Shut the FUCK up. Zen fuckers want to fuck the model, not some supposed male behind it. Like wanting to fuck Neuro-sama, rather than her creator Vedal. Who gives a flying fuck if there's a guy behind Zentraya, we can't hear the voice, most people assumes they're female, calling it gay makes NO GOD DAMN SENSE, YOU WEAK PROJECTING CRYBABY, DESPERATELY TRYING TO HOLD ON TO YOUR FRAGILE MASCULINITY! (Where's your evidence anyway? You're just try to start shit to piss people off, quit trolling.)
Can we PLEASE drop the zen/male bullshit.
And for the record, I DON'T want to bang Zen. Model's hot, but they ain't my type, I prefer cuter VTubers like ShyLily. And I'm Bi, so I literally couldn't care less even if zen being a guy was true(on the contrary, the dick would make it better)!