/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Male Inflation the 8th Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 19:39:58 Id:27fcdd No. 131605
And 'round' we go again hehe :) Hopefully with fewer bots and more blimps Enjoy this starter pack of cute ballooning boys with their dignity on show.
>Thread is correctly numbered as the 8th I can now die happy,thank you anon.
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the dumping of the library will continue in this new thread, oh happy days
some don't enjoy seeing the men get pumped. hehe. some do. I do.
Furry alert! a select few from a very long sequence
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Here's my contributions:
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another sequence I've cut the last panel, I'll stick it in the next post
the end of that sequence, and also the cover images from the previous male inflation thread cos I saw we do that :)
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Thoughts on femboy space Marines in Warhammer? Yes they are canon.
Does anyone have the final two parts of HellResident's Inflating Trouble in Little China?
>>131612 Source?
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>>131652 That's Victor on furaffinity.
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Min-Gi and Ryan pass through a food factory type cart and are hungry having not eaten since boarding the train. Kez points out the food course gum and says it’s good as long as it’s not pineapple desserts. They both get blueberry. They start feeling REALLY full and realize they’re inflating. Which causes Kez to remember that it’s blueberry you gotta watch out for. Ryan and Min-Gi are now stuck as blueberries. Asking Kez if it’s permanent or not. She says no, you just gotta wait out the effects. So they’re stuck there. Waiting. Nothing. Trying to shift about and move. Ryan doesn’t seem to bothered while Min-Gi is beyond flustered and embarrassed. To try and pass the time, they talk and talk. Maybe getting into an argument or junk. Things chill out and again, more waiting. A long while passes and finally Min-Ginand Ryan snap at Kez about the long wait and they aren’t getting smaller and ask if there’s any other ways to speed it up. To which has Kez remember that it’s the stained skin colour that takes a while to leave and that you gotta be juiced. There’s a machine on the other side of the room not far from them. Exasperated, they two w/ the little help from Kez, roll themselves to the juicer and get juiced. Now able to move onward to the next cart. Though, they remain blue. Having doubts on if what Kez said about the blue fading out was accurate at all or her lying.
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>>131641 drew some femboy furry stuff recently (spoilered for furry).
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>>131673 >That third pic
Orb-Tega https://www.deviantart.com/oscderp/art/Raffle-Float-Like-a-Fairy-Orb-tega-1117471704 https://www.deviantart.com/manpersonguy/art/Orb-tega-947115227 https://www.deviantart.com/hornet-best-bug/art/Starblimp-Gift-1125506241
>>131673 You know that my femboy roommate game I wanna do the second image exactly that scenario to the twink protagonist
>>131652 https://www.furaffinity.net/user/victor/
>>131671 >>131673 Holy fuck, Erin. Glad to see you back.
Also, don't feed the Savvy. Report the posts and don't respond.
Bartolomeo with boy boobs spotted in jello apocalypse video.
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>>131778 Oh god not Chico. Don’t understand why some retards enjoy their work
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finished a request from previous thread
>>131714 oough
>>131803 Are you still open for requests?
What happened to pages 1 through 6? I can't find them on here anymore.
Is there any way to view the old threads? None of the links work anymore.
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>>131720 weaponized floating pump hose remains lodged in and shows no signs of stopping
>>131810 I don't know only idea I got is maybe Zendaya from the challenger's using her boy sex toys as airbeds? Maybe ones the air bed while she got the others balloon cock in her mouth blowing it up or alternatively gripping and holding him by it as he floats above her? Because why not some more femdom stuff. Although I get why irl people might be off the table
>>131825 I mean it could be a mocumentary movie poster with zebleya staring in the challenging blimps or something oc related if it floats better for you too.
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>>131825 ok tried my best
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>>131810 My turn, i'd like to draw Antoine (Equestria Girls OC) as a blueberry with his girlfriends Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, full nudes and huge cock for Antoine
>>131833 Wow that fast! You didn't have to right away.. I know things take time but I appreciate it! Have a wonderful day this is amazing!
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>>131810 I'd love to see you inflate these nice PokeBoys in Alain, Luca, and Amethio
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>>131748 hi (warmup drawing inbetween requests, custom request(s) for a follow up to what happens to me, the artist in the drawing, can also be made to make thread more active)
>>131810 Can you do a 05’ violet beauregarde inspired femboy influencer blowing up into a blueberry for a livestream?
>>131971 You can add ghost hands pumping you even bigger and tighter maybe?
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>>131714 Jeez, my stuff's starting to become a staple of these threads Here, have some new works
>>132033 Would you ever be down for something like Lana inflating Sophocles? Or perhaps Shauna enjoying a pumped up Trevor or Clemont?
>>131945 Looks like both girls are lucky to see an adorable balloon/blueberry boy~
>>131674 Ha Luigi nut
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>>131971 I mean I guess that you're looking for ideas I'll throw up the my femboy roommate protagonist robin as I've gotten addicted to the game ever since anons recommendation in the last thread. Can't tell if hes wearing shoes or not so if feet are visible just wing it or barefoot is always cute in my eyes. Besides he seams down you're Alley as the type of balloon boy you'll probably find a mutual love like I did. Maybe even get addicted to pumping. Seriously recommend this game!
(1.06 MB 2480x3508 artistpumped.png)
>>132021 Above requests have been taken into consideration. More other art requests are welcome and I will take them when more slots are free. - the 3 pokeboys (currently on it, 50% done) - antoine - femboy influencer blueberry livestream - femboy roommate I also allow sequel requests related to pic above so I can take breaks inbetween
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>>132116 I’d like to request a consideration of drawing some Digimon dudes as horny balloons.
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(4.21 MB 2800x3100 Juicy July Natia.png)
>>132116 Could you expand me as big relaxed, big bonered berry? Prefer if the dong is big but in my underwear?
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>>132116 Thanks for doing the three Pokeboys. Anyways, here's an inflated Loid and Wallace that SongOfSwelling did recently.
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Cursed as fuck, but someone ACTUALLY made this.
>>132468 Better 2D than Murdoc at least,eh?
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Oh no, I know this artist. They also did one of Murdoc! I actually went to go check em out and they did SEVERAL pieces back in 2023. Here’s some examples
So what are your opinions on chatzy?
>>132475 Well,it's at least kind of endearing to know that someone is willing to inflate Murdoc of all people.
>>132475 You seem to be a fan if you’re willing to dig through their account all the way back to 2023.
>>132542 >...and, for a moment, Savvy had finally experienced what humans call "post-nut clarity".
Ignore him post more to prevent him 36:52 male scene Guy gets antmanned and inflated by shark atomic shark https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9V7I0q-rJm8 >>132542 Also ha ha Get post nut traumatized!
Also for your enjoyment a chubby guy gets a firehose forced up his ass by murderous hillbillies until he pops! Wrong turn 6 is the name of the movie I believe. Enjoy! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4640W_2ivUE
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>>132468 Ahh, that’s Chico’s art. I’m a fan of his work! Here’s a piece he did early this year. I never thought I would see a blueberry Zoro in my lifetime, but here we are.
>>132116 >>132116 I wouldn't mind seeing your own take on a clownification oc whether that be just male femboy whatever I'm just curious what you take on a clown boy wanting to inflate themselves maybe blow on others balloon animals wink wink might be? Besides if it a oc and something you like it might inspire more brain rot for you and Future.
The one time Savvy does something actually interesting, I miss it. Damn it.
>>132633 I can't help but think about the femboi clown's dick being turned into a balloon animal, making them unable to nut, which makes them grow even bigger.
>>132700 You didn't miss much just poorly edited thunderbirds characters with bbm cheeks. And he found himself disgusted by his creation
>>132701 Ironically with everyone obsessed with clown tfs you think femboy clowns that make balloon animals out of boy cocks would be more popular? You know most clowns probably have the magical ability to blow boys up into big fat balloons via big fat wet sloppy blowjob's they teach this shit in clown college 1st day! >>132633 Also sexy fucking reference! Love his pixie cut and the way his bulge is just slightly ballooned and ready for action! All that! Just fucking Peggable and delicious! >>132475 >>132468 >>131778 You know what I find it dirt funny that everyone was bitching about this person and their suspicious aged interpolation of usopp and Luffy in the previous thread and now everyones just simping for their artwork! Tickles my pickle blueberry pink. Although to be fair as long as it's the adult characters and to my knowledge Gorillaz members are adults, as long as Luffy has his chest scar he's adult and Zoro was 20 pre time skip only straw hats underage was Luffy and usopp 17 (post age is 19 for both) and chopper who's 15 pre and currently the youngest on the crew at age 17 unless jewelry Bonnie joins because spoiler she's age 12 yeah she's been using her devil fruit to artificially age herself to age 20, we found out in egghead. But again just funny everyone is simping for this person lmfao but again as long as it's their adult drawings it technically doesn't make you no weirdo or anything so have fun Again I just find it funny we went from pitchforks to dick riding real fast lol!
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>>132563 Ah yeah they did this Zoro too forgot to tag it. But again Zoro was 20 hear the girl next to him 19/24 I can't remember but both adults so get your blueberries off as you please!. Fun question you think perona the girl in question might use Zoro's swords as a butt plug to keep the juice in? I think maybe? But which sword would make the better buttplug? Perhaps the one that goes in his mouth so once his blue ass deflates he can taste his own sweet berry ass juice's? Also you think if a blueberry zoro wiped his blue cum on the blade he'd use it to inflict poison damage on his enemies and make them round? Maybe not the most important questions but definitely some of the most interesting. I don't know questions probably going to be more interesting than the official oda got in which someone asked who would win in a dick sword fight? Zoro or sanji?.. yeah that's a real question oda got on top of can Luffys dick stretch? Answer: yes! Like every other part of his body it can stretch and inflate. Have fun with these little facts you can thank me by paying my local bar tab and warning it's as long and full of Sudds as I am!
>>132705 > Again I just find it funny we went from pitchforks to dick riding real fast lol! Heavens to Betsy, no! I hate her with a passion. She’s fucking disgusting. Her and her oozy juice anus and nonstop ramblings on report my post about tranny boy pussy. I’ve tried to commissioned her a once and she fucking ghosted my request because it didn’t fit her tastes. Fucking bitch.
>>132714 Damn, typing is a bitch. Meant to say her ramblings in report my post really irk me. I used to be in the same server as her and god, she’s annoying.
>>132716 You mean on report my post? Oh yeah, I had a run in with Chico. They’re very slow in commissions, but I personally had a good experience with them. Still don’t know why some people paint them as some kind of monster. They’re genuinely chill and nice to talk to. They tend to sperg in servers time to time and they actually do have autism. But yeah, if you don’t mind, what did you ask for that made them ignore you?
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>>132717 Why are you talking to yourself?
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So anyway.
>>132743 Agreed blud be arguing with their own demons. >>132714 But I mean I guess have your own opinion. All I'm saying is I just find it funny that people went from talking shit to talking simp. But again all the characters Zoro Luffy with his x the Gorillaz boys there all adults so I don't really have a fuck to give or a problem with that. As long as I don't have to see the suspicious underage crap I'm good. Again if they wanna draw overinflated Zoro's getting punishment with strap ons from both sides I really don't give a fuck. More power to you and I'm sure somebody here will probably enjoy and praise and share it proudly! Again as long as it's adbecauseon't give a single fuck. I mean I shouldn't give a fuck regardless because I'm not the moral police! But I do come here to goon and the last thing I need it my chub going flaccid from fucking shota bait! So please take that shit to Reddit or the hell scape of the shadow realm of nightmares.
>>132751 Holy hell is that the furry police officer from that flashgitz animation! Wtf.. ngl he make a hot to pop fur cop.
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>>131870 >>132464 pokemon incense outbreak
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>>132061 robin finds out your thing for balloons and femboys
>>132753 erm ahcktually its seth from zenless zone zero ☝️🤓
>>131615 Who's the first two a see them everywhere including the top post? Just curious
>>132802 Spectacular
>>131810 I'd love to see Girlfriend inflates Boyfriend with the helium, full nudes.
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>>132633 funny clown makes a moody emo blow up into a living black parade prank
>>132877 Clown boys making emo boys into Living black parade balloons! Sounds like a wild concept.
>>132806 Also thanks for the robin blimp! Sorry I didn't respond sooner the holidays and all but he's super cute! Just wanna grab his cocky edible ass by that throbbing tip and give him a good blowjob for daring to kink shame me! But glad you liked the idea, damn he's super cute I knew he'd blow up nicely! and I hope this isn't the last we see of him either. Hopefully will get to see more shenanigans in future. Is it blood to say I can't stop picturing him getting even bigger! Suck a cutie pie king deserves the room filling treatment as his throne and you deserve a cute inflatable party crown yourself for being such a fun sport with giving this community some fun draws! Thanks for all the fap fuel you provide us blimp stuff! ❤️💋 Sucks inflation isn't real or I'm sure a good serving of us would probably rail you to the bed like best boy here and give you the blowjob of a lifetime as a thank you gift. Sorry I'm being a horny toad I apologize.
>>132802 I am so happy with the end result. Seriously, I really wish you had an account on BlueSky, DA, Twitter, etc. so I could follow you there. I was wondering if I could repost this on my DeviantArt account with you credited. Maybe with a small story to go with it since I like to write stuff. Can I? Also here's some stories I wrote over the years. * First involves Alain and Aria being inflated by a Team Flare Admin * Second has a Hilbert, Hilda, Cheren, Bianca, and N inflate after eating Balloon Berries (An actual thing from the Pokemon TCG) * Third is a Castlevania story where an older Jonathan and Charlotte from Portrait of Ruin inflate into horny berries via a tome. * Fourth is my first story ever written where Soma and Mina from Castlevania Aria of Sorrow are inflated by a plant monster into berries that get lewd as hell with each other.
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>>132882 No alucard that's a shame can't wait to see the boy back in nocturne season 2. Can't believe they gave him his pale white symphony of the night complexion! They didn't have to redesign him at all but it's still appreciated.
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>>132882 yeah sure
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New material for plump/inflatable lad https://vxtwitter.com/HazbinHotel/status/1871617188668551249
Merry Christmas and a happy new inflatable boy year!
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Hoping to see more blimps in the year 2025 speaking of which does anyone else think the kaioshins like shin zamazu might make cute round twinks? Like I doubt it would make a difference in zamazus whole destroy humanity thing but maybe helium would get his uptight ass to lighten up a bit? I don't know just something I've been pondering lately? Not to mention shins brother got introduced in daima.
working on something inbetween requests requests pending: -femboy '05 blueberry livestreamer -natia -antoine -fnf -3 digimonboys
>>132944 Yay! I can’t wait to see the streamer! :3
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>>133029 Could you add Rei and Misato in that blank corner at the bottom?
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>>132971 >>131986 bros about to flood an abandoned warehouse for live views
>>133053 Do you have somewhere you post old artworks like a social media or archive?
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>>133057 no but im sure there are people here archiving them on my behalf
>>132826 Carnatic
>>133058 Ok, hope there was a thread for them, it's hard to find them when it's scattered among all the threads
https://www.iwara.tv/video/xnkXzpHnGc76NE https://twitter.com/mmd_youkisora/status/1845608533217476954 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-phIa3outTJejSydL5hwTHm2AvcYIhSF/view
>>133058 idk if you're still accepting requests but if you are, can you do another follow up to that rindo request where he's a huge nude blimp with a swollen cock bouncing around
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>>132802 Here’s what I had saved. Gotta love a balloongasm.
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>>133090 theres already a sequel to that rindo drawing
>>133100 I'm aware, that's why I said "another follow up".
I remember years back on 8Chan I think or some other board that discussed the animated adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Netflix and the topic of Violet Beauregarde being gender swapped to be an attempt to detour most of THAT crowd (us here and such) and the possibility of Zach Callison voicing the role.
>>133102 Correction, 4Chan I think.
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>>133101 sure I'll do it after the other requests are done. Also here are old arts and 1 fanart of inflated extremist femboys
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>>133104 also old redraw sequence of megumin making kazuma explode in both ways
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(745.23 KB 4096x3044 GOcAicBbAAAMhWb.jpg)
>>133104 bless ya >>133105 your kazuma stuff is so good, I've never watched konosuba at all but you make some really hot scenerios. unrelated but just some stuff I found in my archive so I can contribute to the thread
has anyone have any link to past threads?
>>133102 Awe,that's cute,they think something as simple as a genderbend will stop people from being freaks and perverts. Honestly,best of luck to the poor bastard who gains an inflation fetish and has a gay awakening simultaneously from seeing male Violet turn into a blueberry. I mean sure,there's plenty of male expansion art out there (and damn good art too),but even then it still probably won't be easy.
>>133102 >>133202 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/106794482/#q106794482 Found the thread 46b19b was referring to, and this was years before concept art from the Netflix show was dropped onto /co/ in July of this year.
>>132464 We need more Loid inflation pics. He looks...quite fuckable.
>>133201 You, don't get anything.
>>133226 I'll get it myself.
>>133204 Thanks, that’s the one.
>>132944 I can't wait to see them!
These arts made by SInflative aka SomeoneInflative
>>133227 Was talking to Savvy, not you.
>>133386 Got it let's go back to balloons people nothing else to see here
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https://youtube.com/shorts/-YMUF3KDuT0?feature=shared Some brainrot for inspiration of movement by david
>>133590 >>131658 That's still such a hot scenario lmao
>>131803 OUUGH Now this. This is good.
>>133671 Thank you. : D
>>133762 one day, I’ll write another snippet.
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Male find from gnomes Garrett comic
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>>133817 Wish the feminine forms which are also male/ gir cock futa at the very least would get some inflation treatment but only other Worth noting is the errect blowup doll looking delectable and succulent as a succubus blowjob! Definitely would blow that shaft
Do I dare upload the rest? Practically 20 pages already.. I don't know we'll see if I have the energy to edit them all later if not make it up where you feel free to from here! And share wherever I don't care about credit call me pyros fart licker for all I care! >>133839
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I don't know if we take the joke further? I leave that up to you I may or may not post the rest later or maybe I'll keep it to myself. I don't wanna spam more than I already have
femboy inflation plzz
Finished a new story a few of you might be interested in,though I should warn it contains some niche stuff. Also if any of you want or need me to stop self-promoting,I will. https://www.deviantart.com/laztheloser/art/Swollen-With-Sacrilege-1145114372
>>132944 When your arts are finished? Are you still here?
>>133983 Hush. Let Erin cook.
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Have some 3d renders
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>>133987 Yeah for now let's post more balloons and interesting topics for example today just found out softdom boys are a thing and it gets me wondering what that would look like as a inflation scenarios need to see a softdom boy getting blow by his submissive boy wife.
I don’t know if this was asked but, what would be the most enjoyable part of being inflated/what would make being inflated enjoyable to you? If it were real, of course
>>134192 Depends on what you find appealing about it. For me it's size and arousal associated with increasing growth. Along with loss of control, teasing and embarrassment with a little bit of dehumanisation. The cherry on top is popping but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. It's hard to explain. I've been in a POV inf mood lately.
>>134193 Have no idea if you, anon, would like it, but I just wrote some POV stuff earlier today. Thought I might as well throw some original content out here. Based off some work by Verblimp. Technically f4a and might focus a bit too much on weight gain for the first part.
>>134213 You're right. The WGfaggotry was too much imo. Otherwise, good enough.
>>134213 Ignore the other anon. I'm exactly into this. More WG and Inflation please. Not into popping but for something this good I'll totally overlook it.
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>>134224 Thank you very much anon :) Chubby guys just do it better (blowing up into big, dumb, needy blimps made for kneading, teasing, pleasuring, and maybe a lil popping) They're big and soft already, so why not a little bigger and softer? >:) Anyway, may or may not do it again if I write something else. Given my current pace, that will probably take another year or something dumb like that.
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>>134263 Unironically if you had a DA I'd follow and probably even commission you.
>>134273 I may have coincidentally just made one earlier today >:) But I can't promise commissions, unfortunately. Takes me forever to get around to, don't want to waste people's money. https://www.deviantart.com/aftercarecandybear
>>134213 >>134263 Oh we sharing interesting story finds hey? Well found this one not too long ago searching fur affinity for some mr myxlplyx goodies. Just love his maws design! He gives me massive dragon ball kaioshin vibes! I love his butt so much!
Totally forget by the way Here's the link too I believe this person takes commissions as well? but I don't know in case you're interested in such things. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/55449245/?nocache=1737112218 Here's another two stories I'll recommend too nothing special just random reads https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42675530/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36395301/ Again I have no idea if anyone of these people take commissions but if you're looking doesn't hurt to ask. Either way just some more fun male inflation stories as why not don't see as many pop up here as in other threads and I wanna do my part to keep the thread alive!
Still looking for people to commission boy berries from. In order to cut down on the bots from my Deviantart notes (At BerryboiVenoct), the captcha I will ask of is for you to say "How many Frogs are in a Toad?" somewhere in the message.
Classic piece https://youtu.be/db4AzNefUZ0
wish "blow"job material was more common ngl
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The best sex comes from men shaped like this (as you rub their taut, sensitive bellies and tease them about how fit they look to burst) https://bsky.app/profile/woopwoomp.bsky.social/post/3lcje5i72422z
>>134550 Source?
>>134609 Someoneinflative https://www.deviantart.com/someoneinflative
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I have no idea why, but Chico’s latest blueberry work is just a zoomed-in picture of a drawing. Anyone know where the full image is and the identity of the subject here? Pretty good rendering I say.
I know this is a long shot but does anyone have any inflation art of Yuta from jjk?
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Holy crap first off I wanna thank anon >>134667 because without them I wouldn't even know there was a sequel to boyfriend to death! But let me introduce you to ren Hana former victim turned maniac who's if you gave jigsaw the sadistic character traits of art the clown mixed in a violent bdsm kink and a desire for biting and pegging! This twink fox beastkin went from treated like trash to becoming worse than the monsters that molded his twisted fantasy's! If you looking for something to equally keep you up at night as well with a intriguing story of broken characters repeating the breaking circle. In other words torture yourself! Worth a playthrough but it's gore filled, violence, sa or grape is heavily involved skull fucking is literally a topic! Yeah not for the faint of heart but sad to see my boy ren become a villain in the end. At least If you get the fox kept you ending of price of flesh dlc you get a semi happy ending filled with less violence and more protective alpha wolf looking to coddle his Stockholm syndromed submissive panties loving boy wife and you know what's still a better love story than joker and Harley Quinn if I have to be honest. Although that's saying something! This dude makes joker look like a business salesman! Again tragically beautiful is all I can call it it's like reading berserk or something evangelion even it will make you ask why yet you'll still say better lover story than twilight! I can't believe price of flesh is a sequel to btd series!
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I'm sorry like goddamn I just can't believe he's still suffering! Look at this bundle of cute inflatable mess? Does he look like he deserves torture? No, he deserves to be coddled and filled l and pegged with helium ike the good little submissive blimp he is! Not shot in the feet with nail guns and cut up for fuck sake! Can't stand to see such a tragic boy mess crying the original two games got me messed up now you tell me he's gone full squid game psycho killer! LET HIM BE FUCKING HAPPY GODDAMN!
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Gotta keep the thread alive till our artist friend returns.
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Hi I've just been busy with some irl important stuff so heres a sketch not related to requests
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>>132475 Looks like he’s getting back into Murdoc fever.
>>135568 Is that a fucking pussy?
>>135571 ‘Fraid so. This artist is known for drawing guys with pussies. If I recall correctly, he’s a trans guy.
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>>135571 >>135581 Well anons,you know what they say: Boy bussies be bussin'
>>135571 >>135581 >'guy' Lul >>135599 But Mario never said that...
>>135599 That is a true statement. Chico also draws pretty good swollen buttholes too.
>>132633 Lol boy clown. Clussy? Buclussy? Eh what do we call male clussy? Also nice zorro! >>132563
>>132877 Why do I always picture emo boys of the feminine kind in tight Britney Spears shorts?
>>135360 HOLY SHIT NERD BOY INT CUTE GLASSES! BOYS IN GLASSES ARE SUPER FUCKING HOT! Also such a fucking cute face! Just wanna stuff my balloon in it if you know what I mean? Can balloon boys give blowjobs when blown tight? How would such a dream feel? All that air squirming against you're tip? Curiosities I ponder!
>>135657 Also are you're ocs just random NPCs or any back stories like I'm curious if this cutie has a name or story anything interesting you can tell?
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>>135654 He also drew a younger 2D. I think this is from the D-Day storyboard if I’m not mistaken.
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>>135658 well theyre both in their freshmen year in comsci. the guy lets call him Vigee is an introverted nerd with high grades and the gal lets call her Mue is also has high grades but Vigee also exhibits le epic gamergate chud resentment behavior so he doesnt like that a "woke foid" he knows is as good as him is approaching him for help. he doesnt know that shes also a witch and knows certain spells. first attempt at writing "lore", lmk what you think of it
>>135656 It's the type of shorts they deserve to be wearing, nice and tight to cling to their curves (especially as they blow up even more) >>135697 Do you think being made into a toy boyloon would make him worse or mellow him out more? He does seem to enjoy it quite a lot. Becoming a light air-filled balloon, bursting through his cloths, breathy moans as his leaking balloon cock stretches against his undies, right on the verge of blowing his load or just blowing. Maybe he'll take this as a sign to get into arguments with her more often.
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https://archiveofourown.org/works/61209334 for anyone who likes reading
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>>135663 Then again, it looks more like his secondary school photo… The hairstyle checks out
>>135825 >"Here's me, cutting an onion."
>>135841 Yeah the op sharing the blueberry 2D pic thinks that’s D-Day (19 year old 2D) but that drawing looks more like teenage 2D. Not to mention some people actually shit talked the artist over underage characters
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>>135843 Your Jordans are fake.
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Dumb question, but in inflation pics where arms and legs are assimilated into the body as it becomes spherical, shouldn't the penis shaft and balls be assimilated as well? I dunno if that would be considered less sexy, but the idea sounds intriguing to me and feels like it makes more sense from an anatomically standpoint /shrug Anyway, have some boyberry content
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>>135848 downside to full assimilation is how would the subject deflate or cum
>>135845 GIWTWM
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>>135853 Going by the comparison with their limbs, if an inflated person's hands are still sticking out rather than completely swallowed up, then I imagine the penis tip would still be out as well and still allow for that gooey goodness :P
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>>135712 he would get worse for sure and avoid her (and other women) after he has helped out with her assignment but she keeps stalking him and randomly make a balloon float to his field of vision which makes him feel funny but also incelrage
>>135865 TFW no stinky incel bf(?) to stalk and tease with balloons. TFW you will never make him so flustered and pent up that he swells up with backed up cum until he goes *PLAP* all over the sidewalk, because you thought it would be cute. All the while he seethes and pretends not to enjoy it.
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>>131810 Mii Brawler getting puffed up by P-Balloons would be nice
Anybody got some good male inflation greentexts?
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>>135892 stalker caught up to him when theres another task coming up. also after balloongasming he can mellow out just abit but eventually his rage will come back
>>135907 When your arts are finished? >>132944
>>135921 eventually, maybe in a few weeks
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>>135861 Nice! boyfriend reminds me of his appearance in 13th Friday Night: Funk Blood in which him and gf faced off against Jason butt booty naked in crystal lake ;) >>135848 >>135853 Yeah true but maybe that's the fun of it? Watch as the balloon suffers from the stress of their growing urges endlessly ballooning to pop point! Being bursted by your own lust las to be a wild Way to go out! >>135697 >>135865 >>135907 Nice au btw! Late teen(18,19)/Early 20 something's in a love hate blowmance. One a rage filled nerdy incel with a habit of overblowing a situation that usually leads to him filling up a room!, and the other a snarky balloon magic witch stalker with a habit of making him her inflatable furniture.. sounds like a perfect recipe for chaos and scraps! Question does he have any unique abilities too? Like can he transfer his inflated rage into other boys nearby? I could just imagine a timid dude with a feminine voice and build all nervous as mue enrages vigee causing him to transfer said rage filled lust energy into the poor timid guy until he can't take it and ends up a pile of ribbons or something.
>>135861 That's hot~
>>135934 thanks for the compliments. vigee is just a normal guy thats nerdy computersmart he cant do magic unfortunately. mue's magic works best on those who havent coomed in a while in this case vigee because he think its le based and trad but it makes him very irritable. she picks on him because of that and also they have alot in common but he doesnt realize it bc blinded by incelrage and think she's "larping" with her interests or something like the "rule" where "there are no girls on the internet"
>>135930 Erin the based strikes again!
Bountiful beautiful blond balloon boy butt 'bout to blow (probably) Link is always peak, looks very squishable too :3 https://bsky.app/profile/theneverwere.bsky.social/post/3lhjpmvae6k2a
>>135858 >Massive berry apologizing for how much juice he's cumming out One of my all-time favorite things
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>>134586 oh shit, woopwoomp mentioned might as well reup some of their art (as well as a sound edit that was previously shared in this board)
>>135930 Hey Erin, are you open for a request? >>132131 Oh that’s cute, is that your persona?
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Would is be possible to get uh Gen Asagiri blimp from dr Stone? Stuffed full and sloshy like a water balloon filled with cola as those puffy feet wiggly about from the pressure because why not make this 19 year old dream come true!
Can someone make inflation art of him (his name is Dylan btw)
>>136336 not open at the moment, just busy irl
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At least wait till all the other pending requests are finished.
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>>136355 Seconded, but also I commissioned one from BerryDuke years ago.
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>>136355 >as those puffy feet wiggly about from the pressure A fellow anon of refined tastes,I see.
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a furry story-sequence I drew recently (spoilered for furry)
>>136402 holy shit, holy shit, holy shit this is good OUGH did he fill up with spores from that dart or smth?
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>>136411 the archeress shot an arrow at a puffshroom hes trying to pick which made it disperse its spores and they entered mage when he inhaled it >>135858 ok drew where theyre sunken in instead including the peener. ur right guy in pic related blimping from arousal could still errupt from horny lol
>>136402 Nice work! Nothing like a furry boy in pants >>136386 yeah he is pretty submissive and breedable if you ask me probably one of my favorite dr Stone characters so far >>136376 no rush we're all just spitting out future ideas whether it be Erin or other artists it's always cool to see more boyloons
>>136466 Pantsu I meant boy panties not pants
>>136356 i'll be waiting
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>>136473 >>136356 here you go unrelated to the artwork but how would you make Erin explode? I'd like to hear some of your suggestions as I finish 2 more long pending requests (antoine; 3 digimon guys)
>>136488 A WHOLE lot of soda and mentos, that's a classic.
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Turn mjr zero him into a blueberry if u want
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>>131838 >>131945 Sorry to keep you waiting, here it is. Also thanks for the ref it helps alot. >>136496 I will when I feel like it >>136489 add more details/elaborate if you dont mind (i wont mind :3 ).
>>136502 Oh my, it's hot! So, what's your name?
>>136504 I go by Erin
>>136507 Okay, thanks
>>136488 reverse blowjob, blow into his dick until he inflates too much
>>136502 More details? Hmmmm. A nice 2 liter bottle of soda, drank entirely in one go, and then an entire packet of Mentos, those cylindrical ones. Instant orb in seconds!
>>136488 For all of his hard effort and adorable looks, it's only fair that he should be spoiled rotten before he blows :3 Pinned down, gently caressing his hair, and passionately kissed as you blow into him as a start. Then you can give him the air tank to help him get the rest of the way. Moving your focus down to his lower half as he starts ballooning out, gently rubbing his growing inner thigh. Then you coyly slide down his pants, don't worry about his embarrassment, he would've ripped through them anyway. Then you gently grab his twitching cock and kiss it gently in both appreciation and to desperately tease just a bit longer. Of course finally giving him what he wants before he reaches his breaking point :3 Gently put your mouth up to his tip and blow~ More and more as he melts into a moaning, horny mess. Bigger and bigger~ Until he starts looking red~ And just before he's about to blow, you switch to a nice gentle stroking to make he sure he gets to have a nice orgasm as he cums his brains out and blows out at the same time~ I hope that is a sufficient and hopefully not uncomfortable amount of horny for this thread. I've done a lot of, probably bad, fetish writing lately.
>>136540 nice story and >>136513 >>136516 suggestions thanks, I appreciate it. It can be hornier with description of attire and underwear stretching out, size comparison, dialogue related to subject's interests/theme and onomatopoeia sfx :3
>>136543 I always liked the idea of the clothes stretching and then eventually either ripping off or getting so stretched out that it doesn't even cover their swollen penis. Makes it feel more embarrassing for the blimp boy since they're unable to stop it and it gets so overwhelming that they end up getting off to it whether they want to or not
>>136543 Thank you :3 I might try and do something at some point, but I'm already slow at what I'm already working on, so I can't promise, unfortunately :c It is the least you deserve after keeping the thread alive for so long, though.
>>136424 >>136488 Nice work if I had to make a dude blow probably blow job blow to pop because sooner fetishes make it look like a fun way to pop a guy!
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>>136355 >>136386 Yeah dr Stone has a lot of adult guys and girls to blow up I remember they did a crossdressing episode in which gen looked wild! Honorable mention to ginro I guess who mind you is voiced by Justin Briner who also voices deku. His age is 18 after the 2/3 year time skip ( keep in mind time skips are tricky in this show as they just happen randomly, for example they'll randomly jump a year or a few months at a time as they build big projects like boats) ginro was 16 pre and post time skip I believe starts right before the crossdressing arc I believe it's season 3 episode 9 or episode 44 in total which the crossdressing thing happens? And time skip in which wiki says ginro is 18 is around volume 12 chapter 99 which is season 3 episode 5 in which it matches up because valentine's day chocolate scene + the boat group photo. So simp at your own risk but ginro felt like he deserves a honorable mention!
I meant looner because they make it look hot >>136600
>>136356 https://eliana55226838.tumblr.com/post/175104461693/ahjones94-everyone-give-eliana55226838-some this is what Dylan sounds like
>>136611 Wth are you talking about?
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Drawing of a concept: zombie apocalypse but the zombies are still semi-concious but have an urge to infect and have to avoid heat or sunlight or they bloat and become buoyant corpses. At night theyre back to normal
>>136619 >Zombie vampires can be popped >But they can also pop you Hmm...
>>136619 Sounds interesting,Make A Series Of It. >>136633 Get The Fuck Out Bot Pretender.
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just some filler drawings as I am about to complete the digimon request, the final one thats long overdue >>136540>>136513>>136516 heres a drawing based on your responses. feel free to suggest other ways you'd want to overinflate your local digital artist boyblimp
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another concept: Imaginflation where you can inflate from imagining yourself inflate
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>>136654 I hope the neighbours dont file another noise complaint
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>>136637 I can make some drawings related to that concept. As days go by the zombies (or zombieloons) being semi-concious start to develop odd kinks and experiment with their new forms
>>136502 Pinkie Pie: My my, your cock looks huge babe~ Fluttershy: You’re looking cute my big blueberry boy~ Antoine: Mmmph~
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>>136657 Incredibly Gross Humor Warning
>>136648 GOD this is so good!!! The flailing limbs are an amazing addition, and the transparency allowing you to see the bubbling soda inside OUGH, great stuff man!
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>>136648 Weren't you gonna do my Rindo request too?
>>136675 oh yeah that too, thanks for reminding me
>>136654 >imaginflation Haha...wow. If that were real, I'd be screwed.
>>136659 Oh,that's the good stuff~
>>136424 >>136502 >>136654 >>136659 Top tier stuff! You should do more gas related work and post them in the gas/fart thread too.
>>136648 i wonder, has erin berried themselves yet? i wanna see the artist ripe and ready to explode!
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>>136659 Fart inflation is extremely based
>>136648 What does our resident boy blimp artist prefer I Wonder? tight underwear or pink panties to bust a load in? Any favorite type of outfits to blow in? Like what's your most comfortable ideal outfit to your most lewd?
>>136496 I'll be waiting for when it comes
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>>136731 Most casual is hoodie and jeans cuz loose but gets tight when puffy and its also easy to draw. Most lewd is cosplaying. I cant reply to all but your attention and feedback are greatly appreciated!
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>>132124 what if theres an outbreak of bloatware that decompresses a zipbomb into their computers and users all the while making them horny because the zipbomb is terrabytes of hentai and its being projected into their vision as well with that the only one remaining is the one with nude rindo blimp bouncing around with his huge peener out
>>136773 Thanks, Erin. This was worth the wait for sure.
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>>136773 excellent, looking forward to the rindo request
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Alright. A fun idea that you may like would be Yugi Muto being sent to the Shadow Realm after losing a match, where he is inflated into huge balloon. His sensitive skin driving him mad with arousal, making him orgasm constantly. The other would simply be Dark Magician Girl using magic to make Yugi into a big horny balloon. A throwback to you Konosuba explosion pics.
>>136768 Not gonna lie bunny boys in tights are some of the world's most hottest subject matter! Take anyone sexy and put them in a Playboy bunny suit 1 million percent hottest thing in the stratosphere! And you blimp boy pull that shit off! Can't tell if I want you to pop my cock with those heals or if I wanna get a mouthful of bunny chub and make you super chubby;))
>>136776 I mean shit might as well throw in kaiba too both are 18+ I believe as of the dark side of dimensions movie/ other arcs. Fun facts Kaiba translates to sea horse Kaibas aka priest setos dead wife was and is the blue eyes White dragon itself technically meaning kaiba is a scalie in love and probably fucking his dragon card. THE MORE YOU KNOW ABOUT YOU'RE BOYLOONS 🌈
>>136783 Adding Kaiba will only make it better
>>136783 >you're I wouldn't mind being a boyloon...
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Just dropping by to share this Blueberry Yusuke Sauce - https://www.tumblr.com/a-bit-blue/701315537777639424/mhmmm-blue-haired-boys-kinda-exposed-boobberries
>>136648 cock ring cumflation. very niche form of inflation (only one art piece depicting it for the longest time, which is lost now btw), though i have recently seen more content with it.
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>>136794 seeing yourself exploding in the reflection of balloons is pretty exciting
>>136795 Damn such a huge boy! Love these fantasies keep them up! Will keep filling that brain up with our lewd thoughts on what we'd do to such a puffball cutie such as yourself.
>>136795 I bet the simple thought of a bunch of us boys giving you a helping suck and stroke makes that urge to Pop grow you tighter and rounder, the idea of our soft boy lips playing with those balloon balls and giving you a good suck and fuck before finishing you off with our strong petite lungs. Just our helpless boy balloon at the mercy of tongues! Such delightful delicious thoughts can drive a guy mad! I hope that the thoughts of us tenderly loving and using you like our humpable bounce castle makes you cum until you're confetti! I know my cat boy ears perk up at all the naughty thoughts I could do to a balloon boy in general, let alone one as eager as you!
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>>136797 drew you as a catboy in the corner, I can design an oc for anyone here that gives detail and references as practice
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>>136711 Erin more like BErin haha
>>136795 While I do enjoy large spheres as much as the next inflation kink’d bastard, I do rather like the smaller scale ones close to that, and in the ‘71 Wonka movie.
>>136802 OHOHOHOHOHO yeaaaah!!!! huge berry boy!!!!! god, i just wanna snuggle up to that huge tum, give it bellyrubs galore and use it as a giant berry waterbed all the while calling you my berry boyblimp... fuck it, random anon oc time. skinny twink build, black hair and gray eyes, hoodie, undershirt and jeans alongside sneakers, main feature being a set of bunny ears and a tail. my total height plus ears ALMOST the same height as non-blimped erin. do whatever you want with them! :)
>>136798 I'm glad to inspire you ☺️ Fuck just looking at that cutie pie red face of yours all flustered gets me tighter at the thoughts of what a catboy like me could do to a fat dicked puffy blimp of a mess like you 🥵. I wonder what wonderful thoughts pass that lustful mind to make you're foot thump in such a way? Is is lewd and dirty? A specific request perhaps like a face full of my catboy toes to rub your cheeks? Or maybe a good footjob against you're tight swollen shaft to really make you pop over my tight soft tootsies? I bet if I puffed them up a bit and inflated them they'd feel even better for your cock! Or maybe you want something like some fart to mouthful or something stranger? In which I'm happy to oblige so long as it's not scat. Or perhaps something more innocent like my soft wet lips sucking face with yours? 👄 Or maybe just maybe you just want me to grind my melon pumpkin crushing cat thighs against that balloon cock, wrapped lips around your full tip blowing into it with a tightened grip and fill you further until you're mind breaks desperately awaiting the end of your lustful suffering left thoughtless outside of phrases like MORE,POP ME , GONNA BLOW,FULLER DADDY, and whatever you're lustful mind has left to ponder as your grow thin as I lap your tip with my tongue and give you a final blow goodbye to send you into a ribbon full of mess and cum to rain upon me! Awaiting for your inevitable respawn reboot card in hand. Unless?, perma pop is you're desired fun. But to me what's the fun in a balloon you only get to blow once? When the real fun is the endless cycle of ideas we could fill you out with! So go head dream of me 💋 dream of all of us fulfilling every single fantasy in that tight taunt noodle in your pants. Because please let us return the favor that much for all you do for use poor gooners who dream of helping big adult blimp boys like you burst! 🥵 At the very least let our tongues and lips serve you well.
>>136798 Fuck why do you have to have such a fuckable face? I just wanna unzip and stuff my load in those soft lips of yours and cum until you blow around me 🥵 💋
I'm bloated. Beyond bloated. Stuffed to the brim with pent up cum. My body is so full and round, packed full to bursting with jizz. I'm nothing but a helpless, moaning, blimp. I'm rolled onto my back, unable to move. My little feet and hands are pulled tight into my bloated form, uselessly flapping in utter panic and pent up horniness. My massively bloated, turgid cock resing on my belly, a vibrating butt plug shoved in the tip. I'm just a creaking, fat, cum bomb ready to pop. Oh god just dont let me pop! Then, out of nowhere, two femboys walk into view, their cocks erect and twitching. One walks behind me, caressing my massively bloated form. I feel him grab my drum tight underbelly, and the tip of his dick hovers near my tight little bussy. I try to protest, knowing that I can't take it, but when i open my mouth, the one in front shoves his cock in my mouth! I squeel and moan, it's so warm and so big! Before I can fully react, the one behind me shoves his cock in my ass with a forceful 'pop'. My eyes go wide and bulge out, and I try to hold my guts together as his massive dick fills what little space I have left. They take turns thrusting in and out, turning me into nothing but a helpless bloated fuck-toy. I can feel their cocks pulse with cum. One more drop and I'm gonna paint the walls with my insides! They both cum at the same time and my eyes bulge out and start to drift to the sides. My cheeks bulge with cum and it shoots out my nose. My whole body expands rapidly, and I flap my hands and kick my feet like a jack rabbit, desperately trying not to detonate, but it's too late. My cock bulges with a load of cum I can't release, and my eyes, ears, and nose leak white hot cum. I let out a high pitched squeal like the fat pig I am and I immediately expand in every direction, followed by my whole body popping like a balloon full of paint. I spatter the walls, floors, and ceiling, the only thing left of me is a white stain.
>>136849 I would very much like to see art of a comic of this
Fat ass sabo because why not
>>136601 No worries he's 100% 18 as it states the specific year is September 10th in the year 5741 which can be back tracked along with every other previous 16+ character from this author q and a from long ago. Every 16+ character including ginro turned 18 right before the crossdressing arc began. It even stated one of the arranged marriage rules in scouting for islander girls for the king that they infiltrated is that all participate girls must be of age specifically 18 or older. Again sexualize his feminine ass to your heart's content! He's good. Now I mainly remember someone saying gen in drag and I had to look it up and goddamn this man can get my fat fucking D! Holy crap how does he make it look so effortless! He's fucking slaying that shit!
>>136496 im still waiting
(7.83 MB 4000x2250 blotiboisbouttaburst.png)
Chill out. Some of us waited 2 months for a request to be finished. Not to mention they’re doing this all for free.
>>136991 God I fucking love Sharkbubble's sona. I wish he would do more with him though,at least he recently updated his ref sheet.
>>132942 As a fan of Zamasu and Degesu I will attempt to draw this into reality
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>>137001 I personally wish they would bring back Stretch
Totk link with a cock ring and fatty moobs
>>137054 I mean I've only seen a tiny bit of the the kais and zamazu like the kibitoshin fusion here but from what I have I've liked every morsel! What is is about guys like zamazu or fusions like kibitoshin that are so damn cute? I mean honorable mention to normal shin too I guess.
Is it me or is puffkissing under rated in the male inflation side of the community? Also demon butt.
Here is a gif from Neya Cay. She does a lot of foreskin ballooning in her foreskin play vids. You can find em hon her pornhub page. And hopefully on her manyvids page if someone is willing to pay.
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I know it's kind of sacrilege but how about a femboy doom guy that inflates feminine boy demons until they burst?
>>137325 Only if Doomguy also inflates.
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Been a ghost town lately let's liven the place up!
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Seriously yeah it's been dry. So here's some Lio Fotia because promare rocks
(1.58 MB 2000x3100 metaphor+protag.png)
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Some metaphor too
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>>131605 Hey did anyone else know derpixon made gender swaps of there mime and dash characters but instead their Pizza boys? I had zero idea!
