/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Horror movie inflation ideas Anonymous 12/16/2022 (Fri) 19:56:15 Id:c0fa75 No. 71780
Like that's to that Willy Wonka theater thread for bringing ideas out of me Context >>71778 That said I figure there's not enough inflation scenes in horror movies it's hard alone to find any with any gender let alone the female variety things like slither come to mind maybe that breast expansion scene in flesh Gordon 2? But overall I figured we have a interesting discussion board topic here so first and foremost feel free to share your favorite inflation scenes if they're is any from horror movies or otherwise (I don't even care if you say babe 2 pig in the city) then drop your idea for a horror movie scene or even full horror movie project! Just whatever suits your fancy below whatever kooky fun or scary things you come up with fetishized or non fetish I don't care as long as it's fun!
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Hood Of Horror is interesting with Actress Brande Roderick's Expression.
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Like for me a example of expansion would be this male inflation scene with a firehose in the butt from wrong turn six it was a crazy dang scene remember it really scaring the crap out of me at first basically killer hillbillies want to turn dude into a parade balloon. They're first attempt? Shoving a hose into his mouth only to realize it wouldn't work so attempt 2 if you can't go though the front go through the rear as they pull down his pants and jam it up his pooper! It's then it finally starts working and his belly starts expanding til well baboom! Crazy scene from start to end haven't really scene one like it since. As for my dream idea for a inflation scenario like I've said previously I feel like when it comes to killer clowns there certain expectations to hold. Clowns and balloons seam to go hand and hand with most media (like look at pennywise and rocking both a pile of red balloons and a balloon shaped head!) So idea wise random 20 something girl, motive could be anything really! Maybe she has big tits some people call her balloon bitch? Maybe she's a bit clueless so people call her airhead. So clown goes after her uses whatever is laying around junk was is usually how horror films do these kinds of kills expecially if the kill is motivated in randomness vs. planned. After disorienting her Grabs the most random bike pump hose or slams her mouth face first into a old helium tank and let the inflation being. Bike pump would be slow either belly expansion or again get a squeak latex style TMC suit and well pump it up under her clothes for full body inflation effect leading to desired effect which whether it be breast expansion, Belly expansion, or full body squeak latex goodness the desired effect is the same bang/death. Cue Next movie scene The idea being the clown being punny by ironically killing her with a tactic that she's been called her whole life or at least the whole movie.
A reverse of this kinda takes inspiration from boogyman 2s inflation scene just the motives girl has fear of weight gain maybe she was teased growing up and when she finally lost all the pounds she fears blowing up again and the negative laughing and bullying that would insue. Maybe it's not a boogyman2 thing and she's not even thin maybe you remove the weight lose bit and shes still heavier/bbw in a way and has self esteem issues about her image the idea works the same fat or thin. Killer goes after her as it's her time to be axed off, shenanigans insue. And there's multiple ways to go about this either she trips and falls or some or let's say cartoon physics exist with this killer and she's flattened by a run away steam roller sicked upon her like rabid dog. Killer catches up, they grap out a bike pump or some hose of some kind (maybe it's attached to a tanks? semantics don't matter!) A nightmare realm or something is engulfing her surroundings or maybe it's chased her from the woods to a old big warehouse and that's where the steamroller flattened the chubby girl or knocked her down? Either way plenty of open space! So the killer toon thing then decides to deploy mirages of the girls/adults who picked on her (mostly snobby women) the toon clown thing giggles with them as hose is placed in her mouth and turned on full blast. She begins to slowly (for horror effect) inflate space jam style with a mix of both the same CGI used and practical effects like hand sleeve inflatable things inflating. Eventually like stan she starts floating getting a good view from above of her tormentors she grows and grows just when you think she can't anymore the toon clown thing takes the knob and turns it full blast! She begins to fill out the wearhouse like a canvas completely filling until every inch of her massive parade form fills the warehouse her large giant face squishing the girls and the toon clown thing as she cries from the humiliation as they scream "HA! Look at the blimp! She's ready to bust!" her body creaks and groans squishing them more and more into the walls as she can barely even squeal anymore for help from this nightmare as her body reaches Max and cue the BOOM! question being was it a toony boom like did she explode into rubbery pieces all over or was it a bloody one where the director chose let everyone get water park soaked! Bonus points if they went with practical blood as I'm sure a helicopter fire bucket filled with fake blood is bound to break the Guinness record boobs again (currently title holder is the bathroom scene in it chapter 2) Overall you have a idea of a inflation death rooted in the fear body shaming (a common fear in this world that would stick with people) that pushes inflation to it's max and on to of that a very expensive and grand killshot probably the most expensive one for said film to fill but it would be all worth is for that Guinness world record title of most blood used in a horror film alone! But on top of that having probably a death fit for a films villain more or less. But those are my ideas at least for inflation so now that you have a example go nuts present something crazy in the thread below!
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>>71790 More blown up images of the poor cute 20 something bbw girl balloon But you basically get the concept in mind
>>71780 >OP Image I hated that scene so much because the trailer teased that she would be the one tube fee, but it instead was a guy it happened to because of an honest mistake. There's NEVER been a movie where it's a woman being seriously tube fed, while expansion and force feeding kills only happens to guys.
I Imagined a scenario if the monster's milk inflated Tess as her breasts and belly pop out of her clothes.
>>71814 Boogyman2 it happens but weird neck bulge
>>71817 Possessed baby bottle that makes people pregnant the newest film from m night shyamalan
>>71825 Searched it. Unsettling, but not very graphic compared to what happens to men.
>>71814 did you forget about the hood of horror?
what about Cloverfield and slither. both inflation and exploding gore.
>>71828 Indeed but nice belly bloat motherfucker literally just wrapped some barbed wired razor blades to her at let it rip and wait for the belly strain to do her in. I I think the only downside is they kind of went a bit overkill. Hoses in the mouth and maybe hands and legs? Was all that was needed. Just a belly expansion. But that neck face appliance thing and grows out vomit etc. Kinda killed it. Still nice belly bulge none the less! Also real time inflation with a better inflation pacing than most taylormadeclips videos.
>>71846 Cloverfield is fantastic! But kinda blurry I think kdaykreams take on it was much better lol! But still classic. Slither was good but the face makeup went a bit too hard as well girl didn't need so much chin blubber head sunken in normally would have been just fine with the actress puffing out her cheeks maybe coughing blood from time to time or something? Still I hear some people like the face neck bubbler and that it makes the inflation type unique so guess it's more or less subject of opinion. That said Brenda isn't technically the only inflation scene in the films climax they hook a propane tank to the yondu monster thing and once they strike a match you can see it's belly expand on to of all the individual people inside it too before it pops. Which technically means inflation is this aliens weakness and it's weapon lol.
>>71850 Could you share a link to the Cloverfield scene?
something I've always wanted to see is a female version of the goosebumps ep say cheese and die again where a thin model has her picture taken by crused camera slowly she starts getting fatter and no matter what she does she just keeps getting fatter and fatter with no end in sight it seems like she just gonna keep getting fatter until she explodes
drawn version of hood of horror
>>71864 this is the one I'm talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNO5l3fMq5Y
My favourite scene will always be the expansion scene in
Scream Bloody Murder?
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>>72883 I hate how the rednecks went through the trouble of dressing up the guy as a woman instead of just bursting an actual one.
>>72936 You have in mind it's feces what is being used right?
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>>71786 Personally I've been wanting to make a horror movie scene/one shot short film with one of these suits too! I mean look at how big they can get and they inflate perfectly under clothes! If you gonna do a inflation scene in a low budget/horror movie of any kind this suit is the perfect way to go!
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>>72980 To go a step further on how to do the pop I wouldn't pop the suit itself as too expensive for one and the suit pops don't always look the best. I'd probably use that old Hollywood bewitched technique and move in a inflatable dummy maybe throw in some clothes BUG style and add some expired meat from a grocery store/fake blood etc. As it is a horror movie so make the pop look comedic yet mostly gnarly as hell to be remembered! (like slither.) Like make sure the explosion is big and of course a truckload of fake blood or at least blood colored water maybe spray their best friend in it too or something? Hell fill they're ass with the neighbors garden hose and watch them erupt in a blood shower like that elevator in the shining. Sky's the limit! >>72936 ah imbred (2011)! Agreed fantastic scene minus the guy in the shitty wig factor getting shit forcefed down his throat. Make it gasoline or something instead! Old weird towns like that have gas stations right? (Speaking of which gas station death scene via tire pump would be a amazing idea I'm sad nobody has ever used! I can't help but imagine that shit every time I see some hot thick chick pumping up their tires!) Pump the person full of diesel as why waste that much chocolate pudding to make him look full of shit? But these almost perfect yet bad hot take garbage for inflations by Hollywood is why one of us should drop some dough on a decent suit and script and do it ourselves!
>>72980 Could you upload this vid, the taylor banks pizza inf one? Ive been looking for that one for ages.
>>72987 Don't have it it's a Google find sorry mate try the TMC thread
>>72843 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz1CVV7D0jU
>>71783 Does anyone have that scene? Can't seem to find it on YouTube.
Not really horror, but the scene from Dyna Girl and Electra Woman.
>>74671 I mean might as well be
>>74671 what scene?
>>75093 The jowly fat bitch I assume
>>75143 With the peanut? Yeah.
anybody have slither movie besides talking |:(
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>>75231 Like the full movie this is mostly a discussion thread with people bringing up favorite scenes or creating there own. Here's the full scene https://youtu.be/or4W_qK70zk As for the movie pirate it or buy it legitly it's cheap as hell for a DVD off ebay
>>75239 Like legit this shits a YouTube search away no offense I don't kinda get much of what more you want. You want me to download it and drop it is that what your asking? Like whats to stop you from doing that yourself
>>74671 You can find miss peanut allergy from dyna girl 1:34 in this video https://youtu.be/PllJuWjcG9I
>>74275 Full scene?
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>>78252 >Male inflation once fucking again
Here’s something significantly better as a pallet cleanser. Cool af idea
>>78404 Pipe Inflation like this is my weakness it’s sooo good
>>78403 Yeah not mention even bigger boner killer it's a child I ain't into no loli shit But the video in question is crypt tvs sweet tooth again fantastic premise but the faco Like why couldn't it be a bratty adult younger sister or something? Stealing there siblings candy at a family reunion or late night Halloween when they supposed to be babysitting said kid. But the fact it's wasted on some random ten year old is a shame. Funny enough I'm surprised they can do this as years ago there was a embargo against showing the death of children violent or otherwise in horror movies. If this shit was done back then it definitely would have been her 20 year old boyfriend or girlfriend ;) I mean in a day and age all about inclusivity and LGBT it's a shame not to see her bisexual or whatnot girlfriend get the treatment for cheating or some?
>>78448 Goes to show if you want something done you have to go about it the thanos way and make it yourself! Like shit start a horror YouTube channel yourself and hire your friends and put them though your poorly disguised fetishes! Do your own well written short horror stories and put they asses to shame!
>>78252 This just proves that I can model a blueberry suit scene with any model girl or woman and do whatever I want within creative reason as long as the source material is being tributes in some reasonable way. This video has existed for three years without a peep so I fail to see why what I just described would be controversial at all minus some minor loud voices that will get mad at anything successful. I’m starting to get ready to just let the floodgates open regarding what I’ve shot in the past and shooting more in the very near immediate future From an artistic level like this horror clip of course
>>78450 Stop inserting drama and read I said adult younger sister as in she's maybe 19 25 and the runt of the family and older sister is in her late 20/30s I said nothing about little girls lol I'll give praise to it being a fantastic horror and belly scene with good props but again fucking wasted on a child instead of a adult
>>78461 Wait? So you've been doing blueberry horror scenes with adult actors anon? Well shit you had me at balloon woman is a understatement to say the least >>71780 Again so many inflation ideas if someone would just have the balls to insert them as proper ideas I mean this whole thread is full of them lol! I particularly like this whoever had the gas station idea someone brought up somewhere with the tire compressor full body bloat! sound fucking perfect! All someone has to do is make them reality!
>>78469 Nah I’m not gonna let you do the pretending you’re anon posting as me thing
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>>78475 That should answer your question. Anyways carry on.
My point is we need more adult women and men getting blown up in horror films it's sad that shit like slither is all we have when it comes to crazy horror scenes in horror movies. Hell fuck James Gunn to date is the only motherfucker who even attempted full b Wonka 05 style blimp! Most Media is just belly bloats and exploding boobs absolutely nobody's turned some random girl or otherwise into a full blimp! Also since there's so much inflation in slither does this mean James Gunn may have a inflation kink or something? Again I'm probably reaching but.. you never know!
>>78513 Love how you talk of intimidation, lies, and fearmongering, and then proceed to say that you'd kill someone for being gay. And you still spelled "parasite" wrong, you fucking idiot.
>>78517 Oof what up with the fucking drama lately I just wanna talk about stuffing car hoses up women's asses til kaboom and someone got to blow there top like the hose been stuck up there ass! Like legit if it's not that instead of deleting individual messages mods just be purging threads not cool take you bull elsewhere I come here for balloons so just flood enough discussion or art and it will drown them out
Everytime I look at this thread my mind just instantly goes too:
>>78623 >mouth Good.
I would love to see a scene like this in a horror movie. It would be a before and after for the horror film industry https://www.deviantart.com/owrehl/art/Fine-Dining-955738191
>>82664 Man, Owrehl is the goat.
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Video game mechanics can be nightmare fuel.
>>84243 This.
>>84243 Yeah I wonder how many horror games have inflation mechanics and if there isn't any someone should make some for fun inflation itself is probably the most horrible way to go if you think about it? Being stretched to your limits until you explode all over the walls or you're best friend as she has to watch in horror
>>78623 Speaking of I'm surprised since the announcement of a female ghostface in scream vi that no ones done fem Ghost face inflation morphs yet
I found this. Does this count? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrKapz5nt4A
With the advance of AI-generated content do you think we can make one ourselves, an expansion-themed horror story?
Anything new?
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Well if nobody is gonna contribute anything new guess it's up to me I got some juicy details on a obscure possibly lost media comedy horror skit of a series called der educator the particular one in question were looking for is der educator #3 which was up on YouTube until it got copyright claimed and now it's existence is unknown. But it came from inflatechan according to this body inflation org member. For context from what I could get from the first one is this guy euer educator trys to save people from tragic events or something not sure if it's a anti suicide psa satire or something giving I only have the first one to go off of where he tries to save a guy from roping well let's say turkey necks to be sfw about it but it ends with him failing. Each skit would have a opening cutscene and an ending cutscene of him looking heroic like photos below but number 3 in particular featured a woman who somehow got a water hose jammed down her mouth or something and inflates to popping. Basically it. Looking for a copy if possible as well as maybe it to be posted to archive dot org or something? Even though YouTube darkens it we can get a glimpse of the girl in the thumbnail which you'll see in the first photos so hopefully that jogs some memories
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>>91822 This whole thing just gives me randy quench vibes more info if names involved in the production from the credits to hopefully dig up this goofy gem
>>91822 Definitely saw this before. It's kind of cute but nothing too amazing.
>>91838 Do you have the video
https://youtu.be/s6ly6S6gUVw anyone ever see Meng gui zhuang gui 1989 aka funny ghost it features a scene where this ghost woman's belly balloons until she explodes
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This is definitely worth a watch. https://youtu.be/PQfzlHRaHY4
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>>93391 Her names Becky bush ironically she's been in a few goofy death shorts from this channel. The only other inflation one being the first mukbang in which her belly expands at the end https://youtu.be/b9DW-tHrQB8 otherwise she was in another skit called the vaccum (one would ironically think that infamous Roger rabbit scene I know!) But it sadly ends with her getting sucked into a cube or something no blowback vaccum inflation although it would have been fun! Who knows maybe vaccum 2 ! If someone did a succ o lux horror short omg that would be 🔥 Link below https://youtu.be/0MPz07QN3sk
>>92762 https://we.tl/t-42lc7tJjf3 Here's a cut version of this scene with less of the other characters running around.
>>93391 >hide the inflation when the suit doesn't even look like it's halfway to full capacity They thought they were being cute, but no, they're just pissing me off. Don't bother with inflation if you can't show it.
>>86557 No, it doesn't, and in fact i wish I hadn't seen it.
>>93576 That's just your opinion man there's only so much you can do with a inflatable costume and the acting is actually top tier most tmc videos aren't that good. So what if the inflation is sub par they did a fantastic job with the atmosphere of the scenario more so than more pornos designs to again specifically cater to it!
>>93576 If you skim their other videos it's pretty obvious they're on a shoestring budget, so it's hardly surprising they couldn't manage anything more than that. >>86557 >Does this count? No Patrick, mayonaise is not horror inflation.
Before I forget, there was this scene from a really obscure 1973 slasher called 'Scream Bloody Murder' where some girl is getting pumped full of I-don't-know-what. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz1CVV7D0jU I seem to recall that Hood of Horror contained a scene where a girl was pumped up with caviar, but I can't find a clip of it.
>>93583 The exhaust of a truck.
>>93579 >there's only so much you can do with a inflatable costume then get a better one. there's plenty of spherical suits out there
>>93628 They're not making fetish content, retard.
>>93631 True but I meant one of those cheap ones on a budget not like inflatable suits but again I think that's a fantastic idea buy a tmc fetish suit from squeak latex and use it for horror movie scenes then for the pop use a blow up doll as suits don't pop as satisfying plus you'd be looking at a expensive one take pop shit! So just fill up a blow up doll for a quick edit pop/ space jam style CGI as honestly wouldn't be hard to recreate the rubbery feel of stand inflation as balloon people tend to have a plastic fake look like that when inflating
Like I'm actually generally curious on how to accurately recreate that scene myself with a actor/actress
Inflation (Like slither) involving parasite growing within until you burst open from them How about people who just inflate round like a balloon but as they grow, and get tighter, you hear their screams get muffled from the creaky squeakiness. The other participants are caught in the room of the inflatee with no escape. After being forced against the boundaries of the room, the balloon person explodes with such a lud bang it partially deafens the people in the room. Damaging everything, The people getting up realize they too have started to blow up Any inflation involving watching the inflatee floating away into the sky, their screams becoming distant until nothing is heard or seen. I really do prefer the ambiguousness of the fate though. People being rolled away screaming but never to truly know what happens to them.
The thread asks for “ideas” so here’s one. Weight gain body horror transformation. Think werewolf transformation, the fear, the uncontrollable body changes, the clothes ripping off. “What’s happening to me!?” Under the light of the full moon, beauty becomes obese. You could also swap out fat with inflation or blueberry.
Bad horror-porn plot which is probably more porn than horror: A mad scientist obsessed with gene-splicing and creating strange mutants to be exhibits in his freak show, and he decides to hunt down the protagonists to use them as test subjects. He actually manages to convince one of the female protagonists to join him willingly by promising to give her the body she'd always wanted. He performs genetic surgery on her that gives her balloon 'superpowers'. The first thing she does with them is inflate her body into a ridiculously curvy shape by inflating her thighs, buttocks, and breasts. She catches up to one of the other females of the group, who happens to be a lesbian. Said lesbian is half afraid, half insanely attracted to her former friend's new form. The balloon woman easily seduces the lesbian, then knocks her unconscious. Later the other protagonists find the captured friend awake and tied to a chair with a hose sticking out of her rear, but they can't get to her because she's behind a pane of glass. The balloon woman appears and taunts the others. She demonstrates her powers by briefly turning on a gas canister attached to the other end of the hose, causing the captured friend's breasts and stomach to start inflating in front of the others. The balloon woman forces the group to complete a pointless task for her amusement, and warns them that every mistake will cause their friend to grow bigger, and that if they make too many mistakes she'll pop. Naturally the group keep making mistakes, so the captured woman keeps inflating. Mainly it's her belly, breasts, buttocks, and limbs that inflate, making her look more like a particularly round BBW. The group complete the task before she pops, but by that point she's so swollen she can hardly walk. Her arms and legs are really thick, her cheeks are swollen, her breasts and rear are like melons, and her belly's like a space hopper or a yoga ball, so naturally it's sticking out of her shirt. Of course, other characters would meet other transformative fates that conviniently coincide with other fetishes...
something interesting that may work is a kind of possesion that makes the possesed swell. Like the inflatee instead of being in danger, becomes the danger. Like Nanao from Kero Blaster for example
Explosive decompression is always a good go to.
In the working script of Nightmare on Elm Street 5 there was supposed to be a horror inflation kind of death scene but they ended up just doing that silly swollen cheek/choke on food death instead. Terrible movie btw and then Freddy's Dead came out which is even worse.
>>93947 I was a little skeptical about this so I looked it up, and holy hell it reads like a fetish story. There’s even a pregnant expansion a few pages before it. I’m linking the script here, relevant part starts on page 64 https://nightmareonelmstreetfilms.com/Files/nightmare-on-elm-street-5-original-script.pdf
>>93958 Pages?
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There's always this one from a freddy krueger comic book. I also cleaned up the last full body shot at one point.
>>93972 Best comic expansion done by a non fetish producer ever imo. The popped zipper and gradually panty shot is perfection.
>>93958 What page is the preg expansion?
>>93959 >>94013 61 for the pregnant one, 64-65 for the other one
>>93972 I forgot about that old Freddy comic. >>94016 Quite a bit of okayokayokok's stuff is borderline horror. (Pictures related.)
>>93959 Page 59: INT. ALICE'S WOMB -- NIGHT It's not as impressive as it sounds though. The inflating pig TF is far more interesting. It's a shame they never pulled it off.
Is there a chance in hell an AI can write a really good and fappable horror story?
Here is a fun one I found by accident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQfzlHRaHY4 There is no inflation in the previous 2 shorts. Enjoy
>>71780 https://thisvid.com/videos/scream-inflation-burst-scene/ Literally the only good one.
theres a movie known as Portrait In Crystal, that supossely has some inflation scenes, its on youtube
>>96261 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79mEYPxNHpI I caught a popping (male, eww) scene at 57:50, but there's no inflation. Also, goddamn this movie is a headache to watch.
>>96275 OK, just a few seconds after the white haired girl's stomach also bursts, but again no inflation, and the shot goes so quickly you almost need to watch it a few times to really get it.
Imagine an AI that can take scene and insert your waifu. Haha.
>>96985 im trying to do so at Gen-2 but i can't
I can't believe the SAW franchise is already on its 10th movie and has never had a body inflation trap
>>71780 I’ve got an obscure one from the 1990 French horror movie “Baby Blood” where the main character (female) force-inflates an ambulance worker (male) with oxygen until he explodes. She holds the oxygen mask against his mouth and cranks up the oxygen tank. I’m pretty certain the main character also experiences an accelerated pregnancy dream/hallucination scene. I would provide the timestamps but I can’t seem to find the full movie now.
>>97160 >Male inflation Does any director aside from the Slithers guy have the fucking balls to inflate women?
>>97165 im with you. I mean, really? what the heck directors? i only know a single inflation apart of the famous ones: The cross of the seven jewels, a kind of monster make a woman's belly full with goo till it explodes
also i heard at imdb that originally at Hellraiser 3, Pinhead would call a cenobite with gas-tube-fingers to inflate one of the female characters to make her leave the cube, but they discarder the idea cuz a new suit and a inflatable suit would be too expensive
also i heard on another threat a movie with a female expansion and popping, its not a horrro movie, but may work as a horror material: I heard that its a bout a inventor who makes wacky failureske things, and one of them its a burger that multiplies, a woman eat it and then she bloated till she exploded
>>97160 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x11svzp?playlist=x2qn70 It's around 9:45. Goddamn shame it's not a woman because, while very brief, this is exactly the kind of over the top silly shit that gets me every time. It's (slightly) full body and the sound effects and the aftermath are perfect. C'est la vie.
>>97189 well, lets search around the internet if someone finds out a female inflation in horror films
someone finder out the burgers one?
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>>97189 Fucking hell, man! This would've been great on a woman.
i heard theres an scene on a movie known as "Galaxy of Terror"
>>71780 i heard somewhere about a kind of creature that inflates people's bellies on a sentai
>>97203 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20exiv Around 1:06:45 is all I could find that could be relevant, a woman is getting crushed by tentacles and her stomach briefly inflates and I think pops
i found something interesting, at Riki Oh another character dies the same way as Warden (the fat guy) and its male, but its played by a actress
>>97210 nevermind, i seek for it for send a timestamp and looks like its a false alaram
>>97206 It's more like she gets so squished her innards come out of that free space. Not inflation, but cool death nonetheless.
someone discovered a new scene of female inflation?
creeptales 2004 has an scene i think
someone have discovered a new scene?
I heard a movie known as Spasm have some scenes, maybe someone can look if theres is any female
>>71780 hey, from where its the image?
>>93946 im trying to seek explosive decompression scenes where a female inflates, but its pretty hard
>>97304 Holy shit, dude, calm down.
someone knowns any decompress scene where a woman inflates?
>>97737 I can think of 1000 ways to Die. There's two there: the one where the girl's boobs inflate and explode and the one where a diver girls explodes after being decompressed.
>>97748 the BE one sounds pretty good, but i rather full body inflation. And the diver girl its just a explosion without inflation
>>97751 The BE one is a classic, but yeah, it's not full body inflation.
>>97756 im keep searching for "what would happen to your body on the void of space" videos where the "dummy" its female isntead of male, but its always or male or agender
>>91822 Still looking for this
>>97766 maybe if we ask on Beg threat, im still looking for the dutch witch
>>97748 There's also one where a chick shoves a whipped cream nozzle tip up her ass and her belly bloats before dying
Hi everyone, sorry to bother you all. Just wanted to say that I am an inflation artist and I do a lot of body inflation drawings that deal with What If horror film scenarios with my two original characters (copyrighted). If you want to check out more of my work, or if you have any commissions that you would like...I would be interested in talking to you more. Here is an example drawing of two of my original characters with the two different versions of Pinhead (movie and tv series) as they watch the main female lead in the Hellraiser series get inflated through a little bit of magic and the cube. Come check out more of my artwork.
>>97769 wait what?, Oh, this is new, new and good
>>97769 i go to saw it, its pretty dissapointing but atleast her belly bloats
well, anyways, lets wait till the next person comes with a new horror scene here
someone found new info about the dutch witch?
>>97768 I mean I guess but it's not really something I'm begging for exactly just want to see it plus it's currently lost media the sooner it's posted up the sooner it can be archived
in Val Helsing, Aleera swells up and explodes after being impaled by a stake
>>97774 “Two original characters COPYRIGHTED)” Yeah good luck with that
>>97769 Just saw it. The "bloating" (if it really was there) was barely noticeable.
>>97838 Yeah that's on me, hadn't seen it in years, just saw 1000 ways to die mentioned and it kind of came to mind. There's more bloating in the in depth anatomical explanation but, it's not all that enjoyable, sorry about that.
>>97864 Nah man, don't sweat it. Honestly, it's very disappointing they made that one so lame when the BE one was great.
Hi, I'm Eddie Winters. I humbly like to suggest and strongly request 300 to 3,000,000 Body Horror Movie Directors to start making BILLIONS of hardcore, gruesome, and cheesy practical special makeup effects movies and millions of short body horror films about... "Men Giving Birth", "Men That Gives Birth By Having Their Foreheads, Cheekbones, Throats, Necks, Bellies, Arms, Hands, and Backs (Bulging, Throbbing, Writhing, Pumping, and Inflating) out alien babies and gakidama-goblin babies" and "Gakidama Babies That Emerges, Erupts, Bulges, Grows, and Bursts Out of Men's Faces, Throats-Necks, Heads, Bellies, Chests, and even from Men's Penises. Please send my idea to 300 filmmakers and request them to start making hundreds of "Body Horror, Men Pregnancy-Body Morph Birth" movies right now. Please have 300 filmmakers contact me for the details and updates. My email address is [email protected]
I come with good news and bad news. Bad news, I found another scene but it’s a guy. Japanese horror film called Signal 100 where a bunch of students commit suicide for some reason, idk really. But one of the guys sticks a hose in his mouth and explodes. I’ll link to a death compilation video, it’s at 1:37 if anyone wants to see it. https://youtu.be/QluNclcitF0?si=nDCUgNZ_-7G-w2pQ The good news is the channel that made that video. It’s all 1-3 minute death counts from horror movies stretching back to the 70s, with a bunch of movies I’ve never even heard about. There’s over 500 uploads and they post pretty frequently, so there has to be something hidden in there. I know this place is pretty dead now and will be gone soon, but I figure this may be something fruitful to leave everyone with. Maybe we’ll find another scene before the site’s time is up.
>>98478 remember theres its a remake at Lemmy's so i guess this site its not sooo death after all, and we can keep investigating there
So, someone found something new?
>>98248 We need more female or at least feminine femboy inflation if anything less! I can provide male clips for days but the opposite sex gets shut! More women or women adjacent inflation please! And no those rednecks putting a wig on a dude and filling him with septic tank shit doesn't count that's not a femboy inflation it's just fucking dumb not to mention gross. Top horrible ways to die forced human shit ✅ Seriously though not even a clown making a bimbos boobs blow up or something again clowns be synopsis with that crap! So why is mine 3 the only good inflation scene ive seen to date!
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>>98660 If you want me to jerk it to trans,male, femboy, non binary, or whatever the fuck you wish to insert here (no offense just saying there's a lot of s*** and I'm not mentioning every definition in the book in the world here of gender crap and pronouns) the least you can do is give them some cute fishnets in a T-shirt or something sexy and make that 18+ hottie blow so full even his dick and balls inflates before they pop like confetti! Bonus points if the killer or whatever (example jealous partner) jerks their engorged enlarging cock as it splits out cum all over like a volcano before they violently start shaking like the beachball sex toy they've become before they blast all over like a exploding balloon filled with cream all over the walls! We're talking Cummmmmm!! If it's gonna be male or male adjacent at least make that bitch look hot AF! Again give me male blimps with cute stockings as I watch there thighs bloat up as they round out or no inflation scene at all!! Take notes horror writers. Take notes!!
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>>98661 If you won't do a female inflation scene this is my most fair compromise again sorry if I sound rule it's just again alot of people go by alot of things. I'm cool with that. But I'm not typing all that shit I'd be here all day. If you gonna do male inflation make it the hottest femboy in stockings shit I've ever seen!!!
>>98248 im just asking everyone gas their preferences, but why not female?
>>98669 has* no gas.
we can make scenes using gen-2
>>98669 No idea again honestly their are some busty female characters that could get breast expansion with boobs expanding to burst point.
>>98685 good, but i think full female body inflation would be better
i was serching at reddit and i found this, yep, another lost movie that we must search, if someone knows what this is pleease help https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/g4h030/tomt_movie_80s_or_90s_about_astronauts_lost_in/
also someone found something about the witch?
>>98743 Found it, but it’s not much. From a movie called Trapped in Space, scene starts at 44:04. Just shows her face “inflating” and then a blood splatter. https://youtu.be/YiWgF3LrWUY?si=m38FrWDXbJoXVpb6
>>98752 >https://youtu.be/YiWgF3LrWUY?si=m38FrWDXbJoXVpb6 you.........what.....DEPISTE ITS LOW YOU FOUND A LOST MEDIA MOVIE! good job!
but youre right, its underwhelming
>>98752 Well, that was disappointing...
i have two more scenes in my memories, but aren't too pleasant i guess, or maybe they are. But lets keep searching anyways the cross of seven Jewels: a woman belly gets briefly inflated by a demon until it explodes in goo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scI0MTT264c&pp=ygUbY3Jvc3NlZCBqZXdlbHMgaG9ycm9yIG1vdmll creeptales (not very pleasant): a woman buys a magical vacuum that can suck everything she desires, but everything it sucks gets inside of her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MMUaf8QVrE&pp=ygUPY3JlZXB0YWxlcyAyMDA0
i think i found another sscene?....its a guess its not official: I found that theres a found footage horror trash movie about a kind of...zombie..model i guess?...and well atleast what i read on a review, due corpses bloats she then began to bloat up a lot, so her crew has to squeeze her to remain her in a hourglass shape
>>98854 the name its Young Sexy and Dead"
nevermind, shes dead not a zombie, lets not dig this
>>98853 The vacuum one was so bad it was funny, almost looked like a TMC clip
So there’s a Korean horror movie called Tastes of Horror that came out a couple weeks ago and it’s based on a webtoon of the same name. I’ll link it here: https://th.kakaowebtoon.com/viewer/TASTES_OF_HORROR_001/35009 It’s basically an anthology of short comic strips, and the very first one has to do with a mukbanger. I can’t tell any specifics because I don’t know the language, but she eats some kind of cake on stream and gets bigger. You can see it in the 2nd part of what I linked. It would seem that this is getting adapted into the movie, take a look at 1:08 on this trailer: https://youtu.be/9urVckNgZJM?si=GXVEKcSyjCXk5Ss2 That’s a mukbanger stuffing her face, and the picture on the left is also from the same comic strip, which pretty much confirms it. The only question is will the movie itself show any inflation. There’s also another trailer that shows her and another girl eating more things: https://youtu.be/NIW4lSb20H0?si=y2KnjHF2xgNTydHA You can even see in the description, the last story is called “Gluttony” and it’s about a mukbanger. There may be something good here. The problem is, from what I can tell, it’s only in theaters in Malaysia and Korea at the moment. I haven’t seen anything else for a wider global release. Not sure if there’s any way we can see this for now, but I just wanted to put this out there.
>>99440 amazing, it doesn't matter if it will be released in korea or not, in fact, its easier cuz we can search for it on Korean dramas websites
>>99440 ok, finding the movie was harder than i thought, someone can search it?
here its the movie, i found it https://www.mmov.app/vodplay/191953/2-1.html
>>99769 You got a time stamp by chance? I'm not really digging the idea of scoping through a 2 hour movie on a website that forces me to another page with unskippable pop ups in order to let me hit play lol
>>99771 its at 1:52:19, also i saw and theres no inflation, just a bloated obese belly and bottom
>>99772 its underwhelming if you expected inflation
>>99773 Yeah found it, definitely underwhelming, thanks anyways though. I appreciate the quick response time lol
>>99769 Damn, really great job finding it but it does suck that it’s so underwhelming. It had so much potential, but it’s at least something. Back to searching for the burgers now.
>>99794 someone have tried asking in lost media comunities?
someone have found any new scenes? Im searching at Jam Velvet but its hard
Old show called Freddy’s Nightmares based on Nightmare on Elm Street has a slight one in episode 19. There’s a babysitter who gains weight and basically turns into a pig for some reason, and at the end one of the kids sticks something in her mouth and she inflates and explodes. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x12npo8 21:00 is the time stamp for the inflation. It’s short and pretty meh in my opinion, the weight gain prior to that scene may interest some others as well
>>100428 this reminds me, Mortal Kombat 1 now has a new fatality where you shovel food to your enemies throat, making their bellies swell. Its briefly tho but looks good
I found another scene but its sadly male, its on a YouTube video of a channel known as RocketJump, the video its called something related to a ballpit, one of the character near the end inflates and explodes in balls, i searched in the channel ir there was any female scene but atleast under what i found no
someone found the movie of the inventor who inflated a woman with burgers?
Now im realizing, there can't be just 3 decompression bloat scenes with females! those even look bad, i think out there must be a good decompression scene. Also if you ask of what scenes that are bad im talking about are: Total Recall, Backfire 1995 and Trapped in Space.
i find a horror inflation scene, but dammit, the inflatees are too cute and chibi-like! atleast are females, but still. At Persona 5 Tactical Repaint your hearth DLC, the villain inflates little mouse-gals with her guns, atleast for what i saw thats the only inflation sighting in here, the inflation its good, but the inflatee makes it underwhelming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7NottWSTrw 14:31 Also this reminds me, theres another is sighting at Persona, in Persona 4: Dancing All Night. one of the girls turns into a inflatable clown, and explodes in her battle, the inflation its great but sadly her head its covered by a hat, making it unable to see her
someone have found a new scene at Jam Velvet?
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Whipped cream.
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>>102267 >>102268 >>102269 >>102270 Source for this comic?
Looks like a scene from ExpansionFan comic Perform Under Pressure
https://www.deviantart.com/onaud/art/Tentacle-1009970296 Didn’t want to take a screenshot because already compressed and kinda grainy. But somebody in Japan watched Slither and liked them some tentacle filled body horror balloons. Godspeed to whoever has the time or patience to translate.
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>>104000 Heads up you can always hit the download button. Da compresses things into thumbnails unless you use the download buttons! Also their is ai translator tools I think? Could be helpful but I hope you find what you're looking for
>>104000 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115061840
Scanners (1981) but with inflation.
>>97176 Looking on the sauce for this for awhile! Got anymore details? Proof of concept?
>>97165 Nope. Id even be fine with cute stocking wearing femboy but can't get that either
Another youtube horror short with some type of inflation in it. There’s even a pop. https://youtu.be/9qwfvc-g0Lc Around 3:30 for the scene. It’s all close ups but still pretty good in my opinion
>>105763 Great find, thank you! Shame they didn't drag it out a little longer, but I'm a sucker for girls pretending to blow up and pop so this is a 10/10 for me.
>>100484 Could you please tell me the details of the scene?
>>105880 well, at another channel a user said that they had seen a scene in some cheesy American movie where some sort of burger-replicating is eaten by a woman which leads to bloat and exploding off screen.
we got our treasure boys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qwfvc-g0Lc
>>105915 pretty decent. personally glad they went with just having the actress push out her belly instead of using some cheesy balloon prop or something.
>>104000 Where what I can't find it?
>>105914 Where?
>>106054 >>106898 scenes thread
>>107011 Scenes thread? Where is that? Can you direct me?
Despite it being male, it's weird how nobody's mentioned Street Trash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyAKyUpKLbw
>>107376 Probably because it's well known. Also sadly that YouTube short with the girl who wishes to explode is lost. The account of the creator rumored got hacked and I'm unaware of it will go back up
>>91822 Also anyone ever find this? And is anyone gonna give context to this burger scene everyone keeps talking about?
>>107409 got the youtube short here https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/transfer/BFTFfi2DgRr/us3
>>107426 Huh. I didn't notice at the beginning they hint she's self conscious about her weight so it's kind of ironic to a degree she wishes her worst fear of blowing up like a balloon into existence by accident. Also I hope we get some fanart or morphs of this I'm curious what she'd look like fully puffed up!
>>107426 Any chance of re-up, please, I missed it
>>107426 Reup?
>>107654 >>107624 here yah go https://mab.to/t/xaZAFe9BD3S/us3
>>107655 Thanks a lot!
>>107655 Golden, my man!
>>71840 Scream Bloody Murder was better.
>>107655 damn missed it again, reup?
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>>108375 Eh, not missing much. It's not that great, people are blowing it out of proportion (heh).
>>108375 It's called Netflix and chill 2 I'm sure somebody's probably already reuploaded to YouTube but honestly yeah >>108382 anon is right. The best thing about it is the pop and scraps and Maybe the cheek puff. That's godtier! But outside that the inflation is mid. Again maybe if her belly blew up massive and huge or for once some god tier full body inflation fat arms legs and all would be fantastic! But nope kind of mid but the actress is fantastic and a cutie. But honestly the mime 3 was better with the clown inflation and her cute moans. Although the inflation itself there was mid because of the prop. Still they knew full body inflation fills more seats! Still I wonder how many other good or mid or otherwise inflation scenes are hiding in YouTube horror short films 🤤. Keep them coming people!
>>108385 Crypt TV had a pretty good halloween short a while ago with a really decent belly prop near the end. (It's gory so heads up) but the actress is great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYtwVIz8SZQ
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Honestly if I was going about it from the most expensivest methods custom inflatable bladders and suits like Taylor made clips/squeak latex come to mind. But honestly let's say clothing is involved. You can do some amazing things with just some balloons alone as your not showing much skin outside of cleavage or midriff. Cheapest way outside of cleaver balloon stuffing and bladders is id probably buy a blimp suit like one of those ones from a Halloween store then I'd either make a mold of that (because let's face it the fabric isn't stretchy.) or again. Simply what I would do is probably just paint one of those inside and out with latex to create a airtight seam and that way instead of relying on a fan you could use a vacuum. So tl:Dr latex coated blimps suit and a big quick pressure pump to pop it. The perfect ratio of inflation is not super slow and not WAY to fast! Rather be slower than faster. I probably would start slow emphasis on boobs or thighs swelling then go into faster pace the fuller they get. Then BANG! explodes.
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LIKE LOOK AT THESE SUITS! This is what I think when I think God tier inflation!. Fun fact although all I could find was some strange edit version on da. That's the actual aunt Marge suit! Look at how close to the tmc design it is in nature (outside the more durable design of it that is.) I'm TELLING YOU! Air tight suit. Hose hidden at the leg. Best way to do full body inflation. Indie horror film directors and prop makers Take Notes! still would love to see more scenes like this in horror skits or movies. You know how many b movie films has supernatural creatures that cause goofy deaths? TONS! almost all of them damn clowns or mines. Yet outside of the mime 3 I've really not seen another scene like it! Outside of that storage head inflation in stitches. But clowns are the embodiment of goofy and the kings and queens of balloon animal making and balloon filling in general! Yet how come more clowns don't blow up hot girls into party balloons and tease them as they float overhead?? I need me a clown playing with some party balloons to either A let them float into the clouds or B overinflate them to burst. If sex appeals your game may a suggest the hot clown girl on sexy balloon woman makeout session. Which ends with the clown finishing them off with a deep blow. As they violently wobble and shake and creak until BOOM! SCRAPS! SCRAPS EVERY FUCKING WHERE! I GUARANTEE! hot girl on girl full body inflation would fill a lot of empty seats in your movie theater and or lots of clicks and views! A good inflation scene is the most clickbaitable thing and fun way to finish off a character in a horror film! >Filled up balloon women fill up more seats tighter that someones dick inside a buttered up dune 2 popcorn bucket
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>>108389 Another alternative idea is if you get to a inhumanly inflated size a inflatable prop with animatronic face with full motion eyes or the actors head stuffed in Also works. A prime example of these blink and you'll miss it props are big trouble in little china with thunder or that James Bond villain with the shark pellets which was literally just a balloon they bursted in the sky! or stan from space jam was done entirely in the 90s with outdated CGI. Still looks crisp because of the toon nature of inflation in general.
>>108387 That's SO much better. We're talking about Horror Inlfation anyways, gore shouldn't be an issue.
>>107410 Here ist Der Educator. No joy on the burger scene, unfortunately.
>>108667 amazing find, good job. where you find this?
>>108667 If somebody wants to edit in a good water slosh effect I noticed there's dead air during the inflation scene which doesn't really feel right. But make sure if you upload to YouTube to do a edit less version and your own take. Like why not make it a contest and see who could add in the best and subtle inflation and sloshing sounds!
Netflix and chill 2 seams to be back up on acm official seams like there channel was restored! (Again removing the https: add it back in) //youtu.be/9qwfvc-g0Lc?feature=shared I'm again uncertain if any other inflation scenes lie in their library but you're more than willing to check and get back to us. Again if anyone has free time browse around the horror short film scene in general on YouTube and report of anything interesting whether it's a small as this or bigger.
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Slime. That's it. That's the horror movie idea.
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>>108731 How's this?
>>108667 Not working, any other way to share?
>>109929 Convert it from webm to MP4 Every MP4 on bbwchan has to be converted to webm with sound. Every webm video has to be converted back to work properly. And just to make sure that this constant converting back and forth doesn't corrupt files it's best to either find fresh ones or in the case that lost media keep a main one that you use and convert from that. Also if you want you can also upload things in mab or airbridge but they're linking expire after 3 days unless you pay for longer extension. This is the only advice I will offer
There was this one I can recall where a female melts into a puddle but before she fully does so her breasts and ass expand downwards. I for the life of me can’t find a clip and I only found a snippet of it from an inflation fetish artist slander vid on twitter.
>>110192 "Faust: Love of the Damned" is the movie. Unfortunately a lot of the clips that were around have been removed
>>110194 1. Damn, that sucks. 2. Thanks for telling me which movie it was!
>>110208 So it is them lmao game on the tv?
>>110209 Why steal other porn stars watermarks 🫨😬
>>110208 Accidentally uploaded the wrong link. Here you go this one should work. https://www.reddit.com/r/ExpansionInMedia/comments/omj764/faust_love_of_the_damned_breast_and_butt/
>>110209 Gimme audio version please.
>>110217 u not ready to hear that little ass clapping
>>110218 Oh trust me I am.
To keep the thread alive here's a scene from American exorcist. I hope everyone can hunt hard and find some good inflation scenes! There has to be something interesting and obscure!
Also here's a Mrs. Claus clip unknown origin
>>71786 Just curious, but where’s the third image from?
btw someone like this, there its an expansion scene on a game where a woman bloats up into a huge bulky mass, the important part its the starting parts of her transformation, it would be neat if there were a way to make her appear less blurry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K1Q5RSrzyE 5:25:0
>>111419 Is that an Akira reference?
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>If a blueberry explodes in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
there should be a film like the ring where a woman watches the tape but after 7 days she inflates or a short horror film where the ring girl falls for a trap and begins to inflate
>>112606 It's really weird nobody came up with this. The best we've got is clowns.
>>112606 The closest thing I can think of is The Grudge movie where it's in the apartment building. One of the people gets possessed by the cat and it looks like she bloated up on so much milk it gets forced back out into the jug just to be chugged down again.
>>115312 It's not like it can't be done I can anyone even one of you can do it all it takes is somebody getting off their ass and making a reality somehow? If I was to do it I know how I'd go about it maybe I think? The dress is gonna give you some leaway so maybe a inflatable suit Uber it with being green or black screen so I can digitally edit skin in with cgi. Although green screen is always more messy than other methods as you can't fully unkey out the green. But alternatively a fake rubber skin made out of poly plastic might work same stuff Fleshlights are made of as foam latex isn't durable enough to stretch? Paint it with lifelike tones some blue spooky veins or whatever that makes ghostly skin and make boob belly and a full body suit out of it but this would be the more high end route for things. For cheap use balloons bubble balls whatever really. I've always thought for scenes where you need a weightless ball feel you could make a inflatable doll essentially where the head hands and feet are sculpted onto a inflatable ball in a dress and made durable enough to roll squeeze or throw up anywhere you like. And use close up shots of the actress in a waist up half ball prop (not inflatable most likely static like a pillow or plush) where she can make face expressions. Then editing does your work for you edit shots use cgi for errors. Big benefits for sadako is her hair will hide your dummy's face at time still I recommend this slightly as alien ant farm did this to achieve the crowd surfing effect when they passed around the blueberry girl and they aren't the first either only difference is I wouldn't just use some sex doll but put the effort into making the hands a feet as well as the bloated face as realistic as silicone can possible. That way audience can't tell the difference. But whether you go cheap end or high end professional these types of inflation scenes can easily be done via practical fx! Again key focus should be 1. Inflatable props and suits for the inflation process. 2. Inflatable dummy's for unrealistic proportions or other scenes such as cartoonishly proportions, overinflating and popping, and of course if you want a weightless feel as humans weigh a lot! Even in a inflatable suit you aren't lifting anyone on your shoulders that's not how gravity works. So inflation prop with efforts done to hid the face no matter how realistic it looks (and I do recommend make it look as uncannily real as possible) is the best method with close up edits of the actress in a separate puffy cheeks prop inner spliced for close up expressions. Not to mention like I said if you wanted to go with a cartoonishly proportions inflation for things like popping going the big trouble in little china route when you reach a certain size is better and probably cheaper that popping a suit with the actress inside it. Keep in mind things like that don't always work on the first take too so you'd probably either have to make multiple or make some sort of disposable insert and pre-plan where it's exactly going to pop and just use editing for the rest. Now there are some props that are made in Hollywood that are designed to be one use and usually people go through the effort of making at minimum two or three of these so you could probably realistically try to do a pop that is disposable but keep in mind physics can screw with you severely and you better make sure you have every camera under the Sun rolling on you when you attempt something like that to get every angle you want or otherwise you're screwed. Those are my helpful tips I hope it helps somebody on their journey of balloon prop discovery! Seriously I wish somebody would make horror inflation props the silicone mask making world is perfect place to make this a reality again for example look at big trouble in little china. You can do normal and or Uber inflation bursts easy as long as you got a talented paint artist
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>>115312 Well to be fair clowns break the forth wall and are synonymous with gangs like that but honestly any supernatural being can probably do something like that even a regular human like Jason could stuff a hose up someone ass and it has happened to a male character in one of the wrong turn films I believe where he got stuffed with a fire hose up his ass this the poor dudes belly blew and bursted. But that's the closest film I've ever seen attempt something like this you think something like terrifier or something would attempt a more gory version of this with a girl? I don't know that's the thing too it depends on what style you want to go with their technically too the first is kind of a bit of the more boring variety but I'll mention it and that is straight up irl or gore inflation where it's set in realistic settings and it's most likely caused by some sort of hose of something laying around jammed up someone causing a realistic large pregnancy bloat and burst. The closest thing that's ever came to full body inflation in this variety was booggyman 2 and the anorexia girl who's ironic death was having tubes from tubs of fat shoved in her arms thighs and belly and being pumped full till ironically bursting. First time I've ever really seen somebody attempt a weight gain inflation hybrid like that and I don't think we'll ever see something like that ever again! The second is toon force or cartoonish inflation. These are probably the best possible scenarios you can think of! These are the territories where you getting into things like full toony blimps and Uber inflation usually probably caused by some sort of Goofy character like a clown stuffing a hose from a carnival tank or using a conveniently placed bike pump to blow up and pop a bratty collage woman with some sort of ironic twist to its fate tied to it like the previous mentioned anorexia weight gain burst. I've seen many "attempts" at this but never really too many success stories. The closest one to even my liking is the mime 3 as it's highly accurate to that style. And I don't think anyone will ever beat it I even put money on that! Mostly because none of you will even dare to try. But I guess an honorable mention although it's not really my favorite type is the head inflation from stitches but it was male inflation and not only does head inflation not appeal to me it was the weird gross kind with the throbbing skull and the all whatever that was. Only good fun part was the eye bulge. Looked goofy which is why I mention it. Also does hood of horrors caviar belly burst count? I mean it's goofy but I feel it fits more in the realistic category. Or does it? I guess one more honorable mention since I'm bringing up head inflation that now that I think of it actually is toony is a particular horror film childs play 2 but it's male inflation and I don't know the thought of Chucky inflation makes me cringe so fucking hard. But he gets melted and gets plasticizer dumped over his head causing the rubber to get soft and stretchy. Then the girl Kyle takes one of the random compressor hoses spitting about laying in the back and stuffs it into his mouth causing his head to bloat up until it bursts. The burst is really good the head inflation size although melty looking is pretty big! Like twice his body the face expression is decent to say the least it's more the shrunken face type of inflation where the heads big the face looks mini and in the center. It's cute but yeah the fact it's Chucky and head inflation isn't my favorite turns me off big time but it's a good example to look into on how to do inflation effects at least I guess? Shame they couldn't dump that plasticizer all over Tiffany Valentines doll body and fill Jennifer Tilly up like a big fat blimp till her shortstack doll body shattered like the yoga ball it would probably become i can't imagine someone that small getting bigger than maybe I can't imagine her getting much bigger than a 45 inch or 72 inch balloon before that tiny body blows apart! Damn ok. I will say Chucky inflation unappealing but Tiffany..... Yeah I'd pump! Point of the matter is many ways to go about it if you have the creativity behind your mind.
>>115457 Theres three issues with inflatable skin/suits. Stretchability, realism, and cohesion. Cheap rubber suits dont look like skin. No pores, no vellus hairs, too shiny, etc. Its ugly and looks fake as hell. Cheap rubber suits also dont tend to stretch well. The issue is also not just stretching, but stretching the way you want. You want a belly focus. Even if your doing full body inflation, the stupid way it blows up will look awkward from start until finish. You want the torso to balloon more than the legs, and the legs to balloon in a specific way. And lastly, cheap rubber suits tend to not inflate evenly. One part will be the weak link and inflate more than the rest, becoming more transparent and ruining the effect. The best way to do a suit is have a very tight inflatable layer underneath, and a highly-stretchy skin suit underneath. Preferably one molded to the fully inflated body, and slowly cured while deflating. Wear the inflatable undersuit, and vacuum seal the rubber suit overtop of it. Pinching the ugly seams around the armpits, back, inner thigh, etc. This way you can easily and selectively inflate specific parts of the suit, and very fast. Liquid is no issue because the expensive part isnt inflating, its just being stretched.
