/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Loona / Inflate-Tan Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 09:37:36 Id:304d11 No. 101395
Remember Loona from HOOD, and the inflate-chan mascot Inflate-Tan?
heres a gif of loona inflating
>>101395 Did they ever completed a pilot?
>>101549 Nope, didn't even make a single episode. So seeing the only inflation based super hero female never make it to light is always a painful reminder of what could have been. (All that exists now is shitty furry mammoth mutt)
>>101549 I probably shouldn't be posting this on BBWChan, but whatever. It's been years. I met the creators at an industry convention in Canada. They confirmed they finished a pilot episode, but it never got released anywhere and the networks all passed on it. I think the studio gave up on original IPs and just does support work for other studios now.
>>102129 Holy shit. I wonder if it still exists somewhere.
Well the amount of found lost media has been increasing over the last few years soooooo might not be totally impossible!!
>>101395 Dang, any clue, who made the 2nd pic?
>>101549 >>101551 >>102129 >>102138 I wouldn't have hope anyway. They would've replaced her powers with forcefields or gravity manipulation.
Right I did see that later revised concept art and yeah too bad she seems to have lost the inflating powers but I will say besides her inflating powers I was interested in the overall concept of the show and still would have liked to see it.
>>102208 astral antipode. thats not loona. thats inflatetan. >>102213 I was not aware of these redesigns. while the look is good, the power change is such a incredibly boring cop out.
Horniness aside, it's a shame this show never got greenlit. I would've loved it as a kid
>>102213 This guy here: >>102129 My memory is fuzzy because it was like six years ago, but I remember them saying that they were "refreshing" the concept to shop around again. The pilot would have been from the 1.0 version of the concept and scenes from it were used in the trailer that got released. So, hope springs eternal.
>>102375 Great, now I REALLY wanna see the pilot they made. I have tried to contacting some people who worked on it, didn't have any luck. The way they are treating it is weird, it's like it's some cursed project that they are trying to erase evidence of or something. It's really strange.
>>102380 I can assure you, it's not that complicated. It's probably more of an NDA thing or the people who made the pilot having left the company. Of the two studio reps I talked to, one of them had never heard of it... despite clips being on the studio sizzle reel playing right behind him.
>>102213 weeeeeeaaaaak. it was probably S+P that made them change it, too.
yeah kind of assumed that this 2.0 redisgin had something to do with Loona's original inflation powers, also a long with the some of the other heroes powers, like the man guy having control over pigeons and the whole vibe premise of the show in this original version was too weird for most executives so that's why the creators decided to tweak things around.
>>102129 Did you at least tried to ask to see the pilot?
>>102438 Nah, because I was an awkward and socially anxious college student at the time and there was already a huge throng of people in the hall. Also, it was a professional convention so it seemed oit of place. I did encourage them to post it online, though. For what little good that did.
>>102447 Should had try harder because I don't think that pilot would ever see the light of day ):
So what now?
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Only been drawing since late September and I just kinda got carried away and drew her today. I know it doesn’t look great but I figured you guys may appreciate more content of her.
Oh I like it! I see you went with the revised/second design of her that didn’t have the inflation powers cool!
>>103547 This looks great! When do you think you will be able to finish it?
>>103653 I won't, at least not this one. I may redraw it in the future and perhaps that one will be finished. Oh, and expect more pictures of her...
>>101395 >>101444 Does the character have actual inflation powers or is it because of the suit she is wearing?
I think Marshmallow Queen is back.
>>104432 >Marshmallow Queen ???
Is this a mascot general?
>>103738 If I recall correctly, she has actual inflation powers, the hood just helps her control it.
>>103738 I think it’s her suit, near the end of the trailer, she pulls a cord for instant inflation
>>103738 At some point it was confirmed that the powers each character has, they have on their own, their suits just enhance it.
>>105998 Where was it confirmed? (also a little something which I sadly need to redo tomorrow. Maybe I'll share the better results once it's done).
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This looks awful, but screw it it's more content of her I guess. I can't really draw fingers too well at all yet. Also I drew this in less than 15 minutes or so. I won't post anymore but hopefully you'll see my art elsewhere in the future...unless I give up again which I don't think I will this time.
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>>106888 And a bonus. Sometimes I can draw fingers semi decently for some reason.
Honestly I think y'all should be posting art of Loona since this IS a thread about her. But let's face it. HOOD will 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 see the light of day.
>>106934 All I think we really want is just to see the pilot, even more production material would be interesting.
>>106934 Unless someone adopts Loona and give her own series. But yes, let's post more Loona / Inflate-Tan.
>>102129 Honestly they could've made it a web series as a last resort instead of outright cancelling it. >>102213 Literally 1984
Found these on a portfolio website for the director. These were already public but not in such high quality. Figured I should share them. It's weird, I was looking at the Portfolio Entertainment site and saw the pic of the group in the park, and was annoyed it was in such a low resolution...so yeah just funny timing.
>>107150 And the other one, which I'm sure most have already seen.
>>107150 >>107151 Oh wow these are both so cool to see! Not sure if I said it before even without Loona's inflating powers wish the show got made cause the art style and char. designs are so unique.
I’m tempted to get a fic or something where Loona pops and that’s why the show was never made or something stupid like that
>>107201 Elaborate and do it.
>>107222 Not really sure how to since the only thing that exists is a two minute teaser but if anyone wants to add onto this idea then I’d be down
>>107259 What's your idea? My idea for Inflatetan is a woman who found it cute until she tried it herself and fights a desire to literally burst. Take this and make Loona lose this battle.
>>107269 I never cook. But when I do. You dont eat at all. But when I dont cook your always up my ass about food. But enjoy your meal. Another one ruined.
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>>107269 >>107270 Come on you two let's not argue. Let's focus on the thread. At least deliver some new Loona content.
>>105998 I wonder if, without her suit, she would have uncontrollable urges to over inflate and her suit just keeps her below that pressure level so to keep her self control. Like the experience is to fun and enjoyable past a certain point?
Anyone have any head canons for her? Also what if we could convince the creator to give the show another shot on streaming?
>>108301 >Anyone have any head canons for her? She enjoys Dig Dug unironically and naively ignores the freaks who like what she does. >Also what if we could convince the creator to give the show another shot on streaming? The show would be perfect for its time despite how Super Mario rebooted the P balloon only recently.
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>>108321 Better yet, we can ask for permission to have rights for Loona, give her a different similar look, and make her the star of her own inflation fetish series. That's if there's a fetish cartoonist or animator that can make it happen. But I do like the head canon of Loona's favorite arcade game Dig-Dug. I was thinking head canons that Loona is Japanese-American, bisexual, an inflation nympho, and gets turned on by watching female inflation. And maybe while finding a boyfriend that would accept her. AI pic related if Loona is Japanese-American.
>>108498 Please don't bother the creator about this. It's not worth it and will just make us look really odd. Just make a similar character and there you go. No need to ask for permission.
>>108498 >and make her the star of her own inflation fetish series No. We need more wholesome cartoons where our deviancy isn't fetishized but instead is treated as funny, cute, or embarrassing.
There can be a franchise à la least pornographic Netflix series inspired by Fifty Shades with women of many ethnic background but it's fetishes and they test them all to find the most realistic ones until they settle for inflation because it's the least expensive unlike stuffing and it's something the woman gets something out off unlike feet.
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Here are the GIFs
And that's all I can find. Unless if someone made more.
What’s this I’m hearing from people that a bunch of Disney and Disney XD cartoon pilots being leaked? Did Hood pilot got leaked?
>>113220 Sadly not at the moment, but seems a lot have been found going back to the mid 2000’s so it’s very possible! Of course all the shows are Disney TVA Originals. And HOOD was made by Teletoon. So perhaps not?!
(The right image is AI-edited if Loona looks like a Funko Pop toy)
Too much SOVL.
We have spammers of the loose who can't check the catalog before starting a new thread.
>>101444 Trips of truth. First posts best post.
>>101395 Do y’all think the she inflates the suit or does she actually have inflation power and can make herself bigger if she wanted to?
>>123541 I still feel she inflates a suit, because she pulls a ripcord near the end of the trailer and fwoomp, she’s inflated
>>123541 If the show made it a secret that would've been so cool.
>>123600 It's probably the suit that inflates, but it would also be pretty cool if she could also control that air and expand certain parts and not the whole suit at once depending on the situation, although most cases would be that she would end up inflating the whole suit and being a sphere
>>101395 So is there a pilot to this show?
>>109224 Oooo, the 3D Model looks good. Where is that screenshot from?
>>125163 No, just a trailer unfortunately
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I search the most that i could i made a bot on spicychat of Loona, try it out and see what else i could add or change, i use a couple of ideas from here, others that i personally add and from the barely information that is public https://spicychat.ai/chat/15f62cfc-8ef2-4363-bb44-66fb5436af67
>>127094 saying it has been either privated or deleted
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>>127179 It should be working by now, i didn't knew that spicy check the bots and take like 1 day or something, but its good now Also here a couple of sketches, she is very cute indeed
>>108542 Yeah I mean least any fan can ask of any creator regarding a waifu style character is only two things. Make them of age so internet arguments and death threats don't happen over cartoon drawings (besides every character looks late teens 18-20 vibes to me anyway) and maybe some cute funny pun like this suit make me look fat one. Honestly it's kinda sad this pilot never got off the ground it give me early 2000 s symbiotic Titan vibes mixed mostly with jet set radio and rocket power. I would have loved watching something like that!
>>108321 Dig dug being a favorite of a character with inflation powers is funny as hell to me. You don't really see people screaming >oh yeah I main the hell out of dig dug and have the highest score! Only character I've ever seen have a digdug obsession was not inflation based and that was Sadie sinks character max from stranger things. I have yet to find another dig dug fan but I mean I get it you're Never gonna hear the end of it from your friends as they say you're on that pyrocynical type shit.
>>102213 Yeah I guarantee if they bring it back as weird as the comments may get they should stick with the inflation powers. It's more rare forcefield is so overdone! Only two characters I like with said powers is due storm because she can do interesting things like turn invisible and pop people like water balloons with them which is wild! She actually threatens doom that way. And atom eve because it's more than force fields it's literal regeneration! Inflation is unironically non fetish wise a cool power to me look how Luffy used it! With haki the ability to make his skin impenetrable. he's practically turned himself into a incredible hulk bouncy ball able to slap people through buildings! And do crazy crap that I won't get into it's wild! I know loona isn't a polymorph but still it's slept on when you can do some really interesting things with it that isn't only fetish bait. But still where would the fnf community be without horndogs? Where would a handful of communities be and would they be half as popular without fan service? Sex sells or at least teasing boobies do I say embrace it to a degree that gravy train will get you far! It's not selling your soul lol hell I argue selling to a distributor like Nickelodeon universal or Warner bros is more that as they'll horde the rights and piss on shit you love for as little as a tax break or just refuse to do something with a interesting property for years on end and refuse to license or sell the license either. >WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN A HULK FILM IN YEARS BECAUSE UNIVERSAL HORDES THE RIGHTS! point made. Never give up on your dreams. Trust fans to a degree as they'll stick by you thick and thin. And never give up on original ideas 99% of good ideas go wasted because they never get to see the light of day for example a lot of dreamworks stuff when under the right conditions I guarantee they'll thrive! It's been proven time and time again. As long as you're kind it will get you far
>>108321 Anyone have more silly headcanons besides her enjoying playing dig dug and being naive about what others said about her powers? I think that's where we can make more silly ideas about her and her powers, I could do sketches about some of the headcanon ideas
>>127635 I see her as coming from a rich family but doesn't really like to flaunt her wealth and she likes being a fasionista judging by her style of alternate outfits from the concert art.
>>127635 I hood puts a limit on her, otherwise if she inflates past to a certain point, she will enter a sort of pressure daze, resulting in letting her body inflate larger and larger to her max.
There's not much stuff out there about Loona, still gonna work with the headcanon stuff when i have free time, so better not let this die
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>>127766 Had to draw Loona inflating more than usual and floating in the sky, damn i love this blue balloon gal
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Imagine the timeline if this happened.
Still fans of this blue gal around?
>>129183 Beautiful. >>131692 Yes.
>>131713 Thanks, it was pretty cool to make her full of air
>>131728 You have a great art style!
>>131789 Im willing to make more of Loona when i have the time, she desrves way more attention, thank you for saying that! Like i said before, reading headcanon or scenarios involving her here is fun
>>127635 Maybe her hood limits her size, and without it, if she inflates past a certain point, she starts losing self control, not necessarily in an erotic way unless you open to the concept, but anyway the pressure she feels is intoxicating after that point and can’t help but keep inflating larger and larger. I like the idea of a villain taking advantage of it for some evil way where she is made addicted to her inflatability. Especially if her body is able to regenerate. Unless she is just wearing a balloon suit.
>>131841 >Unless she is just wearing a balloon suit. Most soulful take is to leave it a mystery.
>>131841 I actuallu like that idea, making her sometimes losing self control when she inflates because of the feeling, that she need to hide it and act like its normal so she enjoys it more shen she have privacy, also making her to not stoping villains because of that, fun stuff
>>132000 Why won't they post the picture of the smashed windshield
>>132001 What do you mean by this? You mean Loona splated in a windshield or something, what picture?
>>101395 you got more of inflate tan?
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Wonder if Loona would tease Bird with her inflation powers till he gets attracted to her.
>>127635 In terms of headcanons for Loona, I ended up writing this. Headcanon'd her as bisexual and sounding like Jamie Chung (Gogo in Big Hero 6).
Now who would be crazy enough to get this show back to be greenlitted?
>>132917 I mean... if there's any brave and talented artists, writers, animators, and voice actors online (assuming they have even heard of HOOD), I don't see the harm in letting them do a fan continuation of the show... With proper credit given towards Howie Shia and everyone else at Portfolio Entertainment, of course.
>>132917 That would surely be the craziest fantasy, to make this series relevant, but the least that can happen is for people to know that the concept and the characters exist and share the potential it has, after that it could be amazing that the old team and the creator knows that there are people discovering this and that there are still fans who love these characters
>>132917 >>132913 I really like what you did writing a little about her, nice stuff
>>132973 Thanks, man. I've got bios for the other HOOD operatives written as well. Finished up on Bird, Plus/Minus, and Parker... only ones left are PhotoCynthia, the O'mega Triplets, and any OCs I add to the vision.
>>132392 whatever happened to this artist? They made some great shapes, but I remember they were such a scared chicken shit and were terrified of being found out. Never was able to find their normal account.
>>132913 >>133033 Dude, scrap the pronouns crap.
>>133119 No. I'm not gonna pretend that I'm better than the original people behind HOOD, but honestly... let headcanons be headcanons.
More concepts arts of the girl Interesing to see the evolution of the design
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>>135407 my bad, forgot to post the image. Found this on /co/ in some drawthread
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>>135408 uuggghhhhhhh forgot again.
>>135409 Oh that’s cool, her inflated but in that potential redesign. Not sure where you said you found it but thanks for sharing.
>>136154 was on a /co/ drawthread on 4chan. guess someone really liked her too. no idea who the artist is tho.
>>131442 The perfect timeline where every balloon girl on media exist
>>110406 It would have been great to see interactions between Loona and Parker like this, with Parker being the one to play pranks on her just to see her inflated and use/play with her
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