/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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One last draw thread Anonymous 10/19/2023 (Thu) 01:42:13 Id:0c3008 No. 98083
At least we should share one last time before the site shuts down. Well I'll share some pics I have made recently
>>98083 I want Pump man inflating Hilda in her summer outfit into a water balloon Hilda’s dialogue is “ no more I’ll pop ” but he thinks she can take more water. Also this is from the second thread.
>>98084 Also Marianne makes no appearance forgot to say that.
Fellas,I just want you all to know that it's been an honor enjoying inflation porn with you fellow degenerates.
>>98113 Agreed mate.
>>98113 The pleasure and honor to liking it we you fellas.
(471.63 KB 1000x1400 2023-1-28 Turkey Sodaflation.png)
(317.15 KB 1080x1580 2023-5-14 Wizard Air Inflation.png)
(467.52 KB 1000x1400 2023-1-27 Mage Slimey Inflation.png)
(393.17 KB 1000x1400 2023-1-26 Fairy Cumflation.png)
(137.89 KB 720x640 2023-10-6 Mage Egg Stuffing.png)
Well since the servers are going to shut down in less than a month I might as well post some things I've drawn
(1.15 MB 3000x3016 2023-6-26 Fairy Slimeflation.jpg)
(1.80 MB 3000x3788 2023-4-1 Thief Inflation.jpg)
(1.48 MB 3000x3811 2023-5-5 Thief Inflation.jpg)
(2.22 MB 3000x3786 2023-5-6 Thief Inflation.jpg)
(149.15 KB 720x860 2022-11-23 Hourglass Turkey.png)
(446.59 KB 3000x2970 2023-1-12 Cherri Inflation.jpg)
(1.25 MB 3000x3015 2023-1-2 Mage Inflation.jpg)
(1.36 MB 3574x2931 2023-3-31 Bomber Inflation.jpg)
>>98135 Oh yeah btw I'm not going to repost these anywhere else so download these while you still can, if you want
>>98132 What program did you use to draw these? Because i want to get into drawing
>>98142 Krita
Even though we already have, like, TWO drawthreads, I'll bring mine over here since the site's shutting down anyway. Requesting Dark-Type Hatsune Miku singing a song that causes her to inflate into a big hourglass figure.
(680.43 KB 2250x3000 Paprika fwoomp-1.png)
>>98132 >>98134 >>98135 >>98137 Heeeey nice art, I really like how you colour the things :)
>>98108 Do my requests please!
>>98137 Got a few more left over that I forgot to post
(430.58 KB 2048x1963 IMG_5869.jpeg)
(52.30 KB 260x640 IMG_5870.jpeg)
(794.36 KB 957x1319 IMG_5868.jpeg)
Gonna bump my request from the previous thread, but Lucina in her swimsuit inflated as a blueberry around the size of Momo with a huge outie. If you’re willing, maybe Robin could be kissing her belly area with Lucina blushing.
>>98132 >>98134 >>98135 >>98137 >>98313 Amazing. I hope to see more until the site's down or we move.
>>98319 >>98160 I'll try to get your requests,
>>98374 Do mind doing mine as well >>98084.
>>98375 Sure dude
(479.81 KB 1200x1200 IMG_4440.webp)
(65.52 KB 726x726 IMG_4441.jpeg)
Can someone draw Lucina inflated like this?
>>97343 >>98436 Here are some designs for the red one.
>>98378 Thanks man.
This is mostly an excuse to see her with massively fat ass, but may ask for this to be edited/recreated with Twilight Princess Zelda? She doesnt get any love these days aside from very basic/vanilla nsfw, let alone hyper fats/inflation unlike ALttP and Botw do. Or i could just be looking in the wrong places.
>>98378 Can you do my request too? If you're okay with it. Anne Boonchuy inflation in her third season clothes.
>>98374 Thanks man
(587.13 KB 2250x3000 Lucina berry request.png)
>>98319 There u go
Can you draw blueberry Nice Lapis and Bluebird Azurite from SU?
>>98553 Looks great dude.
>>98553 Thank you a lot man. Came out great.
(659.58 KB 2250x3000 goth Hatsune Miku request.png)
>>98160 Another one
>>98604 >>98629 Thank you guys :)
>>98632 Looks nice. >>98633 Sure thing.
(85.18 KB 457x610 Balloon_Lexi.png)
A mouse balloon
>>98084 >>98087 Which one is Hilda btw?
>>98704 The one in pink.
>>98707 She is the one in the right.
(1007.76 KB 2250x3000 request 3.png)
>>98084 There you go Anon! Also Beeb fanart lmao
>>98726 Perfect thanks. I also feel like Bowser would be the mastermind behind this.
(61.60 KB 261x387 Arle_ppt2.png)
i would like to see arle nadja from puyo puyo inflated like in this image
(45.35 KB 256x256 IMG_0349.png)
(48.41 KB 256x256 IMG_0350.png)
(43.09 KB 256x256 IMG_0351.png)
(1.72 MB 1519x2614 IMG_0247.png)
Can you do Rosalina as a Wonder Balloon like the girls here?
>>98546 I'll take this one
>>98767 Oh joy oh joy, take all the time you need to, I'm a very patient person and likes to wait. Feels nice and relaxful if you know what I mean.
>>98546 >>98769 There is goes another delivery! Well rn imma do fanarts but I'll try to get the most amount of requests that I can, expect more art dudes. :)
(573.48 KB 2250x3000 Amphibia request.png)
>>98929 Forget to address the image lmao
>>98930 >>98929 Thanks, I love how you made her.
>>98933 You are welcome Anon :)
>>98754 Wpuld you please do my request?
>>98930 Look’s awesome.
How about POV blowjob inflation by verosika mayday? Or her inflating and popping viewers girl?
>>98083 Well the title aged quite poorly because we have another year to live (apparently)
>>98963 Don’t worry on that this would be the fourth draw thread.
>>98968 The second and third haven't gone down yet.
>>98974 The second one is almost done but the third one is still there.
>>98749 ROBOTINFLATION L to the mao
May I request Jane Willoughby with her belly inflated. I have a reference here and believe me when I say it's very understandable if not.
>>98957 Uhh elaborate
>>99105 Basically since Verosika is a succubus, she fulfill a male human’s inner most sexual desire in a very hot way, with the cost of their soul. The other just her seducing the viewer’s girlfriend or forcefully inflating her while the boyfriend is tied and forced to watch a powerful demon gradually corrupt their girlfriend through inflation, whether through puffkissing or inflation through their crotch or multiple pumps in each hole. The bigger she gets the better she feels until she begs for a popgasm which maybe when she explodes, she instantly becomes a demon. Perhaps even a lesser succubus. Just to break the boyfriends heart and will. They could both double team him and pop him as well
>>99118 To add, definitely full body inflation
Imma just bump this here Could some draw/edit Sabrina Inflated with the HGSS design?
This thread is redundant and superfluous but I can't let good art get lost.
>>100610 You and me both
(505.00 KB 2250x3000 bbwchan Sabrina request.png)
(799.73 KB 2250x3000 puyo puyo request_20231124035421.png)
(547.93 KB 2250x3000 Umnia fanart.png)
>>98749 >>99518 Two deliveries and fanart
>>100742 These look nice. This request I have was going to be a sequence request but I scrapped it. So Can I have Marianne inflating Leonie with help from Yunaka. Leonie has to say “ I learned my lesson Marianne please no more or I’ll pop. ” Marianne looking at her doesn’t believe her since the first photo in the spoilers proves it took place after this request. Leonie well her bellybutton popped out and clothes are torn.
>>100742 Also are in any social media or no I understand if you don’t have one.
>>100744 which one is each character? >Do you have any social media Nah, but I do lurk and post from time to time on /trash/
>>100747 Marianne is the second photo for Yunaka is the fourth one and for Leonie the third photo. For Marianne’s thought bubble use the first one the second half which is her.
Some more random sketches from your anonymous friend
>>100834 Very nice. Very cute. Very hot.
>>100834 Eyy those are pretty good
>>100834 Nice stuff dude.
(2.95 MB 2963x4000 2023-11-26 Fairy Present.jpg)
>>100834 One more sketch
>>100744 I also forgot to mention this came from the third thread.
>>100924 >pop me like a cheap balloon oh no. my fantasy.
>>100924 Last sketch before I disappear yet again so enjoy Also apologies for the shadow I couldn't find a place with good lighting
>>100963 Re-up with better quality
(2.48 MB 3000x3824 2023-11-27 Priest Hyperboobs.jpg)
Ok I lied, here's the last one
I lied yet again
>>100982 Made an alt perspective of this sketch and some cumflation
(713.50 KB 1036x1590 1701281336615494.jpg)
Requesting Ganon's ghost inflating Cia.
>>100975 >>100982 >>101027 >>101143 These are pretty impressive man.
>>101186 Thanks! There used to be another draw thread where anons could share art they instead of doing requests but that got lost so I've been posting here
>>101192 We can’t let good art go to waste both you and >>100742 pretty impressive stuff shown.
>>101193 Eyy thanks dude! Glad to know that you like the requests I'm doing, but I'm not only doing requests, I do normal art from time to time as well, but this motivates me to post more art for you :)
Got extra productive today and made a sequence! Hope you guys enjoy (It's got perm-popping in it)
(530.12 KB 2250x3000 sex with mouse.png)
>>101234 >>101235 Eyy these are nice Anon!
>>101234 >>101235 These are perfect and I don’t mind popping since it’s good.
>>101236 That’s excellent man.
can anyone draw either junko or chiaki from danganronpa early-mid stage blueberry? not quite spherical but definitely heavy in the main 3 B's.
>>98699 Nicely done.
(82.12 KB 466x621 imagen_2023-12-07_203506009.png)
>>101618 How about a helium mouse?
>>101738 Awesome dude. How is my request turning out?
(1.99 MB 2507x4000 2023-12-12 Mage Cumflation.jpg)
(2.26 MB 2552x4000 2023-12-12 Dancer Hourglass.jpg)
(32.43 KB 1024x1024 ritti711024.png)
>>102075 >pixel Nice. Nicccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccce.
>>102035 Impressive man.
Requesting a gijinka / humanisation of a Minecraft creeper exploding.
Reminder: People are doing this for free. Don't ask when a request will be done. The answer may be never.
On a different topic, can this (mostly) gay ass MF request a male or two to be expanded? Or should I make a separate thread for dicks and dongs?
(200.93 KB 512x512 6428394330e3b.png)
(6.12 KB 420x320 FscXoVAWIAAnuUy.png)
(100.86 KB 957x1361 FsrdUcdWwAEEMkd.jpg_large.jpg)
>>101738 How about muse Ashley I know it's done to death but that or batda wong bat ada is a alternate recommendation. Or you can go hentai with it and have bar ada inflate mouse Ashley or vise versa into whatever blissful inflation you please. Blowkiss,pump,water,cum? Maybe inflation via pussy lol that's a rarity I don't see often? Sky's you're limit!
>>102620 >>Mouse not muse >>Bat not bar
(1.02 MB 1500x1500 lucky.png)
>>98381 Sorry. I'm an idiot and forgot to reply
Could someone draw Glacia from Pokemon inflated like this?
>>101738 Happy Holiday’s man.
(123.37 KB 1000x1107 IMG_5133.webp)
(240.58 KB 1920x1080 IMG_5134.jpeg)
Can someone draw Cynthia from Fire Emblem Awakening inflated as she winks at Laurent Of How Cute of A Boyfriend He Is like this?
(855.21 KB 2060x2932 indulgentmayscribble.png)
Haven't been drawing in a while. Made an indulgent mermaid costume scribble. If the dialogue ain't working just swap it for something that fits the scene better.
>>103164 Nice to see you post again, it's been a while
>>103170 Thanks man
(884.23 KB 2138x2338 worldinflatescribble.png)
World from Magical Drop
>>102639 love this
>>102640 Amazing work think you could give mine a stab? If not it's fine. Just kinda want Zendaya mj in this outfit blimped with either Spiderman riding her like that parade scene from the raimi films or hanging off her foot from a web
(75.42 KB 640x640 da767abb57515560d683_small.jpg)
>>103204 Full body inflation artists choice on shape preferable just round, big boobs, limbs can be cone or sunken in. Neck sunk in but head visible. It's whatever really been asking for months Random shape reference for fun
>>103198 Amazing! I dig the slight pixelated style.
>>102887 Can Someone Draw Her? Please?
>>103290 Thanks! The weird pixel look on the lineart is a weird quirk from the texture of the sketch brush at that size
(2.89 MB 4000x2090 Innerliningexpansion.png)
wanted an excuse to draw Samus toasted like those Darkstalkers characters do. Suit's rigidity not cooperating with a suddenly decompressing inner lining.
(31.19 KB 709x320 rittistudy14inf.png)
>>103316 Very clean
(156.97 KB 2000x2000 cupa.PNG)
(895.39 KB 2000x2000 blastshley.PNG)
>>98083 Please use this thread instead: >>39605
>>103316 I love it. >>103347 >>103507 Very nice.
>>103507 Impressive man.
got back into drawing these again, although my hand was a bit shaky so my apologies if it looks bad
when is this site shutting down exactly?
>>104182 It’s been saved read the update.
>>104146 Good shit, my man
(773.24 KB 582x1772 IMG_5706.png)
(2.43 MB 1170x1139 IMG_6613.png)
Can You Draw Robin Inflated Like This? Please?
(61.88 KB 636x900 GC3jZ5Ra8AApQ5g.jpg)
Requesting this gal here in an old-style black and white ad where she's happily drinking from a vintage 1900's bottle of soda that causes her hips and butt to swell up to ludicrous sizes.
(619.64 KB 1024x2048 infcomp00.png)
doodles and stuff.
>>104628 " doesnt look like it to me" " I didnt say that" " what you doing you cant sign in" "walk out with this dont let them see it fuck them" " remember what you said. 5 oclock at night "
>>104629 I didnt forget about you sqaure pants & spiderman
>>104629 >>104055 Damny you better answer the fucking phone when I call you I see you sitting there through the window
>>104628 Very cute! I love it!
>>104704 Thank you very much, anon.
>>104717 Dotcomboom returns
>>103204 >>104630 He>>104629 wasn't the one that requested the Spider-Man mj blow up I was lol. And I'm not complaining whatsoever Take your time. I'll be just happy if someone does it
(486.01 KB 2048x1956 FfXKpA6XEAE7bl5.jpg)
(108.63 KB 1024x768 831.jpg)
(2.64 MB 4032x3024 BloatedFace-Sketch.jpg)
https://www.deviantart.com/garthgardener/art/Bloated-Face-Sketch-1014792198 Started sketching a lot on DeviantArt, gonna be posting a lot more.
(598.52 KB 3024x4032 InTheStocks-Sketch.jpg)
>>101738 Say were You going to do this request >>100744 because he was waiting for sometime.
>>106186 Oh hey dude, uhh could you explain a bit better please? Also I'm sorry for being absent from the site, haven't been able to do stuff lately.
>>107094 It’s been sometime since I last saw you on here.
>>107094 Returning artists are the best.
(1.29 MB 2535x4000 2024-2-21 Mage Cumtank.jpg)
>>107272 Speaking of returning artists, Ive came back bearing gifts
>>107332 Cutest yet!
What is source?
>>107332 Very impressive man. >>107094 I know it’s been awhile but will you be doing requests again soon.
>>98134 >>98135 >>98313 Made some digital remakes of some older drawings I did on paper and pencil
(1.81 MB 4000x2520 2024-2-28 Wiz Inflation.jpg)
Made a sketch of the King of the Hill women variously expanded. Pretty pleased with how it came out, but I still have some problems with it.
(3.52 MB 3083x3879 BlimpTober2022 Day 33042.jpg)
>>107841(Peggy in the background is essentially a trace of this piece by BerryDuke)
(1.65 MB 2894x4093 media_F_BOmMbXwAAyjO9.jpg)
Requesting Superwoman getting dangerously close to popping, stretchmarks and red skin and veins and all that, but thanks to her superior physique she can't be busted and the pump breaks.
>>107949 I'll take this >>100744 working on this as well >>102620 this too even tho I know it's taken, I wanna take my shot on this as well.
>>108393 Thanks. >even tho I know it's taken Do all requests you like. The only thing that can happen is friendly competition.
(258.47 KB 1070x1600 Spinnerella Profile Pic 2.png)
(115.08 KB 745x1434 Mermista Profile Shot 1.jpg)
(166.23 KB 1123x1600 Perfuma Profile Shot 1.jpg)
(97.44 KB 855x1600 NetossaRenderHQ.webp)
(136.81 KB 1047x1306 Scorpia Profile Shot 1.jpg)
Can someone do a group inflation drawing of Spinnerella using her wind powers to inflate herself along with Mermista, Perfuma, Netossa, and Scorpia to the point that they're all balloons please? Thank you.
Draw Lucina from Fire Emblem Awakening, Played By Joline Hex Gets A Blueberry Foot Inflation and Gives A F00TJOB To Y/N and Cums All Over Her Blueberry Feet Which Lucina Loves It
>>98754 Bumping my request
>>108393 I look forward to them so take your time.
(135.47 KB 720x1314 Screenshot_20240311-002921_1.png)
>>108445 There ought to be a rule against bumping one's own requests.
(483.03 KB 1800x1800 Untitled520_20240315152134.png)
A doodle of my ocs
>>109485 Thank you
>>109486 If im an self righteous selfish asshole then I guess its goodbye we womt ever speak again because im not busting the first move. Im old now. I trip over my cock
Can mods please globally ban >>109487 for a long time?
>>109485 Pretty impressive can’t wait to see the next request you do.
(2.04 MB 4624x2030 IMG_20240321_144207664.jpg)
>>109787 He stole so much wages from the unions everytime they come looking for him his bitch ass runs
Wont be running from me.
>>109789 >>109790 Good luck catching me I'm behind seven pairs of shoes.
sketched out some small pieces, some of them are pretty good and some of them not so much but here they are
(1.73 MB 2517x4000 2024-3-21 Fairy Hyper Boobs.jpg)
(2.10 MB 2486x4000 2024-3-24 Leviathan BBB.jpg)
>>110058 Good stuff! You got a twitter where you post your drawings?
>>110062 nah I'd rather stay as anon. I've been posting all my art in this thread so you'll see it if you scroll up from here
(69.14 KB 449x599 imagen_2024-03-29_164824306.png)
>>109704 So my art got delated, I'll post it again here. spoiler just in case
>>110562 Nicely done man. Can’t wait for mine soon.
>>110562 Fantastic work does she burst? Grow bigger? Where does the batda wong and ashcheese graham cracker adventures go next?
>>110562 I remember whoever did this lovely work! Hopeful to more lewd bat ada wong and mousley getting blown up. The dirtier the better too! Just love me the borderline porn type of inflation where people are making out or stuffing things in naughty places!
>>98699 >>101236 >>101738 >>102620 >>103507 >>110562 Please see >>109528 Good art, even if great, needs to follow the rules. There's a furry board.
>>98083 This should definitely be the tracing thread. Post an image to be traced and a reference for the tracee.
(2.11 MB 4096x3703 2FGKK8ddYXQAEIwHz.png)
(163.33 KB 1166x953 May n Garde.jpg)
Requesting May traced over the image on the left. You can pump the Garde, too.
>>110562 I don’t if your here yet but here my next request. I want both Caeda and Hiromi Tengenji matching the size on the second part of the first photo shown in the spoilers. For who is who Caeda is the second photo and Hiromi Tengenji is the third photo.
(27.37 KB 643x926 1713807942004468.png)
Requesting stick/dick figures. Let's be silly. Disregard the post below I found the image on 4chan.
(59.70 KB 570x427 1714416048302691.jpg)
(1.28 MB 640x480 1714483923408290.gif)
It's May. Draw May.
requesting this alien girl OC angry at people throwing pebbles at her ridiculously fat ass. second pic is for size reference
(59.73 KB 512x512 req_aliengirl_03.png)
(488.32 KB 1024x1536 req_aliengirl_sketchcomp.png)
>>113595 Who throws rocks at people, jeeze. Does anyone have any personal OC's? I haven't drawn in months and might practice again soon.
>>114166 Trailer park trash hall nobody is coming back fuck off
>>114169 Why you do kenny like that
>>114168 >>>/out/ >>114166 Personal OCs? Can I convince you to try the requests above?
>>114166 Shit. Might hit you up one day. Maybe a commission. That looks great!
>>114188 >furry
(100.76 KB 1008x1280 CelestialQueen remake9.png)
>>114166 I've got a bottom heavy oc you might be interested in
(258.85 KB 1024x1024 OC_brownpants_01.png)
(425.11 KB 1024x1536 OC_brownpants_sketchcomp.png)
>>114236 Gave it a shot, hopefully it's not too bad. To the anon who requested the furry/anthro subjects- I'll probably post a concept with the green beanie character on the furry board, I managed to save the files before they were removed.
>>114383 This was great. Lol a very entertaining attempt. Thank you
(495.57 KB 1920x1080 1716406277638.jpg)
Delivery from another website other than 4chan.
>>115506 Yoooooo this is nice!
(565.20 KB 1240x1815 GKrZM1wbkAA_H8B.jpg)
(889.89 KB 1582x1846 GLhxFYraEAIuk3d.jpg)
>>114166 I think it'd be really neat if you drew this gal inflated by the way, do you have any social media, cuz Id love to follow you!
>>107094 It's been awhile since you last did a request. Well what I'm trying to say is what do you do during break is what I'm saying?
>>107949 Aaaaaaand delivered! Sorry for taking so long but now it's finished ;)
>>117177 Very nice. Thanks! I also like the number on your post. 117177.
>>117177 Nicely done and don’t be harsh on yourself.
(76.97 KB 717x1053 1534483228546.jpg)
(778.08 KB 4980x5711 b0057278cbbae4722e1993b631152dfc.jpg)
>>108618 requesting Skyla and one light skin and one dark skin alt please!
You know, I wanna see Dr. D. Lite Inflating men and perhaps brainwashing one of them to be her boyfriend
(214.40 KB 865x1200 10792.jpg)
(144.54 KB 2048x2048 media_GQCzsAeWoAAA5M1.jpg)
(193.17 KB 2048x2048 media_GQCzsBPWwAEKi-q.jpg)
Requesting Pinkie Pie (humanized MLP) turning herself into a human eclair.
Requesting Piper from Brawl Stars puffed up like a balloon
(224.70 KB 1200x1200 IMG_1308.png)
>>118605 I think I'm doing this right lol
>>119026 HOLY SHIT THIS IS GOOD not the requester
>>119026 I'll nibble if you'll let me. Can I get a um kimiko from the boys getting puffkissed like this? In said outfit
>>119073 As for who's kissing her either starlight gold or stormfront black and red. Depends on if you want chaos good or chaotic evil as you're kisser 💋 But if not I understand but I would be appreciative of it if you do.
>>119026 Requester here, that is some GOOD shit.
>>98754 Bumping my request!
(206.94 KB 1632x2304 V7_Cinder_marketing_pose.jpg)
Requesting an inflated Cinder Fall (specifically her Volume 7-8 design). 'Nuff said.
>>109469 This.
(535.12 KB 1295x1255 IMG_1452.jpeg)
>>98754 Kinda old but I’m just looking for a lil practice :)
>>121472 HOLY SHIT THIS IS GOOD Not the requester, by the way.
(3.18 MB 1825x2001 Nina fortner.jpeg)
Anyone want to experiment with Nina from monster?
(468.27 KB 1928x1090 export202407051516394160.png)
Gonna go ahead and throw mine out there Can someone draw Lila from Spooky Month in this specific shape?
(1.91 MB 3718x2362 JoyradosB.png)
>>122531 Return of the king
>>122541 Thanks
(981.20 KB 1877x2832 oAUZYal.jpg)
Requesting Ravena Oxblood with a really round body flying high in the night sky.
(2.99 MB 2975x2979 MakingUseOfTheTubeForScience.png)
Drew Gen3 swimmer then did everything around her to try making the pose make sense.
(122.57 KB 1122x1110 Inflated Lila.png)
(149.91 KB 1136x972 Inflated Jaune.png)
>>121820 fellow Spooky Month enjoyer spotted I also drew Jaune as a bonus cuz she has so little art compared to Lila and I won't stand for it
Requesting a full body inflation of Vexus from mlaatr and Nikusa from fnf by air/helium. Let’s keep this thread alive
>>122844 Would it be possible to try something fun with this? >>120095
>>122844 HOLY- This is perfect!!!! Thank you sooooo much~ The extra Jaune is greatly appreciated too. I agree she's extremely underrated and could use more art! I'm extremely grateful a fellow fan dropped by. Godspeed anon
>>122851 Bumping again to save this thread. I’d be nice for this these ones to be in >>122844 signature artstyle Thanks
>>122905 Doesn’t matter what references needed. It can be in any shape and posture, there’s no such inflation art of Nikusa or Vexus
(569.48 KB 1304x1080 image.jpg)
>>113595 same shit, different day.
(209.51 KB 2480x3508 IMG_3653.JPG)
(95.98 KB 808x1315 251.webp)
>>122972 >>122851 Bumping again for main details
(4.71 MB 9750x1900 PufferfishDefense.png)
Was thinking of ideas to request with Splashwoman and kinda went into it on one to save on typing a description.
>>122992 Not OR nor a fan of this stuff. Outstanding quality! >>123058 Very funny. 10/10. You can and should post this on /v/ to annoy channers.
(4.92 MB 2782x2952 Splash Pufferfish Defeat1.png)
(4.91 MB 2782x2952 Splash Pufferfish Defeat2.png)
>>123058 Remembered Truckers Delight was a thing for the ending >>123154 Thanks
>>123176 Ho lee shit.
>>123181 She'll be fine. She's running on cartoon rules
>>98987 I'm just Bumping my request if that's alright
>>123185 No it's not.
>>123176 Where'd you find this?
(4.18 MB 3687x4300 ItsAFeature.png)
More Splashwoman >>123223 Drew it based it on the ending of this https://vimeo.com/11465780
(2.16 MB 3741x3919 fake mermaid.png)
(3.54 MB 2985x3464 OCidea.png)
Hey, is requesting OC's still on the table? If so I'd like to request mine getting her breasts filled or drained if that's alright
>>123281 Thanks man
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB7CXZ9nKQA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhG0Rq4x15I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZGsNlXsW2M How about Rougr of the X-Men swollen up like these lottery ball mascots. And I mean her actually body is that round, not her in a suit like that
(221.24 KB 558x607 SplashOnKrita.png)
Managed to sneak in another Splash while out of office. I'm on vacation but her outfits sure ain't
(140.09 KB 665x750 Witch_PPT2.png)
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I would like to see Witch from Puyo Puyo inflated like in this image
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Do artists like it slick or rough? Please don't delete it's only marginally furry.
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(858.31 KB 3024x2737 Beth.jpg)
(1.27 MB 3024x4032 NicoRobin.jpg)
Can draw Ringmaster Scarr inflated like Jasmine?
>>125314 >>125477 Nice art is better than no art.
(98.88 KB 1024x1024 09_infstudy.png)
various sketches and studies for today.
(2.90 MB 4032x3024 RingmasterScarr.jpg)
>>98726 >>98747 What the?!?! What did I to deserve this pain he will pay?
>>125851 Extremely cute and adorable!
(646.94 KB 1024x2048 poyoinf_study.png)
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>>124211 Gave this one a shot.
(1.22 MB 1280x1912 SpookyRef.png)
>>98083 Halloween request for Spooky being inflated by a Ghost Busters proton pack, her expression being visibly worried since her body is close to popping and audibly creaking.
(317.07 KB 2538x4654 Ringo_Ando.png)
>>126802 Not the original requester but goddamn it's impressive how good this is!!!! Think you could do the same with Ringo?
>>126013 I didn't say make her naked.
>>126013 Awesome art Anon!
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Requesting someone draw the Channeler trainer similar to the Hex Maniac doodle. Doesn't have to be in the exact artstyle, but would be appreciated.
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May I request Storm E inflated like Jewel plz?
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>>115668 I really struggled with this one and pretty much gave up halfway, sorry for low quality. >>122844 Clean work! >>122992 I dig this style, great use of line weight. >>123272 >filled or drained Can you elaborate, please? >>123324 This is great, the seemingly elastic forms really sell the pneumatic aspect. You are very loose and expressive with your strokes! >>125314 Despite the rudimentary execution of fundamentals, this style has potential to obtain charm if it were animated, like an episode of dr.Katz >>126276 Thank you! >>126813 Thank you very much. While the puyopuyo style was an interesting exercise (the artbook is great, give it a look if you haven't already), maybe another artist can tackle that character. >>126831 "thank you for the free art" was the correct response; please be respectful and clear with your request.
>>127097 Your services to this thread have been GREATLY appreciated. Thank you for being here! Sorry if you've been asked this before, but do you have any social media presence besides here? I'd follow you in a heartbeat!
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>>126813 Have a sketch, just wanted to do something nice and quick, so sorry about not dedicating to finishing it fully.
>>127130 Woah! That's suuuuuper cute~ Thanks a ton! No worries on not being able to finish it, it's still pretty amazing
>>127097 Top teir
>>127097 Pardon me, I don’t know if you’re cool with drawing some dudes, but I was wondering if you’d be willing to draw something relating to this? >>122683 I’d be forever grateful.
(1.39 MB 2480x3508 stage 2.png)
requesting junko enoshima from Danganronpa blown up mid-blueberry inflation, all curvy. think like this size
(1021.45 KB 3000x2450 pyoapplesphere2.png)
>>127130 Didn't expect to fall so in love with the sketch and I couldn't stand leaving her unfinished. So here's a bonus update.
(3.02 MB 2840x2868 ropaberry.png)
>>127196 I don't draw anime often so was curious to see how I'd fair on a request like this.
>>127225 Woah! Glad you decided to go ahead and finish it! It looks amazing~
can someoen draw misato from evangelion mid blueberry inflation? all curvy and plump
>>127339 holy shit hot like a chili pepper amazing work anon, especially the pussy leaking, very subtle touch. also im anon from here, >>127474 if anyone wants anything because ive been begfagging id be happy to write something as I cannot draw very well.
Anyone seen >>108393 it's been awhile since a request was made and said working some requests but never came here.
>>127339 You should draw it more
>>127559 this, you're really good at it anon.
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Requesting horrid Henrys mom as a big puffy cute blimp because why not puff her up big and help her relief the pressures of life with a good taut smutty release. Also because funny
(2.27 MB 3000x2521 horridblimpmum.png)
>>127362 >>127475 >>127559 >>127649 Thank you, happy to know you're been enjoying the pics. >>127718 Done
>>127858 you've been*
>>127858 Beautiful work
can someone inflate Jojo from Close Enough https://closeenough.fandom.com/wiki/Jojo , like this https://www.deviantart.com/sxdeluxe/art/Lauren-Needs-a-Hand-1072243764 ?
Guess I can throw my hat into the ring for this one. Would love to Kay from GuP as a giant inflated blimp or just swollen up. Puffy cheeks an all.
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Requesting Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley as huge food balloons
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Requesting Dawn from Total Drama Revenge of the Island inflated and bloated like Wendy here.
>>127858 Gonna throw my hat and request Bulma from Dragonball inflated like either of these two girls here.
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Requesting: I'd like to draw inflated Fluttershy nude from Equestria Girls
requesting kairi inflated into an orb. bonus points if she's nude with a swollen pussy
Can I possibly get to see some supreme west Kai inflation art with big puffy balloon ears. Full blimp
Anyone seen the person who both made this thread and did requests because there are two requests that are robbed from being made.
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(150.70 KB 360x397 Toddy_%28Amadeus%29 (1).png)
I want any of these girls to be inflated...
(612.25 KB 2250x3000 total drama request.png)
>>128530 There you go, Anon.
>>130658 Not the requester looks nice. Also nice to see you again.
>>128371 so is no one gonnaa do this one?
>>130673 This is the exact reason people won’t do that one, no one owes you any edits or art or whatever, request and wait patiently, if something happens something happens
>>127019 I'm just Bumping this for someone who wants to do it. And for that don't, plz just ignore
>>130673 Be patient.
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(11.78 KB 250x250 Ueshita_kamado_eight_8860.jpg)
(121.75 KB 1280x720 Kamado's_Army.jpg)
Random idea do whatever you will with it But it would be fun to see mama Kamado Ueshita from future diaries get overinflated to bursting hous size by yuki or something via bike pump because spoilers it was kinda sad how yuki took her out with a gun in the original timeline and it might be fun to see a goofy alternative where wholesome orphanage mafia runner mama Kamado gets puffed into a big burstable blimp until she pops like confetti. Again just a random idea if anyone's bored and looking for something to draw I prefer a about to pop size or look but if you want to do bonus parts where she does burst into rubber confetti scraps up to you and only as bonuses. Depends on if you're in the popping mood I guess but at least implied I'm gonna blow energy would be appreciated and massive size. Emphasis on the big head a little maybe kinda like a Uber inflation but without the big puffy eyes puffy hands and bare feet is up to you through. Mostly have fun and enjoy. Just a crackpot idea I had I don't think I'm gonna go any further with
>>130991 Some more references also my bad I meant crazy bitch yuno at the bike pump. It's probably most fitting giving she is a psycho killer to pump someone up til they burst. I'm mostly doin it for the laughs and I think Kamado Ueshita would look cute even rounder.
>>130658 Nice. Will be working on the other two requests you said you work on last year.
(140.18 KB 1607x2000 GJFwYidWgAArGlR.jpg)
Requesting Ty Lee inflated.
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Possible ideas Nico Olivia and bellemere from one piece balloon porn? Basically milf versions of robin and namis mom's. Both inflating each other via sex or preferably belle inflating Olivia making her blush maybe getting chubby from air blowback. Nude or outfits you decide + bare feet. We honestly need more inflation porn of these two in the world
(727.73 KB 2250x3000 Bulma inflation request.png)
>>127858 You open for more requests? And also do you have a report my post account?
>>132284 Nice art even if I’m not the requester. I don’t need to say how long I’m waiting on mine.
>>132291 You mean you've waited one year for this >>100744. That's a long time of waiting even the sequence version also this way as well.
>>132284 Very nice! Can you try to draw this >>128543
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(1.64 MB 3304x3326 IMG_0301.png)
I would love to see Marle from Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 inflated just like in this picture with the size, angle and everything
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(52.05 KB 138x370 CarmenNew (1).png)
(408.91 KB 2048x1617 GeuHyU0XIAAbyLK.jpeg)
Can I request a drawing of Carmen from spooky month inflated like the image on the right. It doesn't have to blueberry inflation but you can be add as a alt or smth.
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(63.00 KB 250x421 Violet2.png)
(287.34 KB 4096x3223 20241130_021636.jpg)
>>132284 Original requester here, I love it. Bulma looks so big and sexy inflated. Would you be willing to do up another request, maybe one involving Violet Parr from the Incredibles, inflated (using the reference in the spoiler image)?
>>132298 What are you trying to do?
(159.88 KB 720x1560 Screenshot_20241217-004540.png)
>>132298 >>133295 Hello, I apologize for not getting your request in time, last year was a trainwreck for me, and got barely any time for doing art, so I took some small easy requests for that matter, I couldn't take any sequence because of the time, I'm very sorry, I don't want to look like those Twitter artists that barely do any art excusing themselves with having ADHD kek. >Also I'm cooking up something, as for your request I didn't understand what exactly you wanted, please explain it again, once again, I'm sorry
>>133318 As I said here >>100744 Marianne is inflating Leonie with the help of Yunaka. Leonie says “ I learned my lesson Marianne please no more or I’ll pop.” Marianne doesn’t believe her with the right side of the first photo shown she will never forget that moment.
>>133318 Excellent work even if it’s a work in progress.
>>98083 Two deliveries!>>126911and>>123008
>>135201 DUDE U D E Real jelly of requester here.
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(169.18 KB 1600x1920 IMG_1570.webp)
Would someone be willing to draw a request featuring Petra and Dorothea. Petra pours something into Dorothea’s drink causing her breasts to rapidly inflate. After her bikini top rips and she is done inflating Petra uses the now inflated Dorothea’s breasts as a place to sunbathe with a satisfied look on her face to Dorothea’s annoyance.
>>135830 What's the deal with these type of posts, is this mods keeping track of shadow bans or something?
(384.37 KB 600x1239 valentine2.png)
Can someone draw/edit the image of Enbi-Chan from Dororon Enma-Kun MeeraMera as Valentine from Skullgirls I want it to look as good as possible.
To whowever's interested, I would like a pic of Saki-chan from Magician Senpai (The one with the bright orange-ish hair) with the black rubber suit she's wearing in the image but filled to the brim with water, visibly struggling as she drags her massive water balloon of a suit across the sand
>>133318 Don’t worry about it. I know I’m waiting for it but I hope you do some art in the future.
