/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(891.47 KB 3840x1634 Wallpaper.jpg)
Blueberryverse Anonymous 01/19/2025 (Sun) 01:55:58 Id:96b8be No. 134437
Anything to do with the artist Blueberryverse
(512.29 KB 463x778 She's swelling up.png)
(782.83 KB 1261x897 Too much booty in the pants.png)
(844.11 KB 1245x684 She is going to explode.png)
>>134437 Despite the chocolate factory setting, his recent comic is still kino.
>>134440 this would've been a pretty good comic, but i just can't get over how young she looks...
I really wat this comic
>>134489 https://mab.to/t/3V5rEsj1jtT/us3
>>134490 do you have bonus content like individual illustrations?
>>134495 I don't sorry, if I did I would have upload those as well.
>>134437 >I'll create another thread for a very specific artist that is very unoriginal recreating the Wonka scene... Oh yess! I'm so good at creating threads!
>>134508 Go back to reddit. Who gives a fuck? Clearly you don't know how imageboards work and your autistic obsession the last 6 months is nothing short of mentally insane. The thread will die out on page 10 naturally.
>>134444 A child.
Since it was in the blueberry thread, may as well leave it here too for easy access. Do what you will. https://gofile.io/d/JUeKpA
Why did you make a super specific thread?
>>134440 >kino this is literally just the '05 violet scene with some different clothes, im begging you to get higher standards for what you consider kino wonkaslop will never be kino
What about the one with Batgirl and Harley Quinn?
>>134522 >Who gives a fuck? The people who complain about it? Just report the thread and stop flooding the board, it's already bad, don't make it worse.
Anyone got the double bubble comic in zip png because cbz just doesn't open.
>>134803 https://www.cdisplayex.com/ Use this program to read .cbz and .cbr files.
Someone have this comic?
>>134489 Reupload the link>>134490
Anyone got his Blue Hazard comic?
Still Looking. Nothing found.
does anyone get buying the comic?
lol https://mab.to/t/621715B4sxK/us3
Hey does anyone have berks biggest and can reposted again or leave a link to it
>>134489 >>134490 Re-up please?
(353.34 KB 1044x1569 IMG_1479.jpeg)
does anyone get these Jill comic?
>>134444 Honestly petite ladies are underrated when it comes to blueberry inflation
>>137808 Petite ladies, not children.
>>137809 Isn’t the girl just petite in the comic or…?
>>137816 Pretty sure that was the idea, It wasn't executed particularly well though
>>137816 The acne, overly childish demeanor, and mother dynamic makes me think otherwise. It's literally just an 05 remake with another little girl in Violet's stead.
I mean, "Help me mommy?" Come on.
>>137822 Those are freckles, not acne.
>>137877 Check out the dialogue. Mother mentions it during the turning blue part.
