/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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My Hero Inflation Anonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 02:31:51 Id:d9a24a No. 98810
Due to this site shutting down next year, I wanted to make this thread so I can see some mha inflation art so i can get this out of my chest for once.There was a thread like before but it's gone and I know there is a anime inflation thread but that is separate from this. Females only and no males.
Go look for the anime thread.
Wait the sights shutting down also is there going to be a different site to make threads on
>>98894 It’s not shutting down it was saved.
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Midnight doesn't get enough inflation love
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>>100489 I have an alt for this.
I miss that period where practically everyone was inflating Ochako and Tsuyu, but I'm still glad that more characters are getting some love.
(1.09 MB 3400x2300 Tight_Belts_lol_September.png)
(864.89 KB 3600x2400 Ochako_and_Mina_November.png)
Pic 1: Them belts being extra stubborn today lol Pic 2: Mina realizes Ochako likes inflation and won't stop pressing her to admit it. (both by NepuOfInflation)
(134.28 KB 2600x2700 uravity_blimp.png)
>>100688 who are you
>>100688 Those were the descriptions the artist gave when he posted them
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>>100779 Sauce for the second one?
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Come on show us the Momo
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I posted in the wrong thread, my bad.
>>100295 >>100322 >>107535 >Bo took all of these down KWAB thank god for archivists
>>107906 It's a shame really, since those were some of their best works, but what can ya do.
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>>109848 artist?
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Art by sisikurakurari, (Does contain Food Tf)
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Moar of Mount Lady.
>>113969 Yes please~ đŸ˜©
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Found these on archive.moe
(1.31 MB 2000x1414 105644406_p3.jpg)
>>100777 Source for pictures two and three?
Anyone got this in high quality?
(186.14 KB 2047x1890 GS4EiFmaIAEQ0BZ.jpeg)
(2.67 MB 2164x1606 chapter 430.png)
So spoiler for the last chapter but With the series over and everyone in there 20s now how long do you think it will be until someone opens the flood gate? Will it be before or after the anime reveals it? Also kind of surprised designs didn't change too much yes some have vastly different outfits tokoyami has made his face visible now and yes he's technically been wearing a mask and is human underneath dark shadow. But otherwise froppy and ochaco are basically the exact same ochacos only difference into adult seams to be her hair sideburns or toffs or whatever you call them are much longer now. Pinky also has longer hair and a outfit change. Still interesting to see. I'm not much of a Loli shota fan honestly I'm semi opposed to it but figured this deserves a mention so people can stop blowing up the suspicious stuff and start blowing up the adult forms. Sooner this knowledge spreads the better in my opinion for the community! Again I'm not trying to go all puritan on you it's just my personal opinion! But I feel the community deserves the right to know at least? Either way I give the series a 10/10 9/10 for the series and a extra 1 for the adult forms now you people can blow up your frog girl all you please and it's legally safe.
(114.84 KB 1280x720 ENfVXLWVUAAoAOi.jpg_large.jpg)
>>122581 Although I recommend using this manga panel as reference for future drawings I wish I could show more but not gonna lie epilogue at least in manga is very lacking in depth! This is the only panel we ever see of the adult heroes forms! We don't see anyone else except deku really lacking in the story department but it's subject to change with a rumored epilogue spin off that's upcoming in the distant future I almost guarantee will see more or the anime will ad lib
>>122581 Shut up, cracker
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>>113969 Anyone know the source?
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>>131500 Source on the second pic?
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(2.05 MB 480x360 Momo Berry.webm)
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>>135850 Who's the artist that made this?
(152.69 KB 1024x745 IMG_1556.jpeg)
Spoiled for male
(784.26 KB 1500x1075 Airborne Ochako by AltzEgoz.png)
Here's a Ochako lost art by AltzEgoz from 2022
(1013.13 KB 804x1200 Mina_1_by_Arnne.png)
Does anyone have the Mabocorescant pic of Mina inflating? I tried to find the original but it seems to have been scrubbed off the internet. I found a statue someone made based off of it if that gives you any reference
>>137310 There you go
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(1.20 MB 3900x2600 Mina_and_Co._February.png)
