/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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The Mona Lisa of Body Inflation 09/26/2022 (Mon) 18:15:16 Id:700777 No. 62880 [Reply] [Last]
the inflation counterpart of the bbw version, post the art involving body inflation that you love above other ones.
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>>111228 Nice.
>>114887 Bruh wtf? Who the hell just openly posts there face on a fetish board? That's wild and insane! Built different I guess?
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Nude Inflation Thread Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 16:34:53 Id:943ce1 No. 87209 [Reply] [Last]
Post some arts with nude blimps and nude blueberries/fruits.
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Anon edits returns. Sorry, couple are furry.
>>111970 Im just happy your back
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Last of the furry’s fir a bit.
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Helplessness: "I Can't Move!" 06/22/2022 (Wed) 06:51:56 Id:ebde17 No. 54158 [Reply] [Last]
One of the things that reaaally gets me going, and has for the 15 or so years since I first saw The Bizarre Adventures of BerryGirl by JohnnySwell/DocSwell. Like the title says, general complete helplessness, dependency, objectification, immobility, being trapped and bound by one's own bodily bigness. Humiliation, embarrassment, permanence etc. are fun additions too. If a blueberry girl (especially a permanent berry), or girl otherwise expanded into a matured sphere (still with feminine features and developments, namely breasts/butt/pussy) is forced into this state of helpless against her wishes, and not particularly enjoying it, I'm saving it and keeping it ready to go. The biggest indicators and best features of this niche, IMO, are exclamations like: - "I can't move" (immobility) - "Mmmmphhh" (i.e. "I can't speak") - "Toooo Biiig" (I feel extremely large) - "Juice me" or "Roll me" (objectification) - "What are you going to do to me?" (helplessness) - "You mean I'm stuck like this?" (Permanence) - "*whimper* *moan* *nnnnghhh* *whine*" I'm not enjoying this) and so on and so forth.

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>>100848 >deleted everything because of a chat getting leaked SAD.
>>54158 https://web.archive.org/web/20240517050827/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/80639.html
Does anyone have the aforementioned Alexpandra comic? I have looked fairly extensively and I feel like it's almost lost content. Maybe I'm dumb.
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Overinflation. With a small enough pump and going slow enough. It's doable IRL. Until then comics will do.

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Dick blowing 2 Electric shaftballoon Anonymous 05/19/2024 (Sun) 20:33:04 Id:eadd1e No. 115260 [Reply]
The old thread has died and I feel it had so much still to give. Let's give some more love to the best blow jobs. I'll see what I have saved from the last one in a bit
>>115260 Source?
>>115266 I don't know it just popped up in a few chats I'm in
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Inflation fetish reaction John_Mordred 09/07/2023 (Thu) 09:01:14 Id:113b60 No. 94926 [Reply]
Hello folks, Are there any videos where women reacting to body inflation videos ? I seen Harlot Hayes on PH where she is masturbating snd watching growth videos. Some content like this with inflation ? Even non porn masturbation ones ? I couldn’t find any.
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>>102419 Reactions is something else entirely.
>>107277 Sauce?
>>96625 >>104056 https://files.catbox.moe/3h2non.ogg
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>>113177 forgot the webm
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Imagine girls trying this with their friends.

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Inflated Advertisement 08/27/2022 (Sat) 11:06:50 Id:ef30ff No. 60307 [Reply] [Last]
Products, TV shows, Movies How do you promote things that involves people inflating?
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>travel back in time >do >>70168 and >>98443 >??? Profit.
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>>111047 This.
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Remember when Tumblr exposed young women to inflation?

men inflating Women 06/25/2021 (Fri) 06:08:20 Id:1cadbc No. 24679 [Reply] [Last]
boys blowing up women
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>>107377 Pkmn artists need to do the player characters first.
Boys outsmart girls once again.
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I got somethin. Does this count?

Pokeblimps 2 Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 08:35:00 Id:61833b No. 74336 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread was bumplocked
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It's May.
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need more lillies in my life

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Belly inflation accomplishes BigB 05/26/2024 (Sun) 23:33:09 Id:d7ef5c No. 115817 [Reply]
This is probably gonna be buried, but fuck it. I want to know some feats do in the inflation community that left people stunned like reaching an incredible large size or popping out their bellybutton at their fullest. Example: bigbellygirl from YouTube

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Livpat Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 02:13:13 Id:9f9bbe No. 112776 [Reply]
Some guy on an old livpat thread said that he was gonna update his old google drive but it never got posted so I was wondering if anyone had it?

Doing the dirty while inflated pretty self explanitory Sex while inflated thread V3 03/30/2024 (Sat) 09:42:34 Id:fd2a44 No. 110594 [Reply]
Seems the last thread on this topics gone, time for another one. Last one I said no cumflation, but since people want threads to cover more broad topics post girls getting cumflated to your hearts content.
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You guys really suck at this
This one's pretty good. https://x.com/DarkStevick/status/1794448494096265223
>>115746 Forgot the preview image.

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Fast inflations Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 20:50:09 Id:e5be64 No. 104812 [Reply] [Last]
https://thisvid.com/videos/boy-inflates-himself-with-the-compressor/ I always see guys inflate insanely fast with compressors. Has anyone ever seen any women blow up with compressors or anything fast before? I've seen relatively quickish inflations occasionally, but never fast ones like this guy. You can actualy see the inflation, like a real ballon and not gradual. Other than the old oncedeli one everyone has seen.
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>>111626 >>112311 I mean if I get another gf and introduce her to this eventually, I'll post pics if she'll let me. as for how the inflation setup I have works, basically I have a CO2 Charger diffuser/discharger that can also discharge N2O chargers. Threading a 21g needle tube directly into the nozzle of the discharger, allowing the released gas to pass directly through the needle and underneath the skin.
New objective: time to support Anon to get into a relationship with a new balloon.
>>104899 >>104827 I think guys are just way kinkier when it comes to doing anything physical, i.e. like sounding or cbt. I've seen women that can be that way but usually i see them stick with fictional stuff like books, smut, etc
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>>115310 I feel like the self-righteous bull is kind of just getting dumb. Honestly if you go after the threads that barely have anything in it versus going after ones like this that have been active for awhile and have genuine conversations with genuine users that you will otherwise scare off by just deleting entirely. Seriously as long as people are being active and actually doing something worthwhile than what's the problem as long as it ain't just people yapping and bitching and they're actually doing something useful. Also we need to suggest alternate threads please think hard before you try to merge a thread together I remember some dumbass in vtuber thread suggested we merged it with fucking cartoons versus storytime tubers which would be a much more fitting merger! Think about it YouTube animators and vtubers bit much better together than vtubers in a thread about cartoon network waifus. It's clearly different enough where you can't just throw it in a anime general because it has a specific enough niche but like I just suggested animators and vtubers are similar enough to be merge together. And again another reason why it's so dumb as I'm sick of this opinion that anime is just fucking kids cartoons you have to be a special kind of stupid to lump dark r rated horror like berserk WITH GRAPHIC RAPES SCENES with any kind of Naruto and dragon Ball or even cartoon network junk! Hell those two anime have hell of gore too! Dragon ball has a guy like cell that drains the meat from your skin until your a pancake and majin buu who force-feeds himself deep inside you until your inflatable ass bubble bursts! And granted they're more palatable for general audiences but THESE ARE NOT PRESCHOOL SHOWS don't be dumb and lump them with such! And one last point this is the most important of all this is probably the most important thing in the universe. EAT MY ASS!.

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>>115809 Also yeah I know cartoon network shows aren't preschool shows it's just a figure of speech. Also lick my cum!

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Non-Spherical Thread Anonymous 12/19/2022 (Mon) 02:42:12 Id:c63a32 No. 72024 [Reply] [Last]
Sounds heretical but some folks aren't fans for fucking a ball. I want some bloated rounding on them limbs; more emphasis on ass, boobs, and belly. With the ass and hourglass thread gone guess they can go here too. Not fat, just partially inflated.
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>>114485 Previous.
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Edit Request Thread VIIIii: Return of the berry pie! 🥧 Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 07:33:48 Id:a8b3bf No. 108570 [Reply] [Last]
Another thread has burned once again and yet another thread needs to be birthed so you know the usual drill of the threads that have been created in past! Same rules as those who made them before one to two or three tops requests at a time. Characters must be adults Any gender allowed. And you may suggest more if you find something interesting but it's up to the artists at the end of the day on what they want to draw and when So let's make it a good one hopefully with more artists involved this time around. Let the blimping begin!
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I would like to know if someone could tweak this image a lil bit, by replacing Stella, in her human for, if possible/ok.(Face, and skin)
>>112627 bumping my request so the thread doesn't get lost
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>>109940 Here buddy for ya
>>115783 Awesome!

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Blueberry Faces 2 Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 21:45:16 Id:0b24fb No. 112023 [Reply]
A new thread to post morphs of women turning blue!
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>>113087 Who's the 4th celebrity
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From a couple years ago, by Qualtroverse
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I wanted to give it a shot
>>115753 Great work!
