/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Draw Thread 4: The Smut Continues... Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 15:15:52 Id:c9223a No. 108594
Rules: 1. Don't bitch if you see a dick, or if a character with tits and a dick, or whatever, it's all fair game in that department. 2. One Character at a time. This is a request thread, not a commission line. The artists are doing this for free. (Not that you can't suggest more but no guarantees that anyone will get to them until your first request is finished) 3. Be more descriptive of what you want. Anyone can ask for "X with Y Fetish" but it's more likely that your request will be more interesting if you go into some extra detail (But not too much, please.) 4. Inflation stuff only. Make a thread in the other forums if you want fats. (Blueberry bonus color edits allowed) 5. Be decent human beings. 6. Don't ask for kids, ffs. 7. If you want furry content, the current inflation drawthread for /bbfurries/ is over at >>>/bbfurries/4737. Give the mods a break so that they don't have to banish this thread to the shadow realm if there's a sudden influx of furry requests or whatever. 8. Respect global rules, follow basic common sense, also for artists feel free to make bonus memes or jokes while your making balloons if you like (a good meme or 2 never hurt anyone) (It was an interesting quality in the last thread that I kind of wanted to bring over for this one) Anyways those be da rules for draw Thread round 3.. Enjoy yourselves you degenerates let's blow some people up! (shamelessly copy n pasted from last thread) Draw Thread 3: >>39605 Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20240307075307/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/39605.html
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Can anyone do Crabapple Jam from Strawberry Shortcake: Berry in the Big City with a huge belly filled with sweets like this pic?
>>108596 Please?
We need an anchor to organize the requests we receive and want as well.
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>>96136 request from the old thread, I present: ass-sucka
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Request Anchor (stolen from bbwdraw)
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Receive Anchor (also stolen). Hopefully makes things easier in the future
>>108618 Bringing back the sequence request of Marianne inflating Leonie with help from Yunaka from the last thread. This time the story takes place five years after the first photo shown in the spoilers like I said Leonie explodes but the explosion should be clean Marianne decides to inflate Leonie with Ice cream as Leonie doesn’t like sweets.
>>108622 Also because I don’t want to leave this out Male Byleth will help Marianne out to get her vengeance on Leonie by bringing her to her seat. Leonie both her clother are torn and her bellybutton pop out on near the burst limit.
Hi draw threat
>>108630 TELL JAMES NEW YORK NOW!!!!!!!!!
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>>108618 May I request Anne Boonchuy inflated big like the second pic plz? feeling: confused and enjoying without embarrass. Size: extra large. Movement: floating in the air while slowly shaking. Environment: either outside or bedroom is okay.
>>108630 OP is very okay.
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Requesting cosplay designs for DigDug and especially cute ones for Fygar the mascot of the Year of the Dragon.
>>108594 Please don't forget >>>/bbwalt/'s drawthread.
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>>108618 Requesting the Mountain Goddess from Sengoku Youko if anyone's up for it. Since her feet can turn into roots (upper right ref pic) I'd like a water inflation pic where she's waterlogged from taking in too much water through her roots. (From getting caught in a flood or heavy rain)
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>>108654 imagine if this dress combo exists irl
>>108690 >twitter artists will never continue chinese year cosplays (ox = cow, rabbit = bunny, etc.) >twitter artists will never make year of the fygar real
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I would like to request Spinnerella from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power" using her wind powers to inflate herself into a balloon and enjoying herself flying high in the sky like a balloon please. Thank you.
>>108611 I need a place where i can stalk you on social media
>>108611 Very good!
>>108747 on the bird app (also tryna do more requests but i've been mad busy)
>>108764 What a friendly smile! :D
>>108764 This art is amazing anon!
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>>108690 bwoomph
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>>108764 your stuff reminds me of Stinger Wanjiro but instead he's mentally ill, i love it.
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>>108654 hope no-one comes and blows em up with a big pump... that'd be horrible.... [>>108619]
>>108825 >>108838 Please read the rules.
>>108690 >>108821 >>108824 Amazing. >>108859 Ow my heart. It's too cute.
>>108824 >popping NICE.
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>>108618 May I have a Lumi berry in the shape of the second picture? Not sure if her expression should of confusion but interested or be very annoyed at her shape. In either case, have her say something like "Huh. So this is what the Internet finds 'Sexy'"
>>108618 Requesting older Audrey indulging in her innocent inflation hobby to make herself look bigger and rounder than pregnant. The stress is on innocent fun.
>>108618 Requesting Hinata racing against the clock while in a fight, inflating. Inflate fight.
>>108618 Can someone inflate a sona like the spoiler-filteted picture on the far right? (Sorry for using furry art for the reference, it had the closest shape to what i wanted)
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Requesting a massive body inflation of the new Overwatch 2 hero, Venture. I'd like to see her inflated into a sphere-like balloon.
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>>108618 Requesting pic above with Skyla and the hose of a helium tank up her butt.
>>96167 Dropping my Velma request here
>>109666 tf2 is better
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>>108618 requesting a glasses girl, a bespectacled beauty, getting her intestines aired up. do the X-ray view only if you're comfortable with it.
>>108618 Requesting Samus pumping herself up after workout and her tummy muscles put up a challenge. Get it? Pumping up after pumping. Do you think strong abdominal muscles will make inflation orgasmic?
>>108859 I like how smug the left one is.
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>>111038 I wonder what this is for just curious?
>>111045 I would love for him to have this reaction.
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Can I maybe get some amber inflation giving both her and mark are age 18 and in collage in season 2? Full blimp stubby arms and all and how she's inflated is up to you but I'd go with atom eve doing something naughty perhaps? Up to you really.
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>>111355 Or as a alternative to a loving night being blown by eve lips you could go with a more forced inflation approach with anissa? Again the choice is yours
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Requesting BiTBC Raspberry Tart with a huge water balloon belly like the Pucca pic
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>>108618 Requesting David and Gwen from Camp Camp blown up like balloons, floating in the sky. David should look quite cheery, Gwen much more annoyed.
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Requesting the Muses from the Disney movie "Hercules" all inflated and round in the style of AltzEgoz work (as shown in the example of his work shown here), floating high in the sky, all of them looking happy, and singing how great it is to be a balloon.
>>108618 Can I have a remake on the first photo also Marianne joins in the pudding belly and enjoys it.
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This is my first time drawing inflation lol Also i'm doing requests for practicing purposes so yall can drop whatever down below, i'll draw it
>>112399 I have two requests if you want.
>>112399 Here’s one >>108622 and this is the other one >>112238.
>>112399 Looks good so it's glad to have another artist in the channel doing things this place has been kind of dead lately. Please I beg you artists be a bit more active even if you're taking like two or three requests a week it at least keeps these channels alive. There's no point in this threads if the artist themselves aren't going to be active as well
>>112399 Post more.
Lol thx Anyways since i'm in a middle of the end term exams so expect the artworks to come late Cheers
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>>112442 Very cute. Too cute. BRB getting heart medication. >>112399 I'm a fan of May (pkmn) blown up with a bike pump, Dawn getting bullied by a Drifloon (belly inf) or Drifblim (body infl), and Hilda getting inflated with a tire pump. I've yet to collect good ideas for the others either from this website or others in the community.
>>112457 No shit talking today huh
>>112442 Thanks man this is lovely. The girl in the first photo is Neptune if you were wondering.
Man i wish i have a drawing tablet Ibis with fingers is hella annoying
>>112459 Pokéwaifu's are *the* sure way to attract a following.
>>112399 Can I have a remake on this art please.
>>112442 Impressive man. I wish Neptune was their and it would be a better remake because the remake is to have her with Marianne as true to the source material but I'm not the requester.
I feel like a good one would be a grown up version of the girl from a bad case of the stripes. Something like she looked at a waterballoon and inflated like one. Her clothes barley covering her boobs and crotch. Sorta shaped like this drawing but with more weight towards the bottom.
>>111355 Anyone?
>>113163 Until we reduce the number of boards *AND* start advertizing on other websites, you'll have to be wait.
these threads are always the same >artist appears >draws 1 idea >hoards of losers with the most basic bitch boring idea equivalent to spinning a wheel of anime characters wants random anime girl inflating in Z style over and over >thread empty of artists as people keep repeating the same anime wheel spin request
>>113214 Next time let's ask artists what they like.
>>113215 Honestly i could probaly draw it myself, I just kinda wanted throw the idea out there. Se if anyone else likes it(or would do it better than me)
Honestly i could draw whatever tf i wanted, and doing the requests here as i've said But the thing is, this kind of "art" isn't what i'm really into so all i did was dropping a shit ton of wips and then procastinate lol
>>113215 I mean I thought the general idea was more or less just throw stuff to the wind and see what sticks? But fair enough if you have preferences or whatever feel free to drop a post describing such stuff. Overall though I think we do need more artist activity these threads go dead for months at a time what's the point of them if everyone is requesting and not one artist wants to draw? If one artist is busy then another can tackle it if it's not your thing move on from it
>>113219 I know from personal experience that drawing your own art isn't as satisfying as having a request delivered and well as delivering for somebody else. >>113226 >>113229 Until this website gets more normie-friendly or channer-friendly I don't see any near term increase in activity.
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>>113256 >A fetish board becoming more normie-friendly
>>113273 Dude, you'd be surprised.
>>113256 Get fucked. It's a chan. Only retards and autists allowed
I got to agree it's as normies as it's gonna get already maybe people are scared of it because blue bear man? Maybe violet scares off some people too? Maybe some people just don't like it for reasons and maybe that's why we don't see traffic? Or maybe it's as dumb and simple as we're not 4chan. We offer inflation and weight gain. So what the hell do we do then lol? Make flyers and stick them on billboard. BALLOONS WELCOME COME ONE AND ALL! na best case I see is maybe maybe a ad on the add banner on 4chan but then you'll get more dumbasses like that cp person who keeps posting fucked up boardd or idiots screaming the n word because they think its edgy when its really basic as fuck. But then again that shit comes mostly from b so if you advertise in only the fetish sections maybe you'll be fine? I don't really know how to draw more traffic to bbwchan honestly I'll lay it straight problem is not enough artists. Plan and simple. look at inflate chan. NOT ONLY FOR REQUESTS but artists existed all over probably even some big names today! And they would shit post fun memes and art all over the place which would in turn bring more traffic and more artists to this site. Artists like nazi popper dude or ice hockey dude (I'm sorry I don't know your actual names just what you draw) are perfect examples of what these boards are missing! Artists playing around and piggy backing ideas off each other! We get more like inflate chan was when we all interact with each other! All bbwchan has become is a bunch of boards where people share content. Feels as if the creativity that was once there is kind of dead. If you want more activity it's simple be more active and create fun things. Again it doesn't even be requests make memes make whatever make things that entertain you that are on topic to a situation! Just do something that kills the boredom that pops it to ribbons. And maybe with enough traction from artists just having fun again like they used to in the old days we will see this fucking website thrive! So I'll say it again. More activity more artists more traffic. People don't want to just read things on boards they want to see entertaining memes and entertaining stuff created from it. Do that and this site will probably thrive like the last. Keep on this lack of caring and it will probably die out.
In the comical weapon thread they don't even really share things lol
>>113278 Surely
could anyone draw junko enoshima or chiaki nanami from danganronpa mid-blueberry expansion? like kinda early stages expanding
>>113283 I mean to be fair when artists post sporadically throughout the month it's fair that there's going to be just conversation but this is a different beast. As an artist you have the tools to create and make things as long as you have the time I don't see why you can't make memes or jokes or things in between whatever conversation you're having as a sort of image cover and just to keep things lively. Again it doesn't even have to be something for someone else it could just be something you want to do but at least make memes for fuck sake. The one thing I hate the most with threads like this is the circle jerk of them all. I get that artists are trying their best I see when we possible but we got to try harder because these threads are way too dead
>>113273 >>113275 >>113278 >>113282 >>113457 The more quickly new users can "get" this website the faster they can start contributing and the more likely they'll stay and keep contributing.
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>>108618 Good news everyone, it's May! Requesting May inflation, breast expansion and breast inflation. Requesting May/Haruka in a solid red skintight divingsuit, yellow goggles, yellow boots, yellow gloves, and a yellow utility bag. Requesting her looking into her wallet thinking about how much more she used to afford. I like her old design best, personally, but you can always use her new OR/AS self, drawgods.
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>113569 You can pop her if you want or add her bf Brendan or make them fuck. Everything goes.
Last request I'm probably throwing up as honestly I just want to see more artists contributing and I don't want to become a part of the endless problem of requests made and not fulfilled. But I have to throw this out there as honestly I want to do it but don't have the time or energy to commit but would love to see the ghost versions of the dragon ball girls bulma chichi and videl (all adults yes even videl she was 18 when first introduced) getting inflated via they're ghost tails as I feel like ghost inflation is so obscure but yet so is tail inflation so can i get i don't know whoevers lips you want blowing them up to at least a starfish shape if not orb. Again whoever you want like maybe they pissed of android 21 or android 18 or something 21 probably might be more fitting in majin form. Or for memes you could have fat happy buu because this is a buu saga scene and it would be goofy
>>108618 >>114721 Forgot adding the anchor set to sail the seas or something? >>114722 Also yeah a lot of fun dragon ball arcs out there it's in my top 3 that and cell saga. But yeah those tails I can't get them out my damn head I just want to blow into them like a trumpet and see what happens to their ghostly bodies
Lena hyena and Jessica rabbit in an inflation contest using air pumps on each other or each inflating a man to each who can pop their man first
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>>113083 I remember this book freaking the shit out of me as a kid. Made two versions for the hell of it.
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>>108618 Requesting Octavia - see pic #2 Give her white thigh highs
>>108618 Requesting Hilda at a gas station. Don't hold back. If you like it dangerous, I like it dangerous.
Requesting Syuen from NIKKE being inflated (belly inflation, body inflation, blueberry inflation) and tortured by the Commander (you, the Protagonist).
>>108618 Requesting an alternate continuation of this where Marianne turns Hilda into a room-filling hourglass balloon.
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>>115858 I would rather let Hilda still inflate with a big belly and not have a alternate version where Marianne joins her
Can I have a remake on this art.
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>>115647 hope u like it! not my usual style but i wanted to try something different with this one
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A draw thread? Man, what would they think of next.
>>116024 >>116025 NTAs, beautiful work!!
>>116024 I heard of gassy inflation, but this is ridiculous! I can't nut to this, but it did give me a good laugh.
>>116105 I feel like anon meant gas station tire pumps butt this is a pretty funny image.
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>>116024 "One for you, one for me!"
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Request: Grace Howard from Zenless Zona Zero. Belly being inflated with a bike pump being operated by someone else. Hose in her ass. Bigger than a full term pregnancy. Hands on her belly. Panicking and enjoying herself at the same time
>>108594 Requesting adult gojos ass getting bursted like a bitch by either geto or sakuna because fuck it I want something gay today
Requesting more women in Dig Dug suits.
>>116024 Thank you! I really hope this is just water, haha. Signed, the requester. >>116107 This.
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>>108618 Requesting Shadow Peach's hips and ass getting bigger and bigger while she seductively demands that you (yes, you at home!) serve as her new throne Include a crushed throne in the back for bonus points
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>>116171 I have returned with memes. Anything inumaki says must come true so please make funny stuff or the next think he'll command us to burst your wife or husbando
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Bonus memes
>>108618 Can I have a remake of this but their place in the art are swapped now that Marianne wants vengeance for what happen in the original art as for the other girl her dialogue would be “ Is this about my fantasy I was just kidding please don’t let me explode. ”
>>117081 See your own add it's a fucking drawing request if it was only a meme they would have put it there. Please use Common fucking sense when posting shit like this you're getting on everyone's last nerve! It's like you do this shit on purpose to troll
>>117095 It's a meme. Memes belong in the meme general.
>>116025 OR here, thank you so much! I was thinking about her belly or her whole body growing too big and dangerously tight for combat... but I love breast inflation!
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>>117245 CUTE U T E
>>108618 requesting Gloriosa Daisy pumping herself up, saying >"You never inflated a girl before?" >"Don't worry, I got this!" show accurate, and vector if you can so you can upload it to Derpibooru.
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Requesting someone to do Velma, Garnet, Wonder Woman, and Harley Quinn in Mothman64 style
>>119952 Draw threads, also known as draw generals, are meant for everybody, not just one artist.
>>120066 1 artist appears and draws 1 or 2 things then the read devolves into people shouting dumb requests into the ether
>>119952 mf are you seeing these requests?💀 ain't wasting my time on these boring ass milquetoast oblivion ass requests. If one of you mfs had a single creative bone or original idea in your body I might just do one. I ain't left either, I've been here this whole time waiting on something good. But niggas don't deliver
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>>120094 Ok I got one Isabella Keyes getting puffed up by Jessie vaginal pump or puffkiss you're choice just make it lewd. Bonus if you have Isabella get revenge and blow up Jessie too somehow. Again get as sexy fun as you please these blimps are underrated and need puffy pumping! Jessie is the one in glasses who reuses Ashley's model from re4 and Isabella is the other queen. But it's all I got right now.
>>120094 Well that's both unfortunate and a shame but understandable but calling every request boring can hurt the requester like wise you'll know what I mean soon enough
>>120077 This is literally how draw generals work. >>120094 Post what you want to see requested.
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>>120094 If you don't want to draw it yourself, fine, leave it for someone else, but don't be a prick about it.
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I've been wanting to draw requests in here in my downtime, but yeah, the reqs have been kinda mid or just... very weirdly specific.
>>120299 Which ones do you find at least interesting?
This is for anyone who wishes to actually draw this: 'A battle between Spider-Gwen and Mysterio which goes kinda wrong. Mysterio begins his illusion bullshit and Spider-Gwen finds herself inflating (or already fully inflated) like a big balloon or blimp, whatever your preference is. She’s aware she isn’t actually inflated/inflating, but the illusions do make hard to tell. Spider-Gwen sits there trying to come up with a plan while Mysterio mocks and gloats about how smart he is.' Enjoy drawing that if you actually choose to do so.
>>120299 See >>120136 and tell us what's your dream request.
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>>108618 Requesting Asuka pumping air up her butt instead of groping her boobs, asking Shinji or the viewer something physics related to buoyancy.
I request Mamimi Samejima being morbidly obese (with a blobby face and plumpier lips as well) and puffed up from smoking a lot like the inflated women within the linked images.
>>108618 I can't decide between - Komi at the verge of tears because Tadano found her doodles of him pumping her up like a balloon (emphasis on the doodles) or - Osana tells Komi to inflate herself to trick Tadano into marrying her.
>>108618 Requesting the three girls from Totally Spies, Alex, Clover, and Sam, going undercover in a pregnant crime syndicate (pregnant women rob stores and banks). You choose who gets filled up with water, another with air, and the third with helium.
>>120508 Huh that mxyzptlk blob reminds me of a interesting lois x mxyzptlk story I read awhile back? Very raunchy! Glad people are doing mxyzptlk blimps and stuff he's such a inflatable twink
>>120494 Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue.
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>>108618 Replicate this body shape. You can choose your waifu.
>>108594 Please consider the requests in >>98083.
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>>111962 Been meaning to give this one a shot! Also thought I'd throw in a blueberry alt as a little bonus. In case the requester's still around, hope ya enjoy it~
>>121776 Requester here, holy shit I love this!
>>121787 I'm glad ya do, mate ;)
>>121815 requesting superblimpboy says what your doing that my son your fucking on my mouth mom likes this dobrynya
>>121969 i need that your russian text comic oh well miss martian likes natasha that so dummy thicc time your mairtan milf time
>>121776 Fantastic worn anon don't mind savvy here he spams every channel Same shit. Amazing work
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>>121788 requesting nightgblimpwing green blimp arrow and wally west is the fat blimp flash get fatten up by red round arrow with some cakes
>>122177 your dc blimps my request of duke89
>>122267 >>122177 your feed up boys
>>122177 i need that
I wanna draw something can I have some ideas? :3
>>122721 One person wants a revenge inflation sequence so here you go >>108622.
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Requesting Flannery trying to stop an air hose from inflating her pants.
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>>120392 This idea kosher?
estelle bright from Trails series experimenting with wind quartz and having it backfire?
>>122830 That’s sum good shit right there mate. 👌 top tier sketch.
>>122841 thanks man
>>120095 Can someone possibly attempt this?
Could anyone draw Ryan and Min-Gi (from Infinity Train) inflated as blueberries? Can use this as inspiration >>122683
>>122830 Good shitpost. Expected a balloon belly and got a 10/10 laugh.
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>>113569 How about her cousin August instead?
>>122902 thanks man. glad it made you laugh
>>122914 Very nice. 100/10 made me save.
You know the whole trope of Bikini Armor? Do that, but a twink wearing it with big boobs and butt. Me thinks he should be angry, trying to convince people he's a guy and not a chick. Bonus points if the anger IS the cause of his boobs and butt becoming huge. As for the twink in question, I'm in the mood for someone from 90's anime. Something in a Shinji like dweeb. (Not him exactly, but someone from the pre-Naruto era.)
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>>116523 This work?
>>122948 Thanks man
>>122974 Very good. Not the requester.
>>108594 >>120094 Friendly reminder to all artists to consider >>120136 >Post what you want to see requested. and disregard haters. This is literally how draw threads work. What's the alternative? Getting paid by a suspiciously wealthy furry to draw feet.
Hiii I wanna draw something tonight does anyone have any characters they wanna see with a belly lol
>>123411 Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion lol
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>>123411 How about the final boss from Sexy Parodius where the inflation is making it difficult to cover herself. As for how, maybe the player character is shooting into her butt or the octopus is trying to inflate her to get her off him or burying his gold or something.
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I'm suggesting Hildy Gloom from the 7D, inflated with her limbs out and normal like howSaphira puffed up in this one ep. of Pearlie. With Hildy having dropped her wand on a tree and her trying to grab it.And have Hildy's dress cover all of her too please.
>>123411 Leonie from Fire Emblem Three Houses well her post time skip.
>>123421 Damn, I thought I was the only one who knew about Parodius...
>>123411 Post what you like like >>123287 says.
Looking to do more mermaid costume inflation. Anyone want to suggest characters? >>123513 The clam riding boss lady from parodius that gets toasted when she’s defeated gives me life
(4.97 MB 2296x4152 Sword_Shield_Nessa.png)
>>123662 Nessa seems like a good choice imo
>>123662 Yeah, there's a lot of sexy girls in those games. I think they deserve more fetish art lol
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>>123662 And speaking of suggestions...I think Eliza from Parodius would be a good choice, she's literally a mermaid so there's that
(1.96 MB 2031x1857 LochNessMonsterousProportions.png)
>>123665 How's this? Went for a Nessie bottom >>123697 Indeed. Love drawing off-model expressions b/c of clam lady >>123698 Sounds good
>>123714 Very nice. The seashell bra also being inflated is a nice touch
>>123719 Thanks
(1.53 MB 2658x2475 ElizaWIP.png)
>>123698 Got a WIP going. How's this idea?
>>123730 She's looking great so far!
Hiii I wanna draw some inflation tonight does anyone have any characters they wanna see with a belly lol 18+ characters only plz ;-;
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>>123779 Sure. How about Rain Mikamura as she is when she’s interred in the Dark Gundam
(1.11 MB 3000x2624 Ohhohoho-ho no.png)
>>123734 >>123698 Here we go
Been in a flattening crave recently. Might do a smush --> inflation request some night if I remember & feel like it, not really feeling many other requests. 'Asked on Twitter already, so may as well ask a second place for funzies. No garentees. I was considering starting a thread for that stuff for a while, but been too lazy ngl. 18+ characters ffs, no age-ups, etc.
>>123817 You totally should, it's one of the best scenarios. I don't care so much as far as characters but do it with a fat girl if you're feeling it.
(2.84 MB 3000x2640 Ohhohoho-ho no 2.png)
>>123698 >>123734 >>123812 Finished. How's this? I wanted to emulate the coloring of that Shuzilow art for her in this one
Looking to scribble some more mermaid costume inflation or deflation stuff. Suggest characters here
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(199.68 KB 2000x1000 kimiko-the-boys.jpg)
>>123933 Kimiko mermaid hourglass suit overinflation and burst or whatever as long as overinflation is involved. Bonus points if on top of hourglass/ tail you do full body and burst but artist choice just have fun! So I would guessing the entire mermaid suit would be from the neck down first malfunctioning her curves before growing out of control to full blimp then bang she's nude? Eh it's an idea
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(1.46 MB 1197x1461 Frog_Mario_SMB3_art.png)
(407.76 KB 727x792 PPS_Mermaid_Peach_Artwork.png)
>>123933 Princess Peach with a mermaid-themed Frog Suit, which is basically the same but the legs are stuck together to make a tail. Either that or simply use her Mermaid costume from Showtime
>>123885 Oh wow, this is amazing! Thanks for accepting my request
>>123938 >>123935 Cool. I dig both of these. I’ll start with Kimiko first since I haven’t drawn a non anime/toon character in a while. >>123945 Thanks man. Parodius’ enemy ladies are my weakness
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>>123817 How about this. Have you ever played this old flash game Strip The Tech where you use webtools to undress a tech support lady over the internet? Maybe a different set of webtools related to flattening/inflating could work to humiliate her further
>>123844 I wish I had more opportunities to draw chubbier folks, along with other variations of folks like human-peeps-with-more-melanin-than-a-Genshin-character, etc, but fate just screws me/lots of other peeps into the same body/etc types I guess, blahblah. =U Not a weight-gain enjoyer, but Fat --> Flat is peak for real, lots more mass to squish around (especially if actually committing to spreading a character when smooshing.) Tbh usually I like asking for specific characters because I don't watch jack nor shit, so Idk what characters to draw, and usually doing gifts for peeps is more rewarding anyways cos' I know someone specific's gonna enjoy it more deeply than a lot of folks going, "Waoh, Samus," or whatevs. ---------------- >>124004 I haven't, these kinds of things do nothing for my largely-asexual-ass, plus negative exploity vibes going on or whatever imo, etc. 'Do vibe with the crude 90's/00's 3D a lot though. Might be able to do something with the concept if I get to requests in here though, it's a cool scenario regardless. Maybe could combine the concept with another character, maybe make a character up from different bits and bobs thrown around, etc, maybe even fulfill the suggestion at >>123844, we'll see.
>>124059 I am a dumb. The initial ask was meant to be specific characters in case I get to doing more, as I asked on Twitter initially as mentioned at >>123817, etc, but the two current suggestions are cool too.
>>124059 Post chubbier folks because as far as I can remember the overwhelming majority of waifus are slender and thin.
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Requesting Link pumping up Cremia.
Hii I wanna do a lil drawing someone give me a character and I'll try make her a balloon :3 18+ only plz ;-;
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>>125086 How bout trying your hand with Musashi?
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>>125088 Idk this character but I did a quick lil thing of her inflating herself with a bike pump :3
(231.88 KB 483x1440 Aqua_KHIII.webp)
>>125086 aqua kingdom hearts pls?
(241.47 KB 360x882 Grimmjow_Jaegerjaquez.png)
(102.71 KB 1600x1000 christian-symbol_1600x.jpg)
Requesting bunny Kirby annihilating grimmjow in mortal Kombat with his secret technique THE CROSS OF DIVINE ASS WHOOP
>>125390 Kirby in this universe is a hooker in his 20s giving the good succ when grimmjow insulted his faith of the father and son and their holiness therefore he must pay for his eternal sin against thy name with his war crimes!
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Requesting Daphne Blake with a huge belly like Velma in this pic
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Beth wants more wine and Ricks wants a living fuel tank for his sci-fi shit. So he starts cooking… Extra points if you have her blown up with the hose in her ass hooked up to his space ship.
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I’d kill for a blueberry pic of this girl. :)
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(2.15 MB 2382x3780 reys tang flavor.png)
(2.16 MB 2382x3780 mountain dew butt blast.png)
>>127020 Here you go just donate to charity and perform a fart prank ritual and I'll call it paid in full. If you don't the pump monster will pop you're penis in your sleep.
(2.17 MB 2382x3780 red cherry gojo incident.png)
(2.16 MB 2382x3780 used farted bubblegum.png)
(2.17 MB 2382x3780 oj Simpson flavor.png)
Have a happy good night
(4.32 MB 3623x4093 IMG_0554.jpeg)
>>127045 >>127044 Shit, you’re good with color edits, you think you could play around with this pic and change the colors of her tracksuit?
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Could someone draw Witch from Puyo Puyo inflated like a Blimp just like in this image?
>>127797 Guys do we think if we just do one of his requests he’ll go away? I have the skill set to make something not completely shit with this but I’m not sure whether that would just encourage him
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Probs my first time drawing inflation 😭
>>128859 I love it!
>>128859 Amazing keep up the fun work these threads need more memes
http://web.archive.org/web/20240307075307/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/39605.html Why is the link excluded?
>>129217 Why don't you send the Wayback Machine people an email, why don't ya?
>>129348 Crap your pants kindly and suffer the traumatic consequences as your laughed at for it. That or step on a Lego
>>129352 Savvy, I assume?
>>129432 Yes his superboy requests again with his crappy edit work
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>>108618 Can anyone do a better version of this please…? Got this from the Dragon ball inflation thread… It was done with Android 21 (Evil/Cell Absorbed) instead of Angry Explosion she uses Cell Self Destruct move… Respond back if your up to the challenge..
(2.21 MB 1900x1900 141124.png)
>>129786 I love you.
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cursed inflation bump
>>130040 Braindead from galaxy gas inflation no way lmfao!
(563.50 KB 2596x2818 sigmarizz.png)
>>130354 >>130356 shut the fuck up you retarded schizo faggot
(49.83 KB 1491x1080 Phantasma.webp)
request: Phantasma (scooby doo and the ghoul school) wearing violet's clothes. another image is Phanty enjoying being a blueberry.
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>>108618 I'd like to draw inflated Human Fluttershy from Equestria Girls, full nude.
>>108618 request: Phantasma (scooby doo and the ghoul school) wearing violet's clothes. another image is Phanty enjoying being a blueberry.
(5.48 MB 3300x3300 AyaxTrade.png)
>>130650 Furry. Thank you for saving the thread but it's still furry.
>>130652 oops my bad, i thought inflation overrode furry
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Requesting the human version for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy Also full nudes alt
(3.39 MB 2100x3400 081224.png)
>>131624 Thank you for saving the thread. What request was this?
(924.59 KB 1041x1347 hilda_by_drakamohk.jpg)
>>108618 have you wondered if your #1 favorite artists did guts secretly. I miss him so much. and I'm afraid he'll hate me if I ask for my favorite pokegirl popping.
>>108618 Can I have a redraw of this Marianne art please. Also the hose is removed from her mouth.
(10.17 KB 193x244 Chocolate_bonbon.webp)
>>108618 Requesting a blueberry inflation pic of Chocolate Bonbon Cookie from CROB with her in similar shape and size as the second pic
Requesting Khepri from the Fire Emblem Romhack Andaron Saga to be inflated like the next picture. Also make the background a desert.
>>115704 Any NIKKE fans?
>>131676 me, i wanted to draw it so i did
>>132683 Please draw more.
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Would someone be willing to draw Dorothea on the beach drinking something fruity but it was spiked to make her boobs grow to her confusion.
>>120692 Seconding.
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Vtuber plush milf inflation? Anyone down?
