/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflated Advertisement 08/27/2022 (Sat) 11:06:50 Id:ef30ff No. 60307
Products, TV shows, Movies How do you promote things that involves people inflating?
I have a concept. If your someone that wants to experience the world, high above the sky but can’t afford a plane or a hot air balloon then become a balloon with the Inflate-a-Pill or Inflapill! Just take one capsule of your choice, life size, medium or blimp and in a few minutes, you’ll expand into that size! When your done, open your mouth to let the air out and land back on your feet. The Inflate-a-Pill, where the world is off your feet! Order now for $29.99. I don’t know that’s what I could think of.
>>60314 30 bucks for inflation art? What has the world come to?
>>60319 Well it's for a pill that causes inflation so..
Or… How about these? An app called Infladate. A dating app where you can find people that have an inflation fetish. You swipe left or right to who you like, you pick what types of inflation you like and you get a match. Become a Fill In Ballooner. Get a job of being a fill in party balloon for parties, parades and balloon rides. Get paid for being a life size balloon for a special occasion. Sign a contract stating that you won’t sue and if you feel comfortable doing this. Male or Female, Age 18+
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Cool ideas but how about art promoting inflation-themed products and media.
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Real life products?
>>60345 Classic Nintendo titles such as Super Mario, Metroid, and Pokemon are always a good start. P-balloons, P upgrades, P berries.
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What's a good tatt for inflatees? Pump or tank plus Venus' symbol is a classic. What else?
>>61360 There is this guy. Apparently he is making a body inflation one next https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheUnpoppableHelen
>>61360 i saw on deviantart "Bigbluestory" has some inflation and blueberry action figure
>>64844 circle tool stick-figure
>>60319 Now that AI's improving I can see artists lowering prices.
>>64844 The Venus symbol, but the circle is a bit larger than it should be. Subtle, but gets the point across.
>>60307 Inflation in Fifty Shades of Gray would've been great.
Pump her up.
>>68569 How would that work?
>>61360 Whoever puts this up on eBay is gonna have a field day!
>>75055 pump*
>>68491 >>68569 >>70168 >>71586 >>72478 >>73352 >>73596 >>75055 >>76134 >little of value I refuse to believe that's all there is.
What a good time to bump and ask for more.
>>80125 Yes.
https://futurism.com/neoscope/gwyneth-paltrow-shooting-ozone-butt-wellness Haha.
Health and beauty. Tiktok challenges. Dumb rumors like inflating makes your boobs grow.
>>60319 That's what we call Inflation Inflation
>>70168 This.
>>84175 Go on...
>>88900 AI when?
>>70168 Thirding.
"Innocent" gameplay mechanics gone awry.
>>70168 Fourthing.
Video game mods.
Harry Potter's aunt Marge https://web.archive.org/web/20230831091732/https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/92060.html
>>60345 So the new Super Mario has inflation...
>>84175 >male
>>60307 Girls' shows like Winx and MLP:EqG.
>>96739 Oh fuck.
>>98443 Seconding.
>>99871 I miss them.
>>104843 Tabletop games are for nerds.
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Challenges and unusual methods. Fake pregnancy challenge. Air swallowing challenge. Whipped cream challenge. Swallowing little gel balls which expand when wet challenge.
>travel back in time >do >>70168 and >>98443 >??? Profit.
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>>111047 This.
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Remember when Tumblr exposed young women to inflation?
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Dating sims for 3dpd. One safe for work. One isn't.
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>>107946 Cowblowing.
>>71586 >>127410 Try the scenes in media thread.
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>>134394 New thread when?
