/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(394.15 KB 2083x2500 tifa_exp_by_tail_blazer_d98l5i1.png)
Enjoying Inflation Anonymous 02/16/2020 (Sun) 06:19:56 Id:f2514f No. 1468
People enjoying their inflation, smiling, grinning, 'gasming, everything! No bad fee-fee's allowed.
(199.37 KB 1633x1162 1579912604042.jpg)
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Now this is something I can get behind!
Here’s the bloomph trailer video, tbh it was hotter than the actual comic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8yQOW44_FQ
>>1491 nsfwlk is legit the best inflation artist around today
(56.12 KB 632x973 A+ Gallery_427.jpg)
Part of an old pic from AxelRosered. There was originally another girl inflating too, but she wasn't as into it :)
(513.18 KB 1704x1203 28-mayzieRound.png)
(161.91 KB 1200x959 D_AsGqdXkAEKU9a.jpg)
(459.84 KB 1063x1063 Screenshot_20180103-112439.jpg)
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(256.46 KB 1280x1849 Swelling_Invasion_4_13.jpg)
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>>11754 Holy shit my guy, where is this from?!
>>11806 ExpansionFan comics The Blue 32 issue 2.https://comics.8muses.com/comics/album/Expansionfan-Comics/The-Blue-32/Issue-2
Dont know if this is limited to fiction but there's this porn video of air inflation. Look towards the end after 20:20 and you know what I mean. https://www.thumbzilla.com/video/ph5d620a4259b9a/wet-belly-inflation-in-the-tub Also https://www.thumbzilla.com/video/ph5e6a720df2786/enjoying-my-belly-after-a-livestream
>>8633 Found the source: https://www.deviantart.com/pressurizedpleasure/art/Mercy-s-Mad-Science-Patreon-651271635
(962.65 KB 1065x1500 New2Helena_03.jpg)
(937.07 KB 1065x1500 New2Helena_05.jpg)
(410.67 KB 1065x1500 New2Helena_06.jpg)
(300.54 KB 1065x1500 New2Helena_07.jpg)
"It feels.. oh... NNNNGGGGHHH!" Wish there was more literature of this sort! Because pain - bad. Please - good! Post more!
>>1468 > fee-fee >>>/out/
Black black
(664.51 KB 1920x2967 HotelInfinity.jpg)
>>26051 Good stuff
>>11755 I need to know where you got this and if you have the rest!
>>29051 https://e-hentai.org/g/1776273/164ba4abc7/
>>29051 Here is the authors page https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/monocle/profile You can find other stories with the same characters here
(2.41 MB 4152x2550 WwMTUvigL.png)
>>34758 sauce?
>>36402 daikanu
(213.29 KB 1280x989 image89694.jpg)
>>37695 Where is this from?
>>37856 >>37695 It's from RoyalOppai, but I don't think its been posted anywhere outside of pateron https://kemono.party/patreon/user/40324022/post/57683816 https://twitter.com/royaloppai
(1.04 MB 4096x3165 FKc5mdtXEAQ5VY4.jpg)
(103.71 KB 1500x1000 FKy4KdyXwAQbkoJ.jfif)
(519.73 KB 1000x1000 media_FM2lDyYakAYjrjy.jpg)
>>43530 Translation?
(1.41 MB 1650x2340 Room Occupied.jpg)
(723.01 KB 2338x1546 Poolside Tummy.jpg)
(733.11 KB 2338x1653 JayFlated - copy.jpg)
some old pencil drawings by Zabuzabotz
(700.69 KB 4096x2896 Damn... (Image 1).jpg)
(722.33 KB 4096x2394 Damn... (Image 2).jpg)
Does theses images Count?
(179.09 KB 1280x1138 Inflated_Horny_Moth.png.png)
Inflated Horny Moth goes hard (Feel Free to screenshot this)
Repost this Images if fire/lava is epic today https://www.deviantart.com/dedguymcman/art/Flamblimp-898248900 https://www.deviantart.com/dedguymcman/art/Large-Lava-Lamp-912753007
(271.12 KB 618x800 FSZzzOLWQAEDwQs.jpg)
>climb ladder >land butt on an inflationary device Happy accidents.
>>50924 > Neighbors spot me >Gets nervous >Farts >Sprays them in shit
Snowchan-da has a Kemono that really should get updated
(62.98 KB 800x595 fondue.jpg)
(58.44 KB 800x800 weird.jpg)
(74.10 KB 800x671 bloob.jpg)
(320.44 KB 1200x1600 NLFQvb74xoc.jpg)
Is there a word for an overloaded mind that is at the same time pleasure, and dislike, and neither?
(388.93 KB 3000x3640 FVppUPOXwAAUUde.jpg)
(Wholesome) fun or (sexual) pleasure?
(705.77 KB 4000x3500 FYNh3NYUUAAFSN7.jpg)
(1.04 MB 3516x2592 FXx7msBUIAECxLJ.jpg)
(80.19 KB 1225x1052 egoberry.jpg)
(134.08 KB 1200x900 pantyberry.jpg)
(2.31 MB 7133x2694 2022-07-08 - Panty.png)
fuck lettin this thread die
(464.32 KB 2118x1935 blimpofanenby giveaway.png)
(275.10 KB 2400x1800 Blimpventure Time.png)
(445.51 KB 2200x1600 Extra Blue Potion Storage.png)
(590.25 KB 2668x2000 Just A Harmless Prank.png)
(475.77 KB 1000x1415 Blueberry Laura small.jpg)
>>20951 >>11793 what's the source for these two???? I need it
(93.33 KB 928x1234 1660210625792335.jpg)
Bump, every post ITT drives berryfuckers and Freakinweirdo into a frothing seethe.
(274.07 KB 1496x2048 1661229927066394.jpg)
(244.21 KB 1668x1914 FZ5B0f3WAAEUAED.jpg)
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>>59893 it's a 2 part comic by sidneymt https://e-hentai.org/g/942054/a975ad3f30/
(222.06 KB 1117x1280 FJV6Zg3XIAI31dT.jpg)
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(292.80 KB 1488x1320 FZIVH2MUcAEmn-e.jpg)
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(1.60 MB 2105x3150 A Swell Letter.jpg)
(84.43 KB 640x896 x1.jpg)
(400.53 KB 4096x3641 Fc9UvzfWIBssGme.jpg)
(341.57 KB 4096x2241 inflatee.jpg)
(241.92 KB 4096x2393 inflatee2.jpg)
savin this thread with a bump
>>63703 What character is this?
>>64010 The character's name is Aries
(2.75 MB 4453x2489 zzp80.jpg)
It's really hard to find inflation art that has a girl orgasming. That shit is hot.
>>47248 Source?
>>64157 Guess what sucking custard nuts
>>64232 https://www.deviantart.com/villaru/gallery
(236.91 KB 1077x1500 New2Helena_02.jpg)
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>>64213 Did you vidy this comic? She has quite a few in the end! 3;)b
>>65030 2Helena is some of the best inflation comics i've ever seen, wishy that SidneyMT made more
>>65076 Yeh I agree. I like how his images has speech bubbles! In the end he just wanted to draw cocks & cumflation which wasn't our thing! lol There is a shortage of such material - which is curious because I can't tell you how often girls cum in popping stories lol! XD
(23.26 KB 680x383 media_E0KHlyQUcAMulJS.jpg)
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1oddbear art
(1.02 MB 498x498 tenor-1184081197.gif)
>>64233 submit more nutting bloated girls slut
(125.64 KB 1229x2048 FK1UATOX0AUPQ2a.jpg)
(187.97 KB 577x762 FfB0zY8WIAEKjvx.png)
Proud inflation?
>>70094 Will we ever get an anime about inflation or a hentai without rape?
that comic is breast expansion only, so no spherical inflation unfortunately.
>>1468 I would really love some inflatee perspective and ideas written by inflates.
(291.84 KB 3560x2096 rosalina_body_inflation_01.jpg)
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>>72256 Thoughts?
…The temptation was too strong I’m sorry. -Vargskelthor
>>26051 more?
>>77471 that's literally the last panel in the comic, i know, i know...
Emergency Neptunia
(488.63 KB 2748x2840 berrylucoa.jpg)
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What's this sequence from??
>>83511 Sorry my last message didnt tag the correct image. What is this sequence from??
(686.05 KB 720x1116 16807018628646607986-720--0.jpg)
>>83531 >>83532 Preview page from this. It's not out yet and is paywalled tho https://www.expansionfan.com/comics/Perform-Under-Pressure-3/c=306/
>>83533 Oh damn- Im lovin what im seein- =0////0= Hot damn!
(808.51 KB 3000x4000 FrndwSCWcAANFqu.jpg)
(5.32 MB 3840x2160 1679257596.png)
some other stuff: https://inverserenders.gumroad.com https://www.deviantart.com/inverse-ink
>>83773 Sexy~
(279.95 KB 2400x1926 rendercombined.jpg)
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im horny as fuck so theres my contribution (all those i find on inflatechan archives)
(1.68 MB 1925x1487 1681506679334143.jpg)
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>>86005 Poke women are some of the best choices out there.
(397.73 KB 694x880 unknown.png)
(7.16 MB 2732x2048 IMG_4178.png)
>>88926 As much fun as this is How did she come out of that door?
A few more to bump.
(2.29 MB 3600x2900 Purah.png)
(1.27 MB 1500x1955 93406429_p0.jpg)
(180.91 KB 2048x2048 F2zrI7aWoAIkRHq.jpg)
First time or regular enjoyee?
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(1.33 MB 2000x2000 1691886717665724.png)
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(4.00 MB 3226x2433 001-putinforgod.jpg)
(589.12 KB 4096x3413 FpBDE_vaYAIFu2i.jpg)
>>86005 Did You know the sauce of the first picture, the one of Pokemon trainer
(8.42 MB 3840x2160 1680623188.png)
>>93565 Would anyone have the story that went with this image? Remember they would fill till they are forced to float off the dildo
(48.20 KB 1200x1134 F4aPuFTXMAAG3C-.png)
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(373.14 KB 2000x2000 F5BOc4oXYAAwTQn.jpg)
>>72852 Seconding.
(347.13 KB 1538x1000 142280220575.jpg)
(2.59 MB 5276x2007 S-G-90474454_p0.jpg)
(801.21 KB 2200x1950 Its_Chewsday_Ferbuary_xYHTa2x.png)
>>47245 Source?
Some stuff I haven't seen before on DA
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(100.06 KB 2048x1692 IMG_20191109_143107.jpg)
Artists (female) liking and drawing what they like will always be the best.
(740.85 KB 3500x3000 media_F-2bJuxWEAAnUXG.png)
(1.82 MB 2000x2717 MayaBellyTrampoline1.jpg)
(1.11 MB 2000x1822 MayaBellyTrampoline2.jpg)
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(985.38 KB 2500x1798 BloatedMaya.png)
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Post degrees of enjoying.
(134.92 KB 525x525 2166379.jpg)
Is there something like forced enjoying like there's forced orgasm?
(312.47 KB 2096x1358 media_EsYpB62W4AEKaUK.jpg)
(591.38 KB 4000x2750 bigcallieface.jpg)
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We can double post now? Nice.
(146.69 KB 1024x938 GB5ZoIaXIAAqSbc.jpg)
>>102659 Hows the artist behind this one?
(1.80 MB 4234x4067 q73463dfgh.jpg)
>>102664 @SonicLagann on twitter
(958.64 KB 3690x2250 VecT0r1203-830899-Valorie.png)
(1.56 MB 1920x1080 too_many_p_balloons.png)
They look like three princesses having fun being naked balloons~
(12.51 KB 227x222 images (29).jpeg)
>>104697 Dare whoever drew this to draw verbalse riding on top of his $47,000 blimp queen
(137.69 KB 1402x1880 media_F6klx09XYAAUSAn.jpg)
Does "burst lust" really exist?
(434.63 KB 2567x2952 GDHWVHkXwAA0rMt.jpg)
>>86002 Any idea on the sauce for the last image? I looked up both names on the bottom right and found nothing
>>105562 This is all I see
>>105430 >>105463 >>105562 >>105563 These are barely even humanoid. Go to >>>/bbwalt/
>>105642 well then Where am I gonna post these then?
>>105679 I just showed you the board.
>>105679 bbfurries or bbwalt, just not here lmao
>>105774 OK Got it! 👍
>>105873 What's the name of that woman?
>>106242 og poster here and YOU FOOL IT'S A MAN also its Earlie by computerblush
(415.73 KB 3330x2621 media_GGxIsAQWUAAsENN.png)
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Is there a replacement for NSFW nitter?
(409.84 KB 2656x2656 media_GEI1sK0WgAAGEpQ.jpg)
>she looks like my waifu Oh no.
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>>112748 Sauce?
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(1.07 MB 4000x4000 media_F3xWJ57X0AI0ZT2.jpg)
(467.19 KB 4000x4000 puffpussy.jpg)
(287.42 KB 2048x1826 small celebration.jpg)
(68.34 KB 1200x1107 surpriseballoon.jpg)
(208.92 KB 3000x2500 surpriseballoon2.jpg)
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(21.85 KB 1200x1200 EK-4qu9WoAIXJh9.png)
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(76.51 KB 1200x675 ECJ92CRUYAE8DH6.jpg)
(18.93 KB 1000x833 EI48E2bWwAE0sHI.png)
I Got These
(41.07 KB 1200x918 FqFuxG0WcAILLlS.png)
(80.83 KB 1342x1274 GOu6DdDW4AA3rT9.jpg)
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(665.02 KB 1583x1460 s_BalloonSex005_by_SkieMaree.png)
(84.64 KB 720x1296 media_GRCcZgLXYAACkTi.jpg)
Is there a word for being surprised by enjoying something?
(703.94 KB 3749x4096 media_GRREzoLa0AA5tm1.jpg)
(242.59 KB 1751x2048 media_F0ZBlTNacAEokd4.jpg)
Sex while inflated. Bonus points if she says it feels (so much) better than usual.
(36.25 KB 800x600 20220407_131822.jpg)
(555.20 KB 2080x1905 GQfKe-3aIAAn905.jpg)
(909.81 KB 2894x4093 media_GAa5mtDbkAANZVD.jpg)
>getting off handsfree >edging closer and closer to orgasm and yet never achieving it Which is better?
(99.41 KB 1200x1124 GAGE2aha0AA9zMJ.jpg)
>>121118 Artist?
>>119911 >edging closer and closer to orgasm and yet never achieving it I like to imagine that when a person keeps edging, their sex fluids just keep getting pumped back into their body, making them inflate.
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(3.66 MB 5100x6600 PatreonDec-LillyjadeKatrin.jpg)
(414.42 KB 1500x1438 Lilah Inflated 12.png)
(112.06 KB 1243x931 GUPVXaaXAAEnMJO.jpg)
(773.82 KB 4096x1928 GYBAjXRXIAA49SD.jpg)
(717.97 KB 4096x3696 GYMmlYKWoAAYsI5.jpg)
(983.56 KB 4000x4000 GYMmNUHXYAEPtFx.jpg)
(103.10 KB 2360x1669 warehouse.jpg)
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(776.65 KB 4096x2223 GZjIwe3XYAQATgU.jpg)
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(743.58 KB 4096x4096 FCeQwM-WUAE5XAc.jpg)
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(633.92 KB 4000x4000 GZNS3nBXIAAJrvQ (1).jpg)
(222.48 KB 720x1080 2024-10-22_Dancer_Hourglass.png)
>>127760 Name of artist in the first two pictures? I can't read the signature...
>>128359 That’s AllAnchorsAweigh, @JustSomeAnchor on Twitter.
(2.13 MB 400x224 cat-come-here.gif)
>>128360 Pov I'm either gonna give you the blowjob of a lifetime or give him a big wet boy kiss. Goddamn whoever inspired this idea please I beg of you commission the artist some more wild ideas like this as it's the sexiest thing I've seen all month and I might just collapse from dehydration from bursting to it! I will not be participating in no nut November this year as this has fueled me past the point of edging. I'll instantly loose at the thought! >Bless you anon I wish whoever commissioned this and the artist who gave us this god tier sequel two years good luck, a good life, and you win the lottery or at least a plushie or ps5 or something ABSOLUTELY DESRVETED! GOD I WANT HIS BLIMPED COCK IN MY MOUTH SO FUCKING BAD! HES SO GODDAMN VIOLENTLY CUTE!
>>129116 Sorce
(195.70 KB 2048x1360 growingdevotion.jpg)
>>119582 does anyone have a source for this
>>131400 Artist is Fusenchan on Twitter I can't find the post but you can probably just search 'bunny' might be from this early year
(836.48 KB 2215x2452 media_Gd9PRZnWwAAXadt.png)
(921.79 KB 2556x2888 alecbcomm_XGN2xA6.png)
(920.34 KB 1504x1590 bayo1_sTTUegc.png)
(153.73 KB 2425x1833 hexberry3.jpg)
(8.19 MB 3500x4500 futaba__by_shab_eru_dfgjb3n.png)
>>133180 And this thread is older with more posts your point? But good mention when this inevitably locks we can go to >>96823
(483.29 KB 4096x3325 megapuffy.jpg)
(198.63 KB 2048x1583 juicing.jpg)
(209.15 KB 2048x2048 hucow.jpg)
(1.16 MB 4096x3852 hottub.jpg)
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(330.45 KB 4096x1937 hottub3.jpg)
(586.01 KB 4096x3097 20241023_125354.jpg)
(213.16 KB 1200x715 1411946793606.png)
>>134970 Artist on the first one?
(531.89 KB 2000x1358 puffingfalin.jpg)
>>137163 Source on #5?
>>137164 https://www.deviantart.com/imogenki/art/Pink-1137234042
(1.04 MB 2644x2025 An Abundance of Alyx.png)
(1.12 MB 5608x4032 Guardsman.png)
(358.63 KB 1764x1402 Cressberry.png)
(2.43 MB 2628x2880 Orb-Tega.png)
(2.23 MB 4378x2880 Two Swollen Scientists.png)
>>137163 Always fun seeing my stuff out in the wild Here, have a few other pics of mine
