/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Morphs (Non cartoony edition) I_am_For_a_Reason_2 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:04:54 Id:ede87e No. 103018
Post your non cartoony morphs here, the examples:
really like black chicks blowing up, anyone got more of that
(5.51 MB 3840x2160 Elita's bulging belly.png)
This is my first attempt at making a morph. I hope you like it.
>>103018 That also includes non cartoony inflation morphs that is not made by you
(436.96 KB 1200x1200 bloated lynn copy.png)
(2.42 MB 2048x1365 7xm.xyz101253 copy.png)
(2.68 MB 2048x1365 A blimp for christmas.png)
(3.24 MB 2048x1286 7xm.xyz500571 copy.png)
>>103027 wow, would this be considered inflation or wg?
>>103087 Maybe both?
(1.25 MB 1600x1200 Lauren Ridloff flies away.png)
(1.86 MB 2048x2048 Fr26t-oX0AIHLpE copy.png)
(3.31 MB 2048x1366 Octavia Spencer blimp.png)
(5.76 MB 2800x1668 MKinfcopy.png)
The seventh one does not have an inflation morph, but I don't care
(88.67 KB 894x894 Untitled.jpg)
Me trying to make this thread alive
Now I'm wondering Do we have any undiscovered morphers here on the board?
>>103756 Maybe
here’s some of my autistic garbage
(9.46 KB 335x346 superdeb.jpg)
(102.50 KB 600x503 Buffy.preview.jpg)
(533.62 KB 1600x1114 Rosies_blown_up.png)
>>103756 yeah me
>>103085 I know you are telling me that Morph inflation thread already exist, but here is the difference between my thread and Morph Request, My thread only brings the inflation morph (non-cartoony version) made by other people, while Morph Request, only requests inflation morphs, so please don't ask me that the inflation morphs already exist...
>>103968 hey I think I remember that guy! Wish he still made stuff
>>106637 Yeah me too, but sadly, he just vanished away, with no trace behind :(
(223.31 KB 1170x645 monet quikcie.png)
(519.96 KB 769x1024 Untitled-1_7.png)
>>106668 he's not fully gone, but yeah his edits were pretty good
>>107155 Where'd you get the third image from?
https://www.bodyinflation.org/node/42308 >>107155
>>107214 Ah thanks. I forgot it was posted there.
>>107214 Question, out of all the edits you posted in this thread (good job btw) who's been your favorite and what's the appeal. To those editirs
(246.95 KB 578x901 image.png)
>>106506 I understand.
(100.43 KB 894x894 IMG_4363.jpeg)
(239.92 KB 828x1565 IMG_1886.jpeg)
(129.68 KB 894x894 IMG_4361.jpeg)
(110.12 KB 1519x526 IMG_4364.jpeg)
Can someone post every single Beachball-Jay's inflation morphs that is not suitable for all deviants?
>>109140 I'll comb through some stuff
(104.88 KB 1056x757 IMG_1818.jpeg)
(91.60 KB 1093x731 IMG_1819.jpeg)
(148.20 KB 1092x732 IMG_1820.jpeg)
(123.30 KB 1094x731 IMG_1822.jpeg)
(153.42 KB 1095x730 IMG_1823.jpeg)
(1.29 MB 1089x734 IMG_1821.png)
Bumping this thread so it won’t be sent to the shadow realm
(92.05 KB 1240x644 IMG_1824.jpeg)
(103.05 KB 1354x590 IMG_1825.jpeg)
(96.28 KB 894x894 IMG_1826.jpeg)
(121.26 KB 1049x762 IMG_1827.jpeg)
(113.80 KB 1060x754 IMG_1828.jpeg)
(125.43 KB 1265x632 IMG_1829.jpeg)
(669.31 KB 1280x720 cky1a9.png)
(3.26 MB 3840x2160 b0fsfa.png)
I wonder when he is going to post a fuckton of Beachball-Jay related Inflation Morphs?
(1.78 MB 1920x1237 RobinGivens.png)
Still inflation based, with a bit of futa in the mix so I added a spoiler tag to it (blueboimorphs made this a while ago)
>>110453 I'm on it i'm on it
Anyone got any morphs of Blackpink?
(1.56 MB 1920x1080 ppxp5p.png)
(2.37 MB 3474x1923 yfz1i9.png)
(3.11 MB 2000x1333 bwka9n.png)
(1.23 MB 1920x1080 wpoqal.png)
(1.88 MB 3798x1647 vzvv0g.png)
Some Jaythelawdown
>>112717 insinuations lol
Some Stottie03
Some popchocolate2003
Some Decompressing
Requesting randomguy1001 art for nostalgia.
>>112757 don't have much of his stuff unfortunately
(955.85 KB 1145x698 Ana.png)
(823.13 KB 801x997 Issa Rae Berry.png)
(636.33 KB 1192x670 Nicki Minaj Balloon.png)
more superflate edits
(40.80 KB 474x607 th-1777935630.jpg)
>>103346 background reminds me of something...
(232.83 KB 1186x2208 IMG_5237.jpeg)
(191.76 KB 1186x2208 IMG_5236.jpeg)
>>112824 I wish I knew who the model for the last one is
>>113580 she used to have a DA page then something happened ad she nuked her images on there.
(532.72 KB 900x600 5necgl.png)
(535.64 KB 900x600 9ngclo.png)
(465.28 KB 900x600 r99072.png)
(467.78 KB 900x600 rd6bc1.png)
(1.70 MB 2238x1827 hor27f.png)
(1.75 MB 2238x1827 3yeqfe.png)
(513.66 KB 900x600 57vnjz.png)
(469.18 KB 900x600 vw6z3t.png)
(403.95 KB 900x600 iukjk6.png)
(407.45 KB 900x600 e6wey5.png)
(498.96 KB 900x600 5tmdk6.png)
(500.62 KB 900x600 nqvili.png)
(2.58 MB 3840x1482 9xjx0o.png)
(2.76 MB 3840x1482 xdo49r.png)
>>113689 Sucks when that happens
(438.11 KB 900x600 a5jqby.png)
(441.55 KB 900x600 kjmvrr.png)
(192.59 KB 1284x1284 Boberry burst 1.jpg)
(209.36 KB 1284x1284 Boberry burst 2.jpg)
(224.44 KB 1284x1284 Boberry burst 3.jpg)
(349.46 KB 2568x1356 Boberry burst 4.jpg)
(122.72 KB 1284x678 Boberry burst 5.jpg)
(96.90 KB 1284x855 Boberry burst 6.jpg)
(2.17 MB 1080x1350 Gas Bubble 1.png)
(2.39 MB 1080x1350 Gas Bubble 2.png)
(6.83 MB 2024x2370 dairy_bombs_by_dobonk_dhdqw2j.png)
(9.85 MB 3565x2015 snow_cakes_by_dobonk_dhe639w.png)
Name of the model?
(3.18 MB 2560x1440 Lydia_berry.png)
(3.82 MB 2794x2080 IMG_1975.jpeg)
(3.82 MB 2794x2080 IMG_1976.jpeg)
A very soft looking poki with the cutest little feet
(3.81 MB 2794x2080 IMG_1977.jpeg)
>>115100 Full of air alt
(747.50 KB 1181x1181 massivemay.jpeg)
(858.17 KB 1575x1575 massivemoonmay.jpeg)
(7.33 MB 5233x3488 May_Big_Balloon_Discord.jpeg)
(555.04 KB 2048x1366 Selenathebigball.jpeg)
(6.12 MB 1792x3624 regina image.png)
(78.84 KB 640x480 _api-11.jpg)
(2.48 MB 1920x1080 _api-39.png)
(2.97 MB 4200x4200 scarletb.png)
(167.46 KB 378x478 20190210_162526.png)
(346.27 KB 873x1186 20190507_223107.png)
(898.97 KB 876x1430 20190706_214023.png)
>>115866 sauce on Scarlett B inflation morph?
(180.41 KB 341x1186 20190508_125408.png)
(208.86 KB 546x1179 20190508_125422.png)
(1.18 MB 2205x2963 20210418_110018.png)
(1.70 MB 2778x3004 20220523_144543.png)
>>116198 idk where i got it from. I remember seeing it and saving it
(4.35 MB 1536x2048 Bunny Backfire 1.png)
(3.71 MB 1536x2048 Bunny Backfire 2.png)
>>116976 source?
(1.27 MB 1912x1080 nxfxxx.png)
got juice?
>>117268 https://www.deviantart.com/dobonk
Brazilian plus size model Cleo Fernandes floats around the house.
(495.39 KB 937x703 3tcexj.png)
(1.99 MB 1791x1893 spb062.png)
(2.86 MB 2982x2160 un2l1s.png)
(412.83 KB 937x703 a8lta8.png)
(996.20 KB 1212x2058 viefdm.png)
(2.77 MB 2841x2160 oul1w9.png)
(2.03 MB 1920x1080 6s6sm4.png)
(3.01 MB 3753x1947 kr8tei.png)
New berryslop!
(2.02 MB 1920x1080 l78cme.png)
(3.14 MB 3753x1947 231id3.png)
Is there any morpher similar to hellresident? I really like his style and the absurdity of his stories, and I'm really struggling to find someone that does uber morphs as good as him.
(371.19 KB 600x554 IMG_1883.png)
(170.73 KB 904x884 IMG_1884.jpeg)
(166.08 KB 915x873 IMG_1886.jpeg)
(166.18 KB 904x884 IMG_1887.jpeg)
(161.20 KB 912x876 IMG_1888.jpeg)
(131.08 KB 912x876 IMG_1889.jpeg)
(102.26 KB 912x876 IMG_1890.jpeg)
I wonder when he is going to post a fuckton of Beachball-Jay related Inflation Morphs?
Almost popped.
(633.53 KB 2048x1980 IMG_1901.jpeg)
(132.73 KB 1136x703 IMG_1902.jpeg)
(113.50 KB 1277x626 IMG_1903.jpeg)
(29.19 KB 288x175 IMG_1904.jpeg)
>>126478 Yeah, can someone post more Inflation Morphs so that this thread won’t die? (Also find the high quality version of this 4th last image in my post)
>>126545 Fug, I thought this thread died, I might post some stuff
Requesting the XXmasterdavid blueberry morphs.
(410.08 KB 1159x1747 IMG_8871.jpeg)
(142.46 KB 1170x781 IMG_8870.jpeg)
(230.03 KB 1170x697 IMG_8869.jpeg)
(2.82 MB 1920x1080 Rey as Blueberry.png)
(1.81 MB 1331x887 Natasha as Blueberry.png)
>>126750 >Rey as Blueberry.jpg What texture did xmasterdavid use for her skin?
(236.60 KB 960x720 1-amusement-balloons.jpg)
(869.79 KB 1024x683 1-beach-balloon.jpg)
(683.39 KB 1024x682 1-balloon-1.jpg)
(638.35 KB 1024x682 1-balloon-2.jpg)
(572.72 KB 1024x682 1-balloon-3.jpg)
(466.78 KB 1024x682 1-balloon-4.jpg)
(533.98 KB 1024x577 1-halftime-show.jpg)
(212.59 KB 1095x612 1-pool-balloon.jpg)
(132.14 KB 1162x752 1-elastotex-parade.jpg)
(1.38 MB 1280x948 1-superblimps-new-hire.jpg)
(144.78 KB 1094x798 1-filling-the-swimming-pool.jpg)
(142.71 KB 1066x938 1-dr-defatso-1.jpg)
(108.96 KB 901x794 1-dr-defatso-2.jpg)
(163.15 KB 1077x795 1-kablamus.jpg)
(82.10 KB 887x664 1-pump-you-up.jpg)
(59.10 KB 600x413 1-festival-pump-up.jpg)
(668.66 KB 1280x651 1-balloon-contest.jpg)
(121.69 KB 1221x890 1-stage-show.jpg)
(132.76 KB 1133x907 1-beach-balloon.jpg)
(46.23 KB 591x466 1-balloon-kiss.jpg)
(705.35 KB 1024x768 1-city-skyline.jpg)
(724.95 KB 1024x576 1-at-superblimps-pool.jpg)
(228.95 KB 850x638 1-auction.jpg)
(853.11 KB 846x660 1-drinking-from-the-hydrant.png)
(138.33 KB 1160x810 1-going-for-a-float.jpg)
(3.86 MB 3543x3543 1-dark-red-duel-part-1-5.jpg)
(1.61 MB 1000x1000 1-meanwhile-purple-phenomenon.png)
(1.60 MB 1000x1000 1-dark-red-duel-part-2.png)
(1.11 MB 1000x1000 1-dark-red-duel-finale.png)
Can someone actually post some more morph inflation images?
(35.13 KB 620x465 9500240.png)
(22.49 KB 620x686 9500018.png)
(1.74 MB 1280x675 1-blimp-boy-on-the-beach.png)
(444.68 KB 1280x973 1-blimp-on-set.png)
(786.93 KB 1024x1024 1-lounii-voodoo-balloon.jpg)
Is anyone going to post some morphs?
(5.49 MB 3264x2448 1-jay-vs-inflated-ego.jpg)
(4.24 MB 3508x2480 1-blimping-bros-squish.jpg)
(3.37 MB 1181x1181 1-jay-v-hot-air-ballooning.jpg)
(1006.15 KB 1181x1181 1-jay-and-britt-v-balloon-demons.jpg)
Kinda dead so figured I'd live it with a channel age is 23 if you're wondering
(3.32 MB 1181x1181 1-ice-cream-pumped-dors.jpg)
(3.23 MB 1181x1181 1-blimp-bros-v-balloon-aliens.jpg)
Does anyone have Kdayk's old morphs? I'm looking for one that was called fallout nuka berry that used The Sphere Hunter as a model
(1.80 MB 1920x1080 licnrb.png)
(1.78 MB 1920x1080 t1wuo4.png)
(1.08 MB 1920x1080 7kcz04.png)
(1.05 MB 1920x1080 1olr52.png)
(614.62 KB 1920x1080 vfknzy.png)
(642.33 KB 1920x1080 mqyikz.png)
(601.95 KB 1920x1080 n5pxls.png)
(628.22 KB 1920x1080 6a0ep2.png)
>>134041 Noted
