/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Nude Inflation Thread Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 16:34:53 Id:943ce1 No. 87209
Post some arts with nude blimps and nude blueberries/fruits.
>>87220 Welp, I had a lot more great nude inflation to post, but I kept getting -- "R9K prevented at least one of your files from being posted." -- so fucking often with no god damn rhyme or reason that I'm not spending anymore of my day trying. Why TF does R9K exist and why is it not spelled out anywhere what the issue is with certain images, much less an identifier to indicate which images supposedly are violating it. Toxic bullshit.
>>87230 apologies, thread-wise R9K was not enabled on /inf/. You should now be able to post images in new threads, even if they are copies of images from old threads, so long as it's the only copy within the thread.
Edited last time by admin on 06/03/2023 (Sat) 17:57:11.
(1.21 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuft02edit.png)
(1.38 MB 1920x1080 3137157.png)
(2.34 MB 2528x2273 IMG_1907.png)
(2.18 MB 2400x2400 IMG_1906.png)
(2.44 MB 3900x3300 IMG_1905.png)
(187.81 KB 1060x1260 105089526_p3.png)
(1.61 MB 2460x2160 103271155_p0.png)
(419.88 KB 1260x1060 104009890_p11.png)
Thank you OP - Nude (or nearly nude) inflation is best inflation
(1.37 MB 1920x1080 twilight_voodoo_inflation.png)
(2.18 MB 6000x4800 suntwibondageFS.png)
(1.56 MB 2160x1920 2370949.png)
(7.47 MB 5259x5100 flutterbondage1FS.png)
(597.80 KB 3000x2166 1683917640614673.jpg)
(287.42 KB 2254x2151 FQQkSEJXwAQrGa-.jpg)
(1.54 MB 1846x1440 1681431345003580.jpg)
(331.92 KB 300x1500 blowkiss.png)
(2.99 MB 3400x1967 link_and_zelda_blimps_nude.png)
(3.02 MB 3400x1967 link_and_zelda_blimps_horny.png)
(552.78 KB 4092x2300 rindo_and_shoka_blimps.jpg)
(749.41 KB 1080x1080 fnf_gf_inflates_herself_nude.png)
(1.17 MB 1920x1080 bf_and_gf_blimps_nude.png)
We need more nude inflation arts!
(4.42 MB 6000x5100 bluebaritypie.png)
(1.80 MB 1918x1682 bj1.png)
(62.48 KB 745x732 1.jpeg)
(462.06 KB 4096x2896 IMG_4261.jpeg)
(1.28 MB 3000x3000 IMG_3167.jpeg)
(7.03 MB 5026x3590 IMG_1834.png)
(2.37 MB 4535x3527 2819454.png)
(1.22 MB 2000x2000 159430993477.png)
(1.69 MB 3700x2600 167415809577.png)
(103.43 KB 1280x1280 1645520539193.jpg)
>>87213 Source?
(95.47 KB 750x1173 Beginning.jpg)
(3.51 MB 323x500 Middle.jpg)
(46.78 KB 749x748 End.jpg)
(1.66 MB 1920x1200 Ellie Can't Move.png)
(218.97 KB 3000x2944 Seq2.jpg)
(529.51 KB 2293x2164 El3.jpg)
>>92199 Tell me you don't browse Blueberry Girl smut often without telling me ;) >>92199 >>>87213 Source? https://www.deviantart.com/cutiepopblue/art/Flirty-Berry-704900218 CutiePopBlue is like legend in the berry art kink. Huge variety of berry art and a clean, distincttive art style She even just posted a bunch of videos in an expansion suit with a Wonka IG filter. Not even into the IRL berry cosplay thing but she deserves mad praise in my book for producing some of the most consistently high-caliber art in the genre for *years*, AND then personally "becoming" produce herself
(112.01 KB 640x366 3v6mx6.jpg)
(25.35 KB 360x330 130406378820.jpg)
(350.27 KB 1000x1000 1591586014950.jpg)
(742.69 KB 1887x1416 doomshroom_by_kidquetzal-d5xnwcj.jpg)
(934.71 KB 3123x1943 Honey Lemon.png)
>>92299 I mean kinda true like I'm surprised there's a actual female face behind the artist not to mention one who's so horny to have the juice pounded out of her in such a naughty way. Props at least to be one brave enough to show her face when most of us are too scared too
>>93311 You must be new to the gang.
(169.79 KB 1280x1280 1692716296238.jpg)
(1.70 MB 3600x2900 Purah Nude (No Text).png)
(3.41 MB 2600x2850 Yor Nude.png)
We need more naked arts!
Iv been doing some very choppy naked alts to some of the best artist. Don’t know why they are frightened of genitals?
(795.54 KB 2576x2336 1677731306132.png)
(3.05 MB 2906x2984 1600328165782.png)
(823.94 KB 1279x1137 1677976530535.png)
(3.42 MB 1468x1024 1677976654476.png)
(70.48 KB 950x950 1592658542704.jpg)
(30.60 KB 737x505 1418878358575.jpg)
(161.13 KB 1600x1287 1624054017711.jpg)
(85.42 KB 1024x788 1693074510154.jpg)
(186.55 KB 2189x1510 anticipation.jpg)
(244.67 KB 1781x1857 da3.jpg)
(127.64 KB 750x664 IMG_0968.jpg)
(179.39 KB 988x1280 IMG_1524.jpg)
Better post them in the right place
More edits
(375.20 KB 1574x2099 1692280009588.jpeg)
(3.99 MB 3840x2160 harleyblimp.png)
(2.02 MB 4000x4000 1665767826057.png)
(78.14 KB 1000x741 1641905485407.jpg)
(2.59 MB 3228x2086 1628343805397.png)
>>95209 excellent Do you have a gallery?
(3.79 MB 3840x2160 harleyblimpbtas.png)
No gallery, only just started doing these edits and posting an posting as I go. Surprised no one else thought of doing it.
Mainly berry edits this week
Last one this week.
>>95608 Are you willing to take requests?
>>96328 Upload the pic on the beg thread for Anon~does ~edits and Il see if I can do anything. Pretty limited with the phone picture editor.
>>96393 I didn't quite understand what you meant by that but I posted the pic in the edit request thread >>96399
(1.82 MB 2480x3508 shoka 1.png)
(1.77 MB 3508x2480 Shoka 2.png)
(1018.17 KB 3508x2480 shoka 3.png)
(2.78 MB 2528x3508 shoka 4.png)
(1.35 MB 3750x2893 videl.png)
(561.27 KB 1600x1700 IMG-8606.png)
(139.38 KB 1326x2201 Fkx3kaaXwAYfDnO.jpg)
(383.34 KB 4012x3580 Fkx3uoZX0AMFne-.jpg)
(184.15 KB 1854x1782 IMG_2174.jpeg)
>>96400 Didn’t realise there was an edit/request thread. Enjoy, king.>>96400
>>96460 Bless ya
(2.47 MB 3000x2100 Kobeni Nude.png)
(2.67 MB 3000x2100 Kobeni Nude (Blueberry).png)
(910.12 KB 1850x1900 Lois Lane Nude.png)
(1.37 MB 2500x2400 Lois Lane 2 Nude.png)
(1.35 MB 2500x2400 Lois Lane 2 Nude Blueberry.png)
>>87209 https://web.archive.org/web/20230930235550/https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/85914.html
(87.98 KB 800x1086 IMG-1280.jpg)
(148.07 KB 1546x1474 IMG-1898.jpg)
recently delivered commission with my OC
(232.95 KB 1818x1818 IMG_2172.jpeg)
(142.90 KB 1000x1150 IMG_2171.jpeg)
Fresh edits
(234.66 KB 1657x1994 IMG_2197.jpeg)
(3.48 MB 2271x1622 1693535292.nuumatic_wonder.png)
(2.38 MB 2351x1567 1689371431.nuumatic_tenko.png)
>>96460 Still taking requests?
>>96720 Nice edits. Female genitalia make Molaveda's images so much more palatable, imo.
(1.68 MB 5400x3600 3161615.png)
(791.63 KB 3994x8192 982606.png)
(954.30 KB 3424x11054 577162.png)
Edit request. I'd like Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy blimps in color. In alt version, blueberries with leaking juice.
(1.92 MB 3024x4032 GrowingGriffins.jpg)
wanted to post this here, remove if it doesn't follow the rules https://www.deviantart.com/garthgardener/art/Meg-and-Lois-Growing-Griffins-986344371
>>97016 I posted one of those last month. Will have a bash at peach though. *Can’t (be bothered) really do full colour edits, just doing clothing removal of existing artworks at present.
(133.55 KB 1280x996 3197318.png)
(200.78 KB 1753x1885 IMG_2212.jpeg)
Quite proud of this one
Smutty peach for anon
(493.89 KB 2260x1462 IMG_2224.jpeg)
Anon edits again
>>97178 Thank you
(243.82 KB 2850x2400 image.jpg)
Fresh edit.
(52.95 KB 1500x1500 p4.png)
before this site goes down the shitter, can I request one more nude edit from anon?
(3.50 MB 2250x2250 1697978662918.png)
(72.87 KB 560x640 raku020.jpg)
>>98289 LOL I just resized that one for 4chan just the other day
>>97178 >>97201 >>97280 Any chance theres somewhere we can follow you after the site goes down?
Site remains, smut edits will continue! Praise be to Anon.
Naked water edit.
(45.49 KB 1092x1094 F9oLms5WQAABmlt.jpeg)
2B water balloon edit
Since the sight is going down, hope anyone sends the full version version of this, made by Vhite9
(699.26 KB 1974x1849 Untitled3.png)
(551.79 KB 1500x1500 Untitled2.jpeg)
Bit late Anon, but I got you. Ordered a tablet so I can start doing decent edits. Any more, let us know.
>>99213 Whoa, I can see the improvement! Love em. Since you're asking for more, I have a few here.
(1.34 MB 2048x1650 Untitled13.png)
(4.68 MB 2500x2975 JK-Mei-4.png)
>>99213 Hey those look good! Think you could nude edit this one pretty please?
(732.63 KB 3142x3216 Untitled8.png)
(618.29 KB 2196x1917 Untitled4.png)
(3.01 MB 2351x1567 Untitled5.png)
Looks easy enough.
(426.42 KB 2196x1917 1602118065566.jpg)
>>99487 I love it when body inflation starts to absorb limbs. Original for compare...
>>99487 doing god's work with these edits
(874.67 KB 2550x1650 Untitled20_20231107233329.png)
(5.49 MB 2500x2975 Untitled18_20231107213754.png)
Anon edits again
>>99554 Thank you based anon
(2.57 MB 2260x1462 Untitled21_20231108000020.png)
(2.19 MB 2260x1462 Untitled21_20231108091404.png)
Anon must now go do a real job :(
>>98954 Source?
>>99589 You sir, are doing the Lord's work
(62.55 KB 1092x1094 IMG_2340.jpeg)
>>99646 Was Raik, Roik? Twitter/X.
(2.83 MB 6000x4800 twilight_inflates_sunset.png)
(1.03 MB 3120x1800 patreonreq97.png)
(1.35 MB 1125x1114 Untitled28_20231112220821.png)
(1.27 MB 1202x1207 Untitled26_20231112215521.png)
Anon edits furries
Can you make nude edit of this, please?
(457.95 KB 894x894 Untitled33_20231112225335.png)
(1.00 MB 1145x1520 Untitled32_20231113154514.png)
(414.90 KB 894x894 Untitled34_20231113161424.png)
More round nudes.
>>100014 Nice edit
(629.43 KB 1497x645 Untitled38_20231120100014.png)
(254.75 KB 1123x794 Untitled37_20231120094935.png)
(156.11 KB 828x1087 Untitled36_20231120093956.png)
(3.36 MB 2800x2500 Untitled35_20231120092228.png)
Anon sad no other nudes but his edits :-[
We need more nude edits!
(813.26 KB 1000x1000 Untitled40_20231120131512.png)
Anon gifts 1 more smut today.
(2.59 MB 2048x1477 Untitled41.png)
Anon lied. Receive aditional edit!
>>100453 Beautiful.
(641.64 KB 1280x1481 Untitled48.png)
(1.81 MB 1392x1870 Untitled47.png)
Had another pass on the old phone edits.
Can you make a nude edit this one?
(887.32 KB 3233x2087 Untitled60_20231207005123.png)
Anon likes your art for nuding
>>101673 Many thanks, i love it!
>>97022 Does anyone makes this pic in color?
(777.83 KB 1257x1086 20231211_191207.jpg)
Is it possible to make a nude edit of this drawing? Source is Silryantish
(734.98 KB 2048x1197 Untitled63_20231211171225.png)
(1.39 MB 2048x2048 Untitled61_20231211185604.png)
(2.00 MB 2217x1662 Untitled56.png)
Anon edits likes a nude peach sphere.
>>101937 I love the first one!
Any chance youre still taking requests?
>>101937 That Peach one is incredible!
(484.10 KB 3824x3021 IMG_2510.jpeg)
I’m halfway through that request now. But I’m also working on something that’s taking a while that I want to get just right (preview). Post them together over the weekend hopefully ❤️ Anon Edits.
>>102137 Can't wait!
(1.95 MB 1513x2048 Untitled64.png)
(3.08 MB 2294x1606 Untitled65.png)
Anon delivers nudes
>>102287 whats the og on the first one?
>>102392 Don’t have the original, only the girst phone edit I did. OG is either on the pokablimps thread, Pixiv or desuarchive/d?
(2.69 MB 2590x2030 water_p_balloons.png)
>>102489 I edited this image to remove the shoes.
(2.69 MB 2590x2030 water_p_balloons_edit.png)
(487.59 KB 2867x2841 1130825333.jpg)
>>102287 Anon delivers. Are you okay with blueberry requests?
>>102510 I can whip her knickers off alright! You want a hose or anything else going in her? Il be very busy over the Christmas period.
>>102508 Anon edits approves of this edit. We need more selfless fetishists like yourself.
>>102589 No need for a hose are anything. You have a fantastic Christmas!
(700.69 KB 4096x2896 FG_6-b8VQAAkwAF.jfif)
(722.33 KB 4096x2394 FHC4QL5VEAEYQtb.jfif)
Can someone edit these pics to remove their clothes and shoes to be full naked?
(127.85 KB 1119x1280 1536779826.robot001_scan7513.jpg)
Can you edit this pic to remove the bra and panties, please?
>>102679 >Robot001 Bruh.
If Anon is still taking requests?
(375.74 KB 3202x2150 Untitled71.png)
(436.96 KB 1275x1650 Untitled67.png)
(460.40 KB 1280x720 Untitled68.png)
(1.26 MB 1257x1086 Untitled66.png)
Anon edits is back from a break. Smut will continue.
>>103539 Oh nice you did my request! Thanks.
>>103539 Anon delivers again!
(1.03 MB 1920x1080 Untitled69.png)
>>103580 And again!
(4.00 MB 2867x2841 Untitled72.png)
Anon likes a blue lady.
(812.21 KB 920x936 Untitled59.png)
(1.06 MB 849x1200 Untitled70_20240108234327.png)
Anon did a couple of edits for myself.
(201.76 KB 526x741 IMG_6686.PNG)
(31.65 KB 400x400 IMG_7359.JPG)
(335.30 KB 1920x1080 sailor_berry.png)
(1.75 MB 2508x2691 Untitled77.png)
Anon edits ponytail.
(1.56 MB 1920x1080 too_many_p_balloons.png)
They look like three princesses having fun being naked balloons~
>>104574 NICE.
(1.66 MB 2508x2691 Untitled79.png)
(2.59 MB 3000x2250 Untitled78.png)
Anon continues with ponytail
If anon is still taking requests
>>104861 Yes, please! We need more nude edits!
>>104861 Full nude or just the knickers removal service?
>>104884 Full nude
If nude edit friend is willing
(396.63 KB 960x956 IMG_0505.jpeg)
(350.65 KB 960x892 IMG_0506.jpeg)
(431.52 KB 960x640 IMG_0507.jpeg)
>>104801 Think you could work your nude magic on these? Preferably without outie belly buttons, just innies.
(457.87 KB 1244x1000 Untitled96.png)
(457.97 KB 894x894 Untitled33.png)
>>105015 Already done one of those in this thread my dude. But I’ll pop it here again, plus a full April. As to the other requests, il not lie to you, if the artwork is mid to begin with it’s hard to be enthused to pornify, but il add them to the list chap.
(1.28 MB 1650x1275 Untitled92.png)
Peach, meh lord.
>>101673 Holy shit that's good! can we get the pumper nude too? And or maybe masturbating to her with a flustered face?
>>105058 Absolutely incredible!
>>105058 PERFECT!
>>105058 can you remove her booch and slippers pls thank you
Kindly requesting for Nude Nico Robin, if Anon's plate is not full yet...
(4.36 MB 4500x4000 comm_Sebasw222.png)
You interested in another berry one?
(909.94 KB 975x1131 Untitled95.png)
(1.29 MB 1650x1275 Untitled92.png)
Very little time to edit smutt ATM. But slow and edging wibs the race Ps, hard go edit lol res images so only undwere removed.
(1.04 MB 4096x3413 GFESmznakAAylcq.jpg)
Any chance for another edit request?
>>105517 Shit my bad, here's a better quality version. No worries if you'd rather move onto other edits tho
(419.75 KB 1080x1920 flutter_blimp_walk.png)
(402.44 KB 1080x1920 antoine_blimp_walk.png)
(818.62 KB 2803x1982 1647789942238.png)
Can someone edit this pic to remove the shirt?
(1.95 MB 1920x1080 horny_blimp_shower_part_2.png)
(1.80 MB 1920x1080 horny_berry_shower_part_2.png)
>>93312 I honestly thought it was a trans dude
(6.35 MB 4500x4500 January_2024_-_Yor_4.jpg)
If anon is still taking requests.
(1.05 MB 1920x1080 blimpy_valentines_day.png)
(900.89 KB 4096x4096 media_F_715EBbcAAtEKy.jpg)
(883.67 KB 4096x4096 media_F_715ECb0AAESZ_.jpg)
(355.48 KB 2048x2048 media_F_7zcdOb0AAAdgF.jpg)
(230.24 KB 1242x554 IMG_5619.jpeg)
(2.36 MB 3300x5100 17059555954062669986.jpg)
(898.22 KB 2000x2000 1712678960342815.jpg)
(854.68 KB 1553x1008 Untitled116 (1).png)
(734.84 KB 2048x1659 Untitled108.png)
(832.90 KB 1553x1008 Untitled116.png)
Anon edits returns. Sorry, couple are furry.
>>111970 Im just happy your back
(701.23 KB 1600x1600 Untitled112.png)
Last of the furry’s fir a bit.
(239.66 KB 2048x1406 media_GOI1udqbgAAed6M.jpg)
(285.01 KB 1136x1136 Untitled124.jpg)
(201.18 KB 1047x1047 Untitled123.jpg)
(389.65 KB 1170x968 Untitled120.jpg)
(548.31 KB 2000x1500 Untitled122.jpg)
Anon edits got the horn for circles
(415.25 KB 4096x2731 media_GOyNnVTWcAEUMU2.jpg)
(387.81 KB 4096x2731 media_GOyNfdJWwAAKq6f.jpg)
Edit request: I'd like edit Twilight and Sunset to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes. They will be so hot~
(1.07 MB 2640x2160 3377422.png)
>>116855 Whoops, i forgot post the image, my bad.
(3.41 MB 4347x2632 file-5.png)
May I request a nude edit of this one?
(942.94 KB 2640x2160 3377422.png)
>>117176 Looking good, thanks.
>>117176 N I C E
I didn't know we had an editgod here.
(536.98 KB 2160x2040 3176757.png)
My turn. For edit request, i'd like Applejack and Rarity puffkiss inflation, full nudes. And don't forget to take off those shoes.
(4.88 MB 5400x4800 3325080.png)
(5.14 MB 5400x4800 3325081.png)
Blueberry edit
Does anyone edit this? >>117200
Can someone edit Applejack and Rarity to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes?
>>87209 Bump
We need more nude balloon girls and nude blueberry/fruit girls!
>>119973 Of course we do! But everyone wants to consume but no one is willing to supply. Love Anon Edits.
(597.12 KB 2048x2048 round_flutterhsy_edit.png)
I edited Boman100's art to remove bra and panties for Pinkie Pie and add vulva for Fluttershy
(3.38 MB 2893x2039 1721114088891.png)
Does anyone have a nude version by SugarintheMuffins on Patreon?
(252.39 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_1.png)
(305.08 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_2.png)
(274.81 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_3.png)
(259.66 KB 1280x931 kinky_rarity_4.png)
Can someone edit remove Applejack's panties, remove Rarity's clothes and shoes to be full nudes?
(216.12 KB 1600x900 FlutterPieSlingBikiniDrawn.jpg)
(261.44 KB 1800x2200 sunset_shimmer_sling_blimp.jpg)
Can someone edit these pics to remove bikini for be nudes?
(849.92 KB 4096x3929 1643776665288.jpg)
(1.16 MB 4096x3929 1643776712526.jpg)
Edit request: I'd like edit Peach and Daisy to remove all clothes and gloves to be full nudes. They will be so hot~
>>116641 artist?
(2.91 MB 4096x3929 DaisyBlimpNude.jpg)
(2.91 MB 4096x3929 DaisyBlimpAndPeachNude.jpg)
(3.54 MB 4096x3929 PeachAndDaisyBlimpNude.jpg)
>>122939 Made two versions of the first image, one where Peach has clothes and one where she doesn't.
>>123110 Good shit
>>123110 Looking good and hot, thanks!
Figured I'd throw in a few, too. Could someone make me a nude edit of the last image, please?
(728.52 KB 2803x1982 nudeberry.png)
>>106277 Here I also wanted to do >>105619 but the lines make it impossible to properly edit, since any lines you add would look wrong due to not matching.
(584.95 KB 2160x2040 AppleRare.jpg)
>>117200 I made it, but god damn I am terrible at drawing feet
>>123625 Could you try edit this? >>119016
(1.04 MB 1998x2400 RareApple.jpg)
>>123708 Can you edit these pics, please? 102674
(1.40 MB 1920x1080 1761129.png)
(520.25 KB 2160x2040 RariJack_2.jpg)
>>123625 There, i fixed the feet
Remake art
(86.90 KB 1280x800 image.jpg)
>>127712 Original art
(944.69 KB 1920x1080 sailor_blimp.png)
(1.10 MB 1600x1000 40% - Spectators.png)
>>127908 Sauce?
>>128269 I love Antoine17's stuff, he a nice guy and good artist
Edit request: I'd like to edit Rarity to remove her clothes and shoes to be full naked >>89194
Does anyone have more nude arts?
(274.77 KB 1961x2048 68342431.jpg)
>>133393 Be careful with the juice, he will turn into blueberry.
(828.83 KB 2400x1920 suntwibondage.png)
Can someone edit Sunset Shimmer to remove the bondage?
(483.29 KB 4096x3325 megapuffy.jpg)
(198.63 KB 2048x1583 juicing.jpg)
Who wants to be the absolute chad that posts all the Sugarinthemuffins nude alts from their Patreon?
>>133643 Yeah, we tried to tell them to update SugarintheMuffins' Kemono page, but It’s been a whole years without being updated.
Hello? Does anyone edit this? >>133402
>>133984 Try the edit general.
(1.20 MB 2760x2040 necrofeline_staypuftedit.png)
>>87330 A little edit to remove the hat.
(1.06 MB 1800x1900 Mai P-Balloon [N].png)
(503.02 KB 1800x1900 Mai P-Balloon [PN].png)
(618.53 KB 2400x1920 3529865_edit.png)
>>137249 Holy shit nice. How much skin do you need for a nude edit or can we give you any clothed orb?
