/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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BluKreams lost morphs Anonymous 02/28/2025 (Fri) 06:24:19 Id:56a0e8 No. 137669
Now I don't have many but I picked up a few over there lifetime from whatever I liked from whatever I saw and found from wherever. And well I wanted to share those with you before they became lost media for good.
Among us imposter Elizabeth Olsen vs Scarlett Johansson probably some of there best works!
Found a few on a report my post like this zombie one but yeah I'm running low digging heavily to see if I stock piled anymore anywhere else?
>>137680 Discorb my bad forgot this site has a hate boner for the website
I think all I have left is this Anna Taylor joy sequence
(810.77 KB 1920x1080 file.jpeg)
(3.03 MB 3636x2080 dream_team_by_kdayk19_de84m0t.jpg)
A few stragglers I could have sworn I had more including those pokimane and that Jessica jones one of well I tried my best. Save them while you can add more as you wish!
(42.47 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault.jpg)
(57.62 KB 609x737 jeufls9eirq81.jpg)
(137.30 KB 1200x1200 01jdzyrym5ghxb7hnvns.jpg)
(10.88 KB 225x225 images (5).jpeg)
>>137673 Fun fact before I go did you know the at&t girl is also squirrel girl in marvel rivals? She was originally supposed to play her in the live action new warriors series but Its long since cancelled. So marvel rivals was her second wind at the character!
(482.11 KB 1084x720 A New Mystery Part 2.jpg)
(599.61 KB 1084x720 A New Mystery Part 1.jpg)
(953.22 KB 1920x1080 Power Struggle.jpg)
(290.27 KB 1060x662 Mishap.jpg)
>>137704 Thanks
>>137669 Why is there a thread for a single morph editor?
>>137669 Please god SOMEONE tell me they have the "Fallout Nuka Berry" morph from him of The Sphere Hunter as a blueberry in a vault suit. I've been trying so long through so many threads and since this one just got made dedicated to the guy figured I'd beg here. Someone has to have it.
>>137811 nvm didn't realize the google drive in this thread was different than the other archive of his work and it had the art I was looking for. At least now I can finally rest.
>>137813 Yup I'm glad as useless as it seems it helps someone >>137798 if I had to guess it simply because when you look on their page today no morphs exist they completely wiped them and or abandoned that side of the hobby in favor of drawings instead. So the way I see it I think people are just trying to complete an archive so it doesn't become lost I don't see the harm in it at least as a one-time thing >>137704
>>137798 Honestly there should be a thread solely for lost morphs, the amount of stuff that’s just disappeared in the last 2 years is amazing.
