/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(158.21 KB 1280x1280 IMG_7965.jpeg)
An aspect almost never seen inflated. Post big or inflated hands and feet!! Puffy hands/feet thread 01/21/2025 (Tue) 17:52:03 Id:b016bd No. 134644
Why isn’t there a thread for this?
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Mabocorescant has done a few pieces like this
Something something delete this thread. One or two slurs would go here, as well as the letters K Y S
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>>134646 Keep your smile, friend. :)
Mabo is a savior with this stuff, ChaosDeflier is also good too
>>134651 Such a cute Gardie-loon, sauce?
>>134654 agree, its a shame the owner of the character/sona isn't around anymore https://x.com/ChaosDeflier/status/1449084396842233860
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Yeah Mabo does this kind of things pretty awesome
I mean do I dare mention Luffy from one piece he's always doing elephant gun and giant axe which is basically just Hand and feet inflation?
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Footballs probably count
>>134796 Here,have a HQ version
I've honest-to-god been waiting for another one of these threads for a long while. So much good stuff out there. (Spoilered one is male since OP said nothing against 'em)
>>134799 Male stuff is nice sometimes
>>134884 Sauce for those first two?
>>134904 https://bsky.app/profile/jalpunny.bsky.social/post/3lamlj5q2uc2q https://bsky.app/profile/aethersresident.bsky.social/post/3ldfscryje22y
>>134999 Thanks anon!
Recent piece by techtonicpressureplate
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I honestly want this thread to continue but at the same time I acknowledge that: A. A lot of people on the site probably don't have this niche/sub-fetish. B. This is so niche that this thread will either die abandoned or we could theoretically find all of the art related to this subject and have nothing else to post. It's a vicious cycle,anons.
>>137518 I mean it's simple post whatever you find that hasn't been posted. And it will keep a thread alive personally I rarely find the type of puffy hand and feet inflation I even remotely like? stuff like this >>137517 is kinda meh to me while stuff like mabo suki like this >>134651 I kinda find hot. Kinda.
I guess for me at least I like them more round shiny actually looking like balloons inflated rather than giant hands and feet it feels like in this niche there's two categories actually inflatable and just regular growth and I prefer inflation.
