/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Rayman inflation Anonymous 04/03/2021 (Sat) 17:40:49 Id:07a56e No. 19755
This thread is manly on inflation art for the nymphs and warrior princess from the rayman games. But art for the other characters doesn’t hurt either.
Does anyone have a higher quality version of this?
Here's some more (By Axel-Rosered, PlasticExtreme, and BexiBlimps on DeviantArt respectively)
Bumping for awareness
Does anyone have lost rayman inflation art?
Allstarman on DA
Berry-duke96 on DA
Darksonic19 on DA, pretty sure this are just colored versions of others peoples art with permission
Any more? Even stuff from paid art packs would be nice. I know there one for Edith up in dig-vasion
>>21642 atm I don’t have anything else, I dug through my deviantart favorites and found stuff that wasn’t here
(656.99 KB 559x711 1321508024.png)
(644.08 KB 561x718 1321508210.png)
(663.68 KB 564x718 1321508629.png)
(572.23 KB 522x694 1321508920.png)
(587.75 KB 559x707 1321509215.png)
(538.71 KB 558x714 1321509585.png)
(643.68 KB 610x734 1321509943.png)
(391.14 KB 555x706 1321510379.png)
(509.77 KB 549x706 1321510745.png)
Bump again!!!
Had Ly on the mind a little while back, so I drew her with a couple OCs of mine, getting filled with Blue Lums. I also made 2 alternate versions, one without dialogue since i've been told my dialogue's cringy, and a cropped version without the guy.
>>23365 That art is really great! I also think that your dialogue really works with your art. I just really think that there is just barely expansion art for the female characters in the rayman franchise. Especially due to the two most recent games having inflation in it.
From LWBAfterDark
>>23381 well damn, thanks! I'm really glad you like it! And ye, there's not enough love of the Rayman girls, especially Ly also I'm glad that my faces aren't as disgusting as what people on here have said before, same goes for the dialogue as well as the shape
Bump for more bubblized girls.
Does anyone have the ly the fairy inflation art by RockergirlBubblizer?
>>23653 Bump! Does anyone have this?
Pump up those nymphs
Does anyone have the sprite sheet, or a file with all the sprite sheets, for WixeyFlix’s playable nymph mod?
Does any one have a drawing from RoyalOppai that is related to rayman? It was from their tumblr and it was a response to a question. Also, does anyone have the drawing from keijDrawsBig of an inflated Barbara from rayman legends?
(373.44 KB 542x560 Bubblized Fairy Betilla.png)
(454.92 KB 541x574 Bubblized Fairy Annetta.png)
(431.26 KB 544x563 Bubblized Fairy Edith.png)
(561.05 KB 597x581 Bubblized Fairy Helena.png)
(399.81 KB 557x555 Bubblized Fairy Holly.png)
(417.12 KB 528x552 Bubblized Fairy Voodoo Mama.png)
(1.36 MB 1926x1681 sakurainflation.png)
(190.93 KB 1280x1349 tumblr_ocmjvhBFKU1tcwalxo1_1280.jpg)
(3.35 MB 2644x1762 *wheezing in american*.png)
>>23462 >rabbid stew
(1.05 MB 2048x1024 barbara_pack_olympus_001_0.png)
Has anyone gotten the WotM Barbara pic?
>>34597 Who is that
The pic made by TheNeverWere in Pixiv Fanbox
Has anyone got the WotM Barbara pic by TheNeverWere?
>>35010 This?
I heard in Fance it's the girls who like this.
>>35550 Source?
>>35566 Altzegoz on DA
Does anyone have an inflated Edith up drawing that from the original request thread?
(276.98 KB 1117x1080 sketch-1628819074128.png)
(282.91 KB 1117x1080 sketch-1628819077985.png)
>>36569 Oh, hey~ I'm the person that made that edit. I've got it right here!
(2.02 MB 1378x1536 inflateresponsiblyfa_olympia.png)
This true or not?
>>41128 no, dig dug, actually
>>41160 P balloon?
>>41710 Whose the artist? This is a masterpiece! Also is there a hq version?
>>41998 I'm kind of curious on the context for the last one.. I kind of get a bit of a feeling that frog boi over here accidentally ended up pushing the wrong button and slapped her one to many. Now she's starting to inflate in game style and gonna explode any minute. And they're either hiding for one of two reasons. Cover from the explosion. Or with what life strength she has left before she becomes completely immobile and gets to a point where she would just have to accept her fate she's trying to kill them and they're just trying to wait out her expansion process
(659.60 KB 1980x1020 blimping_nymph_by_lolsk_dewxjug.png)
Does anyone have some really good or fun skin mods for either rayman origins/legends. I’m talking like you change the art assets into a new character, like turn Barbara into betilla. I know it is really tedious but these are pretty dry in terms of the modding community.
>>45280 If any artist wants to try here are the steps for how to do it. And a link for a thread that relates to it. https://raymanpc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25761
Does anyone have the sprites for the enemies in rayman origins/legends?
(171.03 KB 1280x1280 ouch__by_bigboobynotonme_df3li1j.jpg)
(4.50 MB 4000x3200 betilla.png)
(187.51 KB 2048x1902 FNSq4b_UcActACW.png)
(411.75 KB 1280x750 BarberryanAndBluetilla.png)
(326.46 KB 810x1000 Well-Hello-There.png)
(189.70 KB 1200x900 ElQwrl4U0AA8LYg.jpg)
Can We make a Bubblized Thread?
What’s the recess behind Rayman inflating?
>>51326 That’s great stuff!!!
>>51396 Agreed!
(1.95 MB 3500x3250 Edith Goin' Up! (Colors).jpg)
Well, had some time to kill. (Also, I am not claiming the original as my own, the program I used unfortunately blotted-out SkullGeist's logo.)
Art by VeryFilthyThing
More bubblization art by VeryFilthyThing
(284.73 KB 1909x2048 EKU0aBvXkAEtD_H.jpeg)
(227.12 KB 480x655 FBC4jgOVIAIDhXa.png)
>>19755 I heard the games are popular among French girls.
>>57655 Doesn't surprise me, given how many girls are into inflation
Art by chubnbass form a recent stream
>>57748 I wanna ask if someone could colorize this
>>57657 There was this website in French I can't seem to find anymore...
Edith Up inflation animation by Blurmple (it has some farts in the beginning) https://twitter.com/blurmple/status/1559144024832757760?s=21&t=gvUCD5emVrnzFZ6cPLS-zw
(124.46 KB 1044x1200 FVKRC6WWYAscO2z.jpeg)
>>61908 Bigger.
>>63366 Source of this?
>>63370 Comm from solitaryscribbles
Here’s one with higher quality
>>63630 This honestly would look amazing if it was colored and shaded
>>65272 is there a clothed version (with panty shots ofcourse)
>>65346 What does this have to do with the rayman games?
Anyone have the sprite sheets for the Granny enemies in rayman origins? Also, if you could use those sprites to make the bubblized version that would be super cool of you to do
>>65776 Inflation of the other Princesses is really needed more often.
>>71237 Source of first pic?
what is the artist of the first image? >>19756
>>72122 Solitary Scribbles (this was from his original DA page before deleted it and hasn’t reposted it since he came back)
(96.96 KB 1300x1400 FkxpiO3WQAETXcG.jpeg)
(101.18 KB 1300x1080 Fkxph2iXoAMy6nU.jpeg)
(91.00 KB 1300x1080 FkxphG_WQAA0KQx.jpeg)
Art by smappnsfw
>>72564 This was posted here two weeks before I made it public, which means it was stolen. I don't know who posted this but that's really not cool.
(1.09 MB 1600x1200 betilla bubble.png)
>>74926 Artist name?
funny fard
I won't let this thread to die
>>76390 Bump!
Transparent alt
>>76463 Sauce?
>>76470 https://deviantart.com/view/946669484 https://deviantart.com/view/946670012
Its from FloatingFloatingFlan
(40.69 KB 800x800 ELSR2pwXkAAUS5k.png)
Does anyone have more of this
(8.76 KB 171x200 OIP.jpeg)
Does anybody have this sorry for the quality
>>77375 IMAGE DOT E EX E HAS STOPPED WORKING. It's so small I can't see what I'm looking at.
But does someone have I high quality version
(6.90 MB 2400x2800 1502695213444.png)
>>77390 Some one does, and now so do you.
Does anyone his a bubble hellen
Does anybody have any pics of rockgirlbubllizers as
(6.04 KB 200x200 OIP.jpeg)
Does anybody know what is image is from
Does anybody have the blucappeddawg art
(6.85 KB 246x205 images (1).jpeg)
Like this
And there's gas vers
(2.52 MB 2450x2040 Fiesta-flated Flatulance.png)
(3.00 MB 2450x2040 Spy-lubbles Blowout.png)
Gas versions
(3.82 MB 2450x2540 Gas-Filled Bubbles.png)
>>77412 yo wtf i remember seeing this image years ago and wanting to find it again, so glad you have it
Your weclome
Anyone got art from rockgirlbubblizer
RockerGirlBubblizer Anyone got her da and fa
(67.26 KB 271x350 R (1).png)
Anybody got this
Can anyone put this to gevar
Personally I've always found it strange that despite how popular the Rayman girls seem to be in rule 34, nobody has ever made any 3D models of them. Most I've seen was some Koikatsu characters like once.
Ya same
(425.72 KB 2048x1679 FrXWuioaEAACu2S.jpg)
>>81998 Source of this pic?
>>82011 Lushaani on Twitter.
(5.50 MB 3335x3600 Funny.png)
(1.41 MB 1500x1500 SM.png)
(1.36 MB 1500x1500 Ohhh.png)
(1.60 MB 1637x2160 sd.png)
art by Gum-Chewer
(3.98 MB 5257x3500 skull.png)
>>19755 More or less a fun fact I'd figure i should bring up you know Rayman has more than one inflation type? I get that one is popular and that there's also different styles people have used but I figured I'd mention that inflation can be different shapes if people want to try something wacky the big cartoon fatness shows us arms inflating orbs and even in the case of Rayman his hands inflate like balls I guess I'm saying is inspiration that hopefully helps people who wish to try a different style or something? https://bigcartoon.org/wiki/Rayman_%28series%29
(3.72 MB 5257x3500 farted.png)
thank to this skeletion sans for pulling his leg
(839.43 KB 3267x2517 fart.png)
(1.25 MB 2979x1033 pop.png)
(436.05 KB 768x1113 Anaw.png)
r rated
(508.48 KB 732x556 apples.png)
>>84163 what the fuck is this thread turning into
Nothing worthwhile it seems...
There’s a drought in rayman inflation/weight gain stuff. Like it would be nice if more people here commissioned art of the rayman girls besides me
@Anymouse you have to see someone is gonna hate you it guy from DeviantArt look the page https://www.deviantart.com/hotmrlionerrieo/art/share-if-u-hate-anyomouse-from-bbw-chan-962195054 the gonna hate you for real I'm not hating and I'm just alerted
@anymouse your the best but the guy from DeviantArt and other will gonna hate you Because from guy the DeviantArt think your bothering them and other You have tell them to stop before other and guy from DeviantArt getting worst
>>84271 Probably won't be until Rayman gets a new game which who knows when that will be look at Pikmin getting a new game for the first time in years!
>>85848 I don't know who any mouse is but do you know of canofdice on DeviantArt? They make great art!
(221.96 KB 1280x1280 Full.jpg)
>>86337 This already got posted twice, this thread is absolutely cooked
We just got some new stuff!
>>86428 more
>>83951 >slap boobs >they grow Every girls' dream.
(260.38 KB 1842x1713 image_2023-06-24_034048386.png)
I hope this revives this thread a bit. I've been working on a big bubblized Nymph pic for quite a while now. I have sketch all the nymphs in the game, I just need to sketch out the scrapped nymph. After I sketch her out, I will be able to finalize all of them, but I wanna do something bigger by having them animated a bit. Like having them flail their limbs up and down and their inflated bodies pulsate like in the actual games.
(939.93 KB 1024x696 R (1).png)
>>89311 Oh this sounds amazing! And I love how your take on a bubblized Betilla. Is really cute!
>>89311 >>89351 I Agree, it looks wonderful. I really do love it. Just asking here, what about the other nymphs?
>>89353 Yeah i really want to see them
>>89311 Podrias hacer mas porfa?
do more please, I want you to post several images of bubbled nymphs
(62.38 KB 250x250 bubbled.png)
(20.20 KB 374x298 betilla bubb.jpg)
(104.83 KB 1200x1200 dddl.jpg)
>>85848 Did You mean Anonymous and yes i saw Thats deviantart remeber time i just saw inflated annetta fish and i just saw Thats Anonymous does not like Thats post and they called it shit and deviantart owner is más for Anonymous banned him they Did not banned him they just reported for disliked
>>85858 Yea your right Anonymous i think they talking Anonymous and we don't wich Anonymous who borthering them art what if we can make username without Anonymous username Thats impostor i Anit no hate commenting and i Anit no shit commenting i just asked
(504.99 KB 3840x2160 F1CFYnqXgAEMq9N.jpeg)
(From EffectBloom on twitter)
Does anyone have any puffed up cheeks (face)
found this somewhere, actually think this concept goes hard, if anybody can find who made this that would be awesome.
(211.38 KB 2048x1399 F1cI6XLX0AIc8gG.jpeg)
(167.38 KB 2048x1399 F1cI6XLX0AACTax.jpeg)
(253.90 KB 2048x1399 F1cI6XIWIAw9HmF.jpeg)
(229.99 KB 2048x1399 F1cI6XJX0AAELuU.jpeg)
This person is doing some rayman style art of a character and wants to do another drawing with them in the origins style but can’t decide on the two (death and sleep). Choose both (the third option) so we can get both options. And if you do replay be kind and say both so that we could possibly get bubblization drawn later if sleep wins
Is there more
(18.11 KB 374x345 inflae.jpg)
(1.25 MB 1188x677 inflat.png)
>>89311 You know I wonder whatever happened with this
>>89311 hey you, the one who made the drawing of betilla and said that he was going to animate the other inflated girls, WHEN DO YOU DO MORE? Also, do you have any social network where I can follow you?
(60.71 KB 894x818 fatpool.jpg)
>>89311 are you going animated
https://www.deviantart.com/rockergirlbubblizer she's back
Return sorry for the misspelle
(4.47 MB 3500x3000 IMG_4823.png)
(4.13 MB 2500x2500 IMG_3241.png)
My friend’s favorite Rayman Princess is Ursula, and mine is Olympia
(97.31 KB 1026x962 Red.png)
(78.37 KB 997x921 Purple.png)
(52.53 KB 680x510 F7C_pP2a0AA5FiI.jpg)
(52.66 KB 680x510 F7C_pPyasAAeU5t.jpg)
>>96879 Source?
>>97802 You wrong That's LWBafterdark
>>97831 Alt Account
before this site goes down can someone save the blucappeddawg & sonic bubbleized art
wait what's happening
I want to clap some cheeks.
(345.26 KB 1280x461 pop.png)
(220.45 KB 1680x1400 fuck.png)
(20.22 KB 375x297 fk.jpg)
>>19755 We have perfectly good video game threads for this.
(57.10 KB 679x499 GBve_UhXQAAU6AA.jpg)
(58.40 KB 679x499 GBve_UmWEAAqVIt.jpg)
(64.21 KB 680x610 GAXtbzab0AAJzB9.jpg)
>>104125 who's that character? i think i recognize them from somewhere but i forgot :O
>>103135 This.
>>107115 Fuck off
(2.37 MB 3226x2331 IMG_3192.png)
surprised this one hasn’t been posted yet
>>108086 Sauce?
>>108088 sharkbubble
actually quick question, does anyone have the bubbilized sprites for the incrediballs? i have checked everywhere but to no avail
>>109890 You could probably ask altzegoz to see if they have it
>>109942 how tho
(2.77 MB 2500x2748 IMG_6907.png)
(1.31 MB 2500x1784 IMG_6908.png)
(2.36 MB 2500x1911 IMG_6909.png)
>>110666 not bad
(3.50 MB 3241x3017 Betilla.jpg)
>>112164 Amazing. Source?
>>112166 Me actually! My handle is @TempStuff_ over on twitter. Fair warning though, I mainly draw fat art
>>108086 Numb nuts for got part 2
>>114397 Now I'm the numb nuts
macdoo1357 on deviantart has all of the rayman adventure texters thanks to AltzEgoz
(165.26 KB 768x768 Untitled261_20240511191022.png)
>>116428 Sauce
>>116436 I made it
>>116557 It's looks beautiful, do you think you can make some more?
>>116570 Sure! What characters would you want me to make?
>>116573 How about Edith up to keep it with the Rayman thread
>>116573 Maybe Anne Boonchuy? Very understandable if not.
(88.40 KB 768x768 Untitled213_20240419214158.png)
>>116599 Made her!
>>116640 nice work!
You draw very beautifully, could you draw Emma and Olympia bubbles?
(94.09 KB 900x860 GRWXysZWAAAzET6.jpeg)
(229.38 KB 2000x2000 GRWFJMTagAE-Doi.jpg)
>>19755 Bump
(222.87 KB 2048x1681 GRwwoUlacAIUNoi.jpeg)
(212.44 KB 2048x1681 GRwwlLla8AEmBq5.jpeg)
>>119272 hey wait greysweat hasn't posted this where did you get it from
>>119287 um his twitter account
(285.82 KB 1464x1194 media_GSKAemOagAAuzj4.jpg)
>>74880 do you have more of smappa's art?
>>65272 Source for this?
>>121168 it from sneakyalbatross
>>119287 were did you think i got this from
(370.77 KB 1280x1280 Untitled435_20240822081232.png)
(759.35 KB 2969x2285 GWv95oKXMAAbCkD.jpg)
>>124560 Yeah, sure
will anyone make rayman inflation audio on furaffinty
(169.55 KB 908x908 Untitled454_20241006022121.png)
(197.34 KB 908x908 Untitled454_20240930020258.png)
made by squishcraft
(135.39 KB 1928x1199 GaUvdbBWQAATo71 (1).jpeg)
>>128091 Made by c0medicl0bster
Is it weird how nobody has made an animation of someone getting bubblized
(121.85 KB 856x814 GciS4WfWsAAtb96.png)
Made by navsaka
(52.61 KB 768x1024 GdANa2fXUAA3XSs.jpg)
(48.92 KB 768x1024 Gc8qJQFW0AAp9Bx.jpg)
(62.22 KB 768x1024 GcoqxuFXAAAN2_w.jpg)
(53.09 KB 768x1024 Gcr_JzpXIAAHj3v.jpg)
(67.22 KB 768x1024 GdGEbJrXcAAaUSo.jpg)
(53.31 KB 768x1024 GdFVzdwWIAAOg8l.jpg)
(69.15 KB 768x1024 GdFVekrWUAE_wNE.jpg)
(105.38 KB 1200x879 GdcDqnnWEAAUMNS.jpeg)
(71.09 KB 768x1024 20241205_114634.jpg)
(67.79 KB 768x1024 20241209_110710.jpg)
(36.59 KB 510x680 Ge5lI0YXkAAwUae.jpg)
(31.23 KB 510x680 Ge5lI2FXkAEFx7s.jpg)
(31.19 KB 510x680 Ge5lI5rX0AAU1u_.jpg)
(207.19 KB 1140x1060 rrj2dfPd.jpg_medium.jpg)
Working on something
(54.51 KB 768x1024 Ge6BquNXwAA949t.jpg)
(51.92 KB 768x1024 Ge6BqviXAAAJrIV.jpg)
(47.41 KB 768x1024 Ge6BqzPWsAEkA4_.jpg)
(53.34 KB 768x1024 Ge6Bq1BWYAA6S9s.jpg)
>>132247 Hyped.
(40.48 KB 510x680 GfHMygoXcAA70Il.jpg)
(54.46 KB 768x1024 GfBuDLHbEAAVoxp.jpg)
Really want to comm the artist making these ychs, but really don't want to make a Twitter just to contact them. Decisions, Decisions.
(25.12 KB 680x407 GiFYiK-WwAAwekX.jpg)
(9.64 MB 1280x720 betilla.webm)
https://files.catbox.moe/v5665s.mp4 made a short thing. Still new to blender. Vid above is 1080p version
(8.75 MB 1920x1080 bella sound.webm)
>>135057 whole animation isn't done but this comes before that
>>135057 link doesnt work
>>135137 Holy shit, never expected to see my own art around here...
(1.42 MB 1376x1835 Anetta Bubble.png)
>>136448 >>136448 This one is way better, the Olympia one was my first time doing any digital art
>>136449 Also cause I didn't mention it, I am friedsteak420 on deviantart.
Still blows my mind that we got inflated females with full blown panty shots in a video game years later. Puts it at the #1 video game expansion of all time (not that there's a lot of competition...) Shame woke era will never let woman undies be seen again on screen (they even changed this in the later Rayman legends games)
>>136744 Maybe because the games rated E10+? I guess not showing suggestive stuff to kids is woke now.
>>136710 Higher resolution for the Aurora. Couldn't get the Twila, unfortunately
>>136809 forgot to post the image LMAO
>>136744 So you just don't play games, huh?
>>136744 ok that's a lie, in MARIO + Rabbids Kingdom Battle there are also panty shots that are built into one of the main characters, but still i don't get how not putting suggestive inflation shit in games is considered "woke", especially considering that kids play them, i have met a ton of people who gained inflation fetishes from these games and usually it's because they were kids when playing them
(274.86 KB 2036x1772 Gkqvak6X0AA5u0V.jpg)
(275.16 KB 2036x1772 GkqvicyWEAE-KO_.jpg)
