as you get I've met people who don't even commission it to be horny half the time they just like the round shape and find it cute
>>86006 Whose the artist for these?
>>86031 https://www.deviantart.com/skrubphace
>>84725 just take a picture of the item contained to the vita and post it. Maybe somebody else has a version.
The best
>>86015 Men can hope.
This expansion scene from this horror short probably fits here https://youtu.be/PQfzlHRaHY4
>>89303 Nice.
Not art, but does have inflated suits and floating. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wv108LpzcUQ
Hello my name is dong6644580
>>90816 Suck my dong.
>>90918 No I will not suck your dog
>>90926 Pat my dog.
>>79906 Too cute.
Bumping with content. Art by JamieKuumuzu
>>92482 More?
>>79920 Awesome.
They're the best.
>>79906 Lost Media thread https://web.archive.org/web/20231004222718/https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/71984.html
>>96976 God that piece really stirs mixed emotions for me. It's really good art, but I swear I can't see anything annventure related without thinking about what happened to yobo.
>>96995 didnt he blow his brains out lol
>>97002 Yeah. Hence sadness.
More, please.
>>88904 Women too.
>>96976 I heard she had a HDD failure.
Does anyone have any more art?
>>104840 Until we get new poster problem sorted out I doubt it.
>>106202 Until we get the no new blood problem sorted out I doubt it.
Vtubers were a nice surprise.
>>108121 This.
>>104054 I hope she has found help.
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>>79906 This is the only time she shows up like this in the entire game.
>>111098 artist?
>>112675 Fuck tiktok
>>112676 America scared of tiktok china guy. He will wait lol
>>102418 We really need a "normies" general.
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Some preg, fat, and even vore artists accidently create better art than 90% of our own.
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Preg friends likes some of the tropes we like.
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Do expansion artists who don't normally do inflation count?
This count https://www.deviantart.com/pikotime/art/Chichi-expanded-and-exploded-by-Majin-Buu-Comm-1099307651
>>125368 Yeah,probably. Also here's both the artist did. Anyone interested can just change them back to gifs with cloudconvert.
>>130412 I know this is just niche fetish porn but what the fuck is up with that shower design
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Mods, please don't delete pic related.
>>133932 Mods don't usually delete things on inflation board they aren't as strict as the ones in the main bbw boards for better or for worse depends on who you ask but I feel over policing can scare someone off just as much and unless you're savvy spamming men with weird horny quotes in like every single thread and mind you they just started getting serious with him I think you're fine Don't be savvy and you should be good with mild furry in threads where the topic matter's like the viziepop threads it's unavoidable every characters at least borderline furry. But this is a inflation exclusive board so it falls in a weird middle ground where as long as it's inflation it technically fits as most other stuff is bbw only yet fur threads post inflation as well To quote David Tennant it's wibbly wobbly best not to think about it too much threads are disposable with bump limits anyways so you're policing a problem that essentially self fixes itself after a few months. Worst care if it's removed post it one last time but marks as spoiler so that way those who don't like it can hide it which is kind of useless as we essentially already have a hide button! But there's absolutely no reason a spoiled furry image should cause anyone problems whatsoever! Policing a hidden image that can be voided from your eyes is obtuse behavior to say the least. best of luck tho!
>>133953 Was gonna delete this mess cause Holy rant, but it's true. I only blast blatant violations or reports. I don't care to look at this bullshit otherwise
>>133932 To fap...or not to fap?
Here's a WIP from a random instagram artist
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Found these on bodyination.org, a remake of an older sequence on the site. Here’s what the uploader says. “I decided to get a chibi rendition of Party Girl done and was quite pleased with the results. Artist is Koko, on Fiverr. He specializes in chibis, works for a great price and is super pleasant to work with.”
