/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Sharkbubble thread Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 07:42:54 Id:ab7977 No. 68148
Can we make a sharkbubble thread post anything of his art and if you have some of his paid comics, place here no rush take your time
(632.71 KB 3500x2500 bonyu vs 21.png)
(834.08 KB 3500x2500 andoid 18.png)
(1.72 MB 3892x2423 darkness.png)
(2.13 MB 3907x2616 miruko.png)
(2.25 MB 3500x2500 Jade.png)
(2.80 MB 3802x3313 Mt.Lady.png)
(1.80 MB 3500x2500 Twintelle.png)
(314.51 KB 3676x1912 66c45379a8b8_gulp.jpg)
(1.59 MB 3500x2500 Cerebella.png)
(3.55 MB 4277x2500 Hsien ko.png)
(1.29 MB 4178x2500 judgement.png)
Anyone got his new Rayman Nymph pic from patreon?
(1.93 MB 4178x2500 judgement.png)
(436.26 KB 884x631 imagen_2022-11-27_202925912.png)
Sharkbubble used to have a 2 part piece where nui deflates a inflated satsuki before it was removed. did anyone saved it? pls post if u have
(1.58 MB 1966x1427 340d549e72d4f58a7a35.png)
Can someone kindly share Catwoman's bad luck comic please?
Anyone happen to have this?
(2.64 MB 3500x2576 tio.png)
(1.67 MB 2636x2680 Baiken.png)
(3.30 MB 3772x2172 cosma slime.png)
(7.08 MB 5405x2500 gwen page.png)
Does anyone have the Monster Bubble comics?
Both 1 and 2
Sweet, you don’t mind submitting all the pages plz?
Anyone got the SymBalloon pic?
(3.47 MB 3901x2796 scream balloon.png)
>>78841 Here you go
>>78847 Thank you!
(1.20 MB 2000x3000 page 1.png)
(170.44 KB 2093x3300 CrimsonLantern11 guest art.png)
(142.55 KB 800x1000 Kasu guest art.jpg)
(693.82 KB 3000x2200 Ella proto ref.png)
(1.39 MB 3300x2500 cover.png)
(874.85 KB 2000x3000 page 2.png)
(1.01 MB 2000x3000 page 3.png)
(1.24 MB 2000x3000 page 4.png)
(1.41 MB 2000x3000 page 5.png)
(1.13 MB 2000x3000 page 6.png)
(1.53 MB 2000x3000 page 7.png)
(1.24 MB 2000x3000 page 8.png)
(1.04 MB 2000x3000 page 9.png)
(1.63 MB 2000x3000 page 10.png)
(1.34 MB 2000x3000 page 11.png)
(1.05 MB 2000x3000 page 12.png)
(1.13 MB 2000x3000 page 13.png)
(732.06 KB 2000x3000 page 14.png)
(1.05 MB 2000x3000 page 15.png)
(2.04 MB 2000x3000 page 16.png)
(1.00 MB 1200x1200 RadioShameful guest art.png)
(1.30 MB 2500x5782 veender bonus story.png)
some bonus
(1.61 MB 2500x3500 1.png)
(2.84 MB 2500x3500 0 cover.png)
(2.32 MB 3890x3276 2.png)
(1.43 MB 2500x3500 3.png)
(1.83 MB 2500x3500 4.png)
(2.45 MB 2500x3500 5.png)
(1.76 MB 2500x3500 6.png)
(1.45 MB 2500x3500 7.png)
(1.87 MB 2500x3500 8.png)
(1.99 MB 2500x3500 9.png)
(2.50 MB 2500x3500 10.png)
(2.51 MB 2500x3500 11.png)
(2.80 MB 2500x3500 12.png)
(1.99 MB 2500x3500 13.png)
(1.49 MB 2500x3500 14.png)
Does anyone know of an old(ish) Android 21 picture, where she had a pooka inside her blowing her up? I’m pretty sure it was Shark that drew this, but I can’t find it :/
(2.76 MB 3500x2500 Majin_21.png)
>>79081 Here ya are
Does anyone have Catwoman's Bad Luck?
>>79089 If if the pooka pops before her he still probably could pop her ass either way liquid bubblegum about to spray the walls any moment!
Does anyone have the pic with gogo and Harley
Would anyone happen to have his latest Patreon pic? The Centuar Overload?
(429.07 KB 3500x2500 20201218_043107.jpg)
(405.87 KB 3500x2500 20201218_043104.jpg)
>>79418 Here you go
Does anyone have the weight drive of gwen
Would anyone happen to have this one?
Lol chill give it at least 4/5 days before dropping something that new
>>79115 Files uploaded in the wrong order fuck let me try again (1/5)
>>79115 (2/5)
>>79115 (3/5)
>>79115 (4/5)
>>79115 (5/5) Sorry for the spam but whatever
Why not upload all the pics on mab or something
(855.54 KB 1600x900 kent inflatable tf.png)
(857.12 KB 1600x900 kent cake buffet.png)
(922.08 KB 1600x900 kent balloon tf.png)
(1004.17 KB 1600x900 kent lawn decoration.png)
(1.07 MB 1600x900 kent slime fed.png)
>>82187 What are these from?
>>82196 its from this game https://bubblegumdrgn.itch.io/kink-jinxed-halloween
Is Sharkbubble Bi?
>>82224 who knows, maybe?
>>82212 i have unlocked most of the endings except 2 which involves the sub-basement, i only managed to find 1 of them
(2.26 MB 3500x2336 killer frost.png)
Would anyone mind updating his kemono party, would really appreciate it.....thank you
Would anyone happen to have Failed Rescue Mission?
Does anyone have it?
(6.83 MB 4902x3066 omega mt lady.png)
(5.02 MB 3388x2676 mothra.png)
(3.78 MB 3500x2603 ghidorah.png)
(3.75 MB 4623x2500 diane goop.png)
anyone have the korsica pic?
(55.86 KB 1205x418 Fwcv0OIWcAAuGG7.jpg)
(83.13 KB 1380x410 Fv974I4WAAA7Mhc.jpg)
update kemono pls
Does someone have the misplaced upgrade pic?
anyone got the korsica dragon pic?
(46.56 KB 942x381 20230611_125538.jpg)
Yo has anyone been able to get three recent images from sharkbubble2
Hello, asking to update kemono or to post the newest Cortana pic
By the way if you have report my post just type sharkbubble
(4.95 MB 3335x2584 huntress box.png)
>>90346 God, I crave more ror stuff
Anyone happen to have the Tristana and Backfiring Balloon Blaster pics?
>>68561 Cute.
(60.69 KB 1255x483 F3XOOHXW4AAppzn.jpg)
New Patreon post
(61.55 KB 1280x876 sharkbubble2.jpg)
(113.04 KB 1280x914 sharkbubble1.jpg)
(1.99 MB 2745x2500 red.png)
Anyone got this one? Apparently a lot of goods are on it
I'm waiting for someone to get that
(4.14 MB 3841x1973 Ranni.png)
(4.35 MB 4016x2500 Zatanna.png)
>>94605 Would you happen to have Gwenloon?
(1.36 MB 2688x2196 gwenloon.png)
(2.21 MB 3500x2500 mona.png)
Less non-humans, please.
(3.85 MB 3500x2500 bloodstone slime.png)
(1.34 MB 3504x2398 IMG_3953.png)
(1.62 MB 2678x2500 IMG_4809.png)
(3.69 MB 3632x2500 IMG_4808.png)
(71.71 KB 800x578 IMG_5013.jpeg)
Lookin for digvasion pak
anyone got his new sandersonia pic?
(3.24 MB 3500x2500 IMG_5547.png)
>>106722 Here you go.
>>107255 Cute.
omeone can share the full image? please
Does anyone have any of his old packs?
(109.03 KB 1566x510 IMG_6822.JPG)
Anyone got this yet?
(5.24 MB 3500x2500 Jill.png)
If it's alright, can someone post the image with Lila?
(2.12 MB 3500x2500 lila candy.png)
(2.37 MB 2576x2500 bubblegum.png)
>>127670 heres a princess bubblegum one too cuz fuck it
Any has the sadako one?
(130.92 KB 1280x640 sahxmdrah4ad1.jpeg)
(75.34 KB 1513x506 20241024_103058.jpg)
So I've been banned from every Starbucks in the country, and now there's a full blown man hunt for me... Whatever, worth it!!!!!
bor wheres the sadako pic
i remember sharkbubble drawing satsuki inflating and nui harime poking her with her scissor sword and deflating her, its been removed from his deviantart account. does anyone have this pic before in was removed?
(7.32 MB 3500x2500 Sadako.png)
>>128333 Wait, she's a giantess as well 😳
>>128354 Feel blessed good Sir the least that could be done for your valiant tribute I was joking btw but bravo on commitment! >>128289
(3.22 MB 3112x2137 paradox slime.png)
Here's the image of Paradox from Deadlock getting slime inflated
Would someone mind, retrieve this image of that's alright?
(112.41 KB 1058x755 IMG_9802.jpeg)
(151.22 KB 540x646 IMG_4771.jpeg)
(114.29 KB 540x518 IMG_4772.jpeg)
(61.54 KB 540x251 IMG_4773.jpeg)
(49.46 KB 540x427 IMG_4774.jpeg)
(96.74 KB 540x393 IMG_4775.jpeg)
Can anyone make these more clear please?
Would someone please kindly retrieve these images of that's ok.
I am foaming at the mouth for the Miia pic
>>127608 Dang whats the context for this one? Is it from something?
(277.75 KB 1362x474 IMG_7974.png)
(420.23 KB 2223x546 IMG_7973.png)
anybody got these ones please i need them 🙏
(52.96 KB 600x600 BUTUwdTIMAATeH-.jpg)
>>134607 Lol 😅
where’s the gardevoir pic
Im kms for the gardevoir pic
It's literally JUST 5$.... Or 2$ if you're fine with seeing wip, just pay or wait patiently, maybe someone will drop it here.
Has somebody got the last patreon pics? I can’t find them full
That's it if I get no makima my neighbors gonna wake up to a fowl log on his back porch! You decide balloon or burning human poo bag prank!
(3.70 MB 3260x2815 Gardevoir vs Alcremie.png)
(4.40 MB 3778x2983 IMG_3812.png)
(5.35 MB 3778x2983 IMG_3822.png)
(3.64 MB 3500x2500 IMG_3854.png)
Samus one?
Bump cuz I wanna see Samus
(3.79 MB 3500x2500 samus balloon feast.png)
(443.43 KB 1242x952 6nqc8z.jpg)
>>136565 why does this guy always have to add some fuckass quirk to every pic. shes so lumpy man can this guy just draw something normal for once
>>136568 cuz she's full of balloons retard
(3.06 MB 3500x2500 IMG_6515.png)
