/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(110.06 KB 809x308 Untitled1235_20240609161754.png)
Requesting me to do a screenshot inflation edit the deluxe island Mare389 06/09/2024 (Sun) 14:21:33 Id:987c0c No. 117030
I'm doing your requests (Need to be 18+, female and be okay)
stop creating stupid circle tool edit threads
>>117044 NTA, but there based
>>117044 >>117053 Tell him or her to go to the already existing editing&coloring thread and ask for requests there.
>>117080 I know but they don't post often
>>117085 The point is you can ask for requests there. I know I'll post one if you post in >>117079 and tell us what you like. We really want to build a "community" and be friendly to each other.
>>117125 You know what i'am just bored
>>117128 Do you take requests right now? I can make one.
Requesting a camp counsellor and older sister blown up. In the franchise, adults have full lips. You can blow up the other girl too, and then both, if you want.
(696.04 KB 1120x630 Untitled1237_20240611171839.png)
>>117144 Here yo buddy
>>117207 Thanks! Can you make seperate versions? Big camp leader and small redhead, and small camper and big redblond, please?
(812.60 KB 1120x630 Untitled1237_20240611175000.png)
(883.19 KB 1120x630 Untitled1237_20240611175007.png)
>>117208 Here are the alts
alright ill bite…could you try and make marge here puffy?
>>117214 Thanks! Great work. Do you specialize in full body balloons?
(1.72 MB 1920x1080 Screenshot 2024-05-24 224033.png)
Can you please make Lori inflated with her arms sunken in and cheeks puffed up?
(294.71 KB 748x1687 Untitled1240_20240612191116.png)
>>117222 It's done my buddy
Can you inflate ms. accord from puyo puyo?
>>117294 danka
(991.85 KB 1395x784 Untitled1241_20240613154124.png)
>>117275 Here man
>>117349 Thanks buddy.
(2.08 MB 1920x1080 Screenshot 2023-09-30 121319.png)
Can you make Carlota inflated like a balloon?
(92.17 KB 1360x649 leela.jfif)
You must, you must, You must increase her bust!
(473.97 KB 1450x1371 Untitled1244_20240614163954.png)
(2.72 MB 1920x1080 Screenshot (79).png)
Okay, I've got a doozy of a request. Can you inflate Mimi Hunnicutt like a balloon, but still have her belt in tact as if it was super stretchy? If you don't like the idea, I'll find some other character. Thank you.
(101.86 KB 1000x1720 Storm X-Men 97 Profile Pic 1.webp)
Can you inflate Storm from the Disney+ series "X-Men '97" please? Thank you.
(1.94 MB 1920x1080 Untitled1249_20240615092957.png)
(1.84 MB 1920x1080 kom6ao.png)
(1.30 MB 1920x1080 vhmlwi.png)
(1.63 MB 1920x1080 xcuxbs.png)
(1.63 MB 1920x1080 e8ebwt.png)
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(1.76 MB 1920x1080 g05rn5.png)
alright I'd like one of these images of Posey from the music video, sing a worried song inflated please. Whichever ones are easiest for you.
>>117449 If no one wants to do this, someone should just say so.
>>117926 It's been barely a week. Ask the mods to compress the boards or learn to be patient.
>>117928 You're right, I'm sorry.
(925.75 KB 1920x1080 Untitled1263_20240621164713.png)
>>117538 Done mate
>>117979 wow! You drew her Reeeaal Big! Fantastic, thanks.
(318.32 KB 1920x1080 Scooby-Doo Beach Girl 1.jpg)
Can you inflate this beach girl from an episode of "Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated" please? Thank you.
(410.61 KB 1459x1370 Untitled1266_20240622154650.png)
>>117948 Done it
(567.83 KB 1920x1080 Screenshot 2024-03-23 173252.png)
Can you make Frankie Foster inflated like a balloon?
>>118025 please do single them out.
(624.09 KB 1920x1080 Untitled1268_20240622201130.png)
(453.77 KB 1440x1073 Untitled1206_20240526132807.png)
>>118057 Done and extra gift for ya
>>118096 Thanks!
(1.29 MB 1192x670 unknown.png)
What about these two lovey mothers blimped up? And even potentially gassy if your able to do those sort of things too ^^
(2.34 MB 2192x1232 Untitled1270_20240623133700.png)
>>118101 Tada here my friend
Can you make Alisa Barela inflated like a balloon?
>>118176 Thank you it looks amazing ^^
(4.28 MB 2920x1642 Untitled1273_20240624162817.png)
>>117449 Here is gift for you my buddy
(138.80 KB 490x773 Liam's_Mee-Maw.png)
>>118308 Not bad! I like it! But out of curiosity, do you think you could have her yellow vest zipped up, have her heart tatoo above her right hand (left) and have her belt still on her?
>>117030 Can you do Maron from DBZ?
Well, if this thread is for real, I'm just gonna leave there here, blimp them up at your leisure.
>>118308 To be clear, thanks.
(297.49 KB 1303x1275 Untitled1275_20240625202820.png)
>>118182 Another edit for ya
(277.59 KB 1562x3185 IMG_4871.webp)
Mona from WarioWare.
(317.41 KB 1322x1304 Untitled1283_20240628161100.png)
>>118311 Here man
>>118647 Thank you very much!
Is it ok if I request an Inflated Miss Bellum? Please?
(16.30 KB 360x409 IMG_2845.webp)
(17.77 KB 360x418 IMG_2844.webp)
This might be a different request than normal, but would it be possible to have an edit of a fully inflated Hornet sprite? I'm thinking of her being way bigger than she actually is, like >>118308 or >>117979 I have no idea if it’ll be possible with the sprites I’ve given but I hope it is.
(10.79 KB 250x188 Peggy's_Headache.webp)
blow up peggy and i will be forever in your debt
(279.70 KB 1244x1217 Untitled1287_20240630154125.png)
(270.26 KB 1013x1026 Untitled1286_20240629133757.png)
>>118433 There is it my man
>>118789 Was gonna ask if >>118318 was ok to to request?
(160.78 KB 474x800 nikusa06.png)
I would like request an edit of nikusa from fnf: ENTITY Where she is really big but if don't want to maker her really big then that's ok.
(275.29 KB 1362x1249 Untitled1293_20240701074851.png)
>>118516 My buddy It's done
(444.52 KB 1067x800 Untitled1302_20240702125528.png)
>>118699 The gift has arrived to you my man buddy
(168.40 KB 1492x1192 Untitled1308_20240703072218.png)
>>118701 Here is your big lady
(14.89 KB 370x296 IMG_2868.jpeg)
>>119017 Yooo, thanks so very much. If you don’t mind me asking, would it be possible to revert these white lines back to black just to see what it’d look like? I feel like the head would look better with it. But besides that it looks really good, thank you.
(169.29 KB 1492x1192 Untitled1308_20240703104248.png)
>>119023 >>119017 Yeah you are right, even I noticed it
>>119024 Yeah, that looks better honestly. Thanks for the big lady.
>>118948 Hey Thanks a Lot! What do you use? Sketch? Illustrator?
>>119027 I use Ibis Paint X
Same guy who asked for the Hornet here. Are you only doing full body inflation edits? Or are you able/willing to do some other inflation types? I’m not gonna request another thing, not yet at least, since I know there are other requests that should be done first, plus I just got my request done. (Again, thanks for making it.)
Hey I'm just wondering if your still gonna do my request for nikusa from fnf: ENTITY. If you don't want to do my request then that's ok.
(2.03 MB 1920x1080 Untitled1326_20240710101523.png)
>>118184 Here is it my buddy enjoy the gift
>>119683 Well, you know what they say: It ain't over until the fat lady sings!
>>119683 Can you turn her into a blueberry and maybe make her belly button pink?
How's this? I just wanted to light the editor's workload.
>>119738 I guess that's cool.
Can anyone blow up Sharon here?
(482.16 KB 1397x1159 Untitled1331_20240711123407.png)
(2.04 MB 1920x1080 Untitled1326_20240711123427.png)
>>118642 >>119738 I've done two request at time so here is it
>>119814 Not bad!
>>119814 BTW, thanks for the blueberry thing.
(266.01 KB 1111x1091 Untitled1338_20240713062302.png)
>>118736 Done bud
(17.63 KB 150x281 IMG_2885.png)
>>118701 The Hornet requester here, was wondering if I could get another edit this time of Marissa from Hollow Knight. I want her to also be way bigger than she is just like the Hornet edit, same size references apply here I’d say. I know I’ve already gotten an edit done for me, so I understand if you choose to not do this one.
(101.43 KB 1280x720 S3E14B_Fiona_got_caught.webp)
Could you make Fiona (the brown haired one with the striped shirt) inflated like a balloon?
(2.29 MB 2054x1071 S4E25B_Snoops_On_panorama_8.png)
Can anyone inflate the biker lady?
>>120118 Uh, Dude ...>>>118948
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>>118025 Done for ya man
Can I have Leonie in her summer outfit inflated to her limit ready to explode Enker appears with a sweat drop not wanting to help her so she gets angry with him due to refusing to help her.
(1.39 MB 1920x1080 CeCe Ryder Screenshot 1.png)
(1.86 MB 1920x1080 CeCe Ryder Screenshot 5.png)
(2.19 MB 1920x1080 CeCe Ryder Screenshot 6.png)
(1.92 MB 1920x1080 CeCe Ryder Screenshot 2.png)
Can you inflate Cece Ryder from the Netflix animated series "Agent Elvis" please? Thank you.
>>120574 THANK YOU.
(865.45 KB 1340x1360 Untitled1365_20240723154808.png)
>>118320 Here we have the edit for you my buddy man
>>120791 Bellisimo, thank you anon.
(113.41 KB 911x755 Untitled1373_20240726124526.png)
>>120503 Here is your blimp edit
(2.39 MB 2054x1071 Untitled1377_20240727123412.png)
>>120284 Next up order up
>>121064 Not bad! I like it! Do you think you can make her a blueberry?
(214.79 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 2.jpg)
(169.54 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 4.jpg)
(265.10 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 3.jpg)
(212.79 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 1.jpg)
I know that I already requested this but I would still like to request some inflation edits of Storm from the Disney+ series "X-Men '97" please. Thank you. I found the following screenshots that I think would be perfect for my request. I hope that you'll do them. If not, then I understand your reasons why.
(252.52 KB 1013x927 Untitled1384_20240729144035.png)
>>121158 Now this is your new gift bud
(178.97 KB 1139x870 Untitled1391_20240731130342.png)
>>119975 Bug filled balloon for you is done mate
>>121339 Yooo, Amazing! Thanks mate! I’m gonna level with you, there’s still quite a few Hollow Knight characters I want ballooned. I’m not gonna ask for another for possibly a week or more, just so others have a chance at getting their requests in and done, but I do plan to ask for more at some point if that’d be fine with you.
(140.23 KB 725x689 Untitled1398_20240802182402.png)
(138.02 KB 725x689 Untitled1398_20240802182354.png)
>>118883 Done yo
(268.63 KB 925x1036 Untitled1409_20240808111554.png)
>>121699 Candy Balloon
(13.52 KB 360x309 IMG_2883.webp)
It’s me again, I have another Hollow Knight lady that requires an inflating. This time I’ve the God Tamer. They might be a bit trickier to do, since they have some armour, but hopefully will be manageable. Again, same size references like the last two.
(213.20 KB 1300x1139 Untitled1413_20240810155603.png)
>>119438 Adventure blimp!!!
(528.02 KB 1280x720 Untitled1427_20240813154022.png)
>>120019 Here is next edit for our sir
Could you please make Lori Loud inflated like a big balloon. If possible, do you think you could make the top half of her body plugging the hole in the ground? If not, then your usual style is fine.
(163.65 KB 1072x982 Untitled1446_20240819194106.png)
>>122926 Wow. Even when inflated her face doesn't show up.
>>122470 There is the request done
Gonna can my earlier request >>118318 and go with a new request. Would anyone be willing to inflate Yumi Ishiyama or Sissi Delmas from Code Lyoko?
>>123814 It would be kind of cool if her shirt lifted up a little to show her navel.
(2.91 MB 2920x1642 Untitled1482_20240831130457.png)
>>118035 Another edit wooohoo
(89.57 KB 232x665 export202409012246350730.png)
(83.77 KB 539x535 IMG_20240901_224856.jpg)
hey can you edit wendy to be the size of 2005 violet? possibly with a blueberry alt?
(271.96 KB 1216x1140 Untitled1509_20240912161846.png)
>>124174 Edit time!!
May I request inflated troll plz?
Can you do Witch Hazel blimp inflation?
Since Halloween is coming up, May I request Lady Kryptina from School For Little Vampires inflated plz?
(258.47 KB 1070x1600 Spinnerella Profile Pic 2.png)
(97.44 KB 855x1600 NetossaRenderHQ.webp)
Can someone please blimp inflate both Spinnerella and her wife Netossa from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" please? Thank you. If not, then can someone at least inflate Spinnerella? I really want to see her inflated.
(308.64 KB 1016x572 Untitled1525_20240914103442.png)
>>125067 Here is the edit and I wish for you a happy Halloween
(143.20 KB 1366x768 S2e9_rock_on_Wendy.webp)
Can you make Wendy Corduroy inflated like a big balloon?
Yikes! It looks like this thread is like an LA highway, lot of traffic in the form of unedited pictures
>>125144 Better to be left unedited than to be subjected to OP.
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Oh, for crying out loud! The Rick and Morty anime gave us one of the main characters getting inflated in their undies with a hose jammed in their ass, and it’s fucking Jerry… You know what needs to be done.
Is Mare389 okay?
(105.00 KB 535x737 EnaNormal.png)
Can you inflate ENA?
can anybody blow Stacy up? (see GHOULOWEEN by SB99)
(187.28 KB 412x275 20241030_090715.jpg)
Can anyone blow Leni up in this pose?
(8.74 KB 225x225 images.jpg)
can anybody inflate Phanty (GHOULOWEEN by SB99)
>>123725 can you blow Stacy up? (see GHOULOWEEN by SB99)
>>123725 can you blow Phantasma up? (see GHOULOWEEN by SB99)
>>125200 Does, does he pop. I'm assuming giving the show this ended badly
>>130623 This website feels soulless without his edits, not gonna lie.
(226.71 KB 1517x1080 IMG_8838.jpeg)
Can someone edit This pic of Mystique Sonia with an outie bellybutton poking out and puffed up cheeks
(521.94 KB 1300x1157 Untitled1848_20241219184402.png)
>>128954 Here man, sorry I wasn't posting much but i'll try to make more edits
(204.75 KB 1389x1295 Untitled1849_20241220150841.png)
>>122087 Well I hope you like your another bug filled balloon from me
>>132571 Yoooo, thanks dude! Being honest, the armour does look a biiit wonky on her, mainly her skirt armour, but it’s not that big of a deal and I ain’t gonna complain. If it isn’t too much to ask, could you maybe make a version which switches her weapon hand for the open one? Just to see what that’d look like. Again, thanks for the bug balloon!
(203.18 KB 1389x1295 Untitled1849_20241220183302.png)
(1.99 MB 2708x1522 Untitled1861_20241225123938.png)
>>132575 >>125200 Okay for the HKG I remade his request a bit and for this random guy I made him the RnMa edit, enjoy your inflation edits.
>>132898 Wasn’t what I meant but thanks anyways! Merry Christmas if you celebrate it as well!
>>132899 Do you want me to stop doing these edit or what? If yes then i'll stop man
>>132902 Would you be willing to take on my request here? >>123836
(121.87 KB 2000x2836 Jade_Wilson_TTG.webp)
can someone inflate Jade Wilson?
(60.30 KB 163x499 Princess_Bubblegum.png)
Can I request PB inflated plz?
(687.61 KB 1605x1222 Untitled1866_20241226184126.png)
>>123836 Here is another edit done for you mate
>>132961 Yumi looks sexy like this. Thank you very much and have a good belated Christmas.
(232.70 KB 1476x1390 Untitled1869_20241227083920.png)
>>132946 Well Bubblegum more like Bubbleball heh am I right?
>>132995 Ho ho ho ho, good one. Thanks
(762.44 KB 1245x955 Untitled1879_20241229121944.png)
>>118755 Well i've done it mate, I hope you like it
>Mare389 Will you soon get around to editing these pictures? >>128683 >>125126 >>125109 >>119747
>Mare389 May I request Luz and Amity inflation with their bellies exposes plz?
(533.33 KB 1412x942 Untitled1910_20250111225904.png)
>>128683 Well here's the edit
>>133994 Thank you.
May I request Rita Loud inflated with these clothing?
>>132937 No that's a no on the Jade Wilson inflation?
Guys from another site seemed to have loved your edits. Can I request every girl seperately and one image of them all blown up together?
(142.72 KB 1999x2195 Ice_Queen_Day_Palette.png)
May I request Ice Queen inflation plz?
(17.41 KB 250x636 Leah_Stein-Torres_render.png)
Can I request Leah Stein-torres inflated?
(316.27 KB 664x1813 Paula Osbourne Profile.png)
(375.26 KB 947x1991 Inara Shakir Profile.png)
(327.34 KB 736x1936 Amber Roosevelt Profile.png)
(367.35 KB 780x1869 Maria Sandoval-Montoya Profile.png)
Can you inflate or all of these lovely ladies from the webcomic "Coastline Chronicles" by JustDrewProductions please? Thank you.
(300.48 KB 767x1789 Sierra Kahale Profile.png)
(333.73 KB 684x1824 Stacey-Anne Turner Profile.png)
(360.98 KB 689x1781 Scarlett Patterson Profile.png)
>>136046 Can you also inflate these ladies too also from that same comic please? Thank you.
(470.67 KB 2400x2600 Untitled11_20250210063858.png)
Might I request Flight Attendant inflation plz?
can anyone do an edit of this? https://www.deviantart.com/bluesarts92/art/Miku-s-balloon-suit-743923615
(150.80 KB 360x725 FlamePrincess.png)
May I request The Flame Princess inflated plz?
Can you edit this in anyone's style :P
her name is sam inflate her
(28.73 KB 514x1040 Img_chara_1_(1).png)
May I request Kanamori Sayaka blimp inflated plz?
(59.72 KB 1438x3990 Garnet_Regeneration.png)
Request: could I request Garnet blimp inflated plz? Thank you
