/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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>>111138 Blender and Koikatsu are better than whatever the crap this is.
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>>>/inf/110033 And now we reach the end of a delicious second course. But rest assured, the third course is in the oven~
>>111905 >mom What
>>111932 Yes, the bottom left berry (or the berry int he left-most panel) is Twilight Velvet. You know, Twilight's Mom?
>>111950 Twilight Farquad had a mom?
>>111951 Pony Twilight has a Mother, Twilight Velvet. She appeared in several episodes, including speaking roles. We know the human world is a parallel to the pony world and have seen others relations maintained, such as a human Maud being sisters with human Pinkie, or the ties between Human Shining Armor and Sci-Twi. Thus, though she did not appear canonically in EqG material, it felt like a safe assumption that Twilight Velvet would have existed in the human world with the same role. And as such, a human design was generated and used to help tell this story. She has been present in all of the Second Course and in the last 3 pages of the original comic. Does the class have any more questions at this time?
what the fuck is a mom.
>>111983 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother
>>111991 what the fuck is a mother.
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>>111994 Pedantic today, aren't we? https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mother#English
>>111997 you have those.
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Pinkie Go Blimpy Part 1
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Pinkie Go Blimpy Part 2
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Pinkie Go Blimpy Final Part
>>113931 >>113932 >>113933 Now that we have AI there's hope.
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>>115549 Sauce?
>>115565 they literally grow ears wings and somewhat tails in eqg
>>115584 The OP literally specified "no anthro".
>>114502 https://www.deviantart.com/theneverwere/art/Sonata-Taco-Time-trade-1045662641 Please.
>>115710 “TheNeverWere” everybody save your money
I'm pretty sure there were nude versions of the images above. If you happen to have them please share.
Anyway here we have Adagio with a huge (or should i say MASSIVE) belly expanding from magic. Apparently, she called someone "fat" and this someone decided to take revenge on her in such an ironic way. Apparently, Adagio decided not to apologize for her words... or maybe she just liked it.
Adagio has all the attention she desired! Tho maybe not exactly how she wanted.
>>117323 luna and tia are the best blimps but i would have liked to see them the same colors as in the show
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I found the lost pic on Derpibooru.
>>118813 should have stayed lost
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>>111905 Well well, we're really cooking today as the Third course has begun, fun is planned for how this will all go
>>119553 Very nice. Do you take requests?
>>119554 No, I don't. As it is, this is a comm I had gotten from FangTime
>>119588 Do you take comm requests?
>>119597 I don't make the stuff, so no, I don't nor can I. I'd recommend taking up anything you're interested in with FangTime
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Guess who's back?
>>120928 the idiot who likes to inflate kids
I know this is a very specific ask. But does anyone have the description that belonged to this pic? I loved the story it came with
>>119553 Page two for the Third Course is here and it's getting to be an overly swell time for Twilight as she indulges with the fate of too many courses
>>111932 >>122452 This could be so hot without the incest.
>>122607 and without the massive cheeks regular puffy cheeks work but that just looks….
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>>122607 >>122627 If you both are willing to handle a few more pages, things should be more to your liking very soon
>>124391 We will.
anyone have the dropbox link for necrofeline? it was in the old thread but the archive link is busted
>>124852 Here ya go! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jllvr5jch394aqcx70613/AJEQFsUri5mErGrlOibR0w8?rlkey=90k16gbh198kvn1g5kxbqxjci&e=2&dl=0
>>124875 well thanks for the link but dropbox is being stupid
>>122452 And finally page three has arrived, signing off Sunset for now and putting Velvet into her final position for this unforgettable night
>>125098 Here's Page 4, an ending for the night spent having fun, bur not necessarily the end for our gals and their adventures of this tale And for those who have been complaining, we'll be introducing something next page to hopefully put your concerns about Velvet at ease.
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>>127706 Original art
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Inflated Equestrian Woman Pinky Pie is naked! )=>
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Behold! The Fruit Equestrian Women Dazzlings Concert! )=>
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Welcome to The Jiggly Jewels: Blueberry Dazzlings Edition
>>127843 wtf is this dog shit
Original art and remake art + blueberry version
>>127706 >>127707 >>127843 >>128270 Can you please learn Blender instead?
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Many years ago, in 2017, I remembered this image. it was my little pony like Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory with someone in the characters of My Little Pony who played the roles of the other characters in the movie. Pinkie Pie was Willy Wonka, rarity was purple, CMC was the Oompa Loompas, in fact I don't even think Equestria Girls existed yet, because I remember the next one, Twilight Sparkle, was black. The rest of the characters were white... Well, except for Rarity who was a blueberry. I mean, rainbow dash and Fluttershy had wings in this one with white skin, kind of like the MLH animations. I mean it looks like a coloring and pencils with only one page with 3 parts in it. the first two parts are at the top and they were small, it's mostly included of Twilight talking to pinkie Wonka, I guess I didn't understand what they were saying and the third page, the rarity was a blueberry wearing Violet's costume with the 5 girls looking at it and the CMC rolling it. I guess that's it for me, really, I mean I like to get that back one day because I really want to rediscover my whole childhood again. (and to see what Twilight was talking to Pinkie Wonka?), I hope you can help find it? The artwork looked like this (the 1st one) And this is how I remember it: (the 2nd one) Let us therefore spare the word: #FPWCS or #FindPinkieWonkaComicStrip
>>128280 Fuck off. Go away. Don't come back. >>128272 That, and that need to learn how to use shape keys to actually inflate the character models rather than smothering them in spheres.
>>111138 >>127706 >>128270 >>128471 I love Antoine17's stuff, he's a nice guy and good artist.
>>128945 while I'm not gonna be as harsh as someone else probably would…i cannot say this persons art is any good
>>127032 And now comes Page 5. No berries on the page, but we do get to introduce Celly Wonka and her relations to Velvet. More things to come in the pages to be.
They look inflated.
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>>129198 Page 6 and a mysterious port to purple-tinted fun can be seen. Wonder what Celly is one about in terms of all that potential? And why do I get the sense we'll be having deja vu soon with this? I'm sure the coming pages will fill us in
>>129198 >>131703 >mothers Pass.
>>131712 Y'all are oddly picky about Velvet. Are you feeling okay? You know Celly's not a Mom, right?
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>>131703 Page 7 has arrived and we find the Juicing Room has taken on a violet hue from the backlog of juice from three overly-massive blueberries. And yet Celly promises more? What a tease~
>>128945 You're either autistic or underage to think that slop is any good, probably both.
>>134102 And so ends this arc, the offer having been taken and now everyone getting in on the fruity action. Celly is reunited with Velvet and looks to be for good while Twilight is finding her addiction being played into. And sunset? Just enjoying every little bit she can It does make you wonder what would happen if the latter two couldn't have been juiced? Maybe someday
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I'm looking for Valecity's two pics of Pinkie inflating Adagio. If you have it or know where to find it please share.
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Pinup of Sunset Shimmer by Ck-Draws-Stuff (Plus Full Nude Alt)
We need more Equestria Girls stuff!
