/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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0pik 0ort Thread Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:15:24 Id:bcc7be No. 125325
Post Opik Oort comics and art right here
A whole thread for one artist? Are you for serious?
>>125455 the way this thread is going might as well go to the deviantart page
>>125455 This is far better than the majority of slopthreads that get added. Besides; there's an active comic which is supposed to be posted here like the 0pik thread before it.
>>125455 1. There are multiple HUGE single-artist threads. 2. This is a sequel thread to a thread about an artist with a popular recurring comic AND years of images that filled up the first one. Spend a little time getting to know the place before having hot takes about how the community operates. It works out better for yourself and everyone else involved.
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>>125325 Why is there a thread for a single artist?
>>125789 Because there was already one that got bump locked. Chill out.
Anyone got the new page?
>>125982 Last week was a 2 page spread so we don't get one this week.
>>125455 Let's face it general thread are kinda pointless as long as we have bump lockable threads. There's no point in arguing that crap as soon as you know it it will lock and the process starts all over again. Besides some artists portfolio like opiks as so big if we made it a general it would spam and fill up the place before you know it. Mods/ owner pay for the ad space to post on here and that alone is expensive 🫰 I doubt we can have a big locked thread archive as it would cost too high hence the disposable system outside of a few pins. we all create whatever on it as long as it causes no trouble for mods usually no complaints. But everyone wants a system similar to other sites particularly a app that starts with d and that's just not how chan boards operate. At max you can argue with mods on a few pinned threads for example we really need a pinned lost media thread! Very useful for a pin. Otherwise temporary and disposable like all threads are good day to you! I understand you're trying to help but there comes a time when the question at hand is just simply lacking common sense and these things need to be pointed out.
New Page?
new page
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She better be getting bigger in there
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New Page?
Kemono is a few updates behind QQ
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>>128158 Thank you kind anon.
>>128158 thanks anon
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>>128534 I'm so sick of this stupid melon chick, nothing ever happens with her. I could enjoy her tits being too big if they weren't solid green with no nipples.
>>128561 Weirdly enough that's exactly what does it for me, can't explain why, just does lol
>>128687 And thus you've stumbled onto the worst catch-22 of making fetish pornography: The more specific you get, the more sub-genres will turn up their nose while the person you're making it for is in hog heaven.
I've honestly felt something was off about where 0pik was going from when he did that slob / vore comic awhile back. It was completely off-brand for him and pissed off al of people considering how blueberry fans feel about slob stuff and the vore pissed off both groups. It seemed completely out of his zone.
>>128687 Well hopefully there's some good blueberry shenanigans coming so we can both get what we want lol
>>128561 I mean not really a problem for most but for me what's kind of a turn of for me and I'd assume a lot is she's a Mellon. Yeah we use the joke of melons= breasts but think about it melons although delicious are extremely hard! Rind and all. Unless there a hybrid that's rubbery and soft your stuck with rock tits. And although growing boobs and the colors and aesthetic is perfect to me I don't mind I can get turned on by it. Inflations most peak aspects are the soft and squish in almost every different version you find! I feel or fear she has no squish which makes me flat as a deflated tube man.
>>128742 Again soft good taut and full no problem but melons aren't just taut there hard. It feels like it wouldn't be fun irl to play with. Go to a store, molest the melons! You tell me what you feel as grandma reports you to the front desk for inappropriate fruit fondling conduct
>>128561 Im just so bored of this in general. How did he turn one half decent BB sequence into this saga of nothing.
>>128758 I liked the last two comics, save for the ending of day in the life I thought that was a let down. This one got off to such a slow start tho. There's only like two ways anything interesting could happen and neither of them have yielded anything.
I generally roll my eyes at the complaining that goes on in these threads about 'too much plot, not enough fetish' since for the most part the plot has been interesting and funny, and the filler content has supported it. This comic, though, I've got to agree - I know we're still getting into it but the pacing is awful, five pages for melon tits to stand up and fall down? Come on. I guess I'd be pissed if I were paying, lol...
>>128989 Yeah I made a comment a while ago that I enjoy how Opik is one of those creators who really cares about telling a good story, but my god man is the Tolkien of fetish artists. Dude takes a hundred pages just to get from a-b and we only just Barely get something fun in between lol
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Remember when this was on the table? I would take these girls over melon tits.
I just wana see lumpettes get immobilized in accidents
>>128561 Honestly she would be more interesting if she had the same Constant Production that the Berry Girl suffers from. Having to constantly milk Melon Juice to stay small, whining about pressure build-up, or leaking through her shirt. Sure at the end of the day, it’s just a different flavor of Berry Inflation, but it’s more interesting than what is essentially oversized implants painted green.
>>129042 implants would be a vast improvement over this
>>129042 Lack of progress I think is a big problem with her yeah. I recall the head bitch of the candy company has a similar problem and learning that was exciting, like her tits are going to get huge at some critical point in the story. Melon girl here hasn't progressed or shown any side effects beyond lack of balance, and she's been this way for like 4 comics. I hope we get introduced to someone new or at least a new facet of one of these two girls conditions
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>>129054 >Suddenly gets muscles for no reason >Starts eating spinach >mfw she's Popeye
>>128534 >that boy aint right.jpg last panel is a major missed opportunity for towel cleavage.
>>129376 I have a feeling you're right, muscle bound girls inc!
>>128758 I mean the storyline is good the fetish bits kinda mid. I need more expansion maybe some bursting loopets maybe they capture one and slowly torture it with berry juice but someone goes to far and makes her chug a bottle of it. He body looses stability as the poor shortstack creature fills the room like a giant party balloon straining until pop everyone is back to square one on Intel as well as covered in fluids
>>129376 There's a sore lack of muscular blueberry girls, the contrast is just so interesting
>>129557 Make it q decent page or twos worth of expanding fun. I feel loopets can at least offer some fun filler inflation and fetish fuel
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I don't want muscle girls, I want borbs
>>129561 Thank you kind anon. Your sharing is always appreciated. 100% agree. Not a big fan of the muscle.
>>129655 Seconded. With kemono inactive this thread is my only way of keeping up with these. Also yeah why is she buff now? She was bottom heavy a second ago, although I think I remember water making her strong like a few issues ago. Idk. Anyway I hope Loompettes show up and make both of them fat.
>>129658 I think she's buff now because she has to carry around all that juice. Earlier in the Whacky Candy Comic where the two girls are attempting to escape the factory they show that Katie was a lot stronger than she looked and was able to knock them around. Perhaps the muscles only show up on her when she's fully/mostly juiced, and once juice starts to build up they get covered up by her swelling.
>>129678 That's actually pretty much exactly what Opik said, so that is accurate
Are we not over this artist yet with the last like 20 pages being slow burn non plots and turnoffs?
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Here's one of Rinko Iori. It was supposed to go with this story https://www.deviantart.com/fruitfrakker/art/Patreon-Rinko-The-Bluetype-2nd-Person-798582595
>>129685 eh I mean he's had rough spots in the past, what with the entire vore and alien preg bursting comics. This wonka stuff is his main draw for me so I can endure this slow burn entry if it means good stuff in the future.
>>129691 Eff that. One page a week, I'm not waiting literal years for something to happen. That's why I unsubbed from his patreon. Man peaked after his last whacky candy comic (the one with the Asian girl. Shit was happening by now) Way too many artists fall into the trap nowadays that their shitty story and lore comes before the actual expansion. A good artist can pace their story to have both happening at the same time or keep their exposition brief. Okayokayokay does this excellently with wendy wonka. His comics have story and action happening consistently with eachother. Pretty much the "show, don't tell" rule. Learn, other slow ass mother fucking Jeff artists.
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>>129036 Based
>>129707 The loompettes are the best part. I love the particularly busty one from the original comic
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>>130087 She's going to photosynthesize. Calling it now. If not, this comic is garbage and Opik should finally move on from fetish art.
>>130087 Maybe someone will see her from space and do...something related to getting fatter somehow
>>130131 "I see you, ZAP!"
>>130099 I mean has to right? How many pages has it been since there’s been any sort of process whatsoever?
Ya, the comic has been VERY quiet for a while. That often means 0pik is about to get vicious. So she is either going to hyper expand, or there is going to be a siege of those umpa-gremlins to get her back. If nothing happens I will start to worry if his heart is no longer in this.
>>130242 Lots of possible lead-ins that went nowhere, but I mean we got a big ripe blueberry girl by herself wrapped in nothing but a towel, it's gotta lead somewhere. Shame we're not gonna see nipple tho, because it's 0pik lol
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Does anyone happen to have the pictures for this commission? I’ve only been able to find the teaser. Also in regards to the current comic based on what I could see from some of the WIPS previews while scrolling not logged in Katie goes on a run/walk through a forest and I think that’s when we will start seeing her expand as it seems some of the pages after have her getting big or at least I think it’s her.
>>130244 Maybe this goes deeper than we think. Maybe Opik watches this thread, and every time we complain another non interesting panel gets put up. Shit he could have buffer pages for miles, who knows?
>>130553 Doubt it. Most A and S tier artist avoid this place. >>130242 Prayin like hell for the former. But I feel we are going to get some lame fight scene where she goes all muscle and with later.
>>130553 lmao she like gets put in front of a giant meal and is about to eat but then walks out of the room to get something, and then gets distracted by a bird landing in the windowsil, and then checks to see if she flushed the toilet, and then goes outside for a minute to see if anyone's come home, and then in the real world 8 months have passed and we're still wondering when she's gonna get huge
>>130574 I think i got spoiled or smt, but on their DV-Art are previews of new panels of her captured by "Wonka" and yelling at her that she will never work for her as she swells up at an alarming rate as Wonka is like "dis bitch's dumb or what". But honestly i dont know when that will happen on the mainstream...so maybe yeah we will have to wait a long amount of time
>>130575 That's from an older comic that he's just now making public. This latest one is the continuation of that.
>>130575 opik pacing is so fucking slow that ppl think his shit from last year is new
>>130591 wait his w h a t ? !. Fuck, why's them being so fucking slow? Now im surprised
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Imagine paying actual money for an expansion comic, only to see actual expansion maybe once every 6 months 😂
Is there a way to contact this mf and ask him wtf hes doing? Are people still paying him?
>>130615 While I agree. I Still thank our kind benefactor for taking one of the team. >>130621 Unless you are subscribed I’d say not and even if your were it would most likely fall on deaf ears. Clearly yes since we get the ripped versions.
>>130629 completely agree. The guys on bbw that take one for the team so no one gets strung along by people like Axel are the true heroes
>>130607 When will artists learn to drop entire chapters at once to avoid active downtime like this?
>>130655 Money is the primary reason. Say your comic is 20 pages You have 2000 followers who pay $2 a month and you get 1K after all is said and done. Would you a.) release it all at once b) draw it out for 5 months (1 page a week) Results a= 1K, b=5k There is your answer.
>>130657 Well and doing it all at once potentially causes a long draught in content, which I can't blame opik for wanting to avoid
Money really sours the artist's soul sometimes, shame Let's look back and remember the first Pick Don't Eat comic (maybe the best blueberry comic ever made) by him. Let's count how many pages it took until the expansion occurred. 1...2...3...4. Started page 4 and very progressively showed expansion for another 16 pages. All while telling a story. Yknow the golden rule of story telling, show, don't tell? F you, modern Opik. Bring back the original Opik.
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>>131114 To give you guys a little hope, something a little more exciting is coming in a few pages
>>131114 God, even his old bursting artwork is more interesting than this.
>>131145 I feel like they are trying out artistic styles. This would be another reason the story feels so dragged out.
>>131660 Yeah but couldn't he do that with like separate art pieces? Why does it have to impact the main story? I can absolutely understand wanting to experiment but it's like when a really good tv show decides to add a ton of filler in between episodes to pad out the run time. Nothing interesting is gained and our times just sort of been wasted.
new page is out now!
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This is embarrassing.
>>notice how the nayda crew got quiet. Haha don't be quiet now the table can always turn
>>131114 >>131694 I feel like I'm watching paint dry.
i'm gonna be real why can't he just make multi-part sequences that aren't comics again i understand wanting to experiment but he does.. know who his audience is, right? not to sound idiotic, but i'm here to jack off and finish, not to read a feature length issue of "fetish comic #54- extra dry edition" ....then again i must be in the minority, since he keeps making comics and they take in the patreon money for whatever reason..
>>131724 You grew up poor all of you. Your demographic history doesn't say hey we come from a lot of money. Sorry that's how the world works maybe in the next life time.
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>>131694 Blue Blue Also I feel like the background being so loose and painterly means this is a dream
>>131741 I hope once she blows up in the dream, she wakes up and is rapidly inflating in real life
Anyone got an archive with all his comics/arts? some link or anything?
nevermind anyways, I figured it out
>>131724 Seconded. If the artist is bored of making the work and the audience is bored reading it, then it seems like everyone is just wasting their time.
>>131741 So what if it all is a dream are you going to go down to the 7-Eleven and take a bike pump to the local hotties? .. are you going to jump off the roof after filling yourself full of helium if not cry about it and piss
New page is out
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>>132252 Oh I just realized the fish looks like a blueberry, this is a dream.
>>132252 He really captures the feeling of waiting for dialup to buffer a movie you just pirated in 2002
>>132310 Do you think so? I kinda' thought it was her juices infecting the surroundings and turning the wildlife into fruit.
If it is that infectious, I hope her boyfriend get turned into a blueberry. Wish to see them having big sexy time.
>>132347 Fuck no, keep male expansion far, far away from here. It's already on a downward spiral, that would be the nail in the coffin.
>>132359 Second to this. >>132252 Even if this is a dream I do hope we get to see boyfriend seeing her full berry. I do wish but I don’t think we will see anything sex related.
>>132366 0pik doesn't do anything of the sort. He hints at it but he won't even do basic nudity
>>132423 >he won’t even do basic nudity Which is silly as shit when you see the stuff he HAS made
>>132252 I can't believe they went full One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
Is 0pik-0ort to take a break and resume work in the new year? If so I understand an artist taking time off for themself. If anyone fails to understand that artists are people and need breaks, sorry if that's too much to understand and you're a jerk who doesn't understand that it's Christmas and a good chunk of us need a break. Just how many jerks there are that complain complain and complain and will say that he's somehow lazy for taking time off for Christmas. Just let them relax and spent time with their family.
>>132252 This is a pretty nice composition, damn.
>>132676 Which only makes me feel more sure that 0pik wants so much more to be an actual artist than just doing fetish stuff. Not even saying there's anything wrong with that in the slightest. They've absolutely got talent, I think they're just having a really hard time deciding between being one or the other
>>132692 Honestly, I think it's more to do with the fact that we're waiting a week between pages. if we were just reading it binge-style, the slow-burn wouldn't be as bad. I mean, she's already visibly swelling up, so I don't mind seeing her enjoying a bit of reprieve before the inevitable happens.
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>>132252 Looked more Swedish, to me.
>>132812 Only took god knows how many pages to see some expansion...but looks sexy.
>>132848 Based on what we know… 3 more pages
>>129376 I fuck with that honestly. Buff plump woman are underutilized for inflation scenarios. Buff woman are underutilized for media in general tbh
>>132856 You fucking get it! Buff women are si hot! And its so sexier when they inflate!. The strawberry woman was so sexy when her belly swelled up like a balloon. Its a shame no too much people love this ;-;;
She looks so beautiful, thick and sexy. I wish we all had the confidence to express our tastes but in a clean way and without perversions.
>>132859 You sound gay. You might be gay. Buff women aren't hot Faggot. You want the gay bar down the street.
>>132888 Why don't you go fuck off and cry about Concord or some shit.
>>132888 >>132889 You two literally went angry at a random person who just has different kinks than you o-o, u two have issues
>>132890 My bad. I confused >>132889 u are good. Meanwhille >>132888 chat, is gay to love women?
Is page 66 out yet?
>>132692 I mean I'm sure you're going to be both technically. But at the same time I do think it's going to get to a point where they probably will choose something bigger in time I think at the very least they're going to put their heart into this series until it's end a few more comics as well but I honestly don't think it will last forever. Even though I know it sees much love and appreciation you can only do so much fetish art before you get drained of it. At least they haven't seen that fatigue yet and they keep growing strong so yeah I wish them the best. At best I wouldn't expect them to go any other route other than the gooseworx doing their own digital circus universe where maybe fetish fuel is teased every once in awhile
>>132888 I mean noi exists from dorohedoro and she balances sexy and muscles well.
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Muscle mommy is all about finding a balance. >>132889 I mean Concord has some terrible character design their are better muscle mommies out there! Of course if it's your type who am I to argue preference again some like more masculine some like more feminine and noi is the example of a middle balance of everything right plus sugar and spice
Exactly! We are drifting from the main topic, but i will must post this. Insulting people for they kinks and tastes is dumb, i mean, look at this forum, we are all weirdos. And also, buff women are indeed hot specially masc women but thats more a thing of mine, we need more Noi inflation
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>>133602 NGL this is the vibe I get from the dude
>>133616 Ha! "We can't stop here..this is Fat country"
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>>133602 Fat bitch you're sinking!
>>133602 Is it just me or she's getting thicker?
>>133658 She’s most defiantly getting thicker. Sadly it’s just a dream
Anyone have part 67?
If it helps, preview versions on the patreon provided teasers for the next parts. Page 68, opik teased with "little big berry..." and pages 70-71 with "Katie VS Doorways." So, you know... those sound good!
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>>134105 I know it's just a dream sequence but fuck it
>>134105 Oh damn look how big her ass is in the second part
Could anyone share the wips please?
>>134098 Any news on page 68?
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>>134538 Well she does look a little curvier.
>>134098 >>134538 Well, they were right when they teased "little big berry." Now, we've got two weeks to see what "Katie vs. Doorways" is about. I mean, it's probably obvious, but two more weeks and we'll see how it goes...
>>134538 Hopefully we can see her become a blueberry again and see how big she’ll get the next time
Do you guys have this entire comic here? I lost all The pages except for this one
>>134673 It should be on e-hentai. Give me a couple hours and I will get you the link.
>>134673 Looks like I was mistaken it’s not. I have it one one of my computers it may take me a day or two but I should be able to get you a copy.
>>134673 Oh great pull, this comic is awesome. It's kind of everything I wish 0pik would focus on. Cartoony, sexy and a wee bit wholesome
>>134749 Sadly we're back to the ol Kip syndrome with some expansion comic makers. They focus way too hard on their shitty story and not enough on the expansion. They need a page from Okay, who tells a story as he shows it. Like the story moves forward as we see someone swelling up nearly every page. Nowadays, we gotta wait like, 3 months for the expansion to happen briefly and they expect us to pay them during that time? "Show don't tell," rule 101.
>>134787 Nail on the head. Love the art, the story while waaay padded out does feel like it's trying to say something. But my god the best we've gotten in months is a 2 second dream sequence. I've said it multiple times but I think 0pik is confused either about who is audience is or which audience he wants to present to.
>>134824 I would like this comic more if it was setting something up, like nothing could be happening but they could be establishing something to make us excited for later, I also wouldn't mind a little more eye candy, this lady has the fattest ass in the series but we've gotten no good looks at it so far in this comic.
>>134673 Have we see these 2 much again I know the red head is bubble gum now with a pink color but what about miss blue track suit and grey shorts with them rubbery delicious thighs
>>134538 Imagine you're girlfriend with the horny blueberry night sweats getting herself so hot she busts the bed and smothers you in you're sleep! What if you can't wake her from a night terror and she swells endlessly crushing you against the wall?
>>134704 >>134704 Ok Man, take your time, and thanks in advance! :D
>>135030 I am an anon of my word Sorry for the slow getting but I had IRL shit that needed tending to. Here is the file. I also created a pdf of the files. Enjoy https://gofile.io/d/5i5SPv
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>>135053 She seems to have a bit more chonk. :) Thanks anon
>>135053 She looks really good
Wonder what she's gonna do, No juicer this time.
>>135369 Explode.
>>135053 Ooh she's fat and not just muscular, if the next few pages are boring at least we can ogle her size
>>135404 Opik himself released teases on his patreon weeks back of what to expect. They weren't fully drawn pictures, but he gave them titles. 70-71 were titled "Katy vs. doorways." This latest is 69. On Monday, we'll get to see what's up with the doorway.
>>135053 Uh, is she sleepwalking now?
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>>135650 Yeah, his ass is not nearly horny enough. A hornier freak coulda made a whole self-shower juicing sequence that spans like 5 panels, and that could keep interest going in terms of like, teasing things out a little more. People here probably don't care because it's fat gainer stuff, but Kipteitei just made like a little self-contained shower play bit for like three pages, rather than two panels, and his ass is still taking it pretty slow in terms of how the story is progressing. It's just kind of frustrating as a month over month thing, mostly. I don't feel the need to check in every time a new page appears, opik's stuff is better read archivally. If that's the case then I dunno whether or not that hurts his monetization, but I do know that there are a lot of other artists I'd pay for over him since they're putting out shit more frequently.
>>135692 I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but that page was already here >>134538
>>135692 lol fuckin retard Internet Explorer has entered the chat folks
Oh sorry I didn't know the page was already posted🥺
