Hi folks! Been searching for three stories for ages now, maybe you can help me find them?
1: "Panties" Or so I remember it titled, involved a gal accidentaly sucking her panties into herself, then filling up with a pillow and her mattress eventually. No clue what site it was on, sadly.
2: "Pump Poker", my White Whale, I remeber three girls playing a game of poker, where each loss had them inflate. Soon enough, the game ends but the girls keep getting bigger until they fill the room- I think there was a "Marisa" in it? I remember a petite asian gal who blimps up big, at any rate. My memory seems to put it at OverFlowingStomach, but that site is long dead.
3: Unnamed Planetary Inflation: All I have is story details, sadly- an alien woman turns her lover/bestie into a whole bloated planet, teeming with life and vegetation, for their race to live on and in. Travels inside her womb later, to fuck/inflate a clone of her. It was real trippy, but really cool too. Would love it if someone knew what I was talking about!
Much appreciated! :D Happy Holidays.