/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Imbapovi Thread 7: Tokyo Drift Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 22:17:04 Id:47000c No. 134050
Ok everyone since the old thread was locked I'm making a new thread Currently I'm looking for a no music version of this video https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8481490/post/25766044/revision/207946
I know I don’t own it, but I’m saving the bonus archive for safe keeping: https://mega.nz/folder/gGdj2IYS#TlDwBkXzfyPrOrdL3_Ms2w
And here’s the super mega folder, just in case: https://mega.nz/folder/l7sXQbSY#zkQIzQeYrOh5rL8UeNMvTg
>>134050 >>134112 Has anyone ever managed to get in touch with the guy with the huge archive? God bless him for all that but the sorting leaves something to be desired
Imbapovi's kemono was updated and he posted a mega link with some gifs and images that some of you might not have so here you go https://mega.nz/folder/2bRhiRJI#SMsiZepuFfeuqdQVYVrUYg
Fuck it, while we're at it, here's also the 60fps folder by that one nice anon from last thread: https://mega.nz/folder/0lIiSICS#En4pJZMVMMYr1lNuogMUlA
>>134458 On the topic if the 60 fps vids, I have processed around another 300 and will have them uploaded soon
Looks like Imba is going to do a video based on Elfuda, which will actually be based on an idea from the previous poll. It’ll be interesting to see since he normally doesn’t do this.
>>134577 really? i feel like he has made animations based on old polls as monthly bonus videos before
>>134581 He has, but this might actually be a standard length video. Which is rarer, the only instance I can recall when a non-winner got a full video was Passionlip.
>>134593 Correcting myself as I just checked the description for it on their DA. He said it'll be longer then a bonus but not quite a standard video.
All there's missing is someone who can upscale the 720p vids to 1080p or more
>>134745 I have to ability to do that in addition to creating the 60 fps vids
(I'm the anon from last thread making the 60 fps videos)
>>134766 That's great, could you by chance upscale the Rem and Ram video to 4k in addition to the 60fps? Would be much appreciated thanks
New vidya's out. Thoughts? https://www.deviantart.com/imbapovi/art/Elfuda-helium-inflation-Blimp-Sized-Elf-video-1149571119
>>134919 I love me some good Helium Inflation. It was good enough for me to hit it with the 60fps Upscale. We need more of that floaty goodness! https://mab.to/t/oXRjtMQgIMt/us2
>>134921 Excellent stuff, many thanks. Good video from Imba overall.
>>134813 Upscaling is a pretty different territory than interpolation so you'll have to tell me how it turned out, but anyway here you go https://mega.nz/file/hDEBwKKC#kkBkAM6OmzxD_5mboOIjyHbDg3nXk24YpVjvHInne-w
>>134981 Thanks a whole lot anon
>>134981 You're the man. I know you've already converted ~300 more like you said, do you think you could do his Blake and Yumi videos to 60fps? Those are the best he ever made IMO
>>134981 Turned out great in my opinion. I'm not an expert but to me it looks smooth and very detailed. Thanks again lad
>>135002 These as well as roughly another 100 videos are currently being uploaded to the mega folder
>>134050 Looks like the next video is Zhu Yuan finally. I'll be on the lookout for the bonuses for the month too if he's doing those.
Is there a no music version of this video https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8481490/post/25766044/revision/207946
not imbapovi but there is or this video where miku inflated while dancing in a field and it was amazing
>>135013 Could you make a 4k 60 edit to the Suu vid as well? https://mega.nz/file/zf4i3KpZ#mt1nzs-RRxocUnDDP-06gQSz59B1NfsoMW3PcsU6Gt8
new video out.where bonuses
Someone please send the bonus for the zhu yuan video
>>135317 already in the MEGA folder(the biggest one)
Do you guys happen to have lowkey on that mega files?
>>135336 What do you mean?
>>135337 I saw the megafiles where it had multiple artists in that big file and was wondering if you had art from lowkey from subscribestar
>>135305 Done https://mega.nz/file/cL8mnDBa#n5BDDbtMSqTO747gG9xlGWyhixlhjeAvkB9MX2IV3nM
Can someone make a 60fps version of Zhu Yuan
Does abyone have the monthly bonus links?please sebd the latest ones
1. Sinon - going busty (breasts inflation) DL https://mega.nz/file/aaBWjSiQ#rI2mbzq3DyD5LRwjMoDdnVyXtmAqvRuURQ_N_vC3zKc Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/v7b83qe3mjw7zik/543._SinonJanuary2025.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://1024terabox.com/s/1WQcOxgps96qr9XqP4kPZgw Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9WRu/EfyP4Vr9h 2. Yelan - ballooned bunny (belly inflation / pop) DL https://mega.nz/file/OKoQyLJD#816Y6D96CUs-6-xUjRsh8TZNPZMqN1qMKoiX_RiCCKM Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/a9b0oxa2o9mnldu/544._YelanJanuary2025.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://1024terabox.com/s/1IYjtaFNahtn8TbrAgcdB-w Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/UhuL/bcJRZh1MY 3. Arezu - booty-full chair (butt expansion) DL https://mega.nz/file/7CInEAoa#PkitWFGBMGlgyZzYivbIcqmyMxcqsKlKv9j93Ino85g Spare link 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/qiezmdnr9ljrtu7/545._ArezuJanuary2025.mp4/file Spare link 2 https://1024terabox.com/s/1clxYP0JJpY2OMrqWXUDRvg Spare link 3 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/xQ71/AuRaG4mY8
When was the last full body liquid inflation Imbapovi did?
>>134050 Previous thread is >>118826
>>135436 The last Full Body inflation with liquid would be Ibuki Douji in August.
why is there a other imbapovi thread if one is already made? The old thread isn't even locked.
>>135466 I tried asking in thee old thread but didn't get an answer
>>135461 That long ago? That sucks.
do anyone have futaba merged popping vid?
>>134050 > kemono.su That site is still broken for me
I know this might haven't been an idea at all and I might be the first to suggest this but has anyone thought about making an Imbapovi hmv?
>>135730 Searched up hmv and didn't get anything so I'm assuming it's just video edits but I support this. For some reason edits of inflation videos just hit different and here's someone that made some https://x.com/INFLEXPA/media
Zhu vids have been added to the 60fps folder, sorry for the delay
man i was not aware we had a 7th thread now… that explains the lack of posts in thread 6
>>135425 i was excited when i saw sinon water inflation. but got less excited when it was just breasts. even bummed because no pop.
>>135881 wdym “its me”? you’re anonymous XD. how should i know who u are lol
>>135816 All good Btw talking about the folder, are all the queued Video form last time finaly uploaded there or are there still more Video left I remeber I did sent request myself but I don't know if you saw it. I'd prefer to not ask it again if you still have work queued
>>135885 everything but some of the popping versions have been added, so if you dont see something in there you are looking for just ask
>>135903 I asked for the Pyra and Intrepid one with thiere respective popping ver. I belive Pyra is done but I don't think I've seen intrepid yet As for the popping version, I'm guessing you need to edit the popping ver into the baase video still (also I did sent the needed video in the last thread, here's the post just in case >>132842 )
>>135924 main intrepid video is up, I have time to get the intrepid popping version done and will have that up within the next 40 min, sorry about that
Sad to see blueberry outlawed from the new poll, was one of my favorite types personally
>>135940 The format has been lame after making hourglass/breast/butt inflation and belly/full-body separate categories, and making so there's still only one winner overall despite that. It's clear Imbapovi was only trying to fuck over the full body crowd and disguising it as wanting more diversity.
>>135940 Wait, why were blueberries disqualified again?
>>135959 They're too damn sour.
>>135939 Is all good my guy You're doing great work
>>135961 and yet pole dancing, snapping your fingers (makima’s), was okay to do?
tbh, i wonder if imbapovi is ever gonna do uber inflation, feels like he came very close to it in some videos (the futaba one being the first one i could think of)
>>136061 Don't ever expect him to do anything that is out of the usual crap he puts out to collect his insane paycheck. Hourglass, Liquid, Breasts, fullbody, slime. He already stated years ago that he won't do uber, he won't do male inflation (homophobia?), he won't do collabs, and voice overs are as rare as critical thinking in the Trump administration these days. One thing that frustrates everyone is how he is just phoning these in now. He won't even use new sfx. So every inflation sounds the same. He will not accept criticisms either. "Shut up and give me your money." - Imbapovi
>>136072 u sound like a loser
>>136079 tbh i kinda agree with him, i wish imbapovi was more experimental sometimes, but his fanbase keeps paying for the same generic shit, so...
>>136103 i agree too. they did set rules on futa/traps (i think?) and some time ago MHA (after Uravity’s). i got no room to complain when i mentioned pole dancing and snapping fingers, but the methods being used are quite diverse…
>>136072 >not into men? >homophobe neck yourself unironically
Could someone edit the Intrepid video so it merges the normal video and the full-body bonus video?
>>136072 >TDS shitlib posting on a chan The fuck? Why aren’t you bitching about this shit in the report my post? Had that place suddenly been taken over by right wingers since I’ve been gone? Get the fuck outta here little dude.
does anyone have the polls for this month
What characters are in the poll?
Kind of hope imba does an Android 18 video one day preferably hourglass or breast expansion bbb is nice as well ig as long as the shape ain't weird
Kuroeda (plus size elf) is next. its happening after all!
>>136392 anyone got the poll for the new videos yet
