/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Underrated characters and other inflation ideas Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 15:54:49 Id:9a75f1 No. 80755 >>104072 >>108373 >>115808 >>119175 >>122985
Thread to cook up Ideas for characters or people who are otherwise hardly if never inflated! and or inflation scenarios that are under or barely used?
Guess I'll start this thread off with a idea of my own wicca (age 27) from dressrosa arc of one piece could use some balloon love and as far as underused inflation types I feel like barely anyone ever uses voodoo balloons anymore? Like I hear the occasional whisper of them but such a fun concept is basically doa nowadays
Bullying. Girls who inflate other girls, who "introduce" girls to inflation or expansion, who inflate girls but then inflate bigger.
>>81831 Interesting idea anyone else got more keep them coming people!
>>81831 the idea of someone bullying someone else by constantly inflating them is so hot
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Inflation Scenario Idea: Uber-Inflation reccomended. At the pool. Yukari trips over while attempting to inflate her pooltoy with a foot-pump and gets stunned. The hose goes off. Osaka, being the day-dreamer that she is, thinks that if someone has enough air in their body, they can fly. Passing by, she sees a dizzy Yukari near the pump. Osaka thinks she attempted to fill herself but failed, she puts the hose in Yukari's mouth and starts using the pump. Shortly after, Yukari recovers and snaps out of the phase, only to find out that she's floating a few centimetres from the ground, her limbs are sinking into her body and her eyes bulged out and now sees things like if she had fish lens on. She tries to scream, but her screams are muffled by her bloated cheeks and lips. The other girls (Chiyo, Tomo, Yomi, Kagura and Sakaki) find Osaka and the huge "volleyball" that was once their teacher. All the girls, except Tomo and Osaka, freak out after seeing Yukari-sensei in that shape. Tomo bursts into laughs while Osaka points her finger at the bloated Yukari and saying the following: "Yukari-sensei wanted to fly, so I helped her out to fulfill her wish" Tomo jokes about Yomi, comparing her to Yukari: "I guess you're not longer the fat one" Yomi, Kagura and Sakaki grab Yukari by her feet and hands while Chiyo attempts to pull off the hose. Tomo, who finally stops joking around, proceeds to help the other four. Yukari finally spits the hose out and deflates in a hilarious manner, while colliding with Tomo with her (deflating bum) and both landing on the pool. Yukari and Tomo are alright, just dizzy. Osaka asks the other girls if they "wanna fly" The girls, in fear, jump into the pool as Osaka looks confused.
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Games and bets. >bet that you can or your opponent can't drink a gallon >fake preg challenge: pump water or air up your butt and the biggest woman wins >advertizement blimp or water bed after you lose a bet
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Secrets (bf/gf, lover, or husband/wife finds out or is close by)
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Give me some ideas and scenarios involving rival octoling (pic related).
Why is there never any actual graphic torture coupled with inflation? The character is massively inflated and helpless but it's always the same boring scenarios, not even rape comes up that often. They have a tiny little inflated head but I personally have never seen any good abuse stuff ie pull out their teeth, poke out their eyes, pour hot oil on them and boil their skull in the divot etc. Where can I find stuff like that?
>>82126 Oh look, it's Freakin-weirdo
>>82149 Good one
>>82149 Surely he's slunk away in shame decades ago, hasn't he? I'd sooner expect posts like that to come from Seiga, Swell-Reads or Songbird/Diamondback.
>>82126 Most sane inflatefag
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Run away bloats.
>>82245 Eh swell reads inflation stuff is more classic pop stuff there's teasing and intensity but never strictly sadistic torture why you say that bullshit anon?
I've seen more gore and stuff from someone like vlad Drake! Swell reads is pretty basic not too mention good voicing they did something with peach and daisy recently and I could really tell the difference in character even thoughost likely it's the same voice actor talking to themselves. That shit takes talent!
We need more explosive decompression.
>>80756 > >>83140 > Absolutly fantastic ideas.
>>83138 >>83139 Am I supposed to pretend there's any difference between FW, Seiga, Swell-Reads, etc? What are your sub-80 IQ ramblings supposed to prove here?
>>83140 Yeah you don't see it much like there's actually a scene from superman two but it's so blink and you'll miss it because as soon as the person blows up like a balloon there kicked into the void like the beachball they are and we don't get to see the boom! But another thing similar would be spacesuit inflation stuff you don't see that much either like what's more scary than popping like a balloon in space? Having the thing that prevents and protects you from parade ballooning out inflate to explosion point! Like I could honestly see a double whammy where it's space suit inflation and popping followed by a naked person now nude in space inflating to pop as well!
>>83177 Meds.
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>>82125 god, I just wanna fill her with ink then fuck the shit outta her.
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Slime inflation!
>>83236 This is all well and good but I'm going to argue that there is no shortage at all of slime inflation.
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Accindental inflation.
>>83747 sauce on the chef?
>>83759 Nyanilla on Twitter.
>>83236 That's not slime inflation. That's CLAY inflation. Bite me.
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Hope this is a good place to share this, but at my local farmers market this morning, saw this stand: "Wonka's Harvest" and I can't stop thinking about how they get their produce 🤔
Dig Dug
Vivi here (from the Mystery Skulls Animated series of videos) could absolutely use some more love. I've already commissioned some stuff featuring her, but I wouldn't mind seeing more.
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Different reactions.
Not really an idea, just a general question for anyone to answer. But with HBO Max’s (or Max’s) Harry Potter series on the horizon, who do you all think should play Aunt Marge when they make it to the start of season 3? I don’t have a lot of hopes for the show. I’m about 85% certain Warner Bros. is going to try to show how “woke” and “progressive” they are by doing something desperate just for the good-boy points. Like making Hermione Black or making Dumbledore a woman. (They made Velma after all). But I’m not here to judge them. Just want to get an idea for who should play the balloon woman in a live-action show.
>>84325 I don't care if it's lizzo or somebody as long as they look hot downside with aunt Marge for me is although the scenes like her thighs swelling and flesh bloating out from her shoes would make me unbelievably horny the face of the actress was a bit of a turn off no offense she looked too old for my tastes I hope they go the marrisa tome aunt route with it either casting a real hottie or at very least cast a bbw woman with a pretty hot face again like I could see them casting someone like lizzo and it wouldn't bother me one bit I think it be hot to see her inflating! So hopefully whoever they cast fits the who young hot aunt stereotype bbw or not But who would be dream casting that the question?
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>>84346 I also hope they go a more puffy neck and cheeks thing than the sunken in double chins if a person's gonna inflate they'd get round in the face not flat that was always a nitpick of the original Inflation too otherwise everything neck down was the hottest shit I've ever scene growing up I'd have to avoid family movies nights because of how much of a boner her ass would give me whenever I saw those thighs balloon! I mean it was like early 2003 and you took what you could get inflation scene wise!
Popping based transformation, where a character is turned into something else by a succubus or clown girl or even a toon by being overinflated and popped by them. Usually into one of which that are inflating them. Personality change included
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>>84464 So like a inflection that turns you into whatever the creature is but they have to pop you for this new rebirth to happen like person over inflates. Gets tight. Explodes. Clown girl appears
>>84481 Infection
>>84464 There's something like that in Poultrygeist. A man turns into a giant flesh egg and hatches into an anthropomorphic chicken monster.
Pranks. >think she'll get a bubble butt >stick a hose up her butt >her belly/body inflates instead
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I don't think I've seen anyone do any inflation of Raku-chan from Nyan Neko Sugar Girls. I mean, her breasts go from large to the size of her head sometimes! I need more of her. She's perfect BE material.
>>84260 Seconding.
>>84495 The horror movie or Ghostbusters episode
Would Skol Blowfish fit here?
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Cat go fwomph
>>86423 Eh it's pretty common But neko arc id pay to see more blimps of that annoying cum blimp Stuff the cream puff til it blows! Speaking of what about food like inflation with cream? Or food transformation like stuffing someone with jelly filling like a jelly doughnut?
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Chemical reactions like soda drinks and mints.
>>81831 Hot damn I need that sauce
Echidna from Stella Deus has never been inflated before.
>>88380 @meatflav0r on twitter
>>81831 God yes. Domme inflator, constantly inflating the victim, adding up pressure against inflatee's will and teasing them about how they're actually enjoying this or are close to their limit is the shit for me personally.
Hell, nearly any scenario where a person is unable to do anything or is pressured to inflate to their limit is the shit for me personally
>>88419 Any form of forced inflation, accidental inflation, or stuck inflation is the best. Its one thing for a character thats already into inflation to willingly inflate. Its another for a character that isnt into it to be inflated against their will.
Both mouth and buttucks insertion/s have their merits.
I want to promo this character in inflation
shego from Kim possible destablizes were energy causing her to swell up with destructive energy and becoming a time bomb
>>84481 Yeah
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Circle Tool (the artist)
>>90380 I like him.
>>89118 New slur dropped: Digger
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Hoses. Tubes. That's it.
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Showing off and surprised looks.
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Bloat: too much to drink.
>>83140 Yes, thats a very interesting inflation. It should have a lot of scenes in media but i only found one and is bad
I find Buff women body inflation awesome but i cant find content related to that.
>>92902 https://comics.8muses.com/comics/album/Expansionfan-Comics/Bootius-Maximus/Issue-1 https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/17693043/post/6419267 Here's a couple off the top of my head
>>92904 amazing find
Female artists drawing themselves or other female artists.
>>92902 Yeah, this is a very cool idea. Specially when the inflatee its the dominant instead of the dominated. Like a woman who water inflates herself to be more heavier and stronger
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What do y'all think about a /3d/ thread for Koikatsu?
>>92846 Bloat is good.
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Mind break.
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Introducing others.
>>96933 Enjoying the pop.
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"I feel like a balloon." "I feel like a blimp."
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Inflation envy.
>>99614 this is just someones shitty oc
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I love the idea of permanent inflation but you control it, for example you can hook up a pump and inflate yourself like a balloon but you can't deflate and you know you can't deflate when you start so you constantly are stuck at "I really wanna get bigger" but know that you'll have to live the rest of your life like that so you hesitate. And this also works in the case of inflation heavy tfs like balloon or beachball tf
>>99616 She is not.
Artists enjoying drawing infl and pop.
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Cow blowing.
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Honestly, The Pussycats from My Hero Academia deserve more fetish art in general, lnflation especially.
>>101216 need more of every type of inflation with ragdoll theres plenty of it for the other 2
>>101226 If there is then I can’t find it
Inflation while turning into slime. I can only think of one artist who has done this and she unfortunately deleted all of her socials a few months back but the sequence is still out there AllyMoodyNeko if you're wondering. "Spooky Donation Inflation".
Wait, tell a lie ExpansionFanComics, "The Depravity of Dr. D. Lite" Issue 3 had it too but other than those two, that's it getting inflated BY slime is one thing but getting inflated and turning INTO slime is another (and far hotter) underused concept
>>99471 I'm also in favor of characters describing their inflation.
I feel involuntary rolling/tipping is such an underrated aspect of inflation and I wish it was explored more frequently. Maybe the inflatee in question was rolled and left on a slight incline, or received an unsuspected tap or hip bump from a partner/caretaker, or were unfortunate enough to be struck by a particularly strong gust of wind. At any rate, the tipping process has started, and that cruel force of gravity is being used against them more than usual. The second they feel that slow, subtle shift in the alignment of their bloated body, it immediately sends a twinge of anxiety through them. Their nervous self assurance that maybe it'll stop gives way to an increasingly frantic and loud string of profanity as they slowly but surely start to tip. All they can do is flap their hands and kick their feet in defiance, partially trying anything to make it stop, and also secretly throwing a bit of a tantrum. After all, they're already a massive, helpless sphere that's completely incapable of movement. Can they catch a break for once? The answer, of course, is no, but that won't stop them.
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Otohime could use some love
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>>101597 Absolutely dig this concept as well. Was a lot more common in super early blueberry art like in these scenes from ShyDude and JohnnySwell. I'm equally disheartened that it's less explored in the "genre" these days
Public events.
A semi-sentient eldritch room that grows with the inflatee to make them comfortable as they grow. Examples would be to make their phone never run out of battery, have a TV and walls that always keep the inflatee able to view it, etc. I commissioned a story with this idea and I think it could be a good idea for anyone else to use. Be warned that it is a male inflation story, so just a heads up. https://www.deviantart.com/derpymcderpymcderpy/art/Comm-Berries-to-Vibe-to-996622857
X tapes.
Noita, of course! No Iron Stomach but tons of Ambrosia and a whole ocean to drink! Popping again and again, but inflating bigger and bigger, and feeling all that enormous pressure inside her incredibly enormous belly!
I’m a big fan of the “the more turned on you are, the more you inflate” idea. I’ve only found a handful of stories with the idea. I especially love the idea of a woman using this to force a man inflate for her. If anyone has any to share, I’d appreciate it.
Factory induced Mass Inflation is an idea I haven’t seen in terms of art or story’s, I’ve seen a few but I could count that few with one hand.
expanding while being hypnotised
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Soda inflation where the character becomes a big ball of what ever they drank. Floating in the air with all the carbonation.
A fattening assembly line: normal girls enter the factory and are fattened up.
>>105261 THIS.
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>>81997 Vidya challenge Play hardcore Inflate when lose
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>>80755 Inviting normies. Real life is gold and I'm tired of keeping quiet.
(image related) 1.) Chest/shoulder inflation: Dude this is such a good shape and I'm not even sure if people even draw it. A small handful prolly exist but I'm not that dedicated enough to look for it. Especially in 'merican football gear. Like the shoulder gear n shit. Fuck that's hot brother good lord. 2.) Inflation in jerseys and gear (more specifically hockey & 'merican football gear but to a lesser extent also baseball jerseys) I fucking love the texture of jerseys, it has the expensive smooth silky synthetic cotton feeling. And I love the design and typography too. For some reason I get rly fucking horny when I see ppl in jerseys. Like I genuinely think jerseys is like a secondary fetish at this point lol and I don't even like sports. I love the big numbers and the cold plasticy texture too, the names, the Stripes, holy shit bruh. The gear that exaggerates the chest, shoulders, and thighs makes me bust hard too. Don't matter if they're man, woman, or anything in between. I'll fuck anything in a jersey. But not all jerseys are created equally. I like that high end official shit, not your local minor league basic ass fabric big ass holes. Also the more complex the design is, the harder the bust. I love the maple leafs jersey that has the shoestrings and names and lines and numbers. And that thick velvety blue. I go crazy man, I go crazy.... Whooped this up last night cus the urge was too strong. It's alright but nothing can truly capture my thoughts. Big jersey person, in my living room I can lay on all day.... man.... play sonic adventure dx while on top of their big chest... I'll go crazy man.... Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
>>108422 Also if anyone has any art of any features I mentioned here, send some to ya boy #diz6460 on report my post (I likely already saw it, but worth the effort anywho [also in any medium, cartoon, live action, etc, idgaf]) if ur nice enough, down for doing a requests (yes im that down bad for seeing jersey bitches)
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>>108422 same I have a thing for details on whats being worn. seeing the details stretched out to show the scale of the inflated subject is also a kink of mine
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>>108485 I forgot to bring that up too, the stretching and how the body sort of contorts the clothes and gear. This can be the hardest part to draw sometimes. Especially the more detailed clothes. So much perspective shit, it's real easy to fuck up (I do it all the time) Also that piece is hot asf, had to crank a couple sketches out b4 I head to bed. Enjoy
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>>108491 yeah its hard especially if the reference has missing or blocked details, heres a quick semicolored colored version
>>108491 I need more of the misadventures of football girl and Toronto Maple woman! Please just make a sub thread for Jersey inflation and dumb all kinds of this shit in it it's so fucking hot!
>>84464 I remember a story on cyoc where a a couple are in a toon world and the wife contracts a virus that results in her hiccuping uncontrollably, and every-time she hiccups, she puffs up. Right until she explodes. In the next chapter, the explosion turns her into a toon. I always thought there was a cartoon or something that did that. It seems a very dramatic scenario, perfect for content. Especially, if the popped personality has changed with their transformation
Would love to see Verosika Mayday and/or other succubae characters from helluva boss inflating humans. She seems like she would be an inflator
Magic Whoopee cushion butt inflation.
Seeing inflation stories turned into comics or animations or inflation comics into animations, or even inflation audio into animations
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Pixel art.
Kind of wish for a isekai type story where protag-kun and his party are all big berries/balloons
Helluva boss femdom inflation content
Lena hyena from “who framed roger rabbit?” (She was the faux Jessica rabbit who is crazy about men) inflating almost any man that stumbles into toontown. She is wacky enough and would make a good inflator, and keeping any man as her personal balloon/blimp
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"Canon-adjacent" inflation is the best way I can put it. Essentially taking a character and not just inflating them, but putting them in an inflation scenario that uses mechanics/elements of the world they live in. Like instead of being inflated by a disembodied garden hose, they get inflated by another character from their verse with water manipulation powers. Basically you watch a show with fetish goggles on and think up something from that.
>>109700 ABSOLUTELY! The best types of inflation are the ironic in world ones. Someone says I sure like pie. Gets blueberried. Or I guess example one piece. Luffy having toon force that can effect living individuals. Turns any girl Nami robin or otherwise into a pancake then inflate them big and round! The list goes on but ironic inflations are the best! You get to get a fun balloon scenario and joke all at once
Effects of inflation such as shallow breathing or a tighter vaginal canal.
How about belly rafts racing. It looks nice and leaves room for creative equipment ideas.
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How about magic system ,where mana in mage's body cause her to inflate or expand in some way ,therefore more powerful you are ,the bigger balloon you are and more your physical mobility is limited .Magic duels would look like battle of airships :)
Male inflatees when their genitals are inflated, can be rough to orgasm over and over again. The orgasms are more intense, the bigger they are. They won’t be able to be satisfied until they pop. Airgo (correct me if that is the right word) have a popgasm
>>83952 What were they selling?
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Honestly, Mass inflation in general needs more stories about it. The idea of multiple people, from just a small group of friends, to planetary inflation is great and need to have more story’s about it. Feel free to link story’s about this idea if I’m wrong.
Revenge stories of male victims of popped lovers. Like a boyfriend going to avenge a girlfriend who was popped (could be traditional inflation or blueberry)by a jealous woman/mean girl or even a villainess like Dr. D. Lite Perhaps with a 50/50 chance of success depending which way you want it to go
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Which sex positions are best or worst suited for which kind of inflated sex?
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Women doing and enjoying this together.
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Is it evil or masochistic for me to wanna see a balloon person hooked up to a car exhaust as the engine revs up or squished micro balloon people under tires until either or pops them?
>>111415 Can you actually edit these into the ROM?
>>111418 I can’t unfortunately. I hope someone can do that dream of this into a reality for this game.
What game
>>111432 This one which the photos are based off on >>111415.
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Whoopee cushion triggering butt inflation
How about male elastic heroes used as a gas bomb to release over a city by a perverted villainess? One that can be reformed but popping leaves their mind vulnerable to brainwashing
>>113584 So g. Thats fine.
This may be weird, but pinkie pie inflating humans
>>113584 Could be any gas the villain can concoct, your choice. And any male elastic super hero
>>112804 >>112908 >>112956 Candy that turns girls into mini giantess tomboys and boys into round, fat filled blimps.
>>109511 Isekai type story where protag-kun grows rounder, wider and fatter as he picks up and manages more and more powerful women to do all the fighting for him.
>>113593 Yes, I find the idea of a very cartoony pony from another dimension inflating a random human, whether in her world or she escaped into a human world to blow up a “new friend” for fun
>>113677 Or her inflating her human counterpart (aged up of course)
Imagine a belly dancer that as she teases you and seduces you, you pump her up while she is doing a belly dance
>>113986 women south of wood mall dont like dick. I like women that want to rape me. I want a bitch to grab me by my dick. And tell me you gonna give me this dick or else. I guess I leave that to fantasy
>>113987 Instead of a human woman the you should be seduced by a balloon woman :)
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The punishment for inflation fetishists in Hell >inspired somewhat by faust love of the damned You die and find yourself in Hell. Satan assigns a beautiful female demon to torture you for eternity. "Your sin is lust. You were a coomer during your time on Earth, wasting your human potential fapping to inflation porn." "Since you love cooming so much, I shall reduce you to being merely the organs you used during your Earthly life." You feel your balls get swollen and ache like they've been kicked. You feel bloated, your skin and clothes get tight. "I'm putting your testicles into hyper-drive, you are inflating with your own cum." Dick gets unbearably hard and starts to grow as well. Clothes tear off, you fall on your back as you lose your human form and round out into a giant ball. You are now a wobbly, fragile sac of cum with an oversized dick and balls. You ejaculate uncontrollably, sore muscles pumping every second to desperately expel the endless goopy product of your massive gonads. It hurts to cum, but the stretching of your spherical body if you try to hold back hurts even more. The demon stands above your upside-down head: "You may wonder what will happen if you get backed up and burst," she explains. "You will immediately respawn and find yourself in another, even worse scenario." "So better keep cumming, my darling, keep pumping it out before you fill up too tight and pop. The scenarios just get more painful and humiliating with every respawn…"
>>114978 Sounds fun but eh I prefer pleasures over pain also bold to assume id just blow apart. Na id blimp then I blow. Then how about I imaginary technique specialist form uno reverse the cum back into you with my fat inflated dick. You could have won but you got to blood dumb expecting that nothing can deflect emerald splash until it got purple nurpled and now your left blue balled and full of my children. Better luck next time. Word for the wise if you're going to go after somebody as strong as me best use something other than that no blimp boy having yee yee ass $30 haircut. And maybe next time you won't find yourself on the receiving end faster than Joseph joestar can say you're next lines.
Next goofy ah inflation scenario that someone says I'm gonna try draw it
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>>115041 Draw my fat blimp ass coming in your Mom
>>115041 Maybe a subversion of the frog and the ox scenario except the inflatee is not the one praising themselves but someone else is, and they idolize them in front of someone. So that person inflates their friend and idol the be bigger than someone else, if that makes sense. Open for someone to help explain better or intrepret
Cock ring cumflation. So far I've only seen one piece of art (that I can't find), a few greentexts, and that one disco-kitten video cover this niche, and it seems so titillating.
>>115043 >>115179 None of these goofy enough? Fine I got one too dumb not to do. Clown sits on pie. Ass explodes. If that doesn't get you I don't know what is goofy enough outside of maybe her friend laughs so hard at the two angry sentient eyes in a pile of scraps that was once her friend she falls accidentally on a garden hose mouth and or ass first and gets bursted like a fat water balloon as karma. Now a pair of sad eyes can match her friends angry sentient ones. Images for fun as I'm taking the piss on this one do whatever with clown design although if you are to use these two i think party hat would be good for ass pie and raggedy blue and red strip anne would make a fun water balloon
When a needle pokes a balloon but instead of them popping right away it causes a delayed cartoon effect reaction where intense squealing is hear like air leaking out then the individual in question out of nowhere starts to rapidly bloat up either everything ubering or compressing until their at absolute limits before exploding or shattering as i never really liked a pin popping that didn't have strain. A example of this done perfect is the fish and sharko fish inflation scene
>>115393 Zig and sharko my bad
>>115043 >>115258 magic whoopee cushion resulting in butt inflation, maybe even causing their butt to inflate every time in pass gas?
I did discover an scp where can kinda result in inflation. It’s called SCP 1863 and it’s two sodas. One creates a bladder that inflates with hydrogen and makes the subject float like 3 meters and the other one makes not need to breathe air, I think. When combined, they make the digestive tract inflate until (data expunged). I’m sure it can be used in our fantasies, make it more body inflation friendly, right?
>>80755 dunno if its just me but I like the idea of like spores or some sort of airborne containment that will cause someone to inflate. bonus points if it causes the body to create a repeating cycle that makes the person bloat even more
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Giantesses inflating normal sized people with milk.
>>116147 How about girlfriend turning into a giantess and inflating her boyfriend at the same time to keep him to similar size as her as she grows?
>>116166 >You honestly hadn't considered them as potential girlfriends when you first met them. Shorter than you, and rather flat chested you had hardly noticed when they ordered the growth shakes. But notice you did as they all began growing taller, stronger and more athletic. Soon you couldn't take your eyes off their massive mammaries, growing larger and larger before you. The sets of milky melons stood tantalizingly close to your lips. But before you could taste a single drop you had to promise to date all of them.
I know we have blueberry but other types of fruit or veggie could also work.
That randomland lady from that episode of spongebob, either her inflated or her inflating someone else
Contagious inflation
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I was thinking of body inflation in the setting of a Japanese game show
How about dr. Kablamus from the mask cartoon but genderbent?
>>80755 What about a girl that inflates the more you sexually please her, like for example: You are with this chick, and you cuddle with her, the more you do cuddles the faster she swells, but if you squish her breasts, or tease her with sexual activities she will inflate even faster so imagine what will happen if you do sex with her
One really mean idea I’ve only seen a few times is someone being turned into a living sprinkler. Where they’ve been blown up with water, and start spraying water out of their other holes, so they sit there blown up, not changing size because the water going in through the hose is being sprayed out at the same rate. The visual of them sat there huge, vibrating whilst they blast water from themselves, unable to stop this until someone else turns the water off is fantastic. I’ve only ever seen this twice, once in a hell resident comic, and the other is fucking SpongeBob of all places
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All the way through. Implied and factual.
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Burst lust: when an inflatee goes from not wanting to pop to demanding to burst. Thoughts?
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Beating the heat.
>>119491 Love it, love the idea of mind break in inflation, not to mention if it involves corruption, say popping completes the corruption. They could even have a new body maybe
>>119652 That would be the best scenario for elastic superheroes, turning then into slutty, pop obsessed blimps, letting the villain or villainess use the them as a pervert toy and or a reusable gas spreading weapon
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Casual, public, acceptable, or useful pump up's.
I guess revenge sequels. I have a couple of stories that I think deserve a revenge sequel. The first story I read was called Sophie’s Blueberry Nightmare where basically a jealous girl pops a guys girlfriend via blueberry inflation in front of him. The blueberry in question is the title character. The jealous girl wasn’t there to witness what she did, but the boyfriend did swear revenge. The second story call The Abandoned Candy Factory had a couple investigate said candy factory, and in the story there is a mystery where women are turning into blueberries and exploding. The girlfriend finds a piece of candy and lo and behold, she starts turning into a blueberry and inevitably explodes in front of her boyfriend. The story ends with him leaving heartbroken and depressed. Now I would love to see a continuation of these plot lines and what happens with the boyfriends. What would you do in there place? Would you like to see them succeed or fail? Or how would you write sequels to those stories? The stories can be found on bodyinflation.org Thanks for reading my venting
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>orgasm handsfree >so close and yet never getting off Which is better?
Gets. >>119999 >>120000 Check them.
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The agents from helluva boss
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>>81831 This but without bullying.
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Females telling themselves they can always stop. And then they don't.
Remakes and revenge inflation.
>>120406 More accurate remaking terrible art into something great to be honest.
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Whipped cream.
You know...what if someone posted good inflation content on YouTube but to get by age restrictions, have it unlisted, have the videos on a faded overlay and shrunken within something that would be boring like multi-hour gameplay some static background with relaxing music, no-commentary, with times secretly put in description or comments, and hide the playlist, kinda. Honestly it should only be findable to people who are actively looking for it. Put the playlist on a channel that no one would really suspect or visit but us inflationists including ones who can create an account. Oh and hide it with other videos so no one can suspect a thing including YouTube algorithm Thoughts?
>>122048 We used to do that until they automated the report system.
>>122049 I see some other people (non inflation content) having success. They must be doing something right. It’s just hard to find good inflation videos that can last on YouTube. There just has to be a better way to access without needing to create an account and can be hidden
How about animating inflation audio content? Also what is everyone’s favourite inflation audio content creator?
Starting to learn lucid dreaming. What are some good inflation scenarios I should try in dreams.
competetive sports like dodgeball but the members of the losing team, one or two at any given time, blows up into massive blimps and slowly ascend to the skies. their attire are built for stretching to enlarge their details and illuminated from the wearers' glowing bodies, the glow of their favourite colors. they continue to inflate and acend until they loudly detonate in the skies as fireworks matching the color of their glow.
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As someone into transformation as well. I had a few. * A character is inflated with ink until they pop which results in them reforming as/transforming into an Inkling or Octoling. Simon and Nia are both inflatees with a lot of potential since you could easily justify them inflating into pleasurable balloons by having them use Spiral Energy Yun and Mei from Godzilla Singular Point also are some good inflatees since there's a material in that show called Archetpye which has the ability to bend reality meaning you could inflate them regularly or even transform them into a pair of inflatable kaiju or bloated giant balloon versions of themselves with painted on smiles Also going to share something I thought of with Kirito and Asuna I brought up in another thread >Basically Kirito and Asuna are playing some VR Game. Could be Alfheim, Project Alicization, Unital Ring, or SAO or they could be playing a VR version of Fall Guys. Either way, they find out one of the status effects is one of the developer's barely disguised fetish wherein they inflate into a huge juicy blueberry. However, when they inflate in game, they inflate in the real world. Just rather differently. >Whereas their clothes both stay intact in game, their clothes tear apart in the real world. Leaving the two naked. While they're being filled up with juice in game, their bodies are being expanded with air back in the real world. Perhaps Kirito and Asuna decided to stay at the other's while playing this game leading to them finding each other in this freaky inflated state when the two decided to log out of the game. One more idea I thought of was the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5 being in what seems to be a palace only to get flattened paper thin and carried off and hypnotized into pleasurably and lewdly inflating themselves before they snap out right when they start turning into rubbery balloons and are brainwashed again into being horny about inflating themselves now with their clothes merged into their bodies and faces painted on with goofy grins Last idea is of Lex Luthor from My Adventures with Superman. He'd be force-fed 40 cakes by Mr. Mxyzptlk. That's as many as four tens and that's terrible. And since Mr. Mxyzptlk is a reality warper it could lead to two outcomes. Lex is fattened up from all the cake forced into him and is demanding to have all the fat gotten rid of and Mr. Mxyzptlk complies by turning all that fat into air or juice leaving Lex as an utterly humiliated balloon or berry for Metropolis to gawk at. The cake doesn't seem to be fattening him up... which seems like a relief for Lex... only for him to start inflating into whatevery fruit the cake's flavor was.
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>>80755 One thing I would like to see is characters from indie series because I love their desings,like for example
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>>122949 Yes, I love your ideas, especially the first one. I really wish that concept was more popular. Including in animated or comic form. Me personally, like popping resulting in transformation involving toons, clown girls, slime girls, or succubi. I only came across a toon popping transformation on cyoc, specifically the Welcome to Toon World story, on the Toon Virus chapter and the following chapter. Slime one involved a furry, so I won’t say much more about it and it was a comic. The slime transformation concept made me think of the 3rd issue of The Depravity of Dr. D. Lite where the doctor experiments on a young woman by turning her into a slime girl before pumping her full of gas until she explodes, which really pissed her off. She came back in the next issue as a villain for the series stretchy super heroine. I like the idea of an explosion creating a villain, even if it’s not immediate, like Dr. D. Lite’s origin story in the 5th and unfortunately last issue. She did some balloon experiment which overinflated and filled the lab until it exploded in her face, and I think she got her chemicals spilled on her. I think she was trying to create and unpoppable balloon, similar to Dr. Kablamus from the Mask cartoon. Now for clowns/clown girls, I just see that as a perfect fit for them, especially if they have wacky magic. I just imagine them inflating someone in front of a huge audience as a volunteer, and bursting them and they just become one of them to join their wacky circus. I just hope I can see content with this concept. Almost forgot about succubi. Basically a succubus making a human experience a popgasm to transform them into a succubus.
>>122985 Yeah, I see a lot of art where Verosika is inflated, but never as the inflator. Would be nice to see her as a dom
Tonight, I’m going to try to listen to a inflation hypnosis playlist in my sleep. Gonna wake up at 3 am before putting it on. I heard about dreams being influenced with soft audio while you sleep. Wish there was more playlists. At least my to options of no age restricted videos in them. Wish me luck for inflation dreams.
>character takes entire bottle of blood low pressure pills confusing them of something else or is just suicidal? >Sighs in depression or begins to panic depending on story choice as they rapidly begin to blow up like a violently growing balloon! > Person or persons are forced to watch them reach inhuman cartoonish size as they look like a inflated stuffed toy of what they used to be before exploding like a giant water balloon as a sea of red flys everywhere! Personally the suicide route would look more fluid and make more sense but I left the other option as a what if she tried to commit die but (I don't know) the collage bully eats them like a jerk because there in a mini m&m bottle and falls victim instead for a "good ending" option. Also in case it wasn't obvious low blood pressure meds raise you're blood flow hence why I didn't say high blood pressure as the goal is inflated by your own body filling you like a human tick because why not? Horror cute funny haha.
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well some chars. I'd like to see get round are some of the ladies from Classic UPA shorts. Those real stylized designs would look real cute round!
>>123322 Was unsuccessful last weekend. First night, I woke at 3 am and then put on the playlist. Made it an hour in or so before, I don’t know, the internet cut out or something. It was about 4 am when I noticed it wasn’t playing. Didn’t even make it back into REM. Night two, my watch alarm didn’t wake me. It was after 6:30 am or so when I woke. I’m going to try again with the other playlist this upcoming weekend. It’s about 2 hours long but some give me inflation dreams, as long as the internet cooperates. I’ll go to bed at 10:30 and I have set my alarm for 3:30 am. I am using YouTube on my TV because that is all I have. Don’t judge me.
Wonky gum and filly lifting drink combination
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An alternate scenario for Violet I've always loved is the concept of her having to run to the juicing room WHILE she's blowing up Struggling more and more as she gets bigger and bigger, desperate to make it… Can work with any inflation scenario though really. Would look something like pic related, only the struggle would keep increasing
Aki from the Ape Escape games. I just think she needs more art in general.
My absolute favorite inflation idea is contagious inflation. As in multiple people end up inflating and it spreads to other people. Example one: Girl drinks tainted milk, girl starts filling with up with milk, girl leaks milk or pops, (Personally I prefer non harmful/fatal popping) other people hit by the milk start inflating too. Example two: Person inflates, pops, releases chemical or gas that causes others who breathe it to also inflate. This also leads to another idea I love, multiple people inflating in one space. Pressing up against one another and squeezing together as they quickly outgrow the space.
Casi from Ape Escape. There's barely any of her inflated aside from a few drawn by 1 person.
>>128988 Source?
While I don't have any unique inflation ideas, I have like a few characters that are underrated so here's one that's been on my recently that being, v from murder drones. (Sorry if the character is from something people consider cringe).
>>130209 One person's cringe is another person's treasure. I'm less worried about that and more worried about if she's underage or not as long as she's of age take that tail hose and blow it for all I care
>>130227 Don't worry, I don't think she's underage. Also it's nice to another person who wish to see v inflated like a big balloon
>>130246 Nice to see another* sorry for the typo.
>>130227 Hi, fellow Murder Drone's fan. I can assure you V is not underaged. None of the characters are really (except maybe the flashback versions of some characters).
>>130269 Ok good to know it would be appreciated for further context if you can but good to know
>>102229 full comic of the 2rd picture Please.
I totaldy love the idea of the Grimwood girls getting inflated.
>>130209 >Overheating >Bloatware virus Robot girls have pretty peaks methods of inflation so not a bad idea. Especially Murder Drones characters specifically since you can add inflation through their tails on top of those other things.
>>130479 Those are some pretty nice ideas, glad I'm not the only one who wants to see v become a massive blimp.
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i think we can all see the potential here
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>>130271 It's pretty lore heavy and might not make a whole lot of sense out of context, especially given Murder Drones' timeline is extremely vague, but I'm willing to try and provide what information I can. I'm also gonna try and keep this as spoiler free as I can in case anyone wants to watch the show themselves. No currently living named character has a confirmed age to the extent of my knowledge, but we have general ranges for most of them. Uzi and her classmates have been confirmed to be between 18 and 20 years old due to several of their (unimportant and killed off screen) classmates having listed ages between 18 and 20, so it's safe to assume Uzi and anyone who attends class with her is also within that age range. V, N, and J are older than Uzi by a fair bit since they were active before Uzi was born, though this only applies to their current Disassembly Drone selves. There are several flashbacks that shows the trio as worker drones, but we have no idea how long they've been active for in those flashbacks. Naturally, this also applies to the shows main antagonist, Cyn, though she's a little more clear as she's explicitly stated to be a "Robo-child" in the flashbacks. However, it should be noted that Cyn is still older than Uzi as Cyn was acquainted with Uzi's mom prior to her even getting married.
im still sad and angry that no one likes strongfat/butch/bifauxen body inflation. I dont know i just like strong gurls be turned into human wrecking balls ;-;. But sadly theres like few to zero content of it... The only thing i can think of right now is Alanis from Mabo or the scientist woman from Sno-Bo Btw someone knows any other artist who does stuff like this?
>>130579 >strongfat/butch/bifauxen It's because these are already rare and rare times rare gives you super rare.
>>130583 ;-; fuck I just want a ballooned butch
>>130584 Try https://boards.4chan.org/d/catalog#s=draw and click on the general titled /d/rawthread. Mind the absence of a request anchor.
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>>130579 Nobody's against strong girls turned butter balls it's just it's rarely done >>130566 You're not the only one. Mento and coke has been a long time favorite inflation method. I rarely see it bottle to lips though? Alternatively there's the old pop rocks and soda creepypasta which was confirmed fake that years ago people used to believe a kid named Mikey from a cereal commercial or something popped himself after consuming pop rocks and soda but it was all just a creepypasta falsely spread. There's actually physical evidence that due to stomach acids in our belly it's actually hard to cause a proper reaction but the best and only way is mentos first then coke as otherwise the coke looses it's fizz before the mentos goes down. I know kind of ruins the fill a girl with soda then pop a mint in watch her grow fantasy but sadly it's true. Mentos must come first or the reaction doesn't work properly. Even so you won't pop just a massive belly with aching. A tasty snack
>>130600 But honestly I believe pop rocks and soda may predate mentos and coke as a inflation urban legend. So yeah do with that what you like
i dont know if counts as underrated or smt. But have you realized almost no one does CGI body inflation? Only Qualtro once...They use suits, props, even sometimes warping, but never CGI, except JMMATES. Bro, a buff lumberjack-like woman bloating up with realistic cgi would rock, a person can only dream i guess ;-;
>>130590 i dont fully get it, what i have to do in there? I just ask?
A literal inflatable driven by some kind of magic, by a spirit, by a succubus... everything except TF is underrated IMO. Even Pooko-chan.
...but speaking about magic creatures, the inflatable itself is not that necessary. Imagine her belly ten times bigger!
>>130618 You post "Requesting" followed by your idea for an image and a reference image. /d/ is for Eastern anime and manga and /aco/ is for Western comics and cartoons, and it's about getting lucky an artist taking up your idea. Always be thankful and wait for a while to re-request with something else.
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Surprised nobody's done inflation of the genderbent inn episode of interspecies reviewers? Especially with the potential of FEM skunk x FEM zel as big blimped lesbians. My goodness I'd drop some coin to see that maybe even join in.
>A assassin' tries to kill someone. >There victim then plugs them into their motorcycle exhaust. >Motorist turns the gas or throttle and let's it rip! >Assassin or whoever begins to inflate. >Assassin or whoever over inflates. >Explodes into scraps Fin. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/15FXnEXTkA/
ironically got the idea from a gender reveal party. Another idea! Permanent popping. Gender reveal party in Aztec times where a ritual sacrifice is preformed by blowing air up someone's ass after feeding them pink or blue dust. They are puffed until they explode revealing the baby's gender. Alternatively just ritual sacrifice+ inflation because why not dark horror movies crap.
>>130763 >>130766 Also, these plus imbapovi's style plus translucency. It fits both "magic gal" and "magic latex" perfectly, but almost never used. Imagine Pooko inflating herself indefinitely, trying to impress the POV character.
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There are some examples of "safe popping" or "popping orgasm" (Skie Maree, imbapovi, nathanounce IIRC), combined with infinite elasticity. But the infinite elasticity without popping (yes, that means invincibility!) is underrated IMO. The only example I have is "magic latex" again. Glad to see no sharp objects can pop her.
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Shit I'm too bored but I guess seeing all sugarrollarts au things maybe a spiderman au but nothing changes outside of Peter having a extra twink boyfriend that can pull off the mj outfit?
>>119910 sauce? image reverse isnt working
>>132162 Who is this person?
The Toxic Glow Urchins from Monsters University, and by extension... Claire Wheeler. Considering that Squishy got one of those things thrown into his mouth, I thought to myself: "What if it was Claire, instead?"
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Taking a short adult creature or chibi as I believe it's coined something the size of a mouse or hamster and filling said human up to a unbelievable size to you it's like a yoga ball or small balloon being blown up in you're hand, to them it's like gallons of gushing wind is filling them to there breaking point! But mini human inflation is a interesting concept think antman or wasp or in the example below mini chibi Mila from miside who is the physical embodiment of the games tiny cutsy cut scenes given physical form. Just the idea of being manhandled by a giant who's like your my party balloon now is a crazy concept I need more of Alternatively I guess it could be a normal human size vs a giant instead of a tiny hamster human vs a regular human but either way gives the same vibe if you ask me although I feel being handled by a giant gives a more pov you wish to be someone's tight balloon vs the reverse which is you wanting to be the dominant giant with a tiny balloon creature at the mercy of your mighty lungs!
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This is why I feel chibidoki inflation is a legitimate thing just the idea of this small adult goober goblin getting blown to the point those derpy eyes actually have a definitive reason to go sideways. I know I'm not the only one with these tastes shrinkage or shrinking fetish Plus inflation is just as popular as giantess inflation but both are oddities and rare sub genre in this community
Rarely inflated or at least from what I've seen. Ezra scarlet needs some more balloon art! She's practically the most fan service bait out of all the fairy tail characters. She's much more than just a female Zoro but if you want Stern masculine Zoro warrior traits wrapped up in a slightly submissive and breedable package I can't recommend her enough! Leaves me to Segway a bit, Got into fairy tail via friend recommendation and it's been a entertaining ride! with one piece on hiatus until april I suggest now's my best recommendation to give it a try! 100 year quest is the better compared to the original but still start from ground up and you'll get there! I know I made the female zoro comparison and although she kinda is It's not exactly a one piece clone like every keeps yapping about! Their two different stories just similar traits like 100 year quest having its own seven warlord system. And the characters are vastly different too just similarities due to the creator being a fan of oda. Guildarts is not shanks heck he didn't even look close in the manga and was changed that way for laughs in the anime. But seriously why isn't Erza getting bloomed more! People are sleeping on this 20 plus baddie of a goddess again all the resolve and sterness of Zoro mixed with a habit of falling into the occasional fan service trap similar to darkness. Also Bonus spoilered jellal getting inflated & femdomed because why not give the male inflation fans some extra fire fuel too!
>>88357 sauce pls?
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This scene from Proud Family S2E3 involving Oscar. The shape is fun and I'm a sucker for tight-buttoned shirts, but I do imagine it being Trudy instead that gets inflated (and a few more moms from Disney TVA, but I digress)
>>133435 You are a man of culture and taste. Minigirl inflation is peak.
CRAZY (English ver.)LE SSERAFIM takes place in a party balloon shop with a bunch of gals. Ideas can spawn ones mind quite heavily.
Transparency is criminally underrated, there's just something hot about someone inflating to the point of their skin being stretched thin
>>136875 I think simply it's because it's harder to do you gotta make sure underlay is just right or everything messes up
game powerup when collected makes the character float but they round out like a balloon (much like a p-balloon), and the effects stack and with each stack they get more drawn to this poweup if its nearby from addiction and will keep collecting them if unmonitored until they pop from bliss and overinflation
>>122985 >>122986 i hate the fact that i recognize that artstyle...
Another thing that I like but have only seen like twice is someone using a person as a pump to blow some up with
Angel Dynamite/Cassidy Williams from Scooby-Doo: Mystery Inc. I just think she has a neat design that I wouldn't mind seeing fat or something.

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