/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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magic inflation Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 14:34:00 Id:c6c5f3 No. 103591 [Reply]
getting inflated by magic
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>>125468 What game is it?

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DeviantSeiga Thread Anonymous 02/21/2023 (Tue) 05:28:23 Id:0da461 No. 79735 [Reply] [Last]
Haven't seen a thread ever dedicated to this artist.
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>>79735 I read he's working on a new animation. Any details?
>>134331 He's working on some kinda blueberry thing, and apparently something shorter too I think, but pickings are slim at the moment. Not even any updates on his Substar. Good things are worth waiting for tho.
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You know one inflation I'm surprised I haven't seen from seiga is anything rukia wise? Shinigami fyi are cannotically hundreds of years old I believe rukia is somewhere around 300 but physical age is 19/20s we know this because renji her lover is 23 physically and said to be roughly the same age but he's also a few hundred years old. Basically majority of bleach ghosts are of age but also ancient and a anime god thing, it's weird and best not to think about it too much outside that. so it's not a age thing? So why haven't I seen a rukia commission hit there belt yet? When you honestly think about it rukia fits their bill of puffed tight cuties that would make some great taut spheres! I don't know just something about rukia in seigas style ponders my mind sometimes, I'm just surprised it's not a thing? Honestly bleach has a few honeys that would round out nicely in a sequence or two from them! Just food thoughts is all. Tldr I think seiga would make some cute bleach girl balloons rukia especially!

a thread to find treasures Akemi expansion / BEoptimist 07/22/2024 (Mon) 11:03:33 Id:a611f1 No. 120722 [Reply] [Last]
I don't really know if it's the same artist that do akemi and beopt but one thing is sure, It's rare to find them, despite their quality I think. here's what I have, 3 with a slim Candii and the most recent one i have with the aussie girl https://mab.to/t/ElhRCz10WzI/eu1 Hoping this thread brings us to unite our skills to find all of them.
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I dont know.
Anyone have the button popping compilation? Link https://www.loyalfans.com/beoptimist/video/button-popping-compilation
https://www.loyalfans.com/beoptimist/video/failed-project-the-ring-of-expansion-expansion?utm_medium= Anyone has this video? Would greatly apreciate it
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Accidental inflation? Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 09:49:39 Id:6e7d9f No. 125408 [Reply]
What's everyone's favorite accidental inflation? Helium tank mishap by BUG is mine. Do you guys know of any others like this? Like a woman falling on to a tank or hose? It's such a shame we will never see any photos or videos of SHOPKEEPER Samantha Munns.
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>>127533 >>125408 Another scenario that completely makes me go feral (I'm contributing again because I LOVE the idea of this thread) is when something that was meant to be for a girl's own personal pleasure is accidentally consumed by a different girl who has no idea what will happen. It's such a specific idea but I really love it
I like the 'sexual misadventure' vibe. A girl hearing that putting an airhose in their pussy triggers incredible orgasms (airgasms?) But after they go up a bit, they realise there's no way to turn it off...even more exciting if someone maliciously tells them about the airgasm thing l.
>>130979 >Another scenario that completely makes me go feral (I'm contributing again because I LOVE the idea of this thread) is when something that was meant to be for a girl's own personal pleasure is accidentally consumed by a different girl who has no idea what will happen. It's such a specific idea but I really love it I wrote a piece a while back where that's part of the story. One girl gets her hands on some experimental expansion formula for some fun. Drunk roommate not only gets into it and takes too much, but also accidentally ruins the antidote. It's actually based off of an older story plot that's long ago disappeared from the interwebs, I took it and ran with it further. Longer read, but might be fun if you want a look. https://www.deviantart.com/joemonday/art/Mistakes-Were-Made-806155030
>>131560 Based. I might have to try a story along that line sometime.

Monobutts/extreme lower halfs compared to upperbody Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:56:13 Id:0cf627 No. 103614 [Reply] [Last]
I love these, let's see some giant round bottom heavy gals!
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a new favorite.
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Inflated Advertisement 08/27/2022 (Sat) 11:06:50 Id:ef30ff No. 60307 [Reply] [Last]
Products, TV shows, Movies How do you promote things that involves people inflating?
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>>107946 Cowblowing.
>>71586 >>127410 Try the scenes in media thread.
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Anonymous 05/05/2023 (Fri) 21:36:55 Id:3a26f5 No. 85308 [Reply] [Last]
warhammer 40k is a brand that has been with us for a long time, but it is rare to find inflation art, what I ask is that you help me find all kinds of inflation or weight gain fetish art.
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Trying to find a picture from deviantart of a Khorne Lord of Skulls with huge boobs Any help is appreciated
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>>133965 I could see a part 3 where a hose is introduced as she's caressed by the sister as she expands into her inevitable warship
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can someone edit this image and finish it digitally?

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Draw Thread 4: The Smut Continues... Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 15:15:52 Id:c9223a No. 108594 [Reply] [Last]
Rules: 1. Don't bitch if you see a dick, or if a character with tits and a dick, or whatever, it's all fair game in that department. 2. One Character at a time. This is a request thread, not a commission line. The artists are doing this for free. (Not that you can't suggest more but no guarantees that anyone will get to them until your first request is finished) 3. Be more descriptive of what you want. Anyone can ask for "X with Y Fetish" but it's more likely that your request will be more interesting if you go into some extra detail (But not too much, please.) 4. Inflation stuff only. Make a thread in the other forums if you want fats. (Blueberry bonus color edits allowed) 5. Be decent human beings. 6. Don't ask for kids, ffs. 7. If you want furry content, the current inflation drawthread for /bbfurries/ is over at >>>/bbfurries/4737. Give the mods a break so that they don't have to banish this thread to the shadow realm if there's a sudden influx of furry requests or whatever. 8. Respect global rules, follow basic common sense, also for artists feel free to make bonus memes or jokes while your making balloons if you like (a good meme or 2 never hurt anyone)

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Requesting Khepri from the Fire Emblem Romhack Andaron Saga to be inflated like the next picture. Also make the background a desert.
>>115704 Any NIKKE fans?
>>131676 me, i wanted to draw it so i did
>>132683 Please draw more.
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Would someone be willing to draw Dorothea on the beach drinking something fruity but it was spiked to make her boobs grow to her confusion.

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women in inflated drysuits 05/12/2023 (Fri) 08:10:58 Id:9cc0de No. 85794 [Reply] [Last]
post your findings of women in inflated drysuits/wetsuits
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https://x.com/KinkySplash/status/1829467786126438832 The reason I ask is because I can't buy it from my country. I also tried to buy it through manyvids.com and also their own website. Clips4Sale doesn't work either.
>>113047 This.
I'm thinking or renting or "lending" (buy and return) a drysuit. Is there a good way to inflate or would a bike pump suffice? Anyone ever tried?
>>85794 See >>129944 Do you think morphers can take you images?

The Mona Lisa of Body Inflation 09/26/2022 (Mon) 18:15:16 Id:700777 No. 62880 [Reply] [Last]
the inflation counterpart of the bbw version, post the art involving body inflation that you love above other ones.
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TLink was great.
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>>131444 Do y'all think he can draw floating grills?
Missed the image.

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General drake thread Anonymous 02/10/2023 (Fri) 09:01:38 Id:cccffe No. 78692 [Reply] [Last]
General stuff for the general drake aka drake inflates (Plus I wanted an excuse to share these unseen commissions again)
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anybod have it
>>122614 Good idea.
>>84194 Does he have a kemono?
>>128378 >furry

Deflating ladies Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 04:55:21 Id:e04e73 No. 101110 [Reply] [Last]
Amazing females letting the air out
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Also, steam spurting out of a vagina to deflate a horny balloon woman is hot as fuck.
>>133613 What is the name of the artist in question?
>>134074 SugarintheMuffins https://www.patreon.com/SugarintheMuffins
>>134074 Yes, this one's been overdue for an update since last July or so.
>>133612 Mother of God, this slop is exactly why western artists should never try to draw anime.

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Inflation in Anime/Manga Anonymous 09/19/2023 (Tue) 08:27:01 Id:572892 No. 95840 [Reply] [Last]
Here’s a scene from alice gear aegis episode 3 where Raiya Kaeruzaka use her technique to inflated herself. You can find and pose any anime and manga that has a female body inflation but no pop and gore.
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>>130522 Real life, eastern and western cartoons and anime needs to stay apart.
>>133689 Honestly, female scenes are so escase that under my opinión should be all mixed, what needs to be put apart are female and male scenes, cuz is pretty annoying to see a new found inflation scene was male
>>133704 No, anon is right. These are completely different mediums with different people attracted to them. Shoving them together would be like shoving a fat thread and an inflation thread together on /d/ just because they both like big bellies and are slow. Its not gonna clean up the board, just make people annoyed. What even would the pruning of 2 threads make way for anyways? Let the chan format filter the necessary threads naturally.
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Here’s the peak episode
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>>134235 THANK FUCKING THANK YOU FOR ADDING THESE >>111741 I'm the original user who posted this.

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inflating myself rn, ask away! Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 08:42:04 Id:1bab79 No. 118267 [Reply]
currently inflating with a bike pump, requests go ahead
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come back
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>>118293 I like anons pooka idea bonus points if you do taizo too with colored markers let's get body paint crazy with things and turn that balloon of yours into a canvas! Honestly you could probably paint majority of your belly red draw a pooka then put a tiny taizo pumping in the corner would be peak meme!
Can you show me what your bloated belly looks like from the side?

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Inflation Scenes in Media PT3 Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 01:54:49 Id:da1c24 No. 127410 [Reply] [Last]
New thread for discussions about inflation scenes in media Old thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/122011.html
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>>134500 also looks like this wikia is very usefull, So maybe some of us can give a look https://stmmoz.hungry.jp/binflation/?7+Star+Grand+Mantis
Using translation and that japanese forum, I've searched bilibili for "expanded body/swollen body" and "body expansion" I'm sure there are other keywords relating that could be used and I'd recommend trying things like this on youtube, dailymotion, nico nico, etc search(dot)bilibili(dot)com/all?vt=47029770&keyword=%E8%86%A8%E4%BD%93 search(dot)bilibili(dot)com/all?vt=47474089&keyword=%E5%8F%96%E8%86%A8%E4%BD%93 Replace the (dot) with .
There's an animated YouTube ad for Lingo, showing a woman discussing how she feels and suddenly body inflation. The inflation is good for a few seconds. Just a heads up.
>>135246 Please let us know if you find a link somewhere, if that's possible
>>133963 >>135246 Do you have the link?
