/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflatable Suit/Clothing Thread 3: Suited For The Occasion Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 06:41:55 Id:6895a6 No. 135477
Last Thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/46448.html# MEGA Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/VZICVIiT#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA Same thing as the last thread, post anything related to IRL suit inflation/inflatable clothing, vids, pics, whatever you got. Anything from full on suits, to ballhoods, to dresses, as long as its inflatable and you can wear it, its fine.
(9.72 MB 720x804 clothedberry.webm)
(8.80 MB 720x900 suitdemo.webm)
(3.72 MB 1920x1080 ballhoodpump.webm)
(3.76 MB 1920x1080 alienshining.webm)
(3.68 MB 1024x576 pinkpooltoy3.webm)
(3.70 MB 1280x720 upsidedown.webm)
>>135480 Does a longer version of the ballhoodpump video exists?
>>135477 Previous thread?
>>135484 yeah, gotcha https://mab.to/t/9Dai0kMPwh4/us2
>>135528 Thanks anon! Kindda weird it ends before she uses the vibrator, but thanks regardless!
>>135569 oh yeah that was a seperate video, here you go https://mab.to/t/2lpnlIWLKZT/us2
>>135672 Oh shit, didn't expect this one! Thanks again!
>>135711 no problem, its my bad for not including that vid with the previous upload
(2.18 MB 3089x2048 latexballbondage.jpg)
>>135477 should we include RoundHomunculus/rotundhomunculus' suit inflation videos in the MEGA Archive? https://mega.nz/folder/me4ggLoC#DIqmKRw47C9OHfWwE9xSUQ
>>135783 Insane how there is no video
>>135832 true, kind of a shame there wasn't one linked on coomer, i'm sure its great
>>135860 it not even on clips4sale :((((
Anyone have this? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/52559/7252713/outgrowing-giant-panties
>>135960 Wrong thread bro... (This thread is all about IRL Suit inflation bro)
>>135783 Where did u find this pic at
(63.74 KB 1162x1080 Puffy Boi.jpg)
(5.02 KB 207x243 Inflating Rotund.jpg)
(34.19 KB 734x720 Inflated Rotund with moobs.jpg)
>>135971 Anyways. since that one user that posted the wrong image (Aka suit inflation but not irl), Can someone find these 3 video?
I’m looking for more funkyfeetuk videos https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cdxESp_JYDf-ys35-q0GJK5fU2546fGm
(7.25 MB 452x372 funkyfeetuk6.webm)
Here is funkyfeetuk a dead user who is long gone https://bodyinflation.org/node/37092
(2.20 MB 452x372 funkyfeetuk5.webm)
(5.32 MB 452x372 funkyfeetuk3.webm)
(5.87 MB 452x372 funkyfeetuk2.webm)
>>136546 There's literally nothing in this link
>>136578 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cdxESp_JYDf-ys35-q0GJK5fU2546fGm
(7.94 MB 848x720 3piecesofgum.webm)
reposting this here. Suits are fuckin awesome but has anyone ever messed around with making your own rigs?
(106.74 KB 811x270 Look at this screenshot.png)
Update for >>136018 and >>135804: I found the three videos that we are looking for and I added more videos for RoundHomunculus/rotundhomunculus' suit inflation videos in the MEGA Archive https://mega.nz/folder/me4ggLoC#DIqmKRw47C9OHfWwE9xSUQ
Does anyone have funkyfeetuk vids?
https://x.com/studiofuusen/status/1860688724905877799 this looks cute, any idea where to get that roomtex suit balloon though? can't find it on their website
>>136018 >>137522 Appreciate the effort to put them on a drive but all of his videos are publicly on his Twitter? https://x.com/RoundHomunculus/media
Hey. I would like to known about the videos from a now-defunct website from this thread in Bodyinflation.org. https://www.bodyinflation.org/node/27892 The user has a Youtube account, but it doesn't contain any videos, it is called Hazmat Sparkie. I would be thankful if someone archived their videos.
(299.41 KB 900x1600 GaP54uDXIAAizV8.jpg)
Did anyone end up getting Miss Fetilicious' "Extreme rubber doll strap-on play" video?
>>135804 It's only a 100mb so I'll add it in. To be honest it doesn't really interest me and I usually only include stuff that genuinely interests me.
