/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Male Inflation Thread 2 Anonymous 03/04/2024 (Mon) 04:01:25 Id:c811e4 No. 108240
Back for moar
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>>108240 drawn sequence from previous thread
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Not to be a smartass,but this is technically speaking the third since the last one was also a sequel thread. But that's unimportant,here we go again boys. Here's to another 400.
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I hate toxic gamers
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Just putting the shit I liked from last thread here so I don’t lose it
>>108265 can you fulfill a request? Can you draw a boy naked, swollen into an orb, floating in the air, getting off and cumming by being humiliated by bystanders laughing
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>>108386 based. thank you
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>>108386 yooo that's so cool!! if you don't mind me doing a request: mettaton EX from undertale is a boy who i think is very underrated, would love to see him get inflated/fattened. am i cringe? yes.
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(1.19 MB 3200x2500 Full Metal Berry.png)
You know, considering the character, I would think Edward Elric would be so fucking happy if he was a big balloon/berry. Can't call him short if he's the size of a building. Also, Draw anon, could you give us a better name for us to call you? I'm thinking "Politically Inflatable" Or "PoL-Inf" for short.
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Also, have some art of Gen Asagiri I've commissioned over the years.
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>>108428 erin (air-in haha) is fine, i'll consider requests after a short break. here's another drawing meanwhile. more space trip shenanigans, feel free to comment on it
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>>108433 You should definitely create an account somewhere, your art's too good to go missing if this place ever goes down. If I could add a request for when you return, any of these guys as huge, taut blimps would be awesome!
needs more femdom and inflation
>>108474 I agree. They go together like cute boys and helium tanks
>>108433 All hail Erin! King of the male threads!
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>>108487 Not sure Marceline fits the theme. Maybe Season 1 Marceline. Regardless, good stuff drawfren.
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I'll jump aboard... a mix of mostly WIPs, many of which were in the last thread... most of them are self portraits since when I like male inflation it's the thought of myself being pumped up which gets me going. Enjoy <3
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part the second
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and finally some 3D WIPs... the wippiest of all the wips
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>>108526 damn looking good so far
>>108487 Can we get Simon x Betty or maybe bubblegum and Marceline both fem versions and genderbent marshall lee and bubble gary? (Female versions can be posted in women blowing women thread) But honestly I wouldn't mind seeing you blow up both the male and female cast you'd make some good stuff of both!
>>108483 Source on that last pic?
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>>108524 >>108525 hot drawings and dialogue. the inflatees (you) in there should explode violently after cumming or cum when they pop
“Best Of” from 1st thread Part. 1 of ?
>>108550 Hehe, thanks. Going boom is definitely the end goal, though I'm yet to draw it
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Would kill to see female characters from helluva boss inflate human males, especially verosika mayday
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>>108550 Nice to see my little blueberry femboy doing well, hope your treating him nicely.
Upload more on inflated femboys
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redrawing of an old drawing
>>108869 God. There needs to be more femdom inflation. What I'd give to be in that position. Stellar work as always, drawfriend.
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Unironically since last thread and whoever requested Luffy boa shit ive been having one piece brain rot on the mind and you know what whole cake ballooned Sanji getting femdomed by Nami sounds like a mood! after what he did to Luffy in that arc he deserves some horny punishment! And all the pervy behavior over the years he deserves his cock being held shut by namis iron clad hand grip until he explodes from filling with his own sploogg. Maybe her mocking him for how easy he is to tease himself into filling up into oblivion at just a cocks touch or something? If he's lucky maybe he'll finish hes off with her lips? But hand to cock grip cum inflation is deserving for a naughty pervert like him!
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>>108308 sequel
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>>108869 If you're still taking requests, can you have a femdom piece with a spherical Sora with Kairi teasing his swollen cock?
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>>108869 continuation of an old drawing >>109053 still on break, requests open when I'm less busy
>>109082 ah no problem then, take your time.
>>109082 >>109005 Same. Just save it in a folder and back burner it for later. Seeing a great fun idea someday is better than not at all just have fun and poor you're heart in it. I'm more than willing to wait a week or even a month if necessary as long as I can see fun ideas like this gain life! I think majority of us have the same sentiment.
>>109087 Enjoy your break
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>>108869 final part also thanks for the wishes
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>>108429 Gonna post an undies only alt to that Gen pic Also a Ryuji balloon from FatWeeg
>>109091 So long you absolute legend
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>>109270 Artist for the first one?
>>109270 >ywn have Haru accidentally feed you ballooning mochi she made based on a recipe from the Velvet Room >ywn burst out of your clothes in front of her as your body begins to swell uncontrollably, shirt ripping and belt popping to complement your caricaturised form >ywn see her with sincere innocence, concern and fascination while she squeezes and pokes her bubbling balloon boy (You). >ywn feel your own libido spiking with the rising air pressure, forcing your ruined pants to tent and squeeze erotically against your tubby thighs. >ywn continue to expand into a creaking, rubbery ball strained by the sheer volume of gas filling your frame. >ywn have her struggle to figure out a way to deflate you while the big pale sphere that is you takes up half the room. >ywn be undoubtedly horny and sensitive as fuck from being tight as a drum. >ywn embarrass yourself by cumming in front of her. >ywn have to be rolled or tethered toward the Velvet room to be cured. >ywn be seen by the other female Phantom Thieves, who each have their own reactions to their leader being a human parade float. >ywn find out that this may or may not be permanent. >ywn be stuck as a permaballoon with Haru as your handler. >ywn Curse this gay earth and its lack of supernatural wonder.
Need more Bridget in here
Bridgette's a female character, bud.
>>109326 >>109370 bridget is a girl theres a bridget thread on /ee/ go post it there i dont want that thread dying
>>109378 >>109380 Ghis is pre-STRIVE Bridget you dumbasses. And no their isn't?
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less complaining more posting
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>>109365 >ywn be seen by the other female Phantom Thieves, who each have their own reactions to their leader being a human parade float God please...
>>109396 Imagine. >Ann: Is of course the first to act, if not being weirded out, trying with somewhat wavered determination to find a way to deflate you. Squeezing, sticking you with a pin (Not that one.) or just letting the air seep out on its own. Of course she can't help but take note of how soft and pliable your body is. And the admittedly engorged length you're sporting having stained your unlucky underwear. >Futaba: Smug as fuck and already making comments about your size in both respects. Silently musing about how much more you could take until your clothes aren't the only thing that will have popped. Maybe she'll have decided to take some photos to commemorate (and distribute) the occasion. Maybe she'll have given your round gut a quick fondle for "intel" on the situation, pressing into taut flesh every now and then to her those cute squeaks you make. >Makoto: Downright confused, but concerned for your safety. Though the sight of her leader being so comically large and spherical is enough to make her laugh. Not by much, just a chuckle or two. Maybe with the high ptiched whine of air leaking from your nips or behind is enough to make her go into a full-blown laughing fit. She'll of course aid Ann in her endeavours. >Haru: Still suffering second-hand embarrassment, considering she was the cause of the incident. Is desperately trying to shutter through the archives for a solution, but her thoughts are still set on how she managed to force a reaction in you so quickly. So so quickly, leaving you helpless and dependent on the others. So fluffy, shiny, big and round. >She quickly throws the thoughts out the window with a furious blush while going through the status effects section. >Making a subconscious note to save the mochi recipe for later. I dunnoe if I got things down accurately but that's just a bit of musing on my part. >Forgot Sumire Shiet.
>>109270 Who is the artist for the last One?
>>109433 nuumatic on DA
Rob lucci getting blown by Luffy because why not you seam to have one piece male inflation fans in your mist and I don't know what to do with this find?
Am I allowed to ask people if they can draw a request
And could it possibly be luck from black clover drawn pls
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>>109479 Might be right.
>>109502 >>108550 Can I see my little blueberry boy enjoying himself while teasing the reader? I know how bratty he gets when he’s a big blueberry.
Is it ok if you can do water inflation with luck to while he is enjoying it, if it is ok or you can just do other requests it's fine if you don't.
Anyone have any male tatylormadeclips videos?
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>>109649 GOD your stuff is so hot and cute too.... aaaa... requesting mettaton gettin' big again, would love to see more art of him :3
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>>109708 Love the way you draw boners. Also, would you be able to go back and do this one? >>109053
If it’s ok, could you draw Darius (Owl House) filling and swelling up with abomination goo or something?
Or maybe a genderbend take of Violet Beauregarde (any version).
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How about Tai & Matt from Digimon in an inflation contest? To see who can be the biggest. Or TK being inflated by Kari to make a comfy bed out of him
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>>109005 Since you're back into requests I'll be bumping this down. Again no rush. Kind of just think it would be fun to see some Nami Sanji femdom particularly in wholecake island arc.
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edit I made, also I'll get back to requests soon
>>109730 Oh so just sharing old finished ones then again that's fine no rush I'm good with waiting on the Sanji idea for however long. Guess you can always sweeten the pot by making it a mini sequence with a pop or have a bonus where Nami gets cocky and gives him a blowjob blowing up and bursting her as a result? Sky is the limit on panel and alternative endings. But you got my idea on paper at least I hope and tucked away gonna be fun to see what you come up with in time. And take care and enjoy your break with a nice drink pool side
>>109746 Could you make Shinji the same height as Asuka?
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>>109817 I'm a huge fan of your work as well and I have a request of my own. Seeing as Rinko Iori has had lots of inflation art of herself. Perhaps she could introduce her husband Takeshi to getting inflated. If you don't like that idea, then maybe inflate one or two of the Pokeboys presented (Luca from Pokemon Duel, Alain from the X and Y anime, Cheren from the Unova duology, the two judges from some TCG cards) as a followup to >>109493
(358.04 KB 2000x2000 get-p-ballooned-nerd.PNG)
yeah I'll get to requests when i'm more free in a few weeks or so
>>109827 Regardless. Thank you for your generosity in drawing all the art you’ve drawn so far!
>>109827 Same your work is appreciated
>>109827 I appreciate your amazing work regardless
Can i ask for a picture to be colored here?
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>>109827 suggest what happens to me next I'll pick the one I like
>>109891 To that character specifically or just any sort of request in general?
>>109898 Wasnt your co workers putting shit in your mailbox. Maybe its time to reflect. Youre the issue you stole texas spot. Im not covering for u anymore
>>109899 >random schizobabble Anon, what the fuck are you on about?
>>109900 Do something. All this talking. Do something. Its dapper time don dondada
>Bot and /or autist Figures.
>>109902 Im stalking you. Your every move.
>>109898 yeah to that character, I'm also currently drawing some requests but slowly
>>109901 Why is this person in every single thread. This is the 4th or fifth time I've seen them pop up at least the 3rd! Someone be trolling. Please someone force feed them there meds with a side of baja blast up there tight femboy cheeks to teach them a lesson! Stuff a dildo in their dick as a cork for good measure to ensure they burst!
Why does all male inflation have to have giant cock/balls in it? Fuck you guys.
>>109941 Does this help? https://www.deviantart.com/smutstrut/art/Berried-Bozo-986588429 https://www.deviantart.com/kanonffa/art/Commission-Voodoo-balloon-2-0-Part-6-END-959968284
>>109891 have a third p balloon make you so big your clothes rip off and you float around exposed with your swollen cock cumming endlessly
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>>109944 oh no my clothes exploded off me after stacking the effects of 3 p-balloons
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>>110041 oof that hurt
>>110134 make him file his income tax
>>110137 I owe to much money. Im amending to next year after this market year goes up hahahaha
>>110138 And I took a big lose on a different account to cover my taxes this year from money I took out else where HAHAHAHA.
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I liked erin's idea of a bad trip inflating you so I did my own spin on it. May or may not color this
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>>110159 based >>109005 here
>>110235 Appreciated you didn't have to rush through it for me either I just wanted to make sure you had it back up to your computer or something. In case the thread died and restarted. If you like in future feel free to take it as far as you like. Blow him bigger, pop him whatever suits you're fancy with curly brow. I just wanted to get in the action with a request for once. Take care and have a lovely day!
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>>110159 I ended up coloring it
>>110235 Attempted some quick colors for fun. Just love how he looks so ripe to burst! Hands squeezing his cock preventing him the satisfaction of anything but bursting apart! Thanks anon again whether you continue it further or not I think you did a fantastic job!
>>110258 I'm happy to possibly attempt more colors in my free time as a thank you as well only if of course you throw me the transparent png backgrounds as cutting out every triangle can be a bitch lol
>>110251 Think you could do a berry alt of this? Or maybe some more big balloon/berry boners?
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>>110273 sure why not Can't promise if I'll draw more or not but if I end up drawing more I'll drop it here.
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>>110275 at the very least, I'll repost the stuff I did in the previous thread
I want Konosuba's Kazyua, please
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>>110276 Thanks again for the Sig. Though his right arm is meant to be red. Did do a quick edit to fix that, with a pal of mine doing a berry alt >>110273 Personally, I would LOVE for a Neku and Shiki version of this but this is damn good too.
>>110306 >Neku and Shiki Keeping that idea on the back-burner for now.
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>>110306 I tried. Feel kinda meh over this one but I'll share it regardless.
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>>110137 my income after including tax
>>110653 God that's so hot, thanks brother
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Okay, here's an art request. I'd like to draw Pinkie Pie puffkisses Antoine on the lips, both naked. With color.
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>>110681 you're welcome, I enjoyed drawing myself interacting with the board here
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>>110745 no color sorry pls dont pop me
>>110764 Very nice, thanks!
>>110771 You do it.
Femboy inflation pls
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You know the story Great Inflations by Alec deluxe? What if someone made illustrations to that story, maybe other well known male inflation stories?
>>110902 Alec makes amazing stories like my favorite balloon party and so many more! I believe he had some story called practical balloon magic where Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock punish some naughty collage student trick or treat pranksters a mix of men and women dressed as mummys witches and werewolves by bursting them in different looner styles from blowkiss blow to pop via mouths and dicks to sit to pops and it ends with Nicole blowing up herself with magic wine and overinflating and squeezing to pop her and either a guy or girl protagonist in a al gore costume? So what a suit and tie I assume? Either way fun read! And I remember really being memorized by the Nicole Kidman blimp squeezing at the end!
Here's the werewolf and ghoul ghosts part! I removed whatever cringe Halloween song Alec was referencing as it's kinda a mood killer.
You can read the full thing if you like but I suggest replacing the cursed song lyrics like lve had to do. Don't know why you'd add cringe like that in a fetish story otherwise this story is perfect for femdom fans! https://www.bodyinflation.org/node/28007
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Bit of a cursed request, but... care to draw some Legion and/or NCR femboys getting blimped?
There needs to be a dickless/bulgeless male inflation thread. How did this trend even catch on and dominate all the male content?
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>>110917 But that's like half the fun!
>>110939 I second this like the horny bastard I am.
>>110918 This one is so good. Imagine getting turned into a big flustered, helpless, balloon boy-toy just because someone wanted a better view of the stage :3 You post nothing but (sometimes literal) bangers If/when you start taking requests again do you think you could make something more gentle-femdom or romantic oriented? It's just really rare to find that type of dynamic in inflation and I like fluffy romance stuff. i.e: Affectionate teasing, passionate puffkissing, complimenting about how good of a balloon they are, aftercare (after popping), cuddling, etc. Maybe of these 2 since they're really cute together and seem to have a kind of playful teasing dynamic that would fit with it. Even if you don't do my request thank you for posting here in general, it really adds so much to the thread.
>>110917 Because people want big throbbing balloon men dominated by blimp women?
>>110258 Also damn that's hot! Potential sequels in future?
>>110975 My apologies blimp loving women but blimping men and women isn't bad either! Or boy on boy!
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>>110918 >>110967 I know right! Imagine them teasing that tight boy blimp cock as it twitches willing to blow off at any moment as those hands just caress and poke at you ending in either your underwear slid down and then sucking that big juicy cock before blowing the cum back into you with a power gust of lungs! Either that or this sneakers come off as your given I don't know? Maybe a soft stocking foot job as tight as your going to cum you're lover slaps their feet together clamping shut there cock causing them to rupture apart into confetti over the crowd!
>>110979 He absolutely deserves to be edged into an impromptu pyrotechnics display but I was thinking of something less aggressive and more overstimulating him until he's nothing but a pent up flustered mess that can think of nothing but how he just needs to blow. Whispering into his ear about how cute he is inflated before gently biting it. Pushing her face into his soft air mattress of a body, caressing his soft, taut, sensitive skin. Squeezing him tightly to accentuate the pressure. Riding up his shirt to play with his puffy nipples and make him feel more embarrassed and exposed. Kissing him all over his body in between massive, passionate puffkisses. Slipping off her panties and ride his face, bouncing up and down like a yoga ball. Finally moving down to caress his puffy cock and gently stroke it, feeling his entire body groan and creak with every twitch of his body. And he's just a completely horny, flustered, ball. Body heating up and full of air, completely embarrassed and overwhelmed, what little he can think about is how much he needs release, how he so badly needs some massive fucking release from the growing crescendo of his body, how much he needs to pop. Constantly gulping in more air between kisses to get bigger, to feel bigger, to fuel the overwhelming pressure inside him. Desperately begging her to pop him, but she prefers to keep teasing him until he pops himself. Soon it's nearing the end of the concert and she decides to let him cum to coincide with the final note and big pyrotechnics display. Kissing and stroking his cock until he can't take anymore. He cums hard and his entire body shivers in pleasure, something he's stretched far too thin for at this point. *BANG* Emo boy cum and scraps flutter everywhere, his explosion completely eclipsing the fireworks they had planned. optionally: cut to him nude and taped together with a comical amount of hello-kitty bandaids. "Hey babe! The band was really impressed with us out there. How does being full-time pyrotechnics specialists sound to you?" "*Tired groaning*" Man I really got carried away with the horny nonsense here. At least this is the site for it, I guess. Maybe I can try and rewrite this into an actual story one day, but I'm not that confident in my abilities.
>>110992 Trigger undercover cannabis momma cop
>>110967 >pic I'm conflicted. On the one hand, smoking hot bimbo bitch who should be sucking every last drop from a cock. On the other hand, horny gal desperate to blimp the nearest guy she sees. Hmm. Seems more fitting for her to be pumped rather than doing the pumping.
>>110979 I like to imagine with inflated dicks, it negates the refractory period, and the male inflatee can be made to cum over and over again until the inflator pops him, finally satisfying his building lust and arousal. Not to mention become mildly addicted to being inflated after reforming
>>110975 I wanna be that big throbbing balloon man with a cute girl blowing me up until I burst, teasing me all the while.
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i must be like 1 of 3 people on earth into male inflation combined with bondage
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nice arguement but unfortunately I have depicted you as a twinkjak being blown up from a hex casted by a freaky neet femjak
>>111125 Nice try, unfortunately I’m into blueberries so you lost. :)
>>111125 >Pushes up nerd glasses Ehrm, actually >Detonates with enough force to send her flying, winning the argument instantly
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>>110992 tfw no gf that makes you balloon from horny til kaboom when climax
>>111136 Honestly such an underrated blimp!
>>111137 Also agree need to be a big fat boy bitch getting pumped from my big fat boy cock either by a woman or boy bitch blowing my knob till I burst! Also yeah blowjob inflation I agree with everyone who brings them up we need more of them! It's the ultimate form of flattery! Blowing your cock till you pop!
>>111005 There can be room for both. Desperate horny bimbo pumping up the first guy she sees into a taut balloon boy-toy to bounce on. Then she Sucks and fucks and milks every drop from him until she's just a sloshing cum filled bimboloon herself (or bimbomb) (posting female art just because they're part of the same sequence)
Art request. I would like to draw this one >>110682
>>111137 Very sad indeed :( It is such a hot idea, it really gets to the heart of what makes inflation and popping so good (imo at least) Just complete overwhelming lust and desire and sensation building up inside until you can't take it anymore and it just explodes out of you (except literally) >>111146 Blowjob inflation is also really hot and hard to find material of. Getting pleasured and puffed up at the same time. Both lovingly serviced and made into a helpless balloon from it.
As a side note I hope you guys are enjoying my horny rambling. I tend to like the random horny thoughts people put out on threads like these, so I thought I'd add my own.
>>111136 Do you post your stuff on any other sites? Your stuff is too good to just be left on a chan site.
>>111201 Self-indulgent horny posting is the lifeblood of these threads
>>111120 Omg ME, I would LOVE being tied up like that. It's incredible how very few people are into it
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If you're still taking request. I'd like to draw Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy play an inflated Antoine like a beachball. Full naked.
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Shoutout to Woompwomp's Tang, fuckin' silly creature.
>>111310 MORE PLEASE
>>111332 Union hire list. Theyre skilling minorites to favor whites on big projects. It needs to stop now. Do you hear me. Stop it ppl are sick and tired of you racist fucks.
>>111333 Skipping skilling sounds racist as all hell. How they get seats in the office holy hell. Their wives know what thier husbands do. Jesus
>>111032 >>111033 Who's made these arts?
>>111335 you know too much, i'm putting your name high on the list. lock your doors, we're coming :)
>>111302 Bro. Stop. You already got a request and you're asking for ANOTHER one of the same type?
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Image dump for the thread. (spoilered the one with sploding)
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And one more (for now) Also have (hopefully) all of Erin's work from last thread saved. If anyone wants reposts.
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>>111368 Third image dump because I forgot 2 parts of the sequence I'll leave at that to not spam. Don't think I have great taste but I hope some of you like them
>>111375 Sauce on the 5th image?
>>111376 AllAnchorsAweigh
>>111377 Thank you anon.
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>>111332 You've got it. (what the fuck is that guy's problem btw)
>>110918 >>110967 Imagine watching one of your favourite bands when suddenly a shorter girl behind you gets up on her tiptoes, reaches a hand under your shirt to pinch your nipple, and leans into your ear to whisper something sensual and horny, before giggling to herself at how easy it always is while you whimper and start to inflate
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Since I have nothing better to do, more self-indulgent horny posting >:3 Pls share whatever horny scenarios you can think of. idea 1: Pic related but about a shy boy being nervous and embarrassed about being some dommy woman's pop-toy >*PUMPPUMPPUMP high heels tapping against a foot pump >"Ah~~ fuck~ just like that, get bigger for me baby~ I want to feel your puffy co-!" >*huph**huph* "Wha- What's wrong my little pumpslut? Aww, you're nervous? Why? You're doing so great! You've gotten so big for me~ grinding against you like the balloon you are, hearing the cute creaks and moans you make as I squeeze you tight~" >"Just humiliated being a helpless balloon for me? Ha~ Aww, babe, you shouldn't let that get to you. It's just the two of us here~ You don't need to worry about being tough around me. Breath in and just let all of that weight bringing you down just disappear. You can be as vulnerable and as *fragile* as you want around me baby. Just empty out your head and be my toy~" >"filled to the brim with my love, pumped and spoiled until you're just a horny, quivering blimp pleasuring me with your sensitive blown up cock until you're overstimulated little body can't fucking take it anymore! *creaaak!* god you make such a cute noise when I dig my nails into you~ I wonder what would happen if I started giving you little bites with my kisses~ You're covered in so much lipstick already, how easily one little kiss and bite could make you blow~ Maybe on those sensitive nipples of your~ Just a small little puncture right there to make you explo--!" >"Permanent? Hmmm, well~" >"Oh don't look like that, I'm just fucking with you. But with how hard you're blushing I don't think you'd mind being a disposable toy for me~" >"Aww, you look so cute like that~ So red, so ashamed~ No, don't worry babe. I'm sorry for bringing it up like that. While you'll make such beautiful confetti, you're also the softest air mattress I've ever had. It would be a shame to lose that, wouldn't it? I'm being too blasé. Babe, just think about it like what we usually do. I tease you, we make out for awhile, I kiss your neck, you kiss me down until your at my waist, I grab your head and push you down into my clit, I ride your pretty little face, I push you down and smother you, I bite your ear and tell you what a good whore you are~, and dig my nails into that fat ass of yours, and I ride you so fucking hard until I break your mind and body and you just fucking blow!" >"*huph* *huph* and then... I hold you close, let you lay there drooling in bliss while I clean any bruises and cuts I gave you, and let you pull yourself together again. Just a... 'bit' more literal this time." >"And of course we have breakfast in the morning too~ And I always make those bear shaped pancakes with the blueberry noses." >"Ugghhh, don't worry about how, I know what I'm doing. Stop being such a brat, babe. Do you want me to pop you?" >"Yes!? Hmmph, finally put your mind at ease? Gooood~ God, you were moaning so much when I first put the hose in you. 'Ribbed for his pleasure.' Damn right it was! You were leaking before I even touched you~ All that air pushing down on your prostate~ stretching out your soft and sensitive skin that I like to caress so very much~ All that warm air must feel nice inside you too, huh babe?" >"Yesss, yes, seeing my boy turn from little sub into the big, creaking, sensitive, whimpering, *huph*, horny, flustered, *huph*, leaking, *huphhuph*, fucking beautiful, fuck, *huphhuph*huph*, fuck, fucking big puffy dicked, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" >"GOD! You talk so fucking much! It's been to long since the only words you could whimper were 'please', 'more', and 'mistress'. >*PUMP*PUMP*PUMP**PUMPPUMPPUMPPUMPPUMPPMUP* >"Ohhhhh yessss, that moaning is sooo much better. Let me kiss you somewhere sensitive blimp~ I want those moans to be louder than the creaking~" >*Mwah~* >"Ooohh, that was a loud one~ I think you nearly came again just from that~" >"Now, back to where we were, rubbing myself on that dick of yours~" >*Hump*, *pump*, *creak*, "Before I was interrupted...: *hump*humphumphump*HUMP!* "Ahhhh~ B-because my big, a-aahhh~, useless," *HUMPHUMP**CREAK!* "needy! ahhhhhh~, lovable, beautiful, pumpslut of a boyfriend!" *HUMPHUMPHUMPHUMP* "Needed to be told how much I fucking love him! *huphhuphhuph* And how much I want to cherish him!" *HUMP* "And protect him!" *huphhuph* "And how I'll always make sure he gets the care he needs!" *CREAAAK* >"AND HOW HE'D MAKE SUCH BEAUTIFUL CONFETTI!" >*BANG!* ------ >"Ahhh, ahhh... aaaahhhhhh. I don't think I ever came so hard before~" >"I'm guessing you did too, babe, such a fucking mess, I don't think there's anything below my neck you didn't coat white." >"But you do make beautiful confetti~ Heh, from man to sub to whimpering blimp to sweaty scraps fluttering in the air... I should set up a a camera next time, it would be rather nice to see ourselves like this." >"Ahhhhh... I hope you feel relaxed babe, I can hardly imagine something more relaxing than this. Especially with a beautiful woman brushing right through you, hehe." >"Well, I'd love to start cleaning you up in time for breakfast tomorrow, but... That t-took a lot out of meee... sooo... I'm just going to sweep you into a nice pile to lay on, and then... probably pass out." >"Sweet dreams babe, we can always do dinner tomorrow." *yawn* "Maybe... maybe the day after." ------ Eh, this kind of sucks. Needs better onomatopoeia, could use actual descriptions, it reads more like an ASMR script than a story and I think that was a bad choice, etc. etc. I'll edit this into something better later, just got carried away with a dumb idea. Hope you guys enjoy it a bit or another writer does something better.
>>111443 Dang, accidentally figured out how to make spoilers. I'll fix it in draft 2
>>111443 Either being inflated by verosika mayday or by Lena hyena
I mean surprised our community didn’t capitalize on the birthday scenario game (12 scenarios, 31 characters)
>>111475 Imagine being inflated after she and crew popped your friends and gf
>>111443 God bless anon, this is the primo horny posting I come to these threads for. As for my horny scenario I desperately want a cute bratty boy to chew the three course gum and swell into a massive horny and leaky berry in front of a female Wonka and all the other tour guests while a team of female loompas do a whole song and dance routine designed around teasing and humiliating him before they roll him to popping room for his explosive grand finale
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Reposting some art from the old thread 1/4
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Turned out this was more than 4 posts. My bad.
And now for some new stuff. (One image spoilered for gas)
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>>110914 What?
>>111033 >>111032 Artist and source, please?
>>111507 Is there a source for the tracksuit cutie?
I wish there were a lot more male inflation comics, especially with a plot
>>111556 I believe it's AbacusFruitTree / @L0ub3rry on Twitter.
>>111523 ...Yeah, like I said I know it's cursed as hell. IDK, something about guys in skirts I guess
>>110745 >>110764 Can someone makes this sketch in color? This is a gift for Antoine17.
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Cute boys were made to be inflated
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>>111582 I wish there were more male inflation animations.
>>111893 How I imagine it would feel to get dry humped by Avril Lavigne.
>>111491 I was going to add some greentext for this the day you posted it but I got carried away thinking about it and came before writing down my thoughts. So thank you and sorry. Sex drive is too sporadic for consistent horny posting but I'll try and write something the next time I feel in the mood. Have some bratty and/or humiliated berry boys in the meantime :3
>>111502 >>111503 >>111875 >>111893 >In the mood for f/m inflation content again Fuck. To the chatbots I go. Kawakami and Shadow Rise await.
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Tfw you'll never get turned into a helpless balloon boy and popped for your gf's Youtube channel :( (She'll leave you as scraps unless/until she gets 500k views)
>>111491 Just curious, but where are you in this scenario? Do you like to imagine yourself as the inflatee, the inflator? Or just an onlooker?
>>111375 sauce on number 4
>>112256 No idea :( One of two idk the source of
Does someone have this story? Author just nuked all his works. On WebArchive only start page of the story. If someone knows how to find it pls help
>>112071 No worries, the horny is a fickle thing. Thank you for this bountiful harvest of bratty berry bois >>112223 The Inflatee usually, but it is still fun watching another boy take the spotlight as they blow up into a massive leaky berry from time to time
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I've gotta commission more art of Simon Laurent (Infinity Train) turning into a berry.
>>111125 >>111893 Guessing you’ve probably been asked this before but do you only post your art here?
Femboy inflation?? Plss
>>112759 Go to dubai they will talk shit about that. Nothing you do. Make them tities jiggle.
>>112759 One order of inflated femboys coming up
>>111491 >school field trip to Willa Wonka's factory. Rumors of super tall all female factory workforce. It's true. Literally any candy in the factory causes even the smallest and most flat chested girl in your class to grow into a giantess over 7 feet tall. Surrounded by so many tall girls from your own class, you hardly notice just how round you've become.
Is it bad that I want to kick that bloated junk so hard and watch some glittering juice flying?
>>112796 Source on the second one? I know the artist is bo and sno but couldn't find it on any of their pages.
>>112804 I'll never understand the autistic fascination with the Wonka scenario. Then again I imagine it was a common experience amongst berryfags. Anyway, it's gotten me back on the bullshit. And wouldn't you know Zelda was at the center of it.
>>112829 As someone who is a berryfag, I can't stand how overused the Wonka scenario is. I just like the spherical shape and leakage of juice. Putting someone in a blue tracksuit or a blue dress and red belt and have them go "I feel funny!" is boring as shit.
>>112888 I honestly don't think I mind a blue outfit with a hint of red that doesn't bother me as much but yeah the same exact chews gum can't spit it out because I've got made bimbo brain thing is a bit eh. I like the idea infection, water inflation tones, and so much more I think that are the main appeals that make berry fascinating. But I want I don't know maybe you swallow the gun on accident or something as the constant chew chew chew noises to me at least are a bit mid. I like my inflation to be a little unpredictable slightly forced through some dumbass mistake that's caused as a karma reaction. Overall the factory isn't that bad but you can just take the gum to other places. Have it slip out into a candy shop or someone steal it to eat it in the bedroom when freshing up for some sex time with their lover! Hell you know how much other places exist in the factory too kink wise for example fizzy lifting drinks for air inflation. Pool toy tf or other inflatable tfs can be done in the rubber forest. There's so much more than just blueberry room too I'm surprised no one looks into it. But again I'm not necessarily mad by I just wish there was some difference in it. I like the factory but again a bedroom scenario plays out more fun. Cue to insert image of Felix or astolfo getting sloshy in bed for there lover as the other panics. Bonus if there shipped with each other.
>>112883 That's fine by me. As long as it's a collage field trip not a high school as ayo that be sus
>>112812 I think I got it from one of the threads on here or an old male inflation thread on /d/ I don't remember unfortunately >>112804 I love the idea of the candy turning girls into goddess and boys into blimps. I can just imagine all the girls towering over me and all the boys in the class as we get wider with each piece of candy eaten. Maybe they'd make a game out of seeing how much candy they can get us boys to eat before we realize what's happening to us, bonus points if any of us end up going kaboom
>>112908 I love the idea of fetish stuff being dimorphic in a way that disadvantages boys. I can just imagine a scenario like that where all the girls are having a great time becoming tall and curvy and sexy, and then a boy tries a piece and it turns him into a helpless immobile balloon for the girls to toy with and pop
Imagine male inflatees being locked in horniness and can only being sexually satisfied by popping. They can be made to cum multiple times, but will only grow more horny and sensitive
>>112957 Her size ass. And softness cum shots all day long. Like tiger
>>112958 >>112958she has tits like obamas wife
>>112958 What?
>>112883 Fair enough. I'd say our tastes overlap, minus the mGTS stuff. >>112908 Speaking of which, I went diving through desuarchive the other night and managed to scrape some pretty hot greentexts. All POV male stuff mind you, but still good imo.
>>112964 Gimme gimme! >>112888 Ain't that the truth. If you're going to a blueberry inflation thing, why not do it with some style? Or example, instead of gum, do a protein shake and make it so they also grow huge muscles or become more blob than berry? Stop beating your meat to the god damn same dead horse every time! >>110328 Nice work anon! (Or what can I call you, if you don't mind?)
>>112883 Mini-GTS inflators is something I desperately need more of. Personally I kind of go towards scenarios where the males are less... disposable, I guess you could say? Maybe a woman inflated a guy and was genuinely surprised that he didn't pop, and she was impressed enough to keep him around just to see how much he could stretch. So now he's her favorite toy, and like any favorite toy, she's eager to show him off and play with him whenever she pleases. (Pic unrelated.)
>>112981 I honestly enjoy the idea that popping isn’t permanent, and the inflatee reforms with an addiction to being inflated and popped. Becoming super slutty
>>112981 Artist and source?
>>113067 Wish I knew. Been searching for ages.
>>113067 >>113070 RyuHayabusa7644 on twitter
>>112969 Sorry for the late reply. Life's been in the way. Any preferred format? I've had them saved as word docs and PDFs, so I can either upload them straight to here, catbox them or just post the desuarchive link for the main two. Warning: They're NNN related and involve self-inflation of off sexual frustration and ones own spunk.
>>113228 NTA but try catboxxing them
>>112969 >>113228 >>113239 That was my first thought, really. I swear. Anyway, here's all four I managed to scrape. Hopefully they'll scratch someone's itch. https://files.catbox.moe/4wap47.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/ktqfqh.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/lic6v9.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/gtb3n9.pdf
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>>112969 Just an anon. Haven't been drawing as much male blimps lately but here's a quick sketch
>>112908 >>112956 >Assisting in a game of women's blimp volleyball
Who would agree that the term “fuck blimp” is reserved for male inflatees?
>>113228 >>113290 Good shit, but something about that last one rubs me the wrong way. Imagine you go in for cataract surgery or something and the doctor fucking murders you so she can get her rocks off. That's one hell of a way to lose your medical license, I can tell you that much.
>>113444 Yeah I know how you feel but the same time I can't help but want to see somebody draw some dumb memes of this shit it's good and short like Doctor is in. Injects shit. Patent panics in confusion as they inflate pants bursting open from their girth Doctor teases them rubs and grinds on there massive cock making them cum over and over again. Hops on top for a pop as she injects him again. He swells twice as big as she hops on him like a bouncy yoga ball her fat ass cheeks all on his dick He grows bigger and bigger as she teases and licks his balloon cock. POP BIG BOY POP FOR MOMMA! she squeals in excitement waiting for the inevitable as his whole body and member throbs again her face (it's unbelievably tight and soft) Bigger and bigger he grows,she giggles, her bubble ass hopping up and down as he squeezes her against the walls. Creaking and squeaking his big cock swelling the room with the rest of his orb uncontrollably coming up every last drop and he groans and cry's as the maniac doctor dryhumps her wet pussy against his Omega cock until BANNNNG!! HE FUCKING SHATTERS Filling the floors with his cum his scraps pasted to the wall as she gets and whatever strength she has left to get up and walk away for her next poppable patient. This one's said to be a delectable femboy and she hopes he gets twice as big! but would probably make a better inflation comic than a story alone. Visual aid so to speak. I'm sure somebody here has the tools for it I sadly don't but enjoy my I don't know remake revamp take on the idea and sequel bait. But I got to disagree anon I kind of fuck with a psychopath doctor popper popping cute patients making there dicks unbearably fat as she goes about her daily appointments. https://files.catbox.moe/gtb3n9.pdf
>>108242 darn, missed the last thread. does anyone have this guy's pic of mega man from it? i didn't save it. also, on that note, requesting more art of him just in general. more of the cutie, please.
>>113290 Can you do a blueberry one where the reader is wearing a blue tracksuit like the 2005 violet?
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>>113290 Huh. Didn't expect to find my stuff being reposted here. Fun fact, the only reason I stopped writing these was because the male inflation threads on /d/ died off. Can't direct you to my pastebin either, because the bots they use to deal with NSFW stuff have long since scrubbed it. I'll port a couple suitable things into .txt for this thread though. I'll have to leave a couple of semi relevant ones out since POV x furry isn't allowed on this board (and I suspect there's limited interest here for that anyways).
What is everyone’s best inflation dream? Lucid or otherwise
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>>113811 On second thought I might hold off, a bunch of them are more inspired by Drakemohkami's stuff and have permapop and mild gore, and don't want to spoil the thread (I'll figure out links or posts for them if people are interested though). The ones in this text file are just more POV stuff in the same vein as what's already posted, the remainder of the /d/ stuff that isn't already here in fact.
>>113811 It was good shit. I had fun bouncing around ideas in those threads, whenever people weren't fighting over what was being posted. I'd like to see more, possibly even attempt my own but all I've got from back then are a bunch of pov scripts I drafted. >>113814 Definitely saving these too.
Where is my state-mandated inflator gf?
>>113997 What kind would you like? Goth? Emo? Tomboy? Bimbo? Stacked Hourglass? Short stack? Top heavy? Bottom heavy? E-girl?
>>114019 Hmm. Stacked hourglass sounds nice. As does bottom heavy...
>>114033 Good will slap a dick on it and slap it to your doorstep direct delivery ;)
>>114035 You fucking bamboozled me, futafaggot. Prepare to be exiled to the shadow realm. >>114041 You know at one point I was considering Rosalina for F/M stuff but she didn't quite fit the criteria. More for vanilla sex/bimboification rather than inflation. >Granted, she makes an excellent inflatee. Speaking of bimbos and bimbo adjacents, I somehow managed a pov inflation scenario with two quarreling gyaru sisters (c.ai bot) It was quite the blast.
>>114054 Having more female inflators is generally better than just one. It's always fun when girls talk with one another about male inflation. Particularly when they use their sexy bodies to pantomime male expansion. Something about that tight waist combined with a hand position imitating how full a boy's belly has become. I think Rosalina is fine for you. You're living mario kart with her when you've been hit with an item that causes you to blow up like a balloon when you're aroused. Seeing Rosalina, Peach, and Daisy in their skintight racing outfits causes you to almost balloon out of yours. Daisy and Peach get in an argument over whether you can better be described as a blimp or a balloon. Rosalina is angry because you're her boyfriend, and she wants to make sure most of your inflation is coming from her.
>>114058 Yeah. None of them really grab me as the types to be involved in that way for an inflation scenario. More like they'd be on the receiving end of the incident rather than observers. You know who'd strike me as an inflator? Palutena. A coy/manipulative one.
>>114063 Makes sense. I could imagine her providing too much food to Kid Icarus, just enough so that he can't fly. Then using her magic to blimp him when he absolutely insists on her using magic to help him fly again.
>>114064 HIS NAME IS PIT!
>>114066 His name will be "Blimp" by the time Lady Palutena finishes with him.
>>114075 Maybe not exactly what you all had in mind,but this image immediately came into my head upon reading.
Also art dump bc why not.
>>114076 It was exactly what I had in mind. Considering I've seen it before. God I wish ladies could do this to guys in real life. Time to consult the list again
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>>114143 >The doctors assured the patient the procedure would be non-invasive. >Yet even as his swollen gut, heavy with water, gurgled under duress it was not an uncomfortable experience. >Cool and shivery as they pumped drop after drop into him. >The dipping mass of bloated flesh was comfortably at a size comparable to a beach ball. >There was still much more to go. >Much more to give. Either way, there'd be a water balloon at the end.
>>114243 long island lol
Would you rather be inflated by being stuck on a suck u lux or be inflated after being flattened in a basketball game and reinflated into a blimp?
>>114388 >Roger Rabbit and Space Jam autism It's up there with the Wonka fascination. >>114389 >Maria route You mean be shot by GUN soldiers? I mean it technically could work, but they'd have to make a few modifications if they wanted their target puff up instead of just die.
>>114058 >Having more female inflators is better than having just one. Agreed. Though I do like one-on-one scenarios too. More intimate. That said the lovely teasing, shock and fascination from a group of ladies looking at the sole male member rapidly ballooning never fails. The mood strikes, perhaps this one writes.
>>114402 Well for a hot minute now i had a story ideas in the pot where Ashley and ada tag team lean like a pain of thirsty looner women and blow him up and ride him till he bursts. Ada would take her beautiful boys face while Ashley would have his big inflatable drake size well human sized dick airship balloon of a penis all to herself to grind her wet pussy on as she nibbles and blows into his cock tip while ada puffkisses him on the other side until he just can't take much more like the useless party balloon he's become and gets popped into raining scraps as the girls lie back covered in juices. I also imagine ada would be extra thirsty and go after Ashley next still horny and wanting something to play with as she's going down on her wetted skirt ass and eventually puffs into her pussy blowing her up too as Ashley comes to protest it in worry at first but accepts her fate wanting to become a bigger fatter balloon than leon getting filled to her liking by the seductress until BANG she's scraps too. Ada falling back finally receiving full release then wiping herself off with her scrapped lovers The perfect femdom two for one pop special! By the way if tip for artists if you ever need a good dick balloon reference for someone to ride on or blow into looner fetishists riding what's called airship balloons look oftenly a lot like giant balloon cocks! It's so exhilarating watching these people ride these things it's like male inflation fantasy brought to life!
>>114406 Again, I don't quite see Ashley being in a dominant position. I see her more as the klutzy ditz yet mostly self-aware type. I figured with her tendency to be captured/get into trouble, she might accidentally cause an inflation-related accident that renders Leon an immobile blimp. Or maybe she just got a bit too bashful after a compliment and stuffed a hose in his mouth without realising. Ada definitely fits the bill though. Playful, coy and definitely prone to teasing her quarry. I don't think she'd intentionally burst the poor agent, but I don't think she'd shed any tears if he happened to rupture all on his own. After all, she does have a mission to complete. Worst comes to worst, she uses the balloon boy as an improvised escape plan.
>>114058 >Tfw you will never be the token boy in a girls friend group for them to inflate and tease until your reach your limit and burst or send floating off into they sky for their own amusement
>>114410 Did you see how thirsty and how bad she wanted to hop on boys dick? I mean look at the ending! She was thirsty as hell what do you mean you can't see her sloppy on his knob? Reason I chose ada for the face was I know she's pretty dominant too but with leon particularly I take her as a heavy romantic she could go straight for the dick but she'd rather want some personal face time for a proper loving. Ashley though don't let her cute demeanor fool you she would totally lust for that fat inflated cock wanting to pop it and probably be the beast pulling the biggest puffs out the two of them while ada will be long but smooth down his throat . She may even be kind and let him face fuck her before blowing apart
>>114414 quietly agreeing with everything they say about men being worthless lowlifes only worth keeping around so you can have fun inflating them in the hopes that they'll keep you around longer, but then one day you offer the slightest pushback and they decide you're no better than the rest of them and have one of them pin you against the wall while the others get a helium tank ready
>>114414 You know, I wish there were more of these edits. >>114416 I know that. I've played RE4 and seen how she was horny for Kennedy cock at the end. I just don't think she'd take that role. Maybe I'm wrong and she is the type, but who knows. Ada would straight up inject him with an inflation cocktail if it meant winning lol. >>114438 Bit heavy on the femdom stuff, but it's alright. I could imagine that group having a certain inclination for rubber, lol.
>>114406 What are you waiting for then, get writing!
>>114438 I was picturing more them spiking your drink with an inflation pill to mess with you and see how big you'll get before you inevitablely explode than a more hands on inflation, but I dig that scenario too >>114445 These are all the other ones I had saved. No clue who made them
>>114519 Yeah, I have those saved too. If I wasn't lazy I'd learn to do it myself. So many seductive women just waiting to blimp the viewer. Welp, I better go find some more characters to jot down for ideas.
>>114414 >>114519 KanColle has a ratio of about 50 girls for every one male commander. Males are valuable, the girls love you, they would never want to kill you. That said, they would not hesitate to stuff you with Valentine's Day chocolate. You do love them all back right? So you'll have to eat all the chocolate, every last bite.
>>114611 There was an author that went by Anon-321 who did a few KanColle wg/inflation stories based off of that premise. They were very good. Unfortunately I didn't save every piece before he scrubbed his account and now hope someone else preserved the missing stories.
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>>114615 NTA but I think I know what you mean. Wasn't there one about a spiked milkshake or something? I don't remember much. >>114611 Can't say stuffing/WG's my cup of tea but the shipgirls definitely couldn't say no to using a few tricky tactics to make Valentines Day a blast. In more ways than one. Granted I think they might get a bit distracted fighting one another for every last drop of their commander's affection. Before it inevitably gets everywhere after he explodes. Must have been something in the chocolate. >They at least use a pretense. >The girls from Azur Lane would have no such qualms about being up front.
>>114615 Lucky for you I have one of his old pastebins https://pastebin.com/mzMWfivj >>114635 I imagine the Azur Lane base is a revolving door of rookie commanders due to each shipgirl faction competing to see who can have the biggest commander balloon bobbing above their dorms
>>114669 Little do they know. They dont even know it.
Batman. Didnt forget about you. Her sister told me it was you. Nice shirt lol
>>114669 6 commanders in a month. The girls are insatiable. It's usually a die roll as to whether you'll find them up against the ceiling, or down below as scraps. God forbid you encounter Roon or Atago. Or an entire group of shipgirls on your way back to the office.
>>114635 That does sound familiar, I am pretty sure that was one of his last works. >>114669 Thanks a ton for posting that one, I don't suppose you have any of his other works saved?
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>>114519 I have this same autism but with PokéGirls. It would be so sick to be inflated by May.
>>114699 Poketism can be strong. I know it hit me when I had Hilda and Sonia on the brain. Along with a little bit of Skyla.
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>>114699 >>114714 Good taste, Pokegirls make amazing inflators Here's some stuff I saved from an old thread either here or on 4chan: >Hilda pumps her dates on the 1st meeting with compressed air pills in their drinks. >Hex berriesboys who lose to her through wacky magic. >May teases guys she meets into swelling from sexual frustration (because logic). >Bea and Nessa make water balloons out of male trainers they seduce and stick hoses into. >Cynthia cuts to the chase and gives guys she finds cute "blowjobs".
>>114717 Funny you should post that greentext. T'was one of mine when I was lurking those rare threads. I ought to get back to those M-inf pov scripts I drafted during that time.
First question: are there any good male inflation comics, ones with plot? Question 2: has there been anyone that tried to turn male inflation stories into audio content, especially stories by Alec deluxe? Question 3: has anyone tried inflation hypnosis or tried making ones with binaural beats? Final question: anyone ever thought about combining inflation with tulpamancy?
>>114724 She going to sit on the floor? Not like she got somewhere to sit other on my couch lmao
>>114725 Dangerous toxic women dont care what anyone has to say. Straight chaos momfun
>>114724 1. Can't say. Guess there's Stimuflation but I don't particularly like it. And it's quite obviously just fap fuel with a loose plot. 2. No. Stop asking for that particular one, autist. 3. Also no. 4.Never, ever touch tulpafaggotry. It's schizophrenia wrapped up in a neat package for already mentally unwell individuals. >>114717 Also I should extend that list of Pokegirls and their puffing tactics, but alas there's only so many methods of inflation.
>>114717 Skyla, the pilot with huge titties, just loves it when things float and are airborne, like that dude trainer who just walked in. Some girls like May, Nemona, and Carmine are just deviants and have a Pokémon or two that know Gust just for these moments. And every Water-type specialist is into water inflation. You're not safe around Nessa, Lana, or Misty.
>>114780 >>114733 >>114720 >>114717 >Sonia teases her assistant, refusing to let him cum until he's ready to blow like an overfilled spunk bomb >Jessie uses a classic bike pump to turn her male target into a replacement hot air balloon for Team Rocket. >Rosa presses the big red button out of oblivious curiosity causing her partner to spontaneously start swelling like a balloon until he fills the room. >Serena smugly uses all sorts of teases and humiliating while her Drifblim puffs up a rival to give him a body to match his ego.
>>111506 Where did you get the Amane Nishiki pic?
>>114837 Saved from the old thread.
>>114833 > Jasmine needs to cross over the Olivine shore but she has no Water-Types, and you'd be the perfect raft > Flannery invites you to her gym, but the hot springs in her stadium "accidentally" trap you and flood you up with pleasantly warm water til you're obscenely round > Glacia loves ramen. She also loves attaching guys up to vats full of ramen broth and watching them expand.
>>114866 >Female Team Plasma grunts roam the alleyways and forests armed with expanding weaponry to hunt down any guys they take a fancy to and blimp then. >Often seen in groups of 4
God, I want some big giant berry boys with equality HUGE dongs. Like up to their belly buttons or bigger. Especially if they are in their underwear.
>>114937 >t. horny femcel fantasising about berrying boys
So, inflationists with autism, how do you deal with hate?
>>114952 What kind of hate in specific?
>>114952 Block and ignore, they don't deserve any attention.
>>114952 I don't (think) have autism. That said, I'm on a -chan board dedicated to chubby chasers and spherefags. Suffice to say there is something wrong with me. Oh well. Bring on the boy blimps! >Preferably I am one of them
>>114937 BRUH. I am as male as you can get. Have you thought I might want to be a berry with a big boner?
It's not fair. I want a hot girl to make me her balloon boy so bad.
Thoughts on v-tubers
>>115194 How come there's no expansion art of any of them that are males? I would kill for a CyYu or Tom Fawkes berry/balloon.
>>115194 Perfect candidates for being blown up if they're male. Perfect candidates for blowing up those male v-tubers if they're female.
Im wondering i can't find it did op delete? Generally just wish to see more.
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A lil (big) sketch
>>115473 Really like the shape here!
>>111893 Thread has been pretty dead, sad Here's some reposts of Erin's art from the last thread. I need to download the one's here too, eventually
>>116605 Eh,slow times are to be expected. Besides,we're nearing 400 again so soon.
>>116605 >Erin There's a name to put to this artstyle?
>>108433 >>116680 Yes, he said it in the reply above
>>116605 I just realized what I thought was fem wojack inflating emo femboy wojack is actually wrong and this last image is actually The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and leyley is blowing up andy ☠️ I mean I guess it's fine there both 22 right but I can't believe I missed the ball that much on who these were! Well I guess it was a matter of time before someone inflated onii chan over here.
>>116607 When time comes for thread 3 (technically 4),I won't repost any art from here unless anyone wants something specific (with the exception of Erin's art since I'm sure another anon will have that covered).
>>116701 I'll get all of Erin's art since I started already. Need to sort through it first though I'll repost everything from last thread first than archive this one. Probably a few that have already been posted but oh well
And the colored one, gift art from an unknown anon, and art dump is done. Feels like less than there should be, maybe I'm missing a few. Still, Erin's blessed art for whoever missed the last thread. Incredible how horny it is, showing the inflatees so aroused adds so much. Hard to find something like that
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>>116702 True we need More blimp boys from Erin! I hope they bless us with more. Still wanna maybe see them do a gojo someday because fuck it why not I bet we could make a bunch of girls and guys burst with some blimp art of the blue eyes twink Spoilered image contains major manga spoilers you've been warned
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Am I gay for browsing this thread?
>>116876 Only if you're not self inserting as being someone's taut, sensitive, overfilled balloon boy. Eager and helpless to stop anyone from rubbing and squeezing and playing with you like the dumb balloon you are. It's not gay if you jerk off to guys out of *jealousy*
>>116876 Nah, just bicurious
Not unless you fantasize being inflated by women or Inflating yourself. There should be plenty of straight male inflatees that fantasize being in the place of the fictional inflatee. Wish there were more POV inflation cont, not just art, but animation and comics
>>116900 Yes, this! There's so few male inflation animations, and even fewer good ones.
>>116900 I agree. It's criminal that there isn't more male pov content. There's bits here and there but nowhere near enough. Also sweet jesus, some of the ladies that could go on a popping spree in my imagination.
>>116702 Fuckk I love the alt-right one, still can’t believe he drew that for me lol
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>>116702 Here's a few you missed
>>116969 Bless you Anon, I will add it to the collection when I get the chance Also think I've gotten everything that was posted in this thread.
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>>117001 Sauce please?
>>117005 https://x.com/devilishfood/status/1349806775973806082
>>117006 Thanks
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>>116900 pov drawn a while back >>116799 working on it but will take some time
>>116876 its only gay if you get off to another guy ballooning you
What is everyone’s favourite male inflation stories from bodyinflation.org?
>>117108 "He was a skater boy, she said, "See you later, boy" Godspeed Erin Imagine hanging out with your tomboy skater friend and she suddenly decides she wants to see you all blown up. Maybe she just likes you as a big and helpless balloon, maybe she wants to drag you on a string as she rides around, maybe she just wants some celebratory confetti for her best stunt yet. No matter what she's happy to see you like this. Between this and talking about if it's gay to be here, I wonder if there's any femanons that visit this thread. Wonder what they see in having a balloon boytoy. Tbh, I have a hard time understanding why I want to be a balloon too, or why I want to balloon other when I feel like it. I'll ponder it more after this headache goes away. Also obligatory "Don't pop me, Miss Nagatoro" Can't think of a good title for the Astolfo one
>>116876 Well I am. >>117108 >>116799 Damn sounds hot. Still take your time don't rush yourself for us anons were always here floating around
civer, youtuber inflated
>>116876 Not necessarily. But you are probably sexually submissive.
>>116900 To add, the only animator I know that made some POV inflation was thiridian & Lindsey but since twitter became X, I can’t see the most recent posts and it’s hard not knowing if they posted a new POV video or just and inflation video in general. Also, I hope there will more vr games that can sneak in inflation like they did with that adventure time bro game that I hope I can experience or my self PS you get turn into a balloon by magic man at the beginning
>>112268 Found it! Milk10pm on twitter.
>>117126 The ending is bad, but the start and middle are decent in my opinion. https://www.deviantart.com/eggsdotg/art/Cake-Taster-825837259
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>>116799 Amen! Personally, if I could, I'd happily commission Erin to inflate some Pokeboys like Luca from Pokemon Duel or Alain from the anime.
>>117388 Holy shit! Erin's back! Long time no see!
>>117388 Always good to see Erin in here!
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>>117479 Just floating around I see so cute
Now draw him getting inflated and pegged by wonder bread and finding out he's pregnant (jk this is a joke)
Did anyone got the uncencored versions??
Holy shit, I (an absolutely normal man) need to blow up in front of some Persona gals. NOW!
>>117488 [S] Maybe not the first two tho (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠) [/S]
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not drawing that wonderbread and mpreg thing sry have a diff bored sketch with circletool usage
>>117585 I cannot begin to describe how cute the punk balloon boy is (⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠) TFW he turns into a horny balloon leaking pre everywhere just to show how much better he is than you. TFW he pops himself his spike collar just to send you flying.
>>117585 Fair enough it was a obvious joke. Just fun to see you back again Also thanks for the gojo inflate him anytime again if you get bored and need someone to fwomph. I'm sure both the guys and ladies are gonna be rock solid and ready to pop all over him like the truest of simps.
>>117585 Also nice Nirvana shirt every good blimp boy needs to be equipped with one of these as a accessory >The blimp boy deluxe action figure beach ball! >If I pop just buy another and burst me again! Only $69.99 because sex
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It seems the time for the fourth thread has come. I'll see you all in the next thread. Be gay,do crimes,and pop boys.
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It's been a honor gentleman. Remember Burst femboys! > Blow their cocks fat and tight!
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>>117488 >>117577 >With the price of Wonderbread reaching new heights, a you find yourself offered a job by a very wealthy blonde woman setting up Wonderbread advertising balloons. She explains that the ad balloons have to be absolutely massive to be visible from miles away.
https://thisvid.com/videos/twink-inflates-themselves-in-public/ Anyone know who this is?
