/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Lost Media Adventures: The Search for the Missing Thread Anonymous 03/24/2025 (Mon) 14:52:49 Id:3d1560 No. 139346 >>139389 >>139513
Previous Lost Media Thread is done for, which means it's time for a soft series reboot. Post /inf/ content considered "lost media" here: art by artists whose galleries have been nuked, stuff you have saved that you know for sure is no longer circulating on the wider web, etc. Searched everywhere and can't find a piece you remember? Here's the place to ask about it (provide as many details as possible). I'll get the ball rolling with a personal request. Looking for a piece by (I think) Shydude (or it's a style similar to theirs). Was blueberry art of Noodle from Gorillaz, specifically her design from the Jaguar ad. Not full berry, but headed there. OG pic was just a rough sketch, but someone else came along and colored it. I saw both versions for the first time posted here, and the colorized version might have even been born in one of the colorization threads here.
>>139346 ghost train scene independently confirmed but not uploaded yet. its a whole storyline across multiple episodes check youtube
>>139389 I mean we have a place where you can get it but nobody has the balls to buy and get the rights to it so until somebody does or finds it on a fluke will probably never see it
there is this person that use to be on PH before the wipe happened and they made pretty good animations, sadly i was only able to find this one video on my pc and searching copyright cancer doesnt bring up anything of them but a video that i really want to see again is the one with the blue rabbit being tied down on all 4s and having a whip cream can shoved in her ass to fill her up https://mab.to/t/STaPLYdYeRN/us2
Still hunting down MarksMorphs content, I feel like it keeps eluding me at every turn -_-
>>139411 Based + justified crashout
>>139411 Take your meds
>>139395 i thought someone had it but couldnt upload it because of strikes
There as a story called Gum Chewing Evils. I remember reading it once. I don't remember shit about it.
>>139411 Based, but also, fuck you too t. Whitey Also, I wish Tayvarps videos were easier to find, I love amateur inflating women
>>139410 Hey. Here is archive someone shared here previously. I’m still looking for some missing comics like stealing water and catholic school girl incident https://mab.to/t/5L8boupwYxq/eu1
i need help peeps I remember a story on deviantart, where a girl inflated and her brother barged in and helped her until he got a bit too into it and decided to keep her in his closet, tape on her mouth so she stayed inflated. She could 'feel her skin stretching' with every breath. Help.
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I'm trying to find some lost comic dubs that Swell Reads did back in 2018 these include "A Swell Surprise", "Welcome (Back) to Smash Bros Palutena", and "Pumping For Shits And Giggles". I'm also looking for a comic dub of a Totally Spies comic named "Totally Spies WG Comic" I think it was by SexyBlimp. I'm also looking for Swell Reads comic dubs on the Bloomph series. It is available, but I have to pay for it, so I'm wondering if anyone has downloaded these videos and can upload them cause I really want to see them again and see Bloomph for the first time.
Something I’ve been searching for the longest time is a comic series about a woman stranded on an alien planet living with a bug species who make her super pregnant, I think they were called “snotterpillers” or something but it’s been years
Does anyone have videos from Balloona. The ones nuked from her old YouTube?
>>139435 Goated drop, thank you very much ^^
I cannot find this comic for the life of me but I remember a comic, I believe it was handdrawn, where a girl with a white shirt, brown hair, green clothes, and a bow in her hair eats a peice of gum and becomes a blueberry. I remember it being sorta long, like 13-14 pages and it included public humiliation and I think rolling, as well as some leaking. Does anyone know the comic that I am describing ive been searching forever but I cannot find it.
>>139497 bizarre adventures of berrygirl vol1 its on tumblr
>>139346 I don’t remember the blueberry noodle pic you’re talking about, but I did see something similar. I think it was both Murdoc and DARE video Noodle swelling into blueberries.
>>139513 The Noodle one I'm thinking of I saw posted a few times here. It even got colored in a colorization thread. Was defo Jaguar ad Noodle. I'm positive I saved it somewhere and I've been looking for it, but no luck yet. Could be wrong about it being Shydude, but it looked like his sketch artstyle.
>>139512 Nah but thanks for trying to help, my description probably wasn't the greatest and so I see how you thought it was that one.
>>139515 Only other details I can think if is that she was actually wearing yellow but juice turned her clothes into a greenish color, the white shirt is mainly what she wears for most of it, she had short brown hair with a blue bow in it, and in the beginning she's seen chewing a peice of gum. Also the artstyle was a little weird as when she turned blue it was very blotchy. Anyways I don't expect people to find this comic it may be lost media but figured I'd ask here in a last ditch effort, thanks for anyone who responds to these messages and I'll try my best to provide for others requests.
>>139514 Gotcha. That one of DARE noodle was actually sent to me by a friend who thought it was funny. It was pretty unsavory.
https://mega.nz/folder/fmYnEDpI#KZVzI5ZEg35scmx1OVoPqQ Made an archive of maxedman send anything missing from here
>>139389 Sorry for missing a couple of details on the Ghost Train Adventures (tm) but where was this info shared? Tried to do a bit of research but to no avail
>>139549 discussion on youtube. somehow has the old episodes but only a few of them are uploaded. which unfortunately dont include the hot air balloon, icecream factory or tooth ache episodes someone in the last thread tried to register with the ITV site to download them but as anon said they are not available to the public due to copyrighted material but someone does have them and hasnt uploaded them due to copyright strikes.
>>139551 Cant say i heard of the tooth ache one, could you give a quick rundown?
Any tell of biggereveryminute’s morphs? He left so many good ones to die
>>139552 3eps. characters go an icecream factory and one gorges herself to a ridiculous size. she stays the same size for at least two eps after it. next ep she is huge with a toothache from sweets. then an inflation themed episode where they visit a hot air balloon factory and the joke is they need a balloon to lift her.
>>139389 I dont know what Ghost train adventures is but yall got me curious. Went to "check youtube" to get any kind of information at all on it but searching said name doesnt find anything related to whatever show, video, or comic yall are talking about.
>>139564 Ghost Train 1991 uk tv series with a storyline involving multiple characters inflating

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