/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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YET ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER BLUEBERRY THREAD: These Bitches Blue! Good For Them, Good for Them Edition Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 01:39:32 Id:674e8c No. 132620
Prev. Thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/119924.html ALRIGHTY< same shit as before, last thread bumplocked, new thread needed to be made rules are the same as always, post anything berry inflation related basically, fics, animations, etc. except wonka shit, that shit can go and stay go lmao
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Happy holidays, y'all. and a swell Blue year!
Does anyone any of Blueberryverse stuff? Comics and Photos?
Does anybody have Blueberry Vengeance 7 and 8?
>>132682 https://mab.to/t/V6hOCUDiuRq/us2 here you go
anyone have any good art where the girl is enjoying ebing a blueberry sexually? especially early stages
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>>132709 honestly all you need is nsfwlk
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Um, between Invincible Fight Girl’s lack of swearing/nudity and this being on there, AdultSwim is starting to blur the line of what is or isn’t “kid shows.” Not that I’m complaining, especially if they have female AS characters blowing up like blueberries in the bumps. Fingerscrost. https://x.com/swimpedia/status/1870876963524739157
>>132754 I mean you do realize that technically cartoon network is a shell of itself and it's technically dead and the studio disbanded. So I wouldn't be the surprise of the same thing as technically true for adult swim so that could explain the out of touch nature. It's funny that you mentioned that because if I'm not correct black dynamite and it's blueberry girl episode was a adult swim exclusive. As for bumpers one could hope if it was me I'd probably do a callback to alien ant farm girl and have her overinflate and burst covering the screen in blue goo
>>132754 They used to play pee wee's playhouse in the 2000s, it really isn't a new thing
>>132620 >>132641 Oh hey! I commissioned that lmao
i wrote a blueberry expansion story about misato from evangelion if any anons would be interested in reading it. https://www.deviantart.com/bruhfunny1234/art/1137281932
>>132788 Please kill yourself
>>132764 Did you really? Who drew this? I think Grace was a really nice choice btw
Please does anyone have the newest The Blue Baron post from Patreon? Thanks in advance
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Puffy feet in inflation art are underrated, wish they appeared more often! Puffy hands at least seem to be getting more popular in recent times
Does anyone have this? https://blueberryverse.itch.io/double-bubble-chapter-1
>>133049 or the jill valentine one
>>133049 Someone posted this link in the last berry thread https://gofile.io/d/JUeKpA
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>>132790 bad news i made another one https://www.deviantart.com/bruhfunny1234/art/Ritsuko-Catches-the-Blues-NGE-BB-expansion-1139712598
anyone got big green women 2 by expansion fan? i have a ton of bb content from TMC I can offer in return
Here is a 3-part lesbian blueberry inflation
Do any of you know of authors that do slice of life or character drama stories like these? https://www.deviantart.com/drinkapus/art/The-Blueberry-in-Room-30D-982235538 https://www.deviantart.com/drinkapus/art/It-s-Permanent-A-Blueberry-Story-907153431
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Qualtro released an animated remake/remaster of an OG myspace blueberry girl edit. the video version is on his deviantart. https://www.deviantart.com/qualtro/art/MySpace-Remastered-1141603084
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“You could put her in a county fair!” Did anyone else notice Scarlett Beauregarde’s eyebrow go up? Her face went from being pissed at Veruca’s snide remark to actually contemplating it in 0.5 seconds! Her eyebrow going up was her thinking… “You could be onto something, kid.”
>>133334 I liked how the sequence turned out. ¿Would SoundsAreGood continue with it?
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Funny notable mention of a new Dhar Mann video inspired off of wicked in which in the end all the characters look like factory fruit rejects that just got freshly squeezed no offense but this is low key so hilarious to me I had to make note of it to the only community that would also find it hilariously dumb https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RMl5IsdzhJ8
>>133500 Im definitely gonna continue it somehow, but i have a couple other ideas cooking atm, mainly a full comic
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>>133520 OH IT'S YOU. I'd like to see some progress on your continuation (if possible, of course). Do you have any social media accounts that i can follow you at? I'll love to check out some of your blueberry works.
Anyone have The Thorny Tale: A Poison Ivy Blueberry Inflation by Blueberry Verse
anyone got Blueberry Vengeance #8 by Lord Altros ?
>>133770 I mainly post on twitter, but i have a deviantart and bluesky as well! (Same name) As for the continuation, it might just be a wholesome little epilouge, but thats all cooking at the moment lol
>>133812 very nice. Thanks for lettong me know.
>>133887 The actual comic is by velvet-bambi https://x.com/Velvet_Bambi, the fourth post is by a different guy soundsaregood
I know I sound like a broken record but does anyone have this comic by BlueberryVerse called A Thorny Tale: Ivy’s inflation
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Anybody got blueberry vengeance 7 and 8?
>>134256 https://mab.to/t/Zyxm56ZCbnk/us2
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this was good shit o found on another thread
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>>133499 Honestly she has such great reactions to Violet’s blueberry-ification.
>>134847 Can I get a source for this?
>>134994 Found it. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/79210439/?tag=INFLATION
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Does anyone know if that Huey's comic is worth it for the blueberry inflation ?
>>135022 If you're a big circle tool fan then sure
>>135022 Personally, depends on what you are getting it for. As a horror comic, it's not bad. Not amazing, but not bad. As for an inflation comic, I feel that it focuses too much on the story. For example, 1 scene has the character inflating while the cast is running. No issues there, but the focus is on the running with the inflating character being in the panels, but never being the direct focus until the running is over. There was one inflation they did focus on, but they only dedicated 1 page to it, so it felt very quick. I like the product overall and will continue to support the creators so they continue to create, but I just wouldn't get it for the inflation alone.
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Dose anyone have the new blue baron inflation animation
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Anyone have the rest of this image?
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Does anyone know the artist and have a link to his art?
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Say what ever happened to berk's biggest comic?
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No One Piece thread, no non-blueberry fruit inflation thread and no Villaru thread on ANY of the boards. This was the only place to leave this, I’m sorry.
>>136838 >3 more hyper-specific threads yeah, thats what this site needs
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Yang goes BANG!
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Noelle Silva
>>136924 Source?
Does anyone have Hitomi Tanaka Blueberry by jigglywigglythings
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I must admit that I like these images quite a bit.
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Found this on tictok don't know much about it outside of its from a account called laughing poker face and doing further digging through kanji and translations tells me she's a actress named Saki Takamizawa. The inflation effect is meh but the rash is really good! Original link https://www.tiktok.com/@laughingpokerface/video/7066721683847007490 Mab file HQ download expires in 3 days because I had to compress the original.
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Noelle Silva
>>137369 We really fell off after 2005’s blueberry effects
>>137512 it's 20 year old tech for fuck's sake why cant anyone pull anything good off
>>137515 because that was made with studio grade cgi? and that takes time and money to do? why are you expecting two girls on tiktok to have the same animation quality as a movie
>>137531 Eh at least blender? Or mmd I mean quadroverse is a prime example of non studio grade yet good work besides most of those movies were suits and robots. Speaking of why not a suit and a way to bust out your clothes? I don't know what to expect but I didn't expect uncleaned bloat tool they didn't even bother to unsquish the face.
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>>137534 All you need is to comply your body digitally and then paste or mesh your face reaction or head onto it to achieve a effect similar to quadroverse. All of his body's even on his morphs are 3d models and the IRL face is what's replacing the model. There's also things like vam virtual a mate which is more limited but you can get some good celebrity look a likes like Selena Gomez here. https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/selena-g.23659/ But my simple recommendation would be mmd + blender mods I mean technically anything is possible with blender even it's just time consuming and confusing to navigate through at times. But you don't need studio grade to do some cheaper based inflation effects with time you could get to the levels you wish to obtain as I'm sure that tech is outdated by now
>>137538 >>137534 Ok, but what you don't understand is that you are asking this of two girls making a tiktok video that was meant to be a joke not fap material.
>>137553 I mean fair still production quality and all is everything with videos all I'm saying is there was probably better ways to go about it. Who knows maybe I'm just complaining for nothing while also providing helpful tips.
>>137508 Where did you find that one?
anyone got blueberry vengeance 7 and 8? links are dead
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Multiversus was going to have a stage with a blueberry debuff We missed out
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>>137609 Damn Velma fans gonna go wild with this no character is safe!
>>137609 My fuck, whoever is in charge of WB’s financial department needs to be fired. Between this and Max’s tax write-offs dropping classic shows, they need a new CFO who can make better decisions. House of the Dragon is the only reason I still got that streaming service and it won’t be back until 2026. If it turns out you could’ve turned Lola Bunny into a blueberry or a Space Jam balloon, then the CFO doesn’t need to get fired, they need to get tarred and feathered.
>>137619 They aren't gonna go wild with shit, the game's dead >>137625 The game seems to have been really incompetently run, and that seems an even fifty-fifty on corporate and development sides. Imagine spending literal months and hundreds of thousands of dollars getting Gandalf, Ruby from RWBY, Harry Potter, and Emmett from the LEGO Movie ready to be characters, only to be told last second that the company either sold, lost, or oopsie, *never had the rights to the character to begin with.*
>>137625 >whoever is in charge of WB’s financial department needs to be fired That's a weird way of saying the people who had direct control on the games roster, gameplay, and changes; who allowed it to die quickly. >Ruby from RWBY They fucking lucked out. >Emmett from the LEGO Movie Who would've cared? I have not seen a single person give a fuck about the lego movies in years, beyond that one autistic fuck in /bbwalt/.
>>137625 >you could’ve turned Lola Bunny into a blueberry I hate this God forsaken Earth.
>>137627 Yes they are just because a games dead the concept is still canon. Someone's gonna make zesty fanart and animations I almost guarantee it! What did you think that meant the game itself? I mean it's not completely out of the question too mod a game back to life let alone a new stage? Nothing's impossible if you give a crap enough. Enough effort almost anything outside of a cure for cancer is possible! Sadly I honestly believe we have a stronger chance to make wonka gum real than cure cancer but you know never say never! MAXIMUM EFFORT!
>>137609 No it wasn't. The stage yes, the debuff, no. The stage gimmicks were explained in details with zero mention of blueberry. The cheap ass devs weren't gonna program that many unique blueberry. How would that work for Iron Giant? So this is false. Don't spread lies. More Sandy cheeks world's fattest body bullshit fake facts again.Nice try Diddy.
>>137765 NICE TRY DIDDY! na you crazy for that! Also yeah iron giant blueberry inflation is probably some of the wildest things that has Grace the natural airwaves that we breathe! And I know they weren't implemented yet but they probably would have been so I'll say it. It makes Godzilla blueberry inflation sounds very normal in comparison. Actually it is pretty normal. It exists proof in the photo (well it's inflation not blueberry) what point is there's probably a bunch of cursed combinations I mean another one on the top of my head. Jason Vorehees, gremlins (although that's probably a thing giving furry), I know for sure there is a fat fetish artist looking for revenge against the joker so you can count that in as well, I can't necessarily guarantee Jake the dog but I almost guarantee there's blueberry of his tube unicorn wife!, Batman well just ask savvy I'm sure he'll be happily the recommend it with some Superman too. Point is I can go on but yeah honestly in my opinion I just want to see some Velma berry. That's all. She a 20+ blueable girl. Why not? I mean let's face it they probably would do it but there's no way in hell I'm jacking it to Violet! She's a jit after all and that's fucked up. (Although I'm not trying to count adult community ocs for the few good people that actually choose to morph the adult versions of each actress you all are pretty cool for that!) So that's a fat no so it's going to be somebody else. And honestly even though we don't know if it would probably exist there's a possibility that a debuff would it's almost a guarantee that and probably definitely a chocolate tube stage finisher or something that just launches you out of the factory. Honestly there's a lot of good ideas that can be done with a idea like willy wonkas brawl battle arena? I hope even if Warner Brothers is too dumb to do anything with a concept like that that one of you in the game making indie community takes the idea to heart and maybe gives us something similar to crushing force aka the sumo bbw farting brawler. That would certainly be something! I say take the idea and run for the hills!
Oh yeah I promised you some Godzilla inflation as a thank you for calling me diddy! But I'm kinder than you so here's it spoiled and censored. View it if you dare! And I know you will, you'll be too curious to see if I would rick roll you or if I'm being genuine. And Honestly though best Godzilla inflation I've ever seen floating around if you did have to jerk off to some zilla because you lost a bet or something this would be the most palatable and easy to nut too compared to other stuff. Also a treat to those who would fuck daddy Goji, I'm not mocking all you I'm just trying to put a bitch in his place you good people too the scalie community fucking rocks!
Unparalleled levels of sperg above me as of this moment.
>>137778 Not sperg. Just a lack of fucks and boredom
>>137778 Lol yeah bro kinda had a schizo moment.
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Keep getting advertised I shit you not something called bluechew. One would assume nothing bad could happen from a bite or two? I mean it's just a multivitamin.right?
