/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 20:53:15 Id:96f6d7 No. 49519
Since it’s Mother’s Day can we get a Milf inflation thread? Both biological moms and maternal characters welcome!
Oh bollocks. It’s Mother’s Day?
(44.09 KB 680x633 FQP3bk-UcAE2VnX.jpg)
(276.43 KB 2048x2048 EWWDg4HVAAIpnsw.jpeg)
Found in the cartoon thread, really should have went here. >>49591
Also is it safe to assume we now have a milf thread?
>>49626 oh yeah!
(161.13 KB 766x540 Screenshot_20220514-103715-1.jpg)
(176.31 KB 680x540 Screenshot_20220514-103708-1.jpg)
>>49618 sequel
This is blimpt
>>51325 Not gonna lie she’s made for this
Related palindrome: Did mom pop? Mom did.
(255.79 KB 1300x1425 YorInflation.jpg)
Someone update Snowchan-DA's kemono please. I just found this on 4chan's /d/ board
Bumping for future usage.
(228.08 KB 2500x2500 EXXjJAVU0AAQp-M.jpeg)
(109.29 KB 1200x1115 FGJ6OIGXoAE97ac.jpg)
(214.77 KB 1502x2048 FXwP-9LUYA0RnpD.jpeg)
(207.70 KB 1502x2048 FXwP9dNUEAAPLK7.jpeg)
>>56443 Everytime I see this guys stuff, im always taken back by how shit it is. How do you stay this bad for this long? Fucking garbage.
>>56458 Can you do any better?
>>56458 That's some cute art! You just have garbage taste
(139.00 KB 1920x1440 8mb.video-DJ8-1zE8uQkx.jpg)
(120.62 KB 1920x1440 8mb.video-Msr-1fgTSOmx.jpg)
(138.69 KB 1920x1440 8mb.video-OFn-qHa5T9UQ.jpg)
GoodNotGreat's Blueberry Milf
Could you please say where you found this?
>>56685 Oh! Would you mind telling what the source for those images are?
>>58250 >>58252 >>56685 GoodNotGreat https://m.chounyuu.com/tag/6934/1
I know this isn't the right place to ask but, why do I always get this whenever I visit Chounyuu.com?
>>58444 you're correct this isn't the right place to ask this.
>>58444 You have been warned by the boob ghost if you don't provide her a feast and a portrait of her beauty she'll come to burst you like her plaything in 7 days!
(8.86 KB 630x736 FbmjpKOXoAE_Sub.png)
(336.65 KB 2410x2304 spoilers_by_navsaka_dfckre3.png)
Does anyone have hi-res images of Mother Daughter Blues by lordaltros
(223.00 KB 2048x2048 FconEROaEAEE3YW.jpeg)
does anyone have hi-res images of the other two parts? for mother daughter blues
Does anyone have the 0pik-0ort pic of rinko iroi as a blueberry in space?
>>62392 All yours.
(314.68 KB 2300x2400 EKPqsGZXkAE8QWM.jpeg)
(713.69 KB 749x1180 Cattleya_1.png)
(1.09 MB 1200x1452 Cattleya_2.png)
(1.58 MB 1200x1124 Cattleya_3.png)
Inflatable milfs are always appreciated so have some big Cattleyas
(6.04 MB 2480x3508 Mamako Blimps 1.png)
Mamako comic I commissioned a good friend to make
(5.86 MB 2480x3508 Mamako Blimps 2.png)
(6.75 MB 2480x3654 Mamako Blimps 3.png)
(5.21 MB 2480x3508 Mamako Blimps 4.png)
(7.12 MB 3210x3624 Mamako Blimps 5 FInal.png)
(7.01 MB 3455x2778 YCHorcsFrigga.png)
(4.68 MB 3508x2480 YCHorcsFrigga2.png)
(107.69 KB 1254x1659 Drasna by HanaH.jpg)
(350.85 KB 3500x4000 EDcNzW6UUAAdPBx.jpg)
(2.85 MB 4000x4500 Request_3 Balloon Raikou.png)
(873.53 KB 4000x4000 Labiata 1.jpg)
(1.53 MB 4000x3368 Labiata 2.jpg)
(4.02 MB 2293x1875 Gift_for_Red_-_Raikouloon.png)
(1.53 MB 3500x2500 Pumped up mom.png)
(556.44 KB 3500x2500 Labiata by Thotbubble .png)
(612.23 KB 3500x2082 lana_mom_2.png)
(1.77 MB 2500x3500 Mama Raikou 1.png)
(1.39 MB 2500x3500 Mama Raikou 2.png)
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(4.77 MB 2732x2048 IMG_8364.JPG)
(4.94 MB 2732x2048 IMG_8365.JPG)
(120.50 KB 1280x1024 Fh810hgWIAQhefI.jpeg)
(330.95 KB 2000x2000 FiijdpUUAAAEvvO.png)
(234.35 KB 1800x1357 Fi1JSvfXgAAZ4QZ.jpeg)
(1.59 MB 1409x1080 Screenshot_20221130-175029~2.png)
(1.37 MB 1419x1080 Screenshot_20221130-175012~2.png)
bump in piece
Here are some stories involving milf inflation: https://www.deviantart.com/dj-bapho/art/Homecoming-212490393 https://www.deviantart.com/browser124/art/Airman-899073685 https://www.deviantart.com/grumpy-juice-demon/art/Quickies-Ep-29-567582527 https://www.deviantart.com/metalchocobo1/art/The-Blue-Momet-841237794 https://www.deviantart.com/fruitfrakker/art/Patreon-Request-Rinko-Balloon-764555460 https://www.deviantart.com/thedood77/art/Sarahs-Inflation-932800208
>>71412 Heh, nice bottom link is actually one of my commissions.
(311.92 KB 2048x1545 FknmZrPWIAA6JTD.jpeg)
>>72473 artist?
(1.38 MB 2048x1420 Bey Ballon copy.png)
>>72834 Whose the artist who did that third image?
(3.61 MB 2600x2850 Yor Blueberry.png)
(3.62 MB 2600x2850 Yor.png)
(243.48 KB 2048x2048 Fmeq54-aUAAUH0d.jpeg)
(237.14 KB 2048x2048 Fmeq4xhaUAE7eJE.jpeg)
>>70227 Sauce?
bumping again…
(198.78 KB 1024x1280 1652335067.jpg)
(210.55 KB 1280x1024 1654550905.jpg)
(146.83 KB 1280x1067 45261396523512.jpg)
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(5.99 MB 2048x2732 62491216421352.png)
>>79222 Whoever the artist is you’re absolute elite I am in awe
>>79229 The artist is GoodNotGreat. You can find some of their other works earlier in this thread.
(2.61 MB 4000x3000 53454546421121.png)
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(256.37 KB 2048x2048 FpOkT8SaQAARh4u.jpeg)
>>81658 by any chance do you have the other carol images?
>>49519 https://www.deviantart.com/darth-clone19/art/A-Christmas-Tale-Winter-Dawn-Part-1-424502349 Is it ever morally acceptable to inflate a mother with a child too young to take care of themselves?
>>83483 Full pic please
(255.73 KB 1304x1590 46212177765241.jpg)
(267.25 KB 1393x1308 46212177765242.jpg)
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(3.11 MB 3500x2965 1370962468.png)
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(5.98 MB 3615x3004 46291631412411.png)
I mean Rosalina is a “maternal figure” right?
Some big mom butts
>>49519 This thread should be getting some activity very soon…
(313.49 KB 1138x983 IMG_6129.jpg)
(292.43 KB 1136x1012 IMG_6130.jpg)
(187.64 KB 1169x944 IMG_6131.jpg)
>>85910 you mean like this?
(1.03 MB 3363x2765 46262211511451.png)
(2.87 MB 3363x3321 46262211511452.png)
(132.62 KB 1200x800 46261452691142.png)
(503.37 KB 1200x1200 46261452691141.png)
Bumping this thread for the future.
(2.07 MB 3222x3188 46216125423715.png)
(2.68 MB 1974x1749 46463712293223.png)
>>86023 Got a source on those first two images anon?
>>92306 First one was “Happy Mother’s Day” by BlimpyBusiness on DA and the blueberry one I don’t remember the title but I know it was from Jinglevellrock. >>92306
(67.17 KB 789x728 46426222411295.jpg)
(1.15 MB 3000x2000 46461331612143.jpg)
>>92295 Scarlett seems to be getting more popular each year.
(71.69 KB 798x598 1647815928173.png)
(503.52 KB 800x720 46514225524923.png)
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(2.61 MB 2000x2000 47724941765259.png)
>>91255 Sauce for this image?
Can’t believe no one has posted this yet
>>79237 GoodNotGreat disappeared without a trace last year and hasn’t drawn since :^(
>>97236 I love that artist they did a great Growth Academy art.
>>97697 Who?
(52.22 KB 820x1180 57621112224136.jpg)
(8.02 MB 2400x2160 56975243143755.png)
(295.64 KB 1280x1280 47631124294923.jpg)
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>>101283 She’s pretty who is she? Plus who made the sequence?
(6.03 MB 3200x2000 46921314234521.png)
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>>101701 That is an oc that belongs to a guy on X, her name is Mama red and the person who made her is @Redguy29750213 on X As for the artist who made it is @mklucas39 who does mainly breast, hourglass and full body inflation
(596.63 KB 3255x3239 46913611915626.png)
(913.20 KB 3184x3171 46913611915634.png)
>>102930 yor is best blimp
(7.40 MB 5500x4000 11189441162134.png)
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>>104193 Any sauce on the second pic?
>>103913 Any sauce on the last pic?
>>102194 Any sauce on these?
(1.84 MB 2350x1850 46923253752789.jpg)
(102.54 KB 1280x1019 11451929235159.jpg)
>>106481 not bad but i think the fizzy lifting drink would’ve made more sense
(110.14 KB 1280x1088 46922422513229.jpg)
>>104075 oh hey, i drew that
(9.93 MB 2700x3800 46429272915245.png)
(4.01 MB 2480x3508 46922324223341.jpg)
(3.60 MB 2579x2881 46922324223342.jpg)
>>107509 Get Gundam fucked or alternatively Get Gundam blasted
(1.90 MB 1650x2550 46925111345132.png)
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>>109672 >>109673 Immensely based find anon. Wish more artists used this premise. Simple but fun.
(1.74 MB 2800x2000 65221125757532.png)
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(1.07 MB 1741x2469 46962612336424.jpg)
Does anyone have some spicy milf inflation/blueberry inflation literature they recommend?
(726.22 KB 1300x1300 46911134224692.png)
>>112020 How spicy are you talking?
>>113344 Super hot.
Surprised no one's thought of pumping up uzaki chan mom tsuki before she's pretty burstable
Happy Milfs Day
(81.22 KB 768x768 Untitled262_20240511213317.png)
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(2.14 MB 3572x3508 46922224269575.png)
>>67551 Artist?
(140.96 KB 768x768 Untitled284_20240519130412.png)
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>>116479 Artist for second pic
(1.21 MB 3994x3202 IMG_6625.png)
>>119833 >>119833 your cursed image
(677.21 KB 3277x2695 46919162624314.png)
>>84117 I love how bored the bubble gum poke-mom looks.
>>49547 We need more Mrs boonchuy ubers
I know its probably not gonna be this thread's taste, but I am working on a bit of a story of a mom wanting to have a bit more of a gut like she used to, and VERY overdoing it.
>>123922 yor seems to be enjoying herself a little to much
>>123958 When she's intoxicated, anything could happen. Remember she is a light weight when it comes to alcohol
(1.97 MB 2633x2112 46922128192534.png)
(549.30 KB 2686x1648 46942323224919.jpg)
(5.56 MB 2927x3508 Enrai_Blimps_no_dialog.jpeg)
Bumping this thread with more blimped up milfs.
(4.69 MB 4040x2784 Blimp Auction (SFW+no dialog).png)
(3.80 MB 2944x3508 Mamako and Friend (lewd Ver).png)
(5.07 MB 2380x4064 RaikouGift_clean_m.jpg)
>>128641 Sauce?
>>106481 This thread needs more Scarlett Beauregarde.
Trudy Proud Pic by Grimphantom
>>67540 Does anyone have this sequence with the dialogue added?
(184.59 KB 1280x1019 1.jpg)
Anyone got images of Mothers being inflated by their daughters?
(1.49 MB 1240x2058 48146453124225.jpg)
(1.17 MB 1984x2806 41921226199342.png)
