/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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body inflation audio body inflation audio Thread 12/18/2023 (Mon) 11:06:01 Id:2a31f7 No. 102356
Here is all of BE stories, in return just give out your own body inflation audio files. https://mab.to/t/MlHFkYqOBhs/us3
Could someone upload these mixtrix files.
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/114316/26757033/human-blimp-inflation-rp-audios-2 https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/114316/26493579/inflation-session-the-audios https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/114316/27933893/growth-radio-looping-soundscape
>>102677 da bump wit no bump
>>102356 who makes the audios???
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The best audio is made by freelancers who love this and also if they're female.
>>102731 https://bestories.net/about/
>>102356 where i can find this audios???
>>102893 I don't know, but I found this... https://twitter.com/PhoenixEroAudio
anyone got any of audioplayer090s bursting stuff?
>>102947 here anon hope you see it https://mab.to/t/tA7rmoJGv3b/eu1
>>103003 I don't know who you are, THANK YOU
>>102947 here's a google drive link from a while back with a lot in it: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q8LOgmmalsxWOnd3IQs0hfqnpAdLBwbD?usp=drive_link
Does anyone have any audio that is not POV and that is female inflation?
Oh. It's all just stuffing with gurgling noises. No actual inflation. Oh well. Each to their own.
Can somebody provide the sauce?
>>102356 >myairbridge.com/en/#!/transfer/MlHFkYqOBhs/us3 re-up?
>>103196 There were about four of these years ago put out by someone named PrivateJoker. He had a site called Swellsounds but took it down. There was a blueberry one and a first person inflation in addition to the one you posted. Wish I had them still.
Any bursting audio
>>103240 Just download the mega someone posted, it's got more of the audioplayer stuff than the mab link did
>>103391 And, you have the MEGA of that "someone"
>>103196 >>103247 This is the blueberry one. Hopefully it uploads.
🎧 Blow Me Up Until I Pop -- Tara Tainton
🎧 You'll Pay a Lofty Price for Your Curiosity -- Tara Tainton
🎧 My Big Balloon Ride -- Tara Tainton
🎧 Ballooning My Body So We Can Both Pop -- Tara Tainton
🎧 I Want a Balloon for a Boyfriend -- Tara Tainton
does anyone have any of the tara tainton weight gain audio files? I.m especially looking for this. https://www.taratainton.com/condemned-to-a-life-of-overeating.html
>>103453 Any good soul I can get: "Condemned to a Life of Overeating"
🎧 I Never Thought It Would All End This Way -- Tara Tainton 💥 Warning. Blueberry inflation. Dark, Contains pleading for her life and popping.
Fuck! I just found this thread. May I please have some bestories.net audios? I'll give some madzisstacked and taylormadeclips videos for it!
>>103864 https://mab.to/t/UEVeDHueFCy/eu1
>>103848 This is one of the hottest things I’ve ever heard
>>103848 actual gold
>>102356 what is the name of the actress???
the title for this thread is audio so I assume it's all expansion related? if so, I was wondering if anyone had any sound effects as I had a couple of customs In the works and the person said they'd put some in if I could provide them. I'd be looking for creaking/groaning noises inflation and expansion noises some fluid, if possible maybe some sounds for a shrinking effect? any help would be appreciated 🙏
just to add to that last one... If anyone has any destruction noises like metal or wood that would be appreciated too
anybody got more blueberry inflation audio?
>>104384 I have a voicemail of someone saying yeah. Then I see babies like wtf how she catch me like that lmao
>>104385 upload?
Maybe not the right thread but: Anyone got any good inflation sound effect packs?
i got a new pc anyone have audioplayer090's stuff?
>>104548 i know drives are taboo, but here it is anyway. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q8LOgmmalsxWOnd3IQs0hfqnpAdLBwbD?usp=drive_link
>>104524 Inflate123 has a drive loaded with hissing, pumping, stretching, creaking and popping sound effects https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5UrxBT-isJQWGNPdXFwRmpMUms/view?resourcekey=0-jxleQBDEC82pGgD0SezsCw
(10.21 KB 259x194 download.jfif)
>>103428 >>103442 >>103443 >>103444 >>103445 Sorry i fucked up the first post, i thought you could copy and paste, anyways... This is for you >>103447
>>102356 >>103871 Reups please? BE audio is so hard to find
Anyone have any good ASMR? Most of the ones I find are cringe or fetish bait on YouTube
>>103462 Seconded please!!!
re-upload of BE stories https://mab.to/t/cbJ7lkNYLMs/us3
>>106326 Thanks! I can't do all of them but I'll convert some just so they can be posted/hosted here.
>>106326 Re-upload again pls?
>>106355 Holy shit my dick! That Australian woman is hot. Is there any more on her?
(34.29 KB 500x500 ballmer.jpg)
RE-UP HERE get it while it's hot >https://mab.to/t/vTIFOA8tCRz/us3 >https://mab.to/t/vTIFOA8tCRz/us3 >https://mab.to/t/vTIFOA8tCRz/us3
>>106715 Thanks anon. I just recently discovered this thread.
Download as many as you can and find more information about this hot bitch, IT'S AN ORDER!!!
>>106743 If you go to bestories site and find one she's in, like Going Down, they'll tell you who's in it. It looks like it's by FreeStyleVA. But I can't find then anywhere else
>>106755 THANKS
>>106743 The Australian girl?
(1.26 MB 720x960 pinchy.webm)
>>106715 THE SHOW MUST GO ON re-up here: >https://mab.to/t/Zom0TLCsf21/us3 >https://mab.to/t/Zom0TLCsf21/us3 >https://mab.to/t/Zom0TLCsf21/us3 vid unrelated
>>106715 This video gives me so much life man. Billions
>>107056 One more Reup?
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>>107503 RE-UP >https://mab.to/t/5ps6iRrPH4e/us3 >https://mab.to/t/5ps6iRrPH4e/us3 >https://mab.to/t/5ps6iRrPH4e/us3 This is my last time, anons. Someone else's job now.
>>107552 Wrong thread, my bad.
>>107542 Everybody dowload ALL now!!!
Amateur who like to do voices >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AI voices of celebrities
>>106326 Does anyone have BE Stories? Because the requested transfer does't exist.
here's some stuff from tmc when they were doin audio shit, as well as some inflation sound effect packs, so people can edit their own audio if they want to. i got a bunch of the latter, so ill upload those too if anyone wants https://mab.to/t/6kpclsiLqRW/us2
>>109131 that blueberry inflation audio was pretty damn good also i wouldnt mind if you posted more sound packs, i like having them.
>>109131 Brother, there are only 5 stories, I don't want to complain but I expected more and I'm not referring to the previous audio stories B.E. I'm just saying that if you have more stories, share them, I'm looking forward to it. (PLEASE)
>>109142 gotcha bro, here's a bunch of audio packs, alongside some inflation audios I found. https://mab.to/t/9Mfeur9p6ji/us2 which btw, if you wanna somewhat easily find inflation audio stuff, sorry to say, but furries might be your best bet. Theres one specifically, sangriasnake, that does inflation audios. Some of em are just pure soundscapes, so you don't have to deal with any furry related stuff if you don't want to. Theres also furaffinity, which has a dedicated audio filter in its search thing, so you can just type in 'inflation', filter for audio, and you got some. its partially how i found out about some of these audio files n shit. sometimes you gotta wade through shit to find gold
>>109156 many thanks my man. furries are absolutely cracked at making audio, just sucks that they're fuckin furries but hey ill take what i can get
(351.51 KB 360x360 come.webm)
Fear non, anons. I've come. It's my fourth coming. Come. >https://mab.to/t/CNjdYneJ4sZ/us3 >https://mab.to/t/CNjdYneJ4sZ/us3 >https://mab.to/t/CNjdYneJ4sZ/us3
Anyone have Bouncing Bubbles Taste Test part 2? isnt in the dump
>>109158 Im gonna keep it real, imo furries make some of the best inflation content, as well as WG content in general. people dont wanna admit this, but its fuckin true. They're the ones who put some of the most effort into making inflation content out there tbh. Half the time I see someone in an inflatable suit making semi-consistent content, its furries. There's a bunch of games made by furries that have to do with inflation/weight gain, and one of em was so good it briefly got mainstream attention with Tribal Hunter. And there's animations, which furries have more of from my view. Not to mention, as much as furaffinity is an aging dinosaur of a site ran by someone who defends literal pedos (look up dragoneer and sangie), they have a great search system that filters out into exactly what you wanna see, unlike DA. You have to, on some level, give it to em.
Anyone have: Café Woods Kink - Buffet Binge Turns Belly Expansion & Bursting (AUDIO) - MP4
>>109451 Could you at least contribute?
>>109578 It's true, it's also difficult to get a clip like that and if that weren't enough, it seems to be one of those that aren't very good because the actress doesn't seem to put much into it... How can I put it... "STYLE"
>>109582 I agree, the ones with realistic sound effects of balloons and crackling in the background are the best, although they get better with good dialogue and a dramatic plot with the actress moaning, laughing, burping while talking, fooling around and all those kinds of details that They give an excellent touch to these audios. PLEASE DOES ANYONE HAVE MORE AUDIO THAT HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN GIVEN IN THIS THREAD???
Still need "Condemned to a Life of Overeating" by Tara Tainton. someone must have it!!!
>>109451 >>109642 Either of these would be great. Contributing: https://mab.to/t/vy48AMQl95t/us2 Stuffed Date Force Feeder Girlfriend Dorn’s Kitchen Company Dragon Empress Might be more apt for wg/stuffing thread but whatever
>>109677 this is the audio thread.
>>109677 YOU ARE A HERO!!!
>>109677 Hey friend, I don't know who you are or how kind you are, but if you could get more audios of this type, preferably (burping - explosion at the end), you would be helping MANY people.
>>110168 Gotcha https://mab.to/t/DvzUnNfifDc/us2 >>109792 Sorry boys, I just grab em when I see em. Hopefully someone contributes those two burping ones soon
>>110506 >>109642 🎧 Condemned to a Life of Overeating / Tara Tainton
If anyone has any weight gain popping audio that doesn't have any dialogue in it (moans are fine) please post that shit
Anyone have a audio but with final pop???
>>112716 No, but I have this: https://mab.to/t/ke8NvBpJptP/us2 If you want this kind of shit with pop at the end I recommend NameTaken0 on Deviantart
>>112731 May as well put this up as an ogg
>>112716 This one ends with a pop.
TMC produced some free audio clips some time ago. Worth reposting these in a more accessible place. Sablique blueberry inflation audio clip.
Another one with Holly
Balloon Race with Holly and Taylor Penis Expansion POV audio with Holly
Inflation with popping
Blueberry with temp-popping
I wish this image had its own audio story, with background sounds with rumblings, squeaks, inflations and eruptions, it would be incredible.
Hey, does anyone have Breast inflation audios?
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>>114619 There will for sure be some in here: BE Stories Megadump https://mab.to/t/JN1DJTiRuDk/us3 https://mab.to/t/JN1DJTiRuDk/us3 https://mab.to/t/JN1DJTiRuDk/us3 get it while it's live
Was there any audios from bestories.net?
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>>115909 it's ok i got you Mega Re-DUMP https://mab.to/t/oXYdE2iTb0B/us3 https://mab.to/t/oXYdE2iTb0B/us3 https://mab.to/t/oXYdE2iTb0B/us3
There was someone on deviantart a while back I think they went by vopeji or something like that and I think I remember they made some audio so I was wondering if anyone has that
Can you do it again? I miss it?>>115950
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(61.63 KB Burp3.ogg)
(30.88 KB Burp2.ogg)
(11.36 KB burp_1-high.ogg)
(10.91 KB burp_1.ogg)
(30.88 KB Burp2_1.ogg)
BURPS Inflated.
(61.63 KB Burp3_1.ogg)
(14.50 KB burp_0.ogg)
(770.81 KB Inflation-SFX.ogg)
>>117168 Yeh man. Tune in next week for "Inflated Farts", then "Inflated Puking", followed by "Tortured Screams - whilst Inflated", topped off with a good few samples of "Petulant Children having temper tantrums - whilst someone somewhere is at some point... Inflated". Fuck'n stoopid man.
>>117169 Fuck off man it's hot
>>117167 There's no inflation it's just burps
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I'M GONNA DOOOOMP Mega re-dump happening now: https://mab.to/t/0JFc5hfGKKu/us3 https://mab.to/t/0JFc5hfGKKu/us3 https://mab.to/t/0JFc5hfGKKu/us3 1.5 gb of bestories
Anyone have sometime New????
does anyone have gum chewing turns dick inflation by weirdwood?
>>117728 reup please?
please somebody reup, and maybe with a link that lasts a bit longer, BE stories stuff is so hard to find
Popped or detailed story
Does anyone have the inflation sound effects from Wicked Pump?
reup, on a permanent link maybe? I have a few BE audio but won't upload unless someone reshared the BE stories audios
>>121013 Bestories reup, get it while it's hot https://mab.to/t/539Ajlo42ii/eu1 https://mab.to/t/539Ajlo42ii/eu1 https://mab.to/t/539Ajlo42ii/eu1 can't make it longer than three days without a paid account sadly
>>103033 Does anyone know if there's stuff similiar to audioplayer90's? I.e inflation, bursting and/or flatulance, with detailed narration or second person commentary
>>121322 https://mab.to/t/UivEyOmU7qA/eu1 https://mab.to/t/UivEyOmU7qA/eu1 https://mab.to/t/UivEyOmU7qA/eu1 GO GO GO (1.5gb bestories, three days once again)
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does anyone have these from CoffeeCakeDemon audio different blueberry experience or peaches and cream?
>>122570 Found one on Youtube:https://youtu.be/D75WxfJ4eTI?si=Dln7spIU3gEwZR-I
>>103033 Is there any bursting without farts?
>>122592 may as well save it in case the yt vid gets taken down
>>121337 Any chances for a reup?
How about a dream track with inflation audio?
>>124460 https://mab.to/t/wQrC9PzN8z1/eu1 https://mab.to/t/wQrC9PzN8z1/eu1 https://mab.to/t/wQrC9PzN8z1/eu1 https://mab.to/t/wQrC9PzN8z1/eu1 https://mab.to/t/wQrC9PzN8z1/eu1 1.5gb bestories
>>120901 Does anyone have this?
Can someone upload these or know where they can be seen in full please? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/114316/26493579/inflation-session-the-audios https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/114316/26757033/human-blimp-inflation-rp-audios-2 https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/114316/27933893/growth-radio-looping-soundscape
Any good inflation audio plays on YouTube? Like ones that are over an hour or equal over an hour, or something?
>>124694 I just discovered this thread, any chance of a reupload?
>>124694 Just missed the re-upload/ Could you please re-re-upload it thanks.
>>125268 >>125379 >https://mab.to/t/WJuRosaNqr4/eu1 >https://mab.to/t/WJuRosaNqr4/eu1 >https://mab.to/t/WJuRosaNqr4/eu1 >https://mab.to/t/WJuRosaNqr4/eu1 >https://mab.to/t/WJuRosaNqr4/eu1 go go go go go
>>125515 Pls reup sorry I just missed it
>>125515 Darn I just missed it by a day Please reupload
>>125726 >>125834 >>125515 https://mab.to/t/HNMhj6UMlRy/eu1 https://mab.to/t/HNMhj6UMlRy/eu1 https://mab.to/t/HNMhj6UMlRy/eu1 https://mab.to/t/HNMhj6UMlRy/eu1 https://mab.to/t/HNMhj6UMlRy/eu1
>>126045 Woooo :D Thank you
Can someone upload this file or write where I can find it please? https://www.clips4sale.com/es/studio/114316/25532821/expansion-cycle https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/114316/26757033/human-blimp-inflation-rp-audios-2
Does anyone have any audio where the listener is being inflated/being told how to inflate?
>>126134 Idk, but I do wish there were inflation themed lucid dream tracks on YouTube.
So recently a blueberry inflation VA called Gothberry66 has effectively disappeared off the internet. Their Twitter and patron is gone while their yt channel has been cleared and had a name change. Another VA named JackBlowsUp worked with gothberry66 on a few projects and has now gone protected on Twitter Does anyone know what the story is?
>>128261 DRAMA ALERT
>>128261 Man that sucks. I really hope society isn’t cracking down on us. I really enjoyed Jack Blowsup, even if some were age restricted. As well as, I wish I could have been able to watch gothberry66 but all their YouTube videos were restricted and I am limited to the YouTube app on the tv secretly. (Still live at home with parent. Don’t ask) I hope they don’t go after sangria snake’s channel(I wish they would upload more) YouTube needs more inflation audio and hypnosis content.
>>128285 Gothberry66's youtube was mostly previews of her patreon content. There was one full audio that she didn't put on patron, once I figure out how to convert it into a file that the thread allows I'll post it here.
Blueberry Goth by Gothberry66
>>128288 her Kemono's still up with five audios on it
>>128349 May as well post some here for easy saving. A Witch's Own Blueberry
>>128285 Sangria moved to their own website, they've got a ton of content they just never uploaded to youtube and last I knew they had outright abandoned their YT https://www.hookahhypno.com/
>>128566 Really? I thought their last one was 6 months ago? Honestly, I wish more people posted inflation audioplays and hypnosis videos on YouTube. Maybe have the words (especially in hypnosis tracks) to be carefully worded so it doesn’t get flagged while still being lewd, just more discretely lewd. Like some of the inflation hypnosis videos by silver hypnosis and even hypnotic beast(which I wish there were even more inflation ones rather than a lot from transformation videos, but inflation is inflation to me)
>>128629 They also post teasers or even full audios to their Furaffinity
I thought I would throw my hat in the ring. I've always wanted to try VA, so let me know how I did Blueberry inflation POV audio https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1367384
>>129522 Dude that was awesome! You should definitely do more!
(404.31 KB Home Alone.ogg)
>>129529 More you say?
(452.64 KB Feeding You Pie.ogg)
(389.51 KB Push Me Over.ogg)
(280.56 KB Small Door.ogg)
(492.00 KB Too F Bad.ogg)
>>129529 I think I could do a few more
Very late, any chance of another reup?
Any chance anyone will post some to YouTube, even if they have to be unlisted?
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I got some of CoffeeCakeDemon's audios here :3 https://mab.to/t/xv98uLWlQT0/eu1
>>131904 Wtf is this
>>131924 It's just some CoffeeCakeDemon Audios? :v
>>131924, yeah but is it supposed to sound like that?
>>131998 Like What?
Is there something wrong the files?
>>132003 Obvious troll
>>132007 What? It's obviously just an issue on your end. Sounds fine to me
(676.77 KB 1920x1080 cover14.jpg)
>>132020 Bait used to be believable
>>132023 Not my fault if your speakers are broken
So I've sat on this for over a year now because it's just a stupid test that didn't really come out all that good! Ha ha! I wanted to see how far AI voice imitation has come. I used the story "Kink Circus" as a template (apologies in advance to the author! And we thank them for their contribution to this silly project!). For those of you who know this story - Yes it is different because: a) I used a free website and there was a limit on how many words you can use & b) I spiced this up as much as I could, & go into uber-explicit levels just to see if the website/program would prohibit pornographic content! I then added Sound effects that I have collected over the years to try and culminate the inflation scene in the background. As I have stated, this isn't very good & although I feel like a tit releasing it, I am doing so for those who are simply interested in how it came out. It's a one off project for now. What I do recommend is maybe watching a playlist of inflation videos (or drawing/art) whilst it plays so you get both audio and visual inflation. Merry Christmas.. ya filthy animals!
Here is Part 2:
>>131904 Hey brothers, if someone hypothetically wanted to buy these audios, and hypothetically share them again, hypothetically Where would one have to go to do that?
>>132245 Oh that's simple you go to here and buy the last six copies of The Best Womble Album So Far Vol 1 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330513944974?_skw=wombles&epid=13052266926&itmmeta=01JFAP4N0SW0949AAX6KX07BY1&hash=item4cf42a918e:g:uXQAAOSwAWde8GKE
132219 I got to say that was SUPER hot, great job. Are you planing on doing more like these?
>>132330 Brother you are trying super hard to drive a spite leak, love you for it.
Found it. https://payhip.com/FizzyKinkProductions
>>132579 Fun fact: That store is basically outdated and won't let you purchase anything from it :3
>>132020 bruh not the Hong Kong 97 music lol
>>133795 "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??" ahh audio
>>133795 It's a good soundtrack though :3
I hope inflation audioplays can make a comeback, especially if it’s the same quality as sangria snake
straight up, if you wanna find some actually ok inflation audios, furaffinity is probably gonna be your best bet. you're gonna have to wade through trash and furshit, but you can find some actually good audi0s
can anyone make bubblize audio
>>131904 any chance of a reup?
>>137216 It was a troll post.
>>137259 Nah I was there it was totally real
>>137259 Fuck up, guess nobody is ever getting anything from that guy without money>>136751
Didn’t mean to add that tag.
Anyone can download this??? https://thisvid.com/videos/monsterchow-declair-final/
Here's an odd question... anybody got any good music to use for inflation audios, or for animations? Recommendations for stock music or maybe composers who could write music tailored to inflation content?
>>137760 I dont know if helps, but suno can make music and songs based on body inflation, it works very nice
>>137761 Suno you say... is that their full username or a shortened nickname? And what platform are they most usually on?
You think we can find More pov audios like this ? https://youtu.be/zpNNqgdOYpg?si=oSbYcVTsml23nu-a https://youtu.be/pJNqvTEA8Cc?si=2wNUxM8uLqDHGE7J
But of course make it inflation as well
>>137777 >quad 7s It's Suno.com, ya goofball. It's a music AI. Worked pretty great the last time I used it, I tested it with all kinds of stupid stuff, having it come up with weird songs like a power metal song about balloons or a pop song about incredibly obese women You can describe to it what kind of music you want and it'll gen based off that, or you can specifically give it lyrics manually and have it gen music around that.
>>137803 is it possible to make generations that have no lyrics? I tried to make orchestral music for a blueberry scene but it made a bunch of lyrics that didn't really make sense
>>137779 Alecdeluxe made a few Suno pov songs about inflation. https://www.youtube.com/@Alecdeluxe
