/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(581.89 KB 1280x720 sketch1709796422507.png)
Edit Request Thread VIIIii: Return of the berry pie! 🥧 Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 07:33:48 Id:a8b3bf No. 108570
Another thread has burned once again and yet another thread needs to be birthed so you know the usual drill of the threads that have been created in past! Same rules as those who made them before one to two or three tops requests at a time. Characters must be adults Any gender allowed. And you may suggest more if you find something interesting but it's up to the artists at the end of the day on what they want to draw and when So let's make it a good one hopefully with more artists involved this time around. Let the blimping begin!
Character above is Viola/violet from one piece of anyone is curious
>>108570 Thank you, dear OP. Next time we can title it the edit and color general. Next is thread guidelines. PREVIOUS THREAD >>84941 https://web.archive.org/web/20240307074921/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/84941.html#q84941 THREAD GUIDELINES - All editors welcome! - Request in moderation. - Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests". - No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads or board. - Respect /infl/ and global rules. - Do not request edits of real people. Take them to the relevant morph threads. - Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count. - Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit. - Be patient. Art takes time. - Not all requests will be filled. It all comes down to plain dumb luck. - Take it easy and please be nice to the editfriends! Remember, they do this for fun. - Editfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take. - If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track. - Do not anchor your requests to the OP. - Have fun and enjoy the lewd edits that come from this.
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(29.40 KB 780x440 IMG_2997.jpeg)
Can someone inflate this female character from an episode of “Amphibia” until she is as big and inflated as Mrs. Boonchuy (Anne’s mom) in these inflation edits of her shown here please? Thank you.
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Can someone also some more group inflation edits of Spinnerella and Netossa via make them as big and inflated as they appear in this group inflation edit of them shown here please? Thank you.
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Lastly, can someone inflate the Muses from the Disney movie “Hercules” via make them all as inflated as Alice from “ Alice in Wonderland” as she appears in this inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you.
>>108602 Here are two screenshots of the Muses that I would like to add that I think would also be perfect for the request.
(223.49 KB 1920x1080 IMG_2978.jpeg)
(214.13 KB 1920x1080 IMG_2974.jpeg)
>>108603 Forgot to actually add the screenshots.
>>108604 Yes that edit of Alice is a child but I’m using it as a reference for the size and shape that I want the Muses to be once they’re all inflated.
Can somebody remove the blueberry skin from Agnes Joubert, please?
>>108574 Well i still like the thing we've got going with the star wars puns. Kind of tradition.
What's next after star wars movies? Who knows! I fell maybe franchise to franchise Terminator or lord of the rings might be best fitting Also art samples? Wouldn't that Also fill up the thread limits?. Way I see it is (fulfill requests as you see fit or post up "personal edits" you've done not request related to share your style) This could be anything from personal drawings you did for yourself requests or commission to feel for whoever whatever as long as it's edit related that would probably be more fitting.
(75.63 KB 600x1000 MSG00-Sumeragi-%28S1%29.webp)
(332.11 KB 1181x1970 57022860_p0.jpg)
Requesting for Sumeragi Lee Noriega (Gundam) to be as inflated as Shantae
>>108615 Nice.
(346.12 KB 1857x2542 933648_scruffmuhgruff_dig.png)
(123.21 KB 700x700 digdug.jpg)
Requesting Mrs. Dig Dug dressed like a Pooka and a Fygar seperately.
>>96742 >>96743 Okay first gonna try for my 2 suggestions from the previous thread of those 2 roly-poly with no big boobs please.
can someone inflate the Wienerville waitress like velma?
(336.57 KB 410x478 Woman from RPS.PNG)
can anyone inflated her?
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(1.76 MB 1920x1080 810cx3.png)
(1.74 MB 1920x1080 rziew1.png)
(1.66 MB 1920x1080 b2gjw7.png)
(1.83 MB 1920x1080 qmin7z.png)
(1.65 MB 1920x1080 pu5rqo.png)
>>108701 Okay got one more 3rd request since 3 is the max now. One of these pics of Holo-Jane from OKKO also roly-poly thanks!
Can you add blueberry skin to Gwen Tennyson in this pic, please?
Requesting inflated bellies and a hose up each butt.
Here's my request: - Remove both the speech bubbles and the crowd beneath Violet - Remove the 'Chew' text above her back - Swap the 'Groan' text below her back for 'Jiggle' - Swap the 'Jiggle' text above her belly into 'Slosh' I'd be eternally grateful
(318.32 KB 1920x1080 Scooby-Doo Beach Girl 1.jpg)
(808.22 KB 4550x4054 Garnet Edit 1.png)
(451.06 KB 2048x1152 Perfuma Edit 3.png)
Can someone make this beach girl from an episode of "Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated" as inflated as Garnet from "Steven Universe" or as inflated as Perfuma from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" as they're shown here in the inflation edits of them that have been done before please? Thank you.
Your images in https:// imgur(.)com/a/ RkT1F2i are literally the magnum opus of this general. Can you blame me for asking for more? Requesting the girl getting a wedgie replaced by the other five including the non-nightmarified nerd. >inb4 "You aren't requesting them big." I'm a huge fan of before/after sequences.
(203.75 KB 752x1063 Gwen Tennyson Berry Deep Blue.jpg)
(203.18 KB 752x1063 Gwen Tennyson Berry Blue.jpg)
(212.68 KB 752x1063 Gwen Tennyson Berry Purple.jpg)
>>108723 Ask and you shall receive. I've taken the liberty to add in a few alts for those of discerning tastes, including Axel-Rosered's classic purple. If I may ask, does Gwen wear pink lipstick? I can remove the blue over those areas, if so.
(3.49 MB 3240x1824 TWEWY Morph.png)
May I have a blueberry version of this morph from a few threads back?
>>109481 Yes, Gwen wears pink lipstick.
(203.86 KB 752x1063 Gwen Tennyson Berry Deep Blue.jpg)
(208.01 KB 752x1063 Gwen Tennyson Berry Blue.jpg)
(212.23 KB 752x1063 Gwen Tennyson Berry Purple.jpg)
>>109513 Done and done.
Requesting organs edit.
(1.95 MB 1024x2617 bloody guts.png)
(1.94 MB 1024x2617 more guts.png)
>>109778 More than willing to fulfill said request! Tones of guts for you!
Requesting someone to edit any one of these screenshots of Ren, Goro, or Mishima from Persona 5 in the vein of the Yusuke Edit .
>>109810 I got bamboozled and I couldn't be happier.
>>109857 See guideline #8 in >>108574 for a starter.
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(398.07 KB 1920x1080 Frankie expand 3 .png)
(545.11 KB 1920x1080 Frankie expand 4.png)
Would you like to make Frankie Foster inflated like a balloon with sunken limbs and sunken navel please?
(462.39 KB 1469x1382 188.png)
Requesting a big round belly on Samus.
(137.92 KB 2115x2360 May Sprite Sheet.png)
(125.50 KB 2121x3619 Brendan Sprite Sheet.png)
Any Pixel Artists here? Can someone edit and change May and Brendan's Sprites so they have their Ruby/Sapphire Colors/Appearances? I'll provide the Sprite Sheets for the two of them, if it provides any help ...
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(504.57 KB 1469x1382 sketch1711303321788.png)
>>109923 Tried a few different attempts on this. Best I could do. If anyone wants to return the favor for me I wouldn't mind seeing some good taut Frankie foster blimps as well so fulfill this guys request if you can the more blimps the merrier! >>109940 Give my da page a watch if you want I also do commissions as well in future if you're interested. Popper out.
>>110040 Absolutely beautiful work.
>>110114 Don't talk to me or my posts ever again.
>>110119 Fine. I really wanted tyler perry to part produce it.
>>110120 Still trying to figure out how to fit the transporter guy in this movie. Hmmm idk if I can get some ppl from kings of new york in the bad boys 4 film. Look at me creating all of this work! YOU NEED ME
(65.69 KB 850x1142 GHXdRN-XAAAggCL.jpg)
Ended up doing this fun edit out of boredom I found the whole power x kobeni thing fun and I think deviantseiga did a fantastic job on this power inflation piece. But I wanted to spruce it it for Lols so I added edited in this perfect picture of kobeni holding car keys! So some horny text later and it's implied kobeni is dominating a quiet awkwardly submissive blimp power!. I always find the fun dynamic of this ship being kobeni is the dominant one and power is the submissive one even though she plays up appearances for power and her coworkers. Anyways dumb fun edit stuff! Enjoy.
Textless and underneath wet spot implying fluids from kobeni because why not that is what you all came here to see isn't it?
(8.09 MB 3189x2792 wet kobeni.png)
(252.56 KB 780x609 pepper Potts blimp.png)
(246.54 KB 780x609 puffy pepper Potts blimp.png)
(241.79 KB 780x609 puffy pepper berry potts.png)
(249.01 KB 780x609 sloshy pepper berry potts.png)
Some pepper Potts earths mightiest heroes blimps I did last night. Just figured I'd share to keep the thread alive
(32.18 KB 1422x1422 edit.png)
Here I have a video request: Make a 1 minute loop video from this Princess Peach gif. Also, add soft belly sloshing sounds and cute, girly hiccup sounds that could match Peach's voice as closely as possible. I'll include the GIF, along with an audio example for the Sloshing.
>>110692 Forgot to include the sound example https://youtu.be/c98k3zRckEM?feature=shared
(477.58 KB 1191x911 pepper blue suit bonus.png)
(454.16 KB 1191x911 pepper potts blue and sloshy.png)
Back again more edits to share to keep the thread alive! I honestly do hope other artists become more active as lately I feel like the only one!
(462.31 KB 1191x911 dragon fruit pepper.png)
(841.46 KB 1191x911 Steamy Red hot cherry pepper.png)
(463.68 KB 1191x911 red hot cherry pepper.png)
(463.92 KB 1191x911 dragon fruit pepper 2.png)
(456.48 KB 1191x911 sketch1712119464938.png)
One last load
>>110584 Not the requester. Good work. Very good work. Pixelated is underrated.
Can someone remove both the speech bubbles and the crowd beneath Violet, please?
>>108570 Can you do gif edits?
(1.13 MB 4096x2979 1712807844336687.jpg)
(1.14 MB 4096x2979 1712818121352985.jpg)
Pics related are edits from 4chan.
(6.20 MB 2500x2182 violet only.png)
>>111171 >>111909 eat up anons, a decent edit for a decent request
>>112008 yoo thank you!
>>112008 >>112178 I'm sorry if this sounds much, but could you remove the 'Chew' text above her back, swap the 'Groan' text below her back for 'Jiggle' and swap the 'Jiggle' text above her belly into 'Slosh'? I promise it's the last edit request for this picture that i ask for ...
(2.32 MB 1920x1080 qpuv09.png)
(297.53 KB 296x445 Jade Wilson.png)
(371.19 KB 1828x2360 kitty katSWELL.png)
can anyone edit to where Elastigirl and Jade heavy bottom like Kitty?
(6.17 MB 2500x2182 another violet on the house.png)
>>112179 consider it done
>>112196 thank you so much!
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(2.55 MB 7224x6000 526509.png)
requesting big round full bodies. if their clothes are too difficult make them naked and give them a little bit of boobs and butt, too. no spheres. please and thank you for reading.
can someone edit to where she's still green and her hair is still red?
>>112192 I kind of want to see that Elasti-Girl picture to be edited like this picture.
Another Request: 1- edit/remove the torn seams on the Archer Queen's clothes (right arm and chest) 2- make her feet slightly more visible, and also edit/change her barely visible opened hands into closed fists
(217.66 KB 1517x1080 IMG_0758.jpeg)
Can someone edit This pic of Mystique Sonia as a Massive Blueberry with an outie bellybutton poking out
(326.10 KB 632x474 F1qOcZcWcAAapqP.png)
(531.54 KB 720x540 biSFGZB.png)
Anyone care to redraw this but replace Babuu and Scooby Dum with Mrs Creepley and Daisy Mayhem respectfully. Mrs Creepley replaces Babuu while Daisy Mayhem replaces Scooby Dum. But Daisy Mayhem still remains taller than Mrs Creepley when inflated since she is normally taller of the two only female members of the Really Rottens.
Requesting belly inflation edit with a tube up her derriere. And if you could be so nice to make one regular inflated abdomen and one bigger than a woman pregnant with twins that'd be swell.
Requesting >>109778 changed into Taizo Hori pumping up and popping May.
>>113573 God yeah, just a clean pop though. May was my first big anime crush when I was a kid and I’ve wanted to see her get pumped and popped ever since
>>113624 My brother from another mother.
Can someone please make the eyes less bloodshot/veiny? Please and thank you.
(2.32 MB 3300x2550 IMG_4009.png)
>>113726 Alright here you go.
>>113743 Thanks anon.
(121.25 KB 1280x440 IMG_4012.jpeg)
Alright here’s a request of my own. -Remove the dialogue and leave out the dialogue from Violet. -Remove the Oompa Loompa at the third part. -Make her tits a bit bigger on the third part. -Remove the fourth part.
>>113819 It says don’t bump requests, if someone wants to do your request they either will or won’t, bumping it achieves nothing except bring the thread closer to the post limit
>>113821 I'm the only time I say it would be okay is if the thread is deep and buried and it needs a bump up to the top outside of that yet no pumping
>>113845 I believe that is why it specifies to not bump requests, no mention of bumping the thread not being allowed is made so yeah it’s probably fine. Even then it’s not like there’s really anyone to uphold the rules so who knows
Requesting the first part of the comic and remove the speech bubbles and sound effects to make her look like she's inflated instead.
>>114408 sauce?
>>114409 Found it on rule34 xxx.
This one might be a bit of a doozy,but could someone please edit the uber hands & feet onto the regular version of this image? Thank you. (Won't let me upload them together for some reason.)
I would like to know if someone could tweak this image a lil bit, by replacing Stella, in her human for, if possible/ok.(Face, and skin)
(453.77 KB 1440x1073 Untitled1206_20240526132807.png)
>>109940 Here buddy for ya
>>115783 Awesome!
Requesting Adagio "Poof" Dazzle colored.
(73.29 KB 1280x720 VideoCapture_20191103-193004.jpg)
Can someone inflate Repomantis from ROTTMNT?
(448.54 KB 1280x720 Untitled1509_20240607031107.png)
(566.85 KB 3900x3300 camilla wants to berry up pt5.jpg)
(804.91 KB 3900x3300 camilla wants to berry up pt6.jpg)
Could someone edit out the big puffy lips?
(266.11 KB 1920x1080 Scooby-Doo News Lady Shot 3.jpg)
(206.04 KB 1920x1080 Scooby-Doo News Lady Shot 2.jpg)
(258.17 KB 1920x1080 Scooby-Doo News Lady Shot 1.jpg)
Can someone inflate the news lady in these screenshots from an episode of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" via make her as inflated as the news lady shown here in the screenshot from the famous "Dororon Enma-Kun Meeramera" inflation episode please? Thank you. I think it would be cool someone had her inflated the same way you know just to create a little throwback to that scene.
>>117462 Oh yeah love that reporter lady getting roly-poly! would love for another to get like that too!
can someone do blueberry skin for these 3?
Requesting belly inflation and a hose up her butt.
>>117844 Are you kidding? I wish she could turn into a big round blueberry with a bikini!
>>117857 The pose is perfect for an inflated belly and only an inflated belly.
>>117922 Fair enough.
>>117925 I'm pretty sure you can find a really good image of her for a BB edit.
(9.26 MB 2250x3285 Astrid (1).png)
Can someone please edit/remove Astrid's Scars from her Face and Belly?
Can someone inflate these singers in these screenshots from an episode of "The Looney Tunes" until they're all as bloated/inflated as Black Canary or Hawkgirl as they're shown here in these inflation edits of them done by Jinglevellrock please? Thank you.
Can someone edit/remove the torn seams on the Archer Queen's clothes (right arm and chest) ?
>>119153 Bone appetit
>>119159 Thank You ! Could you also please make her foot more visible, and also edit/change her barely visible opened hands into closed fists? i swear it's last thing i ask you for
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(1.29 MB 5000x3561 07-09.png)
Requesting to replace the male versions of Starfire and Raven in this pic with the female versions
>>119238 Cool beans here. This is great. Thank you for doing it.
>>119259 Ahem >>108574 >Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
if superblimpman he was anti kryptonite suit please your inflation edit is now
>>120286 i love this 90s cartoon inflation screenshots edit
Can somebody make non-blueberry versions of these pics (Revy, Greenback Jane, Tricia Takanawa), please?
(413.87 KB 2192x3096 media_Fzoa1gyXgAUSysA.jpg)
(395.85 KB 2192x3096 media_Fzoa1gMaQAEkmiA.jpg)
(428.33 KB 2192x3096 media_Fzoa1g7WYAIfXlm.jpg)
Remove the food stuffs, please.
(1.29 MB 1632x2112 trisha balloon.png)
>>120374 Here's one of them. I hope you like it.
Been awhile since I've last checked in sadly don't got any requests I can fulfill right now as I'm a busy blimp! But I just wanted to bump the thread with something fun so here's a Mimi Lafayette balloon from moon girl and devil dinosaur blimped tight and squeezing someone. I may in future lurk around and see if there's a good edit or two I can do for fun but nothing is catching my eye at the moment but I have been interested in a lot of hasbin helluva boys if you got any ideas. Otherwise take care and blimp on into they sky I hope and wish these threads to thrive. You can always hit up my da though at popperrepumped for the occasional requests or commissions
Some more for fun i figure if no one's gonna fill requests at least we can share favorite edits we've done for fun! Give something entertaining to people here at least? Or something like that.
>>120689 Thanks, but I will be expecting the second of them.
>>120689 >>120286 i need that your super suit
(138.50 KB 2048x1119 GS83SL3W4AAJHXc.jpg)
Is it possible for someone to color her entire skin blue outside of her hands, where the blue is starting to spread into? Like she's staring at her hands turning blue in a similar scene to the 2005 film.
(1000.84 KB 1752x976 kagami.png)
Requesting one of the two Charlie's edited to have a big pregnant-looking belly with stretchmarks and so red she looks like she's about to pop and that's because of a hose up her butt.
>>108570 Please save everything in >>12288!
(205.81 KB 1448x2048 media_GUaXwIkWEAA8WdF.jpg)
(215.14 KB 1448x2048 media_GUdblPNWEAAj2wk.jpg)
Requesting the metroid removed or changed into slime.
>>119159 Can someone please make her visible foot just a bit more visible, and also edit/change her barely visible opened hands into closed fists ?
(216.12 KB 1600x900 FlutterPieSlingBikiniDrawn.jpg)
(261.44 KB 1800x2200 sunset_shimmer_sling_blimp.jpg)
Edit request: I'd like edit these pics to remove sling bikinis to be full nudes.
The Shapes these images have are amazing but I'm not into blueberries, could someone recolor them with skin tones to make them not look like berries?
>>109462 Ignore this request. The original editor is too much of an editgod to lurk.
Requesting Sugarcoat's pantyhose around her knees, her panties down like in the second ref, a tube up her butt, and a belly so bloated it's almost touching the gound.
>>119159 original requester here Can someone please make the Archer Queen's foot more visible and edit/change her barely visible opened hands into closed fists? I'd be mighty thankful
>>124780 >Can someone Why not ask "Can you make the foot more visible?"
>>124957 i was just trying to sound polite. What's the problem with that?
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(875.25 KB 1699x960 IMG_1417.jpeg)
Oh, for crying out loud! The Rick and Morty anime gave us one of the main characters getting inflated in their undies with a hose jammed in their ass, and it’s fucking Jerry… You know what needs to be done
>>125201 >>125314 I decided to make a drawing of this. It's prob not what you're looking for, but it was fun to make
>>125315 Thank you. You don’t know how much I appreciate that you made that.
>>124780 anyone please?
(552.78 KB 4092x2300 media_FxKOdXaaAAALoaY.jpg)
I've made the blueberry edit from Vhite9, because the thread was removed, i don't know what happened
(5.94 MB 4096x2294 Stella Edit.png)
>>114697 Here you go, I did my best and I hope it's what you asked for (and I hope you see this xd)
Can anyone make non-berry version of these?
(215.35 KB 1920x1080 Renee Montoya Screenshot 1.jpg)
(109.62 KB 1788x1007 Galatea Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Can someone inflate Renee Montoya in this screenshot of her from "Batman: Caped Crusader" via make her as inflated as Galatea from "Justice League Unlimited" as she appears in this inflation edit of her shown here please? Thank you
>>125200 >>125563 we need mleshyov edit
>>119159 Can someone please make the Archer Queen's foot more visible and edit/change her barely visible opened hands into closed fists?
(430.81 KB 804x755 IMG_1497.jpeg)
(349.10 KB 960x922 IMG_1496.jpeg)
Beth wants more wine and Ricks wants a living fuel tank for his sci-fi shit. So he starts cooking… Extra points if you have her blown up with the hose in her ass hooked up to his space ship.
>>126228 Best I can do hope you like it! I think it's a masterpiece! You'll be horny for hours!
(109.11 KB 908x908 Untitled454_20240930003928.png)
>>126424 OR here, thank you!
>>108600 I miss this artist wonder what they're doing now? Used to enjoy their shera blimps
>>126563 I’m still around, just got really burnt out those all years ago. Cause I had made a lot in a short timeframe as most might remember.
>>126318 please?
>>126575 Ah I see. Ever planning on making a few things in future doesn't even have to be requests I just want to see somebody post something interesting to this thread and you always have the good stuff! So hopefully we see something from you in future on here. Even if it's limited to a couple of week hell better than nothing. But I hope you're doing well honestly I probably wouldn't have gotten into edits myself if it wasn't for you so thank you for inspiring me. Seriously you have no idea how much you've changed my life. My deepest appreciation I wouldn't be halfway where I am today if it wasn't for getting into edits
(106.44 KB 238x725 PriyaTDI23.png)
(137.59 KB 216x795 JuliaTDI23.png)
Can someone make these characters inflated like these edits please.
>>126769 Not LaShawna bawl
(120.40 KB 233x739 MKReTDI23.png)
(153.62 KB 355x815 ScaryGirlTDI23.png)
>>126769 You forgot MK and Scary Girl.
(131.40 KB 634x677 Untitled143_20241005122850.png)
(181.79 KB 638x679 Untitled143_20241005125658.png)
>>126769 Here's the two edits
(179.06 KB 637x702 Untitled143_20241007185748.png)
(141.65 KB 638x719 Untitled143_20241007220256.png)
>>126791 Here's MK and Scary Girl
This is sailor sam
Can you, please, replace blueberry skin with normal skin in Hermione Granger?
(135.52 KB 1280x721 belly.jpg)
>>123293 Here you go.
Good afternoon everyone - recently I was interested in something on this branch and I decided to write. There will be 3 messages in total, including this one -please do not delete them.
>>126575 I don't know if you will read this or not - but I remember you, once you even did me some work and I am glad that I was awarded such an honor. You get fantastic images and you've made a fantastic contribution to this branch. Thank you for that. I hope everything is fine with you and one day you will decide to create drawings again, many will be happy to wait for this moment). Until then, I just wish you all the best).
(326.28 KB 1903x1075 рене.jpg)
>>125721 Let's be as honest as possible. I understand that not everyone will like my words, but I prefer to speak bluntly. So - I've been on this branch for a long time, but now I'm mostly in the role of an observer. Just understand - if a request was made earlier, then 100% someone decided to make it. And now there are dozens of requests, then only a few do, and then rarely.And it's sad. THERE WAS A HUGE AMOUNT OF AMAZING WORK HERE, but now requests are very rarely executed. And this, alas, is true. I myself have been waiting for more than a year for my request to be fulfilled - but nothing, even the stream with it has gone away. And I'm not risking asking again. You can sum up the statistics yourself. I have tried to make some queries myself, but I can only work with those images that suit me and that I can change. I consider myself not a very good craftsman. And that's why I'm more of an observer. however. I suddenly saw this message and was pleasantly surprised. Someone knows me as an artist and even knows my style. And he named me specifically. It's just unbelievable.Therefore, I decided to try to fulfill this request. You may not like the result, but it's worth a try. I want to thank this person somehow for this message). Therefore, here is the ordered image for you).
>>127666 Well I’d say this is pretty fun! She’s real huggable like that!
>>119161 anyone, please?
(121.88 KB 900x1200 belly2.jpg)
>>127636 >>128237 9/10 you tried but I love it.
Can someone isolate Titania (the girl inside Marge) and Mindy (the girl besides Marge) so they are in separate images, please? I'll provide both the original and upscaled versions of the image. (Spoilers for Blob Monster, just in case)
(706.67 KB 1280x960 Untitled2018_20241101234156.png)
Anyone remember Ben 10 Omniverse and Happy Tree Friends? Someone suggested Ben being inflated like Flaky from HTF Because they both have a peanut allergy https://www.deviantart.com/belinefeline/art/What-If-Ben-Tennyson-renacts-HTF-Peanut-Allergy-1117552409
(33.39 KB 640x480 7u6t36lmv0m41.jpg)
(2.20 MB 1920x1080 Ben_10,000.png)
>>128972 You do know bens 10 right or well maybe 16 in later series the only bens and Gwen's you can canonly inflate are Ben 10 billion or Gwen's alternate of that which has 2 versions the original being the best design But both are 20 or older
>>128879 So she feeds them donuts, they get fat, once plump enough she scarfs them down, then her stomach acids cause a unique chemical effect that boils their fats into gases, which causes them to rapidly balloon and swell as we see in example with the girl she ate. They billow inside until they can stretch anymore and go off like enlarged pop rock grenades causing her mass to instantly grow in girth. Circle rinses and repeat? Do I have it accurate or am I wrong?
Actually It's Ben 10 Thousand not billion also Altzegoz made this
>>129029 i believe that you are right
(36.39 KB 1192x671 20240316_152615.jpg)
(87.76 KB 1920x1080 20240210_053304.jpg)
This is probably gonna sound dumb because these are already edits but can someone edit the puffy cheeks, arms and hands of the second pic onto the first pic?
>>128879 Anyone, please?
>>129495 That's adult mina! God damn! I would if I had the energy I wish you luck though
>>129498 Don't worry about it, and thank you
>>129210 source?
>>129501 Do you think I remember who makes these? >>129495 Is there a point to this? Are you dictating your fucking "muh teenage character" beliefs to us, Anon?
(169.63 KB 1920x1080 Angela Chen Screenshot 3.jpg)
(165.07 KB 1920x1080 Angela Chen Screenshot 2.jpg)
(164.72 KB 1920x1080 Angela Chen Screenshot 1.jpg)
(3.14 MB 4500x4000 Jungle Magic by SXDeluxe.webp)
Can someone do some inflation edits of Angela Chen the news lady from "Superman the Animated Series" via make her as inflated as Jane Porter from the Disney movie "Tarzan" as she is shown here in this inflation drawing of her by Sxdeluxe please? Thank you.
(212.79 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 1.jpg)
(214.79 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 2.jpg)
(265.10 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 3.jpg)
(84.78 KB 1280x720 Pocahontas Inflation Edit 1.jpg)
Can someone please do some inflation edits of Storm from the Disney+ series "X-Men '97" via make her as inflated as Pocahontas from the Disney movie "Pocahontas" as she is shown here in this inflation edit of her? Thank you. I really want to see some inflation edits of Storm from "X-Men '97".
(169.54 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 4.jpg)
(121.59 KB 1920x1080 Storm X-Men 97 Screenshot 5.webp)
>>129931 Here are a few more screenshots of Storm from "X-Men '97" that I think would be perfect for inflation edits of her.
(232.36 KB 1920x1080 Gigi Hadid Screenshot 6.jpg)
(220.24 KB 1920x1080 Gigi Hadid Screenshot 4.jpg)
(229.86 KB 1920x1080 Gigi Hadid Screenshot 5.jpg)
Can someone do some more group inflation edits of Velma and Gigi Hadid from the episode of "Scooby-Doo and Guess Who" that Gigi Hadid guest starred in via have them both inflated the same way they were the first time as they're both shown here in this group inflation edit of them, please? Thank you.
>>129932 >>129943 I wish the og editor would grace us with there magic again it's been what a year or two now?
>>130155 Actually, if you ask me, it has been a couple of months since last seen any edits done for this thread, but I'm with you on this one. I also wish that the og editor would grace us here with their magic again so that way this thread doesn't nearly or completely dead.
would someone here be willing to mayyybe make a nude/dress tear edit of these screenshots of this lewdlemage animation? maybe also make her tummy and boobs a bit bigger? I just wish to see her outtie belly button is all and I understand if a nude edit is asking for much. much obliged!
>>128879 anyone please?
Requesting her belly inflated, a tube up her butt, and her right hand either holding a ball pump or on a bike pump. Mind the art style please. You can choose one or both images to edit though I think the naked woman will be easier.
(2.80 MB 1920x1080 Biscuit_Ballyhoo_081.png)
Can someone edit Squidward inflated?
>>131301 Legitimate screenshot and what it is this from? I don't remember this episode whatsoever
>>131301 I mean I wish I could help if I had time I might consider a rule 63 genderbender for fun but my brain is elsewhere right now.
(176.27 KB 1968x1858 GY-nt2DXMAUgb2O.jpg)
Not sure if this is the place to do it but I don't see a colorization thread. Can I have a blueberry alt for this image? Just turning the skin blue would be enough.
(1.31 MB 1968x1858 berryedit.png)
>>131317 This is the best I could do, I hope it's what you wanted.
(1.30 MB 1968x1858 berryedit2.png)
>>131319 And an alternate version I just made of her hair
>>131319 >>131320 It's perfect, thank you so much my guy!
>>131322 You are welcome!
>>131317 Edit threads are meant to include color requests.
>>119159 Can someone please make her visible foot just a bit more visible, and also edit/change her barely visible opened hands into closed fists?
>>131309 The Episode is called Biscuit Ballyhoo and in this scene Mr Krabs inflated Squidward's eyes to make him cute to make a customer buy cookies
(3.09 MB 3000x2423 queenedit.png)
>>131337 Something like that?
>>131341 Stop arguing with ppl with no hair. Their expiration is near.
>>131342 umm... Ok? ._.
>>131341 exactly like that. Thank you a ton.
>>131341 could you make her hands smaller though?
(1.47 MB 1440x2560 ghostface neromai.png)
I hate seeing the thread so dry so tried my first ever edit of neromais scary movie ghostface and gave her a huge ass! I don't think I'll be doing any requests or anything just something I figured I'd share. She looked too cute not to blow up!
>>131538 I don't have a art page either so repost wherever I go by the name kay so I'll use that if I ever post again
>>131538 Haha.
(316.11 KB 619x1012 Fifi.png)
Has anyone ever felt like inflating Fifi from The Loud House?
(371.40 KB 1500x1200 Untitled2071_20241213013041.png)
(717.39 KB 2000x2199 Untitled2078_20241213052141.png)
(717.16 KB 2000x2199 Untitled2078_20241213052712.png)
>>131948 >>131949 These look really well made. Do you have a social media account, or an edit account by any means?
>>131952 Kinda
>>131948 >>131949 Very high quality.
(2.37 MB 4535x3527 2819454.png)
Requesting to edit Rarity to remove her clothes and shoes to be full nude.
>>131979 What do you mean by that? Are you one of those Private artists?
>>132396 >Anonymous Yes
>>132471 well then, thanks for letting me know
Can someone inflate Stacy (SB99's GHOULOWEEN) EDITS: Blueberry inflation, Blueberry Inflation (with juice coming out of her top), puffy cheeks, normal inflation,
>>132677 What are these screenshots from?
(8.04 KB 300x168 download.jpg)
Requesting someone recoloring Loona to her actual colors.
>>131341 Can someone edit her hands so they are smaller? Maybe around the same size as her feet are.
(2.11 MB 3600x2400 1715909489867.png)
(340.20 KB 589x1800 3457336.png)
(353.47 KB 828x1575 3457337.png)
Requesting for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy become blueberries
Can someone Edit these Scissors screenshots into his wife?
(1.59 MB 900x900 1659750932152939.gif)
Aight, here's a challenge. Would it possible to edit the text on the pages in each frame to be inflation-focused? E.g. Replace "Knock me up" with "Pump me up" and "Make me squeal" with "Make me squeak/swell"? Bonus if you do a version if it's all phrases about what she wants to do to the viewer. I understand if it's not possible
>>132980 There's report my post bots legitimately created for this use them
(1.60 MB 900x900 NeoInflation.gif)
>>132980 I'll see if I can make your bonus version and maybe a blueberry-focused version later
>>133035 Wow. I never expected someone to actually do it. Big thanks, anon.
(406.79 KB 2200x2600 20231118_212009.jpg)
Would anyone mind making her belly a little bit bigger if that's alright?(maybe her thighs as well)
Okay so I figured in Hazbin Hotel with the Hell's greatest dad Scene with Lucifer at the "BOOM!" part I thought if someone could edit this screenshot
>>133035 did you end up doing the other ones? i'm also interested in these
(47.35 KB 495x347 Fluffy-JohnnyBravo.jpg)
Can someone edit inflate Fluffy from Johnny Bravo?
(558.16 KB 960x695 IMG_2023.jpeg)
(414.09 KB 960x1442 IMG_2022.jpeg)
Can someone please color in this drawing by MaxedMan because there is no colorization thread on this board? Here’s a screenshot to help get the right colors for both. Also, I’d like for bloated Alexis to have red panties.
(226.71 KB 640x480 Untitled2144_20250105044814.png)
(223.34 KB 640x480 Untitled2145_20250105045902.png)
(243.10 KB 640x480 Untitled2145_20250105055424.png)
Alts of Fluffy inflated and blueberries with 2 different outfits
(828.83 KB 2400x1920 suntwibondage.png)
Can someone edit Sunset Shimmer to remove the bondage?
I wanna see more of Sibella from Scooby-Doo and the ghoul school inflated and bloated like this please?
>>133595 don't forget about ghouloween by sb99
Edit Request: Wander inflating Lord Dominator instead of Hater
>>133351 >>133035 Mm. Requester here. Don't mean to be rude or rush you, but any progress?
>>133631 Honestly I just don't have any ideas
>>133699 Hmm. Ok. Try some basic shit for the blueberry side. >"Juice me" >"Roll me" >"Stick me with a pin." Etc. As for the viewer side of things: Simply refer to (you) as the subject of her inflation-based lust. Don't stress it. I'm happy with what I got already.
(59.90 KB 360x360 Squidward.png)
(1.11 MB 1420x1080 Squirrel_Jokes_173.png)
(639.45 KB 1420x1080 Squirrel_Jokes_175.png)
(585.24 KB 1420x1080 Squirrel_Jokes_178.png)
(1.54 MB 1420x1080 Squirrel_Jokes_179.png)
Edit Request: Squidward replacing Spongebob in Squirrel Jokes
(430.22 KB 720x540 3k4t52.png)
(386.00 KB 720x540 bbu3ea.png)
(272.01 KB 720x540 l9wp4s.png)
(411.01 KB 720x540 y7xvkr.png)
>>133609 True. And here are some pics to make Sibella as round and puffy like she is in >>133595
Speaking of Sibella there's a comic of Sibella helping a Scarecrow scare away the crows by blowing him up like a balloon. Don't get me wrong...it's kinda cute...
(601.57 KB 1792x1007 Mai and Tifa Christmas 02.jpg)
(608.77 KB 1792x1007 Mai and Tifa Christmas 03.jpg)
(602.38 KB 1792x1007 Mai and Tifa Christmas 04.jpg)
can someone do a blueberry edit of this sequence?
>>133546 hey I don't want to rush you but how's my but any progress on my request? >>132677
(175.50 KB 360x640 ezgif-frame-041.png)
(171.03 KB 360x640 ezgif-frame-045.png)
(192.03 KB 360x640 ezgif-frame-042.png)
Got a full body edit idea of internet personality noteasybeinwheezy who's age is 25 based on a animation from artist punkeydoodles8 in which someone edits the puffy cheek image of her into her getting inflated into a big beach ball by her inhaler. Just look at that puffy angry face can't you imagine her wiggling her puffy hands in anger?
Hello? Does anyone edit this? >>133549
>>134303 Patience.
(1.29 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuft02.png)
(1.21 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuft02edit.png)
(1.20 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuftedit.png)
(27.85 KB 264x478 Sari_Animated.jpeg)
(880.09 KB 1280x720 07._Mr0009.png)
Edit Request: Sari Sumdac Tire Inflation Blowback
(176.55 KB 1234x404 RCO010_1583386031.jpg)
(59.63 KB 428x329 RCO010_1583386031 - Copy.jpg)
Request: Can someone please remove the vomit stains from Ms. Marvel. I'm NOT into emetophilia, I just like the inflation aspect of this. Just the scenario of Ms. Marvel's body inflating to the point where her cheeks are puffing up while trying desperately to hold it in is what gets me hard.
(1008.84 KB 1280x720 Untitled760.png)
>>135465 I would like to see inflated Ms. Marvel canonized
May if I request Anne Boonchuy Luffy inflation?
(140.85 KB 2048x1479 GOS67yaXsAAYJKI.jpeg)
I wish Porky and the ears were edited out
(161.00 KB 421x766 MillieTDI23.png)
Edit Request: Millie inflated
(578.25 KB 856x658 Marvel2.png)
(778.14 KB 1234x404 Marvel1.png)
(769.45 KB 1234x404 marvel.png)
>>135465 Wasn't sure what that black thing above her head was, so I made a version with and without.
(4.17 MB 6338x925 orange4687543.png)
Anyone feel like taking a crack at editing her into a blueberry instead of an orange?
>>135500 Same. >>135628 Thank you, it looks less gross now. That was Miles Morales's knee btw
(725.30 KB 2048x1479 Untitled2198_20250131110815.png)
(938.72 KB 900x900 BerryKinky.gif)
Not OP, but I screwed around with a berry version.
>>135738 Requester here. And hot damn, thanks anon. Two outta three is pretty good.
>>135738 Added an extra touch
>>135746 Truly, based. Thank you. I don't suppose I could push my luck and ask for an edit where the text specifies what she'll do to the viewer? Purely air inflation-focused, mind. Not blueberry.
Edit: Mega Shiny Gardevoir
(1.20 MB 1769x2811 image_2025-02-04_231632979.png)
Could I get this garnet colored please.
Edit: can anyone edit Lori to inflate like Blizzaria?
Can anyone do an edit on this? https://www.deviantart.com/bluesarts92/art/Miku-s-balloon-suit-743923615
(618.29 KB 3120x3620 Shinyvoir.png)
>>135977 Hey thanks mate.
>>135979 No worries, Colour edits are simple enough for me to do, Thought I might as well give it a go
Bumping this again https://www.deviantart.com/bluesarts92/art/Miku-s-balloon-suit-743923615
Waiting on someone to do a re edit of this
Can someone edit this, please? >>133549
May I request Luna and Luan edit like Lori and Leni are plz? Luan as Leni and Luna as Lori.
>>127636 >>128237 Are you the editfriend who made the orbtastic girl in the link in >109462?
>>136092 Can someone edit this please
(618.53 KB 2400x1920 3529865_edit.png)
>>132677 Can someone edit this please
Can someone do some group inflation edits of these screenshots of Livewire and Heatwave from an episode of "My Adventures with Superman" please? Thank you.
(799.31 KB 1265x1300 1423493_wofwendy_hazing.png)
I figure you do only full body. Do your magic.
would anyone be willing to edit all the lumps and shit off her body? please and thanks
>>108570 Please consider >>/bbwalt/80924
>>137639 >>137640 Retarded bitch ass cripple gay nigga
>>108570 >one to two or three tops requests at a time. This rule is dumb. Make as many different requests and hope an editor likes one more than others.
(164.38 KB 1336x658 Bra reference.jpg)
Can someone edit Nami's Bra,please? I'll provide some references for the bra design.
