/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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On Stage Inflation 11/18/2024 (Mon) 18:42:13 Id:769e4f No. 130104
A thread for any pictures or videos people can find of girls blowing up on stage
>>130104 sources for these?
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>>130104 Is this a stealth Faridae thread?
Hey everybody so I saw this video like a lot of years ago about a animated parody of Willy wonka. I believe one of the characters were called Katie, the golden ticket winners were a fat woman with blonde hair who works at a restaurant, the star of the show herself, Danise I think it was gets turned into a blueberry, a red haired girl who gets the same fate as Veruca, a Black Basketball player who gets the Mike TV treatment, and Katie is are Charlie bucket but instead of getting the factory she gets the life supply of wonka bars only for a truck to open up at her house to see Denise has eaten them all. Then the video showed black and white with a narrator saying what happened the characters After that. They also did a parody off space jam, have one of you seen that video I discussed ever in your life’s?
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ok, this threat is peak. Good job :3......But honestly, you could do the same question on Inflation Scenes in media 3,...cuz well, they are scenes, from media. But i think separating Studio-stuff from Stage stuff makes sense. Contribution, there is a broadway show called O Amor e Outros Estranhos Rumores, wich i think has a lot of sad stories with metaphore or smt. And one is about a marriage of a overworked man and his slobby wife, who practically inflates like a balloon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA6USKPpAAw And also im not fully sure, but the italian version of Wonka looks like it has a promising inflation
>>130110 I mean I don't see the harm provided you're right everyone is adult but usually you can somewhat tell but sources help this out best to check than to be sorry later
It should go without saying that they’re all adults, but I understand you can never be too cautious
>>130110 Whatever happened to him? I'm guessing he had to delete his DeviantArt account after the Feds seized his computer.
>>130222 >Whatever happened to him? Idk, they made a schizo journal about "finding god" years ago and deactivated their account.
