/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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inflation animation 2 Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 00:07:28 Id:38b695 No. 104319
the last thread was bump locked so time for a sequel
>>104319 Anyone got that one viking skirts animation with the soda?
>>104319 Does anyone add the sound effect?
>not linking to the old thread >not archiving the old thread Why can't you be more like 4chan?
Does anyone have Peach, Daisy and Rosalina play bouncing balloons?
Has anyone added sound effects to this animation before?
Does anyone add sound effect of this? >>34893
>>104388 https://web.archive.org/web/20240119010608/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/34346.html
Anyone can download this??? https://thisvid.com/videos/gumi-firehose-inflation/
>>104563 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/liv0oj201uxdc6d/AAD-Ydw3AfPvPGvb08ryY4sXa/ANIMATION/MAY%202022%20GUMI%20FIREHOSE%20EXTENDED?dl=0&subfolder_nav_tracking=1
>>104319 https://web.archive.org/web/20240127193301/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/34346.html Friendly reminder to post archives of previous threads of the same general.
>>104531 Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_csZZK_HHZOjyK9cLrp-R-Wdw0YXK5Du/view?usp=sharing
Ladyluckfate has a couple good animations. I’m looking for a high quality version of a gif with an assembly where girls are inflated and have their heads covered in cream
Does anybody have that d.va butt expansion milkshake video I can't find it anywhere
>>105481 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LKWdSA052BMch-q2ClpdWXD2DZuaCskO/view
>>105604 The jukebox one by Expandinator?
>>105611 No it the one where she drinks a milkshake or something and it gets bigger.
>>105628 Do you know who made it? I might have it
>>105640 No unfortunately I dont
Does anyone happen to have Xtenses Jessica Rabbits inflation by any chance? He quit almost a year ago.
Funny creature that Marill is. Spoilered for popping.
(485.28 KB 1280x720 q-kgb5dABLzf0ot5.webm)
>>105628 https://twitter.com/VoxMagnet/status/1741207897588330846
(5.49 MB 1920x1080 DvaAEFinal.webm)
>>105611 have both
(8.60 MB 750x750 ezgif-7-cbf75f6373.gif)
Would someone be willing to add some sound to these?
>>105605 Hey could you please do a reup?
Does anyone have this video?
(937.94 KB 4096x3798 media_F9rN4mXWkAAz5JN.jpg)
CAKE. Redo your Gravity Falls animation with older girls please.
Is Pixel Art allowed?
Didn’t know what thread to put this link under. Hope whoever altered her face to move like that makes more. https://youtu.be/0Jt3tFvqRmc?feature=shared
>>108761 dude what is this
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>>108761 While the idea wasn't bad, there's a reason these two technologies aren't used together. Your figurines are nice though
>>108775 Oh, no I’m not the Carlos guy whose channel I found it on. I didn’t even know he made it. I just came across it and thought it simply looked better quality than the dozens of other terrible deepfakes out there. If you could take art from artists and edit their faces to talk and sing, especially if it’s how they talk and sing from their source material, it would be less cringe. Like if bloated Belle was singing her lines from that “bonjour” song at the beginning of the movie. But judging by the recent reactions after I posted the link, maybe that would also be a misfire. That Peach gif where she’s takes “be the ball” too literally looks good.
>>108777 Trips.
If you can't find new stuff to post post the old
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Does someone still have the MEGA with all those ikkifenix vids?
>>110396 What artist is this from?
(1.94 MB 1280x720 f2cZ727asVt7AiYy.webm)
(1.84 MB 1280x720 r8Ki2n2UV47g0P95.webm)
(1.56 MB 1280x720 rOZEZR8XHcxuyfPI.webm)
Just downloaded these off Twitter, thought I'd share with you all. had to convert all these to webm because i forgot this site doesn't like MP4s
(2.95 MB 718x720 Okqkq7wqzzWEMHLR.webm)
(3.07 MB 1280x720 RyyvFosrEzFGIzB_.webm)
(926.22 KB 854x480 sI29HNMSrapPDzog.webm)
>>111494 And more
>>111495 Who made the last one?
>>111515 @Jstolpa_d
(1.26 MB 1920x1080 Coffee Blueberry Inflation.webm)
sound warning 🎧
>>112045 Do you have the non-blueberry version of that?
>>112045 God, Seiga is so good at making inflation animations, just watched their Sunhee video and the way it starts at the body and gradually spreads to the rest of the body is phenomenal, dare I say they are the Stephen Spielberg of inflation animation. Really excited for Backstage Blueberry, whenever that's finished.
(3.65 MB 3010x1841 cat rough draft.png)
I'm making a blender animation. Would you guys prefer bubblegum or blueberry. It changes what the final shape will be and how the animation is handled
>>112055 I do not, unfortunately. But I do have this. >>112061 Sounds awesome, I've never seen it.
(8.28 MB 1920x1080 blueberry-burst.webm)
Blueberry burst by zoidberg656
>>112121 I concur on this vote into overfeedism.
>>112120 Here you go. And come to think of it, the Richard Williams of inflation animation is a better comparison.
>>112138 That is very well done, thanks for sharing
>>112138 Don't forget her words inspired him to create this masterpiece.
(217.91 KB 712x711 Polish_20240416_221319371.png)
Anyone got this video?
>>112108 bubblegum is cool. Hope it turns out alright.
64-bit blueberry by Qualtroverse. AV1. I know there are big versions out there but it's probably worth it to have this little version around as well. Accidentally posted in the wrong thread the first time.
>>112231 Source?
>>112856 Norcal
Here you go:https://hentai-video-xxx.com/video/cheri-dorahden-1/>>112208
>>112854 So just to ask this isn't violet and a random adult oc girl? Just wanna make sure. Also is that a resin of links character model in a brunette wig too? That's glorious! This whole video is such a fun meme and I just adore it! Not even in a fetish Sense I just find it cute and funny
>>113288 Thank you so much
she's supposed to be an OC and not violet, they just have the same outfit. I think it's a custom model too
found someone that looks quite good maybe as good as imbapovi's animations https://x.com/youkisorart/status/1784635115521417360
>>113388 >animation looks okay, though repetitive and with a bit more clipping than I'd like >check artist profile >see profile name >inflated Astolfo Nah.
>>113355 Good to know I'm all good with that as long as it's a oc or adult interpretation of insert blue gum chewer here I'm happy just always good to double check
(7.76 MB 1920x1920 fatgirl.webm)
>>113965 go away beltpop
>>113966 Beltpop doesn't make these kinds of posts. lel
Autumn Never Skips Leg Day - AV1 Tailblazer
>>113959 Do you have the one with Spider Gwen inflating?
(2.88 MB 1920x1080 tail-blazer-bloomph.webm)
(1.05 MB 1650x1080 daisy-tennis-tailblazer.webm)
(3.23 MB 1920x1080 nyuru-hourglass-tailblazer.webm)
Does anyone have this downloaded? https://www.reddit.com/r/PGbodyinflation/s/DefHC6gOCs
(117.52 KB 600x650 pg-body-inflation.webm)
>>114492 Are you unfamiliar with the fine art of right-clicking on things? 😁
(458.14 KB 936x1080 Nyuru.Butt.2.Tailblazer.webm)
>>114372 I just enjoyed this moment and wanted to loop it.
>>114500 Oh, no hehe, sorry. Guess that got me
>>114504 Plz dont shoot officer
>>114505 Why would I shoot, that would be wrong in so many ways.it just I get confused from time to time
This is a wip from Mabo, anyone have the full rough? I like what I see so far.
>>117340 Sadly there continuation is shit. The hand inflation was the only good part. Mabo is not great anymore as he was couple years ago.
>>117341 if you have access to it, youre giving money every month to an artist who you think has been mediocre for years, and instead of sharing, just talking about how it-s bad and we're not missing anything? i'm not sure i understand.
>>117341 I've seen the older wip of the fullbody part, but this current rough looks really good and I'm optimistic he's cleaned it way up, if you got it I'd like to see it. If not that's cool.
(3.70 MB 1668x2388 Rougeinflate ROUGH (1).gif)
>>117340 Sure, I'll post it. I have no idea what the other guy is talking about, this looks great. Very bouncy and I love the proportions. I'm excited to see this fully completed.
>>117461 I just realised this is the early sketch version instead of the rough draft posted earlier, but I still think it was worth posting here
(1.20 MB 1000x819 Veronika.gif)
>>117463 The sketch is really good I'm extremely eager to see the newer draft
(3.52 MB 1920x1080 spherewaddle.gif)
(7.33 MB 698x1000 djfnidfnv.gif)
A buddy of mine is his patreon he sent this to me
>>118630 my hero thank you
>>118630 Oh, now this is GOOD. If it's fully voiced and has good sound design, then it'll be a top tier animation for sure. Thanks for sharing!
(786.61 KB 426x306 IMG_4064.gif)
Oldie but goldie
>>112138 The Richard Williams of inflation? wdym by that?
>>119080 I said inflation *animation* specifically, and if you've seen Richard Williams' work, you'd know he was one of the best animators of his day. Even his commercials are immaculate. https://youtu.be/vZOsA4UpRow
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Anyone here got an archive for Ikki Fenix's videos, I did remember there's a Mega zip file of it found in here but it was deleted unfortunately.
>>119113 Sauce on the first two?
>>119659 degeneratepump on Itaku
It's not necessarily inflation but I always enjoyed this blueberry juicing edit of a gif by megadingus
>>119609 Yeah I gotchu, anon https://mega.nz/folder/FP8hWb4Z#3wmnWjM2vCVWLSmaGXU_hQ (Somebody needs to update the kemono)
>>119859 .......real funny.
>>119859 now my question is why do you just have gay furry porn on standby bro???
>>119609 Here is the real ikkifenix mega link with there videos and im really hoping someone updates there kemono because there's quite a lot of new videos now https://mega.nz/folder/wDFxzYgZ#Qc0zCr9WDBzEUj1rtBPr1A
>>119896 Wish it had the videos on Ikki's youtube channel before it got taken down. Those were good, but I haven't really seen them archived anywhere.
>>120038 i think i have a few of them in my personal collection but ya and i have noticed that ikkifenix has been randomly reuploading there youtube videos on there patreon but i do find it a little weird that they dont just post a mega link or something that has all the videos from there youtube channel
(2.32 MB 1818x2640 pyrodoesnotlikethat.png)
>>119896 i really want to enjoy these videos but why do some of them end with the girls shitting themselves farting i can tolerate, but not this.
>>120695 Source? For the First and Second?
>>120695 I found these on twitter (imploon , BeegContent ) Try looking there
does anyone have any berrycowxo animations saved
Does anyone know or have that animation where a woman goes in a fast food restaurant where she orders a muffin till she starts inflating into a blueberry? I remember it was on DeviantArt, but the user deleted his DA account. And now idk where he is?
>>121667 Who made this?
>>121668 I don't remember his name but he had like one or two other videos
>>121669 >>121668 He did this sequence as well iirc his name had a ton of one letter in it, like 5 lowercase Bs in a row That's about all I can remember
>>121670 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ET7IUa9CjzaGUG1l1Q7DP6XA9vOLIYZT/view?usp=sharing
>>121669 Zatdogggggg was their name. I'm still hoping more of their content can be recovered
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>>121667 Anybody else hear it lol
>>121667 oh thank you my good man! also I can't remember the artist's name either, it lasted 4 or 5 days till he deleted his DA account
This it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbOdjJgh8JQ
>>121671 >>121670 Anyone know who this person actually is? I’m fairly sure they’re a FTM transgender but they’re kinda cute. Any leads?
>>121670 >>121671 Was there more to this sequence? I only see the one photo in the google drive
>>121854 no that was it
>>121674 Is there anything specific you're looking for? I have a sort of archive of inflation stuff (I only save stuff that I personally like) and I had that video and the pic+video. As far as I remember, that's all I had from him, but if there's a specific picture you have in mind I might have it. Unfortunately I didn't label by artist at the time so I'd have to manually search through like 100gb of stuff. Like I said, I highly doubt I have any more though.
Anyone have something that takes me to the last thread?
>>121670 Isn't it a of model or e celeb?
(265.26 KB 1920x1080 Screenshot (536).png)
I know this aint inflation or animated related but can anyone get the popping version of zeldas feast by nametaken?
>>123044 Yeah it's right here: >>2982
>>123044 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/9204602/post/82952777 this???
>>123106 I can't believe people pay for this shit. The only thing that kills a boner faster than bad acting is bad acting and being unable to pronounce common words.
>>124360 Source on uber
>>124390 @Uka_Tal
>>123151 Finally,someone being realistic about Swell Reads' quality.
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>>104319 http://swfchan.com/45/223952/index.shtml Can you figure out how this was made?
>>124972 thats something you ask in the sauce thread but i found it and yes you have to download it and play it on flash to watch it https://www.deviantart.com/yttreia/art/May-Bike-Pump-Belly-Inflation-2-0-741252963
>>124979 I'm asking how it was made.
Anyone got the new Ridiculous Cake animation with vanilla
>>124987 Oh sorry miss read but I beleave all there stuff was made in blender if I had to guess
(210.69 KB 1920x1080 IMG_0577.jpeg)
Anyone have the full animation of Vanilla getting infllated video by ridiculous cake?
>>125181 I need it so badly!
(854.22 KB 3000x3000 Vanilla_YCH_full_inflation.png)
>>125222 heres the picture too
>>125222 Thank you so much!
Can someone find the full version of this animation? The artist: Blurmple
>>125311 Yeah, just go on his patreon and become a free member. It's there.
>>125256 First is Deviant Seiga. Second I assume is Ridiculouscake.
>>125362 the animation is not free, you still have to pay
>>125311 Would be cool to see her inflating someone else
(3.24 MB 1920x1080 wobblebobble.webm)
jiggly >source >https://www.redgifs.com/users/belleberry
Gonna take a shot in the dark Does anyone have this from expandinator?
>>125576 Does anyone have this full animation?
>>125633 A friendly reminder to please keep begging in the begging thread 🤓🤓🤓☝️☝️☝️
>>125630 I also have this one coincidentally but idk how to upload it.
>>125658 you can ether use mega so it lasts almost forever but have a risk of getting your stuff deleted or account banned by mega themself: https://mega.nz/login or use myairbrige so that way you can share stuff for free but only for a limited time of 3 days without the need of a account: https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/
>>125630 >https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/ here
>>125681 my bad https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/transfer/NZ3bThzCVns/us2
Anyone have tail blazers new animation?
Do you have any other videos by this creator?
belleberry I mean
(305.42 KB 807x648 Annotation 2024-09-23 012931.png)
>>125720 Bumping for this one
>>125620 I was about to ask the same thing, probably best to wait for the full release first though
Anyone have kim pine animation by tail blazer?
(85.66 KB 960x769 claire-abbott-on-beach.jpg)
A while back their was a youtube inflation morph of this girl. Does anyone have it still?
Does anyone have Pining for kim by tail blazer?
>>125764 https://tail-blazer.itch.io/pining-for-kim-animation-mp4 cost is 11$ bucks
>>125861 https://rule34video.com/video/3541721/pining-for-kim-tail-blazer/
>>108761 >https://youtu.be/0Jt3tFvqRmc?feature=shared ... Do you think God stays in Heaven because he too is afraid of what he's created?
>>125967 far too pricey for literally 1 expansion scene in a 7 minutes animation
>>125997 Really really well made, although Kim's VA is kind of bad lol. I wish the initial expansion wasn't just three seconds, although this is clearly more for people that love giantess content. I feel like he polishes these too much, who knows how long this would have taken if he cut out everything that wasn't Kim growing and didn't worry about the backgrounds or lighting as much.
>>126025 And now we wait a year for BB3s creation, lmao.
Aye it finally dropped if anyone has this that would be neat.
>>126430 Who did this?
ladyluckfate has released a short new video
I'm just discovering this one, so I'm sorry if it's been posted before, but who made this? Where can I find more, and how can I download it? https://thisvid.com/videos/body-expansion-1/
>>126511 https://www.deviantart.com/bestofcheese/gallery/all
>>126402 i second this ^^
>>126402 Patiently waiting as well
Does anyone have Berrycowxo's newer stuff?
Can anybody find the full version of this animation? https://www.deviantart.com/blurmple/art/The-Large-Laser-Lab-Trailer-1098855493
>>125997 anyone got a new link for this? doesn't seem to be working anymore
Does anyone have the full version of this? https://www.deviantart.com/blurmple/art/Too-Big-for-Doorways-Trailer-1105601931
How do I upload an mp4 here?
>>126935 Upload it to a file storage site like gofile and send the link instead
>>126430 >>126437 Also want to know who is the creator of this animation. Can´t find his logo or name anywhere
>>126935 Try to change the MP4 to WEBM and it should work. At least,that's how it does for me. Use cloudconvert to transform the files. https://cloudconvert.com/
(5.99 MB 1920x1080 0001-0780.webm)
Man 2 days going from not being able to move the cube to this. This is cool.
>>127033 how did you learn to do this? looks really good!
(5.96 MB 2964x1942 untitled.png)
>>127041 Thank you! I saw a video of someone making "shape keys" and I thought that couldn't be too hard, then I accidentally figured out how to animate then I just had an inspiration that I needed to fulfill. I used to watch a whole lot of SFM tutorials as a kid but my computer at the time could barely open it so I never pursued it further. Its not all that hard, I downloaded a model, googled where I had questions and went from there. I still messed up some times, the Video is 2x speed for some reason. I will say, I think the model carries me pretty hard.
>>127033 That is impressively fast god damn
>>111495 >>111495 who made the first one
>>127290 nvm its undercoverbob on twitter
>>127790 sauce on the middle one? with the 3 girls walking?
>>127875 @kan_sais on twitter
>>126955 >>126437 its by undercoverboob on twitter
>>125997 34 backups on wayback and they all redirect to rickroll
The video made by Antoine17
>>128528 >I don't know what was in that blueberry pie but I'm feeling really, really bloated. >and why am I blue all of a sudden? Excuse my autism, I think these lines of dialogue would actually make sense if she had said them at the beginning of Fluttershy's transformation rather the end when she's a giant blueberry. "Why am I blue of all a sudden" sounds like something that'd be uttered when Flutter starts turning blue, but her saying this post-TF makes me assume she was unconscious during the whole thing and just woke up to find herself in that state. Consider my jimmies rustled.
>>128814 You're terrible, lol
>>128814 Oh come on, it's not that bad
>>128836 they're not hot to me anymore! Just pick a different animator or find some deleted animations like this one >>121667
>>128850 Ugh, you're useless
Can somebody find the full version of this animation from Blurmple's Patreon for me? https://www.patreon.com/Blurmple
>>108761 Dud, I thought this shit was going to be some truly fucked up shit because of the reactions. And it's just a stupid edit of belle singing lmao.
blueberry inflation (hose/tube inflated whilst restrained): https://www.cambro.tv/1214293/bird-feed-berry-by-zoidrawzaton/
Can somebody find the full version of this animation from Blurmple's Patreon for me? https://www.patreon.com/posts/large-laser-lab-112083264
>>124360 >it fades out at the EXACT moment it finally gets good god fucking damnit
Does anyone have Expandinator's newer vid for Widowmaker?
>>129770 nope, pony up the $5, wait for it to be public in 6 months or wait for eternity for kemono get fixed
>>129780 Most pointless reply ever
>>129770 I'm waiting on the Symmetra one, that one looks really nice
>>129780 Update, kemono is now fixed! So we can hopefully look forward to seeing that one soon
>>125997 vid got dmca'd anyone got a backup
Does anyone have a collection of Makarokono's videos?
>>129547 It's because the cgi double would go "out of phase" and the parallax was starting to fail. The crinkles on her stockings looked super flat near the end too.
>>130355 That one in front of the fireplace is awesome. Who made that?
>>130366 https://www.deviantart.com/mitatell
>>130426 Appreciate that, thank you.
does anyone have berrycowxo's frieren videos?
>>129523 Did anyone find it for me?
>>131012 He just uploaded it on his own DA page so....yeah.
>>130184 Yes, I have all of them in his folder in this archive. https://mega.nz/folder/l7sXQbSY#zkQIzQeYrOh5rL8UeNMvTg
>>130355 Sauce for the first two?
(4.97 MB 1920x1080 Time Stop Inflation.webm)
from zui_tf's fanbox
(6.41 MB 1536x864 More+Inflation.webm)
>>131348 >>131349 Thanks, Anon, I love this guy. Wish he did audio (I guess if I weren't so lazy I could add it myself...)
(4.56 MB 1920x1080 Underwater Accidents.webm)
>>131363 he did sound for one of his flattening animations and it wasn't that great imo so honestly the silence isn't that bad LOL
(9.66 MB 1536x864 Inflation+Inspiration.webm)
Does anyone have any Berrycowxo videos?
don't suppose you could share the rest of Zui's non inflation fanbox videos?
>>131468 didn't think it'd be the place but yeah sure here's all the ones not on his fanbox kemono page https://mab.to/t/FPW0NdzWTNL/us3
Anyone get any of HorizonHue's animations?
>>131125 that is an *impressive* collection. thank you.
>>131672 you got it boss! glad someone gets some use out of it
>>132511 where did you find this animation? i thought the creator deleted everything
>>131473 re upload?
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(8.85 MB 1920x1080 BelletheBlueberry.webm)
Does anyone know if there's a longer version of this video with the full song? This is gonna sound autistic, but I think the song improved her videos since they are kind of boring in all honesty.
>>132843 That song sounds 100% ai so gl man
>>132843 I agree, all their videos are pretty much the same thing over and over. Glad I am not the only one who thinks this.
>>132945 Oh its totally AI, I know that. She actually posted a link to the song along with this short video, but she seems to have taken it off of DA (Link for those who want it: https://suno.com/song/da592080-f31b-4598-8a02-244b77cdb9fe). AI voice is meh I guess, but the lyrics are pretty good for my fetish damaged brain so I like it. Like >>132982 said. All of her shit is just the same thing over and over: her moaning while she slowly grows and her head moves around. Its pretty boring tbh. I guess I feel with the song it breaks up the monotony of the video somewhat, and I was curious to see if there was a full one available to see if there's more too it. She has a video where she rolls, this would have been a perfect opportunity to use it.
JP animator who’s done 3 inflation anims https://m.youtube.com/@neosuminoarezzopresentsn.s8061/videos
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(3.82 MB 720x720 wobbling.webm)
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(3.07 MB 1280x720 girlandhertank.webm)
>>133217 What's this game called
>>119112 Who’s the girl in theplug suit?
>>114501 I see this video pop up in so many normies hotspots unironically all the time this and the creampuff cat video are all over the damn place and with some pretty positive reactions even see a girl or two blushing at the Just further convinces me out of all types of inflation in order Breast Butt Thigh Hourglass+hyper of all 3 Belly Them in last full blimp Thath almost all forms of hourglass are sexy by most normal demographics with the only acception variable being does the person in question love thicker or thinner partners if the answer is thick hourglass expansion most likely is a attraction to them even if they are yet to become aware of it Alternatively most hemtai pilled brains particularly women but some men adore belly expansion particularly in the cum inflation variation like the cream cat video and for these two reasons I firmly believe that is the definition behind there population. Just like those who eat ass are afraid to admit they have a scat fart fetish (this last part is a joke) most normies are into inflation on a cellular level to some degree so long as the focus of expansion is breast,butt,thigh or full hourglass.
anyone have the full video of this? https://www.deviantart.com/cleverfoxman/art/GOAT-MOM-S-LOVING-EXPANSION-FOR-SALE-NOW-1073447127
https://fantia.jp/posts/3203971 We got ourselves another one from Zuizui we gotta investigate
>>133326 OC from artist Jeetdoh named Yoghurt. Sadly, dude had some personal issues and only draws Transformers now.
>>133279 Fire Emblem 7. Not an actual animation from the game sadly
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Would anyone mind getting zuizui new animations
>>133448 Would anyone conviece Zuizui to start doing commissions?
>>133450 Absolutely 💯, I would pay to see a Kafka inflation as she smashes someone.
>>131473 reup?
Question: is it possible for someone to take all the 2024 videos on here and put them in a gofile folder so the minority of individuals like me who can’t play videos on BBW-Chan since 06/01/23 can finally watch them? If it’s too big an ask, that’s ok.
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From @Suity_Nosh59 on twitter
>>133624 Who's that robot thingy?really wanna know more about them
>>133629 She is an OC from @WitchyBigness on twitter, her name is Emme and she is a demolition robot who gets off to expanding and bursting
Does anyone have uncensored? The animation made by JuicyPlusTeam
>>133681 Definitely wanna see more of them, clearly not here cuz y'know, not animation (i think) and also they changed to bluesky
I'm going mad looking for a specific video and wonder if I've only hallucinated it. Any help based off of my shite memory: It's a 3d overwatch animation. The girl (possibly D.va) arrives at a hanger, D.vas mech is sitting on a platform in the middle. It has undergone changes/upgrades that turns out to be some sort of onboard AI? It detects she's underweight or some shit and 2 feeding tubes start pumping her full (from both ends?) causing her to grow larger within the mech. She's then suspended outside it and grown even more. Then there might have been some vore stuff with another of the OW girls getting fed to the first one, then they outgrow/fill the room. Honestly I remember it so fucking vividly but can't find it for shit. It was recent and all, within the last year or so. Any hints are appreciated.
Is there a new animation of Ikkifenix in iframe mediadelivery?
>>133521 >>133448 https://mab.to/t/GbfI59M4vU9/us3 sorry for the wait havent been checking the board new one is in here hope pixiv fanbox comes back to life at some point
Is their any way I can watch LadyLuckFate’s private Vimeo videos, including this?: https://vimeo.com/1000326639
>>134119 >https://vimeo.com/1000326639 Somebody had a fix where if you edit something in the url it let you see the video, check the LLF thread and you might be able to find it. If the thread is bumplocked and gone idk what to tell you, maybe someone in here remembers how to do it.
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>>120745 Who made the third Video?
>>134119 The trick is normally to add "player" to the front of the URL, then "video" right before the string of numbers. >https://vimeo.com/1000326639 >https://player.vimeo.com/video/1000326639 But that one specifically doesn't seem to be working due to Fate's Privacy settings unless I'm missing something
>>133834 speaking of, who animated that?
>>133843 that's not an animation, it's a comic by bigbig
Does anyone have a new video of ikki fenix? kemono hasn't been updated for a long time either.
seeing this animation made me sad that it didn't have any sound. would someone be able to add some to it? (spoilered for potential furry not taking any chances)
>>133950 I'm really sorry, but I missed this. Could we get a re-up?
>>134711 https://mab.to/t/HEEcCIE1c80/us3 yeah np lmk if it's missing any I'm kinda disorganized with my files
>>133695 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rt6ukQDwvUnp8t2Y_fq0oCin5n3yEBwD/view
Can anyone get all the Yuakri bonus vids by aphro pls
Does anyone the animation of LadyLuckFate Summer Job?
My favorite
>>134969 Golden age of punt
>>134969 >>134972 too bad he gave up and moved on to shitty political animations
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How come there isn’t a decent 360 VR blueberry inflation video? All the ones I find on YouTube are just a bunch of poorly rendered drawings, not fluid animations with 3D models like they use in the giantess 360 videos like this one. https://youtu.be/kHOChc52UrA?feature=shared If they can make something like that four years ago, then the technology has to have only gotten better. Imagine being able to watch an imbapovi animation from a pov that is inside the video itself. I’d do it myself if I wasn’t broke as shit and didn’t know how to animate or edit. But someone should do something for Charlie & The Chocolate Factory’s 20th anniversary this summer. That blueberry inflation scene is basically required reading here in our community. And if you don’t wanna make a time-consuming 360 VR video of blueberry Violet because 2005 Anna-Sophia Robb was a minor and you can’t just “age her up” because she’s over thirty now because “YouTube’s stupid policy violation doesn’t allow huh-blue-buh” then just make her mom, Scarlett, the blueberry because Missi Pyle wasn’t a kid in that movie.
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>>134979 And before you say how schizo or retarded this idea is, they made a reanimation collaboration for 1971 Violet. It was 2/3 hot garbage, but YouTube still hasn’t taken it down and it still got made back in 2019. A Violet/Scarlett 360 VR video doesn’t seem so impossible years later. https://youtu.be/ixDxFrYYIiU?feature=shared
>>134979 >>134980 As much as I don't wanna say it,if an inflation artist does animate something for the 20th anniversary (which seems unlikely with how weirdly fucking puritan a lot of artists have become) it'll probably just be with their own OCs or something. At that,it'll probably just be a still picture as opposed to an animation. We can only keep hoping I suppose.
>>135139 Don’t know why it won’t let me post this kinda basic GIF here
>>134979 The CGI isnt the problem. We can get realism with ease. The problem is capturing the shapes and weights of the inflation. You need a detailed human form with realistic anatomy. And you need to be able to manipulate it in a way to bloat and expand without distortion. You need it to occur in an uneven way, bottom heavy before rounding out. And then you need it to become fully spherical with sunken head and limbs, again, without distortion. The main issue is here, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory cheated. Every cut they have a new model. Once she gets really big, they arent even full CGI, they are using a rig to suspend her, and motion capping that to drive the shape of the expanding CGI double. For the proper fetish art people want, we cannot cheat. Every cut means a new model, which doubles the time, and cheapens the value of the finished result. We want a model that can seamlessly go from a realistic deforming human, to a sphere, and all the potential steps inbetween. It would have to be the ultimate inflation rig. Likely with bones absolutely EVERYWHERE in order to compensate. And because of how complicated a rig like this is, it would take forever to create derivatives for other models, like OCs. The only other alternative is hundreds of shape keys. But that restricts your movement heavily. And you are forced to work high poly, which means you need a finished model before you can even consider shape keys. Fluid/cloth sims dont work, they are too finicky. Regular rigs tend to be good at expanding in one dimension, but the more complexity and the worse it gets. We want accurate to real life, skin colliding with skin. Not mesh phasing through mesh. I would love to undertake this project, but I am busy too much of the time.
>>135149 Original requester here, God bless you for taking the time to go into extensive detail the minutia of how much leg work such a project like that would take to complete. Even though you aren’t willing to make it happen, maybe someone will read your notes and take the next steps from there. Thank you
>>135149 With regards to a "realistic" rig that fully inflates with little to no deformation and no cuts with a different model, the only one I can really think of was made by a furry artist... SuffleWeasel. I'd post some of his videos, but its furry and I don't think its allowed. I'll just say his video with Lola is peak, it even has clothes that inflate too and don't look half bad!
>>134980 Oh my god lol, that collab was hillarious. Ridiculouscake had to make like 60% of the shots because not enough perverts wanted to animate audio of a little girl for fetish purposes. And as soon as it came out people like Mabo immediately denounced it
>>134972 Who's that?
>>135168 Watching their stuff. While that kind of animation is the end goal, this is still very much far from it. They have very simple stylized models. Im sure their body polycount is nothing more than 100. Its very easy to stretch and move that many polygons because its only a few steps away from a circle already. The clothes are mid, you can clearly see in the Lola video that they are clipping through the stomach. We want it riding up realistically, snagging, tearing, flesh pressing against it. Textures could have done the same job better with that level of stylization. The animation was also mid. Fast paced, no real time to let it soak in. Its part of what made the Violet scene so good is that it took its time to build it up. It was intended to be body horror, but it applies even to the fetish angle. We need a rig that can accurately deform not just to capture the shapes, but also to capture the fluid dynamics and weight of the body. The shift of the bodies mass when moving, the wobble, jiggle. That animation captures none of it. And if the model in question was more detailed or realistic, would have been far harder to pull off. With humans its actually easier. With furries you need to account for fur, scales, or feathers. And then becomes the problem of do you have the fur "generate" to cover the expanded body, or make it stretch out and become less dense? How do you pull it off to look good in either case? Many furries opt to ignore this and draw fur with skin texture overtop of it, or continue drawing the fur pattern without fur, but with skin instead. If not outright ignoring it entirely and having it stay dense fur.
>>135175 mabo only denounced it afterwards because the more spergy followers threw a shitfit over the morality of it all if he actually cared he wouldn't have signed up in the first place >>134978 god damn it, I was wondering why he seemingly dropped off the face of the earth
>>134969 >>134972 at least kemono has all of his stuff archived https://kemono.su/patreon/user/49164995
Can someone grab any new Blurmple animations pls
Whats the code to this https://mega.nz/folder/oHM0iBQJ#undefined
>>135229 Check his Twitter, after he announced he's leaving he uploaded an archive of all his content, both public and patreon stuff
>>135495 Kinda hard to help you if you don't tell us where it's from or what post it's from
>>135613 Its Kaepora's MEGA archive
>>135591 the archive is missing some content
How to I upload a video here?
>>136895 you gotta convert it to webm first.
https://zuizui.fanbox.cc/posts/9431234 We got another ZuiZui content I'm requesting. Despite the thumbnail this video has inflation
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>>137323 got you. Wish the inflation shape was like Ellen's and Shiroko's but I can't complain.
Anyone have a creeperraptor40 archive? I’m looking for the 2B blueberry animation.
